The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:

Section 1. Section 1 of Chapter 147 of the Public Laws of 1897 is hereby rewritten to read as follows:

"Section 1(a). ? The corporate boundaries of the Monroe City School Administrative Unit, which includes all of the territory within the corporate limits of the City of Monroe, Union County, North Carolina, are set out below:

BEGINNING at the intersection of Bearskin Creek and the Willoughby Road so as to include F. H. Wolf's farm, and following thence the boundary between the property of F. H. Wolfe and J. C. Winchester to H. B. Clark's land; thence following the boundary lines between H. B. Clark's land and the County Home property to the Old Waxhaw Road; thence, with said road to the point of its intersection with the Seaboard Airline Railway near the R. B. Redwine property; thence, to the West line of the old R. B. Redwine land on the line of J. E. Stewart's property; thence, following the line between R. B. Redwine property and C. D. Roberts on one side and J. E. Stewart and M. Chatham on the other side, so as to include the Redwine and Roberts' property to the Lancaster Road; thence, West with said road to Andrew Lee's line; thence, following the line between the Stewart property, John Vann, T. P. Smith, Robert Cunningham, Secrest and Williams, Gibson, C. A. Slagle and J. E. Efird on one side and Andrew Lee, J. L. Winchester, Middleton and Redfern, H. D. Browning, Oscar Moore, and M. S. A. Broom on the other side, so as to include Stewart, Vann, Smith, Cunningham, Secrest and Williams, Gibson, Slagle, and J. E. Efird to Richardson's Creek; thence, down Richardson Creek and following its various courses to Highway 74 down Highway 74 East to a point in the center of U. S. Highway No. 74 (from this point the boundary description will circle back to include the Knollwood section which came into the Monroe City School District dated September 8, l965, and when the line gets back to Richardson Creek to Highway 74, the district description will pick up again and retrace Highway 74 East as formerly described and on to Biven's Road #1763) said point being the North East corner of Lot No. 1 of the Knollwood Subdivision and running thence with the various lines of said subdivision and the Julian McLarty property two calls as follows: 1st. South 4 deg. 34 min. 20 sec. East 366.12 ft. to an iron; 2nd. South 4l deg.

