[Note or list, in top left corner: Ever government’s rule ...

January 1978 Journal by Edith Roller

RYMUR-89-4286-2018- C-2(Part I)-A-1-(1) to (80) [FOIA-2009: C-2 Part 1.pdf pp 2 - 83]

The text transcribed here from Edith Roller's notes may have some missing words or lines due to (1) unreadable, poorly xeroxed text or (2) unreadable writing. Blanks are left in the text for these areas. At the end of the journal is a list of persons and groups mentioned in this Journal.


At the end of the journal is a list of persons and groups mentioned in this Journal.


[Note, top-left: Ever. Government’s rules on imp[orts?]. Desire for us to survey crops]

1 January - Sunday 1978

New Year’s Day.

We went to services at 12.00. Tables were set in the auditorium as on Christmas and we had dinner and a program. Later the children received their gifts.

2 January - Monday 1978

I spent all day from 9.00 at the Temple working on the list of books we are requesting from McGraw-Hill. I tried to use the IBM typewriter in the law office but had difficulty with it so I used an IBM Executive in the accounting office which was satisfactory.

I took all day, finishing the professional catalog but not getting to the books in the elementary subject catalogs.

3 January - Tuesday 1978

I woke at 8.00.

I met Denise at the office. She had heard nothing from Marquita. I went to the office anyway to say goodbye and bring back my belongings.

Oreen [Armstrong] was at the stairs. She talked steadily. We had a conversation about going to the Temple. She is non-communal. Her attitude is that her money is her own to do with whatever she pleases.

Went to the office at 11.00, there was still no word from Marquita. Betty Vasil was not in. One of the insurance men made a remark which made me think Dor Stookey had resigned. The other secretaries thought this had perhaps been announced in the other department meeting this morning.

Barbara Vasil took me to lunch. We ate at a new facility which was next to the Zellerbach building. We had the chicken and rice. I had buttermilk. Barbara, of Portuguese background, was born in Macao, but was educated in Heidelberg.

I looked for skirts at the Emporium near the office but had no luck.

I went to Kaplan’s on Market, an army surplus store, and got boots for about $20. I had a long walk to Van Ness. There I took the bus home.

Dropped my packages off at home and went to the Temple to eat.

Oreen [Armstrong] talked all the time this evening; she seems very unhappy. I told her I wanted to listen to the radio; then she went to talk to Virg in the kitchen.

I read the newspaper.

Went to bed at 12.00.

4 January - Wednesday 1978

I was up about 8.00

Had grapefruit and oatmeal.

Oreen said she is leaving today. She phoned the Temple for transportation to the airport. I told her she could take the airport bus by just going down O’Farrell St, but she said Marcy told the Temple workers to give her transportation.

Rain was heavy all day.

I went to the Motor Vehicle office on Oak Street by bus to get a substitute driver’s license. I had to wait until it opened at 10.00. It would cost $1.25.

I walked to Fillmore which was faster than ___ in the ___ __ ___ and Fillmore.

I got ___ ___ to the __ ___ __ ___ an ice cream cone . I got chicken, dates and a number of items on the Temple list.

Arrived home at 1.45. Nobody was home. Jessie Jones and Virg were at the Temple. Her __ ___

at 1.30 when he was late __

I took a hot bath as I was chilled. I took a nap till 5.00.

I grilled some chicken, ate it with brown rice, peas and salad. Washed dishes.

Went to temple service at 8.00. It was a very short service which was dismissed at 9.30 by Marcy.

I spoke to Dennis Allen. he had been told by Jim Randolph to get 2 wooden crates from him for packing.

Read The Silent Language by Edward T Hall and ate a snack.

Went to bed by 12.30.

5 January - Thursday 1978

Got up about 7.30.

It had rained all night and rained all day, sometimes heavily.

Had grapefruit, toast and egg.

Took the bus to Marinello Beauty Salon. Arrived about 10.00. Got a permanent I didn’t have it dyed. The operator was a young man from Michigan, a veteran. The cost was $16.75. He brought me a cup of coffee I got out at 2.00.

I didn’t have any lunch.

Went to the Emporium got some manicure scissors and a bottle of Emeraude cologne.

At Woolworths I bought a flashlight, batteries and bulbs. Bought two doughnuts and ate them on my way.

Walked to Geary. Took the bus to Kaiser and got my glasses, paying the remainder of the cost.

When I got home, I read the newspaper.

At 5.00 went to the Temple to eat.

The Temple had been given some cheese which was about to mold. Everybody took whatever they wanted.

Though Barbara Hoyer told me the Temple group was supposed to depart 4 January had been delayed, I hoped the following week’s departure would also be delayed, as I needed more time. Sandy Bradshaw told me to be ready the middle of next week.

There was a slide showing for communal people. I was invited but was too tired and passed.

Bryan Kravitz took home Josie, Virg and me. I tried to find Dennis Allen to get wooden boxes for packing. I couldn’t find him.

I did personal chores and took a bath.

Wanda King was home

I worked on journal entries.


6 January - Friday 1978

Sandy Bradshaw called me to ask whether I could leave for Jonestown on Monday instead of Wednesday. I told her it would be difficult but I supposed I could.

I called Social Security to inform them of my change of address. When they learned I was leaving the country, they said I would have to come in personally. I plan to do this at the opening hour on Monday.

Later Sandy called and said they were returning to the original date.

In the late afternoon I took the Muni to Lor [de la Fuente]’s [friend from SF State Univ] for a last visit.

We were alone; we had dinner and talked.

I slept in the room at the top of the stairs.

7 January - Sunday 1978

I was up at 8.00. Lor did not get up until two hours later approximately.

I read from a science fiction book she had which contained stories involving extra sensory perception which the writer said were scarce, as people did not want to deal with the potentialities of this subject.

When Lor got up we had orange juice and toast.

I gave Lor the check representing Dorothy’s gift which she wanted Lor to keep for me in case I needed it in the future. It was $62 and Lor said she would add it to the account in which she already has $50 I gave her to send me books.

Lor and I talked, especially about Dor’s [Edith’s sister] fear of Jim.

Then at 2.00, Lor went with me to the bus and we said our last goodbye.

At West Portal I made some purchases in drugstores.

Got home at 4:00. Wanda had been getting nervous wondering where I was. She told me both Josie and Virg needed new dentures before they could leave and getting them is time consuming.

I went out to get a Sunday paper and also bought some oranges and carrots.

Prepared something to eat.

Went to the Temple. I saw Chris Kice and reminded her that when Wanda leaves, Josie and Virg will be alone.

Marcy was not in the meeting. Hue Fortson presided. There will be another Temple march on Tuesday. Offerings were taken. Leona Collier had the congregation come to the altar at closing.

On getting home I read the newspaper and ate some snacks.

8 January - Sunday 1978

I was up at 8.00. Bathed.

Had for breakfast: grapefruit, pancakes, and egg and sausage.

Went to the Temple Service. Brought some extra towels for Barbara Hoyer. Marcy was not in the service. As usual, when she is not here difficulty in raising the required amount of money in the offering was encountered. The meeting ended about 2:30 with the congregation coming to the altar.

I went home at the break. I had broiled chicken, carrots and a salad.

