Sport Specific Workouts: Soccer

Sport Specific Workouts: Soccer

This program is intended for soccer players looking to improve their overall strength, muscular endurance, and explosive power. The program is broken down into three four-week periods. Every fourth week, the overall volume of the workout will be taken down to allow the athlete to deload and recover in order to prepare for the next four-week cycle.

The program is broken down into a four day per week cycle as well. Each week there will be two upper body workouts and two lower body workouts. Again, the aim of this program is to gain overall strength, muscular endurance, and power, so having an upper/lower body split will help to accomplish this goal.

Week 1, Day 1:

1. Bench Press: 3 x 15

2. Chest Supported Row: 3 x 10

3A. Lateral Raises: 3 x 10

3B. Face Pulls: 3 x 10

4A. Barbell Shrugs: 3 x 10

4B. Tricep Pulldowns with rope: 3 x 10

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Week 1, Day 2:

1. Barbell Squat: 3 x 8

2. Walking Lunges: 3 x 10 each leg

3. 45 degree Back Raises: 3 x 10

4A. Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 15

4B. Plank: 3 x 30sec.


Week 1, Day 3:

1. Squat Jumps: 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings: 3 x 10

3. Reverse Lunges: 3 x 10

4. Side Plank: 3 x 30 sec each side


Week 1, Day 4:

1. Bench Press: 3 x 10 reps

2. Chest Supported Row: 3 x 8

3A. Lateral Raises: 3 x 8

3B. Face Pulls: 3 x 10

4A. Barbell Shrugs: 3 x 10

4B. Tricep Pulldowns with rope: 3 x 10


Week 2, Day 1:

1. Barbell Squat: 3 x 5

2. Walking Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg

3. 45 degree Back Raises:3 x 10

4A. Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 15

4B. Plank: 3 x 30sec.


Week 2, Day 2

1. Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 5

2. Pull Ups: 3 x max reps

3A. Side Kneeling External Rotation: 3 x 10 each side

3B. Barbell Curls: 3 x 8

4. Farmers Walks: 3 x 45 metres with heavy dumbbells


Week 2, Day 3:

1. Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 5

2. Pull Ups: 3 x max reps

3A. Side Kneeling External Rotation: 3 x 10 each side

3B. Barbell Curls: 3 x 8

4. Farmers Walks: 3 x 50 yards with heavy dumbbells


Week 2, Day 4:

1. Squat Jumps: 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings: 3 x 8

3. Reverse Lunges: 3 x 8

4. Side Plank: 3 x 30 sec each side


Week 3, Day 1:

1. Bench Press: 3 x 8 reps

2. Chest Supported Row: 3 x 8

3A. Lateral Raises: 3 x 10

3B. Face Pulls: 3 x 10

4A. Barbell Shrugs: 3 x 10

4B. Tricep Pulldowns with rope: 3 x 10


Week 3, Day 2

1. Barbell Squat: 3 x 5

2. Walking Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg

3. 45 degree Back Raises: 3 x 10

4A. Hanging Leg Raises: 3 x 15

4B. Plank: 3 x 30sec.


Week 3, Day 3

1. Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 5

2. Pullups: 3 x max reps

3A. Side Kneeling External Rotation: 3 x 10 each side

3B. Dumbbell Hammer Curls: 3 x 8

4. Farmers Walks: 3 x 50 yards with heavy dumbbells


Week 3, Day 4:

1. Squat Jumps: 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings: 3 x 8

3. Reverse Lunges: 3 x 8

4. Side Plank: 3 x 30 sec each side


Week 4, Day 1:

1. Incline Bench Press: 2 x 10

2. One Arm Dumbbell Rows: 2 x 10

3A. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 2 x 10

3B. Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns: 2 x 10

4. Mountain Climbers: 2 x 15 each leg


Week 4, Day 2:

1. Deadlift: 3 x 5

2. Bulgarian Split Squats: 2 x 10 each leg

3. Glute Ham Raise: 2 x 10

4A. Hanging Bicycles: 2 x 10 each direction

4B. Pallof Press: 2 x 10


Week 4, Day 3

1. Floor Press: 3 x 5

2. Chin Ups: 2 x max reps

3. Neutral Grip Row: 2 x 12

4A. Plank: 2 x 45 sec.