54 min. 30 sec. East 383.46 ft. to an iron; thence with the Julian McLarty and Houston Pressley line South 3 deg. 03 min. 10 sec. East 427.95 ft. to an iron stake; thence with four of Houston Pressley's lines as follows: 1st. South 69 degrees 52 min. West l56.44 ft. to a White Oak; 2nd. South 56 deg. 48 min. West 98.44 ft. to an iron stake; 3rd. North 86 deg. 38 min. West 173.76 ft. to an iron; 4th. North 12 deg. 30 min. West l37.55 ft. to a stone; thence with the four calls of E. K. McLarty property as follows: 1st. South 83 deg. 25 min. 40 sec. West 174.61 ft. to a Spanish Oak; 2nd. North 48 deg. 49 min. 40 sec. West 599.48 ft. to an iron by a Hickory; 3rd. South 85 deg. 07 min. West 520 ft. to a large Sweet Gum; 4th. South 54 degrees 45 min. West 765 ft. to an iron stake on the East bank of Richardson Creek a corner of the present Monroe Special School District; thence, along and with Richardson Creek North 28 deg. West approximately 560 ft. to a point in the center of U.S. Highway 74; thence with the center line of U.S. Highway No. 74 about North 73 deg. 45 min. East to the point of BEGINNING; thence along U.S. Highway No. 74 to W. H. Presson's and CourtneyNash's corner and runs South 55 deg. West 559 ft. to a stone in the South side of Old Highway No. 74; thence, along with Old Highway No. 74 to about the center of New U. S. Highway No. 74; thence, with the center line of said road to the intersection of Biven's Road; thence, with Biven's Road North to the center of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad; thence, following the center of right-of-way of the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad (the Bruce Simpson property) in an Easterly direction approximately 2643 ft.; thence, with the John L. Williams' line and generally with the Nelson Branch Northerly to the northeast corner of the Simpson lands on G. F. Mason, then with the Mason line North 69 deg. 25 min. West l948.8 ft. to a point in Biven's Road; thence, along and with Biven's Road Southerly to its intersection with Stitt Street; thence, along and with Stitt Street Westerly to the intersection of Stitt Street and Joe's Branch; thence, Northerly along Joe's Branch to the Southeast corner of the Monroe Combining tract; thence, with the Southern boundary of Monroe Combining Easterly 1284 ft. to the Southeast corner of Monroe Combining; thence, with the East Boundary of Monroe Combining and Bruce Simpson in a Northerly direction to the Urban Hills Development tract; thence, Northeast along the Urban Hills Development tract to its southeast corner; thence, its Eastern boundary to the center of Ansonville Road; thence, following the center line of Ansonville Road in a Southwest direction to the intersection of Ansonville Road and Mason Street; thence, along and with the center line of Mason Street, first Southerly then in a Southwest direction to the intersection of Mason Street and Joe's Branch; thence, following the city line down Joe's Branch to Richardson Creek; thence, South and West follow course of Richardson Creek to a point at Vann Secrest property line; thence, with the Eastern boundary line of the V. V. Secrest property, and including said property, to the Olive Branch Road; thence, crossing said road and with the Eastern property lines of the property of M. R. Baucom, Mrs. Cyrus Edwards, Brice Baucom, the C. H. Sell Estate Lands, W. Vance Dean, Fairley Taylor, Eustace Taylor and Fred Craig and including said property to Stewart's Creek; thence, crossing said creek, and with the Eastern and Northern boundary lines of the property of George Taylor, and including said property, to N.C. Highway #200; thence, in a Southerly direction with N.C. Highway #200 back to Stewarts Creek; thence up and with the various courses of

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Stewarts Creek to N.C. Highway #60l; thence, up and with the various courses of the East prong of Stewarts Creek in a Northerly direction, to Connell Public Road; thence, with the Northern and Western boundary lines of the property of Bruce Secrest, and including said property, to the Northwest corner of the property of W. D. Carroll; thence, with the Western boundary lines of the property of W. D. Carroll and including said property, to a line of the Rowena Shute property; thence, with the Eastern boundary lines of the property of Rowena Shute, but not including her property, to the Western line of the Eli Crook Estate property; thence, with the Northwestern lines of the Eli Crook Estate property; and including said property, crossing the Roosevelt Boulevard to the Northwestern boundary line of the Parks Williams property; thence with the Northwestern boundary lines of the Parks Williams property, and including said property, to the old U.S. Highway #74; thence crossing said highway, and the Seaboard Railroad, and with the Northwestern boundary lines of the property of W. H. Smith and Edward Nash, and including their property, to the Gold Mine Road; thence crossing the Gold Mine Road and running with the Western boundary lines of the property of R. C. Williams and including this property, to Bear Skin Creek; thence down and with the various courses of Bear Skin Creek to the BEGINNING; and including the following annexed property known as Griffith Park South: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Griffith Road, said point being indicated by an iron stake, a corner of the George Broome lands, and running thence with the center of Griffith Road, North 0-30 West 309.5 feet to a point in the center of said Road, again indicated by an iron stake in the east margin thereof; thence, North 78-15 East 426 feet to an iron stake, a corner on George Broome; thence two lines of the George Broome land: 1st. South l0-45 East 284 ft. to an iron stake; 2nd. South 67-l5 West 5ll.5 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING; and containing 3.4l acres, more or less, according to a survey by T.C. Dove, RLS, on July 9, l960, and being the lands of William O. and Suzanne M. Hinson.

