Bon voyage! Level 3 Chapitre 3, Leçon 3 m. - Quia

Bon voyage! Level 3 - Chapitre 3, Le?on 3

Quiz 3.3.1, Thursday, January 9

3. commander to command, order

1. l'album (m.) album

4. compter to count, intend

2. le/la b?n?vole volunteer

5. conseiller to advise

3. accompagner to accompany

6. couper to cut

4. aider to help

7. co?ter to cost

5. aimer to like, love

Quiz 3.3.8, Monday, January 20

Quiz 3.3.2, Friday, January 10

1. le plus plus(es) (advantages)

1. les bois (m.) woods

2. le puits well

2. le but goal

3. crier to shout

3. ajouter to add

4. danser to dance

4. allumer to light, turn on

5. d?chirer to tear

5. apporter to bring

6. d?jeuner to breakfast, lunch

Quiz 3.3.3, Monday, January 13

1. le/la campeur(euse) camper

7. demander to ask (for)

Quiz 3.3.9, Tuesday, January 21

2. le chantier worksite

1. la soir?e evening

3. arracher to pull out

2. divers(e) various

4. arr?terI to stop, arrest

3. demeurer to live

5. attraper to catch

4. d?penser to spend (money)

6. baigner to bathe

5. d?sirer to wish, want

7. baisser to lower

6. dessiner to draw

Quiz 3.3.4, Tuesday, January 14

1. la choriste backup singer

7. d?ner to dine, eat dinner

Quiz 3.3.10, Wednesday, January 22

2. le feu fire

1. retenu(e) cautious

3. bavarder to chatter

2. rude harsh

4. bl?mer to blame

3. diviser to divide

5. blesser to wound, hurt

4. donner to give

6. briller to shine

5. douter to doubt

7. briser to break, smash

6. durer to last

Quiz 3.3.5, Wednesday, January 15

1. la formation training

7. ?chouer to fail

Quiz 3.3.11, Thursday, January 23

2. le jeu de boules boule

1. enregistrer to tape, to record

3. brosser to brush

2. s'entendre bien to get along well

4. br?ler to burn

3. ?clater to burst

5. cacher to hide

4. ?couter to listen (to)

6. casser to break

5. embrasser to kiss

7. causer to chat

Quiz 3.3.6, Thursday, January 16

1. le moins the least

6. emp?cher to prevent 7. emprunter to borrow

Quiz 3.3.12, Monday, January 27

2. le montant amount

1. parfois at times

3. cesser to stop

2. Vous ?tes nourri(e). Food is included.

4. chanter to sing

3. Vous ?tes log?(e). Lodging is

5. chasser to hunt 6. chauffer to warm, heat 7. chercher to look for

Quiz 3.3.7, Friday, January 17

1. le/la musicien(ne) musician

included. 4. enchanter to delight 5. enseigner to teach 6. entourer to surround

2. la pierre stone

7. entrer to enter


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