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Software Business CaseCurriculum Process ManagementContents Executive Summary31.Problem Definition41. Addressing Problems with CWU Existing Tools and anizational Impact54. Benefits55.Strategic Alignment66.Cost77.Alternatives78. Timing/Schedule89.Technology Migration810.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or Decommissioning911.Recommendation912.Approvals913. Appendix A. Problem Definition Documents1114. Appendix B. Endorsement Documents1915. Appendix C. Curriculog Information Documents2516. Appendix D. Information and Cost Proposal29Executive SummaryThe curriculum management system currently used at CWU is a manual/paper-based system. The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee and the Provost Office has been discussing for at least five years the need for an electronic curriculum management system. The advent of a Director of Academic Planning position (a position developed jointly by the Provost Office and Faculty Senate), and the emphasis placed on the streamlining and technology efficiencies of an electronic curriculum management system by both Provost Levine and the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, makes this business case analysis timely and necessary.The main weaknesses of our current system include: (1) Paper copies get lost, (2) originators are unable to track progress of curriculum proposals, (3) curriculum changes in one department that change curriculum in other departments is unclear to originators, (4) Registrar Services has to hand check every curriculum proposal for errors, and (5) this “system” is not integrated with our electronic catalog system, Acalog.Purchasing Curriculog from Digital Architecture will bring many benefits to CWU, including: (1) Direct integration with Acalog, Curriculog, and People Soft, (2) automatic development of curricular work processes to alleviate curricular problems that occur across departments , (3) Curriculog generates a “curriculum log” for CWU that includes links to all curriculum proposal forms, (4) Curriculog allows for electronic signatures, and (5) Curriculog allows for course and program learner outcomes for assessment and accreditation petitors do exist for Curriculog; however, to integrate catalog, curriculum, and People Soft, we need catalog and curriculum software from the same vendor. Purchasing a curriculum system from a vendor other than Digital Architecture will require the purchasing and developing of a new catalog system as well.The first year cost of Curriculog is $71,442; annual costs are $12,402. Provost Levine is budgeting for Curriculog costs – both the first year cost and annual costs.Sponsoring Department(s): Academic Planning Date of Business Case Preparation: 12/6/12 – 5/13/13Contact Person Name/Phone: Lori Braunstein;; 963-1525; MS 7417 FORMCHECKBOX New Product/ServiceIf there is a draft or sample contract, please provide a copy. FORMCHECKBOX Renewal of Existing Product/Service – if checked, include background information.If there is a site license agreement, existing contract or new contract draft, please provide a copy.Problem Definition CWU’s current curriculum processing system, an entirely hard-copy based system, causes several critical problems:Paper copies of curriculum get lost when moved between originators, Deans, Graduate Studies, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Academic Planning. Additionally, departments do not maintain current records of curriculum; their requesting scanned copies from Academic Planning is time consuming (see sample email from Rodrigo Murataya, Appendix A).Originators of curriculum are unable to efficiently track curriculum in current system (see sample email from Charles Reasons, Appendix A).Originators often do not understand how one course change can cause required minor or major degree program changes in other departments. While training could be provided to each department chair, administrative assistant, and program director, an electronic system will automatically identify the effect of course and/or program changes on other courses and programs; effected departments would be automatically added to the curricular path for transparency and signatures.Registrar Services spends hundreds of hours a year hand checking course prerequisites and other items on the curriculum forms. An electronic system will lessen this task as the curricular forms will be built with data integrity rules.Depending on the purpose of the curriculum, the curriculum path can be complicated. Originators of curriculum rarely understand the path the curriculum form must take, adding to general confusion, lost curriculum forms, and inefficient processing of curriculum (see sample email from Mindi Dieu and Simeon Sungi, Appendix A).Perhaps the greatest issue, however, is that our PeopleSoft, Acalog, and current curriculum systems are not integrated, causing curriculum updates to Acalog and Peoplesoft be done