Biographical: - University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

School of Medicine


Name: Marsha D. Marcus

Home Address: 1342 Inverness Avenue Birth Place: Rochester, NY

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Home Phone: (412) 687-5504 Citizenship: United States

Business Address: Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic E-mail:

3811 O'Hara Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Business Phone: (412) 246-6371 Business Fax: (412) 246-6370



1963-1966 Syracuse University B.A. magna cum Psychology

Syracuse, NY laude, 1966


1966-1968 University of Pittsburgh M.S.W. magna Psychiatric Social Work

Pittsburgh, PA cum laude, 1968

1978-1984 University of Pittsburgh M.S., 1981 Clinical Psychology

Pittsburgh, PA Ph.D., 1984 Rena R. Wing, PhD, Major Advisor


1982-1983 Western Psychiatric Clinical Psychology Internship Program

Institute and Clinic Samuel Turner, Ph.D., Director

Pittsburgh, PA



|1984 |Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA |Lecturer |

|1989-1990 |Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA Pittsburgh, PA |Adjunct Assistant Professor |

|1990-1995 |Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, |Assistant Professor |

| |Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1992-2008 |Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of |Co-Director |

| |Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1993-1996 |Eating Disorders Outpatient and Partial Hospital Programs, Department of Psychiatry, |Director |

| |University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1995-2002 |Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, |Associate Professor |

| |Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1997- |Highland Drive Veterans Administration Medical Center |Consultant |

|1996-1997 |Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of |Program Director |

| |Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1997-1998 |Behavioral Medicine Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School |Director |

| |of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |

|1998- |Behavioral Medicine and Eating Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, University |Service Chief |

| |of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |

|2003-2005 |Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, |Professor |

| |Pittsburgh, PA | |

|2005- |Department of Psychiatry (Psychology), University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, |Professor with Tenure |

| |Pittsburgh, PA | |

|2008- |Clinical Psychology Internship Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of |Director Emerita |

| |Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA | |


|1968-1969 |Pressley House, Pittsburgh, PA |Clinical Social Worker |

|1969-1972 |Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA |Clinical Social Worker |

|1975-1978 |Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA |Supervisor |

|1978-1982 |Jewish Family and Children's Service, Pittsburgh, PA |Consultant |

|1984-1989 |Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA |Senior Clinician |

|1989-1990 |Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA |Program Coordinator |


Psychologist, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License PS-004824-L 1984-


|1984- |American Psychological Association |

|1985- |Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies |

|1985- |The Society of Behavioral Medicine - Fellow |

|1989- |American Diabetes Association |

|1989- |Pennsylvania Psychological Association - Fellow |

|1991- |The Obesity Society |

|1992 |Association for Psychological Science |

|1994- |Academy for Eating Disorders – Founding Member, Fellow |

|1994- |Eating Disorders Research Society |

|1994- |American Psychosomatic Society |


|1966-1968 |National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship |

|1968 |Class Marshal |

|1979-1980 |National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship |

|1980-1982 |Mellon Fellow |

|2003 |Academy for Eating Disorders Leadership Award |

|2005 |Mentoring Award, Clinical Psychology of Women, American Psychological Association |

|2007 |Outstanding Clinical Educator Award, Society of Clinical Psychology, American Psychological Association |


Refereed Articles

1. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Shapira B. Strong monetary contingencies for weight loss during treatment and maintenance. Behav Ther 1981;12:702-710.

2. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Kupfer D. Mood and weight loss in a behavioral treatment program. J Consult Clin Psychol 1983;51:153-155. PMID: 6826861

3. Hopkins J, Marcus MD, Campbell SB. Postpartum depression: A critical review. Psychol Bull 1984;95:498-515.

PMID: 6399755

4. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Koeske R. Intermittent low calorie regimen and booster sessions in the treatment of obesity. Behav Res Ther 1984;22:445-449. PMID: 6477369

5. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Kupfer D. Mood changes in behavioral weight loss programs. J Psychosom Res 1984;28:189-196. PMID: 6545356

6. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Lamparski DM. Binge eating and dietary restraint in obese patients. Addict Behav 1985;10:163-168. PMID: 3859990

7. Wing RR, Nowalk MP, Marcus MD, Koeske R, Finegold D. Subclinical eating disorders in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care 1986;9:162-169. PMID: 3457697

8. Hopkins J, Campbell SB, Marcus MD. The role of psychosocial stress, infant-related stressors, and social support in postpartum depression. J Abnorm Psychol 1987;96:237-241. PMID: 3680763

9. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Salata R. Weight loss in type II diabetic subjects and their overweight nondiabetic spouses. Diabetes Care 1987;10:563-566. PMID: 3677974

10. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Hopkins J. Obese binge eaters: Affect, cognitions and response to behavioral weight control. J Consult Clin Psychol 1988;56:433-439. PMID: 3397436

11. Guare JC, Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Burton LR, Gooding W. Analysis of changes in eating behavior and weight loss in type II diabetic patients: Which behaviors to change. Diabetes Care 1989;12: 500-503. PMID: 2758955

12. Hopkins J, Campbell SB, Marcus MD. Postpartum depression and postpartum adaptation: Overlapping constructs. J Affective Disord 1989;17:251-254. PMID: 2529293

13. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Epstein LH, Burton LR. Binge eating in obese patients with type II diabetes. Int J Eat Disord 1989;8:671-679.

14. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, Gooding W, McDermott M. Psychiatric disorders among obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1990;9:69-77.

15. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, McDermott M, Gooding W. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of fluoxetine in the treatment of obese binge eaters and non-binge eaters. Am J Psychiatry 1990;147:876-881. PMID:2192563

16. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Epstein LH, Burton LR. Depressive symptomatology in obese adults with type II diabetes. Diabetes Care 1990;13:170-172. PMID: 2351013

17. Wing RR, Shoemaker M, Marcus MD, McDermott M, Gooding W. Variables associated with weight loss and improvements in glycemic control in type II diabetic patients in behavioral weight control programs. Int J Obes 1990;14:495-503. PMID:2401586

18. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Blair EH, Burton L. Psychological responses of obese type II diabetic subjects to a very low calorie diet. Diabetes Care 1991;14:596-599. PMID:1914801

19. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Jawad A. A "family-based" approach to the treatment of obese type II diabetic patients. J Consult Clin Psychol 1991;59:156-162. PMID:2002132

20. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Salata R, Epstein LH, Miaskiewicz S, Blair EH. Effects of a very low calorie diet on long-term glycemic control in obese type II diabetic patients. Arch Intern Med 1991;151:1334-1340. PMID:2064484

21. Marcus MD, Smith D, Santelli R, Kaye W. Characterization of eating disordered behavior in obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:249-255.

22. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Guare J, Blair EH, Jawad A. Lifetime prevalence rate of major depression and its effect on treatment outcome in obese type II diabetic patients. Diabetes Care 1992;15:253-255 PMID:1547681

23. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Jawad A, Orchard TJ. Subclinical eating disturbances in a registry-based sample of women with IDDM. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:425-430.

24. Smith DE, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of obese binge eaters. Int J Eat Disord 1992;12:257-262.

25. Spitzer RL, Devlin M, Walsh BT, Hasin D, Wing R, Marcus MD, Stunkard A, Wadden T, Yanovski S, Agras S, Mitchell J, Nonas C. Binge eating disorder: A multisite field trial of the diagnostic criteria. Int J Eat Disord 1992;11:191-203.

26. Spitzer RL, Yanovski S, Wadden T, Wing R, Marcus M, Stunkard A, Devlin M, Mitchell J, & Hasin D. Binge eating disorder: Its further validation in a multisite study. Int J Eat Disord 1993;13:137-153. PMID:8477283

27. Wing RR, Adams-Campbell LL, Marcus MD, Janney CA. Effect of ethnicity and geographical location on body weight, dietary restraint, and abnormal eating attitudes. Obes Res 1993;1:193-198. PMID:16353354

28. Wing RR, Blair EH, Bononi P, Marcus MD, Watanabe R, Bergman RN. Caloric restriction per se is a significant factor in improvements in glycemic control and insulin sensitivity during weight loss in obese NIDDM patients. Diabetes Care 1994;17:30-36. PMID:8112186

29. Wing RR, Blair E, Marcus MD, Epstein LH, Harvey J. Year-long weight loss treatment for obese patients with type II diabetes: Does inclusion of an intermittent very low calorie diet improve outcome? Am J Med 1994;97:354-362. PMID:7942937

30. Smith DE, Marcus MD, Eldredge KL. Binge eating syndromes: A review of assessment and treatment with an emphasis on clinical application. Behav Ther 1994;25:635-658.

31. Greeno CG, Marcus MD, Wing RR. Diagnosis of binge eating disorder: Discrepancies between a questionnaire and clinical interview. Int J Eat Disord 1995;17:153-160. PMID:7757096

32. Greeno CG, Wing RR, Marcus MD. Nocturnal eating in binge eating disorder and matched controls. Int J Eat Disord 1995;18:343-350. PMID:8580920

33. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Moulton P. Exercise in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Int J Eat Disord 1996;19:171-179. PMID:8932555

34. Marcus MD, Moulton MM, Greeno CG. Binge eating onset in obese patients with binge eating disorder. Addict Behav 1996;20:747-755. PMID:8820527

35. Venditti EM, Wing RR, Jakicic JM, Butler BA, Marcus MD. Weight cycling, psychological health, and binge eating in obese women. J Consult Clin Psychol 1996;64:400-405. PMID:8871424

36. Levine MD, Marcus MD. Eating behavior following stress in women with and without bulimic symptoms. Ann Behav Med 1997;19:132-138. PMID:9603688

37. Perkins KA, Levine M, Marcus MD, Shiffman S. Addressing women’s concerns about weight gain due to smoking cessation. J Subst Abuse Treat 1997;14:173-182. PMID:9258862

38. Wisniewski L, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Differences in salivary habituation to palatable foods in bulimia nervosa patients and controls. Psychosom Med 1997;59:427-433. PMID:9251163

39. Reynolds CF III, Martin C, Brent D, Ryan N, Dahl RE, Pilkonis P, Marcus MD, Kupfer D. Post-doctoral clinical research training in psychiatry: A model for teaching grant writing and other research survival skills. Acad Psychiatry 1998;22:190-196. PMID:19617924

40. Smith D, Marcus MD, Lewis B, Fitzgibbon M, Schriener P. Prevalence and correlates of binge eating disorder in a biracial cohort of young adults. Ann Behav Med 1999;20:227-232. PMID:9989331

41. Greeno CG, Wing RR, Marcus MD. How many donuts is a “binge”- Women with BED eat more but do not have more restrictive standards than weight-matched non-BED women. Addict Behav 1999; 24:299-302. PMID:10336112

42. Berga SL, Loucks-Daniels T, Adler L, Chrousos G, Cameron J, Matthews K, Marcus M. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:776-780. PMID:10764453

43. Mitchell JE, Tareen B, Sheehan W, Agras S, Brewerton TD, Crow S, Devlin M, Eckert E, Halmi K, Herzog D, Marcus M, Powers P, Stunkard A, Walsh BT. Establishing guidelines for pharmacotherapy trials in bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord 2000;28:1-7. PMID:10800008

44. Perkins KA, Levine, Marcus MD, Shiffman S, D’Amico D, Keins A, Ashcom J, Broge M. Tobacco withdrawal in women and menstrual cycle phase. J Consult Clin Psychol 2000;68:176-180. PMID:10710853

45. Frank GK, Kaye WH, Marcus MD. Sertraline in underweight binge/eating/purging-type eating disorders: five case reports. Int J Eat Disord 2001;29:495-498. PMID:11285589

46. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Marcus MD. The characteristics of women smokers concerned about postcessation weight gain. Addict Behav 2001;26:749-756. PMID:11676384

47. Levine MD, Ringham RM, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Is family-based behavioral weight control appropriate for severe pediatric obesity? Int J Eat Disord 2001;30:318-328. PMID:11746293

48. Marcus MD, Loucks TL, Berga SL. Psychosocial correlates of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Fertil Steril 2001;76:310-316. PMID:11476778

49. Perkins KS, Marcus MD, Levine MD, D’Amico D, Miller A, Broge M, Ashcom J. Cognitive-behavioral therapy to reduce weight concerns improves smoking cessation outcome in weight-concerned women. J Consult Clin Psychol 2001;69:604-613. PMID:11550727

50. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Wilson GT, Labouvie EW, Brolin RE, LaMarco LB. Binge eating among gastric bypass patients at long-term follow up. Obes Surg 2002;12:270-275. PMID:11975227

51. Berga SL, Marcus MD, Loucks TL, Hlastala S, Ringham R, Krohn MA. Recovery of ovarian activity in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea treated with cognitive behavior therapy. Fertil Steril 2003;80:976-981. PMID:14556820

52. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Management of the bariatric surgery patient: is there a role for the cognitive behavioral therapist? Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:112-119.

53. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. A history of depression and smoking cessation outcomes among women concerned about postcessation weight gain. Nicotine Tobacco Res 2003;5:69-76. PMID:12745508

54. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. Women, weight and smoking: a cognitive behavioral approach to women’s concerns about weight gain following smoking cessation. Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:105-111. PMID:9258862

55. Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA. Binge eating in children and adolescents. Int J Eat Disorders 2003;34 suppl.:S47-S57. PMID:12900986

56. Marcus MD, Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Cog Behav Practice 2003;10:147-156.

57. Jakicic, JM, Marcus M, Gallagher KI, Randall C, Thomas E, Goss F, Robertson RJ. Evaluation of the SenseWear Pro Armband to assess energy expenditure during periods of exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2004:36:897-904. PMID:15126727

58. Levine MD, Marcus MD. Do Changes in Mood and Concerns about Weight Relate to Smoking Relapse in the Postpartum Period? Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2004;7:155-166. PMCID: PMC2562307

59. Wildman P, Lilenfeld LR, Marcus MD. Axis I co-morbidity onset and parasuicide in women with eating disorders. Int J Eat Disorders 2004;35:190-197. PMID:14994356

60. Conklin CA, Perkins KA, Sheidow AJ, Jones BL, Levine MD, Marcus MD. The return to smoking: one year relapse trajectories among female smokers. Nicotine and Tobacco Res 2005;7:533-540. PMID:16085524

61. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine MD, Haas GL, Greeno CG, Weissfeld LA, Qin L. Behavioral treatment of obesity in patients taking antipsychotic medications. J Clin Psychiatry 2005;66:1058-1063. PMID:16086623

62. Marcus MD. Training Anorexia Nervosa Researchers. Int J Eat Disorders 2005;37:S98-S100. PMID:15852331

63. Treat TA, Gaskill JA, McCabe EB, Ghinassi FA, Luczak AD, Marcus, MD. Short-term outcome of psychiatric inpatients with anorexia nervosa in the current care environment. Int J Eat Disorders 2005;38:123-133. PMID:16134109

64. Wildes JE, Simons AD, Marcus MD. Bulimic symptoms, cognitions, and body dissatisfaction major depressive disorder. Int J Eat Disorders 2005;38:9-17. PMID:15971239

65. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Weissfeld L, Qin L. Weight concerns affect motivation to remain abstinent from smoking postpartum. Annals Behav Med 2006;32:147-153. PMCID: PMC2535665

66. Levine MD, Ringham R, Kalarchian MA, Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Overeating among seriously overweight children seeking treatment: results of the Children’s Eating Disorders Examination. Int J Eat Disorders 2006;39:135-140. PMCID: PMC2892332

67. Ringham R, Klump K, Kaye W, Stone D, Libman S, Stowe S, Marcus M. Eating disorder symptomatology among ballet dancers. Int J Eat Disorders 2006;39:503-508. PMID:16715486

68. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Fagiolini A. Obesity in patients with bipolar disorder: a biospychosocial-behavioral model. J Clin Psychiatry 2006;67:904-915. PMID:16848650

69. Zucker NL, Marcus M, Bulik C. A group parent-training program: a novel approach for eating disorders management. Eating and Weight Disorders 2006;11:78-82. PMID:16809979

70. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine M, Courcoulas A, Pilkonis P, Ringham R, Soulakova JN, Weissfeld L, Rofey D. Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery candidates: relationship to obesity and functional health status. Amer J Psychiatry 2007;164:328-334. PMID:17267797

71. Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Wisinski MSC, Marcus, MD. History of smoking and postcessation weight gain among weight loss surgery candidates. Addict Behav 2007;32:2365-2371. PMCID: PMC1986743

72. Levine MD, Klem ML, Kalarchian MA, Wing RR Weissfeld L, Qin L, Marcus MD. Weight gain prevention among women. Obesity 2007;15:1267-1277. PMCID: PMC2531237

73. Marcus MD, Bromberger JT, Wei HL, Brown C, Kravitz HM. Prevalence and selected correlates of eating disorder symptoms among a multiethnic community sample of midlife women. Annals Behav Med 2007;33:269-277. PMID:17600454

74. Saules KK, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Pomerleau CS. Differences in smoking patterns among women smokers with childhood versus later onset of weight problems. Eating Behav 2007;8:418-422. PMCID: PMC1989728

75. Shapiro, JR, Woolson, SL, Hamer, RM, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Bulik, CM. Evaluating binge eating disorder in children: development of the children’s binge eating disorder scale (C-BEDS). Int J Eat Disorders 2007;40:82-89. PMID:16958120

76. Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy KT, Ringham R, Goldsmith A, Yanovski SZ, Braet C, Marcus MD, Wilfley DE, Olsen C, Yanovski JA. A multi-site investigation of binge eating behaviors in children and adolescents. J Consult Clin Psychol 2007 ;75:901-913.

77. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Fagiolini A. Eating disorders and illness burden in patients with bipolar disorder. Compr Psychiatry, 2007;48:516-521. PMID: 17954136

78. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Gaskill JA, Ringham R. Depressive and manic-hypomanic spectrum psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa. Compr Psychiatry 2007;48:413-418. PMID: 17707248

79. Goldschmidt AB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy KT, Ringham R, Yanovski SZ, Braet C, Marcus MD, Wilfley DE, Yanovski JA. Subtyping children and adolescents with loss of control eating by negative affect and dietary restraint. Behav Res and Ther 2008; 46:777– 787. PMCID: PMC2453310

80. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Soulakova JN, Courcoulas AP, Wisinski MSC, Marcus MD. Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery candidates: relationship to short-term outcome. Surg Obes Relat Dis 2008;4:544-549.

PMID: 17267797

81. Levine, MD, Marcus, MD, Leon-Verdin, M.  Similarities in affect, perceived stress and weight concerns between black and white women who quit smoking during pregnancy. Nicotine and Tobacco Research 2008;10:1543-1548.

PMCID: PMC2949980

82. Lilenfeld LRR, Ringham R, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. A family history study of binge eating disorder. Compr Psychiatry 2008;49:247-254. PMID: 18396183

83. Ringham R, Levine M, Kalarchian M, Marcus, MD.  Temperament, mood, dietary restraint, and bulimic symptomatology in college women.  Eating Behaviors 2008;9:336-42. PMCID: PMC2879591

84. Tanofsky-Kraff M, Marcus MD, Yanovski SZ, Yanovski JA. Loss of control eating disorder in children age 12 years and younger. Eating Behaviors 2008;9:360–365. PMCID: PMC2495768

85. Treat TA, McCabe EB, Gaskill JA, Marcus MD. Treatment of anorexia nervosa in a specialty care continuum. Int J Eat Disorders 2008;41:564-572. PMID: 18570196

86. Wildes JE, Fagiolini A, Marcus MD. Prevalence and correlates of eating disorder co-morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. Psychiatry Res 2008;161:51-58. PMCID: PMC2643248

87. Wildes JE, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP. Childhood maltreatment and psychiatric morbidity in bariatric surgery candidates. Obes Surg 2008;18:306-313. PMCID: PMC2893145

88. HEALTHY Study Group. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes in a 6th grade multi-racial cohort: the HEALTHY study. Diabetes Care 2009;32:953-955.

89. Kalarchian MA, Levine M, Arslanian S, Ewing L, Houck P, Cheng Y, Ringham R, Sheets C, Marcus MD. Family-Based Treatment of Severe Pediatric Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Pediatrics 2009;124:1060-1068.

PMID: 19786444

90. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Obesity: Is it a Mental Disorder? Int J Eat Disorders 2009; 12:739-5753. PMID: 19610015

91. Venditti EM, Elliot DL, Faith MS, Firrell LS, Giles CM, Goldberg L, Marcus MD, Schneider M, Solomon S, Thompson D, Yin Z. Rationale, design and methods of the HEALTHY study behavior intervention component. Int J Obes 2009;33:S44-S51. PMCID: PMC2747742

92. Bravender T, Bryant Waugh R, Herzog D, Katzman D, Kriepe RD, Las B, Le Grange D, Lock J, Loeb KL, Marcus MD, Madden S, Nicholls D, O’Toole J, Pinhas L, Rome E, Sokol-Burger M, Wallin U, Zucker N; Workgroup for Classification of Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Classification of eating disturbance in children and adolescents: proposed changes for the DSM-V. European Eat Disorders Rev 2010;18:79-89. PMID: 20151366

93. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Houck PR, Cheng Y. Weight concerns, mood, and postpartum smoking relapse. Amer J Prev Med 2010; 39:345-351. PMID: 20837285

94. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Kalarchian MA, Cheng Y, Houck PR, Slane JD, Marcus MD. Bupropion and cognitive behavior therapy for weight concerned women smokers. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:543-550. PMID: 20308641

95. Marcus MD, Baranowski T, DeBar LL, Edelstein S, Kaufman FR, Schneider M, Siega-Riz, AM, Staten MA, Virus A, Yin Z. Severe obesity and selected risk factors in a sixth grade multi-racial cohort: the HEALTHY study. J Adolesc Health,

2010;47:604-607. PMCID: PMC2993008

96. The HEALTHY Study Group (Foster G, Linder B, Baranowski T, Cooper, DM, Goldberg L, Harrell JS, Kaufman K, Marcus MD, Trevino RP, Hirst K). A school-based intervention for diabetes risk reduction. New Engl J Med 2010; 363:443-53.

PMID: 20581420

97. TODAY Study Group [Writing Group – Marcus MD]. Design of a Family-based Lifestyle Intervention for Youth with Type 2 Diabetes: The TODAY Study. Int J Obes 2010;34: 217-226. PMCID: PMC2822093

98. White MA, Kalarchian MA, Masheb RM, Marcus MD, Grilo CM. Loss of control over eating predicts outcomes in bariatric surgery: a prospective 24-month follow-up study. J Clin Psychiatry 2010;71:175-184. PMCID: PMC2831110

99. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Houck, P, Cheng Y. Self-reported binge eating in severe pediatric obesity: impact on weight change in a randomized controlled trial of family-based treatment. Int J Obes, 2010; 34:1143-1148. PMCID: PMC2891360

100. Wildes JE, Ringham RR, Marcus MD. Emotion avoidance in patients with anorexia nervosa: initial test of a functional model. Int J Eat Disorders 2010;43:398–404. PMCID: PMC2882494

101. Anderson BJ, Edelstein S, Abramson NW, Katz LEL, Yasuda PM, Lavietes SJ, Trief PM, Tollefsen SE, McKay SV, Kringas P, Casey TL, Marcus MD. Depressive symptoms and quality of life in adolescents with type 2 diabetes: baseline data from the TODAY study. Diabetes Care 2011; 34: 2205-2207. PMCID: PMC3177750

102. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Klem ML, Burke LE, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Impact of addressing reasons for weight loss on behavioral weight control outcome.  Amer J Prev Med 2011;40:18-24. PMCID: PMC3028438

103. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Courcoulas AP, Cheng Y, Levine MD, Josbeno D. Optimizing long-term weight control after bariatric surgery: a pilot study. Surg Obes Relat Dis; advance online publication, 23 May 2011; [pic]doi:10.1016/j.soard.2011.04.231. PMID: 21719357

104. Okun, ML, Levine, MD, Houck, PR, Perkins KA, Marcus, MD. Subjective sleep disturbance during a smoking cessation program: associations with relapse. Addict Behav, 2011;36:861-864. PMID: 21482029

105. Tindle, HA, Omalu B, Courcoulas A, Marcus M, Hammers, Kuller L. Risk of Suicide after Long Term Follow-up from Bariatric Surgery. Am J Med 2011;123:1036-1042. PMID: 20843498

106. TODAY Study Group [Writing Group – Marcus MD]. Binge eating, mood, and quality of life in youth with type 2 diabetes: baseline data from the TODAY study. Diabetes Care, 2011;34:858-860. PMCID: PMC3064041

107. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Development of emotion acceptance behavior therapy for anorexia nervosa: a case series. Int J Eat Disorders 2011; 44:421–427. PMID: 20721894

108. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Crosby RD, Ringham RM, Marin Dapelo M, Gaskill JA, Forbush KT. The clinical utility of personality subtypes in patients with anorexia nervosa. J Consult Clin Psychol 2011; 79:665–674.

PMCID: PMC3183402

109. Levine MD, Cheng Y, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA. Relapse to smoking and postpartum weight retention among women who quit smoking during pregnancy. Obesity 2012;20:457-459. PMID:22076594

110. Marcus MD, Foster GD, El ghormli L, Baranowski T, Goldberg L, Jago R, Linder B, Steckler A, Trevino R. Shifts in BMI category and associated cardiometabolic risk: prospective results from the HEALTHY study. Pediatrics 2012;129:e983-e991.

111. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Weight suppression as a predictor of weight gain and response to intensive behavioral treatment in patients with anorexia nervosa. Behav Res Ther 2012; 50:266-274.

112. Wildes JE, Zucker N, Marcus MD. Picky eating in adults: results of a web-based survey. Int J Eat Disorders 2012; 45:575-582.

113. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Bright AC, Marin Dapelo M. Emotion and eating disorder symptoms in patients with anorexia nervosa: an experimental study. Int J Eat Disord. 2012; doi: 10.1002/eat.22020, Advance online publication.

114. Bulik CM, Marcus MD, Zerwas S, Levine MD, Hofmeier S, Trace SE, Hamer RM, Zimmer B, Moessner M, Kordy H. CBT4BN versus CBTF2F: comparison of online versus face-to-face treatment for bulimia nervosa. Contemporary Clin Trials, in press.

115. Levine MD, Cheng Y, Kalarchian MA, Perkins KA, Marcus MD. Dietary Intake after Smoking Cessation among Weight Concerned Women Smokers. Psychol Addict Behav, in press.

Reviews, Invited Papers, Books and Chapters

1. Marcus MD. Obesity. In: Hersen M, Last GC, eds. Behavior therapy casebook. New York: Springer; 1981:144-157.

2. Marcus MD. The binge eating scale. In: Hersen M, Bellack A, eds. Dictionary of behavioral assessment techniques. New York: Pergamon Press; 1986:77-78.

3. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Binge eating among the obese. Ann Behav Med 1987;9:23-27.

4. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Eating disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Pract Cardiol 1987;13:115-127.

5. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Eating disorders in patients with diabetes mellitus. Clin Diabetes 1988;6:38-43.

6. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Eating disorders and diabetes. In: Holmes CS, ed. Neuropsychological and behavioral aspects of insulin- and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990:102-121.

7. Marcus MD, Wing RR. From research to practice: Eating disorders and diabetes. Diabetes Spectrum 1990;3:361-399.

8. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD. Behavioral strategies for improving weight loss in type II diabetic patients. In: Holmes CS, ed. Neuropsychological and behavioral aspects of insulin- and non-insulin-dependent diabetes. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990:198-221.

9. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity. Eat Disord Rev 1991;2:1-3.

10. Spitzer RL, Devlin MJ, Walsh BT, Hasin D, Wing R, Marcus MD, Stunkard A, Wadden T, Yanovski S, Agras S, Mitchell J, Nonas C. Binge eating disorder: To be or not be in DSM-IV? Int J Eat Disord 1991;10:627-629.

11. Wing RR, Marcus MD. Binge eating among obese individuals. Curr Opin Psychiatry 1991;4:884-888.

12. Marcus MD. Eating disorders and diabetes. Diabetes Self-Management 1992;9:40-42.

13. Fairburn CG, Marcus MD, Wilson GT. Cognitive behavior therapy for binge eating and bulimia nervosa: A comprehensive treatment manual. In: Fairburn CG, Wilson GT, ed. Binge eating: Nature, assessment and treatment. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.; 1993:361-404.

14. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity. In: Fairburn CG, Wilson GT, ed. Binge eating: Nature, assessment and treatment. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc; 1993:77-96.

15. Spitzer RL, Stunkard A, Yanovski S, Marcus MD, Wadden T, Wing R. Binge eating disorder should be included in DSM-IV: A reply to Fairburn et al.'s 'The classification of recurrent overeating: The "binge eating disorder" proposal.” Int J Eat Disord 1993;13:161-169.

16. Spitzer RL, Yanovski SZ, Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder clinical interview. (HaPI Record). Pittsburgh PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services (Producer). McLean VA: BRS Search Service (Vender); 1994.

17. Spitzer RL, Yanovski SZ, Marcus MD. Questionnaire on eating and weight patterns - Revised. (HaPI Record). Pittsburgh PA: Behavioral Measurement Database Services (Producer). McLean VA: BRS Search Service (Vender); 1994.

18. Marcus MD. Binge eating and obesity. In: Brownell KD, Fairburn CG, eds. Eating disorders and obesity: A comprehensive handbook. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.; 1995:441-444.

19. Marcus MD. Obesity and depression. Weight Control Digest 1995;5:393,396-398,408.

20. Striegel-Moore R, Marcus MD. Eating disorders in women: Current debates. In: Stanton AL, Gallant SJ, eds. The psychology of women's health. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 1995:445-487.

21. Levine M, Marcus MD. Women, diabetes, and disordered eating. Diabetes Spectrum 1997;10:191-195.

22. Marcus MD. Adapting treatment for patients with binge eating disorder. In: Garner DM, Garfinkel P, eds. Handbook of treatment for eating disorders. New York: Guilford Publications, Inc.; 1997:484-493.

23. Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. The treatment of childhood obesity. In: Van Hasselt VB, Hersen M, eds. Handbook of psychological treatment protocols for children and adolescents. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.; 1997.

24. Marcus MD, Levine M. Eating disorders treatment: An update. Curr Opin Psychiatry 1998;11:159-163.

25. Levine M, Marcus MD. Treatment of binge eating. In: Hoeck H, Treasure J, Katzman M, eds. The integration of neurobiology in the treatment of eating disorders. Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; 1998:363-381.

26. Marcus MD. Treatment of obese patients with binge eating disorder. In Goldstein DJ, ed. The management of eating disorders. Totowa, New Jersey: The Humana Press Inc.; 1999:125-138.

27. Kalarchian M, Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder. Eating Disorders Review 2000;11:4.

28. Marcus, MD. Foreword. In Miller KJ, Mizes JS, eds. Comparative treatments for eating disorders. New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2000:xiii-xvi.

29. La Via M, Marcus MD. Eating disorders. In Daley D, Salloum IM, eds. Clinician’s guide to mental illness. New York: McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing; 2001: 231-271.

30. Gaskill JA, Treat TA, McCabe EB, Marcus MD. Does olanzapine affect the rate of weight gain among inpatients with eating disorders? Eating Disorders Review 2001:12 1-2.

31. McCabe EB, Marcus MD. Is dialectical behavior therapy useful in the management of anorexia nervosa? Eating Disorders – The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 2002;10:335-337.

32. Marcus MD. Obesity and Quality of Life. In Caro J, ed., Obesity. ; 2002.

33. Levine MD, Marcus MD. The psychosocial treatment of binge eating disorder: an update. Eating Disorders Review 2003;14:1-3.

34. Marcus MD, Levine MD. Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of eating disorders. In T Brewerton, ed. Eating Disorders. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 2004:473-488.

35. McCabe EB, La Via MC, Marcus MD. Dialectical behavior therapy for eating disorders. In JK Thompson, ed. Handbook of Eating Disorders and Obesity. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004:232-244.

36. McCabe EB, Marcus MD. Dialectical behavior therapy in the management of self-harm among patients with eating disorders. In JL Levitt, RA Sansone, L Cohn, eds. Self-harm and eating disorders: dynamics, assessment and treatment. New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2004:147-162.

37. Marcus MD, Levine MD. Treatment of obese patients with binge eating disorder. In Goldstein DJ, ed. Management of Eating Disorders, Second Edition. Totowa, New Jersey: The Humana Press Inc., 2004:143-160.

38. Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Levine M. Eating disorders: binge eating. In B Caballero, L Allen, A Prentice, eds. Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 2nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Limited, 2005:80-85.

39. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Bariatric Surgery and Psychopathology. In JE Mitchell, M de Zwaan, eds, Bariatric surgery: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2005: 59-76.

40. Courcoulas AP, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Surgical Revisions and Surgery with Adolescents. In JE Mitchell & M de Zwaan, eds, Bariatric Surgery: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals. New York: Brunner-Routledge, 2005: 145-158.

41. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Relationship between obesity and drug use [Letter]. Am J Psychiatry 2007;164:1268-a-1269.

42. Marcus MD. The eating disorders. In The Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 23rd Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2007: 1640-1642.

43. Pike K, Roberto C, Marcus MD. Psychotherapies for eating disorders. In GO Gabbard, ed., Treatments of DSM-IV-TR psychiatric disorders. Washington DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc, 2007: 733-747.

44. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Courcoulas AP. Eating problems after bariatric surgery. Eat Disord Review, 2008; 19: 1-3.

45. Marcus MD, Wilson DV. Eating and impulse control disorders. In Kupfer DJ, Horner MS, Brent DA, Lewis DA, Reynolds CF, Thase ME, Travis MJ, eds., Oxford American Handbook of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008: 449-460.

46. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Courcoulas AP. Eating problems and bariatric surgery. In CM Grilo & JE Mitchell, eds, The treatment of eating disorders. New York: Guilford Press, 2009: 437-446.

47. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Preoperative Weight Loss in Bariatric Surgery [Letter]. Obesity Surg, 2009;19: 539.

48. Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP. Psychiatric evaluation and follow-up of bariatric surgery patients. Am J Psychiatry, 2009;266:285-291.

49. Ringham RM, Levine M, Marcus MD. Co-morbidity of obesity with psychological disorders. In LJ Heinberg & Thompson JK, eds, Psychological aspects of obesity in youth: causes, consequences and cures. Washington, DC: The American Psychological Association, 2009: 115-134.

50. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Diagnosis, assessment, and treatment planning: binge eating disorder and eating disorder not otherwise specified. In CM Grilo & JE Mitchell, eds., The treatment of eating disorders. New York: Guilford Press, 2009: 44-65.

51. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Preoperative weight loss in the context of a comprehensive lifestyle intervention.  [Letter]. Obes Surg, 2010; 20:131.

52. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Preoperative Lifestyle Intervention. In JE Mitchel & M de Zwaan, eds., Psychosocial Assessment and Treatment of Bariatric Surgery. New York: Routledge, 2011:209-220.

53. Marcus MD. Karasu SR, Karasu TB.The gravity of weight: A Clinical Guide to Weight Loss and Maintenance [Book Review]. Amer J Psychiatry, 2011; 168:654.

54. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Eating disorders. In L Goldman & A Schafer, eds., Goldman’s Cecil Medicine, 24th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2012:1406-1409.

55. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Eating disorders: binge eating. In B Caballero, L Allen, A Prentice, eds. Encyclopedia of Human Nutrition 3nd Edition. Oxford: Elsevier Limited, in press.

56. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Psychiatric comorbidity of childhood obesity. International Review of Psychiatry - Special Issue on Obesity in Children and Adolescents, in press.

57. Bulik CM, Marcus MD, Zerwas S, Levine MD, La Via M. The changing ‘weightscape’ of bulimia nervosa. American Journal of Psychiatry, in press.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations/Published Abstracts

1. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD, Shapira B. Strong monetary contingencies for weight loss during treatment and maintenance. Presented at the first annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York, NY; 1980 November.

2. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Diet history and short-term caloric regulation. Presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, Canada; 1981 February.

3. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Binge eating and dietary restraint. Presented at the fourth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 1983 March.

4. Wing RR, Epstein LH, Marcus MD. An intermittent low calorie regimen in the treatment of obesity. Presented at the fourth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 1983 March.

5. Marcus MD, Wing RR. Binge eaters in a behavioral weight control program: Treatment outcome. Citation paper presented at the fifth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA; 1984 May.

6. Wing RR, Nowalk MP, Marcus MD, Koeske R, Finegold D. (1984, June). Abnormal eating attitudes and diabetic control. Presented at the 44th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Las Vegas, NV; 1984 June.

7. Wing RR, Nowalk MP, Marcus MD, Koeske R, Finegold D. Abnormal eating attitudes and diabetic control. Presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, PA; 1984 November.

8. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, McDermott M. Obese binge eaters: An eating disordered population? Presented at the eighth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1987 March.

9. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Nowalk MP, Salata R, Bayles M, Pambianco G, Guare, J. Adding exercise to a diet program improves weight loss, but not glycemic control, in type II diabetic subjects. Presented at the 47th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Indianapolis, IN; 1987 June.

10. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Gooding W, Kern E, McDermott M. Lifetime prevalence of psychiatric disorder in obese binge eaters compared to non-binge eaters. Presented at the ninth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 1988 April.

11. Blair EH, Marcus MD, Wing RR, Burton LR. Binge eating among obese adults with type II diabetes and its relationship to glycemic control and self-reported depression. Presented at the ninth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 1988 April.

12. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Ewing L, Kern E, McDermott M. A controlled trial of fluoxetine in the treatment of obese bingers and non-bingers. Presented at the Third International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1988 April.

13. Marcus MD, Wing R, Nowalk T, Blair E, Guare J, McDermott M. Spouse support in the treatment of type II diabetes. Presented at the 48th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LA; 1988 June.

14. Wing RR, Salata R, Marcus MD, Nowalk T, Miaskiewicz S. A very low calorie diet (VLCD) plus behavior modification in the treatment of type II diabetes. Presented at the 48th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, New Orleans, LA; 1988 June.

15. Wing R, Salata R, Marcus MD, Miaskiewicz S. Very low calorie diet promotes long term glycemic control but not weight loss in type II diabetic patients. Presented at the 49th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Detroit, MI; 1989 June.

16. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Orchard TJ, McDermott MD, Dodge BA. Binge eating and insulin manipulation among women with insulin-dependent diabetes. Paper presented at the 11th annual meeting of the Society of Behavior Medicine, Chicago, IL; 1990 April.

17. Marcus MD, Wing RR, McDermott MD, Dodge BA. Disordered eating is related to glycemic control in a population-based sample of women with IDDM. Presented at the 50th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Atlanta, GA; 1990 June.

18. Wing R, Marcus MD, Bononi P. Glycemic control after weight loss is affected by how weight loss is achieved. Presented at the 50th annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, Atlanta, GA; 1990 June.

19. Guare JC, Wing RR, Marcus MD, Grant A, Diller M, Crofton A. Patients with type II diabetes lose as much weight as non-diabetics. Presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1991 March.

20. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Blair EH, Guare J, Harvey J, Jawad A. Major depression in obese type II diabetic patients. Presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1991 March.

21. Smith D, Wing RR, Marcus MD, Burton L, Schachner M. Repeated use of a VLCD affects compliance and weight loss. Presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1991 March.

22. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Orchard TJ, Grant A, Dodge B. Psychiatric disorders among women with IDDM. Presented at the 14th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Washington, DC; 1991 June.

23. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Bononi PL, Blair EH. Long-term behavioral weight control plus very low calorie diet in the treatment of obese type II diabetic patients. Presented at the 14th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Washington, DC; 1991 June.

24. Grant A, Marcus MD, Bryden E. Body dissatisfaction in women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY; 1991 November.

25. Smith, D, Marcus MD, Santelli R, Kaye W. Assessment of obese binge eaters with the eating disorder examination. Presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY; 1991 November.

26. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Grant A, Malkoff S. Eating disorders in men with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New York, NY; 1992 March.

27. Marcus MD. Effects of psychiatric disorder on obesity treatment. Presented at the 145th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC; 1992 May.

28. Grant A, Marcus MD, Malkoff SB, Moulton MM, Vayonis C. Glycemic control is related to symptoms of depression but not eating disorders in women with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Presented at the 26th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA; 1992 November.

