University of Texas at El Paso

Topics in Study of Life Laboratory(Biol. 1107)Weekly Laboratory schedule, Summer 2021*please note that our schedule is subject to change – check on Blackboard regularly for announcementsTA name: _____ __________________________TA e-mail: _____ ________________________LABORATORY OBJECTIVES:This laboratory accompanies the General Biology Class. The topics covered in this lab are practical applications of the main topics taught in General Biology. LAB POLICIES:REQUIRED MATERIALS: You will need about $30 worth of household items for the lab (El Paso prices). Many of these items you will already have at home. Make sure you have these items prior to the week of the lab, in case of shortages. If price is an issue: Contact your TA immediately. Most labs have easy substitutes. Additionally, you must have a computer with internet access, video conference capability (mic and webcam), and software capable of running Blackboard Collaborate and Respond us Lockdown munication: Announcements, changes assignments, and other information will be communicated by blackboard and email. Assignments and background information/resources will be posted on Blackboard. If you have a question, please post it first in the “Help” forum (you may post anonymously); your classmates may have the same question or an answer faster than the TA. Questions which cannot be posted on the forum and personal messages for the TA should be submitted to __________. Dr. Marie Smith can also be contacted, via email at Contact Dr. Smith promptly if you cannot reach your TA. Instructors will do their best to respond promptly, may be in the field or otherwise indisposed. Plan for _ hours maximum delay in response during the week, and _ hours maximum during the weekend. In other words, do not expect a response to a question sent late at night the day before the assignment due date; do your work and ask questions well in advance to avoid this problem! IMPORTANT: If you have a question or problem, or anticipate a problem (conflict, illness, technical issue, etc) contact your instructor ASAP. Problems are much more likely to be solved when reported early. If work is missed or lost due to a problem that is not promptly reported, those points will be lost. ATTENDANCE: Attendance includes 1) watching and reading all materials provided unless indicated as optional, 2) participating in weekly discussions on Blackboard or attending class, 3) completing assignments, 4) taking weekly quizzes. MAKE-UPS: All submissions are due on the date when indicated (refer to the ‘Lab Schedule”) If you know you will not be attending a lab session due to a pre-scheduled activity (such as a conference or school interview), you must receive permission to submit your assignment at an alternate date and time from your TA at least 1 week BEFORE the assignment is missed. Arrangements can then be made with your TA for when the assignment is to be submitted and for when the quiz is to be taken. If you miss class attendance for an excusable absence (illness, death in family, etc), contact your TA within 1 week of return with proof of reason of absence. Arrangements to make up the missed work can then be made. No make-ups will be given without meeting these requirements. GRADE REVISION: In case of emergency or grade revision request contact your TA during the semester. Each case will be reviewed and solved individually.DROP DEADLINES: Pay attention to important drop deadlines for this semester. The College of Science will not approve any drop after the drop deadline.ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: It is the policy of the University of Texas at El Paso that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. For further information, please refer to UTEP’s Handbook of Operating Procedures, Chapter 1: Student Conduct and Discipline (). Software including SafeAssign will be used to confirm the originality of work. PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is considered a form of Academic Dishonesty and WILL NOT be tolerated in any form. Please also see Plagiarism and Scholastic Integrity webpage, at UTEP’s Library: . GRADING POLICY:Points per item (percent)Number of itemsTotal Points (Percent)Quizzes - 20 (2%) each11 (drop lowest)200 (20 %)Lab Assignments - 20 (2%) each11 (drop lowest if all labs are completed)200 (20 %)Lab Report - Enzymes - 150 15%1150 (15 %)Topic Report - Your Choice - 150 (15%)1150 (15 %)Attendance/Participation - 1% per week for discussion posts or attendance- 5% on-time submission, interactions with classmates/instructor, group work, etc- 10 posts/classes (any additional will be optional)- Course activity as a whole150 (15%)Final Exam - 150 (15%)1 150 (15 %)Total 1000 (100%)Lab Experiments: Since this lab will be in an online format, all the experiments will be posted on Blackboard in the content page for the week (found on left hand side of the screen). Labs will consist of demo videos, virtual labs, and at-home experiments. It is the student’s responsibility to watch the experiments and to participate in the virtual labs by performing the necessary activities