Gayaza Junior School

2152650-409575PRIMARY ONE MATHEMATICS SET II 2020.Name these shapes. ______________ (b) ( c ) What number comes before and after? _____, 9, ____ d) _____, 7, __________, 5, _____ e) _____, 12, _________, 2, _____Match correctly. 9 fifteen15eleven 5 nine 11fiveHow many groups of 2 can you see?35528251701802552700474980211455022733063817522733038576253556099060035560 =5524503486154295775491490279082549149021145504629155524504451353600450168910121920054610b) =42957756286536004501009652790825247652028825247651266825-3810Form groups of 3 and then write the answer.(a) = 4 groups = groups = groups201930029527578105036195027146252952752714625-2476502028825-24765014287502952751428750-247650781050-247650 781050484505271462543688020288254368801428750484505 = groupsCircle the correct word. sqaure, sqreau, square four, foru, fuor theer, trhee, threeHow many can you count?3105150469900232410088900108585015557514287501828803228975292104953002921018192757556596583575565334327544704025596853327402028825127635How many can you count? _________How many can you count? __________2103120-295275How many can you count? __________495300457200283845045720016764004572004000500457200Cross out and make them 3.(a)(b) Z Z Z Z Z Z Z( c) Fill in the missing letters.Mo__dayF__veEi__ht__enArrange from smallest to biggest. 0, 4, 2, 1_________________________________________5, 4, 2, 3_________________________________________8, 7, 9, 6_______________________________________Write “Yes” or “No”.Four plus three equals five. _________________ This is a triangle. __________________9 - 5 = 4 _________________2 x 2 = 4 _________________2 x 5 = 7 _________________ Fill in the missing numbers. _____ + _____ = 3 _____ + _____ = 5 _____ + _____ = 2 _____ + _____ = 6Complete the abacus. T O = _________________ T O = _____________ T O = _______________Draw beads on the abacus. T O T O (c) 1 2 4 5 T O (d) T O 5 3 3 32762250476250Complete correctly.18954753683092392546355 (a) There are ________ stools. Each stool has _______ legs. They have _______ legs.32289759588523241009588513081009588540005095885(b) There are ______ girls. Each girl has ______ legs. They have ______ legs.65722593980212407596520141922596520( c) There are ________ cats. Each cat has ______ ears. They have _________ ears altogether.18954752032059055020320(d) There are _______ tables. Each table has _______ legs. They have _________ legs altogether.What is the time It is __________ O’clock. It is __________ O’clock.(c ) It is _________ O’clock.(d) It is __________ O’clock. Write the shaded parts (fractions). = 1 (c) = __ 4 = _____ (d) _______ Shade the given fractions. 2 = 3 2 = 6 3 =5 3 = 7Use set X and set Y to answer the questions that follow. X Y369570033020425767590170 A B3952875177800 C D E FName set Y.Name set X.How many members are in set X?Which set has more members?How many members do both sets have altogether?Use the graph below to answer the questions.274320015367022479001536701647825106045 Joan3295650299720274320026162022002752616201619250261620383222515875 Peter274320020764522002752076451619250207645 Mary3457575182245286702518224522479001822451619250182245 JoyQuestions:_______________ has 5 balls.Mary has ________ balls.____________ and ____________ have the same number of balls.Who has the smallest number of balls?How many balls do they have altogether?2076450-571500P. 1 ENGLISH PAPER (SET II) 2020.Name: ____________________________ Stream: _____Name the pictures given below.3438525274955200025208280300037598425409575231775142875188595296227510604541243253270253267075412753838575344170371475062865 Fill in the table correctly with the words given below.cassava, skirt, blue, matooke, shirt, yellow, rice,trousers, red, pumpkin, jacket, pink, sweet potatoes, sweater, green, yams, dress, purpleFoodClothesColoursFill in the missing letters.