Took a nap.

Returning to the temple, I brought leftover items for the kitchen and some mixed nuts for the people in the Accounting Office and Publications. I attended what I expected to be my last service in San Francisco; there were musical and dance numbers and a demonstration of Karate by the children’s group. I helped take offering. Viola told Marcy went to Guyana which I had thought. The congregation together folded the latest issue of the Temple newspaper, making quick work of the job. We went to the altar on dismissal at 9:30.

Wanda was given money to buy articles for Joe Beam Helle.

I read newspapers, ate a snack

Was in bed at 12.00

9 January - Monday 1978

Went to the Social Security office to tell them my change in residence to Guyana. I intended to be there at 8.30 as I felt sure would be a line but didn’t arrive until just at 9.00 as office opened. I had to wait about an hour. The worker filled in the form for me.

Took a bus down Market. Went to the post office and bought stamps in order to write letters and send the Temple Forum newspaper in my sister.

Then went to the Bechtel Office. Saw Betty V. who had not been there when I last was there and said goodbye to her. Denise told me Marie phoned this morning and she was coming in. Her sister’s wedding was yesterday. The rumor I had heard concerning Dor Starkey’s resignation was about another Don. I checked the work announcements on the bulletin board for Lor who is looking for a second hand freezer.

Went to the bank and withdrew the money in my account, leaving only enough to cover the check I gave Lor to cover Dor’s gift to me.

Took a bus up Mission and shopped at three thrift shops. I bought most of what I still need: slip, sandals, a white purse, a brightly colored woven piece for a room decoration and three plain-colored skirts.

Arriving home, I had some lunch.

Then took the bus to the Co-Op where I had an ice cream cone.

Went to Cost-Plus and bought an Indian bedspread, two Indian scarves, an Indian bag and a wall mirror.

Went back to the Akron building and had some Chinese food.

Went home.

Read the newspaper and had a snack.

10 January - Tuesday 1978

Wanda, who is scheduled to leave the week following my departure, has been packing and cleaning up the apartment. She cleaned out Lucille Estelle Payney’s closet, in which I have been keeping some of my clothes. She threw or gave away some of my belongings, including a sweater I wanted to take and a velvet vest which Dor gave me to dress up a blouse as we had been told to take some nice clothes for parties and public relations affairs. I checked with Judy [Merriam] who had taken some items from our apartment but she can’t find these two. Wanda went with me to the Salvation Army and I selected another sweater, for which she paid. It was a great sale and I got it for 75¢.

I packed all day. I had cleaned out my shelves in the pantry and my food in the refrigerator. I gave a few items to Viola and saved the rest for Judy. At one point I became quite annoyed with Judy as she asked for specific items.

I filled a suitcase to take with me under my seat, two of the Temple-constructed wooden boxes which are to go in the luggage compartment of the plane. To go by surface transportation I packed my steamer trunk and plan to put more items in two suitcases, also to go by surface.

I ate at the Temple.

I went through a checklist with Phyllis Houston. She told me to give the Temple post office box in Georgetown as my address to family and friends as Bette’s daughter, whose address I had been given previously, is moving to the Temple shortly.

Phyllis told me to ask one of the men to take my luggage to the Temple by 3.00 o’clock and check in myself at the crating room by 6.00 o’clock.

I saw Elihue Dennis, who is married to Edith Cordell’s adopted daughter and asked him to pick up my luggage tomorrow; he agreed. He asked me to call him, that he’ll be back from the second protest march which is scheduled by the Temple tomorrow.

Took a bath indeed the last cold bath I expected to take in this city.

Read newspapers and had a snack.

11 January - Wednesday 1978

Went to town again to finish my shopping. As I thought that I didn’t have much to buy, I didn’t take a shopping bag.

On account of a fire on Geary the bus took a different route, but turned on to Market Street at 2nd Street which was handy for me. I went to the office supplies store where I bought my typewriter and got three typewriter ribbons. I saw a self-serve stationer on the same street and bought a package of typewriter paper of second quality on which to make drafts and so on. Then went to Merrill’s and bought a number of items, such as clothesline, moth killer, the hydrogen peroxide the Temple wants us to bring. Then I took the bus to Kaplan’s where I purchased my shoes, hat and a light rain poncho with hood.

Ate some lunch.

I had not been able to get all I had intended to take for immediate use into my airline luggage, so I had to unpack most of what was in the wooden crates. I transferred to my surface luggage a number of items, mostly articles of clothing. By use of my tote bag I was able to get everything in, though I can’t take a pillow nor my thermos bottle.

I phoned Elihue at about 2.30. The march, the second of the week, had been called off. Judy told me the one on Monday had been subjected to some harassment. Elihue had hung up before I could give him my apartment number and he had had some difficulty finding it.

I went in to the Temple at 5.00 expecting to check in for the trip but found that Thursday was the day, instead of Wednesday. I had not personally been informed of a change though Wanda was. I should have enquired but didn’t think of it. I am told that among the reasons for re-scheduling flights is to make it more difficult for the correct information to leak out to those who might intend to interfere with the flight and to prevent the appearance at the airport of relatives and friends who might make processing more troublesome.

I was not disappointed as I can use the extra time, especially in getting journal entries done. I learned my traveling companions are Harold Cordell, and Roosevelt Turner. Judy told me Rocky Breidenbach had requested that Turner be sent over. Father consented.

Although I had forgotten there would be a service tonight, I had to stay for it. I was so tired, however, that I asked to be excused from offering taking.

The service was distinguished by much singing; it was concluded about 10.00 o’clock. The congregation came to the altar and there was a special treat for children, which was a sweet.

I didn’t take my suitcase. I had some toilet items in my tote bag which I slept on my sleeping bag which I was am giving to Wanda.

I read the newspaper and ate some dates and walnuts. I saved some for the trip and left some for Wanda.

I went to sleep about 12.00 am.

12 January - Thursday 1978

Got up at 8.00, having slept 8 hours, the first time in months I have gotten 8 hours sleep.

Rain, often heavy, all day.

Didn’t eat any breakfast.

Went down to Viola [Godshalk] to see whether I could borrow a needle and thimble to do some mending. No one had a thimble. She proposed we have some breakfast at the Moulin Rouge about 2 blocks down on Geary. She and Ray [Godshalk] often eat there. She said it was quite inexpensive.

We went about 12.30. I had eggs, ham, hash brown potatoes, toast and Sanka. Viola wanted to pay but I wouldn’t let her.

She had two letters from Ray in L.A. which she had me read aloud. He had been asked to drive up to Redwood Valley this weekend. He spoke as if he might not go down to L.A. again. The work which Archie’s [Ijames] crew has been doing on houses given to the Temple is about finished. Ray and Viola have three daughters, two of whom are in the L.A. area. Ray finds it hard to say goodbye to them. He seems closer to them than Viola is.

I offered to take Viola to see a motion picture, The Turning Point, which Dorothy had recommended to me. She accepted. I thought we should leave about 2.30 for the show, which started at 3.20.

I had about an hour. I reported all the articles I had with me in the tote bag and counted the money I had left. Then I sewed two buttons on my coat. I couldn’t find the dates and the nuts I had saved for the trip and wasted much time looking or them. Wanda returned and she did not know where they were either.

