Josiah V - RootsWeb

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa.

Family Record Book


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At residence of Mrs Rachel Davis, Marietta St, St Clairsville, Ohio Aug 19, 1925 11:30 AM

Mrs Davis said she was Rachel Thompson born in County Armagh, Ireland July 27, 1845, daughter of Thomas Thompson with whom she came to America when 2 1/2 yrs old, the passage taking four weeks or four months, she didn't know which. Her sister, Eliza, 3 yrs older, also came. He, her father, was a man of integrity & probity & had a farm in the country but had moved in town here about a year before his death. He went out to the farm one morning, when my informant was about 16 yrs old & was murdered by the Baxters with whom he had had trouble. One of the Baxters was sent to the penitentiary for life & the other for 7 yrs. Her sister, Eliza married a Coleman & died a few months ago. He, her father, was then 47 yrs old when killed & was a Methodist. Thomas had a brother Robert who also came to this country & his son, William Thompson went to Anaheim, Calif where he died & his widow still lives there. Another bro, John went to Toronto, Canada & has descendants living there. Their father was John Thompson & he died in Ireland. She taught school out about Fairview once.

Left 11:50 AM

Went out to Blaine, O & hunted an hour for Miss Mary Thompson, 85 yrs old, but no one knew of her.

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Office of Dr D. L. Walker, Main St, St Clairsville, O Aug 19, 1925 6 PM

I walked down here west of the Court House & found Dr Walker, who is a bachelor, a fine specimen [physically & mentally & asked him if he was of the family of Rev John Walker, D.D. who married the daughter of Rev Joseph Scroggs 1793-1873 whose daughter married Rev G.C. Vincent D.D., L.L.D. once President of Franklin College at New Athens, O & father of Rev Wm Vincent who in 1898 was preaching in the U.P. Church, Detroit. He said he was not, but his mother's family was one of preachers & I asked what name & he said Jennings. I asked if of the Obediah Jennings family & he said yes that her father was David Jennings, a brother of Obediah & another brother was Jonathan Jennings, first Governor of Indiana. He said his grandfather, David Jennings came to this county & was elected clerk of the courts. He had married Susie Daly in Fayette Co, Pa & by her he had a big family of sons & daughters. He was elected to congress from here & his wife, having grown fat & stout, he went off South with a Washington City woman, See book 18 page 19

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& was never heard of afterwards except that once he wrote back to his wife wanting to return, but she didn't answer his letter. His daughter, Margaret Louise Tallman? Jennings married Dr Josephus Walker & D.L., my informant is their son. I told him of his great grandfather, Rev Dr Jacob Jennings being pastor at Dunlaps Creek & of Obediah Marrying a sister of Dr David Porter, all of which he knew & of having entertained Rev Dr Samuel Carnahan Jennings in my home in 1881. He knew him & he & his son Sylvester? had both visited them here & he heard them both preach the same day & S.C's was very good, but the sons was not. He said Judge Alexander here married a sister of his mother & when she died, he married another sister & have some descendants. He asked if I knew J.V. Thompson, the big coal land owner & he was very much surprised when I told him I was the party. He said he had read of my work & my upbuilding of the bank with grant interest & was always a sympathizer. I told him of our Dr Robert M. Walker & of the capers of Rev Dr Jacob Jennings mischievous son.

Leaving 6:55 PM

Dr D.L. thought the family of Walkers in Flushing, O in the town were the ones I was seeking. Write John D. Barricklow or C.A. Speck.

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At Desch Hotel, Martins Ferry, O Aug 20, 1925 9:11 AM

The Wheeling Bell Tel Directory for June 1924 gives:

Jack Bros Garage 108 Stone Ch Road Tel Elm Grove 235-J

Jack, David Tel Moundsville 465-R r 131 8 Ruby

Jack, Roderick Tel Moundsville 187-M r 119 Tomlinson, Ave

Jack, Walter Tel Bellaire 13-F-2 r Wegee, O

Miller, H.M. tel Martins Ferry 176-J r 205 N 5th ST

Ongley, George H. Tel 320-W r 241 N 5th ST.

I went to 241 N 5th St at 9:33 AM & found a little store. The storekeeper said Ongley used to live in the houe back of the store, but hasn't been there for more than a year.

At Residence of Howard Milligan Miller, No 205 N 5th ST, Martins Ferry, O Aug 20, 1925 9:37 AM

Mrs Rosanna Miller came to the door & was glad to see me. Her name was Rosanna Fritchman & she says she was married to

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Howard Milligan Miller Nov 6, 1907 & he was born July 17, 1882, the son of Dr David William Miller & his wife Clara Elizabeth Milligan. Their first child, a premature stillborn son was born Oct 31, 1908.

His mother, this Clara Elizabeth Milligan, was the girl O.P. Markle was engaged to when he came up to Uniontown, Pa & married Jennie Williams and on Dec 18, 1922, she & O.P. Markle were married at Santa Ana, Calif & are now living there. Rosanna says he has sold his chain of stores & is now in the R.E. business there. She was born Feby 22, 1856 & her first husband, Dr D.W. Miller died when my informant, Howard M.M. was 2 1/2 yrs old, say about Jany 1885.

At Residence of Mrs Arthur Monger, Martins Ferry, O Aug 20, 1925

Mr Miller took me to his store room & introduced me to a Bert Thompson & his cousin who work for him & Bert drove me to his Aunt, Mrs Sedgwick but she could not give anything definite on her Thompson line & he drove me here in quest of information about Eugene Jack, Mrs

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Monger before marriage was Nina Alexander formerly of Apollo, Pa where they were next door neighbors of Col S.M. Jackson & her father, David Drury Porter Alexander served in the Col's Co in the Civil War. Her sister, Margaret Irene Alexander married Elmer E. Jack of the Clinton or Kittanning Jacks. Mrs Jack, widow, is in Pgh now, with her daughter, but will be back Saturday or next week & will then move to Dayton, O where they will locate. She can be located there through her sister, Mrs E.K. Nye who lives there at No 196 Iroquois, Dayton, O Tel Main 2224. Mrs Jack's son, Eugene is located here now corner of Grand & 7th St, but works up at York near.

Leaving 10:46 AM

See Book 18 P 537-8

At office of J.M. Henderson, Henderson Bldg, Second Floor, Martins Ferry, O Aug 20, 1925 11 AM

Mr Henderson's wife is a daughter of William Cope who came from "Redstone" & was a first cousin of Louis Cope, Jap's father & he spoke of owning the entire square (I don't know whether himself or his wife) in which his office is located which is the heart of the city which he says has 16,000 population & going to & including the Desch Hotel where I had

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left my satchel & collects rents, he said from 43 to 45 people. He told me of having had a commission for 20 yrs to sell 15,000 A of coal lands of J.N. Pew of Phila located in Harrison Co, O & during the holidays, he was meeting with the Y&O board whose agent for buying coal lands he has been for 25 yrs & laid the Pew lands before Messrs Robbins, Robinson, Patterson, & others & they told him they would buy 7,000 A @ $150 per acre which included his commission & pay $150,000 down & the balance in 8 E.A.P 5 1/2 % int. He took the train immediately for Phila & was back forthwith, with Mr Pew & closed the deal. It took about three mos to get the deeds passed & he had just recd a ck for some more of his coms.

He says the big No 8 merger has not gone through & that Edwd Johnson & Judge R.L. Wildermuth of the Lorain Coal & Deck Co concerned in it, are now in London, Eng. He says differences arose by which they could not get together or agree on prices. He said D.C. Wills of Federal Reserve Bank, Cleveland, O was ready to finance it, if they get together. He said the 2000 A he sold has a .59 ct freight rate advantage to the Lakes which makes it very advantageous for the Y&O. It is located near Germano, O. He says the coal men with whom he has been talking, feel that the next two years will be good ones in which to make coal sales. He said the

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Van Swearingens of Cleveland, O "newsies" 20 yrs ago had sold ninety million dollars worth of Real Estate in Cuyahoga Co in the last two years & recently had bought 6000 A near Mentor, O, Garfield's old home & were improving it by putting in sewers & traction lines. He told me about Dan R. Hanna's death. Said one of the men working for Hanna ran across a fellow who had a flask of good scotch whisky & the sample being good, the man bought a case of professedly the same kind & had it sent to Dan R's cellar at his home up the Hudson, on a Saturday afternoon & Sunday about that time, Dan R. had three of his business associates at his home with him & drank the contents of the flask which they found so good, that Dan said he had a case of it in the cellar & getting some of it & they all being considerably under the influence of the liquor, drank of it without noticing the difference, with the result that when going down to dinner, Dan R., a grand big specimen of manhood dropped dead at the newell post at the stairs, another went blind at once & was sent to a hospital & died & the other two escaped death by a narrow margin. The cases contents were largely formaldehyde. He asked me to stay for lunch, but I declined.