___, ___roplane (b) h__rse c) dr__m (d) b __ __ k e) w__nd__w (f) B __ble g) needl___ (h) w__m___n i) t___ach__r (j) bla___kb___ __rd Where is the ________________? ( on, in, under, near, behind, infront of, over )122872550165552450145415a) The pot is on the table.b)9525001270 The ____________ is _____the __________6578404245561229882210289c ) The _______ is _________ the __________781050193040314325325120 The __________ is behind the _________ 438150151765107632542545 The ________ is near the ____________638175229870 The ___________ is ______ the ________ Tick the word with correct spelling. twe two tow carring carying carrying elephaunt elephant elepant bottle bottel botle pineappel pineapple pinapple moth muoth mouth shirt shrit shart Tuesday Teusday Tusedy teer tree tere baskt basket baskit Use a, an, is or ‘are’ to complete the sentences correctly.I have ________ nice dress.Namuli is eating _______ apple.Mum _____ sitting on the mat.There ________ many oranges in the basket.Teddy has ____________ umbrella.The teacher _________ writing on the chalkboard.My father has __________ big car.The children ____________ eating pineapples. Complete these sentences with the correct words.( needle, broom, hoe, stick, rake, swimming )Hannah is sweeping the house with a _____________Mr. Kato is digging in the garden with a ___________The man is killing a snake with a _______________Teacher Mary is collecting rubbish with a ________Ann is sewing her table cloth with a _____________Primary One pupils are ______________ in the water. Read these sentences correctly then rewrite them.Go and sweep your classroom.…………………………………………………………………….Come here and read with me.…………………………………………………………………….Stop playing in your classroom.…………………………………………………………………….That is a good dress.…………………………………………………………………….Tom is climbing a tree.…………………………………………………………………….The small goat is brown.…………………………………………………………………….Circle the words starting with a vowel. Hen bag desk egg Ink bottle box chair Nose neck ear head Pencil orange desk broom Store kitchen apple bedWrite in small letters.DUSTER-____________________OPEN-____________________BLACKBOARD-____________________PLATES-____________________Find a small word.Bank-______________________Teacher-______________________Bedroom-______________________Form a correct word. hair 1. chair hurch2._______________ Сoat3. _______________ at4.________________ook5.________________2647950397510b. 1. stool 2463247250861 2. ___________________2294255351155 S 3. ___________________2531745131445 4. ____________________2647950104775 5. ___________________c. ish 1. _______________ lower2.________________f lask3._______________ ather4.________________Count and write the numbers in words. _____________ balls231457512446016668751244605283201289051134745124460 _____________ cups ______________ stars105727599060172402597155 ______________ girls28771851035052257425113030919480952501619250111125299085022860023145752768601609090257175919480228600 __________ hensWrite out wild animals. cow 1. ________________ basket girl fox elephant 2. ________________ flower boy lion sheep 3. _________________ 4. _________________Write these words correctly. codilecro-________________________leppa-________________________rac-____________________tere-____________________poons-____________________thermo-____________________malani-____________________inctse-___________________Seven words are in the box. Find them in the puzzle and circle them. e y e b a h q1. eyef b t d e o o2. ______________ t r e e a e t3. ______________b d m h r o m 4. _______________ f g r b m a n5. ______________ e t d o r p d6. _______________ o d f y n o x7. _______________Write sentences out of the table.Sheis washing her clothes.peeling matooke.mopping the house.eating a the compound.She is washing her clothes..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………….Read the story and answer the questions correctly.Peter lives at Kisugu village. He has a dog. His dog is called Kitty. Kitty is a good dog. Everyday Kitty barks at the thieves and they run away. Everyone at home likes Kitty. Everyday Peter gives Kitty some milk. Kitty likes Peter. Peter’s father buys meat for Kitty.Answer the questions.Who has a dog?……………… has a dog.Where does Peter live?Peter lives at ……………………………….What is the name of Peter’s dog?The name of Peter’s dog is …………………Who buys meat for Kitty?…………………. buys meat for Kitty.What does Kitty do to the thieves?Kitty ………………… at the thieves.