
CLASS -IV SUBJECT - MATHEMATICSLesson – 1 Where to look from?Q.1 Which of the following is a drawing of a brick?a) b) c) d)Q.2 How many faces does a brick have ? a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12552450299085Circle the view from where we can see these pictures?.Q.3 a) top view b) front view c) side view d) none of these a) top view b) front view 4762503175Q.4 a) top view b) front view c) side view d) none of these619125317500 BUS Q.5 a a) top view b) front view c) side view d) none of theseTableQ.6 a) top view b) front view 781049259715 c) side view d) none of these Q.7 a) top view b) front view c) side view d) none of these78105011430Q.8 a) top view b) front view c) side view d) none of theseQ.9 The Cost of 1000 bricks is rupees 1200. The cost of 5000 bricks is ____. a) 6000 b) 4000 c) 5000 d) 8000Q.10 How many corners does a cuboid have? a) 8 b) 12 c) 6 d) 4 CHAPTER 2 – Long and ShortTick ( √ ) the correct answer –Q.1 A Tick ( √ ) the shortest line - a) ____________ b) ___________________ c) _________ d) _________________Q.2 A Tick ( √ ) the longest line - a) ____________ b) ___________________ c) _________ d) ____________________________Q.3 What is the difference between 9cm and 3 cm ?(a) 5 cm(b) 4cm (c) 6 cm (d) 2cmQ.4 The double of 10 is _______(a) 20(b) 18 (c) 15 (d) 8Q.5 100 cm = ________a) 1 m b) 2 m c) 3 m d) 4 mQ.6 Half of 16 is _______(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 6Q.7 The difference between 25 cm and 10 cm(a) 5 cm(b) 10 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 20 cmQ.8 The sum of 12 cm and 8 cm(a) 4 cm (b) 20 cm (c) 22 cm(d) 14 cmQ.9 Add 4 cm + 6 cm (a) 10 cm (b) 8 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 8 cmQ.10 Tick ( √ ) the correct answer –____(a) 1 m = 100 cm(b) 2 m = 150 cm(c) 3 m = 200 cm(d) 1 m = 300 cmChapter 3 - A Trip to BhopalChoose the Correct options of the four options given below and put √ on correct answer.How many meters are there in 5 km?500 meters c) 5000 meters b) 50 meters d) 550 meters. A boy is 108 cm tall his height is in meter and centimeters is__________ .a) 1m. 8 cmc) 10 meters 80 cms b) 100 meters 8 cm’sd) 1 meter 8 cms. 3.Each auto rickshaw can carry 6 students. for 72 students ____ nos of autos are needed.a)10b)12 c) 17 d)15 4.A bus can carry 55 passengers such 4 buses were arranged for 228 passengers the number of passengers will not get seats is ________ .a) 08b) 7 c) 10d) 55. A bus is about 5 m long how many such buses can stand in a line in a bridge of 675 m long?a) 135b) 115 c) 125d) 105 6. Each scooter takes 10 min. to refill petrol there are such 7 scooters to be filled all scooters stop there for _______ mins?a)70 b) 40 c)50 d) 30 7. Seema has a rope of length 45 cm’s she cut it into 5 equal parts each piece of rope is? a)19b) 10 c)09d) 07 8.Tarun gave 4 pencils to each of his 4 friends 5 pencils are left with him,_______________ pencils are were in all.a)21 b) 31 c)25d) 35 9. Plant A. is 24 cm tall Plant B is half as tall as Plant A the height of Plant B is………?a)13 b) 12 c)20d) 18 10.What number you cannot make using 3 5 and 7?a)357 b) 153 c)537d) 135Chapter 4 – TICK TICK TICKChoose the correct answers . 