K-PP Literacy Block Framework

Theme/Focus: Teacher: Class: Duration: Date:

|Kindergarten/Pre-Primary |Level Descriptors What are the focus outcomes from the AC that I am targeting? |Essential Learning What is my focus for my lessons? What skills, knowledge, and |Monitoring Strategies What |

| | |understandings do I explicitly have to teach? |is the most appropriate |

|AC English Overview Planner | | |assessment method? How will |

| | | |I give feedback to the |

|Strand: Language / Literature / | | |students? What and how will|

|Literacy | | |I record this info? |

| | | | |

|Sub strand: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Observations |

| | | |Target child |

| | | |Event/task |

| | | |Self assessment |

| | | |Rubric |

| | | |Reflection questions |

| | | |KWL |

| | | |Conferencing |

| | | |Diagnostic |

| | | |Rubrics |

| | | |Anecdotal records |

| | | |Core words |

| | | |Work samples |

| | | |Questioning |

| | | |Teacher designed tasks |

| | | |Peer assessment |

| | | |Projects |

| | | |Writing samples |

| | | |Discussions |

| | | |Over shoulder marking |

| | | |Teacher judgement moderation|

| | | |Oral presentations |

|Learning Strategies/Activities - How will I explicitly teach the skills, knowledge and understandings? What will students do to practice these skills, knowledge and understandings in an activity/task? | |

|Reading - Big Book/s (Modelled focus) |Oral focus – (Print walk, sounds, songs) |Writing - Modelled focus and daily writing (diary, table top) | |

|Concepts of Print/Semantics/Vocabulary |Phonemic/Phonological Awareness/Articulation |Grammar/Punctuation/Syntax | |

| | | |Social Skills |

| | | |Self-awareness |

| | | |Recognising your emotions |

| | | |and values as well as |

| | | |strengths and limitations. |

| | | |Self management |

| | | |Managing emotions and |

| | | |behaviours to achieve goals.|

| | | |Responsible decision-making |

| | | |Making ethical, constructive|

| | | |choices about personal and |

| | | |social behaviour. |

| | | |Relationship skills |

| | | |Forming positive |

| | | |relationships, working in |

| | | |teams, dealing effectively |

| | | |with conflict. |

| | | |Social awareness |

| | | |Showing understanding and |

| | | |empathy for others. |

| | | |(Kids Matters) |

|Literacy/Language |Manipulative/Fine Motor |Outside Play/Gross Motor |Painting |

| |Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander histories and cultures |Literacy |Personal and social capability |Identity |

| |Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |Numeracy |Ethical behaviour |Children will have an |

| |Sustainability |ICT capability |Intercultural understanding |opportunity to: |

| | |Critical and creative thinking | |Feel safe, secure and supported |

| | | | |Develop autonomy, |

| | | | |inter-dependence, resilience and|

| | | | |sense of agency |

| | | | |Build a knowledgeable and |

| | | | |confident self identity |

| | | | |Learn to interact in relation to|

| | | | |others with care, empathy and |

| | | | |respect |

| | | | |Community |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Develop a sense of belonging to |

| | | | |groups and communities and |

| | | | |Develop an understanding of |

| | | | |reciprocal rights and |

| | | | |responsibilities |

| | | | |Respond to diversity with |

| | | | |respect |

| | | | |Become aware of fairness |

| | | | |Become socially responsible and |

| | | | |show respect for the environment|

| | | | |Wellbeing |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Become strong in his/her social |

| | | | |and emotional well-being |

| | | | |Take increasing responsibility |

| | | | |for their own health and |

| | | | |physical well-being |

| | | | |Learning |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Build positive dispositions |

| | | | |towards learning such as |

| | | | |curiosity, cooperation, |

| | | | |confidence, creativity, |

| | | | |commitment, enthusiasm, |

| | | | |persistence, imagination and |

| | | | |reflexivity |

| | | | |Develop a range of approaches to|

| | | | |learning such as problem |

| | | | |solving, inquiry, |

| | | | |experimentation, hypothesising, |

| | | | |researching and investigating |

| | | | |Transfer and adapt his/her |

| | | | |learning from one context to |

| | | | |another |

| | | | |Resource his/her own learning by|

| | | | |connecting with people, place, |

| | | | |technologies and natural and |

| | | | |processed materials |

| | | | |Communication |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Interact verbally and |