4B. Reverse Crunch: 2 x 10


Week 4, Day 4

1. Squat: 8 x 2 @60% of 1RM

2. Step Ups: 2 x 10 each leg

3. Kettlebell Swings: 2 x 12

4. Woodchoppers: 2 x 10 each side


Week 5, Day 1

1. Incline Bench Press- 3 x 8

2. One Arm Dumbbell Rows- 3 x 8

3A. Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 3 x 8

3B. Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns- 3 x 10

4. Mountain Climbers- 3 x 15 each leg


Week 5, Day 2

1. Deadlift- 4 x 3

2. Bulgarian Split Squats- 3 x 8 each leg

3. Glute Ham Raise- 3 x 10

4A. Hanging Bicycles- 3 x 10 each direction

4B. Pallof Press- 3 x 10


Week 5, Day 3

1. Floor Press- 4 x 3

2. Chin-ups- 3 x max reps

3. Neutral Grip Row- 3 x 10

4A. Plank- 3 x 45 sec.

4B. Reverse Cruch- 3 x 10


Week 6, Day 1

1. Incline Bench Press- 3 x 5

2. One Arm Dumbbell Rows- 2 x 8

3A. Dumbbell Shoulder Press- 2 x 8

3B. Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns- 3 x 10

4. Mountain Climbers- 3 x 15 each leg


Week 6, Day 2

1. Deadlift- 5 x 3

2. Bulgarian Split Squats- 2 x 8 each leg

3. Glute Ham Raise- 3 x 10

4A. Hanging Bicycles- 3 x 10 each direction

4B. Pallof Press- 3 x 10


Week 6, Day 3

1. Floor Press- 5 x 3

2. Chin-ups- 3 x max reps

3. Neutral Grip Row- 3 x 8

4A. Plank- 3 x 45 sec.