by hand – resulting in huge inefficiencies for faculty and staff and errors in CWU curriculum.In any given academic year, the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee processes over 500 pieces of new curriculum. Addressing Problem with CWU existing tools and products (i.e. PeopleSoft) According to Tina Short, PeopleSoft does not deliver a means for course/program development, management, review, and approval. CWU’s curriculum review and planning process cannot be completed using delivered Peoplesoft anizational ImpactThe primary users of an electronic curriculum management system are:Academic PlanningCurriculum CommitteeGeneral Education CommitteeFaculty SenateFacultyCatalog Coordinator – Registrar ServicesGraduate StudiesCenter for Teaching and LearningIncluded in Appendix B are letters of endorsement for Curriculog from the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee (the Faculty Senate Executive Committee charged the Curriculum Committee with improving the efficiency of curriculum processing), Interim Registrar Scott Carlton, Catalog Coordinator Cindy Carleton, and Director of Center for Teaching and Learning Dean Connie Lambert. Interim Dean of Graduate Studies, Kevin Archer, was contacted but has not responded.Endorsements from departments/faculty were not sought. Implementing an electronic curriculum management system (much like electronic processes of Travel forms and Workload/Activity Reporting) is an operational efficiency issue. Benefits The acquisition specifically of Digital Architecture’s Curriculog Curriculum Management System include:Direct integration with Acalog. Curriculum can be pulled from Acalog into Curriculog and vice versa. Additionally, Acalog integrates with PeopleSoft.Curriculog identifies the impact of proposed curriculum changes across courses (pre-requisites, cross-listed courses, co-requisites) including curriculum changes across departments.Curriculog displays the workflow for the originator of the curriculum, identifying all departments/participants necessary for the curriculum type.Curriculog generates an agenda (e.g., our Curriculum Log) that will be accessible to all. Instead of an Excel spreadsheet that gives a brief description to faculty of any curriculum changes, Curriculog generates an agenda with links to the complete paperwork – allowing faculty to see all the curriculum paperwork.Curricular Process Workflows are developed by Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee rather than a Digital Architecture programmer so that we can modify modify workflows if necessary for institutional or accreditation requirements.Curriculog links learner outcomes to courses and program outcomes to programs.Curriculog utilizes a four-digit code (PIN) for electronic signatures of curriculum.Because it is electronic, curriculum can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere.Perhaps the strongest benefit of Curriculog is that we can continue using Acalog, purchased in approximately 2008 at a cost of $65,000 with $13,000 annual costs (costs are approximate). Cindy Carleton, Catalog Coordinator in the Registrar’s Office, has identified no major problems with Acalog.General information from Digital Architecture can be found in Appendix C. Finally, Digital Architecture has provided a recorded demo, demonstrating their product to CWU. The demo is approximately 90 minutes in length. It can be accessed using the following information: “ Just enter your information and a unique password will be sent to you,good for 7 days. You may re-register as many times as you like.”Strategic AlignmentOutcome 5.4.4: Provide information technology infrastructure, systems, and services necessary for all CWU departments to achieve their objectives and the objectives of the university.Current curricular processes at CWU are inefficient and prone to human error through duplication of hand entry at the form, catalog, and PeopleSoft levels (see Problem Definition).Adopting Curriculog will result in savings of hundreds of hours of work by CWU faculty and staff. Some relevant cost savings include:Cindy Carleton, Catalog Manager. Approximately .75 of her full-time 10-month position is spent hand-entering curriculum into Acalog (online catalog). She predicts a reduction of at least 25% of her time with a move to Curriculog. Rose Spodabalski-Brower, Curriculum for the Registrar’s Office, spends 30% of her time reviewing curriculum (depending on the yearly amount of curriculum received by the Curriculum Committee). She predicts a reduction in 2/3rds of her time with a move to Curriculog.Lidia Anderson, IT Support in Registrar’s Office. Approximately .50 of her full-time position is spend hand-entering curriculum into PeopleSoft; a reduction of at least 25% of her time is expected with a move to Curriculog.LeAnne Watrous, Academic Planning. In her .5 position, LeAnne spends 95% of her time processing paperwork for the Curriculum Log; then copying and processing paperwork