It is difficult to walk with Viola because of her crippled condition and it was worse because of the rain and the heavy bag I was carrying. We waited some time for a Geary bus and it was about 3.00 before we got one. I knew we would be late which made me nervous.

The picture had been on about ten minutes when we arrived. It was a story about ballet, which is not one of my favorite arts and I could not get too involved in the issue although the actresses were very good. Anne Bancroft and Shirley MacLaine had the starring roles and the Russian ballet artist, Mikhail Baryshnikov, made his debut. Viola liked the picture very much but never did relax completely.

I was supposed to be at the Temple at 6.00. I thought we would be a little late. We left the theater about 6.10. I bought some face powder at a drug store. The rain was still coming down.

We arrived at the Temple at about 6.35. When I saw the crating room bottled up and few people around I was dismayed as I thought the party had left for the airport.

Then Sandy Bradshaw appeared. She had been trying to reach me. The group which was to leave tonight was delayed until Monday. The Guyanese Government wanted a group of six adults, so more people would be processed to leave Monday. I thought she said Mother would be with us. Sandy offered any help she could give but I told her, I had no problem. I was actually glad to get some more time to catch up on my letters and journal.

Gina [Severns] was there to take us home and Viola offered to buy us all hamburgers as we had missed dinner. We found some for 99¢ at a restaurant on Geary.

Viola had told me that in the neighborhood in which she lived as a child, one had to resort to prostitution to get enough to eat. Her mother did housework for a dollar a day. Her mother had told her of the customary way men had intercourse with women. The first time she prostituted herself she was nine. She was shocked because the man, her mother’s employer, had her “suck him off”. He gave her 50 cents, which meant food on the table. Viola said she was in this cause to keep any more children from going through what she had gone through. “Tell Maryann Casanova to get her some work with the children, if it’s only to wipe bottom.”

Gina said her father had been a gambler, her mother a dancer. Her father later got a job at Lockheed and was fairly prosperous until the end of the Vietnam War. She said all the girls she knew had sex by twelve but she waited until she was 19, as she did not know how to prevent the birth of a baby.

We got in about 8.00 o’clock.

When Wanda came in I told her to get in touch with Sandy as her travel had been put off tonight until the Monday following mine.

Josie gave me back my radio that I had given her.

I ate a snack and read the newspaper till 12.00 midnight.

13 January - Friday 1978

I had another 8 hours sleep.

It rained all day. In the morning I worked on my journal.

Wrote a draft of a letter to senators and representatives about the Temple for Wanda’s signature, as I have already sent a similar one in my name.

Went to the Temple for lunch. Took my cart.

Saw Patti Chastain and Barbara Hoyer.

Went to the Haight Food store for fruit, dates, eggs (items needed for the next few days). Took a bus back to the Temple. Then brought my suitcase and groceries home in the cart.

Saw Laurie Efrein whose mother is visiting her now. She is staying in a hotel downtown, having told Laurie, “Don’t worry about housing me, I have reached that period in life where comfort is important and I have reserved a room in a hotel downtown.” Laurie said she could use some help in entertaining her.

Read the newspaper and had a snack.

Went to bed at 12.00. At first I was very sleepy. Then I couldn’t sleep. There was a brawl outside among the patrons of a bar. It lasted a long time. Men were knocking each other down on the wet pavement. Finally he police came. I read an hour between 3.00 and 4.00 until I finally got to sleep.

14 January - Saturday 1978

Did some sewing. Wrote on journal entries

Went to the Temple and did the final draft of the letters for Wanda.

Laurie asked me to go to dinner with her and her mother at the Hyatt Regency. Andy Silver, whom her mother had taken to, was going too. She said her mother would pay. We three picked up Mrs. Efrein at her hotel. She had eaten lunch at the hotel and was much taken with it. She ordered a carafe of wine (it cost about $4.00) and I offered to pay for it. Although, as I remember, a former Communist Party member who suffered during the McCarthy era, she wore three rings on each hand and a necklace and bought some more jewelery in San Francisco. She takes 2 trips a year. Last year she took one to Soviet Union on a Russian ship. She talked about what she had and what she ___ of her jewelery. She said to Laurie, “Someday it will be yours.” She did not make any comment or ask any questions about our Guyana mission. When she paid the bill, I expected to get $5 back out of my $10 bill, but I didn’t.

We dropped Mrs. Efrein off at her hotel and came back to the Temple service.

In the service Hue made some amusing comments on the planning of the black ministers for the observance of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday tomorrow. They are planning to have two mules pulling a wagon. Mayor Moscone made sure there are going to be TV cameras before he promised to come and he will stay for only a brief time, as he has other commitments.

15 January - Sunday 1978

Got up at 8.00 and had a bath.

Heavy rain was falling in the morning. Ate breakfast. Had an egg and toast.

Went to the Temple services at 11.00. I helped with the offering; the audience was small.

Our members went to the Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday commemoration at the Third Baptist Church. The busses took us to the Panhandle from where we marched to the church on McAllister Street, about nine blocks. Those who couldn’t walk were taken all the way in the busses. There were no mules. I was told they couldn’t get the mules. Very few besides Temple members were in the march. We had a few banners. A young man, an outsider, carried a poster near us denouncing Andrew Young.

Hue later said Moscone timed his arrival for the TV cameras, left soon after the start of the event pleading another obligation.

The speakers were all very unimpressive, except Enola D Maxwell of the Portrero Hill Neighborhood Association. I had difficulty staying awake. No mention was made at all of the Temple, though our Publications Office had printed the programs.

We returned home on the busses. Chicken dinner was served.

We had a sort evening service in which Hue discussed the afternoon’s events. The contrast between last year’s celebration of King’s birthday held at the Temple was glaring. Current feeling in the city has led to its being almost ignored.

16 January - Monday 1978

Had Viola come up for breakfast. We had oranges, eggs and toast. Gave Viola the raspberry jam I had left. I gave Viola my advice about assertiveness, not letting people take advantage of her.

The weather had cleared somewhat.

I repacked everything I had to take with me and took it to the Temple in my cart. I decided to walk home or the exercise as all my Sanka had been used. I walked along Polk and had a cup. I had only enough change with me to pay for it but found later that I had $25 in bills.

Ate some soup for lunch.

Made a few final preparations for going. I tried to do some back journal entries but all I could do was list those I had finished, had notes for, or not written at all. I have considerable gaps for December and January.

Josie has been in an uneasy mood ever since I have been arranging to leave as change upsets her. She cooks off and on.

[One page of notes C-2-A-1 (36) missing from file – (35) was Xeroxed twice]

… departures processed us. They examined baggage, labeled it, and padlocked wooden chests. Gave us instructions on the journey, gave us money for food in NY and for buying a fifth of scotch to take over for PR purposes. In addition to our own luggage we had additional chests added for each one to be responsible for, of materials to take for the Temple which were to be checked on our tickets. Among those briefing and serving us were: Randolph, Chris Kice, Phyllis Houston, Alice Inghram, Robin Tschetter and the drivers, one of whom is John Henneke. Robin gave me a bracelet watch with rubies and diamonds to take over. I turned over to Robin the money I had left. $25.

