The Book of Genesis - Bible Trivia

[Pages:3]The Book of Genesis


1: What did God do on the 7th day of creation?

Created man Created light Rested Created Eve

2: What did God place with the cherubim to guard the Tree of Life?

Four-headed beast Flaming sword Mighty lion River of sulphur

3: Who did God instruct to build an ark to ensure his survival?

6: What was the name of Ishmael's mother?

Sarai Hagar Milcah Zilpah

7: Who interceded for Sodom when he learned God intended to destroy the city?

Abraham Terah Lot Moses

8: Who was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back towards Sodom and Gomorrah?

Noah Seth Isaac Jonah

Lot's daughter Lot's mother Lot's sister Lot's wife

4: What was the name of the place where

9: What did Abraham purchase from the

God confused the language of all the people? Hittites for 400 shekels of silver?

Babylon Bethel Babel Beersheba

Lake City House Field

5: How many kings marched out in battle at 10: What was the name of Abraham's second

the Valley of Siddim?


One Two Five Nine

Timna Anah Keturah Shua

11: Why did Jacob flee to live with Laban?

He had sinned against God Esau wanted to kill him He had stolen from his father Abimelech wanted his wife

12: What did Jacob see in a dream reaching up to heaven?

Ladder Statue Tree Cloud

13: What was the name of Jacob's firstborn child?

Joseph Dinah Judah Reuben

14: Which two of Jacob's sons took revenge on Shechem?

Reuben and Benjamin Asher and Dan Simeon and Levi Naphtali and Issachar

15: How old was Isaac when he died?

16: For how many shekels of silver was Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites?

10 20 30 40

17: Who bought Joseph as his slave from the Ishmaelites?

Pilate Phicol Pharaoh Potiphar

18: What did Joseph do for Pharaoh that got him promoted to second in command over Egypt?

Rescued his daughter Interpreted dreams Healed his sickness Uncovered a plot to murder Pharaoh

19: Who offered to stay behind as Joseph's servant in Egypt in place of Benjamin?

Judah Gad Zebulun Reuben


20: In what area of Egypt did Jacob and his


family settle?



Upper Egypt





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