Rochester City School District

Kodak Park School #41Parent Handbook2015-2016Lisa Whitlow, PrincipalCynthia Ragus, Assistant PrincipalTiffany Lee, Assistant PrincipalJeremiah Bergen, ELT Coordinator 279 West Ridge Rd.Rochester, NY 14615(585) 254-4472Fax- (585) 935-7441“Achieving Academic Excellence Through Rigorous Instruction”Table of ContentsTOPICPage numberSchool Calendar3Test Dates, School Hours4Address change, Administration, Arrival, Attendance5Breakfast, Blackboard Connect, Cell Phones, Code of Conduct, Conferences6Disciplinary Issues, Dismissal, Drop off, Emergency forms7Emergency School Closing, Expanded Learning, Field trips8 Fire Drills, Baked goods, Homework8 Injury or Illness, Internet usage, Library, Lunch, Medication 9Nurse, Office of Parent Engagement, Parent Connectxp10 Parent Liaison, Parent University, Parking, PBS11 Phone calls, Photo Release form, Physical Education Attire, Playground 12PTA, Registration, Report Cards, Safety Tips for Walkers, School Based Planning Team13School Bus Safety, Stolen Property, Student Records,14Tardiness, Toys, Transportation, Uniform Policy, Verification of Attendance, Visitors15Voicemail, Volunteers, Weapons16Additional Parent Resources16-18School Calendar 2014-2015September 1, 2015Superintendent’s Conference Day September 2, 2015 First Day of School (Full day for K-12 students) September 7, 2015Labor Day HolidaySeptember 21, 2015 Open HouseSeptember 28, 2015 Fall Fundraiser through Oct.9October 9-12, 2015Columbus Day Holiday (School Closed) October 16, 2015 Picture DayOctober 19, 2015 Red Ribbon Week November 11, 2015Veterans Day HolidayNovember 13, 2015 Mother –Son DanceNovember 16-20, 2015 Report Cards sent home November 23, 2015 Picture Re-takeNovember 25-27, 2015Holiday RecessNovember 30, 2015 Book Fair through Dec. 4 Dec. 23- Jan. 1, 2016 Winter Recess January 1, 2016 School Re-Opens January 18, 2016 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day ( School Closed)January 1, 2016New Year’s Day HolidayJanuary 2, 2016Winter Recess ContinuesJanuary 5, 2016School ResumesJanuary 19, 2016Martin Luther King HolidayFebruary 5, 2016 Pizza & Bingo Night February 8- 19, 2016 Spring FundraiserFebruary 8-12, 2016 Report Cards sent homeFebruary 15-19, 2016Mid-Winter RecessMarch 11, 2016 Family Movie NightMarch 25-April 1, 2016 Spring RecessApril 22, 2016 Superintendents Conference DayApril 25- 29, 2016 Report Cards Sent Home and Spring Book FairMay 6, 2016 Father –Daughter DanceMay 30, 2016 Memorial Day (School Closed)June 10, 2016 End of Year BarbequeJune 23, 2016 Last day of schoolNew York State Testing DatesGradeTestDateGrades 3-6English Language Arts (ELA)Tuesday, April 5 through Thursday, April 7Grades 3-6MathWednesday, April 13 through Friday, April 15Grade 4Science (Performance)Wednesday, May 25 through Friday, June 3Grade 4Science (Written)Monday, June 6All grade levelsNYSESLAT (speaking)Tuesday, April 12-Friday May 13All grade levelsNYSESLAT (Listening, reading and Writing)Monday, May 2 through Friday, May 13School Hours:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: Students Report: 7:15 amFirst Bell: 7:30 am Students Dismiss at: 3:30 pmAAddress Change- It is important that the school always has your current address and phone number for each student. If you move during the year, be sure to notify the office of the change. Your child is eligible for transportation if your address is more than 1.5 miles from school. Be sure to bring in a valid proof of address, dated within the last month for address changes. The following forms will be accepted as proof. There are no exceptions.Telephone billLandlord leaseRG & E billRent StatementA notarized formAdministration- There are three administrators at Kodak Park School #41 this school year. They are: Ms. Lisa Whitlow, Principal, Ms. Cynthia Ragus, Assistant Principals and Ms. Tiffany Lee and Jeremiah Bergen ELT Coordinator. If you wish to see an administrator, please call the school and set up an appointment. The phone number is 254-4472.Arrival- The school building will open at 7:15 am for breakfast. The school day begins at 7:30 am. Students who walk should arrive at school as close to 7:30 as possible, unless they eat breakfast at school. Breakfast begins at 7:15 am for walkers. All walkers should enter through EXIT 8.If your child is observed being dropped off earlier than 7:15 am, we will send home a warning letter and call home. It is not safe to leave children unsupervised outside of the school.Attendance- Kodak Park School #41 and the RCSD will focus on maximizing student attendance by clarifying responsibilities of staff, students, parents, and community, identifying appropriate resources, and ensuring that students are successful academically, economically, and socially. The expectation is that all schools will continually strive toward 100% attendance.Parents and guardians have primary responsibility for ensuring that students arrive to school daily and on time. They are obligated to inform the school that their child will be absent from school or classes, and responsible for encouraging students to stay in school. In the event a student is absent, the parent is to provide a written excuse within five days of the absence. This results in an excused absence. If a parent does not send a written excuse into school with their child, the absence will be recorded as an illegal absence. Parents should call the school when their child is going to be absent and follow up with written notification to the school. An automated call will be sent out each time your child is absent. A letter will be sent when your child has missed 10 days of school and CPS will be contacted if your child is absent 20 or more days. BBlackboard Connect- The district’s automated calling system