MRES agenda handbook 2015-2016

It is with great expectations that we welcome you and your child to the 2015-2016 school year at McKee Road Elementary. Our mission is for students, staff and parents to work together to prepare each student to be a successful, educated, responsible member of society by assuring quality instruction in a safe and nurturing environment. We believe:

□ Maximizing student achievement is our priority.

□ Creating an instructional environment that facilitates learning and uses available resources to meet individual needs of students.

□ Partnerships between the home, school, and community are vital to providing a supportive learning environment.

□ Al students have talents that should be recognized and built upon for the good of community and society.

We want this school year to be the best ever at McKee Road. Together we can and will do great things for our children.

Beverly Newsome, Principal


Parents who pick up children in the afternoon should be at school by 2:40 PM. When picking up car rider children, parents are to wait inside their cars in the car rider line, and parents of walkers are requested to wait outside on the side walk with the car rider “caller”. The presence of parents in the foyer and at the school’s front doors is a major distraction for children and can interrupt a safe and orderly dismissal.

At the beginning of the school year, the teacher should be made aware if a child is to ride in a car, go to a day care, ride the bus, be a walker, or stay for the After School Enrichment Program. Notes must be sent if there are changes in daily procedures. If notes are not received, the child will follow the instructions given at the beginning of the school year. For an emergency change, please call the school office.


Every student in grades K – 5 is to purchase an agenda. The agenda serves as a communication tool between school and home. Agendas contain the parent/student handbook and a weekly outline. Students are to use agendas to record homework assignments. Parents are asked to sign the agenda nightly. Quick notes to and from teachers can be written in the agendas. If a student’s agenda is lost, a replacement must be purchased for a cost of $5.00.


Teachers will be ready to greet students in the classroom beginning at 7:15 AM. Students are NOT to arrive before 7:15 AM, as there is no adult supervision. Students are not permitted in the building until 7:15 AM. In order to avoid traffic congestion; please cooperate with staff members in the car unloading area. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to learn when the tardy bell rings. A tardy student starts the day out behind and the late entrance to the class is distracting to others. Students that are tardy must be signed in by an adult in the office to receive an admission slip to class.


The After School Enrichment Program provides a safe, fun, nurturing environment for those children of working parents. For more information and applications, contact the director at 980-343-3970.


No single factor may interfere with a student’s progress more quickly than frequent absences. Students are expected to be on time and in school for the entire student day each school day.Parents and students are encouraged to place regular school attendance as a top priority item during this school year. Every day is important. If it is necessary for a student to be absent, the following should be done:

1) If possible, notify the school before the absence;

2) Call MRES at 980-343-3970 or email us at

3) Upon returning to school, send a note signed by a parent or guardian stating the exact reason for the absence. Without this written note, absences are coded unexcused; and,

4) Make up all work missed during the absence.

There are three codes for student absences: (1) excused absences, (2) unexcused absences, and (3) suspensions and /or expulsions. Excused absences are the following: student illness or injury, quarantine, medical/dental appointments, educational leave, court or administrative appearance by the student, family deaths, religious observance, and certain trips are excused absences. Trips must be of educational value and the principal must approve the absences in advance. Parents are encouraged to plan trips when school is not in session. Unexcused absences are defined as any reason not covered under lawful absences. Strict consequences are enforced when students miss excessive days without an excuse. Parents are asked to call the school office if their child has been absent for two or more days.

If a student arrives at school late for any reason, they must report to the office and receive a tardy admit slip. The tardy will be deemed as excused or unexcused.  You are expected to be in school at the start of the school day, every day. The tardy bell rings at 7:45 AM. Students are to be in their classroom when the tardy bell rings.

To be considered present for the day, students must be in attendance for at least half of the school day (11:15). Students are expected to be in school for the full day. Numerous early dismissals are unacceptable and unfair to the other students whose instruction is interrupted each time a student leaves early. 


While recognizing your child’s birthday at school, please adhere to the following expectations:

• Order the treat/food product from our cafeteria as this can be served during lunch.