Second Tract: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Griffith Road, the corner of Jack R. Lindsay and runs thence South 77 West l95 ft.; thence South 49-15 West l87 ft.; thence, South 6l-30 West 242 ft. to a point of George Broome; thence with George Broome and Ralph Baker, North 87-45 West 1,212 ft. to a corner of Ralph Baker; thence with Baker's line North 59-l5 East l,5l8 ft. to an iron, a corner of J.C. Lemmond; thence with the Lemmond property 2 lines: 1st. South 1-30 East l36 ft.; 2nd. North 8830 East 484 ft. to a point in the center of Griffith Road (and adjoining the Hinson lands above); thence with the center line of Griffith Road, South 1 West 506 ft. to the point and place of BEGINNING, and being the property subdivided and known as "Griffith Park South", consisting of 3l lots and dedicated streets lying and being in Monroe Township, Union County, North Carolina, as developed by W. L. Carter; and including the following annexed property: BEGINNING at a point in the center of the Helms Road, being the southwestern corner of the 42 acre tract heretofore petitioned under the date of July l0, l970, and runs thence with the Helms Road, the center line being the course, and with a line of said 42 acre tract, 570 ft., more or less, to a corner of the property conveyed to Beaver Dam Swim Club, Inc.; thence with a line of said tract South 6 deg. 45 min. West 846 ft. to an iron stake; thence South 59 degrees l5 min. West 706 ft. to an old corner; thence with an old line North 6 degrees 30 min. East l320

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ft., more or less to the point of BEGINNING and being all of the remaining portion of those two tracts conveyed to the petitioners by S. M. Cox, et ux, et al, by deeds recorded in Book 200, pages 265 and 266, Union County Registry; and including the following annexed property to the above described territory and known as Carmel Village: BEGINNING at an iron, a common corner of the property herein described, that certain property known as "Forest Hills" and the property of Bruce Walters, and running thence from said beginning point on and with said Walters' line, North 37 deg. l6 min. West 697.2 ft. to an iron; thence, South 35 deg. l4 min. West 1120.3 ft.; thence North 5 deg. 01 min. West 1843.5 ft.; thence North 60 deg. 14 min. East 69l ft.; thence North 39 deg. 59 min. East 448 ft.; thence, North 28 deg. 46 min. West 567 ft. to a point in the southerly edge of N.C. Highway No. 200: thence along and with the southerly edge of said Highway, North 53 degrees l0 min. East 927 ft. to a point in said line, a corner of the property of Lakeland Memorial park; thence, along and with the westerly line of Lakeland Memorial Park, South 42 deg. 30 min. East approximately l700 feet to an iron; thence South 3l deg. 50 min. West approximately l990 ft. to the point or place of BEGINNING and being known as "Carmel Village" - SAVE AND EXCEPT FROM THE PROPERTY ABOVE DESCRIBED THE FOLLOWING PARCELS: The property heretofore conveyed to Catawba Oil Company, Inc. and Duford Lawrence, said property being bounded on the North by N.C. Highway No. 200, on the East by Lakeland Memorial Park, and on the south and west by Carmel Village; and also including the following property annexed to the above described territory and known as "Country Club Estates", located in the area known as "Rolling Hills Country Club", being all of Lots Nos. l through 96, excepting Lot No. 92, as shown on the plat of said Subdivision recorded in Map Book 5, at Page 20, of the Union County Register of Deeds Office in Monroe, North Carolina.

"Section 1(b). ? All property in the territory comprised with the corporate boundaries of the Monroe City School Administrative Unit as set out above, shall be subject to all taxes levied for the Monroe City School Administrative Unit for the fiscal year beginning on July l, l97l.

"Section 1(c). ? All annexations to the corporate boundaries of the City of Monroe after July l, l971, automatically extend the boundaries of the Monroe City School Administrative Unit to include the territory newly annexed by the City of Monroe. In the event of such an annexation, all property situated in the newly annexed territory shall be subject to taxes levied for the Monroe City School Administrative Unit for the fiscal year immediately following the date of annexation and for ensuing fiscal years."

Sec. 2. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are repealed. Sec. 3. This act shall become effective on June 30, l971. In the General Assembly read three times and ratified, this the 2nd day of July, l97l.

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