Walk Worthy of Your Calling - Biblecourses.com


Walk Worthy of Your Calling

(Ephesians 4:1-6)

by Leon Barnes


A. Paul has just concluded one of the great recorded prayers of the Bible. He prayed for several blessings. Notice the great requests he made in this prayer. 1. He prayed that they might be strengthened by the Holy Spirit in the inner man (3:16). 2. He prayed that Christ would dwell in their hearts by faith (3:17). 3. He prayed that they might know the unknowable (3:19). 4. He prayed that they might be filled with the fullness of God (3:19). 5. Finally, he prayed that they might glorify God, who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think in the church, by Christ Jesus (3:20, 21).

B. Upon the basis of that prayer he says, "Therefore, . . ." (4:1).

C. Also, he reminds them of his state as he writes. He was a prisoner of the Lord (4:1). Rome thought he was their prisoner; Paul knew he was the Lord's. For the Lord's sake, he was there.

D. Notice the plea in verse 1.


A. All of us are called by the gospel (2 Thessalonians 2:14). 1. It is by making that calling sure that we avoid apostasy (2 Peter 1:5-9). 2. This calling is to salvation and to sanctification (Romans 8:28-38).

B. Beyond that, we each have a calling with regard to what we can do in the kingdom of the Lord. We have different gifts (Romans 12:3-8).

C. Our way of life, our "walk," is to be worthy of that calling. 1. It is not that we deserve the calling. 2. But it is that we should live in harmony with it.


A. Lowliness (humility) is the correct view of self. The humble person is one who loses himself in a cause. 1. An illustration of this would be one who is so involved in a cause that he forgets hunger, etc. 2. Another illustration would be in the case of emergency when one rushes to lift a car. If he took time to think, he would know he couldn't do it. But he is lost in a cause.

B. Gentleness (meekness) is the will of a person under God's control. 1. This will result in a person being gentle in dealing with others. 2. Here is a vital truth: God-controlled people never mistreat their fellow men.

C. Longsuffering (patience) should be extended in three directions. 1. We should be longsuffering with God in prayer life. God is not in a hurry; He will do what's best in the fullness of time. 2. We should be longsuffering with our-


selves. We should give ourselves time to grow and to overcome. Don't get discouraged, but be steadfast. 3. We should be longsuffering with others (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:14; 2 Timothy 2:24, 25).

D. Bearing with one another in love will be involved. 1. We are not all the same and don't all see things the same way. We have different personalities (both individually and congregationally). 2. We must overlook and accept some faults.

E. Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace will also be involved. 1. What kind of unity is the Spirit's? a. There is unity on truth. b. The teaching will be the same (1 Corinthians 1:10-13). c. That unity will be Christ-exacting. 2. It requires effort to have that unity. a. It is pleasant (Psalm 133:1). b. But it is not the natural order at all. c. The larger the congregation gets and

the more variation in people there is, the harder unity becomes. 3. But the reward is worth the effort. a. It pleases God. b. It shows His presence and work in our lives. c. It reaches out to others (John 17:20, 21). d. It makes our work and worship together more fulfilling and meaningful. 4. Unity will only last as long as the efforts for unity last. It will last only among as many as put forth the effort (Romans 14:19). 5. What are you doing for the unity of the church here? a. Read Hebrews 13:1. b. Read 1 Corinthians 6:7. c. Read Philippians 1:21; 2:5; 3:14-16.


A. Are you walking worthy of your calling?

B. Have you accepted the gospel call?

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