• If the treat/food product is not ordered from the cafeteria, feel free to send in store bought treats/food products. These treats/food products must be peanut/tree nut free. A staff member will check to make certain that peanuts/nut/tree nuts are not a listed ingredient. If the treat/food product does contain peanuts/nuts/tree nuts, the treat/food product will be sent home with the individual bringing it in. If the treat/food product does not contain peanuts/nuts/tree nuts, the teacher will determine when to share the treat/food product with the class. The treat/food product cannot be served in the cafeteria.

• Ice cream, cakes, flowers, balloons, etc. are not to be brought to school for the birthday recognition or for any other occasions.

• Make prior arrangements with your child’s teacher and respect their requests.


Breakfast is served in the cafeteria between 7:15 and 7:45 every morning. Children should go from the cars or buses to the cafeteria before reporting to their classrooms. Since so little time is allotted for eating breakfast, it is imperative that the students eat quickly so they can get to their classrooms by 7:45 AM.


Our intent is to offer safe, reliable transportation at all times. Riding the bus is a privilege that can be lost if safety rules are not followed. Bus riders will be placed on their assigned afternoon bus unless a written note from the parent requests otherwise. Written parent notes should only occur if it is an emergency or daycare issue. The parent must request a permanent change in bus transportation, through the online alternate request form, if the need is more than occasional. A student going home with another student by bus requires written permission from both sets of parents. Please plan in advance. At all times, students are expected to respect the bus driver.

Bus rules include:

▪ Ride only the assigned bus. Students may not change buses in the afternoon to accommodate special activities with friends without written permission from the parent and prior approval from the school.

▪ Keep hands, feet, and other objects to self.

▪ Sit quietly in seat. No horseplay.

▪ Talk in a quiet voice to the persons next to you.

▪ No food or drink.

▪ Other transportation is needed for class pets and large projects.

▪ Properly care for the bus.

Bus problems are handled with a verbal warning, an official written letter with parent contact, and finally, a bus suspension.


Our cafeteria staff provides balanced, nutritious meals that comply with State and Federal regulations. Lunch schedules will be shared with parents during the first week of school and menus are located monthly on the CMS web site for your planning purposes. McKee Road’s meal program is a computerized system. Each student is assigned an account number. Students are to bring moneys to put in an “account”. This money can be used for breakfast, lunch, or milk. Students may pay daily, weekly, or monthly. We request that checks be sent in on Mondays. Also, money can be placed in the student’s account through PayPams at . Students may prepay for meals using this account system. In the event money is lost or forgotten the amount needed for breakfast or lunch will be loaned through the cafeteria computer. The loan should be repaid the following day. For our students on the free/reduced lunch plan, desserts and other available items are a cost for the children and money must be provided for their purchase. Our cafeteria manager is willing to answer any questions you may have. Due to severe peanut allergies, McKee Road is a ‘peanut free’ school.


There is only one drop-off/pick-up lane. Students are not allowed to cross the parking lot in front of traffic by themselves. It is imperative that cars making drop-off/pick-ups remain in a single line by the sidewalk. We rely on parental cooperation to ensure the safety of all students.

Morning Arrival

➢ Parents are asked to remain in line to drop students off.

➢ Parents who wish to escort their child into the building must park in a designated parking space and then do so.

➢ The driver should pull up as far as traffic allows in the loading zone before the car is stopped to let the child out of the car. Our staff will be able to unload more children at one time and keep traffic moving in a safe and timely manner.

➢ Staff members are available to assist with morning drop-off from 7:15-7:45 AM.

Afternoon Dismissal

➢ School is dismissed for car riders at 2:45 PM. Car riders must be picked up promptly at 2:45 PM.

➢ Parents of car riders must remain in their cars.

➢ Please display the name(s) of the child/children you are picking up in your car windshield every day for the entire year so that staff will know whom you need.

➢ The driver should pull up as far as traffic allows in the loading zone before the car is stopped to let the child enter the car. Our staff will be able to load more children at one time and keep traffic moving in a safe and timely manner.

For safety purposes, please have your child exit and enter the car from the passenger side only.