Besides Harold Cordell and Roosevelt Turner who were originally scheduled to go with me, the two Simon girls, Barbara and Marcia, had been processed to go, with Marcia’s baby, Camille Tom, nearly 2, and Jewel Wilson.

We left for the airport about 8.00 in a driving rain. At the airport Chris, Phyllis and Jim repeated instructions.

We were on a United flight. The plane left at 10.00; it carried very few passengers and some of us could stretch out to sleep. A snack was served.

I had trouble getting to sleep.

17 January - Tuesday 1978

I got more sleep than I thought I had, as I was not awakened by the serving of breakfast. It was about 5.00 Eastern time when we landed at John F. Kennedy Airport.

We took the airport bus to the Pan Am Terminal. The temperature remained about 24º all day, it was slippery underfoot and a light snow was falling.

At the Pan Am Terminal we put our luggage in one place. We found we would have to pay $1.25 to check one suitcase with corresponding rates for other items and decided not to check anything. At least one person stayed with the luggage.

Only a snack bar was open for breakfast. The charges were excessive and the food unappetizing. I had Sanka, ham and cheese on English muffin, which cost about $2.50.

The others spent some time sleeping. Harold had a book. He was going to study tax law, but I don’t think he made much progress. I read the newspapers I had brought along. Tried to make some notes for my journal but couldn’t concentrate. Later in the day I started to read Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain by Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder, I had been reading this several years ago on a Temple trip to Chicago but I lost it at a meeting and had not had a copy since, until I found one at the Temple recently.

Mid-morning I walked over to the other terminals. It was cold and slippery and the paths for foot traffic were inadequate. My purpose was to see whether other terminals had better facilities for eating. I found they were all much alike, except that Eastern had an obviously expensive restaurant, which was not open, however, the airport was almost deserted and most planes did not take off until afternoon. I had a brief conversation with a couple from Indiana who were going to Morocco for a vacation.

I had two cups of Sanka during the day and lunch of roast chicken and garden beans with a glass of tea. We had been given $10 for food and I had about a dollar left.

We had moved our luggage twice, first, to be in a better lounge and second, to be nearer to our gate. Roosevelt Turner and the two Simon girls did not carry their share. The girls sulked all day and late in the afternoon Jewel expressed her opinion to them about their uncooperativeness.

Harold was worried about the amount of luggage we had as Barb and Marcia [Simon twins] had brought numerous items. On the second plane we were limited to one piece. An hour before flight time he checked with the airline officials. They took the extra pieces in the luggage compartment but made an additional charge. Harold and Jewel were busy on the arrangements until almost the last minute and I was afraid they weren’t going to be able to board.

The second flight left at 3.00. The plane was crowded; we had to queue up to take off and were at least a half hour late.

My seating companion was a businessman going to Trinidad. I replied to his questions about my destination by saying I was going to Guyana on a teaching mission for my church, Peoples Temple, Disciples of Christ. He did not seem to recognize the name but admired my occupation as a teacher. He said he was a member of the Church of Scientology and described its actions and personnel. He said the events featured in the newspapers about conflict between the government intelligence agencies and his organization were caused by the attempt of the FBI, CIA and Interpol to discover derogatory information and then to cover up their own drug traffic. Scientology is suing the FBI for a large sum of money.

I had the beef stroganoff on my dinner.

I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain. I could not get to sleep when I tried.

My seating companion left the plane at Trinidad about 8.00 o’clock

We landed at Georgetown about midnight. Our group went through the formalities with no difficulties. But clearing our large number of footlockers was time consuming. I found that one for Norman Ijames had been checked on my ticket, and I did not have the key. Two others contained small tools and fixtures and office supplies.

Several people from our Georgetown installation met us. Two vans were loaded with our effects by a friendly airport crew and we were transported to the Temple house in Georgetown. It was over an hour’s ride.

A staff of twenty or so are based in Georgetown. Among them are the Carter young people, Tim, Terry, and Mike; Helen Swinney who does the cooking; Pauline Simon; Sharon Amos, who is coordination; Richard Janaro; Shanda Oliver (formerly James).

We had mattresses on the floor. I could not get to sleep for along time. Camille would not settle down at first and Marcia [Simon] was reluctant to discipline her. I finally shouted at her and she went to sleep. Then mosquitoes buzzed around and dogs barked.

[C-2-A-1 (44). 18 Jan, below: Re-scan still too light to read any but several words.]

18 January - Wednesday 1978

…..house ___ ___ ___ 7:00 ___ ___ ___ tests ____ ____ radio connection, with maintained on the ___ ___ ___ of the conspiracy and ___ Tim ______ stealing ____

Davis Solomon arrived on the boat. He and [Don] Ujara Sly work on the boat now. We had dinner.

Read Psychic Discoveries behind the Iron Curtain.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Went to bed about 10:00.

19 January - Thursday 1978

At 10.00 we were taken to the Immigration office by Shawanda. We were briefed how to respond to questions. We went through in short order after a long wait in line. We had no difficulties.

On the way home our driver’s remark showed him to be pro-British, an admirer of the U.S. He was opposed to the government of Guyana. Terry argued with him.

We were told to get ready to leave on the boat tomorrow for Jonestown, about 4:30. Many provisions have to go and there will not be room for our own footlockers. I opened mine and took out items most needed.

The men took provisions to the boat and loaded them. They later loaded the footlockers too in spite of the earlier decision. Then we were informed that the boat would not leave until Saturday.

I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain.

We received much enjoyment from watching the children, Camille and Monique. the latter is the grandchild of a woman now in Jonestown. The mother of the child abused her. The temple is now taking care of her. She is about two years old is intelligent and active. Much time is spent on toilet training.

All the household came in. Sharon said Jim is on the radio. Said he worked in the fields using the new watering system.

Several of the people here are engaged in procuring foodstuffs and other items.

I lay down on the couch but didn’t sleep.

For dinner we had fish.

We had a meeting after dinner. Newcomers told of their last experiences in the States which made them glad to be here. We discussed the tasks which should be done. Shanda will take stool tests in to the health office. Sharon will meet with government people and she and others will be on the radio. Other jobs which were assigned were: cleaning the garage, cleaning and watering the yard, sweeping and buffing the floors, cooking and washing dishes, watching the children, putting provisions on the boat.

A film had been obtained which we saw, “On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,” with Barbra Streisand and Yves Montand. We had coffee, Pepsi and fried sweet cassava which is like potato chips.

20 January - Friday 1978

Today. Up at 7.00. Had breakfast.

I helped with the dishes. Jewel Wilson has taken charge of the kitchen since Helen Swinney broke her arm. I had an argument with her, as she is very domineering.

Washed my hair

I peeled endives and sweet cassava with Pauline Simon. She arrived in December, is staying in Georgetown for medical tests. She has a blood condition.

Sharon and others explained to us that government officials have an easy-going attitude. A phrase which everyone uses, a cause of much laughter, is “just now,” which means the next day, next week, or next month, anything but “now.”

