Bodyweight Overload

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |5:00 warmup |Day 5 |Day 6 |

|Warmup run 10:00 / stretch | |5:00 warmup jog stretch |stretch  |5:00 warmup |  |

|Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - stretch|Run 1 mile/stretch |3-4 mile timed run |Run 2 miles |stretch  |Run 2.5 miles |

|legs to prep for run in |Special USNA Summer Seminar| |  |3-4 mile run | |

|between sets. |Workout this AM |Swim workout: |Repeat 3 times |or |Obstacle Course Simulation|

|Repeat 4 times |Pushups: 5,10,15,20,25, |500m warm-up any stroke |Pullups - max |1 mile swim |Workout: |

|Run 1 mile |30,35,40,45,50 | |TRX atomic pushups - max |or |*8 count pullup workout - |

| | |5 x 100m hypoxics at |TRX Rollouts - 10-15 |20 mile bike |go til you fail at pullups|

|Pullups - max |In between each pushup set |4,6,8,10,12 stroke per |situps - 1 min |  |or if you have access to |

|Situps 50 |above do: |breath |flutterkicks - 1 min | |an obstacle course - do a |

|Swim PT: |Squats 10-20 | |Run 2 miles | |max pullup set then run |

|Repeat 5 times |Situps 20-40 |Repeat 5 times |Repeat 3 times | |the o course.  Repeat as |

|Swim 100m timed |flutterkicks 20-25 |25m underwater |Pullups - max | |many times as you can - we|

|Rest with 50 abs of choice |Once done do one extra set |25m easy stroke / catch |TRX atomic pushups - max | |did 4-5 times today |

| |of 25 pushups to get 300 |your breath |TRX Rollouts - 10-15 | |Run 2.5 miles |

|(if no pool - replace with |total reps |rest 30 -45 seconds |situps - 1 min | |Day 7 Day off or make up |

|100m running sprints or 2 |1 mile easy run |Run - 2-3 mile run |flutterkicks - 1 min | |day |

|min fast bike) | |  |TRX exercises on video | | |

| | |  |  | | |

TRX – info: linkpages/TRX2.htm

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| |Run 1 mile |Run 2 mile / stretch |Your choice of |Run and Leg PT |Run and Pullups Day |

|2 mile run / stretch |Stretch |8 count BB pullup / |cardio day: |Track Workout: |Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - stretch |

| | |pushup pyramid: |45-60 minutes of: | |legs to prep for run: |

|Warmup with: |Repeat 5 times |go until you fail at | |Repeat 8 times |Repeat 5 times |

| |Run 200m fast |pullups - if you can get |running, biking, |1/4 mile at 90 seconds - rest 45 |Run 1 mile |

|repeat 10 times |squats 50 |1 to 20 that = 210 eight |swimming, rowing, |seconds |Max Pullups |

|jumping jacks 10 |Run 200m fast |counts and pullups!!! |elliptical etc.. | |Swim Workout: |

|pushups 10 |lunges 25/leg |Swim: | |Repeat 25 times: |500m timed |

|Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - |Run 1 mile |500m timed |If you need a non |50m jog / 50m sprint | |

|stretch legs to prep for |Swim with fins 2000m |5 x 100m CSS paced at |impact cardio day - |- pick any exercise from below and|5 x 100m hypox at 8-10 stroke |

|run: |Run 2 miles or ruck with |goal 500m pace |take it... |do 25 reps in between each 50/50m |per breath |

| |25# for 2 miles |10 x 50m CSS at least 50 | | | |

|TEST: | |seconds - rest 20 seconds| |Pushups (any type) |5 x 25m underwaters |

|Pushups 2 min | |per set | |Situps |- rest 20 seconds |

|rest 2 min | |2 mile run | |crunches (any type) | |

|Situps 2 min | | | |flutterkicks |Repeat 5 times |

|rest 2 min | | | |leg levers |25m freestyle no breaths - |

|Pullups - max | | | |scissors |stop and breathe (10-15 |

|Rest 10 min | | | |TRX - any exercise |seconds) on the wall THEN swim|

| | | | |squats, lunges, heel raises |25m underwater |

|1.5 mile timed run | | | |KB swings |  |

| | | | |woodchoppers |  |

|500m swim any stroke: | | | |8 count pushups | |

| | | | |burpees...etc.etc | |

|Repeat 5 times | | | | | |

|25m underwaters | | | |1 mile swim with fins | |

|- 25m CSS easy | | | |  | |

|- rest 30 seconds | | | | | |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| |Run 4mile timed run |Run 2 mile / stretch |Military Triathlon |Day off |Run 2.5 mile run |

|Run and Pullups - Swim and | |8 count BB pullup / |5 mile run | | |

|Pushups |Swim 1 mile swim with or |pushup pyramid: | | |Rope climbs - 10 times - rest |

|Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - |without fins |go until you fail at |1 mile swim with | |with |

|stretch legs to prep for |Optional - 3 mile run or |pullups - if you can get |fins | |odd sets - 50 abs |

|run: |ruck with 50lbs |1 to 20 that = 210 eight |5 mile ruck with | |even sets 10-15 pullups |

|Repeat 5 times | |counts and pullups!!! |50lbs | |run 2.5 mile run |

|Run 1 mile | | | | |* if you do not have a rope to|

|Max Pullups | |- every 5th set you have | | |climb do 5 more sets of |

|Swim Workout: | |to do 50 atomic pushups | | |pullups - max reps or towel |

|250m timed | |using the TRX | | |pullups gripping the towel / |

|- Pt of pushups, situps, | |Swim: | | |rope over the bar... |

|dips 25 each | |500m timed | | |  |

|Repeat 5 times | |5 x 100m CSS paced at | | |  |

|25m freestyle no breaths - | |goal 500m pace | | | |

|stop and breathe (10-15 | |10 x 50m CSS at least 50 | | | |

|seconds) on the wall THEN | |seconds - rest 20 seconds| | | |

|swim 25m underwater | |per set | | | |

|_ pt of pushups, dips, | |2 mile run | | | |

|situps 25 each | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Cool down 500m swim | | | | | |

|Day 1 - warmup with 1.4 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

|mile run / stretch |Run and Pullups / Pushups |Easy Day |Run / Pullups / Pushups / Abs |Day off or make up day|1 mile run warmup / stretch |

| |Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - | |Pullups 2,4,6,8,10 - stretch |for any of the |8 count pushups / pullup -  |

|Run 1.5 mile timed run |stretch legs to prep for |Run or swim only |legs to prep for run: |workouts you missed |workout til you fail at pullups |

| |run: |4 mile run for time or |Run 1 mile warmup stretch: |this week.. |then repeat in reverse order. |

|Repeat 4 times |Repeat 3-4 times |2000m swim for time | | |If you can make it past 10 |

|jog 50m |Run 1 mile |  |Repeat 3-4 times | |pullups on the pyramid - keep |

|sprint 100m |Max Pullups | |max pullups sets until you get| |going til you fail and do not |

|squats 20 |Max Pushups and | |25-50 pullups OR do | |worry about repeating in reverse|

| |1 min situps or | |2,4,6,8,10 - up to you... | |order.  shoot for total reps of |

|Repeat 4 times |TRX atomic pushups - try to| |Pushups 1 min | |at least 100 pullups / 8 count |

|jog 50m |double your pullup reps | |Situps 1 min  OR | |pushup... |

|sprint 100m |each set | |TRX Atomic pushups - max reps | |our group will shoot for 1-20 |

|lunges 20 steps = 10 per |Ruck or swim with fins | |RUN 1 mile for time | |pullups and 8 count pushups |

|leg |option - total time 30-45 | |Swim Workout: | |which equals 210 pullups / 8 |

|Repeat 5 times |minutes - your choice | |Swim 100m for time / pushups | |count pushups... |

|50m hypox at 8-10 stroke |  | |Swim 200m for time / pushups | |1 mile cooldown run |

|per breath |Lower back Plan | |Swim 300m for time / pushups | | |

|- rest 30 secs | | |- how long it takes you to | | |

| | | |swim 100,200, 300m - then do | | |

|Repeat 5 times | | |pushups for that long each set| | |

|25m freestyle no breaths - | | |Lower back Plan | | |

|stop and breathe (10-15 | | | | | |

|seconds) on the wall THEN | | | | | |

|swim 25m underwater | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Repeat 10 times | | | | | |

|50m CSS at sub 50 seconds | | | | | |

|- rest 30 seconds and focus| | | | | |

|on getting each lap in as | | | | | |

|few strokes as possible.  | | | | | |

|See CSS for details | | | | | |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| |Warmup / Stretch |1 mile jog - warmup / | |Day off | |

|Warmup with 2,4,6,8,10 | |stretch |Cardio of your choice - work | |Build your own PFT: |

|pullups / stretch legs / |Repeat 4 times | |on your weakness | |Non impact cardio: 500m swim, 10|

|arms: |1/4 mile at goal pace for |Repeat 3 times |1-2 mile swim with or without | |mile bike, 2000m row |

|repeat 4 times |your timed run distance - |1 mile run fast - shoot |fins | |Pick 2 upper body: |

|1 mile run - timed |recommend 90 second 1/4 |for 1 mile run time | | |pullups, pushups, TRX atomic |

|2,4,6,8,10 pullups - any |mile pace / stretch |above |4 mile timed run | |pushups, bench press - max reps |

|grip |Run workout called 50 - 50s|- pullups |any non impact if you need a | |bodyweight, |

