KS2 Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

Easter Holiday Challenge: Spelling

‘10 Challenges for 10 Days’

Easter Revision

Commissioned by The PiXL Club Ltd.

© Copyright The PiXL Club Limited

|Use words from both the Year 5 / Year 6 spelling list and any other spellings from class that you may |

|find a little tricky or need a little more practise with. |

|1 |Make a mnemonic |

| | |

| |Pick some words and write your own mnemonic to remember the spelling. Here are some examples below: |

| |forty – four oranges rolled towards you |

| |yacht – yellow animals can’t hide tomatoes |

| |necessary – never eat crisps eat salad sandwiches and remain young |

|2 |Saying out spelling |

| | |

| |Pick some words and say them as you would spell them. |

| |bargain – bar - gain |

| |secretary – sec - ret - ary |

|3 |Make a puzzle |

| | |

| |Make a word search with some words. |

| |or |

| |Make a crossword by looking up the words in a dictionary and using the definition as the clue. |

|4 |Poster |

| | |

| |Think of a spelling rule and make a poster explaining the rule. Perhaps the border can be words that follow that rule. |

|5 |Mindful colouring |

| | |

| |Write some words in the frames and colour the background. Once completed display them in places where you will see them |

| |regularly (e.g. the fridge door, bedroom mirror…). |

|6 |Clued Spelling |

| | |

| |Using clues for the tricky bit e.g. necessary – one collar and two sleeves. |

|7 |Connections |

| | |

| |Randomly pick two words and write them both in one sentence. |

| |My neighbour is a soldier. |

| |Then add another word into the sentence. How many can you add? |

| |My marvellous neighbour is a soldier. |

|8 |Colourful Pens |

| | |

| |Write the word out three times, writing all the consonants in one colour and the vowels in another colour. Then write them out|

| |again but this time write each syllable in a different colour. Then write it out in as many different styles you can think of.|

|9 |Pyramid |

| | |

| |Write out some words building a word pyramid. Which word will go on the bottom? Which will go on top? What other shapes can |

| |you make? |

|10 |Beat the Clock |

| | |

| |Type the word on your tablet, phone or laptop with the stopwatch function open. Then type it again trying to beat your last |

| |time. What is the quickest time you can type the word? Challenge a friend to beat your time. |

Word search

| | | |

|accompany |environment |physical |

|according |equip (–ped, –ment) |prejudice |

|achieve |especially |privilege |

|aggressive |exaggerate |profession |

|amateur |excellent |programme |

|ancient |existence |pronunciation |

|apparent |explanation |queue |

|appreciate |familiar |recognise |

|attached |foreign |recommend |

|available |forty |relevant |

|average |frequently |restaurant |

|awkward |government |rhyme |

|bargain |guarantee |rhythm |

|bruise |harass |sacrifice |

|category |hindrance |secretary |

|cemetery |identity |shoulder |

|committee |immediate(ly) |signature |

|communicate |individual |sincere(ly) |

|community |interfere |soldier |

|competition |interrupt |stomach |

|conscience* |language |sufficient |

|conscious* |leisure |suggest |

|controversy |lightning |symbol |

|convenience |marvellous |system |

|correspond |mischievous |temperature |

|criticise (critic + ise) |muscle |thorough |

|curiosity |necessary |twelfth |

|definite |neighbour |variety |

|desperate |nuisance |vegetable |

|determined |occupy |vehicle |

|develop |occur |yacht |

|dictionary |opportunity | |

|disastrous |parliament | |



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