once the curriculum has been passed. Her processing time will be reduced by approximately half. She will become the primary trainer of the Curriculog system with faculty and department staff.Reams of paper are used yearly in the curriculum process. Curriculog will give CWU a paperless curriculum system.The above time reductions will probably not result in any reduction in staff.CostSource of Funding (Project ID) or Description of the Source of Funding. Provost Levine has pre-approved (in October 2012) the spending of approximately $70,000 for an electronic curriculum management system. She is aware of the Information and Cost Proposal sent by Digital Architecture on December 13, 2012.Cost Breakdown . Based on NCES FTE count of 10,893, Digital Architecture details the following costs (Full Proposal is attached in Appendix D).Licensing$40,440Hosting, Support, and Upgrades (Annual)$12,402Consulting and Professional Services$18,600Total Year-One Cost:$71,442Total Annual Cost:$12,402Five-Year Cost:$121,030Provost Levine will include yearly hosting, support, and upgrades costs in the ASL budget.Alternatives (add lines as necessary)AlternativeReasons For Not Selecting AlternativeStatus Quo (current manual/paper system)Inefficient and error prone. See Problem Definition.Leapfrog/CourseLeaf need to purchase both Catalog and Curriculum software to take advantage of system efficiencies. In addition to actual costs, this solution would require retraining of catalog manager on new system. CWU staff have attended sessions with Leapfrog at professional meetings; specific costs for CWU have not been determined – mainly because Leapfrog would require the purchasing of two systems and implementing an entirely new catalog system. If we switched to Leapfrog, we would have a 2-year process of catalog change-over before we could implement the curriculum system in Fall 2015. Timing / Schedule (add lines as necessary)A suggested timeline from Digital Architecture is below and attached in Appendix E; the timeline was produced in mid-October. Dates will need adjustment based on purchase date of Curriculog and input from Digital Architecture. Digital Architecture is currently on a 4-week rolling state date and is scheduling for June and July. Depending on ET time to approval and BFA contract negotiation, Academic Planning will need to determine whether to start the project in late Summer or early Fall.MilestoneTimeframe/durationDateDigital Architecture review of CWU curriculum forms and processes.1 weekOctober 2012School approval of sole source justification.2-4 weeksOctober 2012Cost estimate from Digital Architecture Professional Services1 weekOctober 2012Contracts processing – school legal/procurement2-4 weeksOctober/November 2012Project FundingTBDNovember 2012Digital Architecture materials processing: Contracts, training contacts, funding, and forms.N/ANovember/December 2012Welcome call/Handoff Call: Digital Architecture Project team, Account Executive with CWU admin and user trainees.Scheduled upon availability on Contracts, contacts, funding, and forms.December 2012January 2013 Project StartFirst available production opening on Digital Architecture calendarProject Duration8-12 weeksJanuary-March 2013Technology MigrationCurriculog seamlessly integrates with Acalog (online catalog system). Both integrate seamlessly with PeopleSoft. Acalog already works well with PeopleSoft.Digital Architecture, through their Integration Manager, can use a Web Service, API, or File Drop – whichever CWU prefers – to perform the integration function. Additionally, CWU can back-up catalog and curriculum information through a file export.Product Life/Application Sunsetting or DecommissioningI do not anticipate sunsetting or decommissioning. Should this occur, CWU can download all information from Digital Architecture through a file export.If CWU sunsets Digital Architecture, we could either return to our current paper process or look at competitors (CourseLeaf). RecommendationAcademic Planning – Lori Braunstein:Curriculog appears to solve the business problems associated with our manual/paper curriculum processing system. Additionally, CWU only needs to purchase Curriculog to have a fully integrated catalog/curriculum system. While other catalog/curriculum systems exist, the cost of purchasing two new systems from a different vendor is not only more costly, but also requires more training and development time of a new catalog system.Interim Registrar – Scott Carlton:In an email dated April 4, 2013, Scott Carlton stated: “I am now fine with moving forward with Curriculog. Please let me know what I can do to support you in the process of acquiring and implementing Curriculog.”OE Information Solutions Team:We agree and support the recommendation by the Academic Planning Department. This request is for a need: Curriculum Management Software. The additional request by the Interim Registrar is a Want and not a Need. We feel due to this and the direction we have