29. Marcus MD, Malkoff SB, Grant A, Moulton MM, Vayonis C. The relationship between dieting and binge eating among obese individuals. Presented at the 14th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA; 1993 March.

30. Marcus MD. Cognitive behavior therapy for obese binge eaters. Presented at the 146th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA; 1993 May.

31. Greeno CG, Marcus MD, Moulton MM, Malkoff S, Haugeland B, Wing RR. Assessment of binge eating disorder: Issues of validity and concordance. Presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA; 1993 November.

32. Haugeland B, Marcus MD, Grant A, Moulton MM, Myers RM, Levine MD. The effect of cognitive behavioral treatment on social rhythmicity and activity level of obese binge eaters. Presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA; 1993 November.

33. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Wisniewski L, Malkoff S, Myers RM. Self-monitoring diaries vs. interview assessments of binge eating. Presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA; 1993 November.

34. Malkoff S, Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder and atypical depression in obese women. Presented at the 27th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Atlanta, GA; 1993 November.

35. Greeno CG, Marcus MD, Shiffman S, Burton L, McDermott M, Wing RR. Mood in obese and non-binge eaters when eating and not eating. Presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 1994 April.

36. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Grant A, Haugeland BA, Moulton MM. The association between exercise and binge eating in obese binge eaters. Presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 1994 April.

37. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Moulton MM. Binge eating disorder in African-American women. Presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 1994 April.

38. Greeno CG, Marcus MD, Wing RR. Axis II symptomatology is higher in binge eaters identified with questionnaire than clinical interview. Presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, CA; 1994 November.

39. Marcus MD, Greeno CG. The prevalence and characteristics of compensatory behaviors in binge eating disorder. Presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, CA; 1994 November.

40. Levine M, Marcus MD. The relationship among restraint, bulimic symptomatology, and psychiatric symptoms in a non-clinical population. Presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA; 1995 March.

41. Marcus MD, Wing RR, Fairburn CG. Cognitive treatment of binge eating v. behavioral weight control in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Citation paper presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA; 1995 March.

42. Muldoon M, Marcus MD, Manuck SB. Evidence of an inverse relationship between ponderosity and central serotonergic activity. Presented at the 16th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA; 1995 March.

43. Marcus MD. Depression and binge eating. Presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY; 1995 August.

44. Wisniewski L, Marcus MD, Ewing LJ, Levine M, Murray P, White G. Depressive symptomatology among adolescent women in an urban primary health care setting. Presented at the 29th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC; 1995 November.

45. Ewing LJ, Marcus MD, Wisniewski L, Greeno K, Levine M, Murray P. Binge eating among adolescent women in a primary care setting. Presented at the 29th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC; 1995 November.

46. Levine MD, Marcus MD. Stress-induced eating in women with bulimic symptomatology. Presented at the 4th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1996 March.

47. Wisniewski L, Wren F, Marcus MD. Medical and psychiatric comorbidity in severely obese children and adolescents presenting for weight loss. Presented at the 4th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 1996 March.

48. Levine MD, Marcus MD. Eating behavior following stress in women with and without bulimic symptomatology. Presented at the Seventh New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1996 April.

49. Wisniewski L, Wren F, Marcus MD. Co-morbidity of severely obese children and adolescents presenting for weight loss. Presented at the Seventh New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1996 April.

50. Greeno CG, Shear MK, Marcus MD, Anderson C. Women's initiatives in services effectiveness. Presented at A Women's Health Conference, Washington, DC; 1996 September.

51. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Marcus MD. Smoking cessation and weight concerns: Approaches to treatment. Presented at A Women's Health Conference, Washington, DC; 1996 September.

52. Marcus MD. Treatment of binge eating disorder in minority women. Presented at A Women's Health Conference, Washington, DC; 1996 September.

53. Smith DE, Marcus MD, Lewis CE, Fitzgibbon M, Schreiner P, Hilner J. Binge eating disorder and depression in non-treatment seeking black and white men and women: The CARDIA Study. Presented at the second Eating Disorder Research Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA; 1996 November.

54. Marcus MD, Wisniewski L, Levine M, Greeno CG. Binge eating, depression, and obesity in adolescent women presenting to a primary health care facility. Presented at the second Eating Disorder Research Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA; 1996 November.

55. Wisniewski L, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Salivary habituation to repeated food cues in bulimia nervosa patients and controls. Presented at the second Eating Disorder Research Society Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA; 1996 November.

56. Levine MD, Marcus MD. Smoking and body weight in women with binge eating disorder. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY; 1996 November.

57. Smith D, Marcus MD, Lewis C, Hilner J, Fitzgibbon M, Schreiner P. Binge eating disorder in a biracial population-based cohort. Presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA; 1997 April.

58. Marcus MD. Psychological treatment of binge eating disorder and obesity. Presented at the 150th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, San Diego, CA; 1997 May.

59. Daniels TL, Cameron JL, Marcus MD, Berga SL. Recovery from functional hypothalamic amenorrhea involves resolution of hypothalamic hypothyroidism. Presented at the 79th annual meeting of The Endocrine Society, Minneapolis, MN; 1997 June.

60. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Marcus MD, Shiffman S. Addressing women’s concerns about weight gain following smoking cessation. Presented at the 5th annual Congress on Women’s Health, Washington, DC; 1997 June.

61. Greeno CG, Leeds D, Marcus MD, Cooke A, Shear MK, Ford B, Ringham R. Eating disorder symptomatology and overweight among African- Americans with severe mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Presented at the Bruno Lima symposium of the meeting of the American Public Health Association, Indianapolis, IN; 1997 November.

62. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Keins AM, Marcus MD. Weight gain concerns among women quitting smoking. Presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL; 1997 November.

63. Wisniewski L, Wren F, Levine MD, Marcus MD. Characteristics of patients attending a pediatric clinic for severe obesity: Race and gender differences. Presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Miami, FL; 1997 November.

64. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Marcus MD, D’Amico D, Miller A, Keins AM. Changes in eating concerns in weight concerned women smokers. Presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA; 1998 March.

65. Ewing LJ, Murray P, Marcus MD. Eating problems among pediatric patients: An assessment of the problem and service needs. Presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA; 1998 March.

66. Ringham RM, Levine MD, Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Presented at the Presented at the 32nd annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Washington, DC; 1998 November.

67. Ewing LJ, Ringham RM, McCaffery JM, Marcus MD. Behavioral weight control for obese adolescent women in the primary care setting. Presented at Childhood Obesity: Partnerships for Research and Prevention, Atlanta, GA; 1999 May.

68. Ringham RM, Levine M, Ewing LJ, Churby L, Marcus MD. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Presented at Childhood Obesity: Partnerships for Research and Prevention, Atlanta GA; 1999 May.

69. Lilenfeld LR, Marcus MD, Kalarchian M, Ringham R. A family history study of binge eating disorder. Presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, CA; 1999 November.

70. Marcus MD, Loucks-Daniels TL, Berga SL. Eating disorder symptomatology in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, CA; 1999 November.

71. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. Predictors of weight gain after smoking cessation in weight concerned women. Presented at the 6th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Washington, DC; 2000 February.

72. Levine, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. Depression history and smoking cessation in weight concerned women smokers. Presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN; 2000 April.

73. Ringham, R.M., Levine, M.D., Kalarchian, M.A., Marcus, MD. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN; 2000 April.

74. Ringham, R.M., Lilenfeld, Lisa, Kalarchian, M., Marcus, MD. Weight, Mood, and Binge Eating Among Overweight Women. Presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, TN; 2000 April.

75. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Perkins KA. Cognitive behavior therapy vs. weight control for smoking cessation in women concerned about postcessation weight gain. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 2000 May.

76. Lilenfeld LRR, Marcus MD, Stein D, Wildman P. Parasuicidal behavior among women with eating disorders. Presented at the 9th International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 2000 May.

77. Treat TA, Grobe JE, McCabe EB, Gaskill JA, Ghinassi FA, Marcus MD. Clinical pathways for treatment of eating disordered patients. Presented at the 108th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC; 2000 August.

78. Berga SL, Marcus MD, Loucks TL, Hlastala S, Ringham R, Krohn MA. Reversal of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) by cognitive behavior therapy. Presented at the Society for Gynecologic Investigation, Toronto, CA; 2001 March.

79. Gaskill, JA, Treat TA, McCabe EB, Marcus MD. Does olanzapine affect the rate of weight gain among inpatients with eating disorders? Presented at the 2001 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Vancouver, BC; 2001 May.

80. Lilenfeld LRR, Marcus MD, Stein D, Wildman P. Parasuicidal behavior among women with eating disorders. Presented at the 2001 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Vancouver, BC; 2001 May.

81. Berga SL, Loucks TL, Marcus MD, Cameron JL, Krohn M. Cortisol secretion in women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) with cognitive behavior therapy. Presented at the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Denver CO: 2001 June.

82. Klump KL, Ringham RR, Marcus MD, Kaye W. A family history/family study investigation of eating disorder risk in ballet dancers: evidence of gene-environment combinations? Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM: 2001 November.

83. Lilenfeld LR, Marcus MD, Stein D, Wildman P. Parasuicidal behavior among women with eating disorders. Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM; 2001 November.

84. Kane A, Loucks TL, Giles DE, Marcus MD, Berga SL. The role of stressful life events in the development of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA). Abstract #303, 49th Annual Meeting of the Society of Gynecologic Investigation, Los Angeles, CA; 2002 March.

85. Marcus MD. Cognitive behavioral therapy for functional hypothalamic amenorrhea. Paper presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Seattle, Washington; 2002 October.

86. Klump K, Ringham R, Marcus MD, Kaye W. Familial risk for eating disorders in ballet dancers: a necessary influence? Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC; 2002 November.

87. Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Marcus MD. Psychological symptoms among bariatric surgery patients: a pilot study. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC; 2002 November.

88. Sheets CS, Levine MD, Kalarchian, MA, Marcus MD. Mood, physical activity and body weight in severely obese children. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT; 2003 March.

89. Ringham RM, Marcus MD, Loucks T, Berga S. Treatment of stress-induced anovulation. Paper presented at the 2003 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver Co, 2003, May.

90. Ringham RM, Marcus MD. Temperament, mood, dietary restraint and bulimic symptomatology. Paper presented at the 2003 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver Co; 2003 May.

91. Treat TA, McFall RM, Dirks MA, Marcus, MD. Role of decision-making in the link between social incompetence and eating disorders.  Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Atlanta, GA; 2003 June.

92. Kalarchian M, Marcus M, Courcoulas A. Patients’ expectations and evaluations of obesity surgery outcomes. Obesity Research 2003;11(suppl):A112.

93. Ringham R, Sheets C, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Marcus M. Health-related quality of life in severely obese children seeking treatment for weight loss. Obesity Research 2003;11(suppl):A92.

94. Sheets C, Ringham R, Stokes D, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Marcus M. Psychological problems and psychotropic medication use in severely overweight children seeking treatment for weight loss. Obesity Research 2003;11(suppl): A92-93.

95. Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Levine M, Ringham R, Rofey D, Marcus MD. Impact of weight loss surgery on psychiatric symptoms. Presented at the 37th annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Boston, MA; 2003 November.

96. Goldbacher EM, Matthews KA, Marcus MD, Bromberger J, Brown C. Association between eating disorder symptoms and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women. Citation poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Orlando, FL; 2004 March.

97. Raynor DA, Marcus MD, Levine MD, Sereika AM, Perkins KA. Placebo medication adherence and smoking cessation among weight-concerned women. Paper presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 2004 March.

98. Rofey D, Levine MD, Slane J, Marcus, M.D. Body image and weight concerns among women smokers. Poster presented at the 25th annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 2004 March.

99. Libman I, Marcus M, Kalarchian M, Bacha F, Higginbotham M, Arslanian S. Do the new criteria for impaired fasting glucose (IFG) increase the yield of detecting abnormal glucose regulation in severely overweight youth? Presented at the Lawson Wilkins Pediatric Endocrinology Society Annual Meeting/Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA; 2004 April.

100. Ringham, R, Levine, M, Kalarchian, M, Wisniewski L, Marcus, M. Binge eating in seriously overweight children seeking treatment. Int J Eat Disord 2004;35:372.

101. Rofey DL, Miller GP, Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Marcus MD. Body image and depression in bariatric surgery candidates. Int J Eat Disord 2004;35:466-67.

102. Wildes JE, Simons AD, Marcus MD. Bulimic symptoms, cognitions and body dissatisfaction in women with major depressive disorder. Int J Eat Disord 2004;35:425-26.

103. Klem ML, Detlefsen EG, Marcus MD. Women's use of the Internet for health information: the impact of selected demographic and health variables. Paper presented at the Medical Library Association's Annual Meeting, Washington DC; 2004 May.

104. Libman IM, Marcus M, Kalarchian M, Bacha F, Higginbotham M, Arslanian S. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) according to the new ADA criteria: does it identify more youth at risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD)? Diabetes 2004; (suppl 2), A69.

105. Kalarchian M, Marcus M, Arslanian S, Ewing L, Higginbotham M, Weissfeld L, Levine M, Ringham R, Sheets C, & Stokes D. Family-based behavioral weight control in the management of severe pediatric overweight. Obesity Research 2004; 12 (suppl):A16.

106. Slane J, Rofey D, Levine MD, Marcus MD. Post-cessation weight concerns and treatment preference among women smokers. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society for Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 2005 April.

107. Levine MD. Kalarchian MA, Klem ML, Slane J, Marcus MD. Lifetime weight loss and attitudes toward eating and weight among non-obese women seeking to prevent weight gain. Annals Behav Med 2005; 29(suppl): S209.