|pushups 25-50 |Repeat 25 times |- pushups |rest from impact of running | | |

|Abs of choice 25-50 |- 50m jog |- situps |  | |Pick 1 ab exercise: |

|(use TRX atomic pushups as |- 50m sprint or fast run | | | |situps, crunches, flutterkicks, |

|option for both pushups / |rest with 25 reps of abs or|Get numbers above any |  | |Army rower aka (atomic situp) |

|abs each set - max reps *if|leg exercises like: |way you can. | | |Pick 1 fast run: |

|you have a TRX) |squats, lunges, crunches, |Swim: | | |100m sprint |

|SWIM: |leg levers, flutterkicks, |repeat 5 times | | |300m sprint |

|Repeat 5 times |broad jump(10 reps), TRX |250yd using freestyle or| | |120yd shuttle run (4x30) |

|250m timed - any stroke |legs, ski exercises - |CSS | | |1/4 mile sprin |

|pushups 1 min |recommend to pick 5 sets of|- rest with 50 | | |IL agility test |

|flutterkicks 1 min |different exercises... |flutterkicks and 50 leg | | |Pick 1 longer run: |

|Lowerback Plan | |levers | | | |

| | |  | | |1.5 mile timed run |

| | | | | |2 mile timed run |

| | | | | |3 mile timed run |

| | | | | |4 mile timed run |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |*rest in between as long as you |

| | | | | |need |

| | | | | |  |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| | |Build your own PFT: | |Do in as few sets as |Weekend off - prepare for change|

|Navy SEAL PFT |1 mile warmup jog or 5 min |Non impact cardio: 500m swim, 10 |Cardio of your |possible: |in routine - next week will |

|500yd swim |bike |mile bike, 2000m row |choice - work on |100 pullups |start the addition of weights / |

|rest 10 min |stretch |Pick 2 upper body: |your weakness |200 pushups |shorter faster runs but still |

|pushups 2 min |1 mile timed run |pullups, pushups, TRX atomic |1-2 mile swim |300 situps |good mix of swim and pt... |

|rest 2 min |Repeat 12 times |pushups, bench press - max reps |with or without |100 dips |  |

|situps 2 min |1/4 mile at goal mile pace |bodyweight, |fins | |  |

|rest 2 min |(ie 6 min mile = 90 sec | | |alternate max reps sets | |

|pullups - max |1/4s) |Pick 1 ab exercise: |4 mile timed run |of each exercise - | |

|rest 10 min |- rest with 20 leg/ab |situps, crunches, flutterkicks, |any non impact if|keeping track each cycle | |

|read PFT transition |exercises of your choice:  |Army rower aka (atomic situp) |you need a rest |of total reps - stop when| |

|1.5 mile timed run |squats, lunges, heel |Pick 1 fast run: |from impact of |you reach all the goal | |

| |raises, flutterkicks, leg |100m sprint |running |numbers - no rest other | |

|Go back to pool |levers, |300m sprint |  |than sips of water / | |

| |***option for 1/4s** |120yd shuttle run (4x30) | |stretch | |

|5 x 100m swims at goal pace|if you are getting ready |1/4 mile sprint |  |  | |

|(ie 50 second 50m for |for fall sports - jog the |IL agility test | | | |

|500m)  rest 30 sec |corners of the track / |Pick 1 longer run: | | | |

|10 x 50m at goal pace for |sprint the straights (100m | | | | |

|500m |sprint/100m jog/100m sprint|1.5 mile timed run | | | |

|  |/ 100m jog) |2 mile timed run | | | |

|  |  |3 mile timed run | | | |

| | |4 mile timed run | | | |

| | |or 6 mile ruck with 50# | | | |

| | |  | | | |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| | |Long Run Day | |Non impact cardio workout |Run 1.5 mile |

|Non impact cardio |1/4 mile warm up - stretch | |1/4 mile warm up |options: |Do in as few sets as |

|workout options: |Repeat 12 times |Run for 60 minutes - |squats 20 | |possible: |

| |1/4 mile at goal mile pace |how far do you get?  |1/2 squats 20 |Swim Workout: 500m, 400m , |100 pullups |

|Swim Workout: 500m, 400m|(ie 6 min mile = 90 sec 1/4s)|If you have to walk |lunges 10/leg |300m, 200m, 100m - rest as |200 pushups |

|, 300m, 200m, 100m - |Pick 1 leg exercise plus 1 ab|some that is OK.. |butt kickers 30 seconds |needed in between sets - |300 situps |

|rest as needed in |exercise in between each 1/4 |or Bike and Swim |leg swings 10/leg |focus on goal pace. |100 dips |

|between sets - focus on |mile: |combo: |Repeat 25 times | | |

|goal pace. |NEW weights: power clean | |Jog 50m |Bike Workout: |alternate max reps sets of |