The school office must have the current information on students at all times. Notify the school secretary or your child’s teacher when a change to an address, phone number, or emergency number needs to be made. Proof of residency is required for an address change. Current phone numbers to contact you or a responsible adult at all times are essential.


Character education is a collaborative effort between students, teachers, support staff, and families. Positive character traits such as responsibility, respect, cooperation, and trustworthiness are discussed and encouraged throughout the school year. Parents are also expected to support the development of these traits at home. Character education concepts are linked to the curriculum through character and biographical studies during reading and writing instruction. Character education is also a central component in the guidance program provided by the classroom teacher and parent volunteers. In addition, classroom and school rules regarding behavioral expectations correspond to the traits.


McKee Road has identified 3 occasions during the school year in which PTA and parents will help to organize a classroom party. Classroom teachers are responsible for working out specific details with parents. These occasions are the winter party, Valentine’s and the end of year. All other events are considered classroom treats which will be served at the teacher’s discretion. Food for classroom events must be store bought or purchased from the McKee Road Café and must be peanut/ tree nut free.


Extracurricular clubs extend learning opportunities for students. The clubs that are offered to our students are determined each year.


McKee Road fully supports the CMS Student Rights, Responsibilities and Character Development Handbook that specifies a number of levels of possible student misconduct along with the suggested consequences for each offense. Behaviors that constitute an immediate referral to the school administration include the following:

▪ Possession or use of a weapon or object that could be used as a weapon

▪ Possession or use of illegal drugs or alcohol

▪ Physical assault directed toward any student, staff member, or any other person.

In all instances, administrative actions will be aimed at teaching good decision-making rather than punishing. In some instances, however, fair consequences for inappropriate behavior are needed to emphasize the need for choosing appropriate courses of action. Whenever a student is referred to the administration for disciplinary measure to be taken, the parent will be contacted by phone if at all possible. If the parent cannot be reached by phone, a letter will be sent or, depending upon the severity of the situation, the child will be brought home for an immediate conference. Home/school collaboration is a critical element of any School Behavior Management program.


McKee Road provides the following means of communicating to parents:

• Student agendas

• Phone calls, emails, and notes from staff

• Weekly Connect Ed messages

• Facebook

• Twitter


Every Sunday evening at 6:00 PM, a weekly update is provided using the Blackboard Connect Ed system. Parents receive this communication through the phone and by email. Parents will need to provide the front office secretary with an email address if they want to receive the message via email.


7:15 Student arrival/Breakfast served

7:45 WMKE

2:45 Dismissal


It is important that students wear appropriate, comfortable clothing to school. It is suggested that sweaters or jackets be worn to accommodate the changes in temperature and the air conditioning. Hats and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building. Clothing must be clean, neat, and orderly.

• Spaghetti straps are only to be worn if over a t-shirt or with a jacket.

• Rubber soled shoes are needed for physical education classes. Flip-flops are not safe to be worn at school, please consider not wearing them.

• Clothing containing offensive slogans, symbols and other suggestive, “gang related”, or controversial designs is not allowed.

• Extremely baggy clothing will not be allowed. Pants, shorts, etc. are not to be worn below the waistline and should be appropriately sized.

• Shorts and skirts must reach at least fingertip length.

• Hats, scarves, bandanas, hair coverings, or sweatbands are not to be worn by students except under circumstances designated by the principal.

• Students are not allowed to wear shoes with wheels in school.


Any parent wishing to pick up a student early must come to the office to sign out the student. In order for a student to be picked up by someone other than a parent, permission must be given by sending a note or making some other form of identifiable contact with the office staff. Please do not be offended if you are requested to show identification. A student leaving school before 11:15 AM and not returning to complete a half-day will be counted absent for the day. Students will not be released early from school after 2:30 PM unless it is an emergency.


In the event that school closes during the day, buses will run. We will need on file emergency plans for each child in the case of early dismissal for any reason. These dismissals are rare, but may occur with bad winter weather or major facility problems. Please listen to radio/television stations for system-wide announcements. Please do not call the school, as the phone lines will need to remain open for emergencies.