108. Ringham R., Levine M. Sheets C, Stokes D, Hostetler J, Marcus M. Behavioral treatment of severely overweight children: prevalence and correlates of parent bariatric surgery. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2005 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Montreal, Canada; 2005 April.

109. Higginbotham M, Marcus M, Kalarchian M, Libman I, Arslanian S. Prevalence of primary hypertension amongst obese children presenting to a behavioral weight control program. Presented at the 2005 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Meeting, Washington DC; 2005 May.

110. Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Levine, MD Ringham, RR, Marcus MD. Psychopathology among bariatric surgery candidates. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases. 2005; 1: 241.

111. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Childhood trauma, depressive symptoms and eating disorder psychopathology among bariatric surgery patients. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society 11th Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA; 2005 September.

112. Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Mesko DE, Currie MS, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Women’s resumption of smoking during the postpartum period is related to weight concerns and depressive symptoms. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society 11th Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA; 2005, September.

113. Wildes JE, Fagiolini A, Marcus MD. Eating disorders and obesity in patients with bipolar disorders. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society 11th Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA; 2005 September.

114. Treat TA, Marcus MD, McFall RM, Dirks MA. Role of decision making in the link between social incompetence and eating disorders. Poster presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society 11th Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA; 2005 September.

115. Sheets CS, Kishore AR, Ewing LJ, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Stokes DL Ringham RM, Marcus MD. Psychiatric symptoms in seriously overweight children seeking weight loss treatment. Poster presented at the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2005 Joint Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA; 2005 October.

116. Wildes JE, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA. Eating and weight concerns distinguish pregnant former smokers who are highly motivated to remain quit postpartum from those who are not. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Washington, DC; 2005 November.

117. Collings A, King LT, Saules KK, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Pomerleau CS. Body image discrepancy and smoking patterns among never-overweight female smokers. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Orlando, FA; 2006 February.

118. Saules KK, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Pomerleau, CS. Dieting, binge eating and smoking trajectories for childhood-onset versus later-onset weight problems. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Orlando, FA; 2006 February.

119. Kirchner TR, Levine MD, Marcus MD. Bupropion and predictors of smoking withdrawal in women smokers concerned about postcessation weight gain: a multilevel growth modeling analysis. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Orlando, FA; 2006 February.

120. Qin L, Weissfeld L, Kalarchian M, Marcus M. An extension of latent variable model for informative intermittent missing data. Paper presented at the International Biometric Society, Eastern North American Region (ENAR), 2006 spring meeting, Tampa, FL; 2006 March.

121. Sheets CS, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, & Marcus MD. Maternal feeding practices and self-esteem in overweight children. Annals Behav Med 2006; 31(suppl): S163.

122. Libman I, Marcus M, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Bartucci A, Arslanian S. Family-based behavioral weight control intervention (FBBWCI) in severely obese children: does it improve cardiometabolic risk factors (CMT-RF)? Diabetes 2006; 55(suppl 1): A599.

123. Gaskill J, McCabe EB, Wilson D, & Marcus MD. Treatment engagement intervention for patients with anorexia nervosa. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2006 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona, Spain; 2006 June.

124. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Childhood trauma and eating disorders among bariatric surgery candidates. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2006 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona, Spain; 2006 June.

125. Ringham R, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Wildes J, Sheets C, Polley B, & Marcus MD. Eating disorder symptoms and weight control behaviors in mothers of overweight children. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2006 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona, Spain; 2006 June.

126. Wildes JE, Fagiolini A, Salopek T, & Marcus MD. Binge eating is associated with increased medical and psychiatric morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. Poster presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2006 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Barcelona, Spain; 2006 June.

127. Levine MD, Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Marcus MD. Smoking and postcessation weight gain among bariatric surgery candidates.  Paper presented at the Master’s Course in Behavioral Health,  23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, San Francisco, CA; 2006 June.

128. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian, MA, Currie, M, Soulakova, J. Concerns about weight and mood affect postpartum smoking.  Poster presented at 2006 American Psychological Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA; 2006, August.

129. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Gaskill J, Ringham R. Mood spectrum psychopathology in patients with anorexia nervosa. Poster presented at the 12th annual meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Port Douglas, Australia; 2006 September.

130. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Klem ML, Burke LE, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Emphasis on Physical Appearance Enhances Weight Loss. Obesity 2006;14(suppl):A33.

131. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Soulakova J. Differences between African American and Caucasian women who quit smoking during pregnancy. Presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Austin, TX; 2007 February.

132. Levine MD, Perkins KA, Slane J, Neal DM, Marcus MD. Bupropion and cognitive behavioral treatment for weight concerns improves smoking cessation outcome among weight concerned women. Paper presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Austin, TX; 2007 February.

133. Ringham R, Wildes J, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Sheets C, Polley B, Marcus M. Eating behaviors in overweight children of binge eating mothers. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2007 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD; 2007 May.

134. Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy K, Ringham R, Goldschmidt A, Yanovski S, Braet C, Marcus M, Wilfley D, Olson C, Yanovski J. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2007 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD; 2007 May.

135. Wildes J, Fagiolini A, Marcus M. Clinical significance of eating disorder co-morbidity in patients with bipolar disorder. Paper presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 2007 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Baltimore, MD; 2007 May.

136. Wildes JE, Fagiolini A, Salopek T, Marcus MD. Eating Disorders and illness burden in patients with bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disord 2007; 9 (suppl 1): 110.

137. Kalarchian MA, Courcoulas AP, Levine MD, Soulakova JN, Marcus MD. Presurgery psychiatric disorders area associated with smaller reductions in BMI at 6 months after gastric bypass. Surg Obesity Related Disord 2007; 3: 280.

138. White MA, Kalarchian MA, Masheb RM, Marcus MD, Grilo CM. The prognostic significance of loss of control over eating on bariatric surgery outcomes. Paper presented at the presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA; 2007 October.

139. Kolotkin RL, Kalarchian M, Crosby R, Mitchell JE, Marcus MD. Relationship between body image and health-related quality of life in bariatric surgery candidates. Obesity 2007;15:A137-A138.

140. White, MA, Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD, Grilo, CM. The prognostic significance of loss of control over eating on bariatric surgery outcomes. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 2007 October.

141. Levine MD, Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Wisinski MSC.  Postpartum smoking relapse is related to changes in mood and weight gain concerns. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Portland, OR; 2008 February.

142. Goldschmidt AB, Tanofsky-Kraff M, Goossens L, Eddy KT, Ringham R, Yanovski SZ, Braet C, Marcus MD, Wilfley DE, Yanovski JA. Subtyping youth with loss of control eating predicts psychosocial impairment. Presented at the 2008 Association for Psychological Science Convention, Chicago, IL; 2008 May.

143. Wildes J, Marcus M. Emotional Acceptance Behavior Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: manual development and focus groups. Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Seattle, WA; 2008 May.

144. Ringham R, Wildes J, Kalarchian M, Levine M, Marcus M. Do maternal eating disorder symptoms relate to parent report of child eating disorder symptoms? Paper presented at the 2008 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Seattle, WA; 2008 May.

145. Wildes JE, Ringham R, Marcus MD. Emotion avoidance in patients with anorexia nervosa. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Montreal, Quebec, CA; 2008 September.

146. Clark VL, Ringham RR, Wildes JE, Gaskill JA, Marcus M. Maximizing weight gain during the transition from inpatient to partial hospitalization in patients with anorexia nervosa: a pilot study. Presented at the 14th Annual Meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Montreal, Quebec, CA; 2008 September.

147. Garcia DO, Jakicic JM, Marcus MD, Rompolski K, Murray T.  Short-term Change in Physical Activity, Fitness, and Weight in Obese Children. Obesity Res 2009;17(suppl).

148. Levine MD, Cheng Y, Kalarchian MA, Houck PA, Marcus MD.  Postcessastion calorie and macronutrient intake in weight concerned women smokers.  Ann Behav Med 2009;37(suppl):S96.

149. Wildes JE, Marin Dapelo M, Ringham RM, McCabe EB, Gould JM, Gaskill JA, Marcus MD. Results from a pilot study of Emotion Acceptance Behavior Therapy (EABT) for anorexia nervosa: Implications for manual development and future research. Poster presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Brooklyn, NY; 2009, September.

150. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Ringham RM. Characteristics of anorexia nervosa patients with a history of binge eating or purging prior to the onset of low weight. Poster presented at the 15th annual meeting of the Eating Disorders Research Society, Brooklyn, NY; 2009, September.

151. Okun ML, Levine MD, Houck PR, Perkins KA, Marcus MD. Subjective sleep disturbance during a smoking cessation program: associations with relapse. Poster presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Portland OR; 2010, March.

152. Levine MD, Okun, ML, Houck, P, Kalarchian, MA, Marcus MD. Sleep Problems and Smoking Cessation in Women. Ann Behav Med 2010;39:S220.

153. Hannon TS, Marcus MD, Libman IM, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Houck PR, Arslanian SA. Does modest decrease in BMI have metabolic benefits in severely obese children? Diabetes 2010; 59 (suppl 1): A498.

154. Wilfley D, Berkowitz R, Goebel-Fabbri A, Hirst K, Ivers-Landis C, Lipman T, Marcus M, Ng D, Pham T, Saletsky R, Schanuel J, Van Buren D. binge eating, mood and quality of life in youth with T2D in TODAY. Diabetes 2010; 59 (suppl 1): A516.

155. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Emotion acceptance behavior therapy (EABT) for anorexia nervosa. Clinical roundtable presentation at the 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, San Francisco, CA; 2010, November.

156. Marcus MD, Wildes JE, Zucker, NL. Avoidant/restrictive food Intake disorder in adults: results of a web-based survey of picky eaters. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, Fl; 2011, April.

157. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Results from a pilot study of emotion acceptance behavior therapy for anorexia nervosa. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, Fl; 2011, April.

158. Zucker N, Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Selective eating and impairment in adults. Paper presented at the 2011 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, FL; 2011, April.

159. Michael JC, Marcus MD, Davis KK, Rogers RJ, Taylor M, Coppock J, McGuire M, Unick JL, Jakicic JM. Acute affective responses to varying durations of physical activity among overweight and obese women. Paper presented at the 2012Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA; 2012, April.

160. McCabe EB, Murray SN, Gaskill, JA, Marin Dapele, MA, Wildes JE, Ringham, RM, Marcus MD. Adaptation of a manualized outpatient skills group for parents of adolescents receiving intensive treatment for eating disorders. Poster presented at the 2012 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Austin, TX; 2012, May.

161. Peat CM, Zerwas SC, Hofmeier SM, Levine MD, Marcus MD, Bulik CM. Body mass index and binge: purge ratio in bulimia nervosa. Poster presented at the 2012 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Austin, TX; 2012, May.

162. Wildes JE, Marcus MD. Predictive validity of weight suppression in the treatment of patients with anorexia nervosa. Paper presented at the 2012 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Austin, TX; 2012, May.




|1981 |Behavior Disorders |University of Pittsburgh |

|1983 |Abnormal Psychology |University of Pittsburgh |

|1989 - 1992 |Clinical Practicum Supervisor |University of Pittsburgh |

|1992-1994, 1996 |Small Group Facilitator, Patient-Doctor Relationship Course |University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |

|1992, 1994, 1996 |Small Group Facilitator, Behavioral Medicine Course |University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |

|1993, 1999 |Small Group Facilitator, Psychopathology and Society |University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |

|1994 |Small Group Facilitator, Medicine and Society |University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine |


|2001 |Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute, Course Co-Director |

|2003 |Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute, Course Co-Director |

|2003, June |Presenter, Psychiatry Board Review Course, UPMC Health System, Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences, and |

| | |

|2005 |Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute, Course Co-Director |

|2011- |K-Review Cluster, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic |

Guest Lectures:

1. 1987, November. The assessment of bulimia nervosa. Behavioral Medicine Seminar, University of Pittsburgh.

2. 1989, March. Treatment of eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Training Seminar. University of Pittsburgh.

3. 1989, October. Eating disorders and diabetes. In-service Training, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Pittsburgh, PA.

4. 1990, February. Eating disorders in type I diabetes. Endocrine Rounds, Children's Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

5. 1990, March. Binge eating and obesity. Clinical Psychology Research Seminar. University of Pittsburgh.

6. 1991, September. Eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Training Seminar. University of Pittsburgh.

7. 1992, January. Diagnostic overview: Eating disorders. Staff Development, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Pittsburgh, PA.

8. 1992, January. Eating disorders. Pittsburgh Diabetes Center. Pittsburgh, PA.

9. 1993, January. Binge eating disorder. Counseling Psychology Department Seminar. University of Pittsburgh.

10. 1993, March. Roundtable discussion: Clinical research: Relationships to patient care. Staff Development, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Pittsburgh, PA.

11. 1994, January. Binge eating disorder. Biological Bases of Neuropsychiatric Disorders. University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

12. 1994, February. Cognitive behavior therapy of obese binge eaters. Staff Development, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Pittsburgh, PA.

13. 1994, December. Eating disorders. Behavioral Medicine Course, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

14. 1995, January. Assessment and treatment of eating disorders. Clinical psychology training seminar. University of Pittsburgh.

15. 1995, July. Research funding in psychology. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital.

16. 1995, November. Eating disorders. Behavioral Medicine Course, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

17. 1995, December. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women's Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

18. 1996, December. Eating disorders. Behavioral Medicine Course, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

19. 1996, December. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women's Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

20. 1997, May. Assessment and treatment of eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

21. 1997, July. Diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders. Passavant Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

22. 1998, February. Eating disorders. Clinical Psychology Center, University of Pittsburgh.

