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Why are graphs used in science?What types of graphs do scientists use? When do they use them?What do these graphs mean?Table of ContentsGraph It Graph-iti (from Norman Public Schools curriculum)Wrap It Up: You’ve Got to Move It, Move ItIf the Shoe Fits Get the Picture Mr. Davis’ Lawn (from Norman Public Schools curriculum)Air Traffic at Will Rogers Airport (from Norman Public Schools curriculum)Graphing ReviewGraphing Cheat Sheet Graph It Graph-itiCourtesy of Norman Public Schools and other unknown sourcesPART A: What is data? What is a graph?Data= InformationGraph- A “picture” of dataPART B: Constructing data tablesExamine the data in Table 1. What do you think these numbers indicate? Temperature? Points scored in football games? Years of age? Kilometers driven? As you can see, it doesn’t do much good to collect data if the data aren’t then organized for others to understand and use. Data tables are especially useful 211922182123201720232021for organizing data.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1Read the following paragraph. Then complete Table 2 to show the same information. Remember to give the table a title.Beginning at 6:00 a.m. on January 27, I recorded the temperature on the hour in Chicago, Illinois, for five straight hours. I used a Celsius thermometer. The first temperature reading was -5°. The second reading was also -5°. The third reading was higher: -1°. The fourth reading was even higher: 1°. The next-to-last temperature reading was 2°. The final temperature I recorded was 3°.Table 2 ______________________________Which do you think a meteorologist would prefer to use, the paragraph or the table? Explain your answer. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PART C: Choosing the correct type of graphType of graphBest use for this graphBar graphGrade Distribution of Students Enrolled in Science ClassA bar graph is best used for comparing data quickly and easily, such as the grade distribution of students enrolled in science class or the growth of plants in different pots.Pie graphPercentage of Students Picking Various Lunch EntreesA pie graph is best used for showing percentages, such as the percentage of the student body that picked certain entrees for lunch of the percentage of your allowance that will go toward purchasing various things. Line graphNumber of Bathing Suits Sold Each MonthA line graph is best used for looking at changes over time, such as the number of bathing suits sold each month during the year or the change in your sister’s height throughout the year. Using the information on the previous page, determine which type of graph would best display each set of data. Give a brief justification for each of your answers. Graph typeJustification____________ 1. The temperature of all the science classrooms in the 1. _____________ building.____________________________ 2. The number of each type of animals compared to the 2. _____________ total number of animals in a ecosystem.____________________________ 3. The number of waves that reach the beach every3. _____________ minute for 1 hour.____________________________ 4. The number of raisins in three different brands of 4. _____________ cereal.____________________________ 5. The amount of air pressure as you go up a mountain.5. _____________ ________________PART D: Labeling graphsIn science class you will use a line graph most of the time because you will be comparing the relationship between two variables. Variables are things in an experiment that change. All parts of a data table must be included in a graph. The same title, variables, units, and data must be used. A graph is simply a picture of the information contained in a data table.There are two axes on a line graph, the horizontal and vertical. The horizontal axis is known as the x-axis and runs along the bottom of a graph (“X likes to lie”). The vertical axis, also called the y-axis, runs up and down along the side of the graph (“Y to the sky”). Label the axes below as either x or y.Each axis must be labeled with the proper variable. The variable that the researcher changes in an experiment is called the independent variable. It is always found on the x-axis. Label the independent and dependent variables on the axes above. The variable that changes as a result of changes in the independent variable, and thus is what the researcher measures, is called the dependent variable. The dependent variable goes on the y-axis.Each axis must also be labeled with units. Units tell us how we are measuring the variable (meters, hours, seconds, degrees Celsius, etc.). Units are written in parentheses next to its variable.Graphs must also always include a title. The title should describe both variables.Label each part of the graph22860090170_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________PART E: Numbering axesThe numbers on a graph are evenly spaced out in even intervals. Intervals are the even spacing of numbers along the axis of a graph. The range on a graph is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers in the data.Calculate the interval for the axes by dividing the range by the number of lines:Range / Number of linesWhen constructing a graph, make sure to space your intervals so that you take up as much of your graph as possible.PART F: