BIOLOGY 131 - California State University, Sacramento

BIOLOGY 131 NAME:________________________

FALL 2014


150 POINTS I would like to dedicate this exam to:


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1. Use Scan-Tron Form 882 for all multiple choice questions and true-false questions.

2. A #2 pencil MUST be used.

3. Erasures MUST be complete.

4. Choose the BEST answer to each question.

5. You may write on the exam itself, but please do not make any extraneous marks on the answer sheet (Scan-Tron form).

6. Answer short answer questions directly on the exam in the space provided CLEARLY AND LEGIBLY.

7. If you include a diagram or figure in your explanation, it must be clearly labeled.

8. Make sure you carefully answer ALL portions of the question.

9. Multiple choice and true-false questions are worth 2 points each; short answer questions are labeled with appropriate points.

10. In the event you think a question is “ambiguous”, you may explain your reasoning below. Make certain you include your Scan-Tron answer in your explanation. Limit yourself to 3 questions. Your explanation will not be considered unless you are a borderline case at the end of the course.

QUESTION #:___ _______________________________________________



QUESTION #:___ _______________________________________________



QUESTION #:___ _______________________________________________



1. At an atmospheric pressure of 550, the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood should be low enough to significantly change respiratory rate and depth.

A. True B. False

2. In pulmonary capillaries, more oxygen will diffuse into the blood when

A. there are more red blood cells

B. the carbon dioxide level in the blood is higher

C. there is less oxygen dissolved in the plasma

D. Both A and B are correct

E. Both A and C are correct.

3. Which of the following are consistent with anemia?

A. normal PO2 B. decreased PO2 C. minor tissue-level hypoxia

D. Both A and C are correct E. Both B and C are correct.

4. One would expect to find elevated PCO2 levels in...

A. the arterial blood of someone exercising at a comfortable pace

B. the arterial blood of someone who has just hyperventilated

C. the venous blood of someone who has just vomited

D. the venous blood of someone in renal failure

5. If an experimental animal breathes a gas mixture of 16% oxygen and normal carbon dioxide, which of these would be happen?

A. The animal’s tidal volume will soon increase noticeably.

B. The animal’s ventilation will remain unchanged unless metabolic acidosis occurs.

C. The animal will experience respiratory alkalosis.

D. None of these are correct.

6. Which of the following would be an appropriate acid/base compensation for diarrhea?

A. Hypoventilation B. Increased renal excretion of H+

C. Hyperventilation D. Both B and C are correct.

7. Following four deep, quick breaths, which of the following would occur?

A. alveolar oxygen would increase

B. alveolar carbon dioxide would decrease

C. central chemoreceptors would act to reduce the desire to breathe

D. Two of these are correct.

E. All of these are correct.

8. In the distal renal tubule, Na+ exchanges for H+. Therefore, hypoaldosteronism would cause...

A. metabolic acidosis B. metabolic alkalosis

C. respiratory acidosis D. respiratory alkalosis

9. The major function of the...

A.  arterioles is to store the pressure generated by the heart

B.  veins is to alter their diameter to change blood pressure within capillary beds

C. arteries is to act as a volume reservoir

D. capillaries is to change their resistance to influence blood flow

E. arterioles is to influence both MAP and capillary BP


A. Metabolic Acidosis

B. Metabolic Alkalosis

C. Respiratory Alkalosis

D. Respiratory Acidosis

E. Both Metabolic and Respiratory Acidosis

Identify the original acid-base disturbance

(not the compensation, if any exists):

1. Point P represents ________D__________

(remember, choose from the choices listed above)