New arrivals were taken to see the Botanical Gardens and the Zoo in the early afternoon. Jewel and Roosevelt didn’t go. The two babies were taken and gave us trouble because they got tired and were thirsty. Water isn’t easily available though we were finally given some; we saw some distinctive tigers, brilliantly colored birds and some amazing monkeys. The zoo also has a pair of lions, an elephant, and several other animals. We were shown where the manatee is in the pond, but it did not surface.

I had a nap.

While the evening meal was being prepared, we received a call from Jonestown. An emergency flight has been arranged. A plane will go to Port Kaituma to pick up two patients, Lela Murphy and Lucille Payney. Harold Cordell and Helen Swinney were sent to Jonestown on the plane.

Dinner was very good. We had roast meat, cucumber salad, vegetables, pie made of green papayas, which tastes like apple pie.

I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain. Discussed it with Richard Janaro.

About 1.15, I was disturbed with the new arrivals from Jonestown. The two patients were taken to the hospital. Terry Carter Jones’s baby, Chaeoke, was sent to be with her. Newhuanda Darnes cared for the patients and baby on the plane.

21 January - Saturday 1978

We packed up ready to go by 4.30 if the boat went. The men were busy loading it and procuring provisions. The necessity to buy meat for Jonestown is holding us up.

There were rain flurries today.

The military base is not far from us and we hear the band used in drilling the men at all hours during the day. Sometimes, the men march past. They put on an especially good demonstration today.

Another sight I enjoy are small herds of goats and sheep which come by grazing with their kids and lambs, as they have young this time of year. The Temple house, is a painted place on the outskirts of town.

I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain a good part of the day.

Later in the day we learned that we cannot leave town, as the procurers did not yet get meat to load.

The electricity was off in the evening. The pump didn’t work; there was no water upstairs.

I volunteered to wash the dishes but Maria who helps in the kitchen and was drying the dishes, complained about my work constantly. We had had fish and fried potatoes with it, both greasy. We had no hot water. Nothing I did suited her.

After dinner I read my book while others played dominoes and talked. Jewel usually sleeps on the floor in the dining room but the talkers refused to quit, so she slept in our room. She goes to bed early as she has to get up early and usually chews me out.

22 January - Sunday 1978

[ 22 Jan entry on C-2-A-2 (51 & 52) are missing.

Two pages numbered C-2-A-2 (51 & 52) dated 10 April 78 were in their place.

April file is complete.]

23 January - Monday 1978

Wrote a long letter to Patti Chastain, included remarks on the trip and suggestions for improvements.

Took a nap after lunch.

The weather was cool with a nice breeze. There was no rain.

Went for an hour and a half walk with one of the Simon twins. We went in an out-of-town direction. Came to several dead ends, crossed small canals, then came to a big canal. We sat on the bank for sometime. The Simon twins [Barbara Ann & Marcia Ann Simon] are not related to Pauline Simon’s family. They are grand daughters of Brother and X Hutchinson, the frail-looking man Jim brought back to life several years ago. He wants to go to Guyana but the grandmother doesn’t.

The house was cleaned up in prospect for visit of a Brigadier invited by Sharon Amos.

Much food was brought in today: liver, fruit and vegetables. For dinner we had liver fried, a vegetable mixture with okra, squash, onions, tomatoes and oranges with coconut.

Procurement jobs continued. Richard Janaro told me they were making progress in getting meat. The boat might be able to leave in a couple of days.

The Brigadier didn’t come.

Some of the young people ate early and left for a meeting. On returning, Tim Carter told me they had met with representatives from all churches and that at a later meeting he was to talk and present a hymn. He doesn’t know any.

I dried dishes. My thumb is nearly healed.

Went to bed at 10.00 but there was too much confusion for me to get to sleep for and hour or two.

24 January - Tuesday 1978

I wrote letters to my sisters and Lor [de La Fuenta, friend from SF State]. I copied the same letter to all. I wrote on shorthand notebook paper, all I had. I was told the letters would be sent surface mail.

The house was cleaned again as visitors were expected.

I skimmed Games People Play by Eric Berne.

Took a nap. Went for a walk alone as the Simon twins didn’t want to go. Walked along Sheriff Street.

Davis and I cleaned shrimp he had procured. It was a tedious job. No one else would help.

For dinner we had curry and rice by Erin LeRoy [Eichler].

The visitors, expected at 7.30, telephoned that they didn’t come. We ate the hor’s d’oevers without them

Roosevelt Turner stays on the boat now as does Ujara Sly.

I slept on the balcony tonight. Enjoyed the fresh air and not being bothered by people coming and going.

25 January –Wednesday 1978

A contretemps took place over shrimp cleaning. Jewel Wilson disapproves of the way Davis and I had done it yesterday and so we had to do it over. She also objected to several other things we were doing; every miniscule point was the object of her scrutiny. Several other people were occupied with cleaning a new batch and Jewel objected to various elements of the operation. The Simon twins joined us reluctantly and complained, as I later learned, because Bobby Stroud was not required to help.

The result was a meeting called by Sharon Amos. She explained that all the permanent residents had assigned jobs. Bobby Stroud and Joan Pursley walk all over town raising money for the cause, as much as $300 a day. Terry Carter is on the radio most of the time. Tim Swinney was at customs with the foreign minister trying to get our crates out of customs. Evelyn LeRoy Eichler drives a car. Richard Janaro is working in procurement. All are effective and hard working. The Simon twins and anyone else who complained was rebuked while Jewel was praised for jumping in and working so vigorously in the kitchen. It did not seem to be the time to say that I won’t object to working if every move I made was not criticized.

I cleaned more shrimps, though with some help, but Jewel did not miss a chance to point out the slightest error I made.

I started to read Cities in Crisis by Mike Davidow, an account of present-day Soviet Russia. I had found it in Bobby Stroud’s room.

In the evening after dinner, three guests, probably Guyanese officials, actually did come. They conversed with Temple workers who described the agricultural mission to them. Then Richard Janaro showed a film, “The Outfit,” which he had obtained. It was a gangster film which I could not follow because the sound was bad. Davis made fudge for everybody. We all had a Pepsi Cola.

Evelyn went to the airport to meet Norman Ijames who was coming in.

I made my bed inside until the guests left, then moved outside.

26 January - Thursday 1978

We were told to have our bags packed, to be taken to the boat at 9.00 o’clock. The van went back and forth loading the boat all morning.

Three hundred half-grown pigs were loaded.

I was charged for sometime with watching the two little girls and making them clean up their plates at lunch. I was not very good at it.

We had a light lunch.

We were taken to the boat at 3.00. The journey started at 4.00. Besides our own party who came from the states, (Roosevelt has been working on the boat) the others going to Jonestown were Sharon Amos, Norman Ijames, Debbie Touchette, Tim Swinney, Pauline Simon, Lenora Perkins, and Richard Janaro.

Ujara Sly was at the controls of the boat. Tim Swinney and Davis Solomon were helping him. We steered out to the ocean and went along the coast.

I went to bed about 8.00. My blanket was in the hold so I used a pair of overalls of Roosevelt for cover and the rest of his luggage for a pillow. The other passengers had been given Dramamine, but I didn’t take any. The seniors were given the bunks and I had a top one. The younger people were on the deck under a panoply. Then, when it started to rain, they came in the cabin.

