2 Samuel 13 Study Questions

Study Questions – 2 Samuel Chapter 13

1) Read 2 Sam 13:1-2

a. Describe Amnon’s “love sickness”. Explain how you think he got to this point?

b. Look up the definition of the word “love”. How is the love that God enables us to have for others different from the love we had before Christ entered our lives?

2) Read 2 Sam 13:3-7

a. Jonadab gave Amnon bad advice. Why do you think Amnon heeded it? Was it what he wanted to hear?

b. Explain what being a true friend really means. Has there been a time in your life when someone you thought was a friend let you down? Explain.

3) Read 2 Sam 13:8-20

a. Amnon’s lust for Tamar likely started as a small thing; a look or a conversation, and then snowballed into sin inconceivably catastrophic. How can “little” sins in our life blind us and later cause innumerable heartaches and pain? How do we avoid them?

b. Amnon probably knew he wouldn’t be punished by David for his crime. What does this tell you about the way David raised his children?

c. As men, what is the proper way to treat women? How does the world show us? How does God shows us?

4) Read 2 Sam 13:21-39

a. Why do you think David did not punish Amnon for his crime? Discuss how the story may have unfolded differently for Amnon, Tamar and Absalom if he had. How has God’s discipline changed the course of your life?

b. Absalom had a burning anger for Amnon lasting over two years. When you harbor anger for someone, who suffers more; you or the person you’re angry at? Explain

c. Discuss the significance of the following verses;

Eph 4:26 "Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath”

Mt 5:23 "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that you brother has something against you,

Mt 5:24 "leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Extra Credit – 2 Sam 12:10-12, 2 Sam Chapter 13

In chapter 12 Nathan gave David God’s pronouncements on his family and his future. List how you see them come to fulfillment in chapter 13.


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