Earth, Sun and Moon Test Study Guide

Earth, Sun and Moon Test Review

1. How are lunar maria different than lunar highlands?

Lunar maria are flat, dark patches on the moon. They are caused by lava flow that cooled millions of years ago. Lunar highlands are bright and rugged terrain.

2. How did Earth obtain its moon?

Giant impact theory descirbes that a large body struck the early Earth. The debris from the crash formed the moon. The moon is composed of material from both the Earth and the other body.

3. Define Revolution

The movement of a body around another body. The moon revolves around the Earth. The Earth revolves around the sun.

4. Explain the effects of the Earth’s rotation

Earth’s rotation causes day and night.

5. Who revolves around who in the Earth, Sun and Moon system

Earth revolves around the Sun. The Moon revolves around the Earth.

6. Define rotation

The spinning of a body on its axis. The Earth rotates once every 24 hours. The moon rotates once every 27.3 days.

7. Draw where the sun, Earth and moon must be for each of the 8 phases of the moon.


8. Describe synchronous rotation. What effect does it have for us on Earth?

The moon orbits the Earth at the same rate as it revolves. This means that we will only see one side of the moon from Earth.

9. Define an eclipse

The darkening of a celestial body (sun or moon) due to the alignment of shadows.

10. Explain AND draw a solar eclipse


Occurs at the new moon when the Earth passes into the shadow of the moon.

11. Explain a total solar eclipse

When the entire disc of the moon covers the disc of the Sun. You must be standing in the umbra of the moon in order to experience a total solar eclipse.

12. Explain a total lunar eclipse


During the Full moon when the moon passes into the shadow of the Earth. The moon becomes darkened.

13. Define the word tides

The cyclical rising and falling of ocean waters due to the gravitational attraction of the moon and sun to the Earth.

14. What is the major factor that causes tides

The moon’s gravitational pull.

15. Explain how many tides occur in a 24-hour period and why.

There are 2 high tides and 2 low tides every 24 hours. The high tide will always be in alignment with the moon. As the Earth rotates, the side of the Earth facing the moon will change and therefore the tides change.

16. List the 2 phases of the moon when a neap tide can occur. Draw the Earth, moon and Sun in both positions.

First and third quarter

17. List the 2 phases of the moon when a spring tide can occur. Draw the Earth, moon and Sun in both positions.

Full and New Moon


18. List the 2 reasons for the seasonal variation in temperatures caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis.

Changing length of day- there are more hours of daylight in the summer as compared to the winter

Changing angle of the sun in the sky- The sun is higher in the sky in summer (more direct sunlight). The sun is lower in the sky in the winter (less direct sunlight)

19. Define a solstice and provide the 2 dates

When the Sun is directly overhead at the furthest north or South of the Equator. Summer Solstice is June 20/21 and Winter Solstice is December 20/21

20. Define an equinox and provide the 2 dates

When the Sun is directly overhead at the Equator. Fall Equinox- September 22/23 and Spring Equinox March 22/23

21. Draw an image of Earth’s revolution around the Sun. Include the North Star. Label fall, spring, winter and summer


Phases, Eclipses, and Tides Worksheet

Understanding Main Ideas

Use the following figure to answer questions 1 and 2.


1. What phases of the moon would someone on Earth see when the moon is at positions A through F?

2. What kind of tide (spring or neap) will occur when the moon is at positions A, C, D, and F?

Building Vocabulary

From the list below, choose the term that best completes each sentence, and write it in the blank.

phase gravity penumbra umbra solar

tides lunar eclipse spring neap

3. A(n) ____________________ tide occurs when the sun is at right angles to the line between Earth

and the moon.

4. A(n) __________________ occurs when the moon's shadow hits Earth or Earth's shadow hits the moon.

5. A person standing in the moon's ________________ would see a partial solar eclipse.

6. Differences in the moon's pull on different parts of Earth cause


7. A person standing in the moon's ________________ would see a total solar eclipse.

8. The ________________ of the moon you see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth.

9. A(n) __________________ tide occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth line up.

10. A(n) ________________ eclipse occurs at a full moon when Earth is directly between the moon and the sun.

11. A(n) ________________ eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the sun.

12. The force of __________________ pulls the moon and Earth toward each other.


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