been given by the President that we address needs, we are recommending we only fund and implement the Curriculog software.ET:We recommend that this be sent to the Academic Sub-Council for review and vetting prior to its presentation to ET.ApprovalsThis section should be left blank. It will be updated as ET takes actions on this business case.The following actions have been taken by the University Enterprise Team:DateAction Taken by Enterprise Team5/5/13Approved by ATAC with suggested revisions. The business case received High recommendation in the area of organizational impact; Moderate recommendation in the areas of full disclosure of costs, strategic alignment, value/benefit to users, and leverage potential; and low recommendation in the area of risk mitigation.5/22/13Approved by EISC. Upon approval by the University Enterprise Team (ET),?CWU procurement policies and procedures should be used to initiate a purchase.? Please contact the Purchasing office at x1001 with any questions regarding the procurement process.Appendix AProblem Definition DocumentsFrom: Rodrigo MuratayaTo: Braunstein, LoriDate: 1/28/2013 11:09 AMSubject: LAJ 351Hi Lori,The faculty have asked me to increase the LAJ 351 class from two credits to four. I would like to look at the forms that were submitted before and was wondering if you might have access to them so I could get a copy from you.Thanks for considering my request,RodrigoFrom: Charles ReasonsTo: Braunstein, LoriCC: Watrous, LeAnneDate: 5/9/2013 10:55 AMSubject: LAJ 598 Special Topics for summerHi Lori,This course proposal was submitted sometime ago for the summer session. Do you know where it is in the process? Thanks,ChuckFrom: Mindie DieuTo: Lori BraunsteinDate: 10/11/2012 1:25 PMSubject: New Course SubmissionDr. Braunstein:I have a proposal for a new course and have been advised to bring it to you. I have made several wrong turns in my endeavors and want to be sure I have the right person since this is due tomorrow. If you are indeed the person, can I drop this by your office today?Thank you, Mindie DieuFrom: Simeon SungiTo: Lori BraunsteinDate: 10/1/2012 12:17 PMSubject: Fwd: Re: LAJ 398 - GenocideAttachments: Simeon Sungi.vcf Reply requested when convenientThank you Lori. I did not know about this.********************************************************* Simeon P. Sungi, PhD, MA, LLM, LLB (Hons) Esq Department of Law and JusticeCentral Washington University Farrell Hall 338400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926 SungiS@cwu.edu509-963-2332***********************************************************>>> Lori Braunstein 10/1/2012 10:39 AM >>> Hi Simeon,The email below is what I received concerning your course. If this is incorrect, please let me know as quickly as you can.Take care, LoriLori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Department Chair, Information Technology andAdministrative Management Dept. 400 East University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7488Office: 509.963.3070Fax: 509.963.1721>>> Rose Spodobalski-Brower 9/27/2012 8:17 AM >>> Lori,I answered your question with the last email. But, Rodrigo Murataya came by my office yesterday looking for this curriculum and asked for it to be held. I called Linda to remove it from the log she has started and to hold the form (I had just gave all curriculum to her the previous day).I can't wait to streamline this to you and Sheryl.Rose>>> Lori Braunstein 9/26/2012 4:44 PM >>>Hi Rose,If I remember correctly, after the Dean signs the form, it is sent to you? After that you send it to Sheryl to include on the curriculum log? Is that correct?Take care, LoriLori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Department Chair, Information Technology andAdministrative Management Dept. 400 East University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7488Office: 509.963.3070Fax: 509.963.1721>>> Simeon Sungi 9/26/2012 4:37 PM >>> Hi Lori,I wanted to check with you whether you have received the paperwork for my new class. Thank you.Simeon********************************************************* Simeon P. Sungi, PhD, MA, LLM, LLB (Hons) Esq Department of Law and JusticeCentral Washington University Farrell Hall 338400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926 SungiS@cwu.edu509-963-2332***********************************************************>>> Lori Braunstein 9/21/2012 5:51 PM >>> Great!Lori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Department Chair, Information Technology andAdministrative Management Dept. 400 East University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7488Office: 509.963.3070Fax: 509.963.1721>>> Simeon Sungi 09/21/12 3:33 PM >>> Lori,The paperwork has been sent to the Dean of COTS, who after signing will send it to the Registrar on Monday. I guessit will come your way before Wednesday next week.Thank you. Simeon********************************************************* Simeon P. Sungi, PhD, MA, LLM, LLB (Hons) Esq Department