Field trips are valuable learning experiences. Teachers plan trips away from the building that directly relate to concepts of the curriculum. Written parent permission must be received for a child to leave the school campus. Costs are kept to a minimal amount; no student is penalized because of cost. All costs for field trips are to be paid in cash or checks made out to McKee Road Elementary.


Fire drills are held once a month. Tornado drills are conducted yearly. Alerts are explained to students during the first week of school. In the event we experience persons entering the school, apprehending a school occupant and/or threatening violence, we have in place an established lockdown crisis plan. We will secure the building by locking all doors (classrooms, offices, cafeteria, gym and entrances). Then we will await assistance from the police department and CMS central office staff. We are prepared to handle a variety of emergencies.


• The intermediate staff at McKee Road Elementary believes that grades shall reflect and communicate the level of student progress and achievement of instructional grade level expectations to students, parents, and teachers.

• A fair and consistent grading process allows students to regularly evaluate their progress in the classroom and set personal goals to attain the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful.

• Students are expected to complete all required assignments and assessments.

• All required assignments and assessments not completed within a reasonable timeframe, as determined by the teacher, will be marked as a zero, “0”.

• Required assignments and assessments include performance tasks, projects, assignments and tests that are designed to allow students to demonstrate their level of understanding of key concepts.

• Teachers require students to complete a minimum of 7-12 assignments or assessments per subject area, per quarter.

• Correction of missed items by students on assignments and assessments will not result in a change of grade. Students are highly encouraged to correct their missed items to ensure understanding of the skill or concept.

• The following CMS grading scale will be used in all subject areas.

A 90 - 100 Well Above Standard B 80 - 89 Above Standard

C 70 – 79 Meets Standard

D 60 – 69 Below Standard

F 59 & Below Well Below Standard

Accommodations and modifications are provided to students with special needs.


The health room provides emergency first aid and special services for students who become ill or are involved in minor accidents. If a problem warrants medical attention, the parent is contacted immediately. Students who have a temperature of 100.0 degrees or above or vomiting must be picked up from school. Current phone numbers to contact you or a responsible adult at all times are essential. Once contacted, parents are encouraged to be prompt in picking up their sick child. Parents are to make the school aware of any medical problems/conditions that warrant special care. Do not send children to school if they have fever, nausea, or other symptoms of illness. The school nurse oversees screening of children for certain problems, reports findings to parents, and monitors our records.


Homework is an extension of classroom instruction and a valuable part of the learning process. In grades K - 5, student agendas are used to communicate assignments. Parents are asked to work with the school to see that all assignments are completed. Reading is expected to be part of every night’s assignment. Major projects and book reports are assigned over a period of time, requiring students to plan ahead. Teachers who team together coordinate their assignments. Questions regarding homework should be addressed promptly and directly to the child’s teacher.


A nine weeks honor roll for grades 3 through 5 will be shared at the end of each grading period. Students will receive a certificate for having all As or As and Bs. Students are encouraged to do their best so they can be recognized for their academic achievements.


At McKee Road, students are taught the curriculum that is outlined for students by the state of North Carolina. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and the state have also developed additional documents that support the planning and delivering of instruction.

Teachers at McKee Road plan a yearlong course of study in Math, Science, Social Studies and Literacy. The grade level teams work together to develop the plan which is constantly being revised and improved so that it meets the needs of our students. The state and CMS provide teachers with a number of assessment tools, which help teachers to determine exactly what children know and do not know. The emphasis is on teaching the specified curriculum, but at the level that is appropriate for the students.

While the academic program is our central focus, we address the total child’s needs through enrichment and cultural arts activities. Our staff includes certified teachers for physical education, art, music, and media. At Curriculum Night, your child’s teacher will provide you with an overview of the content covered at your particular grade and your child’s daily and weekly schedule. We will share with you field trips, contests, and special academic events in which you may be involved. The school supports our real-life, problem-based units with cultural arts activities and field trip opportunities. We are proud of the active learning environment at McKee Road. We thrive on relevant, purposeful lessons every day!