Left at 11:44 AM

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I then took the street car to Bridgeport, O & as the bus had just gone, I had to wait two hours for another bus & consequently while waiting, got my lunch at Harding & Burley's Restnt & leaving at 2 o'c, rode over with Dr Tubbs, a practicing physician here at Cadiz, O who had lived at New Athens, O & said R. R.G. Campbell was 86 yrs old (he is 91) & to ask him about the race to Columbus, O to get a charter for the college. He said the college quit functioning in 1918 & the buildings worth fully $70,000 had been bought by the school board who now use them for $15,000.

Arriving at Cadiz, O abt 3:15 PM, I went to C.M. Henderson's & got him to drive me out 7 miles in a drizzling rain & was soon:

At residence of Robert Gowan Campbell, New Athens, Harrison Co, O Aug 20, 1925 4 PM

I was admitted by a tall stately handsome middle aged woman who said she would call the doctor & going upstairs, he came down, a fine massive well formed man 6 ft 2 in high with a fine face with gray hair & gray mustache & chin whiskers, when I told him my mission, he said Rev Dr John Walker had died in 1845, ten years before he came here, he having come from Eastern

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Penna in 1855. He said Rev Dr Geo C. Vincent married a daughter of Rev John Walker D.D., but says that Walker was older than Rev Dr Joseph Scroggs & he does not think he married his daughter, but did think that he married a sister of his. He went upstairs & brought down a couple of manuals of the U.P. Church of North America, one by William Melanethon Glasgow, pub by the U.P. Board of Pub at Pgh, Pa in 1903 ctg 680 pages which he says has many errors in it & he says the board at Pgh, Pa are selling them out to get rid of them & he thinks they could be had for .50 cts a volume.

On page 309, is an article on Rev Elijah Newton Scroggs (there are none but preachers noted in it) who was born at Newville, Cumb Co, Pa July 22, 1786, educated at Jefferson College & at Dr Anderson's Service Sem at Service, Pa licensed by Ohio Pres Aug 25, 1819 ordained by same Pres & was pastor at Scroggsfield, Longs Run, West Beavor, O & 4 miles Penna.

When I commenced making note of his record, said he was a brother of Rev Dr Joseph Scroggs of Ligonier, Pa but he now says he was his Uncle, being the youngest of 21 children. He was born on the Big Spring South of Newville, Pa.

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Dr R.G. Campbell says that Rev Joseph Scroggs D.D. of Ligonier, Pa had but one daughter & her name was Jemima (named evidently for his Aunt Jemima Dunlap, living out in the neighborhood of where he preached) & she married "Harry" Elder, his full name being Alexander Henry Elder, who was at the U.P. Pgh Theological Seminary, Allegheny. Just across the street from the Western Theological Sem of the Pres Ch when he was there & they roomed together & he was everlastingly talking about her. He, Alex Henry Elder was born at Pleasant Unity, Westnd Co, Pa Nov 12, 1835, being a year younger than my informant & he died Feby 19, 1897. His charges were New Lisbon 1877-1882, Clever? '82,'83, '87 & Pastor at Cleveland, O until his death. He never heard of any children, but there may have been & he thinks she survived him. He knew her.

Rev D. Joseph Scroggs 1793-1873, had a son Rev Joseph Alexander Scroggs who married a Miss Pollock from over near Uniontown, Belmont Co, Ohio. She is dead. Thinks they were both well up in years when married & probably did not have any children. He retired from the ministry & lived at Canonsburgh, Pa

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Doesn't know whether he was married before or not. He retired from the pastorate in 1883. He said to call at the Paisley house first one this side of the U.P. Church on the Main St, who was of the Pollock family & they could tell whether his widow was living & about his family.

Referring again to page 309 of the Glasgow Manual & Dr Campbell's statements, he said Dr John Walker had two daughters by his first wife. One married a Kirkpatrick & lived in Monmouth, Ills.

The other one was red headed & married a man who drank liquor wit the avowed intention of reforming & the doctor thinks the place where they lived was Americus, Ills.

Page 349 of Glasgow's manual says John Walker was born in Canonsburg, Pa 1787, was educated at Jefferson College & service Seminary, Pastor, mercer, Pa 1811-1814 & at Unity, Mt Pleasant O, Piney Fort & Cadiz, O 1815-1845 Founder of Franklin College, New Athens, O in 1825. He died Mch 8, 1845 from erysipelas.

Dr Campbell said he was not considered such a profound scholar but was very enthusiastic & an active worker, very pronounced against slavery to which reference in some way was made in

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most of his sermons. He owned the land on one side of the road & another man owned on the other side two adjoining farms & he was anxious to start a school & Cadiz also wanted the school if started. Dr Walker started on horseback for Columbus, O to get a charter. On the way, he fell in with a lawyer from Cadiz, O their rival for the location, also going to Columbus on the same mission & riding together, talked it over. On nearing Columbus, O, Dr Walker told the lawyer he wanted to take a road that turned off the Main Road & bade him goodbye & when out of sight of the other road, whipped his horse into a gallop & reaching Columbus by this by road which he knew he reached the State House, got the charter for Franklin College & was going down the steps of the State House with it in his pocket when he met the lawyer coming up the steps. He & the neighbor farmer then laid off the town on their farms. He was an M.D. as well as a D.D. & also at times followed that profession.

Rev Joseph Scroggs D.D. was born Mch 1, 1793 near Newville Pa & was Pastor of Donegal & Fairfield Churches, Ligonier, Pa from Oct 18, 1815 to Sept 3, 1872 & stated supply until

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his death at Ligonier, Pa Apr 21, 1873 a pastorate at one church, his only charge of over 57 yrs. He was a man of great power & keen wit. & Dr Campbell said had not much patience with those who could not see the humorous side of life. He was given the degree of D.D. by Jefferson College in 1857. Dr Campbell thinks Rev Dr John Walker married his sister, not his daughter. The Rev James Brown Scouller's manual of the U.P. church in N.A. published in 1881 by the Patriot Pub Co, Harrisburg, Pa & now out of print, gives a fuller sketch of Joseph Scroggs & other relatives & is more reliable & I should get it.

On page 347, the article on Dr Vincent gives his name as George Carothers Vincent, see if his mother was a Carothers or how he got the name. He was a D.D. & L.L.D. & was born at Harrisville, Butler Co, Pa Apr 4, 1813. He married for his first wife a daughter of Rev Dr John Walker & by her had two sons that Dr Campbell knew of viz:

1. Rev Alvan Stuart Vincent, sketch of whom please see in the manuals & ask about at Paxton, Ills where he was pastor fr 1889-1896 or possibly at Emporia, Kansas where he became Stated Supply in 1897

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2. Milton Vincent, another son, was not much account, doing principally chores abt the home.

Geo C. Vincent married for his second wife a Miss Hann who was a younger sister of Thomas Hanna 1799-1864, the husband of Sarah Foster Hanna of the Washington Pa Female Sem when my sisters Ruth & Lenora were there.

Rev Wm Hanna Vincent, Pastor in 1898 of a U.P. Church in Detroit, Mich was a son by this second wife.

His son, Rev Geo C. Vincent is now Pastor of the U.P. Church at Shadyside, Pgh, Pa. Has been to Europe & is a Cecil Rhodes Scholar & honor man. He had been a Pres, but came over to the U.P. church.

Dr John Walker had a son who preached, but who was silenced.

Dr R.G. Campbell says he was born Apr 4, 1834 & is in his 92d yr, was born in York Co, Pa 20 miles south of York, Pa near the Guinston Church, his grandfather Gowan having lived at Ettrick, Scotland. He says he was an officer or professor in Franklin College for 40 years & most of that time was business manager of the college as Vice Prest, the President not being active. He was pensioned by Carnegie in 1906, is 6 ft 2 in tall, a handsome massive man with fine countenance & wd pass for 75. He says his only sickness has been the mumps & measles when a child. He conducted the funerals of six of his old Church members, three of them elders within one year recently.

Left 5:30 PM

See page 40 for next in sequence.

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At residence of John Patterson Liggett, Greet Tp, Harrison Co, O (P.O. Hopedale, O) Aug 21, 1925 9:18 AM

Mrs Liggett says her father, Ross J. Patton died at Ravenna, O Apr 1, 1925 where he dropped dead from heart trouble & was buried at Germano, O 8 miles from here at the edge of town in the town g.y. where his father & mother & others of the family are buried. He was 81 yrs old active & erect & did not look so old. His wife had died 5 or 6 yrs before & he just retained one room in the house & in it all his effects were kept & Mrs L. thinks his father, Joseph Patton's family bible & the record of births etc which were written on a slip of paper went to her sister as she did not get it. Her sister is: Mrs Ina Dale Benedick, living at 673 N. Main St, Akron, O where she is a widow living with her daughter & son.