of Law and JusticeCentral Washington University Farrell Hall 338400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 509-963-2332***********************************************************>>> Lori Braunstein 9/21/2012 12:50 PM >>> Hi Simeon,I took a look at your New Course Form and you are missing signatures from your Dean and Registrar Services. I cannot put your new course form on the curriculum log to go forward to the Curriculum Committee until all required signatures are obtained.Curriculum forms are due Thursday, September 27, if you want them to be considered at the next Curriculum Committee meeting. If you can get the required signatures and resend the form to me before September 27, I will make sure to get it on the curriculum log.Take care, LoriLori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Department Chair, Information Technology andAdministrative Management Dept. 400 East University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7488Office: 509.963.3070Fax: 509.963.1721>>> Simeon Sungi 9/20/2012 11:40 AM >>> Hi Lori,Please find the attachment. Thank you.Simeon********************************************************* Simeon P. Sungi, PhD, MA, LLM, LLB (Hons) Esq Department of Law and JusticeCentral Washington University Farrell Hall 338400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926 SungiS@cwu.edu509-963-2332***********************************************************>>> Lori Braunstein 9/20/2012 11:25 AM >>> Hi Dawn,I did not get the attachment. Can either you or Simeon send that to me? Thanks ~ LoriLori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Department Chair, Information Technology andAdministrative Management Dept. 400 East University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7488Office: 509.963.3070Fax: 509.963.1721>>> Dawn Muzzall 9/20/2012 11:08 AM >>> Hi Simeon,I am going to do direct you to Janet Shields and/or Lori Braunstein, they handle undergraduate curriculum. Thanks,DawnDawn L. MuzzallPost Admissions Program Coordinator Graduate Studies400 E. University Way Ellensburg, WA 98926-7510(509)>>> Simeon Sungi 9/20/2012 10:38 AM >>> Dawn,Please find attached a proposal for a new course LAJ 398 Genocide. I am looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.Thank you. Simeon********************************************************* Simeon P. Sungi, PhD, MA, LLM, LLB (Hons) EsqAppendix BEndorsement DocumentsFrom: Jeffrey Dippmann <Jeffrey.Dippmann@cwu.EDU>To: <>BC Lori BraunsteinDate: 5/10/2013 11:47 AMSubject: Re: Curriculog Endorsement Yes, absolutely.Dr. Jeffrey DippmannProfessor Philosophy & Religious Studies Co-Director Asia/Pacific StudiesPresident, Association of Regional Centers for Asian Studies Central Washington University400 E University WayEllensburg, WA 98926-7555(509) 963-1830>>> Lori Braunstein <Lori.Braunstein@cwu.EDU> 05/10/13 11:24 AM >>>** High Priority **Hi Jeff,As the chair of the FacultySenate Curriculum Committee, I am seeking your "endorsement" of the purchase of Curriculog to provide CWU with an electronic curriculum management system.CWU's current curriculum processing system, an entirely hard-copy based system, causes several critical problems:Paper copies of curriculum get lost when moved between originators of curriculum, Deans, Graduate Studies, Center for Teaching and Learning, and Academic Planning.Originators of curriculum are unable to efficiently track curriculum in current system.Originators of curriculum do not understand how one course change or program change can cause required minor or major degree program changes in other departments.Registrar Services spends hundreds of hours a year hand checking course prerequisites and other items on the curriculum forms.Originators of curriculum rarely understand the path the curriculum form must take, adding to general confusion, lost curriculum forms, and inefficient processing of curriculum.PeopleSoft, Acalog (our current online catalog system), and our current curriculum process are not integrated. Because of this lack of integration, the Catalog Manager must HAND ENTER all curriculum into the Acalog system. Additionally, the IT Support Staff in the Registrar'sOffice must also HAND ENTER all curriculum into PeopleSoft; two different processes that must be HAND ENTERED by different support staff. This results in HUGE INEFFICIENCIES and ERRORS in the catalog and Peoplesoft.PeopleSoft does not have software capable of solving the above issues. The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee worked with a group of Computer Science students several years ago to develop an electronic curriculum management system. While they worked hard on the system, they were unable to produce a completed project in the two quarters they were able to work on their "senior project." Additionally, for proprietary reasons, they could not integrate their system with Acalog, meaning issues Nos. 3, 4, and 6 could not be addressed. Finally, the CS Department could