ListServe allows McKee Road to keep parents informed on many topics.  Weekly Mini-News editions and calendars are sent out to parents using ListServe. To subscribe to a ListServe, go to the McKee Road website page, click on “ListServe”, click the "Sign Up" link next to the name of the group you would like to join.  The link will take you to the page to register.  To subscribe to a group, click the button that says "Join DL451...".  To unsibscribe, use the same link and click the button that says "Leave DL451...".  You will recieve an email confirmation once this is completed.

Please make sure you sign up for "All Parents", as this is the best way to get all information sent out.

|List Name: |Sign Up Link: |

| All Parents | Sign-Up |

| Kindergarten Parents | Sign-Up |

| 1st Grade Parents |  Sign-Up |

| 2nd Grade Parents |  Sign-Up |

| 3rd Grade Parents |  Sign-Up |

| 4th Grade Parents |  Sign-Up |

| 5th Grade Parents |  Sign-Up |


The Lost and Found area is located in the cafeteria. Items are held for at least one month and then donated to a charity. To help minimize lost articles, students’ names should be placed on lunch boxes, coats, and sweaters.


Lunch is served daily and students have approximately 30 minutes to eat. Many people use the cafeteria during the course of the school day. It is very important that certain guidelines be followed in order to ensure a pleasant and clean place to eat.

□ While in line, either to enter or leave the cafeteria, students should refrain from talking except in quiet whispers.

□ While seated at the tables students should eat quietly during the first ten minutes (red cup) of the lunch period and save their quiet conversations with people seated close to them until end of the lunch period (green cup).

□ Students should remain seated at their place until the group is dismissed.

□ All students should clean up all spills and/or paper products on the table and floor around their chairs before leaving the seating area.

□ Each class will select students who will perform certain duties each day before the class leaves the cafeteria. These duties include the cleaning of tables and chairs and the sweeping of the floor where the class sits.

Younger students may need assistance in performing the above duties. Young or old, our students need constant supervision and encouragement so that our cafeteria is a pleasant place to eat. All classes have assigned times and tables for lunch. Please check with your child’s teacher for the schedule. Parents are encouraged to join their child for lunch on any day. Due to seating restraints, the parent and the child may be asked to eat their lunch at the tables against the wall. The child may invite one student to eat with them and the parent. Parents bringing food in for their child must make certain they are peanut and tree nut free. Each student is assigned an account number. Students may prepay for meals using this account system. In the event money is lost or forgotten the amount needed for lunch will be loaned through the cafeteria computer. The loan should be repaid the following day. Desserts, snacks and bottled drinks are not a part of the regular meal but are available at an additional cost. They are priced individually. Students may purchase only one dessert during lunch.


Students visit the Media Center both with their class and independently. The Media Center is open daily for students from 7:15 AM – 2:45 PM. Overdue fines are not charged but students are encouraged to return books promptly and to take care of all materials. The Media Center sponsors two book fairs every year and the profits are used to purchase library books and materials. The closed circuit TV studio is located in the media center where students and the administration make live news broadcast daily.


When medication must be dispensed at school, a medical release form signed by the parent AND physician is required to be on file in the office. Students are responsible for coming to the office where a nurse, secretary or administrator will give the medication. All medicine is stored in a locked place and records are kept for all medication that is administered. We dispense no medication without proper documentation. This includes prescription medication and non-prescription medication (i.e.—inhalers, antibiotics, creams, eye drops, cough syrup, Tylenol). Classroom teachers do keep student inhalers and Epi Pens for emergencies.


Students and staff members wear nametags at all times to create a sense of community and so that all staff may call students by name. Parents and volunteers also wear identification tags located in the office. Each student is given a nametag at the beginning of the school year. If a student loses or damages their nametag, $2.00 is charged to replace the nametag.


In an effort to keep parents informed, a newsletter is emailed weekly, the special area team and classroom teachers email a monthly newsletter. The parent newsletter is called the Mini-News. All parents are asked to sign up on ListServ at to receive the newsletter.