Mrs Liggett however has her father's bible, a large one published at Pgh Pa by Joseph Horner but without date & states that

"Ross J. Patton of New Rumley and Elizabeth Goodlin of Bacon Ridge were married on Sept 20, 1866 at Springfield, O (East Springfield, it was) by Rev J. Connor". They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary

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Ross J. Patton born Sept 12, 1843

Elizabeth Goodlin born Sept 13, 1843

Below are children of the above

1. Clara Belle Patton born Aug 10, 1867

2. William Edward Patton born Sept 12, 1869 3. Ina Dale Patton born Aug 24, 1871

4. Infant son Patton born Nov 11, 1873

5. Infant son Patton born Feby 21, 1875

6. Infant daughter Patton born Nov 17, 1877

7. Harry Floyd Patton born Mch 23, 1879

8. Tommy Patton born May 18, 1881

9. Anna Patton born Aug 20, 1883

All born near Jefferson, now Germano, O.


Infant son of R.J. & E. Patton died Nov 28, 1873

Infant son of R.J. & E. Patton died Feby 22, 1875

Infant daughter of R.J. & E. Patton died Nov 17, 1877

Harry Lloyd, son of R.J. & E. Patton died Mch 22, 1880

Tommy, son of R.J. & E. Patton died Feby 16, 1882

Anna, daughter of R.J. & E. Patton died Feby 7, 1885

Elizabeth Patton, wife of R.J. Patton died June 9, 1920

& Ross J. Patton as above died Apr 1, 1925


J.P. Liggett of Hopedale, O & Clara Belle Patton of Hopedale, O on Jany 27, 1886 at Hopedale by Rev C.H. Strawn, Disciple Church

DeLos Benedick of Wheeling, WVA and Ina D. Patton were married Mch 16, 1892 at Toronto, O by Rev J.J. Billingsly, Methodist

Edward W. Patton of Toronto, O & Miss Leota Parkinson were married May 30, 1894 at Toronto, O by Rev W.D. Starky, Methodist

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John Patterson Liggett was born in Hopedale, O Dec 13, 1859 son of Theodore Liggett & his wife Nancy Maholm.

They have had four children, the third one born in Toronto, O & the other three here in Hopedale as shown in Big Bible record.

1. Anna Vesta Liggett born Sept 15, 1887

2. Paul Stanley Liggett born Apr 27, 1890

3. Hazel Dale Liggett born Mch 1, 1893

4. Helen May Liggett born May 17, 1895


Paul Stanley Liggett died Nov 12, 1891. He died with membranous croup


Albert Eugene Liggett & Anna Vesta Liggett were married Apr 28, 1906 at Wellsburg, WVA

George Brickner & Hazel Dale Liggett were married Nov 26, 1912 at Wellsburg, WVA

William Wilson & Helen May Liggett were married Nov 29? 1914 at Wellsburg, WVA

1. Albert Eugene Liggett was born Jany 17, 1883? here in Hopedale, O son of Samuel Liggett & wife Laura Handly. He is a second cousin of Jno P. Both living at the edge of town in Green Tp where he is a farmer & have eight children living & one dead, all born in Green Tp viz:

1. Donald Eugene born Oct 20, 1907

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2. John Lymoine born Feby 2, 1909

3. Dorothy Elizabeth born Dec 10, 1910 & died when 2 days old in Dec 12, 1910

4. William Wallace born June 5, 1913

5. Carl Fillmore born Aug 2, 1915

6. Albert Ross born Nov 27, 1917

7. Benjamin LeRoy born Mch 3, 1919

8. Robert Edward born Jany 31, 1921

9. Alma Pearl born Apr 7, 1923

All single

3. George Brickner is son of George Brickner & wife Margaret Barnes & he was born at Titusville, Pa on Mch 7, 1888. George & Hazel live at No 12 Cedar St, Buffalo, NY where he is an electrician & have had but one child

1. Harriet Jean born June 20, 1913 at Steubenville, O & died at Buffalo, NY Jany 25, 1924.

4. William Wilson was born Mch 16, 1891 in Steubenville, O son of William Wilson & wife "Bird". Both living. Have parted & he lives in Buffalo, NY where he is a moving picture operator & she lives here. They had but two children both born at Steubenville, O & she has them here with her.

1. June Patton Wilson born Mch 16, 1916

2. John Vernon Wilson born Jany 15, 1918

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William Edward Patton writes his name now Edward W. Patton &his wife Leona Parkinson & he are both living at Warren, O at Dana & Vine St where he runs a milk station & have three girls all living & all born in Steubenville, O.

1. Anna

2. Eva

3. Edna

Anna is married to a McCormick & live at Lisbon, Columbiana Co, O

Leaving 11 AM

Mr Liggett came in shortly before I finished. He is a large man about 6 ft tall weighing say fully 200 lbs & looks like a horse dealer, which he is, as well as being interested in operating a coal plant. He said he had a horse or two in the races over at Senecaville, O last week I think. Mrs Ligget is a very handsome black eyed black haired & beautifully formed woman of medium height & would pass easily for 15 yrs younger than the 58 yrs she is. She was doing her own work & I saw no servant girl around. She was very kind as was he & her father's record was complete & excellent & I was sorry I had to rush away to make the 11:10 AM bus back to Cadiz.

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At residence of Crawford Dickerson Carrothers, Moorefield Tp, Harrison Co, O (P.O. Freeport R.D. 1) Aug 21, 1925 12:55 PM

Mr C. says they are just half way between Freeport & Cadiz & for the Hist of their family has gotten out the "Com & Biog Hist of Harrison & Carroll Cos, Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co 1891" & on page 494 is a sketch of his father Beatty Carrothers which I can see at home.

Mr Carrothers says that his great grandfather, James Carrothers & his wife had both died in Ireland which his mother told me was at Enniskellen, County Fermanagh & after their death (about two years after) their three sons & he thinks that was all the children his father ever spoke of, concluded to come to America & did so in 1803, all coming together as far as Canada. In order of ages, they were John, George & William.

John located in Canada & lived & died there. Said all three brothers were single when they came over together on the same ship. When Mr C. was in Tenn in 1895 2 1/2 miles west of Franklin, Tenn, he met Harry Carrothers about his own age & height & Sandy complexion with the Carrothers cheek bones who was a son of Wm who had died near Toronto, Can & Wm was a son of his C.D's [best guess]

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father's Uncle John. Harry was living on the farm referred to in 1895 & was a farmer, married & had one son. Thinks they may be there yet. Mr C's father wrote to him & had one letter confirming the above relationship. Don't think there were any brothers or sisters left in Ireland.

George & William came to Washington Co, Pa together & were in the distilling business. He says that he knows nothing of what became of William Carrothers the brother of his grandfather who came to Wash Co, Pa with him & says his father never could tell them anything about him. He says his grandfather, George Carrothers is buried at the Nottingham Pres Ch g.y. in Moorefield Tp 1 1/2 miles from here & has a marker, a tall slender stone about the middle of the cem & his last wife, Ann is buried with him. Thinks his first wife might be buried on a Dunlap farm between Caseville & New Athens. Says, however, to look for two tombstones near the Rev Crawford mon by the gate at Nottingham g.y

Page 494 above hist are named the several children of George Carrothers:

1st James Carrothers married here to [1]*Lizzie Cope of Minxville, this Co & had 3 children, Robert, Ciddie & Margaret

Robert married a Steele & is living in Kansas

Ciddie married a Barto & lived in Maryland, probably Mrs Jno S. Barto

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Cordova, Md from whom I heard.

Margaret married in Kansas

2d John Carruthers [sic] never married & made his home here & died here at his half brother's & is buried at Nottingham g.y. & has a marker

3d George married near Buckhorn, Tuscarawas Co, but knows nothing more.

4th William died when young & is buried at Nottingham g.y.

5th Margaret married George Ayres & lived near Deersville, Ohio. Both died there. Had 3 girls & 2 boys

1. George mar & Had 3 children & is still living at Canal Dover, O

2. Samuel mar thought to be dead

3. Eliza, mar

4. Mary, mar a Foutz. Living in Scio, O

5. Margaret, unmarried. Don't know where she is

by 2d wife were:

6. Sarah Ann married James Wilson & lived on adjg farm. No issue. Buried at Nottingham in another lot.

8th Eliza, mar Jackson Kennedy & lived Nottingham Tp on 80 A her father entered & had 6 children born there, Scott, George, Annie, Robert, William & Clara. They are buried at Nottingham g.y. as is daughter Annie who mar Amzi Moore. All married & living except George, who died.