not provide maintenance and support of any system they developed.Our online catalog system, Acalog, is owned by Digital Architecture; they also provide a fully integrated curriculum managementsystem - Curriculog. Other vendors also provide integrated online catalog and curriculum management systems (e.g., Leapfrog). However, to use a vendor other than Digital Architecture would require additional costs of purchasing two systems (rather than just a curriculum management system), retooling of our catalog system, retraining of our Catalog Manager and IT Support Staff in the Registrar's Office, and time. My best estimate, if we change vendors, is approximately 3 years before CWU faculty would have a working curriculum management system.The Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee, college deans and associate deans, ITS, the Registrar and key people in the Registrar's Office, and the Provost Office have all been given the opportunity to view multiple demonstrations of Curriculog.The purchasing of Curriculog will result in the following direct benefits:Direct integration with Acalog. Curriculum can be pulled from Acalog into Curriculog (e.g, Course Changes) and vice versa. Acalog, Curriculog, and PeopleSoft are fully integrated using Digital Architechure's Integration Manager software.Curriculog identifies the impact of proposed curriculum changes across courses (pre-reqs, co-reqs, cross-listed, and layered courses), including curriculum changes across departments and programs.Curriculog automatically displays the workflow for the originator of the curriculum, identifying all departments/participants necessary for the curriculum type. Stakeholders can track their curriculum and know instantly where the curriculum is in the curriculum process.Curriculog automatically generates an agenda (i.e., our Curriculum Log) that will be accessible to all. Instead of an Excel spreadsheet that gives a brief description to faculty of any curriculum changes, Curriculog generates an agenda with links to the complete paperwork - allowing faculty to see all the curriculum paperwork.Curricular Process Workflows are developed by the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee so that we can modify workflows if necessary for institutional or accreditation needs/requirements.Curriculog utilizes a four-digit code (PIN) for electronic signatures of curriculum forms.CWU can continue to use Acalog. Purchased in 2008 at a cost of $65,000 with $13,000 annual maintenance fees (values are rounded), CindyCarleton (Catalog Manager) has identified no major problems with Acalog and is extremely satisfied with Digital Architecture's customer service and response time.The following costs are associated with Curriculog:First-year cost of software is approximately $72,000; annual software maintenance costs are approximately $13,000.Provost Levine is paying the first-year cost; annual maintenance costs will be added to the Registrar's budget through the Provost's Budget.Scott Carlton, Interim Registrar, has approved the use of Rose Spodobalski-Bower to help with the CWU implementation - estimate approximately 40 hours over a 10-week implementation period. Tracy Pellett, AVP, has approved the use of Linda Hoff to help with the CWU implementation - estimate approximately 40 hours over a 10-week implementation period.Provost Levine has approved 7.5 WLU for me, Director of Academic Planning - approximately 300 hours over a 3-month implementationperiod.The purchase of Curriculog was approved by the Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) on May 5, 2013.I now must work with the Enterprise Team (ET) for approval of Curriculog. They have asked for "endorsement" of this product by the major users (stakeholders) of the system.While the final decision of this purchase is by the ET, your replying with a simple "Yes" (you can provide comments to support this purchase if you wish), by Wednesday, May 15, will ensure the ET has the information for their May 20 meeting. Depending on the length of their review process, the length of time for the negotiation of the contract between Business and Financial Affairs and Digital Architecture, and the length of time before Digital Architecture can put CWU into their workflow process, we may be able to start the 10-week implementation phase in July or August.Please let me know if you have any questions about how Curriculog can both add efficiency and transparency to CWU's curriculum process and provide value to CWU faculty and students.Take care, LoriLori A. Braunstein, Ph.D. Director of Academic Planning Hebeler 101509.963.1525From: Scott CarltonTo: Braunstein, LoriCC: Pellett Tracy <PellettT@cwu.EDU>Date: 4/4/2013 10:29 AMSubject: CurriculogLori,I talked with John Schoenborn from Digital Architecture yesterday to get some clarification on their products and some of the issues that Lidia brought up. Based off of the information that he provided I am now fine with moving forward with