The motion in the top bunk was extreme and I began to feel sick. I went out on deck and stayed for a while and felt alright the rest of the night. Slept well.

27 January - Friday 1978

Got up at 5.00 to go to the bathroom, again at 7.00 – slept until 8.00

Got up just before we came to the mouth of the river. Richard and Tim were up. Ujara explained the route we would take.

Till 9.30 we stopped at Morawhanna Village to register with the police. We were on the Mora River.

For breakfast we had coffee, pancakes and syrup.

The day was cloudy with a little rain. We looked at the jungle growth along the river, occasionally saw Amerindian huts and people

About 2.00 those who wished, helped themselves to a cheese sandwich.

We arrived at Port Kaituma at 3.00 having made excellent time. We were so early that the Temple people were not there to meet us. Davis started to walk but met the tractor on the way. The tractor pulled a trailer to carry us and all that came off the boat.

Personnel were unloaded from the boat first. Some of the luggage we brought with us. Then it was decided to send the rest of it later as the pigs had to be taken off. They had stood the trip well, with the exception of one who had been injured in the leg and was not allowed by the others to get in the feed.

We were taken to Jonestown. It is seven miles to the central part of the mission. We were given a warm welcome by our friends.

Our luggage we assembled under a green tent to be checked through before we could take it. We were warned that all things, magazines, and items for other people must be turned over to Rita Lenin (Tupper). My luggage had not arrived.

I was talking to people when Jim’s voice was heard on the loudspeaker from the Radio Hut. He mentioned he saw Edith Roller who “had fled from the CIA and taken refuge with us.” A crowd assembled in front of the hut, I among them.

Jim was confronting an older man, obviously a drinking type. The man had asked Roosevelt Turner for liquor or money to buy liquor. He had told Turner lies about children being poisoned (some children had gotten hold of insecticides and would have died but Jim miraculously had saved them) and had also told Turner that “you can’t get out of Jonestown.” Turner was then put on the floor. His squandering of money was brought up. Rocky Breidenbach was also questioned. Jim said he had just gotten out of jail.

The sun was hot. The mosquitoes were attacking my skin and they were eating good.

I ate dinner which was served in the dining tent.

Friday night is the time of the socialism classes which all are required to attend. They were being conducted in the school tent. I was invited to join a class but felt too tired and dirty.

I returned to the luggage pavilion but my things had not arrived. They were expected sometime during the night. We had not washed or showered, had a change of clothes, towel or washcloth. I had not brushed my teeth all day in the heat and I felt miserable. Someone said we could go to the warehouse to get what things we needed such as a washcloth, whatever was available.

Ran into Laura Johnston who kindly lent me a sheet and some clothes and the shirt of her room mate who works at night. She showed me where to shower and the cottage to which I was assigned.

Joyce Touchette made the assignments consideraton of age and evidently thought the cottages were more spacious than the dorms. The dorms are nearer the central area. Cottage No. 48 to which I was assigned is in the last row; next to the clearing. There are four two-level bunks and a loft. There were only three occupants. One was Diane Lundquist. I hadn’t known the others.

I slept badly. My ankles hurt. The blanket was too warm and without it I was too cold.

28 January - Saturday 1978

I got to sleep toward morning. Got up about 7.00

I showered and went to breakfast.

Went to get my luggage checked out. I had to wait almost two hours for Joyce Touchette to get around to me. Rennie Kice (formerly Jackson), now the companion of Bob Kice, helped her. They went through all luggage including purses. If one had more than a minimum amount of clothing and supplies and so forth, the extra items were sent to the warehouse. All this and packages for others were sent to the warehouse over to Rita Lenin (Tupper) to deliver as we had been told on the boat. All medicines, even personal items, had to be turned over to the nurses and would be given out as required. Joyce was very kind to me.

Went to the medical office to have them look at the bites on my ankles. Dale Parks put ointment on them and gave me a pill which he said might make me sleepy.

I went to the attic of our cottage to take a nap. Discovered that Harriet Tropp up there and that Judy Ijames now is with Norman_ __ ___ ___ ___and she consented.

I rinsed out some clothes

Some showers fell in the afternoon. Announcements came over the loudspeaker from the Radio Hut where Jim spends most of his time.

I looked through my luggage. All is in good shape, even my typewriter, apparently.

Went to dinner which is served from about 5.30 to 7.00 o’clock

A Peoples Rally was at 8.00 in the main pavilion. Jim on the loudspeaker gave us some remarks. Shirley Hicks was in charge of some entertainment items. The kindergarteners did a socialist version of The Three Little Pigs. John Stoen was a member of the group. He is now called John Jones and hovered near Jim on the platform.

Jim spoke of the situation in the US where NAACP is compromising with the establishment and speaking of big government, big labor, big industry and a big minority. Huey Newton is hopeless. Jim also spoke of recent actions of the conspiracy against us. They made an attempt to have Debbie Touchette and Mike Touchette extradited for a crime they didn’t commit. The Guyanese Government refused to do so. Tim Stoen is now in Georgetown. Jim had sent Sharon Amos to demand of the Government that they get him off our neck. They complied and shipped him out; Stoen had said he would have John to return to his mother by January 1. It is now almost the first day of February and he doesn’t have him.

Jim read aloud a Herb Caen article devoted to Peoples Temple. Though superficially harmful, he wrote it to do us good. Caen accepted that Jim was the father of John, that Tim Stoen had asked in the most flamboyant terms for Jim to give Grace a child, ostensibly his and that Tim was a transvestite despised by Grace. Caen also three times slipped in a remark to the effect that Jim Jones had been cleared of all charges of investigation of the authors. Caen implied that Stoen was sterile, whereas (he said) Jim had fathered a child since the birth of John.

Patty Cartmell gave a hilarious account of the activities of Rheaviana, Tommy Johnson and her going up the river to sell contributed items and procure citrus fruit for us. These three are regularly engaged in this.

Jim spoke poignantly of having to send Sharon Amos to Washington and Norman Ijames to the States where they did not want to be, because he could count on them to carry out his orders. He referred to those who can’t be depended on or even got in trouble or were lazy here.

The meeting was over about midnight.

I retired to the cottage and went to bed.

29 January - Sunday 1978

For breakfast we had sweet roll as well as rice and coffee. We get extra a food for Sunday morning, as only two meals are served on Sunday.

Work on Sunday morning is performed on the same schedule as other days until noon, except for high school students who are on their work projects.

Our group off the boat had an orientation meeting at 9:00. Lee Ingram and Judy Ijames spoke and told us the rules. We are not to go in the bush alone or without permission. The hours of work are from 6.00 to 6.00. Lee finally explained that the field workers are wakened at 6.00, have a lunch break and the whistle blows at 6.30. Any couple which wishes to have a relationship must go before the relationship committee. If approved, they may be with each other for three months and have no sex. If they wish after that, they may have sexual relations. Judy explained the workings of the Medical Office: she advised come in for all cuts, etc. because of the danger of infection.

