Angelica Martinez

Angelica Martinez

Angelica Martinez is the Data Manager for HIV Prevention Case Management Initiative—Program Evaluation (PCM), creating all templates for data entries; coding, cleaning and analyzing data; and presenting data in readable format. She designs and produces the PCM newsletter, which is distributed to all PCM sites; assists with the design and production of many Center posters and presentations; and has numerous software and other computer skills. Since joining the Center in 1995, she has worked in various capacities, including conducting site visits, interviewing adolescents, and carrying out data entry trainings for the Center and for agencies that the Center serves.


Minian, N., Krauss, B., Kaplan, R., Nwakeze, P., Martinez, A., & Hamdi, H. (2006, August). Poster presentation. Understanding age-related risk behaviors in order to reduce HIV. XVI-th International AIDS Conference, Toronto, Canada. 

Minian, N., Rente, R., O Day, J., Krauss, B., Kaplan, R., & Bratt, E. (2006, July). Poster presentation. Redefining common perceptions of parenthood in young men and women. NIMH International Conference on the Role of Families in Preventing and Adapting to HIV/AIDS, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Minian, N., Godfrey, C., Krauss, B., Nwakeze, P., & Martinez, A. (2005, November). Poster presentation. Who doesn’t know their HIV status? The 133rd Annual American Public Health Association Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

Minian, N., Godfrey, C., Krauss, B., Nwakeze, P., Freudenberg, N., & Martinez, A. (2005, June). Poster presentation. Homelessness and HIV risks. The National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Minian, N., Godfrey, C., Krauss, B., Nwakeze, P., Freudenberg, N., & Martinez, A. (2005, June). Poster presentation. Routes to prevention: A closer look at HIV risks and prevention outcomes among heroin users in PCM. The National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Ghossein, Y., Minian, N., Godfrey, C., Nwakeze, P., Krauss, B., Freudenberg, N., & Martinez, A. (2003, November). Poster presentation. Reducing HIV risk behaviors and depression through PCM. The American Public Health Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Minian, N., Ghossein, Y., Godfrey, C., Nwakeze, P, Krauss, B, Freudenberg, N., & Martinez, A. (2003, July). Poster presentation. PCM: Does it reduce depression? The National HIV Prevention Conference, Atlanta, GA.


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