The unconscious curriculum | what is really learnt in school?

BiopsychologyPhysiological psychologyBasic understanding of the structure and function of neurons and synaptic transmission. 1. Below is a diagram of a sensory neuron (Figure 1). It is labelled A, B, C and D.365760028575Write in your answer book which letter, A, B, C or D, matches each of the structures below:cell body;myelin sheath;nucleus;axon.Label your answers clearly. (4 marks)(June 06)00Write in your answer book which letter, A, B, C or D, matches each of the structures below:cell body;myelin sheath;nucleus;axon.Label your answers clearly. (4 marks)(June 06)2. In your answer book, name the parts of the neuron labelled A, B, C and D in Figure 1 below. Clearly identify your answers as A, B, C and D. (4 marks) June 033. Below are some functions of neurons. A - To carry impulses from the central nervous system to the organs and muscles. B - To transport impulses from the peripheral nervous system to the brain and spinal cord. C - To receive impulses from sensory neurons and transfer them to motor neurons. In your answer book, write down which description (A, B or C) is a correct function of the following: (i) a motor neuron; (ii) a sensory neuron. Label your answers clearly. (2 marks) Jan 094. Describe the process of synaptic transmission (3 marks) (Poss Q) 5. Outline one difference in function between a motor neuron and a sensory neuron. (2 marks) (June 07)6. Identify three divisions of the nervous system. (3 marks) June 0815. Each of the descriptions below gives a function of a part of the nervous system:A supports and restores normal body activity by conserving and storing energy;B carries messages from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles;C prepares the body for action in threatening situations.In your answer book write down which function (A, B or C) is a description of the activity of(i) a motor neuron;(ii) the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic branch);(iii) the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic branch). (3 marks) Jan 0416. Identify two functions of the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. (2 marks) (Jan 05)17. Molly is walking home late at night. Suddenly, she is startled by the sound of footsteps behind her. She feels her heart pounding and her mouth goes dry. When Molly arrives home, she tries to relax by watching the television. Soon her breathing slows down and she begins to feel hungry.From the description above,(i) identify two actions of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system;(ii) identify two actions of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. (4 marks) (June 06)18. Diane is at a pop concert with her friend Robbie. She has been longing to see her favourite band play live. When the band appears on stage, she says to Robbie, “I’m so excited. I can feel my heart pounding.” After the concert, Diane says to Robbie, “That was fantastic, but I’m so hungry, my tummy is rumbling. Shall we get something to eat?”In your answer book, write down which of Diane’s physiological responses is a result of:(i) sympathetic action of the autonomic nervous system;(ii) parasympathetic action of the autonomic nervous system. (2 marks) June 0519. Outline what is meant by the fight or flight response. Give an example. (3 marks) (Jan 07)20. Identify two changes which take place in the body during the fight or flight response. (2 marks) Jan 0321. Outline the role of the adrenal glands in the fight or flight response. (2 marks) (Jan 08)21 b. Tom has a phobia of mice. He saw a mouse scurry across the floor. Tom immediately felt sick and he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Some time later, his heart stopped pounding and he got his breath back.From the description above, identify three of Tom’s bodily responses and state whether each response results from the action of the sympathetic or parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. (3 marks) (Jan 08)The genetic basis of behaviour Difference between genotype and phenotype.22. Below are three definitions:A a person’s characteristics that are determined solely by the environmentB a person’s genetic make-upC a person’s characteristics that are determined by genetics and the environment.In your answer book, write down which of the above is a definition of:(i) a genotype;(ii) a phenotype. (2 marks) (Additional sample questions 2008)& June 0423. Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype. (3 marks)June 0824. Distinguish between the terms genotype and phenotype. (3 marks) (Jan 06)25. What is meant by the terms genotype and phenotype? Use an example to illustrate the difference between them. (4 marks) (June 07)26. Distinguish between the terms genotype and phenotype. Illustrate your answer with an example of each. (5 marks) Jan 03Types of twins: monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ).27. Distinguish between monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. (3 marks) (June 05)Use of twin studies, and family and adoption studies to investigate the genetic basis of behaviour.28. Explain why twin studies are used by some psychologists to investigate the genetic basis of behaviour. (3 marks) June 0329. Outline what is meant by adoption studies and explain why they are used by psychologists. (5 marks) Jan 0430. Discuss at least two methods that have been used to investigate localisation of function (cortical specialisation) in the brain. (10 marks) (Jan 08) & (Jan 05) ................

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