that is used to provide families with important information related to district wide and school based issues, such as school closings and school wide events.Breakfast: All students have the option to receive free lunch. Applications will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. Please complete the applications in a timely manner. Also, if your child has any allergies please contact the nurse ell Phones- Staff Cell Phones:? All staff may have use of their personal cell phones during their planning period and lunch break.? Cell phones should not be in use during the instructional day. Staff cell phones should not be in view of students.? We model the behavior we want to see in our classrooms. Staff are NOT to take pictures of students and post on any social media site.Student Cell Phones:? Student cell phones should be kept in their book bags.? At no time should a cell phone be used during the school day.Code of Conduct: The Rochester City School District has established a set of expectations for conduct on school grounds that apply to all District personnel, students, parents and guardians and visitors. Each classroom establishes their expectations based on district expectations so that all children who attend our school will be provided a safe and secure learning environment.Please visit the district website at if you would like a copy of the RCSD Code of Conduct. Conferences- Conferences with teachers should be scheduled in advance so that special time is set aside by the teacher for this purpose. Teachers cannot confer with parents when they are instructing the class. If you would like to meet with any staff member, please send a note or leave a phone message for the teacher indicating a time that would be convenient for you to meet before or after school. . If you are having difficulty setting up a meeting please contact the parent liaison or Ms. Whitlow at 254-4472.DDisciplinary Issues- Parents are asked to support the school by meeting with teachers or administrators when asked to assist in resolving disciplinary issues. The RCSD Code of Conduct outlines the expectations and consequences for students. We utilize a school wide Positive Behavior Plan. Kodak Park School #41 will also be implementing Restorative Practices this year. Restorative practices focus on the following:Address and discuss the needs of the school communityBuild healthy relationships between educators and studentsResolve conflicts, hold individuals and groups accountable Repair harm and restore positive relationshipsReduce, prevent, and improve harmful behaviorDismissal- Student Dismissal is at 3:30 pm each day. It is the expectation that if your child does not receive transportation, parents are to pick their children up on time each day at exit it 7 for all students in grades 1-6, and exit 8 for Kindergarteners. Parents are expected to wait at the appropriate exit for their children. Students will not be released to any other friends or relatives without prior notice in writing and they should expect to show ID. For security purposes, you may receive a call confirming with your consent. It is important to remember that if there are custody issues between parents, the school cannot deny access to their child without a court order. This court order must be on file in the school office. When students are dismissed during the school day, children will not be called to the office until you arrive. IMPORTANT! Please do not call the school during the day to give your child instructions on where to go at dismissal. Please let your child know before they leave for school if they will not be taking the bus. A note must be sent in the morning to notify the teacher of the dismissal change. If your child does not bring a note, then they will be put on the bus. Please call the office by 3:00 pm to adjust your child’s normal dismissal plan.Drop off- If you plan to drive your child to and/or from school, please make sure you use the parking lot located on Palm St. Do not use the bus loop on Desmond St. This area is reserved for busses.EEmergency Forms- Each year, parents are asked to complete an emergency form for each of their children and return it to school. It is critical that you complete this with the most updated phone numbers and addresses so that we may contact you in case of an emergency. Your child may only be released to the people on this form. If you need to make changes, please contact the main office.Emergency School Closings-In the event that schools are closed due to severe weather or other emergency situations, an announcement will be made on local T.V. and radio stations. The District will notify stations by 6:00 a.m. if schools are closed for the day. Also, parents and staff will receive an automated telephone call informing them of the closure.When city public schools are closed, no transportation will be provided to any schools or programs served by the City School District.If schools remain open during inclement weather, it is the responsibility of parents to decide if it is safe for their children to travel their usual routes to school. If it becomes necessary to close schools early on a given day, an announcement will also be made on local T.V. and radio stations, and a phone call will be made to parents. School personnel will not leave their buildings until all students are provided transportation home and walkers are dismissed. Expanded Learning: Expanded Learning time is an opportunity for students to enhance their school day with additional time working on academics and enrichment activities. This additional school time is offered to every student at Kodak Park School #41. Students will have the opportunity to participate in engaging programs/clubs that are not offering during