Plotting data pointsThe numbers in a data table are organized in pairs. These pairs are called ordered pairs. Look at the two types of data tables below (both show the same information but are laid out differently) and you will see that 2 min. and 23°C are side by side. This ordered pair is written (2 min, 23°C). Heating of Compound XTime (min)012345678910Temp (°C)2021232735456169717374List the 11 ordered pairs in the data table(s) below: of Compound XTime (min)Temp (°C)0201212233274355456617698719731074In order to plot these points on a graph, use the rule “over and up”. For instance, in order to plot the ordered pair (2 min, 23°C) you would go over 2 and up 23.Plot the ordered pairs from the data table above into the graph on the next page. Don’t forget to label your axes with variables and units and include a title!A line graph is not complete without a line! You may connect your dots now, starting with the dot on the far left and working your way to the right. If the dots almost form a straight line, you may use a ruler or other straightedge to create a best-fit line. Best-fit lines don’t touch every data point, but do come as close as possible to each point.Mr. Jones baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Always the scientist, he decided to conduct a little experiment while waiting for the cookies to cool. He took the temperature of the cookies immediately after taking them out of the oven. He continued to take the temperature of the cookies every minute for eight minutes. He recorded his information in the table below.Cookie Temperature Data TableTime in Minutes012345678Temp. In Degrees C150140130115110100908570Using the information in the table above, draw a line graph for Mr. below.Here are some things to remember: 1. Label the X-axis. 2. Label the Y-axis. 3. Give your graph a title in the space provided. 4. Keep the numbers on both the X-axis and the Y-axis evenly spaced. 5. Use a ruler. 6. Once you have all of the points plotted on your graph have your teacher check your graph. 7. Connect each point on the graph using a ruler. You will have a continuous, but not necessarily straight line.Part G: Interpolation and ExtrapolationGraphs can be very useful to identify trends that occur in experimental data. Trends in data can also be used to make predictions about where additional data points might occur if more experimental trials are conducted. You can use the data presented in graphs to make two general types of predictions.An interpolation is a prediction made between known data points. An extrapolation is a prediction made beyond known data points.Use the graph to fill in the blanks in the data table.Age and Survival RateAge (years)Human Survivors per 1000Age (years)Dall Sheep Survivors per 100020900250040460730644080810010120012100Age and Survival RateWhich type of predictions did you make to fill in the empty spaces in the table?__________________________________________________How is the curve showing human survival similar to the curve showing sheep survival? How are the curves different?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ World Record Speeds for 10,000 MetersUsing the information in the graph, during which year do you think the men’s and women’s world record speeds for 10,000 meters will be equal? Why?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Which method did you use for making your determination?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How reliable do you think your determination is? Explain.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Challenge Do you think it is always possible to extrapolate or interpolate to arrive at a reliable estimate? Why or why not?____________________________________________________________________________________________________The following chart shows the census figures for Longhorn, Wyoming. Graph the data in the table and then answer the questions below.Population of LonghornYear184018501860188018901900191019301950# of people670774875106811751180118213791581What is the range of the independent variable?What is the range of the dependent variable?What period showed the greatest growth in population in Longhorn?Predict what the population would be in 1960 according to growth rates.Even though counts were not made in 1870, 1920, and 1940, how many people would you say were in Longhorn in those years?How many people were in Longhorn in 1845?Did you use interpolation or extrapolation on letter d? e? f?H: Multiple Line GraphsFill in the data table using information from the double line graph below.Population ModelPopulation Model-365125020955Time(years)PredatorPopulationPrey Population04080120160200240280320360400Use the data in the table below to make a double line graph that presents the same information. Remember to include a key that indicates what different lines represent. Also remember to add a number and a title to the graph.Average Monthly Temperatures (C) in Beijing, China and Valdivia, ChileLocationJanFebMarAprMayJuneJulyAugSepOctNovDecBeijing, China-4-22142024262420122-2Valdivia, Chile16151412108789111315ChallengeValdivia, Chile and Beijing, China have the same average yearly temperature (11.7?C). Based on this information, what are the advantages of displaying two data sets on the same graph?