1. Diya Spent 1 week at summer camp, how many days are there in 1 week?a)7b) 5 c)2d) 82.Mohit is 2 years old how many months in 1 year?a)24b) 18 c)12d) 063.Jaya wore braces for exactly 1 year, how many days did she wear braces in all? a) 30b) 07 c) 365 d) 12.4.What would be the best unit to measure the length of Pencil ?a) Cmb) mm c) m d) Km5. Pinki leaves her home at 7.30 am she returns at 5.30 pm how many hours is she away from home.?a) 2 hours b) 10 hours c) 8 hours d) 12 hours 6.Which date stands for 5/5/10?a) 5th june 2010 b) 5th may 2010 c) 10th may 2005 d) 10th October 20057. Expiry date of a medicine / 8/2009 shows shoed it was safe up to? a)July 2009b) September 2009 c) August 2009 d) 10th October 20058. On a medicine it was written that best before 180 days MFG date was 26/08/2009 it was unsafe from the month of _________________a) April 201009 b) February 2010 c) December 2009d) January 20109. Train had left at 5.30 pm means______________.?a) 17:30b) 14:30 c) 15:30 d) 21:3010. The Clock shows : a) 20 mins after after 3 Oclock b) 15 mins after 6 O’clock.c) 30 Minutes after 1 O’ clockd) 30 Minutes after 2O’ Clock.Chapter 5 – The Way the World LooksChoose the Correct options of the four options given below and put √ on correct answer.1. Sonica has some 5 rupees coins she put all of them one above other what shape she got?a) Sphericalb) Cone c) Cylindricald) Circle2. How many rectangles does the figure have ?a ) 10 b) 13 c) 15 d) 183. Tanu saw the picture of an old Television. Which part of the Television best show an angle? a ) Vb) c) d) 4.How many faces does the figure have shown?a ) 08 b) 04 c) 03 d) 065.What is the View of the Cattterpiller ?a ) Backb) Side c) Front d) bottom6.Put √ on the side view of the Funnel. 7...If You enter the house the tree will be to your ____________?a ) Backc) Left b) Front d) Right8.The Door will be to your __________________ ? a ) Backb) Lef c) Front d) Right9. The Cat will be to your ____________________ ?a ) Backb) Left c) Front d) Right10. Which number you will find on the opposite side of the five in the Dice?a ) Sixb) Three c) Two d) Four CHAPTER 6 – THE JUNK SELLERTick ( √ ) the correct answer –Q.1 A person earns Rs. 30 in a day. How much will he earn in 10 days ? a) Rs. 3000 b) Rs. 300 c) Rs. 30 d) Rs. 3Q.2 The sum of 200 and 300 is -a) 200 b) 300c) 500 d) 600Q.3 I get Rs. 20 for one rickshaw. How much rupees I will get for 9 rickshaws ?(a) 200 (b) 180 (c) 1800 (d) 500Q.4 3 X 42 = _______(a) 126(b) 226 (c) 336(d) 23Q.5 Kiran bought 1 kg plastic for Rs. 10 and sold for Rs.12. How much money does she earn on selling 1 kg plastic ?a) Rs. 5b) Rs. 3 c) Rs. 10d) Rs. 2Q.6 Five notes of Rs. 100 = Rs. ________(a) 50 (b) 250 (c) 500 (d) 100Q.7 4 coins of Re. 1 = Rs. ________(a) Rs. 4 (b) Rs. 14(c) Rs. 40 (d) Rs. 44Q.8 Three notes of Rs. 50 = Rs. ________ (a) 100 (b) 150 (c) 200 (d) 10Q.9 The rate of 1kg of rice is Rs 6. Find the cost of 10 kg of rice ?(a) 16 (b) 60 (c) 20(d) 80Q.10 The sum of 600 + 200 +12 = _____(a) 800 (b) 812 (c) 912(d) 712Chapter 7– Jugs and MugsChoose the Correct options of the four options given below and put √ on corrected answer.1.A spoon of Cough Syrup is measured in ______________a )Meterb) Milliliter c) Litred) Millimeter 2 .A can of Oil is measured in _________________________a )Meterb) Milliliter c) Litred) MillimeterIf each Jug can hold 2 litres if 1 Bucket = 4 jugs Then what is the capacity of Bucket in litres ?