the school day.FField trips- Each year, teachers take their classes on educational field trips. These Field trips enhance the educational process and may be by bus or walking trips. Every student must have a permission slip signed by their parent before the children will be permitted to go on this trip. Parents are occasionally needed to chaperone and if you are interested in volunteering your time, you should contact the classroom teacher to inquire if your help is needed. Fire drills- It is required that we have twelve fire drills per year. Generally these drills are held when the weather outside is mild enough so that children can go outside without a coat.HHome baked goods- Based on the recommendation of the Monroe County Health Department it is the school policy not to accept homemade baked goods. If you plan to send a treat in for your child’s classroom, it must be store bought. Please no peanut products, as many of the students have food allergies.Homework- It is our expectation that students receive homework each and every day. The amount of homework follows the guidelines below. Grades K-2- 30 minutesGrade 3- 30 -60 minutesGrades 4,5- 90-150 minutes Grade 6- 90-150 minutes. In addition, all children are to read 20 minutes per day. Beginning or emergent readers may need parental support.IInjury or Illness- Children may become ill or injured at school. The child will be sent to the health office as a first step. If your child is treated for a minor injury or illness at school, the nurse will send a note home advising you what to do. If your child is ill at home, he or she should remain at home to avoid spreading the illness to others. If your child needs attention beyond what the school can provide, he or she will need to be sent home. Parents will receive a phone call. Please make sure we have updated home and work phone numbers as well as someone else who may be called in an emergency.In case of a serious emergency, your child may be transported to the hospital in an ambulance a staff member by their side. Parents will be notified immediately. The primary insurance provider or parent will be billed.Internet usage and available sites- To use the Internet at school, students and their parents must sign an internet usage form and return it to the classroom teacher.The following sites offered extensive information about education: Rochester City School District New York State Education Department US Education DepartmentLLibrary- Students will visit the school library on a weekly basis. Students will be permitted to take books out of the library on loan. These books should be taken care of and returned in the same condition that they were taken in. Students may not be allowed to continue borrowing books if they do not return the books previously taken.Parents, we encourage you to take your children to the public library on a regular basis. The public libraries have many programs that benefit the entire family.Lunch- : All students Applications will be sent home at the beginning of the school year or at time of registration. They are also available on line on the district website. Please complete these in a timely manner. If students bring their lunch to school with a drink, the drink may not be in a glass container.MMedication- the City School District regulations require that all medications be given only by doctors written orders and dispensed from a pharmacy labeled container. If your child must take their medication at school, please follow these procedures:Have your doctor write orders for the school to dispense medication giving the dosage, name of the drug given, any side effects of which staff should be aware and the length of time for the medication to be given.Sign the schools written parental permission form.Bring the medication to the Health office in the pharmacy labeled bottle. Medications must be left in school. It cannot be take home.CHILDREN MAY NOT CARRY MEDICATION TO SCHOOL!NNurse- If you have any questions about procedures for your child regarding the health office, please call them at 254-4472. A nurse and/or nurse’s aide are on duty each day.OOffice of Parent Engagement (OPE) The Office of Parent Engagement’s mission is to REACH parents by Responding the needs of parents, Encouraging partnerships, Advocating on the behalf of parents, Collaborating with community partners and Helping parents help their students to success. OPE is comprised of Parent University, Parent Support Services and Parent CONNECTxp. The Office of Parent (Family) Engagement is responsible for providing educational and technical assistance to District Community around Family-School Partnerships. Family engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools and other community agencies and organizations are committed to engaging families in meaningful ways and in which families are committed to actively supporting their children’s learning and development.The Office of Parent Engagement staff can help you become more engaged in your child’s learning. OPE is located at 131 W. Broad St. For more information, visit our website at OPE. Contact our office at 324-9999 or via email at parents@. All services are available in Spanish.PParentCONNECTxp- The district now participates in ParentCONNECTxp, a user-friendly, web-based system designed to improve communication between home and school and supports student success. Through this secure online system, parents are able to check their child’s academic progress from any computer, any time.Parents can:?Check homework assignments and grades?View report cards?Check attendance reports?Schedule tardy alerts?Communicate with teachers and more!Registration forms and information are available at schools and online at ParentCONNECT. For more information