BIBLE TRIVIA 2012 Elementary 1 Pre-k, kg, and 1st Grade


1. What was the name of the first man? 2. Where did God place Adam? 3. Was Adam to eat of all the fruit of the Garden? 4. What was the tree called? 5. What privilege did God give Adam over His creation? 6. Why did God place Adam in the Garden of Eden? 7. Who was Adam's wife? 8. How were the man and the woman made? 9. Who named the woman? 10. What does the word "Genesis" means? 11. What does Genesis tell us about the beginning of the world? 12. What does the word "Bible" means? 13 Who made you? 14. What did God do on the seventh day? 15. What did God make on the first day? 16. What did God make on the second day?

True / False:

1. God made everything. 2. God made Adam of the dust of the ground, and then God drew a rib from Adam's

side and made Eve. 3. The Lord's Prayer is called the model prayer. 4. Jacob's youngest son was Joseph. 5. Lot and his family were destroyed in the fire in the city of Sodom. 6. One of Abraham's sons was named Isaac. 7. The lion's den was a place where David went to pray. 8. Jesus Kept Daniel safe in the lion's den 9. The two oldest children from Adam and Eve were named Cain and Joseph. 10. Abraham had 3 sons. 11. Joel was considered the most patient man. 12. Mary Magdalene was the mother of Jesus. 13. Hannah was Samuel's mother. 14. Satan visited Jesus in the temple. 15. Jesus wrote the book of Daniel. 16. Jesus was in the wildness for 30 days and nights.

Who Am I?

1. I was the first man created by God. 2. I found baby Moses.

3. I am Jesus friend, and I have two sisters. 4. I denied Jesus while he was on trial. 5. I killed Goliath. 6. I betrayed Jesus. 7. I loved the world so I gave my son 8. Hallowed be this name. 9. I made you 10. Who came to Jesus in the wildness? 11. The first book of the Bible: 12. I made all things in six days. 13. He waited on the Lord. 14. He had the coat of many colors. 15. I am the one who built the ark 16. I am Abraham's nephew and lived in the wicked city of Sodom.


Question: 1. The name of the first man was Adam. 2. God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden. 3. No. There was one tree of which he was not to eat. 4. It was called the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 5. God allow Adam the privilege to name all creation. (Cattle, fowls of the air, beast of the field, and every creeping thins and the fish of the sea.) 6. That he might dress it and keep it, that he might eat of the fruit thereof. 7. Eve was Adam's wife. 8. God made Adam of the dust of the ground, and then God drew a rib from Adam's side and Eve. 9. Adam named woman. 10. The word "Genesis" means beginnings. 11. The first verse of Genesis tells us "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 12. The word "Bible" means "The Book". 13. God made me. 14. God rested on the seventh day, and blessed and sanctified that day 15. God made the light and called it day. 16. God made the firmament and divided the water on the second day.

True / False:

1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True

7. False 8. True 9. False 10. False 11. False 12. False 13. True 14. True 15. False 16. False

Who Am I?

1. Adam 2. Pharaoh's Daughter 3. Lazarus 4. Simon Peter 5. David 6. Judas Iscariot 7. God 8. Our Father 9. God 10. Satan 11. Genesis 12. God 13. Job 14. Joseph 15. Noah 16. Lot

BIBLE TRIVIA 2012 Elementary Grade 2 and 3


1. Who was Noah? 2. Who was Noah father? 3. How old was Noah before Shem, Ham, and Japheth were born? 4. What Happened to the people in Noah's Day? 5. What did God do to the world at that time? 6. Who was saved from the destruction of the water? 7. How were they saved from the flood of water? 8. Why did Noah build an ark? 9. How long did it rain upon the earth? 10. What else did Noah take into the ark?

11. What did Noah first send out form the ark in search of dry land? 12. What next did Noah send out from the ark in search of dry land? 13. What did Noah first do when he came out the ark? 14. What did God tell Noah? 15. What sign did God give Noah? 16. How long did Noah live?


1. Noah was the grandson of Methuselah. 2. Lamech was Noah father. 3. Noah was five hundred years old before Shem, Ham, and Japheth was born. 4. The people grew wicked. 5. God destroyed the world by water. 6. Noah and his wife, his three son's wives. 7. They were saved in the ark that Noah had built. 8. God had told him to build an ark and make it water proof. 9. It rained upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. 10. Noah took all kinds of beast and living things into the ark. 11. Noah first sent out a raven but the raven did not return. 12. Next, Noah sent a dove, which returned because she found no dry ground upon

which to rest the sole of her foot. 13. Noah built an altar and worshipped God. 14. God told Noah that he would not destroy the earth again by water. 15. God put a rainbow in the cloud that Noah might know that he remembered him. 16. Noah lived nine hundred and fifty years.

True / False:

1. Satan was in the garden. 2. Satan is here on earth today. 3. Satan is the antichrist of the last days and he will be here on earth again when he

is kicked out of heaven. 4. Satan is the son of perdition. 5. Christians have power over Satan through the name of Jesus Christ. 6. All Christians should on the gospel armour. 7. Having on the breastplate of righteousness is the most important part of a

Christian's gospel armour. 8. Satan is God of this world. 9. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire and be killed. 10. All Christians are in a spiritual war.


1. True

2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. True

Questions: Ten Commandments

1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me" is which commandment? A. Second B. First C. Tenth D. Fifth

2. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" is which commandment? A. seventh B. fifth C. forth D. ninth

3. Which commandment tells us that we should not steal? A. first B. seventh C. eighth D. second

4. In which commandment are we told not to make any graven images? A. third B. forth C. tenth D. second

5. We are told not to covet anything that our neighbour's have in which commandment? A. fourth B. tenth C. ninth D. seventh

6. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour" is which commandment? A. ninth


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