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The old big bible with leather board covers printed at Cooperstown, NY in 1829 gives the following record. It is the George Carrothers Bible.

1. James Carrothers, son of Geo & Jane Carrothers was born Dec 1, 1811

2. Jehu Carrothers born Jany 18, 1814

3. George Carrothers born Oct 18, 1816

4. Margaret Carrothers born Apr 10, 1820

5. William Carrothers born June 25, 1825

6. Sarah Ann Carrothers, daughter of Geo & Ann Carrothers was born June 28, 1829

7. Beatty Carrothers was born Mch 11, 1832

8. Eliza Carrothers was born Mch 11, 1832

9. Mary Carrothers was born Jany 2, 1837

10. Christopher Carrothers was born June 23, 1840

Ailsa Carrothers, C.D.'s mother told me that her father-in-law told her their [sic] was a war brewing in Ireland & he came to America to escape the draft, coming to Wash Co, Pa & was then single. Mrs C. is in her 89th year, since July 30th is a heavy fleshy woman.

9. Mary died unm & is buried at Nottingham g.y.

10. Christopher was sent to Japan as a Pres missionary, was a preacher & last heard from he quit the ministry & went to farming on LaPaz Island about 60 miles from Seattle, across Puget Sound. He married in Chicago, but have no issue. She is dead but think he is living but haven't heard from him for 2 yrs.

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From a written record on a loose piece of paper giving the names & births of all of George Carrothers children, it is headed by his own & second wife's birth & ended by record of 1st wife's & he & son William's death viz:

George Carrothers, son of James Carrothers was born May 1, 1785.

Ann Hastings, wife of George Carrothers was born may 1, 1779 (this is 1789 on mon)


Jane, wife of George Carruthers [sic] died Feby 28, 1828 aged 37 yrs

Wm, son of Geo & Jane died Oct 16, 1836 aged 11 yrs 3 mos & 16 days

Mr C. says that:

George Carrothers died Dec 14, 1863

Ann Carrothers, his wife died Jany 14, 1886

C.D. says she was very old was sd to be over 105 or 106, but his father had thought her age was about 97 from what his father had told him, the exact record of her age being lost.

C.D.'s mother's bible with both backs gone & much dilapidated, was printed at Phila by Jesper Harding in 1854 which states that:

Beatty Carrothers on June 21, 1860 married Alsa Johnson who was born July 30, 1837 in Nottingham Tp, this Co, daughter of Benjamin Johnson & his wife,

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Rachel Cooper & she has had five children all born on this farm viz:


2. Johnson R. Carrothers born Apr 10, 1861

3. George Carrothers born Dec 4, 1862

4. Crawford Dickerson Carrothers born July 1, 1865

5. Sarah Maria Carrothers born July 30, 1868

6. William Christopher Carrothers born Jany 26, 1871


William Christopher died June 16, 1871


John R. mar 1st to May E. Williams of Albany, NY. She died in Albany NY. No issue.

He mar 2d Miss Mame Kenney of Albany, NY. Both living at Lincoln, Neb in town where he is in the Insurance business organizing the Royal Highlanders & has 3 children born there.

1. Frances, aged 22 single

2. Donald (twin) living aged 20

3. a girl (twin) died in infancy

George also mar twice. 1st on Feby 6, 1884 by Rev W.G. Waddell Pres to Anna B. Love daughter of Geo Love & wife Barbara Barclay. She had 5 children. She died Apr 19, 1899. Her children born at Piedmont in this Tp.

1. Charles married & in Montana. No issue

2. Wilbur mar lives Colorado Springs. No issue

3. Lyle, mar & died at Colorado Springs leaving a widow & 2 children

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4. Esther, single, a nurse

5. Love, a boy, dead, was on a ship going to the World War that was burned up.

Mar 2d Ann Johnson in Colorado Springs. Both living in Los Angeles, Calif where he is a building contractor. No issue. They live at 1962 N. Garfield Ave, Pasadena, Calif.

Sarah Maria mar Mch 31, 1892 to Hiram Howard Moore born Sept 16, 1870 son of Allen D. Moore & his wife Melissa Haines. Both living in Washington D.C. where he is employed by the government. Lives 1332 Quincy St N.W. Wash D.C. Have one child born at Bedford, O. Virginia Moore born Dec 13, 1892. She married Dec 22, 1910 Ralph Howard McGarity born Nov 16, 1887 live at same number & have one boy, Donald Howard McGarity born Dec 6, 1913. Ralph H. is son of Stephen McGarity & wife Sarah Cathryn Zarbaugh.

Crawford D. was married Oct 15, 1890 at the Nottingham Pres Parsonage by Dr Thomas R. Crawford, the man for whom he was named to Mary Belle Dickerson born in Cadiz Tp, this Co May 16, 1870, daughter of James Knox Polk Dickerson & his wife Hannah Moore & have had five children all born in Nottingham Tp this Co.

1. Ella May Carrothers born Aug 17, 1891

2. Chester Stanton Carrothers born May 30, 1893, died June 11, 1925

3. Elsie Hannah Carrothers born Sept 29, 1896, died June 11, 1904

4. Sadie Irene Carrothers born May 22, 1902

5. Bessie Margaret Carrothers born May 21, 1904

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1. Ella May mar May 22, 1918 to George W. Bell son of John Barrett Bell & Lucy Garner. They have 2 children born, the oldest in Nottingham Tp & the youngest in this house.

Frances Wayne born Apr 10, 1919

George Edward born Feby 13, 1922

2. Chester S. was mar Sept 29, 1914 to Ressie [sic] R. Stevens daughter of Thomas H. Stevens & his wife Mary Tidrick. Chester was killed by a fall of stone in Hall & Pickerings coal mine & Ressie lives in Cadiz, O & have three children born in this Tp.

Elsie May born Dec 27, 1915

Ralph Cecil born July 12, 1918

Harold Love born Feby 26, 1921

4. Sudie Irene was married Aug 12, 1924 to Emerson Thompson, son of Charles Thompson & his wife Blanche Dennis. They are living in Cadiz Tp & he works on the road. No issue.

Bessie Margaret was married Apr 15, 1925 to Oscar E. Thompson, a brother of Emerson above & they are living here now but Bessie is away this afternoon.

Beatty Carrothers was 1st married on Nov 26, 1856 to Martha J. McClintock who died Mch 26, 1859 & they had one child born in Franklin Tp

1. Winfield Carrothers born Dec 7, 1857 & died June 27, 1859

Leaving 4:20 PM

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At residence of Ebenezer DeWitt Thompson, Stafford, Monroe Co, Ohio Aug 22, 1925 10:35 AM

Mr Thompson is a son of Ebenezer Finley Thompson who was a son of Judge Wm Thompson & his wife Elizabeth Finley & he is a brother of Nellie T. Burns. Mr T. was married 1st Nov 10, 1877 at Lore City, O by Rev Evans Thompson, Wesleyan Meth, his Uncle to Jessie Abigail Angus, who was born in this, Monroe Co, O Dec 16, 1858 daughter of (unknown, her father having died 3 mos before she was born & her mother 6 mos after her birth)

She died Nov 28, 1908 in Kansas City, Mo & is buried there. They had five children, four of whom are living & one is dead. They were born the first three at Senecaville, O & the fourth child near Springfield, Greene Co, Mo & the youngest near Bolivar, Polk Co, Mo. Their names & ages as given to me by Mr T. from memory are as follows:

1. Jennie Burns Thompson born Feby 27, 1879

2. Inez Irene Thompson born Jany 5, 1881

3. Harry Miller Thompson born Nov 15, 1883

4. Iva Nora Thompson born Mch 17, 1888

5. Mary Alice Thompson born Dec 19, 1891

1. Jennie Burns was married Oct 1902 in Oklahoma, 16 miles south of Oklahoma City to Albert Allen Over, but have no issue. Both living on a five acre home near Lancaster Texas, their P.O. where he is a [unreadable, cut off]

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2. Inez Irene died in Senecaville, O on June 25, 1882 & is buried there & has a marker.

3. Harry Miller was married June 28, 1907 at Farmersville, Texas to Mrs Maud Armbruster, daughter ______ Rike & widow of _______Armbruster. They have two children living & one dead. The oldest born at Maysville, Okla as was also the second & the third in Dallas, Texas. Both living at No 2600 Grand Ave, Dallas, Texas where he works in the Gen offices of the M.K.&T RR

1. Halley DeWitt Thompson, ob

2. "Burnsie" Thompson born 1910

3. Rike Thompson born 1913

4. Iva Nora was married 1913 at Evansville, Ind to William Rossman. Both living at Daytona, Florida where they have been almost 2 yrs where he is an expert dyer. No issue.