Every school in CMS is responsible for providing a safe environment for students with allergies to peanuts and tree nuts. Many years ago, McKee Road elected to become a “Peanut/Tree Nut Free School”.

• Students are not to bring items to school that contain peanuts or tree nuts. This includes items for snack and lunch.

• We ask parents to check the ingredients label of items before sending them to school.

• Items not containing ingredient labels should be checked by parents at home. Please do not send in any items that contain peanuts/tree nuts.

• For birthday recognitions and class parties, all items sent in can be either purchased from the cafeteria, individually packaged or store bought. If the item is store bought and contains the ingredients listing, check it out before buying the items. If the item is store bought and does not contain an ingredients listing make certain there are no peanut/tree nut ingredients. Also, check with the classroom teacher to see if they would prefer individually packaged items.

• During the school day as food items are brought in, our office will check the ingredients listing and/or check that the item does not have peanuts/tree nuts. Parents will be asked to take home any item containing peanuts/tree nuts.

• McKee Road does not prohibit food items from particular stores.


Tape players, toys, and electronic games are not to be brought to school. Please label coats, caps, sweaters, etc. to help identify them if they are lost. Students are discouraged from bringing money to school except for specific purposes. Neither the teacher nor the school can be held responsible when money or personal items are lost or broken.


The school offers individual student pictures twice a year. In the fall and spring, these individual pictures are made. Class pictures are made during the winter months. Flyers are sent home indicating the times, dates, and costs. Checks are written directly to the photographer.


Principal’s Awards will be given during the school year. In order to receive the award, a student must be nominated by a teacher and then be approved by the principal. Only the best will be chosen. Below is a listing of items which are used in determining who will receive the Principal’s Award.

Traits of a Principal’s Award Winner

□ Someone who is polite and mannerly.

□ Someone who does not talk back.

□ Someone who is in his/her proper place at all times, knows school time is valuable and does not waste time.

□ Someone who does not fight and argue.

□ Someone who does not gossip, calls names, or tease others.

□ Someone who knows that cheating, lying, and stealing are not acceptable.

□ Someone who does not run in school.

□ Someone who does not use things that belong to others without their permission.

□ Someone who shows respect for others by not using bad language.

□ Someone who knows the value of and takes proper care of school property.

□ Someone who is quiet during a safety drill, knowing that his/her safety and the safety of others are involved.

□ Someone who does not litter in the school building or on the school grounds.

□ Someone who accepts responsibility for his/her textbooks and library books and keeps them in good condition.

□ Someone who does not threaten other students.

□ Someone who does his/her best in all of his/her work.

□ Someone who is a good listener in class.

□ Someone who listens closely to announcements being made from the office or on WMKE.


Parents are partners in every aspect of the school program. McKee Road has developed an active and strong PTA that encourages all parents to join and participate in school events. The PTA also sponsors fund raising events that provide monies for computer technology, physical education equipment, and instructional materials for literacy and mathematics.


Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine-week grading period as shown on the school calendar. Parents are asked to sign and send back to school in the envelope provided. Toward the latter part of the school year, teachers and/or parents will present recommendations for retention of students to the administration. The administration will make the final decision relative to retention on an individual basis and will always seek to do what is absolutely best for the student in question.


Conferences for all students are scheduled at the end of the first quarter. Teachers or parents may request a conference at other times throughout the year. K- 2 Teachers also send home progress reports between report cards. Check with your child’s teacher to find out information about this schedule. For those students that are not performing on grade level, the teacher will develop a Personalized Education Plan. Continuous conversations between the teacher and parent will occur in these situations. PowerSchool is a computer-access program that allows grades 3 – 5 parents to check their child’s homework assignments, attendance reports and grades from any computer, any time. The program allows for easy communication between parents and teachers. It also allows parents to update their child’s personal information and family contacts. PowerSchool is available to parents of all CMS students. Please do not contact the administrators concerning an academic situation until you have first talked with the teacher.


The School Leadership Team plays an active role in our school’s improvement process. Parents and staff members work together to encourage, support, and create opportunities for involvement from parents and the community. This team facilitates the involvement of the school community in designing and implementing the four-year School Improvement Plan.