or with questions about ParentCONNECTxp, email ParentConnect@ or contact the Office of Parent Engagement?at 324-9999 between the hours of 8 am - 5 pm.Parent Liaisons- Each elementary school has its own parent liaison. Parent Liaisons serve as a connection between family and school. They facilitate communication with parents and families, help families navigate the school system, and support meaningful parent engagement activities in the schools. Kodak Park School #41 Parent Liaison is Glenna Smith and is available at 254-4472. Parent University -The Parent University offers parents of District students a wide range of courses on topics such as child development, parent-child communication skills, college readiness preparation, and health and financial literacy. The Parent University, in partnership with Every Person Influences Children (EPIC), also provides professional development and leadership training opportunities to more than 100 of the District’s parent liaisons, advocates, and school-based planning team representatives to ensure they are equipped with the skills needed to serve their school community. Contact the Parent University at 262-8312.Parking- The school parking lot is located on Palm Street. If you are driving your student to and from school we ask that you use the parking lot and not the bus loop. The bus loop is for buses only! Please do not allow your children to walk through the bus loop or parking lot by themselves. Your child’s safety is our greatest concern. There are two designated parking spots for parents in our main lot that are identified with signs.PBS- Our school implements Positive Behavior Systems and Supports. Below is our PBS motto. There are school expectations that align to kindness, on task, do the right thing and keep cool. Our students are taught how to model the behaviors in various settings within the school. As we work together to ensure the success of our students you can also have discussions at home related to the behaviors. K- KindnessO- On taskD- Do the right thingA-Act safeK- Keep coolPhone Calls- The children are allowed to use the phone if they need to call home but must have permission from an adult. If you have a family emergency during the day please contact the main office. If you need to speak to our child’s teacher, the call will be put through to voice mail unless it is an emergency. The teacher will call you back during non-instruction time. Photo Release Form- In publicizing the achievement of its students, the District often invites the news media to cover activities in its schools. District staff and approved partner organizations also may photograph and videotape students for purposes of promoting student achievement. Photos and videos of students may be used in communications including the District’s website and “Students First” TV shows, among others. Parents and guardians should complete a Photo Release Form giving permission for their child’s photo and/or video image to be used for promotional purposes. The form is available at your child’s school and also on the District’s website, , on the Parents & Students tab, Forms section. Return the completed form to your child’s school.If you do not want your child to be photographed or videotaped, be sure to indicate this on the Photo Release Form and notify your school’s main office. Physical Education Attire- Students need to wear shorts and a T-shirt under their school clothes on days that they have PE. Students should also wear or bring sneakers and socks to school on those days. Your child’s teacher will let you know what days your child has PE.Playground- The Kodak Park playground is located behind the school building. Your children should not play on the playground before or after school when there is no supervision. PTA- Our Parent/Teacher Association is always in need of volunteers to help organize and run events! The PTA sponsors fun family events and educational activities! It also supports classroom education by helping to fund numerous materials for classrooms as well as funding field trips. If you are interested in becoming a part of the PTA, please call and ask for the parent liaison.RRegistration- (Parent Information Center) To register a child, evidence of age and place of birth must be submitted when a child enters the Rochester City School District. Any of the following forms may be accepted: birth certificate, baptismal certificate, passport, or Alien Registration Card. To enter kindergarten, a child must be five years old no later than December 1st. In addition to proof of birth, an up to date record of immunizations must be provided. All student registration is handled at 131 West Broad St. at our Central office. The phone number is 262-8241. They are open from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm.Report Cards- Report cards are sent home four times a year in November, February, April and June. It is important that the report card is read, and the envelope signed and returned to school. You may keep the report card. Report cards are filed in the child’s cumulative folder at the end of each school year.SSafety Tips for Students Who Walk To School- Cross at corners where there is a crossing guard, not mid-block or between parked cars. Stop and look in all directions before crossing. Watch for turning cars.Be extra alert in bad weather, when visibility is reduced and cars cannot stop as fast. Obey the directions of police officers, crossing guards, and safety patrols. Pay attention to traffic signs and signals.Use the “buddy system.” Walk with a friend whenever possible.Never talk to strangers or get into a stranger’s car. Tell a parent or teacher if you’ve been approached by a stranger.School Based Planning Team- Each School has a