Premesse - European Voluntary Service

EVS volunteer selection

Ostello dei Balocchi

If you want to become a volunteer at Ostello dei Balocchi we ask you to fill in this survey to know if you fit in our EVS placement and to have a better understanding about your preferences and profile. If you pass this step we would like to call you to have a phone/Skype interview.

Personal details:



Date of Birth:

Address (street, post code, city, country):






Sending organisation (and email and phone number of the contact person of the sending organisation):


1) Are you available for a project lasting from May to October 2017 in Ligonchio, Reggio Emilia?

2) Why are you interested in taking part in this project?

3) Do you have previous experiences of living abroad? If yes, how were the experiences?

4) Have you got any knowledge of Italian? If yes, please write down your hobbies. Otherwise, how do you think you’ll face everyday communication?

5) Please give an order of importance from the most to the less important aspects during your EVS project in Ostello dei Balocchi (put the number 1 for the most important aspect, number 9 to the less important):

|Aspect |Order of importance |

|Friendship | |

|Work within environmental education | |

|Learning Italian | |

|Visiting Italy | |

|Children education | |

|Live in in the countryside | |

|Learning team work | |

|Intercultural awareness | |

|Find a work | |

|Learn new techniques of working with animals | |

|Other (explain) | |

6) What would you expect to do in Ostello dei Balocchi? In which field would are you more motivated to work?

7) Do you have any idea of some activity you would like to do in our association? (please describe shortly)

8) Have you ever had experiences in practical work in the nature?

If so, can you please describe your experience?

9) Have you ever had experiences in environmental education?

10) Why are you interested in living in an isolated place, far from other villages?

11) Why are you interested in a project in which you’ll have a very little private space, limited to just your own bedroom?

12) Why are you interested in having a community life, in a place where going away is not so easy and which requires a strong spirit of adaptation?

13) What motivates you in working with children?

14) Do you have any previous experience in working/volunteering with children and or/social field?

15) Why are you interested in taking part in a large variety of works and you are not be afraid of hard work?

16) Please fill in the list of activities you would like to do during your free time in order of importance from the most to the less important (put the number 1 for the most important activity, number to 12 the less important):

|Activities |Order of importance |

|Surfing the internet | |

|Having fun in the night | |

|To be a "party animal" | |

|Go to concerts and cultural events | |

|Doing volunteerism | |

|Doing sport activities | |

|Chatting with friends | |

|Travelling | |

|Reading Books | |

|Going to the cinema, watching tv, movies, series | |

|Going to the disco | |

|Using social networks | |

|Cooking | |

|Doing manual work at home | |

|Getting drunk | |

|Reading | |

|Other (explain) | |

17) Do you have any plan after the end of this EVS project?

18) Did you apply to other EVS projects? Which kind of projects, and where?

19) Give us a good reason to select you.

Please fill this survey and send it back as soon as possible to martina@

Thank you for your cooperation!


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