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Graphing: Air Traffic at Will Rogers AirportAir traffic controllers at Will Rogers World Airport wanted to see which hour of the day had the highest amount of planes taking off and landing. They recorded the total number of planes landing and taking off each hour of the day. Graph their data and answer the questions below. Arrivals & Departures for Will Rogers AirportHour of the dayNumber of planesHour of the dayNumber of planes12am3912pm841am311pm902am332pm823am163pm994am174pm1075am115pm1056am216pm1157am327pm1208am518pm1179am739pm11410am7910pm8211am8011pm60What is the independent variable in this data?What is the range of the dependentvariable?Which hour of the day has the mosttraffic? Recreate the following graphs using the motion sensor. When the graph on your LabQuest matches the graph below exactly, alert your instructor so that he or she may check your work and initial on the line to the left. Instructor’s initials:___________Instructor’s initials:___________ Instructor’s initials:___________ Instructor’s initials:___________Summarize what you learned by doing the “You’ve Got to Move It, Move It” activity. Include what it means when a line on a graph goes up, goes down, and stays the same.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If the Shoe FitsIf the Shoe FitsWhat three measurements did your group hypothesize would best predict Mrs. Dailey’s shoe size? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Briefly explain how you carried out your experiment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Explain how you used a graph to determine which of the 3 measurements best predicts Mrs. Dailey’s shoe size. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Get the PictureThe graph below shows the miles per gallon for a van driven at various speeds. Which statement describes the relationship between the van’s mileage per gallon and rate of speed?As speed increases past 50 mph, gas efficiency increases.Speed is proportional to gas efficiency.As speed increases, gas efficiency decreases.Gas efficiency increases as speed increases up to 50 mphDescribe what is going on in each graph.Choose the correct graph model for the story.Jeffery left his home headed toward the school. He started out at a steady moderate pace until he got a red light. While stopped at the light, he realized that he had forgotten his math homework. He turned around and headed back home at a faster pace. Then he drove to school at a fast pace without stopping on the way.Choose the correct graph model for the story.The post office charges $0.37 for any mail up to an ounce in weight. After that the charge is $0.23 for each additional ounce or part of an ounce. For instance, if it weighs 1.1 ounces or 1.9 ounces, it will cost the same, $0.60.Choose the correct graph model for the story.The price of a certain CD varied over a period of time. It started high and remained the same for a period of time. Then it had a steady decrease until it reached an all time low, were it stayed the same for a period of time. In the end, the stock rose fast to a moderate price, where it remained for the remaining time. The following graph shows the record low monthly temperatures for Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This data is courtesy of the Weather Channel’s .Approximately what is the record low temperature for Louisiana? In which month(s)?Which month has the highest record low for Louisiana?Which month’s record low was about 40 degrees?What is the approximate difference between the low for March and the low for July?Between which two successive months is there the greatest drop in record lows?The following graph shows the comparison of the average low temperatures in Baton Rouge and Mexico City.During which month(s) are the average low temperatures of the two cities about the same?During which moths is the average low temperature of Mexico City higher that the average low temperature of Baton Rouge?During which months do the temperatures remain fairly constant in Mexico City?During which month is the difference in temperature between the two cities the greatest?Draw a graph that represents the following story.A golden retriever puppy was chasing a ball and bringing it back to its owner. On one particular throw, the puppy chased the ball, brought it half way back, and then sat down and stared at a frog before finally picking up the ball and bringing it slowly back to the master. The puppy always sits by the owner until the ball is thrown. Draw a graph that represents the following story.A car repairman charges a $25 service fee to look at an automobile. He charges an additional $20 for each hour (or fraction thereof) while he is working on the car. Draw a cost-time graph for three hours of work on a particular automobile.Write a story about the following graph. It can be about distance, time, money, or anything else that you might think the graph may describe. The following graph shows the average precipitation for Oklahoma City and Baton Rouge over a twelve month period.What is Baton Rouge’s heaviest rainfall month? Oklahoma City’s?Between which two successive months is the highest increase in rainfall in Baton Rouge? Oklahoma City?When is the rainfall in Baton Rouge between 5 and 6 inches?During which months of the year is the rainfall in Oklahoma City likely to be