School volunteers are a very important resource to our staff in support of the instructional program. Volunteers can provide support in the following ways:

□ Serve as a chaperone on field trips.

□ Provide materials for a special classroom project.

□ Call other parents and community people to have them send in children’s books, games, puzzles, and magazines.

□ Help the teachers make classroom materials during spare time at home.

□ Assist with the Physical Education Field Day event.

□ Assist in the media center, classroom or health room.

If you are interested in becoming a school volunteer, please go to the CMS web site at and register as a volunteer. Parents are welcome to come to the school to access a computer. Volunteer’s interest and involvement are always appreciated.


At McKee Road Elementary School, students have instruction in a number of specialty areas: art, music, physical education, media, and computer technology. The specialists in these content areas work with the regular classroom teachers to plan instruction that supports and reinforces what is being taught in the classroom. The special area teachers at McKee Road are a vital component of the effort to provide a well-rounded academic experience.


On identified days, students have the opportunity to participate in a special spirit day, such as hat day. Consult the monthly calendar that is emailed weekly for upcoming events. Each Friday, unless otherwise noted, is McKee Road Spirit Wear Day. Students and staff are encouraged to wear their McKee Road apparel.


Students and staff at McKee Road believe every person should act in a way so that teachers can teach and students can learn. We expect everyone to work as a team to learn and solve problems in peaceful ways. We believe students and staff can be trusted and feel safe in our building.

The McKee Road Behavior Expectations seek to teach students how to work together in a positive and productive manner. It emphasizes positive approaches wherever possible but recognizes as well that sometimes logical consequences must follow particular choices of behavior made by students. In today’s world, where violent reactions to situations are all too often the norm, it is imperative that students learn how to solve problems in nonviolent ways. The expectation at McKee Road is that students will come to school prepared to learn. We expect our students to work in cooperation with each other and with all adults in the building toward that goal. Behavior that disrupts the learning environment for anyone will be dealt with promptly and firmly. McKee Road Elementary School expects excellence. Please do not contact the administrators concerning a behavior situation until you have first talked with the teacher.


Guidance and counseling are available to all students by our classroom teachers. The AU, Resource, Talent Development and Speech-Language teachers provide instruction for certified students in Exceptional Children’s programs. McKee Road also offers services from an Early Intervention Specialist. The intervention team also provides assessments of students to address individual academic, speech-language, behavioral, and social/emotional concerns. Limited English Proficient students are served through McKee Road’s English as a Second Language program. Administrators, teachers, and parents routinely meet with this team to address individual student’s performance and needs. If you need to discuss a concern, our team is ready to help.


The Talent Development (gifted program) students work closely with the school’s TD teacher. All students are screened during the latter part of first grade and the beginning of second grade. However, screening is offered throughout the year to all age students. Second through fifth grade students work on various curriculum areas and share their work with parents throughout the school year.


School telephones are business phones and student use is restricted to calls of an urgent nature. Students must make arrangements to stay after school or go home with friends before arriving at school. The office staff may take messages for students when it is essential for a student to receive information.


All basic texts are loaned to students for use during the year. Textbooks are to be kept clean and handled carefully. Names or numbers are placed in books in case they are misplaced. We charge for abused or lost books at the end of the year.


Parents are welcome at school any time. When parents or other visitors wish to tour the school, we ask that you call our secretary and schedule a tour. Parents who wish to observe in their child’s classroom are asked to schedule the observation with the teacher. While visiting, it is requested that parents do not use classroom instructional time to engage in conversation with the teacher. We value teaching and learning time at our school. We hope parents will come frequently for lunch. All visitors are to sign-in at the school’s office and to wear a visitor’s badge.


WMKE is used as a communication tool for all students and staff. It is a closed-circuit television system that is run by fifth grade students with help from the media specialist and technology assistant. The program begins promptly at 7:45 AM each day. Students are expected to be settled and listening for announcements and other information. Student celebrations and activities are recognized daily through this medium.



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