Calendar of Side Events –ICCP/3

Calendar of Side Events –ICCP/3

22-26 April 2002

The Hague, The Netherlands

|No |Date/hour |Level # |Room [1] |Organizer |Theme |

|1 |Sunday 21 April |Golden Tulip Bel Air Hotel |Meridian Institute |Workshop on Liability & Redress : |

| | | | |Article 27 of the Cartagena on Biosafety |

| |9h00-16h30 | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|2 |Sunday 21 April |Sofitel Hotel, The Hague |International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC) |International Grain Trade Coalition (IGTC |

| |18h00 |Konigin Julianaplein 35 | | |

| | |2595 AA Den Haag | | |

|3 |Monday 22 April |1 |Van Ruysdael 3 |Third World Network |Food safety, plant protection and biological weapons (Codex Alimentarius, the|

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | |IPPC and the BWC): Implications for biosafety and the CPB |

|4 |Monday 22 April |1 |Van Ruysdael 4 |IUCN Regional Biodiversity Programme (Asia) |Biosafety Capacity Building Initiative in Asia |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | | |

|5 |Monday 22 April |Basement |Maris Hall 1 |Royal Institute of International Affairs |The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety: Reconciling Trade in Biotechnology with |

| |19h00 – 20h00 | | | |Environment and Development? Ed. By Christoph Bail, Robert Falkner, and Helen|

| | | | | |Marquard (London: Earthscan/RIIA, 2002 |

|6 |Monday 22 April : |Basement |Press room |SCBD |Demonstration on Biosafety Clearing House |

| | | | | | |

| |13h30-: English | | | | |

| |16h00-: French | | | | |

| |18h00-: Spanish | | | | |

|7 |Tuesday 23 April: |Ground floor |Escher 1 |Northern Alliance for Sustainability and NGO network |The urgent need for biosafety frameworks in South-East Europe: Bulgaria, |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | |based in Amsterdam |Croatia and Yugoslavia |

| | | | | | |

|8 |Tuesday 23 April |1 |Mondiaan |GEF Secretariat |Progress of GEF funding under the Cartagena Protocol |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|9 |Tuesday 23 April |Basement |GIC Cyber Café |Global Industry Coalition (GIC) |Regional Website demonstration |

| |14h00 – 14h45 | | | | |

|10 |Tuesday 23 April: |Basement |Press room |SCBD |Demonstration on Biosafety Clearing House/Demonstration of the Bulgarian BCH |

| | | | | | |

| |13h30-14h00: English | | | | |

| |14h15-14h45: French | | | | |

|11 |Wednesday 24 April |1 |Escher 2 |Friends of the Earth International and |Liability and Biosafety Protocol |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | |Hivos | |

|12 |Wednesday 24 April |1 |Escher 1 |UNEP/GEF |UNEP/GEF Donors’ Meeting on Biosafety Capacity Building Activities |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | | |

|13 |Wednesday 24 April |1 |Maris Hall 2 |Environment Department, World Bank |Biodiversity and Biotechnology Contributions to and Consequences for |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | |Agriculture and the Environment: Presentation and discussion of a draft white|

| | | | | |paper |

|14 |Wednesday 24 April: |Basement |Press room |SCBD |Demonstration on Biosafety Clearing House/Demonstration of the Bulgarian BCH |

| | | | | | |

| |13h30-: English | | | | |

| |16h00-: French | | | | |

| |18h00-: Spanish | | | | |

|15 |Wednesday 24 April |1 |Van Ruysdael 3 |IUCN – Environmental Law Centre/Foundation for |Explanatory Guide to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety |

| |18h30 – 19h45 | | |International Environmental Law Development (FIELD) | |

|16 |Thursday 25 April |1 |Maris Hall 1 |Third World Network, Edmonds Institute and Ecoropa |Some critical issues in the CPB - Article 18, the BCH and capacity-building: |

| |13h15 – 14h45 | | | |Updates and concerns |


[1] On tentative basis


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