at home or divided amongst group members. Quizzes: A total of 11 timed quizzes will be provided online through Blackboard. No group work is allowed on quizzes. The lowest will be dropped. The quizzes will cover material related to the material covered or experimental assay that is to be conducted that week (information as to topic is provided in the schedule). This is being done to ensure you have read the related material. Assignments: Assignments will be activities at the end of each lab session to promote your critical thinking and to evaluate your understanding about the specific lab topic covered. These will be submitted through Blackboard. The lowest will be dropped if all were submitted. Group work on assignments is optional and recommended. Contact your TA during the first week of class with group members if you choose this option. One assignment will be submitted per group; the remaining group members must submit a signed statement that they contributed to the work and approve its submission.Lab Report: Each student will write a lab report about your lab on membranes and osmosis. The purpose of the report is to help you gain additional training in the presentation and interpretation of data. Topic Report: Each student will write one report expanding on the subject matter of one of the labs. Details TBA.Conduct, Performance, Participation and Attendance: “Attendance” in this online format primarily means either weekly contribution to class forum discussions on Blackboard or attendance in class. If you are unsure of the topic for the week or the location of class, please ask your TA or Dr. Smith. Other activities can negatively or positively affect participation grade; for example, you are expected to be courteous in online interactions as you would in a live classroom. In group work, if applicable, failing to contribute will impact your attendance/ participation grade. If there are synchronous lab meetings (optional at the TA’s discretion), failure to attend will NOT lower your participation grade in this online course, but CAN increase it Final: A comprehensive final exam will be administered online and may require use of Respondus Lockdown browser and Web Monitor. The final exam will be about all the topics that we covered during the semester. STUDENT RESOURCES AND TUTORIALS: Links to tech help, tutorials, rubrics, and UTEP student resources are found in the appropriate content page on Blackboard. Examples in include Blackboard tutorials, tech loans for students, the writing center, counseling, and more. UTEP COVID-19 POLICY (Subject to change): If you must go to campus for any reason: Face masks must be worn and social distancing observed for on-campus activities. Students who do not follow precautions will be dismissed from the class session. As per campus policy, students must stay home if they: 1) Test positive for the virus causing COVID-19, 2) are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, or 3) were exposed (<6 ft for 15 minutes or more) to any individual who tested positive for the virus within the last two weeks. Close contact must have occurred between 2 days before the positive individual’s test and until they meet the criteria for discontinuing home isolation. Students must comply with UTEP’s proactive testing measures and report positive tests. For more information: . Student COVID-19 responsibilities (Subject to change)? Complete self-screening ( prior to every campus visit.? Complete COVID-19 student training at . ? Contact instructor if temporary accommodations due to COVID-19 are needed (i.e., due to positive COVID-19 test, symptoms, or exposure).? If unable to wear a face covering (e.g., medical reasons), the best course of action is to enroll in courses that are entirely online or to work with academic advisors, if necessary, to identify alternative courses. If this is not possible, request an accommodation from Center for Accommodations and Support Services(CASS) prior to coming to campus for in-person activities. Students who receive an accommodation to not wear a face covering must share this with the professor and work to minimize contact with others in the class.BIOL 1107 SPRING 2020 LAB SCHEDULEWEEKWEEK OFLAB TOPICTO BE SUBMITTED16/7/21IntroductionPractice QuizLAB SAFETY/ SCIENTIFIC METHODDBP, Quiz 126/14/21SCIENTIFIC METHOD - STATISTICSDBP, Assignment 1CARBOHYDRATES/LIPIDSDBP, Quiz 2, Assignment 236/21/21MEMBRANES AND OSMOSIS (Begin report)DBP, Quiz 3, Assignment 3NUCLEIC ACIDS/PROTEINSDBP, Quiz 4, Assignment 446/28/21ENZYMES DBP, Quiz 5, Assignment 5DNA BIOTECHNOLOGYNote: Lab report draft due by ___57/05/21PHOTOSYNTHESISDBP, Quiz 6, Assignment 6, Note: Enzymes Lab Report due by ___CELLULAR RESPIRATIONDBP, Quiz 7, Assignment 767/12/21CELLS AND MICROSCOPES(Look ahead to topical report)DBP, Quiz 8, Assignment 8CELL DIVISIONDBP, Quiz 9, Assignment 977/19/21MENDELIAN GENETICSDBP, Quiz 10, Assignment 10, Lab Topics Report - Draft due by ____FINAL EXAM87/26/21-8/3/21Lab Topics ReportsLab Topics Reports - Final due ____*DBP = Discussion Board Post ................

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