I met with Tom Grubbs who heads the school for my teaching assignment. Elementary students have classes in the morning and in afternoon from 12.00 to 3.00. Teachers have a preparation period from 5.00 to 6.00. The subjects taught are language arts, math, biology, science and languages plus the socialism class all must take. The level of student ability is low. A project on science in relation to Guyanese development is planned. Instructional materials and office space are limited. Bea Orsot keeps school records. Perhaps my secretarial skills could be used in the morning. I warned Tom that my age would limit the amount of work which I can do. He suggested I audit the language arts classes for a couple of days. Language arts classes in the high school are taught by: himself, Dick Tropp, Jann Gurvich, Shirley Williams, and Barbara Walker.

There was a heavy downpour in which I was caught. I had a long talk with Jann Gurvich who told me her problems. She has had no teaching experience nor methods courses and doesn’t know what material to give to her students.

I attempted to get my washing done but couldn’t hang it out because of the rain.

No lunch is served on Sunday. Dinner started at 3.00. People had been promised pork today and two hogs were slaughtered; however, there was not enough meat to give in a helping more than tiny pieces mixed in a large amount of rice with vegetables. Many were disappointed. Jim on the loudspeaker responded to complaints, explaining the cost factor and that they got more protein than they find. Jim called for the Jonestown police under the leadership of Ronnie James. Willie Malone is one of his workers, I think they were to make sure that the children, in particular cleaned up their plates.

I paid a visit to Christine Bates. She lives in an area near the nurses’ office where many of the seniors who have health problems are. Bates told me she has had some illnesses. She is in charge of crews who keep watch over the generators and over the banana shack. The bananas which hang in plain view are a temptation. She told me Gene Chaikin had given a great deal of trouble, apparently while still in the States and had tried to take his children out. I suppose at this time he was assigned to the plant nursery.

Coincidentally, I saw Gene on the way home. He was putting earth around plants. He was not very cordial to me, didn’t remember giving me any message on the radio. I inquired who was doing legal work for the Temple here now that he was in the nursery. He said that Harriet Tropp did what law work was necessary and that the Temple had lawyers in Georgetown.

I saw Penny [Ellen Dupont] Kerns. She is in charge of the Learning Crew, to which people are assigned for misbehaviors. She also seems to share some responsibility with Karen Layton, who compiles evaluations on work. Penny inquired of me about Andy Silver, in whom I did not know she was interested.

Today parents can be with their children. Diane and the others in our cottage had their children in our cottage this evening. I spent my time sorting articles in my luggage.

I have been constantly constipated since arriving in Guyana. Now, I have diarrhea.

Read Radicalism In America.

Went to bed about 10.00.

30 January - Monday 1978

Got up at 7.00 and had breakfast.

Took a shower, did personal chores.

Went to lunch at 12.00

Sat in on high school English classes, the first conducted by Jann and Tom, the Basic group. Then observed the Advanced group taught by Dick Tropp.

At 3.00 attended regular high school English teachers’ meeting. The classes were described for me and the shortage of books and supplies. None of them shipped from the States have arrived; most are tied up in customs in Georgetown. There was some discussion on methods of teaching, leading to the problems of whether to teach standard English, Black English or a combination. Tropp’s opinion prevailed: encourage the use of Black English for ordinary conversation, learn standard English for other purposes.

The topic of how to use me in the high school English program was approached. I realized with what was already set up that they didn’t have much need for another English teacher. I proposed I teach a course in English for adults and work individually with advanced students. This was agreed on.

The loudspeaker all day carried admonitions from Jim. An especially severe one was on elitism. There was to be a meeting tomorrow of the Agriculture and Screening Committee at 7.45 it was mandatory for all to attend.

I stayed in the central area. Had a conversation at dinner with Mary Wotherspoon. She manages the cassava mill.

At the meeting Jim directed that names be taken of those who were late. Some of the topics discussed were:

(1) Anthony [Simon] head of the chicken operation was responsible for 75 baby chicks being killed;

(2) All must put in time in the fields, at least one whole day every month working in agriculture. All must get in a schedule of their daily activities

(3) Complaints were heard about Marie Lawrence that she was not on the job as head of the Landscape and Poison Committees. The seven children who had died and been saved by Jim just before my arrival had been poisoned by insecticide which was left around, I gathered by Mike Lund (Rozynko). There was much discussion of the proper disposal of such poisons and further provisions which should be made by Marie’s committee.

(4) Detailed reports were heard from those in charge of pigs, cows, chickens, proposals where made for making a pond to raise chickens and fish.

(5) There was communication by radio with San Francisco; Diane Wilkinson asked to speak to one of the Simon girls. Jim thought Diane was attracted to her, though the Simon twin said she was not aware of it. Jim commented that he had no objections to lesbianism.

(6) Jim complained of the number of letters the people were writing to friends and relatives outside of the Temple and the cost of foreign postage.

The meeting ended at 1.00.

31 January - Tuesday 1978

Guests were at the mission today, the foreign ministers and other Guyanese officials. They arrived about 9.30 and their arrival was announced from the gate. They conferred with Jim in the dining area and security personnel were on duty. Jim as usual gave the news of the day with special emphasis on the situation in Rhodesia over the loudspeakers at intervals. He exhorted the membership to clean up the grounds and be on their best behavior.

Worked approximately from 9.00 to 11.30 on journal entries, seeing which ones in journal were incomplete or on which I had only notes. Started systematically to fill in the missing pieces.

Had lunch.

Talked to Don Jackson who teaches English for high school and wanted some pointers. I asked him when would be convenient. He proposed I talk to all the junior high English teachers at once and we settled upon a kind of seminar tomorrow night at 11.00 in the pavilion as permission had already been given to teachers to stay up late to work.

Sat in on an English class taught by Jann Gurvich and Barbara Walker. They had given an interesting assignment. I thought it was too complicated and was not suficiently introduced and probably the follow-through was not sufficient. Barbara began to question my credentials, so I did not press it. But I made some comments to Jann. I also made a list of points I plan to cover with the junior high teachers and went through some of them with her. She proposed that the high school English teachers come also and Jann was very sleepy having been …

Talked to Rita Lennon (Tupper). She gave the family the Lennon name from his background. We discussed a number of the things that have occurred in the community since we had last seen each other, particularly Tim Stoen’s behavior. She said she had not been surprised.

Went to the machine shop and had them file down the prong in the key to my typewriter cord which doesn’t fit. I tested the typewriter and it seems to be satisfactory and the typewriter is undamaged from the trip.

Took a shower and rested for an hour.

No rain today

Went to dinner.

Went to the pavilion early to get a seat for the People’s Rally tonight, scheduled for 7.45. As in San Francisco, the seniors vie to get seats in the front.

When Jim came in, he first announced that Marcy’s cancer, which had been conclusively diagnosed twice was healed to the amazement of the doctors. This had cost him much effort. She will be with us in two weeks.

Agricultural Committee

The report from the Agricultural Committee was continued. First item was on the activities in the garden.

Danny Kutulas reported on bananas. The relative advisability of concentrating on bananas or cassava as human and stock feed was discussed.

Robert Gieg spoke on cassava.