more than Baton Rouge?Which moth is likely to have the least amount of rain recorded in Baton Rouge?During which two successive months does the amount of rainfall remain unchanged in Oklahoma City?For which months is the rainfall in the two cities about the same?What is the expected average rainfall in Baton Rouge for September?On which day did the baby sitter make the most money?What is the difference between the pay the baby sitter made on the best payday and the worst payday?Between what two days did the greatest increase in pay occur?Between what two days did the greatest decrease in pay occur?On which day did the baby sitter make approximately $15?Which presidents were inaugurated at around the same age?Which president lived the longest after inaugurations?Which president lived the shortest amount of time after inauguration?Who was the youngest president to die?Who was the youngest president to be inaugurated? 320675013970014.-1716241730By reading the two graphs, does there seem to be a relationship between population and area? In other words, does the greater area have a greater population in most cases? Explain.Which parish has the smallest area for its population?Which parish has the largest area for its population?Which two parishes have about the same area, but the largest difference in population?Graphing Practice: Mr. Davis’s LawnMr. Davis was tired of mowing his grass. He wanted to know what was making his grass grown so much. He watered it on Monday evening, fertilized it on Wednesday morning, and mowed it once a week in the evening. Mr. Davis decided to measure the length of the grass every morning for two weeks to try and determine what was causing the growth. Graph the data in the chart, and then answer the questions below. Day of weekLength of grass (cm)Sunday2.0Monday3.5Tuesday6.1Wednesday7.9Thursday12.5Friday14.0Saturday1.7Sunday2.9Monday4.0Tuesday7.0Wednesday8.2Thursday12.0Friday16.5Saturday2.9What is the range of the independent variable?What is the range of the dependent variable?What made Mr. Davis’ grass grow the most?What day of the week did Mr. Davis mow? Graphing Review240093589535An experiment involves heating a test tube over a flame. Which of the safety symbols shown above should be used?23679151270According to the graph, when did the experiment end? 28625805080What is the range of leaf lengths?Which leaf length occurred most often?Look at the graph above. Why do you think that the high-temperature side of the graph drops off more quickly than the low-temperature side?3005455502285Examine the graph below of a plant called saltbush (Atriplex). The graph shows how the plant’s glucose (food) production is affected by temperature. Use the graph to answer the following 3 questions.How much glucose is being produced at 20?C?Based on the graph, at what temperature is glucose production greatest?What happens to the formation of glucose after the temperature reaches 30?C?-34988594615The highest levels of calcium are found at approximately what time? What conclusion can be reached about the relationship between calcium and muscle contraction? At what time is the force of the muscle contraction the strongest?3348990-193675 What is the trend for bone density as a person ages? Which sex shows greater change in bone density as a person ages? Between which ages does the greatest change occur? (each part is worth 3 points) The hormone in females that prevents bone density from decreasing begins to diminish at age 50. Does this correlate with the changes in bone density reported in the chart? Explain.2323465207645 Examine the graph and explain how exercise affects the concentrations of insulin and glucagon in the blood.-442595153670 What is the membrane potential of Neuron A when it is polarized? What is the membrane potential of Neuron B when it is polarized? What is the highest membrane potential reached by Neuron A while it is depolarized?2300856-3134 Which phase does not vary in length, regardless of the total time for a cycle?190502214 During which week of pregnancy does cardiac output reach its highest level? At its highest, heart rate increases by approximately what percentage? What is the cardiac output of the mother at week 12?2116298-3111 During which 10-year period was the highest number of polio cases reported? How many more cases of polio were reported in the year 1980 than in the year 2000? In which interval was there more extinction for mammals than birds?1905058420 In which interval were there the most mammal extinctions? Approximately how many bird species became extinct in the interval 1650- 1699? Approximately how many bird species became extinct in the interval 1600-1949?Graphing VocabDefine the following terms. Dependent variableExtrapolationIndependent variableInterpolation Graphing Cheat SheetAll data tables must have:A descriptive titleIndependent variableDependent variableUnits for variablesData arranged in ordered pairsAll work done neatlyAll graphs must have:A descriptive titleIndependent variableDependent variableUnits for variablesEven intervalsData correctly plottedA lineAll work done neatlyTaken up as much space as possibleWhich variable goes here?When do you use:Line graphs?Bar graphs?Pie graphs?Formula for figuring out how to number your graphs: ................

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