Map of Maycomb

“To Kill A Mockingbird” map project

Directions: Choose the following map project for “To Kill A Mockingbird.” Each map project must be neat, organized, and accurate. Make connections to the book in the project and show evidence that you have read and understand the book.

• DO NOT wait until the last minute to complete your project. All projects require you to collect information throughout the entire reading of the novel.

• All projects are due on ________________________.

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|#1 Map of Maycomb |

Harper Lee provides a great deal of detail about the setting of To Kill a Mockingbird. Using the novel as a reference, create a detailed map of Maycomb County.

Your Map should include the following locations:

➢ The Finch House

➢ The Radley House

➢ Miss Maudie’s House

➢ The Town Square

➢ The Courthouse

➢ The Forest

➢ Tom Robinson’s House

➢ The Ewell House

➢ The Schoolhouse

These locations should be placed appropriately on your chart according to descriptions in the text. Also, you should include identifying characteristics to help identify the locations. For example, Bob Ewell’s family lives next to the county dump, so including that on the map will help identify his house.

Major Events:

Create symbols for each of the major events listed below and place the symbols on the map where they occurred

➢ Boo Radley gives the children gifts Symbol: Tree

➢ Mayella Ewell kisses Tom Robinson Symbol: ____________________

➢ The Mob tries to attack Tom Robinson Symbol: ____________________

➢ The attack on Scout and Jem Symbol: ____________________

Your map needs to be NEAT, COLORFUL, and ACCURATE.

|#2 Soundtrack : To Kill a Mockingbird |

Develop a soundtrack that would enhance a reader’s enjoyment and understanding of the book.

• Make a tape or a CD of at least 5 appropriate songs that represent the themes/characters/events in the story.

• Create an appropriate CD cover for your soundtrack.

• Print out the lyrics for each song

• Also, make liner notes that explain the relationship between the songs and To Kill a Mockingbird.

• In short, make sure there is at least one paragraph written for each song. Each paragraph should make connections between the song and the book. It should be evident from these paragraphs that you have read and that you have fully understood the themes and how they are connected to the lyrics of the songs you have chosen.

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|#3 Poetry |

• Found Poem-Select scenes and chapters from the novel that you consider powerful or interesting. Then select 20 words, lines, and phrases that you think project strong images and show the impact the chapter makes. Arrange this material into a 20 lines poem.

• Poem-Write at least one original 20 line poem in the form of your choosing about the story, a theme from the story, or one or more of the characters. The poem can be told from a narrator of your own creation, or it can be told from the perspective of one of the characters.

• Paper-Write a short paper explaining how your poems are connected to the story.

| #4 Collage |

• Create a word and/or picture collage representing the entire novel (main characters, major events, turning point, themes, symbols). There needs to be at least 30 different images/words.

• This must be done on a large sheet of drawing paper or poster board (8” x 11” paper is too small).

• This must be accompanied by a 1 page written explanation of why you selected the certain words and/or pictures. This must be neat and aesthetically pleasing.

| #5 Essays |


You are required to choose one of the following prompts and write a 5 paragraph essay responding to the prompt. Write a response that includes an introduction (attention grabber, thesis), three body paragraphs (2 chunks), transitions, and a conclusion. Your essay needs to be grammatically correct and include a deep analysis of the question. You must include SPECIFIC EXAMPLES and QUOTES from the novel to support your response.

Essay Option 1: Write an essay comparing To Kill a Mockingbird to another book you have read or a movie you have seen. Your essay should include specific examples from both pieces, and the connection you saw between them. Did the characters of one piece remind you of characters from another piece? Were the same themes or topics covered?

Essay Option 2: The theme of the mockingbird is an important one in To Kill a Mockingbird. Explain what a mockingbird is and its significance to the novel. Tell exactly why both Boo Radley and Tom Robinson are mockingbirds.

Essay Option 3: According to Atticus, real courage is when “you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” Give examples of real courage you have seen in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Essay Option 4: Scout and Jem mature considerably through the course of the novel. What developmental changes do they go through, and what causes these changes?

|#6 TKAM Board Game |

• Create a board game in which the game pieces represent the characters and the board shows the plot sequence/main events of the entire novel. This must include rules and be “playable”. You might want to consider games like Life, Monopoly, Clue, or Taboo.

|#7 Newspaper |

• Create a newspaper about the entire novel that includes such things as classified ads, obituaries, news items, sports articles, cartoons, etc.

• Here is a helpful link for creating the newspaper.