=a )12 b) 08 c) 10d) 144.600 Ml + 400 Ml = 1 litres a )1Lb) 08L c) 10Ld) 05L5.Daily a person uses a drinking water near about a )8 spoons b) 08 buckets c) 8 Cups d) 08 Glasses 6. Mahi had 1 lit of water she drunk 250 ml of water her brother drank 150 ml of water how much water is left in her bottle.a )500mlb) 1000 ml c) 600 ml d) 700 ml7.The tap is leaking 10 bottles of water of each 1 liter in a day how much water will be wasted in a day.a )700 Bottles b) 50Bottles c) 70 Bottles d) 60 bottles8. If 2 Jug can hold 10 litres of water then 5 jugs can hold ___ ?a )26 litresb) 24 litresc)20 litresd) 25 litres9. To fill 1 litre bottle Reena needs to pour 200 ml bottle ________ times?a )7 b) 10 c)5d) 0810.1 Injection gives 5 ml of medicine how much a medicine a doctor will inject for 5 days?a )15mlb) 55 ml c)25 ml d) 35 ml Chapter 8 – Cards and wheelsChoose the Correct options of the four options given below and put √ on corrected answer.After Tracing which thing makes the smallest Circle?a )Bottle Nip b) Bangle c)Tyre d) plate 2. Which thing will make the biggest Circle on a Copya )Compassb) Bowl c)bangled) Cycle tube. 3The Length of the Rope is equal to the Length of ________?a ) Triangle b) Cirlce c) Square d) Rectangle.2. Which thing will make the biggest Circle on a Copya )Compass b) Bowl c)bangled) Cycle tube. 3The Length of the Rope is equal to the Length of ________?a ) Triangle b) Cirlce c) Square d) Rectangle. . PQO RRadius of the _____________ Circle has the Longest Radiusa ) Ob) Q c) P d) R.5.On Road we can see the biggest wheel of ____________________a ) Road Rollerb) Bicycle c)Bullack Cartd) Scooter.6.With the help of Rope and Nailwe can make a ________________a)Triangle b)Square c)Circle d)Rectangle7.We Can draw a Circle on the Ground with the help of ________________a ) Compassb) Bottle nip c)Rope and Nail d) Bangle8.To make the Top Spin well We will make the whole in the ________________ a ) Leftb) Centre c)Right d) none9.To Balance a Plate or a round lid on Your finger where does it will going to get balance.a ) Sideb) Centre c )Anywhered) noneQ.10 A kettle can hold ………Ans. (a) 2 litres (b) 6 litres (c) 5 litres (d) 12 litres CHAPTER-9 - HALVES AND QUARTERSQ.1 Write the fraction whose numerator is 4 and denominator is 7? Ans;- a) 4/7 b) 7/4 c) 7/8 d) 4/6 Q.2 Write the fraction of four-tenths? Ans;- a) 4/7 b) 4/10 c) 10/4 d) 4/6 Q.3 Write the fraction of shaded parts in the table shown below? Ans;- a) 2/5 b) 2/6 c) 2/8 d) 3/6 Q.4There are 60 mangoes.1/2 of them are ripe. How many mangoes are ripe? Ans;- a) 30 b) 20 c) 50 d) 40 Q.5 There are 20 stars. A quarter of them are red. How many stars are not red? Ans;- a) 5 b) 6 c) 10 d) 15 Q.6 There are 32 children.. Half of them are girls. How many are boys? Ans;- a)18 b) 16 c) 10 d) 15 Q.7 How much is I liter equal to? Ans;- a) 500 ml b) 1000ml c) 600 ml d) none Q.8 If tomatoes cost Rs8/kg, how much does 3kg of tomatoes cost? Ans;- a) Rs 25 b) Rs 24 c) Rs16 d) none Q.9 What will be the equivalent fraction of ?? Ans;- a) 1/3 b) 2/4 c) 2/5 d) none Q.10 Ravi wants a pencil. It costs Rs2.He gives a one rupee- coin, one half rupee coin and one quarter coin. Is it enough? Ans;- a) enough b) less c) more d) noneCHAPTER 10 - PLAY WITH PATTERNSQ.1 What will be next number pattern of 30Z,28Y,26X? Ans:- a) 20Wb)24V c)24Wd)20V Q.2 What comes next 12,14,16Ans:- a) 20 b)24 c)18 d) 22Q.3 What comes after Ans:- a) b) c) d) Q.4 What comes next? Ans:- a) b) c) d) Q.5 260 360 460 What comes next? Ans:- a) 660 b) 760 c) 560 d) 860 Q.6 Sum of 2+3+4+5 is? Ans;- a)18 b) 16 c) 14 d)12Q.7 What comes next after January? Ans; - a)October b) March c) April d)None Q . 