| | | | |non-verbally with others for a |

| | | | |range of purposes |

| | | | |Engage with a range of texts and|

| | | | |gain meaning from these texts |

| | | | |Express ideas and make meaning |

| | | | |using a range of media |

| | | | |Begin to understand how symbols |

| | | | |and pattern systems work |

| | | | |Access information, investigate |

| | | | |ideas and represent thinking |

| | | | |using ICTs |

|Integrated Areas: | |

|Maths |Art & Craft |Music & Movement | |

|Science/Technology |Health/Physical Education |ICT integration | |

|Scope n |Word & Sentence concept |Rhyming |Syllabification |Phonemes (sounds) |Grapheme (spelling) | |

|Sequence | | | | | | |

|Pre-Primary |Segmentation of a word |Production of a string of more |Count the number of syllables in|Identification of initial, medial and final |Fluent and automatic alphabet naming. Link | |

| |(multisyllabic) in a simple |complex words and non words that|1-5 syllable words. Grouping |sounds. Count phonemes in simple words. |phonemes to graphemes. Focus on segmenting | |

| |sentence, long and short words |rhyme. (letter, better, fetter, |words according to number of |Segmenting and blending of onset and rime with |and blending all through the word. Reading | |

| | |hetter) |syllables. |blends and digraphs. Segmenting and blending, |and decoding texts. s,a,t,i,m sequence. | |

| | | | |phonemes of CVC, CV, VC words. | | |

|Year 1 |Segmentation of words in sentence, including single syllable, multisyllabic and |Link rhyming to visual patterns (graphemes) | |

| |function words. | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Observations |

| | | |Target child |

| | | |Event/task |

| | | |Self assessment |

| | | |Rubric |

| | | |Reflection questions |

| | | |KWL |

| | | |Conferencing |

| | | |Diagnostic |

| | | |WTW inventory |

| | | |Rubrics |

| | | |Anecdotal records |

| | | |Running record |

| | | |Core words |

| | | |Work samples |

| | | |Concept maps |

| | | |Questioning |

| | | |Teacher designed tasks and |

| | | |tests |

| | | |Standardised test |

| | | |Peer assessment |

| | | |Projects |

| | | |Writing samples |

| | | |Discussions |

| | | |Over shoulder marking |

| | | |Teacher judgement moderation|

| | | |Oral presentations |

|Learning Strategies/Activities - How will I explicitly teach the skills, knowledge and understandings? What will students do to practice these skills, knowledge and understandings in an activity/task? | |

|Listening and Speaking |Reading – (with embedded Semantics and Vocabulary/Shared or Guided |Writing | |

| |Reading) | | |

|Phoneme/Phonics |Spelling |Grammar/Punctuation/Syntax | |

| | | |Social Skills |

| | | |Self-awareness |

| | | |Recognising your emotions |

| | | |and values as well as |

| | | |strengths and limitations. |

| | | |Self management |

| | | |Managing emotions and |

| | | |behaviours to achieve goals.|

| | | |Responsible decision-making |

| | | |Making ethical, constructive|

| | | |choices about personal and |

| | | |social behaviour. |

| | | |Relationship skills |

| | | |Forming positive |

| | | |relationships, working in |

| | | |teams, dealing effectively |

| | | |with conflict. |

| | | |Social awareness |

| | | |Showing understanding and |

| | | |empathy for others. |

| | | |(Kids Matters ref) |

|Scope n Sequence |Word & Sentence concept |Rhyming |Syllabification |

| |Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander histories and cultures |Literacy |Personal and social capability |Identity |

| |Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |Numeracy |Ethical behaviour |Children will have an |

| |Sustainability |ICT capability |Intercultural understanding |opportunity to: |

| | |Critical and creative thinking | |Feel safe, secure and supported |

| | | | |Develop autonomy, |

| | | | |inter-dependence, resilience and|

| | | | |sense of agency |

| | | | |Build a knowledgeable and |

| | | | |confident self identity |

| | | | |Learn to interact in relation to|

| | | | |others with care, empathy and |

| | | | |respect |

| | | | |Community |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Develop a sense of belonging to |

| | | | |groups and communities and |

| | | | |Develop an understanding of |

| | | | |reciprocal rights and |

| | | | |responsibilities |

| | | | |Respond to diversity with |

| | | | |respect |

| | | | |Become aware of fairness |

| | | | |Become socially responsible and |

| | | | |show respect for the environment|

| | | | |Wellbeing |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Become strong in his/her social |