5. Mary Alice was married 1st May 23, 1909 at Maysville, Okla to Walter Scott White who was born 1884 in Okla in Maysville, Indian Ter now Okla son of ────── White & wife Malissa Harris. They were divorced Nov 7, 1915 at Dallas, Tex. M. 2d Nov 6, 1915 at Dallas, Texas to Charles Alford Byron Floyd born near Lancaster, Texas Feby 5, 1895 son of Alford Byron Floyd & wife Kathryn Bass. No issue by either husband.

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Both living at No 2560 Polk St in San Francisco, Calif. Thinks "Polk St" will get her. It is twenty nine hundred odd. It is 2560.

Mr Thompson, my informant married 2d Feby 12, 1912 near Stafford, O by Adam Merical J.P. to Mrs Harriet Elizabeth Markey (pro Mar Kee') daughter of Springer Belville and his wife Mahala Burton, who was born in Elk Tp, Noble Co, O Sept 21, 1859. She was first married to Orange Scott Markey. She divorced him July 1, 1910 at Woodsfield, O. No issue.

Mr T. is by trade a carpenter by occupation now a farmer.

Finished 11:40 Am

Mrs T. got dinner & I ate three fine roasting ears, just pulled out of their own garden & some tomatoes & we left at 3:10 in his Ford which he has been running for 5 yrs for Summerfield, Noble Co, O, he driving & she going up to shop where we arrived abt 3:45 & I got a bus at 5:15 PM for Caldwell, O getting shaved while waiting reached Caldwell abt 6:05 got my supper at Columbia Restnt & left at 6:40 over fine concrete road & arrived here in Marietta, O at 8 PM & am writing in Room 302 Hotel Lafayette & have written up tonight pages 12 to inclusive & have made all slips fr page 12 to here & it is now 3:33 AM 23d & I will go to bed.

Aug 23 1925 have [cut off]

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At residence of Henry Orval McGrew & his wife Mary Carroll McGrew, Waterford, Washington Co, Ohio, Aug 23, 1925 11:30 AM

I arrived here 25 minutes ago, walking across the bridge over the Muskingum River from Beverly, O where I arrived by trolley from Marietta, which I left on the 9:30 Car. Mrs McGrew recd me most kindly & is a typical Markle, swarthy, heavy set & matronly. She says Mattie Rowan, wife of James Martin Rowan living at 1235 Weston R.D. Box 391 RFD 3 East Akron, at Akron, O where he holds a fine position with the Goodyear Rubber Co, own a good home & are very well to do. Think he has been there thirteen years. Her name was Martha Dorothy Winters, daughter of Harriet Maria Williams, whose mother was Eliza Markle, daughter of Uncle Abraham Markle. She has several old bibles with records which were in the old bookcase which she got which was full of many old papers about the Westd Co Markles, one of the papers she recalls being a formula about milling dating back to George the Third, she first said Second. Harriet got these from her mother, Eliza & Mrs McGrew

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thinks surely that Mattie got them but it is just possible that they may be with her sister, Eva Landers in Cutler, O or her brother Otis Winters, who now is also living in Cutler, O, having sold the farm. Mrs McGrew says her mother died when she was six months old & she always called her grandmother "mother" & she recalls her saying often that her grandfather, Casper Markle had twenty two children, eleven she thought by each wife. She says there was a drawer full of the old papers which were yellow with age on some of the writing was most faded away. She says her great grandmother Markle who before marriage was Rachel Blackburn, was an Episcopalian & tells of seeing a tombstone at Island Creek Cem which read "Some mothers have children, others have none, but this mother had twenty one".

She says Mr McGrew is her second husband & her mother was married twice & so was her grandmother & I will now ask her to give the record from her grandmother down as she seems to have a wonderful memory & a lot of Markle lore & was much elated to meet me, but I do not know how she will be on dates. They rent this house where they have lived for 8 yrs. She spoke of having a farm out at Watertown, O.

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She says they used to gather on Jany 23d to celebrate her grandmother's birthday so that:

Eliza Markle was born Jany 23. She died at Toronto, O at her own home on Feby 21, when she, my informant, was nine years old. She married 1st Jacob Hill & while she don't know his parentage, she says her Aunt Harriet told her he was a half brother, she said an older half brother of the father of James J. Hill the RR magnate of St Paul, Minn. Knows nothing of his death or burial, but she had two children by him viz:

1. Jacob Hill who went to Minnesota & had an interest in the Vermillion gold mines. He wrote about a year before her death to his mother saying "we are all well" inferring that he was married & had a family. His Uncle Jacob Markle wrote but never recd an answer & she knows nothing more of them.

2. Rachel Susannah Hill, mother of my informant died when Mrs McGrew her youngest child was 6 mos old at New Cumberland, WVA. She was married twice. 1st to Joel Cheeks & had by him five children, two stillborn, one d.y. & two that lived viz:

1. Nancy Cheeks the oldest mar Montford Stokeley Carnahan whose record I got.

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2. Abram Markle Cheeks. Thinks he was never married.

3. Eliza Jane was next who died aged abt or near 4 yrs old

4. Stillborn 2 yrs younger than Eliza J.

5. Stillborn 2 yrs younger than preceding.

Mar 2d William Carroll who was born in Scotland, his father being Scotch & his mother Irish, her name being Mary Mackey, which information Mrs McGrew got from Mrs McCafferty, a first cousin of Mr Carroll's who lived in Pgh & died recently & who was here on a visit. William Carroll was married before & had a son Daniel by his first wife & her marriage to him was very much opposed by the Markles. After her death, he married a 3d wife & lived at Erie, Pa. She had four children that lived & one or two that were dead viz:

6. John Carroll who died in Tenn unmarried & buried there.

7. Thomas Carroll who died in Penna she thinks was not married & don't know where he was buried.

8. Eliza Jane Carroll died when a little child

9. Charles Carroll, living when last heard from at Erie, Pa abt 4 yrs ago where he was in a Restaurant probably a head manager in the cooking. He married & had 3 children.

I. Susie, oldest, died when abt 2 yrs old

II. A daughter, her mother a Catholic put her in a convent

III. a son who she kept, had trouble [bottom line cut off]

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10. a child probably stillborn

11. a child probably stillborn

12. Mary Carroll born in Steubenville, O June 11, 1867 & after her mother's death, was taken by her grandmother & after she died, she went to live with her Aunt Hattie Winters in Meigs Co, O at Racine, O where her Uncle William Winters was a fruit grower & had a fine peach orchard which he sold & came to Cutler, where he had a store & was postmaster. She has been married twice viz: mar 1st on June 11, 1883 on her birthday when sixteen yrs old at Racine, O by Rev J.A. Smith, Methodist of McConnellsville, O to Emerson Hampton Roman born in Oct 14, 1859 in England & died in Oklahoma City, Okla in June 18, 1885 & was buried there & had a marker but the cem, the oldest there, which is being encroached on by building. He was a Prof when married, of the Topeka Kansas College & they moved to Okla City to teach the Maumees for which he got higher wages, when he died of consumption. He was son of Ephraim Roman & his wife Ann Crayton. Had two children by him, twins born in Oklahoma City, Okla viz:

I. Wm Carroll Roman born June 12, 1884 & died Oct 2, 1884 at Okla City & buried beside his father

II. Frank Hampton born June 12, 1884. He died May 17, 1901 unmarried at Cutler, O & is buried at Centenary Cem

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Mar 2d Sept 9, 1909 at Marietta, O by Rev Abbott Y. Wilcox, Pres to Henry Orval McGrew, born in Belpre Tp, this Co Oct 16, 1875 son of Daniel Webster McGrew & his wife Jane Parks. Have had but one child a premature birth that didn't live viz:

III. John Henry McGrew Sept 16?, 1911

Eliza Markle Hill married 2d to John Williams born in Donegal Ireland & was a Seceder minister & quit the ministry & joined the Pres Ch & was an Elder in the 1st Pres Ch of Steubenville, O Dr C.C. Beatty's Church, for sixty years. He is buried in Steubenville Cem. She was his 2d wife. She had one child by him, born in Steubenville, O viz:

3. Harriet Markle Williams born Nov 25, 1852 & died in Aug 16, 1911? at Cutler, O & is buried in Centenary Cem abt 3 miles out where she has a monument. Three of her children are also buried there. Mar to William Allen Winters, who died June 21 several years before his wife, son of William Winters & his wife Betsey Reynolds. They had eight children, five living & three dead viz:

1. Otis Kenton Winters

2. Vesta Virginia Winters

3. Eva Dorcas Winters

4. Theodore Dale Winters

5. Edna May Winters born May 18, 1880 ob Apr 11, 1882.

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6. a girl lived a few minutes (twin), record on monument

7. a girl born dead (twin)

8. Martha Dorothy Winters born Apr 24, 1893 [best guess]

1. Otis Kenton mar Odena Reynolds. Both living in Cutler, O & have 3 children:

I. Fannie Elizabeth

II. William Franklin

III. Woodrow Wilson

2. Vesta Virginia mar Emmett Montgomery who was killed at the coal mines & she a widow lives Amesville, Athens Co, Ohio. No issue. She lives in the town.