4B. Reverse Crunch- 3 x 10


Week 6, Day 4

1. Squat- 8 x 2 @70% of 1RM

2. Step-ups- 2 x 8 each leg

3. Kettlebell Swings- 2 x 12

4. Woodchoppers- 3 x 10 each side


Week 7, Day 1

1. Bench Press- 3 x 3

2. Chest Supported Rows- 3 x 5

3A. Seated Cable Row Underhand Grip- 3 x 10

3B. Band Pull Aparts- 3 x 10

4. Close Grip Pushup- 3 x 12

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Week 7, Day 2

1. Front Squat- 3 x 8

2. Walking Lunges- 3 x 10 each leg

3. Pull Throughs- 3 x 8

4A. Hanging Leg Raises- 3 x 15

4B. Ab Wheel Rollout- 3 x 10

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Week 7, Day 3

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 3 x 8

2. Pullups- 3 x max reps

3A. Bent-over Rows- 3 x 10

3. Dumbbell Bicep Curls- 3 x 10

4. Farmers Walks- 3 x 45 metres with heavy dumbbells


Week 7, Day 4

1. Squat Jumps- 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings- 3 x 10

3. Reverse Lunges from elevated step- 3 x 10 each leg

4. Side Plank- 3 x 45 sec each side

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Week 8, Day 1

1. Bench Press- 5 x 2

2. Chest Supported Rows- 5 x 5

3A. Seated Cable Row Underhand Grip- 2 x 10

3B. Band Pull Aparts- 3 x 10

4. Close Grip Pushup- 3 x 12

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Week 8, Day 2

1. Front Squat- 4 x 5

2. Walking Lunges- 2 x 10 each leg

3. Pull Throughs- 2 x 8

4A. Hanging Leg Raises- 3 x 15

4B. Ab Wheel Rollout- 3 x 10

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Week 8, Day 3

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 4 x 5

2. Pullups- 3 x max reps

3A. Bent-over Rows- 2 x 10

3B. Dumbbell Bicep Curls- 2 x 10

4. Farmers Walks- 3 x 45 metres with heavy dumbbells


Week 8, Day 4

1. Squat Jumps- 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings- 3 x 10

3. Reverse Lunges from elevated step- 3 x 10 each leg

4. Side Plank- 3 x 45 sec each side

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Week 9, Day 1

1. Bench Press- 2 x 5

2. Chest Supported Rows- 2 x 5

3A. Seated Cable Row Underhand Grip- 2 x 10

3B. Band Pull Aparts- 2 x 10

4. Close Grip Pushup- 2 x 12

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Week 9, Day 2

1. Front Squat: 2 x 8

2. Walking Lunges: 2 x 10 each leg

3. Pull Throughs: 2 x 8

4A. Hanging Leg Raises: 2 x 15

4B. Ab Wheel Rollout: 2 x 10

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Week 9, Day 3

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 2 x 8

2. Pullups: 2 x max reps

3A. Bent-over Rows: 2 x 10

3. Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 2 x 10

4. Farmers Walks: 2 x 50 yards with heavy dumbbells


Week 9, Day 4

1. Squat Jumps: 5 x 5

2. Good Mornings: 2 x 10

3. Reverse Lunges from elevated step: 2 x 10 each leg

4. Side Plank: 2 x 45 sec each side

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Week 10, Day 1

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 3 x 5

2. One Arm Dumbbell Row- 3 x 8

3. Dumbbell Push Press- 3 x 8

4A. Side Lying External Rotation- 3 x 12 each side

4B. Plank- 3 x 45 sec.

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Week 10, Day 2

1. Deadlift- 5 x 3

2. Pull Through- 3 x 8

3. Glute Ham Raise- 3 x 10

4. Cross Body Mountain Climbers- 3 x 15 each leg

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Week 10, Day 3

1. Pin Press- 8 x 3

2. Weighted Chinups- 3 x 5

3. Standing One Arm Cable Row- 3 x 8 each side

4. Bodyweight Dips- 3 x max reps

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Week 10, Day 4

1. Squat- 10 x 2 @70% 1RM

2. Single Leg Squat to Chair- 3 x 10 each leg

3. Kettlebell Swings- 3 x 12

4. Reverse Crunches- 3 x 10

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Week 11, Day 1

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 5 x 4

2. One Arm Dumbbell Row- 3 x 6

3. Dumbbell Push Press- 3 x 8

4A. Side Lying External Rotation- 3 x 12 each side

4B. Plank- 3 x 45 sec.

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Week 11, Day 2

1. Deadlift- 8 x 2

2. Pull Through- 3 x 8

3. Glute Ham Raise- 3 x 10

4. Cross Body Mountain Climbers- 3 x 15 each leg

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Week 11, Day 3

1. Pin Press- 10 x 2

2. Weighted Chinups- 5 x 3

3. Standing One Arm Cable Row- 3 x 8 each side

4. Bodyweight Dips- 3 x max reps

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Week 11, Day 4

1. Squat- 8 x 2 @75% 1RM

2. Single Leg Squat to Chair- 3 x 10 each leg

3. Kettlebell Swings- 3 x 12

4. Reverse Crunches- 3 x 10

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Week 12, Day 1

1. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press- 2 x 8

2. One Arm Dumbbell Row- 2 x 8

3. Dumbbell Push Press- 2 x 8

4A. Side Lying External Rotation- 2 x 12 each side

4B. Plank- 2 x 45 sec

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Week 12, Day 2

1. Deadlift- 3 x 3

2. Pull Through- 2 x 8

3. Glute Ham Raise- 2 x 10

4. Cross Body Mountain Climbers- 2 x 15 each leg

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Week 12, Day 3

1. Pin Press- 5 x 3

2. Weighted Chinups- 3 x 3

3. Standing One Arm Cable Row- 2 x 8 each side

4. Bodyweight Dips- 2 x max reps

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Week 12, Day 4

1. Squat- 3 x 2 @80% 1RM

2. Single Leg Squat to Chair- 2 x 10 each leg

3. Kettlebell Swings- 2 x 12

4. Reverse Crunches- 2 x 10

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