| | | | |and emotional well-being |

| | | | |Take increasing responsibility |

| | | | |for their own health and |

| | | | |physical well-being |

| | | | |Learning |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Build positive dispositions |

| | | | |towards learning such as |

| | | | |curiosity, cooperation, |

| | | | |confidence, creativity, |

| | | | |commitment, enthusiasm, |

| | | | |persistence, imagination and |

| | | | |reflexivity |

| | | | |Develop a range of approaches to|

| | | | |learning such as problem |

| | | | |solving, inquiry, |

| | | | |experimentation, hypothesising, |

| | | | |researching and investigating |

| | | | |Transfer and adapt his/her |

| | | | |learning from one context to |

| | | | |another |

| | | | |Resource his/her own learning by|

| | | | |connecting with people, place, |

| | | | |technologies and natural and |

| | | | |processed materials |

| | | | |Communication |

| | | | |Children will have an |

| | | | |opportunity to: |

| | | | |Interact verbally and |

| | | | |non-verbally with others for a |

| | | | |range of purposes |

| | | | |Engage with a range of texts and|

| | | | |gain meaning from these texts |

| | | | |Express ideas and make meaning |

| | | | |using a range of media |

| | | | |Begin to understand how symbols |

| | | | |and pattern systems work |

| | | | |Access information, investigate |

| | | | |ideas and represent thinking |

| | | | |using ICTs |

|Integrated Areas: use the boxes below to plan how your language is integrated with other areas. Eg. Science, History, Health, etc. | |

| | | | |

| | |ICT integration | |

|Australian Curriculum Standards | |

| |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |

|Listeni|listen to others when taking part in conversations using |listen to and use appropriate language features to respond to |listen to others’ views and respond appropriately. | |

|ng and |appropriate language features. |others in a familiar environment. |understand how language features are used to link and sequence | |

|Speakin|listen for and reproduce letter patterns and letter clusters. |listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. |ideas. | |

|g |understand how characters in texts are developed and give reasons|understand that their texts can reflect their own experiences. |understand how language can be used to express feelings and | |

| |for personal preferences. |identify and describe likes and dislikes about familiar texts, |opinions on topics. | |

| |create texts that show understanding of the connection between |objects, characters and events. |create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar audiences. | |

| |writing, speech and images. |in informal group and whole class settings, students communicate |contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking | |

| |create short texts for a small range of purposes. |clearly. |questions, providing useful feedback and making presentations. | |

| |interact in pair, group and class discussions, taking turns when |retell events and experiences with peers and known adults. | | |

| |responding. |identify and use rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. | | |

| |make short presentations of a few connected sentences on familiar| | | |

| |and learned topics. | | | |

|Reading|understand the different purposes of texts. |use predicting and questioning strategies to make meaning from |understand how content can be organised using different text | |

|and |make connections to personal experience when explaining |texts. |structures depending on the purpose of the text. | |

|Viewing|characters and main events in short texts. |recall one or two events from texts with familiar topics. |understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices | |

| |identify the language features, images and vocabulary used to |understand that there are different types of texts and that these|are used for different effects. | |

| |describe characters and events. |can have similar characteristics. |read texts that contain varied sentence structures, a range of | |

| |read aloud, with developing fluency and intonation, short texts |identify connections between texts and their personal experience.|punctuation conventions, and images that provide additional | |

| |with some unfamiliar vocabulary, simple and compound sentences | |information. | |

| |and supportive images. |read short predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and |identify literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in | |

| |use knowledge of sounds and letters, high frequency words, |supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge of |different parts of a text. | |

| |sentence boundary punctuation and directionality to make meaning.|concepts about print and sound and letters. |select information, ideas and events in texts that relate to | |

| |recall key ideas and recognise literal and implied meaning in |identify the letters of the English alphabet and use the sounds |their own lives and to other texts. | |

| |texts. |represented by most letters. | | |

|Writing|provide details about ideas or events. |use familiar words and phrases and images to convey ideas. |texts include writing and images to express and develop in some | |

| |accurately spell words with regular spelling patterns and use |writing shows evidence of sound and letter knowledge, beginning |detail experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. | |

| |capital letters and full stops. |writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and |demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and | |

| |correctly form all upper- and lower-case letters. |full stops. |punctuation appropriate to the purpose and context of their | |