• This book report takes on the format of a newspaper.  Use the following requirements to design and lay out your book report.  Place the articles and features where you think they fit best.


Title/Name of Newspaper  

• You will create a title that reflects the setting of your book or some other plot element.


• Summary - At the top of the first page, write a summary of your book in well-developed paragraphs.  Make sure your summary answers who, what, where, when and why.

• 3 Main characters and events - Write a brief article about the main character and events, including who the character is, what he/she did, and any interesting things about the character and event.

• Create a headline for each article.


• Throughout the entire paper, add 5 pictures reflecting characters, places, events and conflicts in the book. You should add the pictures after you have typed out your final copy of the newspaper, so make sure to leave space for each picture. Make sure that each picture is NEAT, and add a sentence underneath each one to explain what you have drawn or pasted.


Choose (4) of the following:

• Advice Column - Pretend the main character wrote a letter to the advice columnist seeking advice about a problem in the book.  Write a response on how the problem would be solved.

• Book Review - Write a review for your book.  Explain your likes/dislikes.  To whom would you recommend this book?  Create a headline for your review.

• Editorial - Choose an issue in your book and take a position on it.  Include your letter to the editor and describe how you feel about the issue.

• Comics - Design a 4 panel comic strip illustrating something funny that happened in your book.  Create a title for the comic.

• Crossword Puzzle/Word Search - Using names, places, etc. from the book, create a puzzle.  Include a word bank or answer key.

• Advertisement - Using places from the book, create an advertisement for visiting that particular place.  Describe what it looks like and why someone would want to visit this particular place.  Insert a picture here.

• Obituary - Write an obituary for someone who may have died in your book.  Summarize who they were and a little bit about their life.

|#8 Character Book |

• Choose five of your favorite characters from the novel and complete the “Stickman” handout.

• Each section of the handout must be completed for every character. Each section must include at least 3 examples.

• Be creative with the drawings of the characters. You are NOT allowed to just fill out the information directly on the handout. You must either draw or paste images to represent your characters.

• Bind all the character pages into one book.

• Create an original and creative book cover.


|#9 Double Entry Journal |


• You can use a double-entry journal to help you study concepts or vocabulary, express opinions, justify an opinion using text, and understand or respond to the text you are reading.

• The double-entry journal is a two-column journal. In the left column, you write a piece of information from the text, such as a quotation or a concept, which you want to expand upon,

understand better, or question.

• You need to copy quotes from the text in the left column and reflect upon what they mean to you in the right column.

• Use the Double Entry Journal handout or create your own.

Below is an example from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau

Double-Entry Journal for Walden by Henry David Thoreau

|Quotations |Reflections |

|"To be awake is to be alive." (from the chapter "Where I Lived and What|I think that you can go though your whole life asleep if you don't stop and think |

|I Lived For" |about what you're doing. It's important to make conscious choices, especially when |

| |you're my age. |

|"I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom|I disagree with what Thoreau says here. I think that you can know another person as |

|I knew as well. Unfortunately, I am confined to this by the narrowness |well as you know yourself. I know my best friend as well as I know myself. Sometimes, |

|of my experience." (from the chapter "Economy") |I don't think I know myself well at all. |

|"Say what you have to say, not what you ought. Any truth is better than|Sometimes it is difficult to tell the truth because you don't want to hurt a person's |

|make-believe." (from the Conclusion) |feelings or because it's hard for you to admit something. It was hard for me to tell |

| |my dad that I didn't want to go to the same college he did, but I was glad that I told|

| |him afterwards. |

Double Entry Journal-To Kill a Mockingbird

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|Quotation-A phrase or sentence I especially like |My thoughts about the quote and why I think it is significant. |

|(Include the chapter and page #) | |

|1. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|2. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|3. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|4. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|5. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|6. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|7. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|8. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|9. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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|10. Chapter #:______________ Pg #:_________________ | |

|Quote: | |

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How does the character change throughout the novel?

Strengths (3)

What are the character’s strong points?

Weaknesses (3)

Describe the character’s weak points.

Reaction of Others (3 reactions

How do the other characters react to your character?

Personality Traits (3 traits)

Describe physical and psychological characteristics.

Actions (3 actions)

What does the character do in each chapter?

Quotes (3 quotes)

What are some of the significant/meaningful quotes said by the character?

Thoughts (3 thoughts)

What is the character thinking? What are his/her reactions to certain events?

Feelings (3 feelings)

How does the character feel about the events in the novel?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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