8 What comes before Sunday? Ans; - a)Tuesday b) Wednesday c) Monday d)Saturday Q. 9 What comes after BCD, CDE ,DEF? Ans; - a)FGHb) GHI c) EFG d)NoneQ.10 Sum of 10 – 8 + 12 is ? Ans;- a)20 b) 14 c)30 d) 10 CHAPTER 11 - TABLES & SHARESQ.1 If one pen costs Rs12 what is the cost of ten pens? Ans: a)200 b)150 c)120 d)100 Q.2 If eight legs means two cats , twelve legs means? Ans: a) 8 b) 6 c) 3 d) 5 Q. 3 Seven days means 1 week 35 days means how many weeks? Ans: a) 8 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 Q.4 If a frog jumps 3 steps at a time from 0 how many steps has he taken to reach 27? Ans: a) 9 b) 7 c) 8 d) 10 Q.5 12x2 Ans a) 23 b) 22 c) 20 d) 24 Q.6 Rs 20 is which part of Rs100? Ans: a) 4 b) 3 c) 5 d) 2 Q.7 Raiza wants change for Rs 500. How many no of Rs50 notes will she get in return? Ans : a) 5 b) 10 c) 8 d) 7 Q.8 How many are there in 1 dozen? Ans: a) 10 b) 12 c) 14 d) 18 Q.9 A chair has 4 legs, 25 chairs will have? Ans: a) 100 b) 160 c) 120 d) 140 Q.10 12 chocolates costs Rs60. Cost of one chocolate is? Ans: a) 6 b) 5 c) 10 d) 8CHAPTER 12 - HOW HEAVY? HOW LIGHT?Q.1 How many grams are in 1kg? Ans: a) 500gm b) 200gm c) 1000gm d) nine of these. Q.2 Smallest unit of kilogram is? Ans a) ml gram b) hectogram c) gram d) none of these Q.3 What is the unit of measurement of liquids? Ans: a) kg b) liters c) grams d) dozen Q.4 What is the unit for measurement of weighing a solid? Ans: a) kg b) litre c) cm d) dozen Q.5 Double of 500 gms is? Ans: a) 2000gms b) 1500s c) 1000gms d) none of these. Q.6 Half of 1 kg is ? Ans: a) 250gm b) 500gm c) 750gm d) 1000gm Q.7 Which is heavier? Ans: a) 1 kg of cotton b) 900 gms of sugar c) both of these d) none of these Q.8 We mostly buy garam masala in? Ans: a) kg b) grams c) litre d) none of these Q.9 We measure our weight in ? Ans: a) weighing machine b) sewing machine c) tread mill d) washing machine Q.10 500gm +200gm +75gm in equal to? Ans: a) 800gm b) 850gm c) 900gm d) 775gmCHAPTER 13- FIELDS AND FENCESQ.1 Sum of all sides of the boundary is called? Ans: a) Area b) Perimeter c)Volume d)None Q.2 100 cm is equal to? Ans : a) 2m b) 1m c) 3m d) 5m Q. 3 Write the unit of area? Ans: a) m b) sqm c) cum d) none Q.4 What is unit of perimeter? Ans: a) m b) sqm c) cum d) none Q.5 16cm+16cm+16 is equal to ? Ans a) 40cmb) 22cm c) 20 cm d) 48 cm Q.6 Perimeter of a square is? Ans: a) 4s b) 3s c) 5s d) 2s Q.7 Which is the biggest unit for measurement of distance? Ans: a) m b) km c) mm d) cm Q.8 How many meters in one kilometer? Ans: a) 1000 m b) 1200m c) 1400m d) 1800 m Q.9 Perimeter of a square having a side of 4m? Ans: a) 12m b) 10m c) 16m d) 14m Q.10 A square garden having one side 16 m long. How much wire will be needed for fencing around it two times? Ans: a) 128 m b) 140m c) 100m d) 80mChapter - 14 Smart ChartQ1.Which number is the denominator in2/5?3b)2 c)5d) bothQ2. The number name of ? 1/2is-One fourthb) half c)Three fourthd) wholeQ3. Which circle shows equal three parts ? b) c) d)Look at the chapatti chart and answer the questions given belowMathsNote:- If the number of children is [40]ScienceQ4. How many children like Maths? a)1/2b) 1/3 c)1/4d)2/3Q5. How many children like Science ?1/4b)1/2 c) 1/3d) 3/4Q6. Number of children who like Maths ?10b)20 c)30d)40Q7. How many children like Science ?a) 20b)10 c)40d)30Q8. How many parts of a square are shaded ? a) 1/3 b)1/4 c)1/2 d)1 =1childNumber of childrenGrapesMangoOrangeAppleQ9.How many children like to eat orange? a)2b)3c)4d)5Q10.Which fruit is most popular?a)appleb)mangoc)oranged)grapes ................

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