Answer Guide for Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study ...

Sage NCP Form Student Name: Michaela M. Phillips

Case: Middle Aged Man with Hypertension

|Patient: 60 YEAR OLD MAN |Referred for: HYPERTENSION |


|Food and Nutrition Related History: |

|No diet plan |

|Anthropometric Measurements |

|Age: 60 |Gender: M |Ht: 5’9” |Wt: 234 lbs |BMI: 34.7 kg/m2 (Obese) |

| | | |Wt Hx: NA | |

|Biomedical Data, Medical Tests & Procedures |

|Labs/Date |

|Pertinent Medications/Supplements/Herbs: |

|Hydrochlorothiazide |

|Skin status: x Intact □ Pressure Ulcer/Non-healing wound; Comments: |

|Patient/Client/Family Medical/Health/CAM History: |

|Estimated Nutritional Needs Based on Comparative Standards: |

|Calories 2448 (30 cal per kg Adjusted body weight) = |Protein 85g (.8g/kg BW - .8 x 234/2.2) |Fluid 2.5 L (1 mL per kcal rounded to the nearest ½ |

|30 x (179.5 lbs. / 2.2) | |liter) |

|Current Diet Order None |Feeding Ability |Oral Problems |Intake |

| |X Independent |□ Chewing Problem |□ Good (> 75%) |

| |□ Limited Assistance |□ Swallowing Problem |□ Fair (approx. 50%) |

| |□ Extensive/Total Assistance |□ Mouth Pain |X Poor ( ................

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