3. Eva Dorcas mar James Landers. Both living in Cutler, O near to where Otis lives where he had been section boss, but is now afflicted with asthma. Have two children born in Cutler, O. viz:

I. James William

II. John

4. Theodore Dale married twice 1st to Anna Ruby who died at Mt Vernon, VA Institute for tuberculosis. No issue.

2d to ________ recently in Steubenville, O

8. Martha Dorothy mar James Martin Rowan. Both living in Akron, O at address given above. No issue. See her for old record.

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Mr McGrew is a teamster here. Mrs McGrew says there was a Reason Carothers at Cutler, O whose wife was Elizabeth Davidson both dead & buried at Centenary Cem. They had these children.

1. Daniel Carothers, A RR man buried at Cincinnati, O

2. James Carothers, lives at Cutler, O

3. John B. Carothers, lives at Cincin, O

4. Louisa Carothers, mar T.T. Dunbar & lives in the old Homestead at Cutler, O. He is living, a farmer.

5. Mertie Carothers, mar 1st Jordan, supt of Childrens Home, 2d James S. Devol & both living on Muskingum Drive, Marietta, O. No issue. She is a fine talker. They had a family reunion about Cutler, O this month Tel 312-J

Leaving 3:25 PM

Mrs McGrew said a log rolled on her great Uncle Benjamin Markle injuring his skull when he was a boy & he was never right mentally after that.

She asked which Markle it was (she thought it was a Markle but it may have been a Blackburn relative) whose boy baby was seized by a bear & carried up a tree & they placed gingerbread about the root of the tree & the bear came down for it bringing the baby safely down, when they shot the bear. Later, when the mother was nursing this baby, she was struck by lightning & was found dead with the baby still ahold of the nipple nursing. She said this baby, a boy, became a noted man. Mrs McG's hair is still black & lots of it not a gray hair.

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Refer back to page 15 for Sequential order

At residence of Mrs Margaret G. Caldwell Main Street 2d house fr U.P. Church, New Athens, O Aug 20, 1925 5:44 PM

I called at the Paisley home between this & the church & found no one at home. I then went across the street & they told me to ask at this house. Asking for Miss Mary Pollock Mrs Caldwell said she had gone to the other end of the street to call on some relatives, but that she was her older sister. Accordingly, I asked her about her Aunt who married Joseph A. Scroggs & about him & she sd he married 1st an Akins, she thought & had but one child, David Scroggs who married about Canonsburg, Pa & has died, but she she thinks his widow is still living there & thinks they had two children.

Jos A. Scroggs then married 2nd, Miss Agnes Pollock, daughter of John Pollock & his wife Nancy Hays, an Aunt of Rev Dr Geo P. Hays, Pres of W&J college during my last years there, who came here from Penna. She, Agnes was born near Uniontown, Belmont Co, Ohio & was married there Feby 25, 1891 by Rev Wm Johnson to Rev Jos A. Scroggs. She died July 5, 1899 & is buried at Canonsburg, Pa. She was born in 1842 & had no issue. He died later, but she don't have the record of his death.

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My informant's father was Agnes's oldest brother. My informant, Mrs Caldwell says she was born in 1853 & is very well preserved.

She says old Unity Church has been moved to Fairpoint, but she thinks Rev Dr John Walker is buried at the g.y. at this old Unity Church which is in Belmont Co, O about 4 miles from here. She said she had a pamphlet of the life of Rev Dr Joseph Scroggs of Ligonier, Pa given to her by her Uncle Jos A., his son which she saw a yr ago when cleaning house & still has it somewhere. She looked several places for it, but did not find it, but took my address & said she would mail it to me as it was not of interest to her. She says she enjoys the pursuit of family biographies.

Left 6:05 PM

Driving in to Cadiz, O, Mr C.M. Henderson said that Oliver Cope in his 9th yr does his own cooking & housekeeping & has done so for many many years & that he works regularly in an office in Cadiz, O for wages.

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Going out Friday afternoon 21st to C.D. Carrothers, Mr C.M. Henderson told me of an operation he had at the hospital in Jany 1924 saying they found his gall bladder had fastened itself about the neck of his stomach at the opening & had 3/4's closed it up & they took his gall bladder out. He said everyone thought he would die & he was unconscious a considerable while & they pumped a gallon of salt water into his veins through needles in his breast & elsewhere & then while they were pumping the second gallon of salt water in his veins, which was done to make blood, he came too. He said when they opened Holmes M. Thompson, they found he had an ulcer in his stomach, so they made another opening in his stomach through which his food is discharged & he says he feels as well as he ever did, the discharge through the new opening having the effect of keeping the ulcer dormant, while discharging through the new opening.

C.D. Carrothers has but a stub of his right hand all his middle fingers being gone, which he says he lost in a corn shredder. He is slightly hard of hearing, is of sandy complexion, as by his mother & he is of medium size. His wife is larger than he is both taller & heavier & assisted him in dates given. On leaving we drove to the:

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Nottingham Presbyterian Church Graveyard, Moorefield Tp, Harrison Co, Ohio, Aug 21, 1925 4:33 PM

1. Joshua Dickerson Died Apr 12, 1850 aged 71 yrs & 3 days?

Sarah, wife of Joshua Dickerson Died Feby 25, 1871 aged 92 yrs 1 mo 25 days

2. Elsie, wife of John Moore ob Nov 16, 1892 aged 81 yrs

John Moore ob May 14, 1874 aged in 65th

3. Nancy J or I. wife of James Wilson ob Feby 23, 1858 aged 34 yrs 6 mos 9 days

4. Martha Kennedy born Dec 13, 1825 ob May 1, 1891

5. John Carrothers Jany 14, 1814, Jany 1, 1890

6. George Carrothers, a native of Ireland & one of the earliest settlers of Harrison Co, O died Dec 8, 1863 in his 79th year

Anne, wife of George Carrothers, a native of Ireland born May 1, 1789, died Jany 14, 1886

Sarah Ann Wilson, wife of James Wilson & daughter of George & Ann Carrothers ob Feby 23, 1864 in her 35th yr

Mary Carrothers, dau of Geo & Ann Carrothers ob Aug 8, 1864 in her 29th year.

Eliza, wife of Jackson Kennedy ob Sept 4, 1874 in her 41st yr

Infant daughter of J & E Kennedy ob May 1, 1868

Angeline, daughter of J & E Kennedy [bottom line cut off]

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7. Elizabeth, wife of J. Carrothers ob May 8, 1864 aged 42 yrs & 4 mos

Hiram D. son of J & E. Carrothers ob Jany 22, 1846 in his 5th yr

Mary E. dau of J & E Carrothers Jany 14, 1846 in her 9th yr

An old erect sandstone with inscriptions all scaled off stands by these.

8. Henry Barricklow, ob Apr 29, 1851

Meriba, wife of Henry Barricklow ob May 15, 1848 aged 75 yrs

9. Rev T.R. Crawford ob June 24, 1898 in his 82d yr & in 52d yr of his ministry. Pastor of the Pres Ch of Nottingham from 1846 to 1886.

His wife Isabel P. Crawford ob Sept 17, 1899 in her 74th yr

Leaving 5:18 PM

Mr Henderson then drove me into Cadiz where I paid him & my hotel bill, got two egg sandwiches & took the 6 o'clock bus for Bridgeport, O where I arrived at 7:20, having passed through St Clairsville, Barnesville etc & found all the buses for Woodsfield had gone so I stayed at the cheap hotel Devol right where the buses start from at 7 Am yesterday morning 22d & after changing buses at Barnesville, a heavy chunky

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fat woman & myself were the only passengers for Woodsfield, O. Speaking to the driver as to how I could get to Stafford, she said that was where she was going & where she lived. Asking her where Ebenezer DeWitt Thompson lived she said he lived just opposite the Methodist Church & asking her her own name, I learned she was Mrs Margaret Yonley, living in Stafford where she wanted to get away from but her husband, 75 yrs old & several years older than her would not leave. She has five children all gone from her 3 or 4 sons in Akron, O two married & two single who are making big wages & whom & a sister in Wheeling, WVA from where she came that morning, she had been visiting in connection with a family reunion in Thompson Park, East Liverpool, O given free for their reunion of her parents' children, the Mossers, her maiden name attended by all the ten children, three brothers & seven sisters & she said excepting her father & mother, there had not been a death in their family for forty years. She & I hired a taxi man at Woodsfield who took us at once to Stafford & going in Mr Thompson's, his wife admitted me & said he was shaving on the back porch. See pages 29 to 31. Going over my slips, I told them I wanted to see

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Mrs Maude Curtis of Summerfield, daughter of Robert Bell, whose mother was Nancy Jane Thompson, Mrs T. said Maude was the wife of Todd Curtis & was a Bell & they had two tracts of 72 A each & in 1910 built a $3500 house on one tract & mortgaged it & then mortgaged it the second time & the other tract too & along about 1913, a year after my informant's marriage, a man named Len Booth came along & was willing to pay $5100 for both tracts & they sold to him & moved to Granville, O Licking Co where he has been working as a common laborer. They had four children when here & the youngest died aged 7 yrs but they have since heard that as old as they were, they have had two more children both to them at Granville, O. They had belonged to the Curtis Ridge Wesleyan Methodist Church in Noble Co.

