In His Image - Lessons from Blood - BACKDOOR BIBLE

In His Image - Lessons from Blood

Inclusion Activity : View Blood (fresh) under a microsope

Divide into groups , give each 1 section below to research. Define the aspect of blood they are to link to the Body of Christ by analogy . Give esch scripture refs, and copies of stories from In His Image.

|Aspect of Blood |Story |Link to Christ or the Church |Scripture Refs |

|Deliver critical nutrients |The Pipeline |God has chosen us, his human children to be the |Eph 4:11-12 |

|(Red Cells) |Pg 54 - 55 |instruments of building up the body of Christ and he |Rom 12:4-6 |

| | |has given each of us a gift with which to do it. As |1 Cor 12:4-11 |

| | |Christians our main job in life is to build up the |Matt 28:19-20 |

| | |body of Christ. This includes bringing people to |Mark 16:15 |

| | |Christ as well as supporting the body as a whole. | |

|Destroy invaders |The Battle |There is a battle underway against us. Satans goal is |John 16:33 |

|(White Cells) |Pg 83-84 |to keep people from Christ and eternal life. He also |Eph 4:27-32 |

| | |works to make those who are already Christ’s |1 Peter 5:8-9 |

| | |ineffective. |Eph 6:10-17 |

|Protects us from illness |Vaccination |The Holy Spirit acts as a vaccination. By drawing on |Heb 2:14-18 |

|(Anti-bodies) |Pg 86-88 |the resources of the Holy Spirit we are better |Heb 4:15 |

| | |equipped to resist temptation and be effective for |2 Cor 4:8-11 |

| | |Christ. |John 17:15 |

| | |(pg 94 - middle parag. & 95) |Gal 5:16-17 |

|Stops bleeding |11 Step Adder |Platlets actively get invoved to stop bleeding. They |James 5:19-20 |

|(Platlets) |Pg 56-57 |also are not selfish as they give their lives to |Gal 6:1 |

| | |repair things when damage occurs. When we become aware|Phil 2:5-8 |

| | |of an injury in the body, we are encouraged to help | |

| | |one another through it. We are also encouraged to | |

| | |help each other see the errors of sin and turn away | |

| | |from it. | |

|Removes Waste |Cleansing |Just as blood removes the impuritys and waste products|Rom 7:14-25 |

|(Red Cells) |Pg 74-75 |our bodys make. Jesus blood (death on the cross) takes|Matt 26:28 |

| | |away (forgives) our sins and allows us to live. |Rev 7:13-14 |

| | |Without this cleansing we would die as we deserve |Lev 16:30 |

| | |since we are basically sinful. | |

| | |( pg 77 2nd to last paragraph) | |

|Blood Enables Life |Transfusion |All through history the blood of a living being has |Lev 3:17 |

| |Pg 52-54 |been held as sacred because God told us it contained |Lev 17:11-14 |

| | |the “life” of the being. Finally in John 6:53 Jesus |John 6:53-57 |

| | |explains why. Here we see that the only way to have |Luke 22:19-20 |

| | |eternal (real) life would be to believe that it was |2 Cor 11:25-26 |

| | |Christs death on the cross and his shed blood that |2 Cor 11:28-29 |

| | |allows God to forgive us and not punish us eternally | |

| | |(real death) for our sinfluness. | |

Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: Red Cells and how they deliver nutrients

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

Eph 4:11-12 Rom 12:4-6 1 Cor 12:4-11 Matt 28:19-20 Mark 16:15

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.



Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: White Cells and how the fight against illness

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

John 16:33 Eph 4:27-32 1 Peter 5:8-9 Eph 6:10-17

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.


Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: Platlets and how they stop bleeding

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

James 5:19-20 Gal 6:1 Phil 2:5-8

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.


Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: Anti-Bodies and how they protect us

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

Heb 2:14-18 Heb 4:15 2 Cor 4:8-11 John 17:15 Gal 5:16-17

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.


Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: Red Cells and their Cleansing Nature

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

Rom 7:14-25 Matt 26:28 Rev 7:13-14 Lev 16:30

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.


Group Sheets:

Instructions: Each group has been given one aspect or function found in blood.

Your Item is: Blood as the Source of Life

Look a pictures of the item you are given in the texts provided

Read the attached article in your group and discuss

Research the verses listed below and ..

Lev 3:17 Lev 17:11-14 John 6:53-57 Luke 22:19-20 2 Cor 11:25-26 2 Cor 11:28-29

Define and write below how the Body of Christ is similar to the aspect of Blood you have been given.



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