Curriculog. Please let me know what I can do to support you in the process of acquiring and implementing Curriculog.ThanksScottScott CarltonInterim RegistrarFrom: Cindy CarletonTo: Braunstein, LoriCC: Carleton, CindyDate: 5/10/2013 12:24 PMSubject: Re: Curriculog Endorsement Yes, I endorse the purchase of Curriculog.I believe the purchase of Curriculog will greatly enhance the Curriculum System for the entire University. It will save a lot of time, money and frustration. I feel from the demonstrations that I have seen that it is well worth the purchase and time to implement the software.I look forward to working in the Curriculog Software. Currently, I work daily with the Acalog Software for the University's online catalog, it is very user friendly, and the customer service I get from Digital Architecture is excellent.Thank you,Cindy CarletonFrom: Connie Lambert <Connie.Lambert@cwu.EDU>To: <>BC Lori BraunsteinDate: 5/12/2013 5:21 PMSubject: Re: Curriculog EndorsementHi Lori - Yes, the CTL will support Curriculog. We've had discussions the past couple years about streamlining/simplifying the curriculum process and making it easy to follow.Thanks for moving this forward.ConnieAppendix CCurriculog Information DocumentsCurriculog?Curriculum Management SystemUnique Capabilities in CurriculogDirect Integration with Acalog? Curriculog seamlessly integrates with catalogs utilizing the Acalog platform. Courses and programs can easily be pulled from any Acalog catalog into a new proposal in Curriculog. Approved courses and programs then become available to be pulled back into any catalog on demand.Impact ReportingCurriculog provides proactive curriculum reporting to identify curriculum relationships, view the impact of a proposed change across the curriculum, including co-requisites, pre-requisites and degree relationships.Role-Based Participant ManagementApproval processes (APs) can be customized to be universal, or designed with specific departments or individual users for approval steps. Universal processes use roles by which new proposals will automatically populate with participants the moment a proposal is identified with adepartment or other institutional unit. Curriculog displays a workflow simulation prior to launch showing every participant associated with each approval step, and will highlight any gaps that could lead to bottlenecks or stuck processes.Curriculog dynamically runs a simulation of the workflow to reveal any participant gaps, and will automatically fill in participants based on their department and defined role in the system.Interactive Committee Agendas Curriculog makes it easy to associate proposals with specific committee steps, and to easily generate committee agendas. The option for proxy voting allows an agenda administrator to access an agenda list of proposals on their iPad, other tablet, or laptop during a committee meeting, and easily approve or reject proposals in real time during the meeting. Alternatively, print agendas may be generated, and meetings conducted virtually through the Curriculog system.Configurable Voting for Step ApprovalEach proposal step can be uniquely configured to enforce a designated voting threshold for approval, as well as the ability to establish distinct default actions and notifications for approvals and rejections.User Managed Approval Processes and Electronic FormsCurriculog does not limit institutions to forms and workflow that must be coded by programmers. The administrative AP toolkit includes a rich set of options to create, edit, publish, and archive as many approval forms and workflows as required. Curriculog provides the ability to copy, customize, and modify APs over time in response to changing institutional or accreditation requirements.Conditional Approval StepsThe Process Builder screen is used to create APs, which are configurable web forms and approval steps.Curriculog provides the ability to create rule-based approval steps that are conditional based on information entered by the originator on the proposal form. For example, if the originator checks “Yes” to a question such as “General Ed?” the system can automatically include a step to route the proposal to the “General Education Committee”. If not checked, Curriculog can be set to skip that step.Field-Level CrosslistingCurriculog offers the unique ability to create parent-child crosslisting relationships for any set of course fields between two (or more) courses. For example, a crosslisting can be created by which course name, description, and number are linked, while allowing the child course to have its own prefix, credits, or other information. Or, prefixes and numbers can be permitted to be unique, while keeping title and description linked. In addition, an AP with a crosslisting will automatically support the ability to generate unique workflow (steps) for both the parent course, as well as the child course(s). Curriculog will track progress for all linked proposals, and enforce rules