11. Point Q represents ________A___________

12. Point R represents ________C__________

13. Which of the three (P, Q, or R) could be the result of hyperventilation?

A. Point P C. Point R

B. Point Q D. None of them

14. Which of the three could be caused by diarrhea?

A. Point P C. Point R

B. Point Q D. None of them

15. Which disturbances, if any, are showing some compensation occurring?

A. Point P only C. Both P and Q E. All of them

B. Point Q only D. Both Q and R

16. In a normally functioning kidney,

A. Virtually 100% of amino acids are reabsorbed.

B. Most water is actively reabsorbed.

C. Reabsorption of particles occurs primarily in the distal tubule and collecting duct

D. Most of the filtrate will leave the kidney as urine.

17. Consider a normal subject who drinks a liter of isotonic saline. One would expect

A. Increased plasma ANF.

B. Water permeability of the collecting ducts to increase.

C. ADH release to be reduced by baroreceptors.

D. Both A and B are correct.

E. Both A and C are correct.

18. Bile salts...

A. aid fat digestion through their detergent action

B. aid fat absorption through micelle formation

C. and bile pigments are lost in the feces once secreted in the bile

D. Both A and B are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

The following six questions refer to a situation where someone has lost a lot of blood.

1. Which of the following would occur within the first few minutes after blood loss?

A. bronchodilation

B. increase in heart rate

C. release of acetylcholine

D. Two of these are correct

E. All of the above are correct.

2. Even though the person is bleeding, their body would still be taking steps to increase blood pressure.

A. True B. False

3. Which of the following would be occurring within minutes of blood loss?

A. vasodilation of arterioles to heart B. increased ESV

C. vasoconstriction to arterioles in the skin D. Both A and C are correct.

4. Which of these changes could be measured within one hour of the blood loss?

A. bradycardia B. thirst C. ADH release

D. Two of these are correct. D. All of these are correct.

5. The long-term compensation for the problem would primarily occur via the….

A. liver B. kidneys C. heart D. spleen

6. Which of these would be elevated in this person in the first 30 min following blood loss?

A. aldosterone B. acetylcholine C. insulin D. leptin

25. Which of the following would decrease GFR?

A. a fall in the levels of plasma proteins

B. an obstruction such as a kidney stone in the tubule, which increases the hydrostatic pressure within Bowman's capsule

C. vasodilation of the afferent arteriole

D. Two of the above are correct.

E. All of the above are correct.

26. Which of the following does NOT play a role in sodium reabsorption?

A. Renin B. ADH C. Angiotensinogen

D. Aldosterone E. Atrial natiuretic peptide

27. Which of the following would NOT be involved in maintaining blood pressure?

A. angiotensin II

B. atrial natiuretic peptide

C. epinephrine

D. afferent arteriole (in the nephron)

E. None of the above (that is, all are involved)

28. Which of the following is NOT a regulated variable?

A. pH of the blood C. heart rate

B. Sodium levels in the blood D. Blood levels of calcium

29. Blood levels of ADH will vary considerably during the day in most people.

A. True B. False

Questions 30-33 refer to the table (below). Match the disease or condition in each question with the lettered pattern of laboratory findings listed in Table I that is most closely associated with it.

24-hr urine volume ketones glucose protein

A 6.2L ++ ++++ 0

B 1.6L 0 0 ++++

C 6.4L 0 0 0

D 0.4L 0 0 0

30. Diabetes insipidus C

31. Nephrosis (kidney disease) B

32. Diabetes mellitus A

33. Which of the following statements concerning hormones is incorrect?

A. A single endocrine gland may produce multiple hormones.

B. A single target cell may be influenced by more than one hormone.

C. A single hormone can influence only one type of target cell.

D. An endocrine organ may exert nonendocrine functions in addition to secreting hormones.

E. Hormones exert their effects by altering intracellular protein activity within their target cells

34. Metabolic actions of glucagon include all of the following except one. Identify the exception

A. increased gluconeogenesis C. increased protein synthesis

B. increased glycogenolysis D. Two of these are exceptions

For each of the following pairs, choose which one (A or B) is greater.