23. 1998, March. Eating disorders. Epidemiology Seminar Series, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

24. 1998, May. Grant writing. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

25. 1998, July. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

26. 1998, December. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women’s Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh.

27. 1999, August. Dialectical behavior therapy. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

28. 1999, August. Eating disorders, PGY 1 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

29. 1999, September. Eating disorders: Assessment and Treatment. Clinical Psychology Center, University of Pittsburgh.

30. 1999, December. Dialectical behavior therapy, Psychiatry Residents. Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

31. 2000, March. Treatment of eating disorders, PGY 1 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

32. 2000, May. Dialectical behavior therapy. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

33. 2000, August. Eating disorders. PGY 1 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

34. 2001, February. Eating disorders. PGY 1 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

35. 2001, March. Dialectical behavior therapy. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

36. 2001, August. Eating disorders. PGY 1 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

37. 2001, December. Severe pediatric obesity. Endocrine Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

38. 2002, July. Severe pediatric obesity. NIMH Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Mental Health Research, Summer Lecture Series, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

39. 2002, July. Dialectical behavior therapy. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

40. 2002, August. Eating disorders. Psychosocial Rounds. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

41. 2002, October. Treatment refusal in anorexia nervosa – Patient choice or patient psychopathology. Clinical Grand Rounds, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

42. 2002, December. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women’s Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

43. 2003, April. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Psychiatric epidemiology and alcohol research training program, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

44. 2003, June. Faculty development workshop: navigating the maze of academic promotion. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

45. 2003, July. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. NIMH Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Mental Health Research, Summer Lecture Series, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

46. 2003, July. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

47. 2004, April. Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of eating disorders. Clinical Grand Rounds, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

48. 2004, August. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

49. 2004, November. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women’s Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

50. 2005, June. Obesity overview. Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.

51. 2005, June. Severe pediatric obesity. NIMH Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Mental Health Research, Summer Lecture Series, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

52. 2005, August. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

53. 2005, October. Assessment of eating disorders. Methodological and Assessment Issues in Psychiatric Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

54. 2006, February. Obesity. Health Fundamentals: Foundations of Biological and Health Psychology. Biological and Health Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

55. 2006, April. Behavioral medicine: helping families with overweight children. Clinical Grand Rounds, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

56. 2006, May. Severe pediatric obesity. NIMH Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Mental Health Research, Evening Lecture Series, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

57. 2006, June. Treatment of Obesity. Psychological therapies: behavioral medicine interventions. Biological and Health Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

58. 2006, June. Eating disorders not otherwise specified. GY 3 & 4 Residents, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

59. 2006, August. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

60. 2006, November. Eating disorders. Epidemiology of Women’s Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

61. 2007, February. School based diabetes (obesity) prevention. Epidemiology Department 2007 Spring Seminar Series. Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

62. 2007, April. Bariatric surgery and eating disorders. Clinical Grand Rounds, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

63. 2007, May. Severe pediatric obesity. NIMH Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Mental Health Research, Evening Lecture Series, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

64. 2007, June. Pediatric obesity interventions. Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.

65. 2007, July. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

66. 2007, October. Assessment of eating disorders. Methodological and Assessment Issues in Psychiatric Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

67. 2008, March. Obesity. Health Fundamentals: Foundations of Biological and Health Psychology. Biological and Health Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

68. 2008, March. Pediatric obesity. Psychosocial Factors in Disease, Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

69. 2008, March. Behavioral medicine interventions. Special Topic in Clinical Trials, Institute for Clinical Research Education, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

70. 2008, April. Severe pediatric obesity. Psychiatric Epidemiology & Alcohol Research Seminar. Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

71. 2008, May. Studies in the treatment and prevention of pediatric obesity. Department of Psychiatry Meet the Principal Investigator Lecture Series at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

72. 2008, June. Mentoring. Keynote Address, Eighth Annual WPIC Research Day, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

73. 2008, June. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

74. 2009, March. Behavioral medicine interventions. Special Topic in Clinical Trials, Institute for Clinical Research Education, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

75. 2009, April. Pediatric obesity: a national health crisis. Mental Health and Wellness Lecture Series, University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Research Development Core, Pittsburgh PA.

76. 2009, May. Chronic anorexia nervosa. Clinical Grand Rounds, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA.

77. 2009, July. Eating disorders. Psychology Department, Highland Drive Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA.

78. 009, October. Treatment of pediatric eating disorders. Child Development Unit Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

79. 2009, November. Recent developments and research in eating disorders. Adolescent Medicine Lecture, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. PA.

80. 2010, March. Obesity. Health Fundamentals: Foundations of Biological and Health Psychology. Biological and Health Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

81. 2010, March. Behavioral medicine interventions. Special Topic in Clinical Trials, Institute for Clinical Research Education, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

82. 2010, June. Cutting edge interventions in mind-body research - Obesity. Pittsburgh Mind Body Center Summer Institute 2010, Pittsburgh, PA.

83. 2010, June. Eating disorders in DSM-5. Psychology Internship Program, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

84. 2010, September. Eating disorders. WPIC Resident Case Conference, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

85. 2010, October. Eating disorders. Psychiatric Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

86. 2011, April. Innovative recruitment and consent processes. Workshop sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

87. 2011, October. Obesity. Health Fundamentals: Foundations of Biological and Health Psychology. Biological and Health Psychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

88. 2012, March. Behavioral medicine interventions. Special Topic in Clinical Trials, Institute for Clinical Research Education, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA.

89. 2012, April. Obesity. Psychosocial Factors in Disease, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

Master’s Thesis Committees - Chair

1. Levine M. (June 1995). Food intake in response to psychological stress in obese women. University of Pittsburgh.

2. Ringham R. (February 2002). Temperament and eating disorders pathology. University of Pittsburgh.

3. Sheets C. (July 2005). Maternal feeding behavior and child self-esteem in seriously overweight children. University of Pittsburgh.

Master’s Thesis Committees

1. Butler BA. (July 1994). The effectiveness of stimulus control techniques in modifying food choice. University of Pittsburgh.

2. Mitchell SL. (May 1994). The effects of stress and dietary restraint on intake and the development of satiety. University of Pittsburgh.

3. Goldbacher E. (November 2002). Relationship between central adiposity and cardiovascular reactivity to stress in healthy adolescents. University of Pittsburgh.

4. Somers T. (February 2004). Trait anxiety as a predictor of psychological and physiological distress over time in patients recently diagnosed with breast cancer. University of Pittsburgh.

Doctoral Dissertation Committees - Chair

1. Grant A. (December 1991). Body dissatisfaction and eating behavior among women with type I diabetes. University of Pittsburgh.

2. Haugeland B. (April 1994). Social rhythmicity and treatment outcome in obese binge eaters. University of Pittsburgh.

3. Wisniewski L. (May 1994). Salivation, habituation and eating in eating disorders. University of Pittsburgh.

4. Malkoff S. (September 1994). Cognitive and affective responsivity to psychological stress in obese women. University of Pittsburgh.

5. Levine M. (June 1998). The effects of a history of depression on abstinence rates and weight gain among women in a smoking cessation program. University of Pittsburgh.

6. Keins A. (March 2000). The weight-control smoker: Eating disorder symptoms and smoking history. University of Pittsburgh.

7. Raynor D. (July 2003). Adherence to pharmacological smoking cessation treatment among weight-concerned women. University of Pittsburgh.

8. Ringham R. (August 2006). Eating behaviors in children of binge eating mothers. University of Pittsburgh.

9. Sheets C. (May 2011). Maternal feeding behavior and child eating in the absence of hunger. University of Pittsburgh.

10. Michael J. (Dissertation in progress). Acute affective responses to varying durations of physical activity for overweight and obese adults. University of Pittsburgh.

Doctoral Dissertation Committees

1. Bartolotta RM. (April 1991). Variables related to attrition from a weight control program. University of Pittsburgh.

2. Grilo CA. (August 1991). The binge eating cycle: A longitudinal investigation of the abstinence violation effect among binge eaters. University of Pittsburgh.

3. Harvey J. (August 1991). A comparison of food preferences and macronutrient intake following a very low calorie diet vs. moderate calorie restriction. University of Pittsburgh.

4. Weise JR. (April 1996). Identity status and level of intimacy among anorexic, bulimic, and non-eating disordered females. University of Pittsburgh.

5. Gendall K. (June 1997). Carbohydrate craving. The Christchurch School of Medicine, Department of Psychological Medicine.

6. McGuire M. (January 1998). The prevalence of successful weight loss maintenance in the United States. University of Pittsburgh.

7. Perna F. (October 2000). Cognitive behavioral intervention reduces injury and illness among competitive athletes. University of Pittsburgh.

8. Posluszny D. (March 2001). Psychological trauma and adjustment in women newly diagnosed with gynecologic cancer. University of Pittsburgh.

9. Helsel D. (April 2005). Comparison of self-monitoring techniques for tracking eating and exercise behaviors. University of Pittsburgh.

10. Troxel W. (May 2005). Marital quality, communal strength and physical health. University of Pittsburgh.

11. Goldbacher E. (September 2006). Depression and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged women: are they related? University of Pittsburgh.

12. McCabe EB. (March 2008). Predictors of readmission in hospitalized anorexia nervosa patients. University of Pittsburgh.

13. Mealey A. (July 2008). Validation of the BodyMedia Sensewear Pro Armband ® to estimate energy expenditure in obese children during various modes of activity. University of Pittsburgh.

14. Mealey L. (July 2008). Effect of Dance Dance Revolution on energy expenditure and enjoyment in obese children compared to alternative forms of activity. University of Pittsburgh.

15. Scharf DM. (July 2009) Rigid and flexible styles of smoking restraint. University of Pittsburgh.

16. Midei A. (June 2012). Exploring the relationship between childhood interpersonal violence, cortisol stress response and stress eating. University of Pittsburgh.

|Postdoctoral Trainees |Period of Mentorship |

| | |

|Lucene Wisniewski, Ph.D. |September 1995 – June 1997 |

|Director, Cleveland Center for Eating Disorders | |

|Cleveland OH | |

|Research: Treatment of Severe Pediatric Overweight | |

|Melissa Kalarchian, Ph.D. |September 1998 – June 2001 |

|Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh | |

|Research: Optimizing Lifestyle Adjustment in | |

|Weight Loss Surgery (K23 DK062291) | |

| | |

|Michele Levine, Ph.D. |September 1999 – August 2002 |

|Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh | |

|Research: Treating Postpartum Nicotine Dependence (K01 DA015396) | |

| | |

|Teresa Treat, Ph.D. |September 2000 – August 2001 |

|Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Iowa | |

|Research: Social Competence in Patients with Eating Disorders | |

| | |

|Monique Higginbotham, MD, FAAP |September 2002 – May 2005 |

|Child Advocacy Center | |

|Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh | |

|Research: Very Low Calorie Diet in the Management | |

|of Pediatric Obesity | |

|Pittsburgh Obesity Nutrition Research Center | |

| | |

|Jennifer Wildes, Ph.D. |September 2004 – August 2007 |

|Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh | |

|Research: Mood and Anxiety Subtypes in Anorexia Nervosa: | |

|Relevance to Treatment (K01 MH080020) | |

| | |

|Rebecca Ringham, Ph.D. |September 2006 – January 2007 |

|Visiting Instructor in Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh | |

|Research: Binge Eating in Children | |

| | |

|Psychiatry Residents/Fellows | |

| | |

|Anita Kishore, MD |September 2004 – June 2005 |

|Maribel Rivera, MD |September 2005 – July 2007 |

Research Grants

|Grant Number |Grant Title |Role |Percentage |Years Inclusive |Source |Total Costs |

| | | |Effort | | | |

|HDCP |Long-term Obesity Study |Co-PI |10% |5/86-4/87 |Lilly Research |$62,850 |

| |Combining Behavior Modification and Very Low Calorie |Co-I |20% |8/1/87-7/31/89 |ADA - Western PA |$50,000 |

| |Diets in the Treatment of Type II Diabetes | | | |Affiliate | |

|NATCH R01 AM29757 |Behavioral Weight Loss for Adults with Diabetes |Co-I |25% |8/1/87-7/31/91 |NIH |$828,992 |

| |Mellitus | | | | | |

| |Clinical and Subclinical Eating Disorders Among Women|PI |25% |1/1/90-12-31/91 |ADA |$80,000 |

| |with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes | | | | | |

|MH 44672 |Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Disorders |Co-I |5% |4/1/90-3/31/94 |NIMH |$785,982 |

|MH44828 |Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obese Binge Eaters |PI |30% |4/1/91-7/31/96 |NIMH |$565,243 |

|DK 29757 |Behavioral Weight Loss for Adults with Diabetes |Co-I |5% |8/1/91-7/31/96 |NIDDK |$1,152,122 |

| |Mellitus | | | | | |

|LY-110140 |Lovan: Effect of Patient Adherence to a Diet Program |Co-I |5% |8/1/92-10/31/98 |Lilly Research |$605,986 |

| |BIV-MC-HCHA Phase 4 | | | | | |

|MH 50748 |Pathogenesis of Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea |Co-I |10% |9/1/94-8/31/97 |NIMH |$1,477,071 |

|MH 53817 |Treatment Effectiveness Studies in Women |Co-I |5% |9/1/94-8/31/99 |NIMH |$1,622,270 |

|MH 46001 |Serotonin - A Trait Disturbance in Women |Co-I |5% |4/1/95-3/31/00 |NIMH |$734,616 |

|DA 09369 |Vulnerability to Substance Abuse in Humans |Co-I |5% |7/1/95-6/31/98 |NIDA |$266,663 |

|MH 544672 |Validity in the Diagnosis of Personality Disorders |Co-I |5% |7/1/95-6/30/98 |NIMH |$274,873 |