planning team that is responsible for reviewing student performance, setting goals for improvement and designing a program to enable the school to advance toward its goals. This planning team consists of teachers, parents, non-teaching employees and administrators. If you are interested in becoming a parent representative on this team, please contact the parent liaison at school.School Bus Safety- The Rochester City School District is committed to providing safe and reliable transportation for each child. Each child contributes to the success of a safe ride to and from school each day. Any student who disrupts the normal operation of the bus or endangers the safety of others while entering, leaving, or riding on the bus or any district vehicles may be immediately suspended from transportation and face disciplinary action, including loss of transportation privileges. Please take a moment to review the School Bus Safety Rules below and take this opportunity to discuss them with your child.When boarding the bus, find a seat immediately.No smoking.No eating or drinking.Respect and obey your driver and/or attendant.Do not swing or play with seat belts as the buckles can cause serious injury.Respect other students and their property.No use of profanity or offensive language.Do not call fellow students inappropriate names.Stay in your seat while the bus is moving.Keep the bus clean. Do not leave papers or garbage on the floors or seatsKeep head, hands, and arms inside the bus.Keep aisles clear of arms, legs and bags which can create safety hazards for other students boarding the bus and can block the way in the event of an emergency.Do not throw items at each other or the driver.Be courteous, talk quietly. Gather your items prior to arriving at your stop. Wait for the bus to stop before getting up to leave. Move quickly through the bus as you exit. Students are not permitted to bring items such as live animals, glass objects, or any school project that cannot be safely held on the student’s lap.Use of electronic toys or cell phones is not permitted on buses.Students should not remove items from book bags until they get home. Books are permitted for reading.If a student is suspended from the bus, the parent is responsible to provide transportation for the child to and from school until the situation is resolved and transportation is reinstated.Stolen Property- Kodak Park School #41 is not responsible for articles of personal property stolen from students. Students should keep valuables at home and only bring items to school that are necessary for school work.Student Records- The cumulative record file is considered confidential, but as a parent/guardian you have the right to view it with an administrator. The types of information included in the school record are report cards, attendance, test results, health and immunization records, a copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption papers and in some cases an IEP (individual educational plan).If your child is transferring to another school, a copy of the school record will be sent to the child’s new school. The original cumulative record will be sent to Elementary Records in the RCSD.TTardiness- Students are considered tardy to school after 7:15 am. Every tardiness is required to have a written excuse from the parent stating the reason. Students should report to the main office for a tardy pass. We expect students to be on time to school.Toys- Toys are not allowed in school and will be confiscated. They will be returned to the parent only. This includes all electronic games and toys. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen toys. Please check your child’s book bag before they leave for school each day.Transportation- The phone number to our transportation department is 336-4000. Any child who lives 1.5 miles away from the school qualifies for transportation. If you have any questions, please call the transportation department. If your child takes a bus to and from school, they will be put on the bus at the end of the day unless a written note, signed by a parent is given to the teacher. PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL BY 3:00 pm IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT TO BE PUT ON THE BUS. Any child who refuses to get on a bus must be provided transportation by the parent. If you have a change in address, notify the school. A change in address will take up to five days to process. Parents are required to provide transportation during this time.If your child is suspended from the bus, it is your responsibility to arrange for alternative transportation until a meeting has occurred with the school. In this case, please make sure you notify the school in writing who will be transporting your child.Uniform Policy- It is our policy to have students wear uniforms. Our school uniform consists of light blue golf shirts for all students. Boys can wear navy blue, tan or Khaki pants and girls may wear blue, tan or khaki pants, skirts and jumpers. JEANS OR HOODIES ARE ALLOWED IN SCHOOL. If you are having difficulty securing school uniforms, please contact Glenna Smith ( parent liaison.) Verification of Attendance- Any requests for attendance verifications must be made by the parent or guardian of record and with 24 hour notice.Visitors- Parents and other visitors must report directly to the main office upon entering Kodak Park School #41. You will be asked to sign in, and given a visitors pass to wear while you are in the building. This policy is enforced for the safety of your children. Parents are to go to the main office to pick up their child during the day. Students will only be released to adults (18 and over) who are listed on the students profile. The adult must sign the child