Mr T. says that Rev Hiram Thompson is pastor of the Curtis Ridge Church & thinks he lives over by Senecaville, O & thinks he is youngest of family of Robert S. Thompson who died about a yr ago & who was a son of Madison Thompson. Don't know whether he is married or not. Summerfield is abt 9 miles from Stafford & the Curtis home above mentioned is on the

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road over. Mr T. was in San Antonio, Texas in 1907 & visited the Buck Horn Saloon with its wonderful collection of stuffed animals & reptiles.

Telling him about the episode of Ebenezer Finley being pursued by the Indians, & his father Rev James Finley praying for him, he recalls hearing his father tell it & says that it was in passing through a narrow aperture about the root of a tree that had blown down & a thicket of underbrush when Ebenezer passed the other boy who was scalped by the Indians. He said his father laughed about the unusual agility of that boy up to that point because of his being a lazy boy who wouldn't work. We passed the home built by the Curtis's a fine good sized frame house painted white, well located on a good farm, the building of which caused them to loose [sic] all they had. Mrs T. said it had been offered to her the 72 A with the house on at $3000 which she perhaps had better have taken. She got lunch & I ate three good big ears of corn just pulled in their garden & they were fine. He took me over to Summerfield, O in his Ford. She going too. They were very kind & asked me to come back. I bade them goodbye in Summerfield & having an hour to wait for the 5:15 PM bus for Caldwell, I went to the Barber shop

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to get shaved & while waiting, a weazened [sic] up old man with glasses & gray moustache & whiskers all over his face came in at 4:22 Pm & said he was John Daly born in Monroe Co, O between Summerfield & Stafford on Jany 5, 1837 who said he enlisted at Summerfield & served 4 mos in the Civil War.

While waiting in front of the butcher shop, I got in conversation with a very much superior & well preserved old soldier who didn't seem as old as he was by 10 yrs or so. He was clean & a fine face & said his name was Joseph Calland born Sept 9, 1845 & served two yrs in Civil War & draws a pension of $50 per month, never having applied for the increase. He told of having been out beyond Columbus, O to London, O where a party he talked to there had had this year 40 acres in oats which threshed out 82 1/2 bus to the acre which he handed right to the elevator & got .36 cts a bushel which would give him returns of $30 per acre for the entire 40 acres which is certainly very good. A very good young chauffeur "Toad" Davis drove me to Caldwell & showed me where Mrs L.B. Frazier nee Taylor whom I want to see lives on the corner just beyond the Columbia Hotel where the bus

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stops & which he says is the best hotel in the town. He says Mr Frazier is a lawyer & that she has a brother John Young living there. I just had a half hour in which I got my dinner at the Columbia Restnt & left at 6:40 PM for Marietta & came to this the Lafayette Hotel where I am writing this in room 302, reaching here at 8 PM last night. It is now 10 PM Sunday night 23d.

When out at Waterford today, Mrs McGrew gave me a good book to look at while she was setting the table on which I had been writing for lunch. It was: "The Beautiful Story, A Companion Book to the Bible written & edited by J.W. Buel, the renowned writer & historian assisted by Rev T. DeWitt Talmage [sic] D.D. printed by Historical Publishing Co Phila, Pa St Louis, Mo Chicago, Ills Toronto Canada, Auckland, New Zealand, Sydney, Australia, Calcutta, India, Belize, British Honduras. No date"

I should get it

I called Mrs James S. Devol at 8:15 PM just after dinner & her sister-in-law Miss DeVol sd she was out, but she called up at 9:45 & sd her father Reason Carothers was fr Beaver, Pa & her grandfather Huntingdon Co, Pa & has the family records so I arranged to go over to:

1925 Aug 24, 1:15 AM slips made to here

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At residence of James Frank Landers & his wife Eva Dorcas Landers at Cutler, Fairfield Tp, Washington Co, Ohio (P.O. Cutler, O) Aug 24, 1925 3:55 PM

Mrs Landers has brought out several old bibles & records & I am copying the records they show. She says her sister Mattie was here three weeks or more ago & took some of the old papers then & had taken some before & among them was the naturalization papers of her grandfather John Williams.

A very big bible with both covers gone has the following record:

"Cutler, Washington Co, O June 21, 1896

William A. Winters departed this life June 21, 1896, was born in year 1840 aged 56 yrs & 28 days, thinks was born May 23d.

Parents Register

John Williams was born Nov 25, 1784

Eliza Williams was born Jany 23, 1819


Harriet Maria Williams Nov 25, 1852

William Allen Winters May 23, 1840

Their children

1. Otis Kenton Winters Jany 11, 1872

2. Vesta Virginia Winters Nov 19, 1874

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3. Eva Dye Winters Sept 8, 1877

4. Edna May Winters May 5, 1879

5. Theodore Dale Winters Apr 24, 1885

6. Martha Dorothy Winters Apr 22, 1890


W.A. Winters & Hattie M. Williams married Dec 6, 1870 at home of bride's mother by Rev Wm Hastings, Pres?


John Williams, Apr 9, 1866 in his 82d yr

Eliza Williams died Feby 11, 1877 in her 58th yr

Edna May Winters, Apr 11, 1882 aged 2 yrs 11 m 11 d

Wm A. Winters died June 21, 1896 in his 56 yr

In Scotts Bible Vol 2 NY Collins & Hannay 1832, the family record is in the back of the book & is as follows:

William A. Winters & Hattie M. Williams was married Dec 6, 1870 at Stoner ST, Jefferson Co, O since then the town has been changed to Toronto.

Hattie M. Williams was born Nov 25, 1852 born on the old homestead of her parents John & Eliza Williams both old & honored residences of Jefferson Co. In year 1866, she united with 1st Pres Ch, Steubenville, O of which her parents had long been earnest

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& pious Members. In 1870, she married Wm A. Winters. To that union were

born six children.

In Otis K. Winters big well preserved bible is the following record:


Wm A. Winters & Hattie Williams Dec 6, 1870

Otis K. Winters & Odena Runnels were married in Sept

Jennie V. Winters & Emmett Montgomery were married Mch 9, 1909


Wm A. Winters, May 23, 1840

Hattie M. Winters, Nov 25, 1852

Otis Kenton Winters, Jany 11, 1872

Vesta Virginia, Winters, Nov 19, 1875

Eva Dorcas Winters, Sept 8, 1878

Edna May Winters, May 1, 1880

Theodore Dale Winters, Apr 24, 1885

Twins Feby 1888

Martha Dorthea, Apr 22, 1890

See page 173


Wm A. Winters June 21, 1896

Edna May Winters Apr 11, 1883

Twin daughters Feby 1888

Hattie M. Winters Aug 20, 1914

In a small book, a voyage around the world, dated 1810 was written the name of "Thomas Williams, his

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book & Mrs Landers thinks it was the father of John Williams bough in 1827

William Allen Winters' father was William Winters & his wife was Elizabeth Runnels, but no relation to Otis wife.

Odena Runnels is the daughter of Robert Runnels & his wife.

They were born in this Tp near Fish town viz:

Mrs Landers' sister, Martha Dorothy Winters was married June 5, 1917 to James Martin Rowan & live now at No 1235 Weston R.D. East Akron, O. No issue. He works in Goodyear Rubber works.

Eva Dorcas Winters was married Jany 20, 1910 at Vincent, O by Father Ross of the Catholic Church to James Frank Landers, born in this Tp Apr 7, 1858 son of Thomas Landers & his wife Bridget Cleary. Have had but two children born here at Cutler, O viz:

1. James William Landers born June 3, 1911

2. John Edward Landers born Oct 5, 1917. Was a railroader here until it

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was torn up 7 yrs ago & works now at what offers.