|MH 50748 |Pathogenesis of Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea |Co-I |10% |9/1/97-7/30/03 |NIMH |$2,533,405 |

|MH 42984 |Neurobiology of Feeding and Other Behaviors in |Co-I |5% |9/1/97-11/30/01 |NIMH |$1,480,923 |

| |Bulimia | | | | | |

|R01 DK053942 |Prevention of Weight Gain in Women Aged 25-34 |PI |10% |3/15/99-2/28/05 |NIDDK |$918,048 |

|R01 DA04174 |Bupropion and Weight Control for Smoking Cessation |PI |16% |2/01/00-11/30/05 |NIDA |$1,220,939 |

|R01 DK058387 |Weight Loss Motivations and Long-Term Weight Loss |Co-I | 5% |9/01/00-8/31/06 |NIDDK |$858,882 |

|R01 HD38425 |Family-Based Treatment of Severe Pediatric Obesity |PI |16% |7/1/01-5/31/07 |NICHD |$1,373,983 |

|R01 HL067826 |Enhancing Exercise Participation in Overweight Women |Co-I |2.5% |9/1/03- |NHLBI |$1,108,347 |

| | | | |8/31/07 | | |

|R01 HL070257 |Effect of Exercise on Prevention of Weight Gain |Co-I |2.5% |1/27/03-12/31/07 |NHLBI |$1,260,646 |

|U01 DK066585 |Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Insulin Resistance |Co-I | 5% |9/30/03-8/31/09 |NIDDK |$4,292,110 |

| |and CVD | | | | | |

|R03 DK078562-01 |Behavioral Intervention for Weight Loss Failure after|Co-I |5% |9/01/07-8/31/09 |NIDDK |$148,500 |

| |Bariatric Surgery | | | | | |

|U01 |School-Based Prevention of Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes |Site |20% |3/01/09-2/28/11 |NIDDK |$882,456 |

|DK61230 | |PI | | | |Year 09 |

|R01 MH082685 |Emotional Acceptance Behavior Therapy for Anorexia |PI |15% |9/27/07-7/31/11 |NIMH |$668,250 |

| |Nervosa | | | | | |

|Current | | | | | | |

|Grant Number |Grant Title |Role |Percentage |Years Inclusive |Source |Total Costs |

| | | |Effort | | | |

|U01 DK61254 |Type 2 Diabetes in Youth: Beta Cell Preservation |Co-I |10% |9/30/01-2/29/13 |NIDDK |$39,192 |

| | | | | | |Current Year |

|R01 |Preoperative Lifestyle Intervention in Bariatric |Co-I |10% |9/01/07-8/31/12 |NIDDK |$1,522,125 |

|DK077102 |Surgery | | | | | |

|R01 DA021608 |Addressing Postpartum Mood and Weight Concerns to |Co-I |8% |9/21/07-8/31/12 |NIDA |$2,654,612 |

| |Sustain Smoking Cessation | | | | | |

|R01 |Optimizing Technology in the Treatment of Bulimia |Site |10% |4/01/08-3/31/13 |NIMH |$537,676 |

|MH080065 |Nervosa |PI | | | |(Pittsburgh |

| | | | | | |Site) |

|R01 |Reducing Medical Risks in Individuals with Bipolar |Co-I |5% |8/15/08-6/20/13 |NIMH |$395,838 |

|MH081003 |Disorder | | | | |Year 01 |

|U01 DK066585 |Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery |Co-I |1% |7/15/09-6/30/14 |NIDDK | |

|1 U01 |Enhanced Behavioral Intervention to Improve Long-Term|Co-I |10% |8/15/09-5/31/14 |NHLBI |$499,954 |

|HL096770-01 |Weight Loss in Young Adults | | | | |Year 01 |

|R01MH085921 |Olanzapine Versus Placebo in Outpatients with |Site |10% |8/01/10 –6/30/15 |NIMH |$100,072 |

| |Anorexia Nervosa |PI | | | |Year 02 |

| | | | | | |(Pittsburgh |

| | | | | | |Site) |

|1 R01 HD068802 |Relationship of Loss of Control Eating to Excessive |Co-I |10% |3/01/12-2/28/17 |NICHD |$266,791 |

| |Gestational Weight Gain | | | | |Year 01 |

Center Grants

|Grant Number |Grant Title |Role |Percentage |Years Inclusive |Source |Total Costs |

| | | |Effort | | | |

|P30 DK46204 |Obesity/Nutrition Research Center |Assoc. Core|5% |9/30/92-9/29/97 |NIDDK |$2,587,187 |

| | |Dir. | | | | |

|P30 DK46204 |Obesity/Nutrition Research Center |Assoc. Dir.|10% |9/30/97-3/31/03 |NIDDK |$3,677,859 |

|P30 |Obesity/Nutrition Research Center |Assoc. |5% |4/1/03-3/31/10 |NIDDK |$3,666,795 |

|DK46204 | |Dir. | | | | |

|R24 HL076852 |Pittsburgh Mind Body Center |Co-I |5% |9/30/04-8/31/10 |NHLBI |$2,559,916 |

Training Grants

|Grant Number |Grant Title |Role |Percentage Effort|Years Inclusive |Source |Total Direct Costs|

|MH 18269 |Clinical Research Training for Psychologists |Co-Dir. |20% |8/1/89-6/30/94 |NIMH |$371,697 |

|MH 18269 |Clinical Research Training for Psychologists |Co-Dir. |20% |7/1/94-6/30/99 |NIMH |$817,393 |

|MH 18269 |Clinical Research Training for Psychologists |Co-Dir. |20% |7/1/99-6/30/04 |NIMH |$882,024 |

|MH 18269 |Clinical Research Training for Psychologists |Co-Dir. |20% |7/1/04-6/30/09 |NIMH |$1,141,655 |

|Current | | | | | | |

|MH 18269 |Clinical Research Training for Psychologists |Co-Dir |20% |7/1/09-6/30/14 |NIMH |$1,059,446 |

Workshops, Seminars and Invited Lectureships

1. Hsu LKG, Marcus MD, Holder D. Treatment of bulimia: An individual behavioral approach. Workshop presented at the fifth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Philadelphia, PA; 1984 May.

2. Holder D, Marcus MD. Treatment of bulimia: A behavioral group therapy approach. Workshop presented at the third annual National Conference on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia, Columbus, OH; 1984 October.

3. Marcus MD. Cognitive behavior therapy for eating disorders. Greater Pittsburgh Psychological Society, Pittsburgh, PA; 1985 January.

4. Wing RR, Marcus MD, Holder D. Chronic binge eating in normal weight and obese individuals. Institute presented at the sixth annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA; 1985 March.

5. Holder D, Marcus MD. Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for bulimia. Workshop presented at the first annual conference of the Pittsburgh Educational Network for Eating Disorders, Pittsburgh, PA; 1985 September.

6. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity: Research, assessment and treatment. Workshop presented at the fourth annual National Conference on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia, Columbus, OH; 1985 October.

7. Holder D, Marcus MD. Family therapy of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Family Therapy Institute, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, Pa; 1986 March.

8. Marcus MD, Ewing L. Obese binge eaters: An eating disordered population? Workshop presented at the seventh annual National Conference on Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, Columbus, OH; 1988 October.

9. Marcus MD. Is the insulin-dependent diabetic patient at greater risk for developing anorexia and bulimia? Presented at the eighth annual Nora Eccles Harrison Conference, San Francisco, CA; 1989 April.

10. Marcus MD. Behavioral aspects of obesity. Management of the Obese Patient. Center for Continuing Education for the Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA; 1989 October.

11. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity: Research, assessment and treatment. Workshop presented at the fourth annual National Conference on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia, Columbus, OH; 1985 October.

12. Holder D, Marcus MD. Family therapy of anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Family Therapy Institute, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA; 1986 March.

13. Marcus MD, Ewing L. Obese binge eaters: An eating disordered population? Workshop presented at the seventh annual National Conference on Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, Columbus, OH; 1988 October.

14. Marcus MD. Is the insulin-dependent diabetic patient at greater risk for developing anorexia and bulimia? Presented at the eighth annual Nora Eccles Harrison Conference, San Francisco, CA; 1989 April.

15. Marcus MD. Behavioral aspects of obesity. Management of the Obese Patient. Center for Continuing Education for the Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA; 1989 October.

16. Marcus MD. Binge eating among obese individuals. Invited workshop presented at the eighth annual National Conference on Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa, Columbus, OH; 1989 October.

17. Marcus MD. Eating disorders and diabetes. Workshop presented at the American Diabetes Association's 37th Postgraduate Course, Orlando, FL; 1990 January.

18. Marcus MD. Binge eating and obesity. Conference of the Pittsburgh Educational Network for Eating Disorders, Pittsburgh, PA; 1990 April.

19. Marcus MD, Smith D. Binge eating among obese individuals: Research and treatment. Workshop presented at the fourth International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1990 April.

20. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity. Keynote paper presented at the second annual Social Work Conference, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA; 1991 March.

21. Marcus MD. Eating disorders and diabetes. Invited address presented at the 18th annual meeting of the American Association of Diabetes Educators, Baltimore, MD; 1991 September.

22. Marcus MD, Smith D. Binge eating in obese women. Invited workshop presented at the tenth annual National Conference on Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, Columbus, OH; 1991 October.

23. Marcus MD. Eating disorders: A psychological perspective. Keynote address, Continuing Education Conference, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA; 1992 February.

24. Marcus MD, Smith D. Assessment and treatment of binge eating in obese individuals. Workshop presented at the fifth International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1992 April.

25. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity. Washington Society for the Study of Eating Disorders, and Obesity, Washington, DC; 1992 May.

26. Marcus MD. Binge eating. Yale University Department of Psychology, New Haven, CT; 1992 October.

27. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder. Grand Rounds, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Boston, MA; 1992 November.

28. Marcus MD. Binge eating in obesity. Seminar presented at the 13th annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA; 1993 March.

29. Marcus MD. Treatment and prevention of binge eating disorder. National Institute of Mental Health Scientific Symposium on Eating Disorders, Chicago, IL; 1993 May.

30. Marcus MD. Binge eating and obesity: Practical applications to treatment. Keynote address presented at the 12th annual conference on Eating Disorders, Columbus, OH; 1993 October.

31. Marcus MD. Clinical correlates of binge eating. Workshop presented at the 147th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA; 1994 May.

32. Marcus MD. Clinical Issues in the treatment of obese patients with binge eating disorder. Clinical Roundtable presented at the 28th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, San Diego, CA; 1994 November.

33. Marcus MD. The enigma of obesity: The case of binge eating disorder. Invited address presented at the second London International Conference on Eating Disorders, London, UK; 1995 April.

34. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder. Eli Lilly Symposium presented at the 148th annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Miami, Fl; 1995 May.

35. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder: Diagnosis and treatment. Presented at the Obesity/Nutrition Research Center Seminar Series, Pittsburgh, PA; 1995 May.

36. Marcus MD. Advances in the prevention and treatment of disordered eating. NATCH Clinical Nutrition and Obesity Lecture Series, National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC; 1995 June

37. Marcus MD. Research issues in the treatment of binge eating disorder. Presented at the NIH Workshop on the Development of Research Priorities in Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1996 April.

38. Marcus MD, Pike KM. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Clinical Teaching Institute sponsored by the Academy for Eating Disorders and the Seventh New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1996 April.

39. Marcus MD. Eating Disorders. Presented at fourth annual Adolescent Health: News You Can Use, Pittsburgh, PA; 1996 October.

40. Wisniewski L, Marcus MD. Assessment and treatment of pediatric obesity. Workshop presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, New York, NY; 1996 November.

41. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder. Colloquium presented at the Department of Psychology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA; 1996 December.

42. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder. Seminar presented at the Minnesota Obesity Center, Minneapolis, MN; 1997 March.

43. Marcus MD. The treatment of binge eating disorder. Plenary paper presented at the third London International Conference on Eating Disorders, London, UK; 1997 April.

44. Marcus MD. Assessment and treatment of binge eating disorder. Keynote address presented at the 15th National Conference on Eating Disorders, Tulsa, OK; 1997 October.

45. Marcus MD. Eating Disorders and obesity...Can we talk? Plenary talk presented at the Eighth New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1998 April.

46. Marcus MD, Levine MD, McCabe EB. Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of eating disorders. Workshop presented at the Eighth New York International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 1998 April.

47. Marcus MD. Assessment and treatment of binge eating disorder. Presented at the 12th International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, Washington DC; 1998 May.

48. Marcus MD, McCabe EB, Levine MD. Dialectical behavior therapy in the treatment of eating disorders. Concurrent Session presented at the 4th London International Conference on Eating Disorders, London, UK; 1999 April.

49. Wilfley D, Marcus MD. CBT, IPT and DBT in the treatment of bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorders. Presented at the Academy for Eating Disorders 1999 Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; 1999 June.

50. Marcus MD. Binge eating disorder: Clinical and research update. Presented at Eating Disorders: State of the Art Treatment, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, Center for Eating Disorders, Towson, MD; 1999 September.

51. Marcus MD. Eating disorders and obesity. Presented at the Minnesota Obesity Center, Minneapolis, MN; 1999 October.

52. Marcus MD, McCabe EB, Levine MD, Sebastiani, L. DBT in the treatment of eating disorders. Institute presented at the 33rd annual meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Toronto, CA; 1999 November.

53. Marcus MD, Striegel-Moore R, Lilenfeld LR, Fitzgibbon M, Rowe J. Eating disorders not otherwise specified. Workshop presented at the 9th International Conference on Eating Disorders, New York, NY; 2000 May.