associated with any dependencies.Assessment Tracking and Program Mapping Curriculog includes a module supporting the ability to create and manage an assessment taxonomy. Assessment items can be labeled and categorized as needed. An assessment smart field can be made available in course or program APs to permit assessment items, such as course learning objectives (LOs) or program outcome (POs) objectives, to be associated with a specific course or program. Assessment items also can be created on the fly.For programs, a mapping tool provides a visual matrix to map all related courses LOs to program outcomes. This enables tracking and comparison of expected degree outcomes against the objectives for all its courses, helping faculty find gaps and analyze effectiveness in curriculum.Customizable Electronic Signature (PIN)Curriculog offers customizable signatures to electronically approve or reject proposals utilizing a four-digit code similar to an ATM PIN. Support is provided for “physical” signature steps as well, by which the signature page is scanned, uploaded and attached to the proposal.The terms "Acalog" and "Curriculog” are trademarks of Digital Architecture, Inc.Appendix DInformation and Cost ProposalCompany Background & PhilosophyDigital Architecture is a higher education solutions provider. We design and develop enabling technologies to support the complex information requirements of colleges and universities. We focus on solutions to support the development, management, and publishing of curriculum information. We provide professional services in support of our prehensive Curriculum SolutionsOur catalog publishing solution, Acalog, is in use by more than 280 colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Many of our customers have been using Acalog for more than 10 years. We coined the term, “Academic Catalog Management System” (ACMS), and we’re proud to see the term now in common use.Our latest solution, Curriculog, is the culmination of years of research with input directly from our customers on what they need in a curriculum management solution. Curriculog integrates with Acalog, and with student systems. It streamlines curriculum approval processes, and makes approved courses and programs available for catalog munity Inspired InnovationAt Digital Architecture, our core values include a recognition that today's technologies are invented by those who use them, and that those who create them need merely to listen and respond. We provide forums for our customers, a university rich with video tutorials, free monthly webinars, and free comprehensive training programs. We’re known for our world-class product support. We’re respected for our focus on constant innovation and enabling technology solutions. We know the process of creating, assessing, developing, and publishing curriculum and catalog information can be cumbersome, complex, and time consuming. We’re prepared to listen, and we’re ready to help.Pricing ModelBoth Acalog and Curriculog are provided as hosted solutions, in which Digital Architecture assumes responsibility for hardware and network services and support. A discount is provided for the simultaneous purchase of Acalog and Curriculog.Pricing for each system is dependent on the size of the school community served, and is based on a 12-month averaged full-time-equivalent number of students (FTE). Unless provided with more timely information from the institution, we obtain the most current self-reported FTE information from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).The standard pricing structure is made up of three components:License: A one-time charge for limited grant of perpetual license to use the software. The license provides assurance of business continuity using the software.Hosting, Support and Upgrades: An annual contract for hardware and network services, support, and automatic upgrades to the core product(s).Professional Services: A one-time charge to provide, consulting, training, and implementation.Additional services are available, including consulting on catalog content structure, designing a catalog-change process using the system, and also custom training, if desired.Cost Proposal DetailsFor Central Washington University, based on an NCES FTE count of 10,893.1. Licensing$40,440.002. Hosting, Support and Upgrades (Annual)$12,402.00Consulting and Professional ServicesOther Costs (none)$18,600.00Total Year-One Cost:$71,442.00Total Annual Cost:$12,402.00Thank you very much for the opportunity to be considered the curriculum management system provider for Central Washington University. We look forward to the opportunity to provide your institution with excellent and responsive service and support that enables you to continue to provide outstanding resources to your current and prospective students, and to your academic community.The pricing provided in this proposal is valid for 60 days. ................

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