| |5reps, hang clean 5 reps, |30 minute bike |Sprint 50m 100% |Pyramid - Each minute make |each exercise - keeping track|

|Bike Workout: |dead lift 5 reps,  thrusters |30 minute swim - how |pick 1 exercise in between |resistance higher by 2 levels|each cycle of total reps - |

|Pyramid - Each minute |5 reps |far do you get? |sets (repeat same exercise up |for 15 minutes - then repeat |stop when you reach all the |

|make resistance higher |- rest with 20 leg/ab | |to 5 times only) :  do 25 reps|in reverse order |goal numbers - no rest other |

|by 2 levels for 15 |exercises of your | |of (your choice)  pushups, | |than sips of water / stretch |

|minutes - then repeat in|choice: (such as) | |situps, flutterkicks, |Elliptical - Same pyramid as |Run 1.5 mile of 400m and 200m|

|reverse order |KB swings, , squats, lunges, | |pullups,  |above... |intervals - rest 50% of time |

| |heel raises, flutter kicks, | |TRX atomic pushups, squats, | |it takes you to run distance.|

|Elliptical - Same |leg levers... | |lunges, frog hops, burpees, |Rowing - 2000m row for time |  |

|pyramid as above... |Swim cool down - 1000m with | |box jumps, KB swings,|Select 1 or 2 methods of |  |

| |fins | |limit to what you can do |cardio today | |

|Rowing - 2000m row for |***non-impact option for | |here... |  | |

|time |running - fast bike or | |Swim or bike 30 minutes:  - |  | |

|Select 1 or 2 methods of|elliptical or rowing machine | |Every 5 minutes stop and do:  | | |

|cardio today |for 2 minutes each set*** | |max pushups, flutterkicks 1 | | |

| | | |min each...Do pullups max reps| | |

| | | |if you have available | | |

|Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |Day 6 |

| | |PT Day |1/4 mile warm up |Non impact cardio workout |Run 1.5 mile |

|100 pullups anyway you |1/4 mile warm up - stretch | |squats 20 |options: |Do in as few sets as |

|can throughout the day |Repeat 12 times |PT pyramid |1/2 squats 20 | |possible: |

| |1/4 mile at goal mile pace | |lunges 10/leg |Swim Workout: 500m, 400m , |*100 pullups |

|Swim Workout: |(ie 6 min mile = 90 sec |Pullups - |butt kickers 30 seconds |300m, 200m, 100m - rest as |200 pushups |

|10 x 50m at 50 seconds |1/4s) |1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, |leg swings 10/leg |needed in between sets - |300 situps |

|using the CSS - rest 20|Pick 1 leg exercise plus 1 |max...repeat in reverse |Repeat 4 times |focus on goal pace. | |

|seconds |ab exercise in between each | with abs of |1/4 mile run at goal pace for| |alternate max reps sets of |

| |1/4 mile: |choice for 10 -20 reps each|1.5 mile timed runs - rest |Bike Workout: |each exercise - keeping |

|Repeat 5 times |NEW weights: |set |with 25 abs of choice |Pyramid - Each minute make |track each cycle of total |

|Hypoxic free styles |Woodchopper squats, lunges |if you can do to level 10 | |resistance higher by 2 |reps - stop when you reach |

|100m followed by 50m |- rest with 20 leg/ab |and back down that is 100 |Repeat 4 times |levels for 15 minutes - then|all the goal numbers - no |

|CSS |exercises of your choice:  |pullups!! |1/4 mile of jog curves / |repeat in reverse order |rest other than sips of |

| |KB swings, squats, lunges, |no cardio day |sprint straights on track or | |water / stretch |

|OR |heel raises, flutter kicks, | |(100m jog / 100m sprint x 2) |Elliptical - Same pyramid as|*use pulldowns or bench |

|Elliptical - pyramid - |leg levers... | |- rest with buttkickers or |above... |press when you fail at |

|each minute gets |Swim with Fins 1000m | |leg swings | |pullups / pushups..or |

|tougher than the |***non-impact option for | |Repeat 16 times |Rowing - 2000m row for time |crunches / plank if you fail|

|previous |running - fast bike or | |100m sprint - build up to |Select 1 or 2 methods of |at situps... |

| |elliptical or rowing machine| |full speed at the 50m mark - |cardio today |Run 1.5 mile of 400m and |

|Rowing - 2000m row for |for 2 minutes each set*** | |rest with 20 pushups / 20 |  |200m intervals - rest 50% of|

|time | | |squats or lunges |  |time it takes you to run |

|Select 1 or 2 methods | | |Swim or bike 30 minutes:  - | |distance. |

|of cardio today | | |Every 5 minutes stop and do: | |  |

| | | |max pushups, flutterkicks 1 | |  |

| | | |min each... | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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