| | |correctly form known upper- and lower-case letters. |writing. | |

| | | |use knowledge of sounds and high frequency words to spell words | |

| | | |accurately, checking their work for meaning. | |

| | | |legibly write using consistently sized joined letters. | |

Theme/Focus: Teacher: Class: Duration: Date:

|Middle Primary |Level Descriptors What are the focus outcomes from the AC that I am targeting? |Essential Learning What is my focus for my lessons? What skills, knowledge, and |Monitoring Strategies What |

| | |understandings do I explicitly have to teach? |is the most appropriate |

|AC English Overview Planner | | |assessment method? How will |

| | | |I give feedback to the |

|Strand: Language / Literature / | | |students? What and how will|

|Literacy | | |I record this info? |

| | | | |

|Sub strand: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Observations |

| | | |Target child |

| | | |Event/task |

| | | |Self assessment |

| | | |Rubric |

| | | |Reflection questions |

| | | |KWL |

| | | |Conferencing |

| | | |NAPLAN |

| | | |Diagnostic |

| | | |WTW inventory |

| | | |Rubrics |

| | | |Anecdotal records |

| | | |Running record |

| | | |Core words |

| | | |Work samples |

| | | |Concept maps |

| | | |Questioning |

| | | |Teacher designed tasks and |

| | | |tests |

| | | |Standardised test |

| | | |Peer assessment |

| | | |Projects |

| | | |Writing samples |

| | | |Discussions |

| | | |Over shoulder marking |

| | | |Teacher judgement moderation|

| | | |Oral presentations |

|Learning Strategies/Activities - How will I explicitly teach the skills, knowledge and understandings? What will students do to practice these skills, knowledge and understandings in an activity/task? | |

|Listening and Speaking |Reading – (Guided reading, comprehension, processes and strategies ) |Writing | |

|Word Study |Spelling |Grammar/Punctuation/Syntax |Social Skills |

| | | |Self-awareness |

| | | |Recognising your emotions |

| | | |and values as well as |

| | | |strengths and limitations. |

| | | |Self management |

| | | |Managing emotions and |

| | | |behaviours to achieve goals.|

| | | |Responsible decision-making |

| | | |Making ethical, constructive|

| | | |choices about personal and |

| | | |social behaviour. |

| | | |Relationship skills |

| | | |Forming positive |

| | | |relationships, working in |

| | | |teams, dealing effectively |

| | | |with conflict. |

| | | |Social awareness |

| | | |Showing understanding and |

| | | |empathy for others. |

| | | |(Kids Matters ref) |

Theme/Focus: Teacher: Class: Duration: Date:

|Middle Primary |Cross-Curriculum Priorities |General Capabilities |Cooperative Learning Strategies |

|AC English Overview Planner | | | |

|Strand: Language / Literature / Literacy | | | |

|Sub strand: | | | |

| |Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander histories and cultures |Literacy |Personal and social capability |CMS Instructional Strategies |

| |Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |Numeracy |Ethical behaviour |Think, pair, share |

| |Sustainability |ICT capability |Intercultural understanding |P.M.I (plus, minus, interesting)|

| | |Critical and creative thinking | |E.B.S (examine both sides) |

| | | | |Venn diagram |

| | | | |Numbered heads |

| | | | |Value lines |

| | | | |Walk about |

| | | | |Inside/outside circle |

| | | | |Four corners |

| | | | |Three step interview |

| | | | |Place mat |

| | | | |Graffiti |

| | | | |Teams-games-tournaments |

| | | | |Mind mapping/concept maps |

| | | | |Concept attainment |

| | | | |Data sets |

| | | | |Inductive thinking |

| | | | |Academic Controversy |

| | | | |Team analysis |

| | | | |de Bono’s six thinking hats |

| | | | |multiple intelligences |

| | | | |Learning styles |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Kagan Cooperative Learning |

| | | | |Pg. 6.24 List of Structures and |

| | | | |functions |

| | | | |Pg. 6.30 – 6.38 has structures |

|Integrated Areas: use the boxes below to plan how your language is integrated with other areas. Eg. Science, History, Health, etc. | |

| | | | |

| | |ICT integration | |

|Australian Curriculum Standards |

| |Year 3 |Year 4 |Year 5 |

|Listening |listen to others’ views and respond appropriately. |listen for key points in discussions. |listen and ask questions to clarify content. |

