I think many people can agree that it is not the subject that makes a class so enjoyable, as it is the teacher. Without a good teacher, there is no good class. Here at Abington Heights, we have a teacher that stands out beyond the rest. He is a music teacher who joined our school my freshman year. When I first met him, I saw a strong personality. In fact, I was a little intimidated by his character. As a freshman who had just started at a different school, I was a little anxious, and deep down, although not shown, I bet he was too. I am now a senior at Abington Heights, and after these past great four years, I am beyond happy to write this essay and say that my band director is the best teacher I’ve ever had. Every year, he takes time to create an amazing bond with his class, and know every single one of his students.A lot of people have had goose bumps running up their arms, or had “chills” throughout their body. Well, when we play music, our teacher gets us to bring all of that emotion out, and allows the students to feel that connection that they cannot see between the music and the audience. It takes a very powerful teacher to be able to direct that expression out of musicians, and to build musicians who can create that inner emotion of a song within them. One of the biggest things that make him stand out as not just a teacher but an individual is that he cares and supports every single one of his students. He encourages personal growth, and sees potential in everyone. He takes the time to help every student who is having trouble, not just musically but with anything at all. He is the kind of teacher that you can laugh and have a good time with, while still getting an excellent education and gaining motivation to be a better musician and a better you. He takes so much time out of his day to make sure that he is prepared every day to help us learn. He goes out of his way to come to all of our music festivals, and to prepare us for marching band performances, concerts, and parades. You name it, he is always there for all of us, and right now, I am taking a small fraction of the amount of time he has put in to say how much I appreciate him and how much he will be missed. When I first came into high school, I wanted to a veterinarian. After one year of having classes with this teacher, it completely changed my future plans and goals, and I now want to be a music educator. It takes a really outstanding and remarkable teacher to be able to impact and change your whole life around into something great and to bring out the best in people. ................

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