out in the main office before leaving the building.Voicemail- In order to prevent disruption to instruction, all phone messages for teachers will be put through to voice mail during school hours. It is our expectation that teachers reply to voice mail within 24 hours. If there is an emergency, please let the office staff know the nature of your call.Volunteers- Volunteers are always needed at Kodak Park School #41. Parents and family members are needed to volunteer in a variety of places in our building! Here are a few opportunities for you to help!Listening to a child readTutoringAssisting in the libraryHelping at special eventsSharing your talents or knowledgeWorking at lunchtime in the cafeteriaChaperoning on field tripsClassroom ParentsIf you are interested in volunteering, please call the school and ask for the Glenna Smith, our Parent Liaison. Thank you!WWeapons: Weapons, real or toys are never allowed in school! A student found with a weapon on school grounds is subject to a long term suspension out of school! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional Parent ResourcesHere you can find links to local places of interest, things to do with your family, and helpful programs for you and your children:Children's Institute Childcare DOLLAR$ Program: The work of Children’s Institute is to strengthen children’s social and emotional health.Family Engagement In Education Act (H.R. 5211) The Family Engagement in Education Act incentivizes schools and districts to meaningfully engage families to close the achievement gap (from National PTA website).The Flower City Parents Network is a place for Rochester City School District parents and those interested in City Schools to help and support each other, give advice to other parents, and share information, experiences and resources. This is a forum where you can discuss your child's education from a parent's perspective.Let's Move - will combat the epidemic of childhood obesity through a comprehensive approach that will engage every sector impacting the health of children and will provide schools, families and communities simple tools to help kids be more active, eat better, and get healthy. MCC 292-Baby is?Greater Rochester's?center for all things "Children." It?uses a telephone number, a website and a television channel to form a single, seamless communication network to reach out to?parents and caregivers of our youngest children.Memorial Art Gallery. We invite you to explore 5,000 years of world art, learn about current and upcoming lectures, events and temporary exhibitions, and experience our award-winning educational site, Odyssey Online.?The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, an organization of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was established in 1994 to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. Try out our interactive tools to get a personalized eating plan, or to plan and assess your food and physical activity choices based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.National PTA As the largest volunteer child advocacy association in the nation, Parent Teacher Association (PTA) reminds our country of its obligations to children and provides parents and families with a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child while providing the best tools for parents to help their children be successful students.No Child Left Behind is based on stronger accountability for results, more freedom for states and communities, proven education methods, and more choices for parents. NYS DCJS Sex Offender Registry Our mission – the very reason we exist – is to make New York State a safer place to live, raise our families and run our businesses. Much of our contact with the public involves the Sex Offender Registry, where anyone can check for the presence of high and medium risk sex offenders in their neighborhood.On The Same Page is a summit to support systemic change in the New York State Educational System through strategic dialogue and action on family?engagement as a catalyst for closing the achievement gap in Title I schools.PBS Parents is a trusted resource that’s filled with information on child development and early learning. RCSD School Counseling Department School counselors work with all students, families, and members of the community as an integral part of the educational program. The Office of School Counseling has programs which promote school success through a focus on academic achievement, prevention and intervention activities, advocacy, and social/emotional and career development.Rochester Museum and Science Center stimulates broad community interest and understanding of science and technology, and their impact - past, present, future - on our lives.Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family Program? - Help a local family in need this holiday season (PDF)Seneca Park Zoo Through the exhibition of animals in naturalistic settings, the Seneca Park Zoo will provide engaging and educational experiences to give our community the motivation and skills to act as stewards of the environment.Stop Bullying Now! Here you’ll find resources about bullying awareness, prevention and intervention. No matter how you interact with children and youth, there are many ways you can Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now! Strong Museum of Play The National Museum of Play is the only collections-based museum in the world devoted solely to play!?Monroe Community College Upward Bound Program Upward Bound is a federally funded program that provides academic counseling and other necessary services for students to graduate from a Rochester City School District high school. ................

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