Jim told the results of his meeting with the Guyanese officials. Points mentioned: How our group fit into the immigration policy of the government. They stated agriculture was our strong point. We were multi-racial. We have a variety of general skills. We integrate our people in that nation. Our leader’s abilities are extraordinary. He has a loyalty to the group which is returned. There is no sexism; no racism. The only drawback they see is that we could be a target for the CIA and we might accept an agent into our midst. We must watch everyone for any sign of capitalist behavior. The government is asking us to contact other cooperatives.

Two young men were on the floor for behavior: Marcus Anderson & John Gardener.

Jack Barron reported on peanuts, sorrel, sorghum and granadillas.

Becky Flowers on citrus.

Jeff Carey was brought up on not following through on a program he had promised to do; failure to do so is common with him.

Hazel Newell was on the floor for saying that her husband would be broken-hearted if we didn’t bring the child back. __ _ is some 5 or 6. __ __ __ __ it is clear the husband is an alcoholic who used all the family money he could get for liquor and not faithful to his wife. And has even made advances to one of his daughters. Jim was furious that she worried more about her husband’s feelings than her child’s welfare and safety.

None of the children wanted to return. Jim said they would not be sent back. He told Hazel if she would be firm, her husband would wish to come here.

Keith Wade was reported for saying he was not happy here and wished to return. He said he didn’t feel that way any more. Jim warned him of the treatment homosexuals received in the U.S. even death. I questioned his mother, Lu Ester Lewis, on her attitude as she seems unhappy. She said she hated the U.S. but had other problems. She rejected my query. Jim asked her if it was her daughter Sheila who concerned her (I knew Sheila left the group). She said yes.

Russ Moten reported on insecticides.

Mary Wotherspoon on the cassava milk.

Gene Chaikin on the nursery.

Phillip Blakey on tractors.

Vernetta Christian who had heard Jim asked to take a medical inventory reported difficulty because of professional jealousy. Jim denounced this and ordered that facility to proceed.

Pauline Groot was on the floor for unsatisfactory performance on the job she had previously refused to make use of her engineering knowledge for the collective and Jim dealt directly with her attitude. She had taken his time with a long, self pitying center, many members addressed her with their caustic comments. I told her I resented her because she drained our leader and was slowly killing him. Many, including Jim, agreed with me. I proposed she be put in isolation where she would not have paper to write complaints and could not communicate with people. Jim said that if assignment to the learning crew did not cure her, we might try some form of sensory deprivation.

A child who tried to strangle little Mary Wotherspoon was put on learning crew.

Jim was suffering intensely from a sore in his mouth as a result of much oral activity and all night answering the radio. He is often up most of the night answering on our radio. Other operators in North & South America are reached and Jim carries on public relations conversations, even gets offers of cash donations. Last night they talked to people in Alaska. He intended to put in some more time but the radio was reported dead. These connections are very important; we make friends and acquire a mailing list which can be very valuable to us.

The meeting ended about 1.30. I was in bed about 3.30.


January 1978 Journal References

S= survived 11/18/78; N= not Temple member;

GT= Georgetown; JT= Jonestown; SF= in San Francisco; RV= in Redwood Valley

Temple / Members

Dennis Allen [S]

Sharon Amos [Died in GT, Nov18, 1978]

Marcus Anderson

Oreen Armstrong

Jack Barron

Christine Bates

Rheaviana Beam

Philip Blakey [S]

Sandy Bradshaw [SF S]

Rocky Breidenbach

Jeff Carey

Mike Carter [S]

Terry Carter

Tim Carter [S]

Patty Cartmell

Gene Chaikin

Patti Chastain [SF S]

Vernetta Christian

Mike Touchette [S]

Leona Collier [SF S]

Edith Cordell

Harold Cordell [S]

Elihue Dennis

Laurie Efrein [SF S]

Hue Fortson [SF S]

John Gardener

Robert Gieg

Ray Godshalk [on boat S]

Viola Godshalk

Tom Grubbs

Jann Gurvich

Joe Beam Helle

Shirley Hicks

Phyllis Houston

Barbara Hoyer

Brother Hutchinson

Archie Ijames [SF S]

Judy Ijames

Norm Ijames [S]

Alice Inghram [SF Jan 78; Guyana May 78]

Lee Ingram [S]

Don Jackson

Ronnie James

Richard Janaro [S]

Laura Johnston [S]

Tommy Johnson

Chaeoke Jones

Jessie Jones

Jim Jones

Marceline Marcy Jones

Penny Kerns

Bob Kice

Chris Kice [SF S]

Rennie Kice (formerly Jackson)

Wnda King

Danny Kutulas

Bryan Kravitz [SF S]

Karen Layton

Marie Lawrence

Rita Lenin Tupper

Erin LeRoy [Eichler]

Evelyn LeRoy [Eichler]

Lu Ester Lewis

Mike Lund [Rozynko]

Diane Lundquist

Willie Malone

Judy [Merriam]

Russ Moten

Lela Murphy

Hazel Newell

Shanda [James] Oliver

Bea Osort [S]

Lucille Estelle Payney

Lenora Perkins

Joan Pursley [S]

Jim Randolph [SF S]

Gina Severns

Andy Silver [SF S]

Anthony [Simon]

Barbara Simon

Marcia Simon

Pauline Simon

[Don] Ujara Sly

Davis Solomon

John Stoen

Bobby Stroud [S]

Helen Swinney [S]

Tim Swinney

Camille Tom

Debbie Touchette [S]

Joyce Touchette

Dick Tropp

Harriet [Sarah] Tropp

Robin Tschetter [S]

Roosevelt Turner

Terrance “Keith” Wade

Barbara Walker

Newhuanda Darnes

Diane [Deanna] Wilkinson

Jewel Wilson

Mary Wotherspoon




Accounting Office (SF)

Agriculture and Screening Comm (JT)

Black English

Publications (SF)

Radio Hut (JT)

Medical Office {JT)

Poison Comm (JT)

Apostates And Concerned Relatives

Grace Stoen

Tim Stoen

Sheila Wade [Lewis]


Edith’s Sisters/Friends

Dor, Dorothy, Edith’s sister

Lor, Edith’s friend in San Francisco


Don Starmay



Marquita [Scarbery]

Barbara Vasil

Non Temple Names

Anne Bancroft, actress

Mikhail Baryshnikov, Russian dancer

Herb Caen, columnist

Mrs. Efrein, mother of Temple member Laurie Efrein

John Kennedy

Martin Luther King Jr.

Shirley MacLaine, actress

Enola D Maxwell of the Portrero Hill Neighborhood Association

Yves Montand, actor

George Moscone, Mayor of San Francisco

Barbra Streisand, entertainer


American Radicalism

Cities in Crisis by Mike Davidow

Games People Play by Eric Berne

The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain by Sheila Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder

The Silent Language by Edward Hall





North America


South America


Church of Scientology


Communist Party


JF Kennedy Airport NY

McCarthy Era

PanAm Terminal

United Airlines

Film: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.

Film: The Outfit

Film: The Turning Point

PT Forum

Akron Building

Cost Plus


Kaplan’s on Market

Kaiser [Medical]

Marinello Beauty Salon

Motor Vehicle Office


Portrero Hill Neighborhood Association

Social Security Office

Third Baptist Church


Zellerbach Building

Amerindian huts

Botanical Gardens and Zoo, GT

Morawhanna Village

Mora River


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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