54. Marcus MD. Psychosocial risk factors and eating disorders: an update. Invited address presented at Adolescent Medicine: Perspectives and Challenge, Jerusalem, Israel; 2000 September.

55. Marcus MD. Obesity and Eating Disorders. Invited address presented at the National Israeli Eating Disorder Conference, Jerusalem, Israel; 2001, March.

56. Marcus MD. Obesity Update. Workshop presented at the 2001 International Conference on Eating Disorders and Clinical Teaching Day, Vancouver, BC Canada, 2001 May.

57. Marcus MD. Best Practices in the Treatment of Binge Eating Disorder. Plenary address presented at the 2001 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Vancouver, BC Canada, 2001 May.

58. Marcus MD. Invited Faculty, Research Training Day. Academy for Eating Disorders/Eating Disorders Research Society, Albuquerque, NM, 2001 November.

59. Marcus MD. Treatment of severe pediatric obesity. Plenary address presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 2001 November.

60. Marcus MD. McCabe, EB. Dialectical behavior therapy in the management of eating disorders. Workshop presented at the 2002 International Conference on Eating Disorders and Clinical Teaching Day, Boston, MA, 2002 April.

61. Marcus MD. Lifestyle interventions in the management of pediatric obesity. Symposium presentation at the 62nd Scientific Sessions of the American Diabetes Association, San Francisco, CA, 2002 June.

62. Marcus MD. Invited Faculty, Research Training Day. Academy for Eating Disorders/Eating Disorders Research Society, Charleston, SC, 2002 November.

63. Marcus MD. Pediatric obesity – A national health crisis. Emory University Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Atlanta, GA, 2003 March.

64. Marcus MD. Treating obese children and teens: Current status and a look to the future. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: The Place of Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy, Washington DC, 2003, April.

65. Marcus MD. Eating disorders and obesity in the pediatric population. Plenary address at the 2003 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Denver CO, 2003 May.

66. Marcus MD. Randomized clinical trials. Research Training Day. Academy for Eating Disorders/Eating Disorders Research Society, Denver CO, 2003 May.

67. Raynor, D.A., Levine, M.D., Marcus, M.D., & Perkins, K.A. (2003). Cognitive-behavior therapy vs. behavioral weight control for smoking cessation in women concerned about post-cessation weight gain. Invited paper presented at the 2003 National Conference on Tobacco or Health, Boston, Massachusetts, 2003 December.

68. Marcus MD. Randomized clinical trials. Research Training Day. Academy for Eating Disorders/Eating Disorders Research Society, Orlando, Fl, 2004 April.

69. Marcus MD. Treatment of severe pediatric overweight. NIDDK Clinical Obesity Research Panel (CORP), National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 2004 September.

70. Marcus MD. Mentorship of women researchers. Research Training Day. Eating Disorders Research Society, Amsterdam, NL, 2004 October.

71. Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD. Treatment of severe pediatric overweight. Eating Disorders Research Society 11th Annual Meeting, Toronto, CA, 2005 September.

72. Marcus MD. Psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment resistance in eating disorders. Toronto General Hospital, Toronto CA, 2005 September.

73. Kalarchian, M, Courcoulas, Marcus M. Long-term psychological effects of bariatric surgery. American College of Nutrition, Symposium on Advances in Clinical Nutrition, 46th Annual Meeting, Kiawah Island, SC, 2005 September.

74. Marcus MD. Obesity in children and teenagers. Lecture presented at the 2nd Hispano-Latin American Conference on Eating Disorders, Monterrey, Mexico, 2005 October.

75. Marcus MD. Treatment of pediatric obesity. Plenary session presented at the 2nd Hispano-Latin American Conference on Eating Disorders, Monterrey, Mexico, 2005 October.

76. Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP, Marcus MD. Psychiatric disorders among bariatric surgery patients: Relationship to BMI and health-related quality of life.  Paper presented at the Master’s Course in Behavioral Health,  23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, San Francisco, CA; 2006 June.

77. Marcus MD, Kalarchian MA, Levine MD, Courcoulas AP. Behavioral weight control strategies for bariatric surgery.  Paper presented at the Master’s Course in Behavioral Health,  23rd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, San Francisco, CA; 2006 June.

78. Marcus MD. Invited Faculty. Research Training Day. Academy for Eating Disorders/Eating Disorders Research Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007 October.

79. Kalarchian MA, Marcus MD. Aberrant eating in bariatric surgery patients. Paper presented at the Eating Disorders Research Society 13th Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 2007 October.

80. Marcus MD, Wildes JE. Obesity: Is it a Mental Disorder? Symposium presentation at the Eating Disorders Research Society 15th Annual Meeting, Brooklyn, NY; 2009 September.

81. Marcus MD. Obesity and psychiatry: current perspectives. Grand Rounds, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, 2010 April.

82. Marcus MD. Current and future perspectives on treatment: the obese patient. Plenary presentation at the 2010 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Salzburg, Austria, 2010 June.

83. Marcus MD. Obesity and mental health. Plenary presentation at the meeting of the Society for Women’s Health Research, Washington, DC, 2010 July.

84. Marcus MD, Wildes JE, McCabe EB, Gaskill JA. Emotion acceptance behavior therapy for anorexia nervosa: Preliminary findings. Symposium presentation at the Eating Disorders Research Society 16th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA; 2010 October.

85. Wildes JE, Marcus MD, Ringham RM, Marin Dapelo, RM, Gaskill JA, Cheng Y. Empirically-derived personality subtypes in patients with anorexia nervosa: validity and clinical utility in a tertiary care sample. Symposium presentation at the Eating Disorders Research Society 16th Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA; 2010 October.

86. Becker AE, Striegel-Moore, Walsh BT, Mitchell J, Marcus MD, Bryant-Waugh R, Wonderlich S, Wilson T, Wolfe B, Attia, A, Kreipe R. Update on proposed DSM-5 criteria for feeding and eating disorders: what text guidance can optimize their clinical utility? Workshop presented at the 2011 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Miami, FL; 2011 April.

87. Marcus MD, Pike KM, Striegel R. The shady side of 50: understanding eating, shape and weight concerns in older women. Workshop presented at the 2012 International Conference on Eating Disorders, Austin, TX; 2012.

Editorial Board

|1992-1995 |Clinical Diabetes |

|1999-2004 |Eating Disorders Review |

|2000- |Eating Behavior |

|2005- |International Journal of Eating Disorders |

Guest Editor

|1990 |Diabetes Spectrum |

|1995 |Addictive Behaviors |

Guest Reviewer

|1983 |Journal of Behavioral Assessment |

|1983 |Behavior Modification |

|1987- |Health Psychology |

|1988- |Diabetes Care |

|1988- |Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology |

|1988 |Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment |

|1990 |Journal of Anxiety Disorders |

|1991 |Drug Evaluations |

|1991 |Drugs |

|1991-2005 |International Journal of Eating Disorders |

|1991- |International Journal of Obesity |

|1991 |Patient Education and Counseling |

|1992 |British Journal of Medical Psychology |

|1992- |Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease |

|1992 |Journal of Personality and Social Psychology |

|1992 |Psychological Bulletin |

|1992- |Psychosomatic Medicine |

|1993 |Psychology of Addictive Behaviors |

|1993- |Addictive Behaviors |

|1993- |Obesity [Formerly Obesity Research] |

|1993- |Behavior Therapy |

|1993 |Harvard Review of Psychiatry |

|1993 |American Psychologist |

|1993- |Behavior Research and Therapy |

|1994- |Journal of Abnormal Psychology |

|1995- |Clinical Psychology Review |

|1995 |Behavioral Sciences & the Law |

|1996 |Journal of Applied Social Psychology |

|1996 |Perceptual and Motor Skills / Psychological Reports |

|1996 |Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology |

|1996 |Journal of Psychosomatic Research |

|1996- |Archives of General Psychiatry |

|1997 |American Journal of Medicine |

|1997- |Annals of Behavioral Medicine |

| |The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition |

| |Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry |

| |Pediatric Research |

|2002 |Surgery |

|2003 |Pediatrics International |

|2003 |International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine |

|2004 |Quality of Life Research |

|2006 |Journal of Adolescent Health |

|2008 |Women and Health |

|2009- |Psychological Science |

|2009 |Human Reproduction |

|2009 |Journal of Pediatrics |

|2009 |Archives of Internal Medicine |

|2009 |Pediatrics |

|2010- |Psychological Medicine |

|2010- |American Journal of Psychiatry |

|2010 |Public Health Nutrition |

|2012 |Comprehensive Psychiatry |


2011. Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging Study Section, Center for Scientific Review


|1994-2000 |National Institute of Mental Health: Behavioral Science Track Award for Rapid Transition (B/START) Program |

|1996, March |National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|1996, December |National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|1997, July |National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|2000, March |National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|2000, July |National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases/National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Special |

| |Emphasis Panel (ZDK1 GRB-6 RFA DK-008) |

|2001, July |American Dietetic Association Position Paper, “Nutrition intervention in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and |

| |eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS)” |

|2002, March |Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Clinical Trials Unit: External Reviewer |

|2002, June |National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|2002, December |Canadian Institutes of Health Research - Clinical Trials Unit: External Reviewer |

|2003, February |National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel (SEP) Reviewer |

|2003, February |National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Reviewer (ZRG1 RPHB-2) |

|2003, April |National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Special Emphasis Panel (ZDK1-GRB-C M1) |

|2003, July |Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Special Review Study Section [ZGR1|

| |SSS-T-10 (B)] |

|2004, June |Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) Special Review Study Section [ZRG1|

| |EMNR-E (10) B] |

|2004, July |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel (ZMH1 CRB-M 10S) |

|2005, April |Center for Scientific Review - Special Emphasis Panel [ZRG1 RPHB-A (21)] |

|2006, March |National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Special Emphasis Panel [ZDK1-GRB-7 (M2)] |

|2007, March |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [MH1 ERB-G (C3)] |

|2007, November |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1-ERB-D-02] |

|2008, July |The Raine Medical Research Foundation, The University of Western Australia, 2009 Raine Priming Grant |

|2008, October |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1-ERB-D-02] |

|2009, March |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1-ERB-D-03 S] |

|2009, July |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1 ERB-N (06)] |

|2010, April |Center for Scientific Review – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1 ERB-I (C1) S] |

|2011, March |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1 ERB-D (01) S] |

|2011, October |National Institute of Mental Health – Special Emphasis Panel [ZMH1 ERB-F (02) S] |


|1988-1995 |Campus Representative, Society of Behavioral Medicine |

|1992-1993 |Program Co-Chair, 14th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine |

|1992-1994 |Abstracts Coordinator, Newsletter of the Obesity and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group of the Association for the Advancement|

| |of Behavior Therapy |

|1993-1994 |Chair, Obesity and Eating Disorders Special Interest Group of the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy |

|1993- |Co-Chair Psychology Discipline Committee, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Psychiatry |

|1993-2009 |Obesity/Nutrition Research Center Pilot/Feasibility Grant Review Committee |

|1993- |Resident Recruitment-Interviewer, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry |

|1993-1994 |Clinical Affairs Committee, University of Pittsburgh, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry |

|1994 |Program Committee, 28th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy |

|1994 |Program Committee, 16th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine |

|1994-1997 |Scientific Advisory Council, American Anorexia and Bulimia Association |

|1995 |Program Committee, 29th annual meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy |

|1996-1997 |Co-Chair, Education Committee, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|1996-2006 |External Scientific Advisory Committee, Minnesota Obesity Center |

|1997-1998 |President-Elect, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|1997-2002 |Committee on Science and Practice, American Psychological Association, Division 12 |

| |President, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|1999-2000 | Past-President, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|1999-2004 |Chair, Media Relations, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|2000-2004 |Clinical and Scientific Advisory Council, National Eating Disorders Association |

|2000-2005 |UPMC Health Plan Behavioral Health/Physical Health Committee |

|2000-2002 |UPMC Health System Health Enhancement Program Oversight Committee |

|2001-2006 |WPIC Academic Promotions Committee |

|2002-2004 |National Eating Disorders Association Liaison, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|2003-2006 |UPMC Presbyterian Total Quality & Patient Safety Council |

|2003-2007 |Data Safety Monitoring Board, Peer Enhanced Intervention to Support Teen Weight Loss, DK062916, PI: Elissa Jelalian, Ph.D. |

|2003- |Clinical & Scientific National Advisory Board, the Center for Eating Disorders and Psychotherapy, Worthington, OH. |

|2004-2005 |Chair, Fellowship Committee, Academy for Eating Disorders |

|2004- |WPIC Resident Curriculum Committee |

|2004-2007 |Advisory Committee, John F. & Nancy A. Emmerling Fund for Research in Medical Research |

|2004-2005 |Technical Expert Advisory Group, Management of Eating Disorders Evidence Report, Agency for Health Care Quality and Research |

|2005-2010 |Executive Committee, Eating Disorders Research Society |

| |President, Eating Disorders Research Society |

|2007-2008 |Immediate Past President, Eating Disorders Research Society |

|2007- |DSM-5 Task Force Work Group on Eating Disorders |

|2009- |The Wiley/AED Early Career Investigator Award Selection Committee |

|2009- |UPMC Health Plan Medical Advisory Group |

|2009- |WPIC Clinical Executive Committee |

|2009- |External Advisor, Midwest Regional Postdoctoral Training Grant in Eating Disorders Research (T32 MH 082761; PI: Scott Crow, MD) |

|2010- |WPIC Research Day Committee |

|2011- |WPIC Executive Committee |

|2012 |WPIC Resident Research Track Task Force |


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