35. A. affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin normally

B. affinity of oxygen for hemoglobin during hypothermia

36. A. rate of gastric emptying for starchy foods (e.g. potatoes)

B. rate of gastric emptying for protein-rich foods

37. A. carbohydrate digestion in the stomach B. carbohydrate digestion in the small intestine

38. A. leptin release during situations where insulin is high

B. leptin release during situations where insulin is low


1. (2 pts ea) Fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

A patient who has been taking Lasix (a loop diuretic) for a week would be expected to have an ADH level that is _____increased___________ from normal.

Hyperpnea is increased breathing that causes blood CO2 levels to be ____unchanged_________.

Larger muscle contractions are typically achieved by _recruiting more motor units___.

Increased plasma H+, reduced plasma HCO3-, and compensatory hyperventilation are symptoms of ____metabolic acidosis___________.

2. Write SHORT answers (a few sentences) to the following questions. (6 points each; 18 points total)

A. Why would someone suffering from carbon monoxide exposure have a headache?

Reduced oxygen delivery to brain would cause arterioles there to dilate. Dilation of blood vessels in the brain causes a headache.

B. Why does diastolic blood pressure generally drop during a session of running?

Local metabolite production in working tissues will cause localized vasodilation of arterioles; this will act to reduce the resistance, and when this is happening in large tissue beds (e.g. leg muscles), overall resistance drops, which reduces the diastolic blood pressure.

C. Why would someone with emphysema (alveolar walls have broken down) produce urine with a low pH?

With less surface area for exchange, emphysema results in lower blood oxygen, leading to metabolic acidosis; the kidney will help to compensate for this by excreting H+

3. (8 pts) The labels were left off the axes on this graph.

One axis is insulin and one axis is blood glucose levels.

Which is which? Defend your answer, explaining BOTH

why your answer is correct and why the opposite choice

would not work.

X-axis: blood glucose

Y-axis: insulin

As glucose levels go up, insulin is released to allow it into tissues; the opposite won’t work because an increase in insulin will decrease blood glucose.

4. (12 pts) Choose EITHER the scenario of starvation or diabetes mellitus for this question, and consider how this scenario disrupts homeostasis. Indicate scenario choice: ______________________________

To answer this question for full credit, you must 1) indicate how homeostasis is disrupted (identify two variables that are taken away from normal regulation by the scenario) and 2) describe how two different organ systems act to “fix” the problem. You must come up with at least TWO different things that EACH organ system does to help.

Variables that are altered by chosen scenario: _______________________ & ______________________

Two organ systems that respond: ___________________________ & _____________________________

Two things EACH of these organ systems do to help return the variable(s) to normal:

This depends on choices!

5. (4 pts each) For each of the following pairs, circle the one that is greater; in the space below, you must justify your choice.

A. capillary filtration (vs. reabsorption) normally capillary filtration (vs. reabsorption) in

someone is taking a diuretic

With a diuretic, the reabsorption will increase as the blood oncotic pressure is higher (they’re essentially dehydrated by the diuretic)

B. trypsin activity when pH is low trypsin activity when pH is high

Trypsin is inactive until it encounters acidity

C. capillary density in slow-oxidative muscle capillary density in fast-glycolytic muscle

Oxidative fibers run Kreb’s and need oxygen to support long-term metabolism

6. (10 pts) The following questions refer to the figure below. Choose point A, B, C, or D for your answer.


A. Which point would best represent someone who has been vomiting? ____C_____

Explain your reasoning below.

High blood osmolarity (loss of fluid during vomiting) and high pH (loss of acid)

B. Which point would best represent someone who has diarrhea? ______D________

Explain your reasoning below.

High blood osmolarity (loss of fluid during diarrhea) and low pH (loss of base)

7. (6 pts) For the following pairs of terms, explain how to logically and physiologically connect them.

A. hypoxia AND glycogen

Several possibilities, including hypoxia leading to increased dependence on glycolysis, with a need for glucose supply from glycogen

B. exercise AND hemoglobin saturation

Any of the Hb-O2 dissociation curve shifts will work here, as well as others


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