‘STAY WELL’2305050-600075PRIMARY ONE LITERACY IName these garden tools.723900355600875735398145809625364490723900549910285749353060How are the following garden tools useful to a farmer?1352246135890(a) A hoe for ________________1009650180340(b) A watering can for _____________1009650113030( c) A rake for ___________________Name the object that gives us light during day time.………………………………………………………………………………Name any one place where we can get water.……………………………………………………………………………Write any one item we use to wash our hands.………………………………………………………………………………Name the health habit done before eating food.………………………………………………………………………………Name these things we use on a sunny day.316230093980694055217805790575212725Write any one tree that provides fruits.……………………………………………………………4267200311785Name these foods eaten at home.32861254381528975051524025812754381538100043815360997536385574295010160523875369570Draw these living things.birdflowersbanana plantWrite any one activity done in the garden.…………………………………………………………Which item do you use to dry your body after bathing? ……………………………………………...Name these dangerous objects.89535029146580962520320942374196172Why is it bad to play with a knife?…………………………………………………………Who heads a family when the father is not at home?………………………………………………3562350408305Name these needs of family members.1428750-254024384003594101238250207010189547527241514763753651252533650365125What do you use to sweep your classroom?…………………………………………………………Why do we need water?…………………………………………………………Write any one item used to make a ball.…………………………………………………………Match animals to their young ones.A cowpuppyA dogcalfA personkittenA catbabyA sheepchickA henlambName any one product got from a hen.………………………………………………………Why do people keep dogs at home?…………………………………………………………Name any one place where people go for medical care. …………………………………………………………………………Who treats sick people in the community?…………………………………………………………………………..Why should homes have charcoal stoves?………………………………………………………………………..Write one item your school uses for cooking.………………………………………………………………………..Match the following objects with the materials from which they are made. skin1000125128270 1000125414655wood banana fibres1047750306705 clayWhich animal hisses?………………………………………………………….Write any one body sense.…………………………………………………………Name any one thing found in a good home.…………………………………………………………2257425-533400PRIMARY ONE LITERACY IIWrite any two people found in the school community.(i) ……………………………………………………(ii) ……………………………………………………Name these important places found in the community.Who makes furniture in our community?…………………………………………………………………What is the work of a pilot?…………………………………………………………………Name these activities done in our community.523875246380(a)52387551435(b)52387511430(c) 714375187960(d)714375136525Circle the correct word. school shool shcoolunifrom uniform unifomsingpost sinpost signpost1784352596515bage badge bagdge Name these things found in the school compound.1188085260731053975016891040132022225Name the traffic lights. orangeWhat do you call the woman who produced you?……………………………………………………………………………….Underline the domestic animals. goat, rat, lamb, snake, lizard, cowWhy do we need chairs in our classrooms?……………………………………………………………………………….Why does a teacher need chalk?………………………………………………………………………………Write any one item we sit on at home.……………………………………………………………………………….609600407035Name this wild animal.876300350520Name these things made out of animal skins.11049005715102870017780Which animal barks for protection?………………………………………………………………………………Name these things we make.340995071120482600405130-16510276225397192555880330517555880What do children use for skipping?………………………………………………………………………………..Which items are made out of wood in your classroom? Give two.(i) ………………………………………………………….(ii) …………………………………………………………Name the object sounded when it is time for meals.……………………………………………………………………………….Write any one game played on sports day.………………………………………………………………………………..Give any two family members.(i) ………………………………………………………..(ii) ………………………………………………………..Mention any two activities done by children at School.(i) ……………………………………………………………(ii) …………………………………………………………..Write Yes or No.Fire can burn. ………………………..A hoe can pierce. ………………………We go to school to learn. ………………………….A school uniform makes us shabby. ……………..Where do Christians go for prayers? ................

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