|and |understand how language features are used to link and sequence ideas. |use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. |use language features to show how ideas can be extended. |

|Speaking |understand how language can be used to express feelings and opinions on |understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. |develop and explain a point of view about a text selecting information, |

| |topics. |create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used |ideas and images from a range of resources. |

| |create a range of texts for familiar and unfamiliar audiences. |to extend key ideas. |create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. |

| |contribute actively to class and group discussions, asking questions, |create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. |make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, |

| |providing useful feedback and making presentations. |make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, |taking into account other perspectives. |

| | |varying language according to context. | |

|Reading and|understand how content can be organised using different text structures |understand that texts have different structures depending on the purpose |explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. |

|Viewing |depending on the purpose of the text. |and audience. |understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence |

| |understand how language features, images and vocabulary choices are used |explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the|interpretations of characters, settings and events. |

| |for different effects. |interest of audiences. |analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety of |

| |read texts that contain varied sentence structures, a range of punctuation |describe literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different texts. |texts. |

| |conventions, and images that provide additional information. |express preferences for particular texts, and respond to others’ viewpoints|describe how events, characters and settings in texts are depicted and |

| |identify literal and implied meaning connecting ideas in different parts of| |explain their own responses to them. |

| |a text. | | |

| |select information, ideas and events in texts that relate to their own | | |

| |lives and to other texts. | | |

|Writing |texts include writing and images to express and develop in some detail |use language features to create coherence and add detail to their texts. |use language features to show how ideas can be extended. |

| |experiences, events, information, ideas and characters. |understand how to express an opinion based on information in a text. |develop and explain a point of view about a text. |

| |demonstrate understanding of grammar and choose vocabulary and punctuation |create texts that show understanding of how images and detail can be used |create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. |

| |appropriate to the purpose and context of their writing. |to extend key ideas. |demonstrate understanding of grammar, select specific vocabulary |

| |use knowledge of sounds and high frequency words to spell words accurately,|create structured texts to explain ideas for different audiences. |use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to provide |

| |checking their work for meaning. |demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary from a range of |structure and meaning. |

| |legibly write using consistently sized joined letters. |resources | |

| | |use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to improve | |

| | |meaning. | |

Theme/Focus: Teacher: Class: Duration: Date:

|Upper Primary |Level Descriptors What are the focus outcomes from the AC that I am targeting? |Essential Learning What is my focus for my lessons? What skills, knowledge, and |Monitoring Strategies What |

| | |understandings do I explicitly have to teach? |is the most appropriate |

|AC English Overview Planner | | |assessment method? How will |

| | | |I give feedback to the |

|Strand: Language / Literature / | | |students? What and how will|

|Literacy | | |I record this info? |

| | | | |

|Sub strand: | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Observations |

| | | |Target child |

| | | |Event/task |

| | | |Self assessment |

| | | |Rubric |

| | | |Reflection questions |

| | | |KWL |

| | | |Conferencing |

| | | |NAPLAN |

| | | |Diagnostic |

| | | |WTW inventory |

| | | |Rubrics |

| | | |Anecdotal records |

| | | |Running record |

| | | |Core words |

| | | |Work samples |

| | | |Concept maps |

| | | |Questioning |

| | | |Teacher designed tasks and |

| | | |tests |

| | | |Standardised test |

| | | |Peer assessment |

| | | |Projects |

| | | |Writing samples |

| | | |Discussions |

| | | |Over shoulder marking |

| | | |Teacher judgement moderation|

| | | |Oral presentations |

|Learning Strategies/Activities - How will I explicitly teach the skills, knowledge and understandings? What will students do to practice these skills, knowledge and understandings in an activity/task? | |

|Listening and Speaking |Reading – (Guided reading, comprehension, processes and strategies ) |Writing | |

|Word Study |Spelling |Grammar/Punctuation/Syntax |Social Skills |

| | | |Self-awareness |

| | | |Recognising your emotions |

| | | |and values as well as |

| | | |strengths and limitations. |

| | | |Self management |

| | | |Managing emotions and |

| | | |behaviours to achieve goals.|

| | | |Responsible decision-making |

| | | |Making ethical, constructive|

| | | |choices about personal and |

| | | |social behaviour. |

| | | |Relationship skills |

| | | |Forming positive |

| | | |relationships, working in |

| | | |teams, dealing effectively |

| | | |with conflict. |

| | | |Social awareness |

| | | |Showing understanding and |

| | | |empathy for others. |

| | | |(Kids Matters ref) |

Theme/Focus: Teacher: Class: Duration: Date:

|Upper Primary |Cross-Curriculum Priorities |General Capabilities |Cooperative Learning Strategies |

|AC English Overview Planner | | | |

|Strand: Language / Literature / Literacy | | | |

|Sub strand: | | | |

| |Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander histories and cultures |Literacy |Personal and social capability |CMS Instructional Strategies |

| |Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia |Numeracy |Ethical behaviour |Think, pair, share |

| |Sustainability |ICT capability |Intercultural understanding |P.M.I (plus, minus, interesting)|

| | |Critical and creative thinking | |E.B.S (examine both sides) |

| | | | |Venn diagram |

| | | | |Numbered heads |

| | | | |Value lines |

| | | | |Walk about |

| | | | |Inside/outside circle |

| | | | |Four corners |

| | | | |Three step interview |

| | | | |Place mat |

| | | | |Graffiti |

| | | | |Teams-games-tournaments |

| | | | |Mind mapping/concept maps |

| | | | |Concept attainment |

| | | | |Data sets |

| | | | |Inductive thinking |

| | | | |Academic Controversy |

| | | | |Team analysis |

| | | | |de Bono’s six thinking hats |

| | | | |multiple intelligences |

| | | | |Learning styles |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Kagan Cooperative Learning |

| | | | |Pg. 6.24 List of Structures and |

| | | | |functions |

| | | | |Pg. 6.30 – 6.38 has structures |

|Integrated Areas: use the boxes below to plan how your language is integrated with other areas. Eg. Science, History, Health, etc. | |

| | | | |

| | |ICT integration | |

|Australian Curriculum Standards |

| |Year 5 |Year 6 |Year 7 |

|Listenin|listen and ask questions to clarify content. |listen for and explain different perspectives in texts. |listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas. |

|g and |use language features to show how ideas can be extended. |understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence|understand how language features and language patterns can be used for |

|Speaking|develop and explain a point of view about a text selecting information, |an audience. |emphasis. |

| |ideas and images from a range of resources. |understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other |show how specific details can be used to support a point of view. |

| |create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. |sources to express or challenge a point of view. |explain how their choices of language features and images are used. |

| |make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, |create texts showing how language features and images from other texts can |create detailed texts, elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and |

| |taking into account other perspectives. |be combined for effect. |audiences. |

| | |create texts structured and coherent texts for a range purposes and |make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, |

| | |audiences. |using a variety of strategies for effect. |

| | |make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, | |

| | |using language features to engage the audience. | |

|Reading |explain how text structures assist in understanding the text. |understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and |understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects. |

|and |understand how language features, images and vocabulary influence |are dependent on audience, purpose and context. |analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by|

|Viewing |interpretations of characters, settings and events. |demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and|different authors to represent ideas, characters and events. |

| |analyse and explain literal and implied information from a variety of texts.|vocabulary affects meaning. |compare and analyse information in different texts, explaining literal and |

| | |explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting |implied meaning. |

| |describe how events, characters and settings in texts are depicted and |evidence and implied meaning. |select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it. |

| |explain their own responses to them. |select specific details from texts to develop their own response, | |

| | |recognising that texts reflect different viewpoints. | |

|Writing |use language features to show how ideas can be extended. |understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence|understand how language features and language patterns can be used for |

| |develop and explain a point of view about a text. |an audience. |emphasis. |

| |create a variety of sequenced texts for different purposes and audiences. |understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other |show how specific details can be used to support a point of view. |

| |demonstrate understanding of grammar, select specific vocabulary |sources to express or challenge a point of view. |explain how their choices of language features and images are used. |

| |use accurate spelling and punctuation, editing their work to provide |create texts showing how language features, text structures, and images from|create detailed texts elaborating upon key ideas for a range of purposes and|

| |structure and meaning. |other texts can be combined for effect. |audiences. |

| | |create structured and coherent texts for a range of purposes and audiences. |demonstrate understanding of grammar, make considered choices from an |

| | |When creating and editing texts they demonstrate understanding of grammar, |expanding vocabulary, use, accurate spelling and punctuation for clarity and|

| | |use a variety of more specialised vocabulary, use accurate spelling and |make and explain editorial choices. |

| | |punctuation. | |


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