Leaving 5:22 PM

At residence of Mrs James S. Devol, Jersey Heights, on the Muskingum Road 3 1/2 miles from Marietta, O Aug 24, 1925 10 Am

I came out on the "Beverly" Street car leaving the city at 9:30 AM & find Mrs Devol to be a very handsome energetic woman & much interested in genealogical work. She has a record of her branch which she says she will add to & complete & mail to me. She gave me some records & letter from Thos P. Carothers of Newporte, Ky who she says is now dead, which I am to return after getting what I want from them.

See B 25 P 31-43.

Her great grandfather was James Carothers who married Nancy Neel & lived in Huntingdon Co, Pa by whom he had 5 children. He then married 2d Abigail Henderson of Baltimore, Md, she said & his oldest child by her viz Andrew Carothers was her grandfather. She, being

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the daughter of his son Rezin Dawson Carothers. She joined the D.A.R. on service of her great great grandfather, James without giving explicit record of his service. Asking her about the early History of Marietta, she said to see Miss Cotton at the City Library on 5th St.

She said her grandfather, Andrew Carothers came to Crawford Co, O & died there in 1870 & his wife in 1874, were Presbyterians & both were buried at Galion, O & would no doubt have markers. His wife was Jane Fitzsimmons. Their son James Henderson Carothers M.D. lived in Martinez California & bore such a stroking resemblance to judge Robert L. Caruthers [sic] of Nashville, Tenn that he was taken for him. His widow, Emily Prince Carothers, lives now at 2901 Lincoln Ave, Alameda, Calif is aged 93 yrs having had a birthday celebration last Feby when Mrs Devol heard from her. She says to address her c/o Mrs C. E. Service who takes care of her. Says to ask her for address of her nephew Harvey Morrison who may have gotten the family bible of his grandfather, Andrew Carothers as he died at the home

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of his daughter Jane who married Andrew Morrison & was the mother of Harvey. Jane Carothers was born in 1817 & her father & mother both died at her home near Galion, O. Their son, Rezin R. Morrison had a son Ed Morrison who now lives at Mineral City, O possibly it is just Mineral, O where he is a blacksmith. Jane died & was buried there.

Mrs Devol said she was 57 yrs old, the youngest of nine children of her parents.

She said her Uncle William R. Carothers, brother of her father, Rezin D. lived at Weston, Wood Co, O & he had sons & daughters:

Rezin, killed in an oil well fatality.

James, who is dead

Eliza Jane married a Richardson

Tillie married a Loomis

Emma married

Sarah died unmarried

Forbes died unmarried

Franklin died unmarried

His 2d wife was Lizzie Weaver & may be living there yet.

Her father Rezin D. Carothers was born Dec 2, 1818 & died Mch 6, 1905.

Her Aunt Jane Carothers, born June 5, 1817

Her Uncle Wm R. Carothers born Jany 14, 1815

Her Uncle James Henderson born Sept 5, 1823

Her Uncle John, the youngest born July 6, 1830

This John was an M.D. & died in

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an accidental death in Calif. Their only child died & no issue survived.

She said there were some Carothers across in WVA & she gave me the address of Mrs W.A. Clark 204 Oakwood Ave Tel 1214-J Marietta, Ohio whose mother she said was a Carothers of the WVA family of that family was a Harry Carothers 50 yrs ago who bore a striking resemblance to Mrs Devol's relatives.

She asked about the Brownfields & knows Isaac H. Brownfield & his dau Marie & sons Wm W. & Samuel.

Left 11:30 AM

I came back on the 11:37 AM street car & while waiting at the hotel for O.M. Shomo, noted in the Parkersburg, Apr 1925 Bell Dir

Carothers, Miss Nellie Tea Room 306 Putnum Tel 302-R

Elliott, Geo E. r 609 Putnam Tel 559-M

When I stepped out this morning, a man setting outside addressed me by name & I asked him abt the way to get out to Cutler, O & he said he wd be going out that way at 12:30 PM & we could go together. He proved to be O.M. Shomo of Uniontown, Pa with the Sperry Hutchinson Co & he appeared at 12:35 PM & Mrs Mildred Zumbro also of that Co drove us out in her car to Cutler, O see page 50 & 58.

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At residence of Otis Kenton Winters, Fairfield Tp, Cutler, O Washington Co (P.O. Cutler, O) Aug 24, 1925 5:30 PM

Mr Winters was 3 miles out the country further on, painting a house, but Mrs Winters, a handsome gracious average sized woman recd me & was glad I called. She did not know in which of their bookcase full of books to look for the Civil War record of her husband's father, but said he would look it up when he returned home.

Her name was Odena D. Runnels born in this Tp, Mch 3, 1876, the daughter of Robert Franklin Runnels who she said was then visiting her & his wife Ladema Dinsmore. She was reported in her wedding cft as of Layman, O when she was married by Rev R. Campbell Meth on Oct 16, 1904 to Otis K. Winters & have three children all born at Cutler O, viz:

1. Fannie Elizabeth Winters born Nov 23, 1905

2. William Franklin Winters born Aug 19, 1918

3. Woodrow Wilson Winters born Aug 19, 1918

She was the widow Haynes but had resumed her maiden name when married, she having first married Milo Haynes, by whom she had a daughter born in 1898 & a son in 1900, both married, one living in Columbus, O & the other in Texas.

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She & Haynes were divorced at Columbus, O.

1. Her daughter Fannie E. Winters was married Sept 5, 1923 to Carlus Linsoctt of Bartlett, O born there Mch 15, 1900 & married at Bartlett, O. He is son of John Linscott & his wife Horn Dilley. They are both living here at Cutler, O where he is a carpenter & painter. No issue.

Leaving 5:44 PM

We then started back by another route & were:

At Centenary Church Cemetery, Fairfield, Tp, Wash Co, O Aug 24, 1925 5:55 PM & noted:

10. Rezin Dawson Carothers, 1818-1903

Elizabeth Dawson Carothers, 1825-1904

Phebe Jane Carothers, 1849-1871

Benoni H. Carothers, 1847-1905

Marsella Staley Carothers, 1849-1902

11. Hattie M. Williams wife of Wm A. Winters 1852-1914

Wm A. Winters 1840-1896

Infant twin daughters 1888-1888

Edna May Winters 1880-1882

Leaving 6:02 PM

Mrs Devol said much of the information she has, she recd from her Aunt Jane Morrison about 1896 when she was visiting them, she being then 80 yrs old.

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Probate Judges office Marietta, O Washington Co, Aug 25, 1925 12:05 PM

The general index shows:

Carothers, Rezin D. Book k P 438 & Will Record Book 12 p 8

Finley, Henry T. Book M p 66 Will Record Book 12 p 505

Finley, Joseph, Book M. p 323 & 5 No will Adms

Mircle, Amos Book D p 163 No will Adms

No Jacks, Markles, Redburns, or Rothermels.

Book 12 page 8 Will of Rezin D. Carothers of Cutler, O bequeaths:

2. to wife Elizabeth B. Carothers all property Real & mixed.

3d Appoints Myrtie E. Carothers of Cutler, O & Daniel D. Carothers of Madisonville, O Exrs. Dated Jany 6, 1898 R.d. Carothers Witnesses: J.A. Smith, F.E. McPeek & W.H. Carothers M.D. Probated Mch 14, 1903

Will Book 12 page 5050 will of Henry T. Finley of Watertown, O will all to son Joseph W. Finley & appoints H. Fisher of Watertown, O Exr. Dated June 4, 1903. Henry T. (his mark) Finley Date of his death Mch 9, 1907. Notice of Probate on Mch 22, 1907 to Joseph W. Finley & Elsie Dye.

Record K P 323 shows that Joseph Finley died Feby 13, 1909 with A.L. Malster of Watertown, O Admr. No will.

Leaving 2:15 PM

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At residence of Mrs William Alton Clarke NO 204 Oakwood Ave, Marietta, O Aug 25, 1925 7:30 PM

Mrs Clarke was sitting on the porch, a hay fever sufferer & says her grandfather (her mother's father) was Robert Corothers [sic] & he was a Major in the Mexican War. Says he was born in this country in Md or old Va. Her sister, Miss Tetrick who has come in thinks it was in Va. His father came from the North of Ireland to this country & married here Mary Morgan, a daughter of Genl Morgan, the Indian fighter (she says this was Robt's mother, but further says that Miss Tetrick thinks his mother was a Low & that Mary Morgan was his grandmother) The great grandfather whose name she thinks was Jackson (her sister thinks it might have been Andrew or John). He was reported to have left for the gold fields of Calif about 1849 & was never heard of afterwards. His wife is reported to have died of a broken heart three years after he left. Of his children, Mrs Clarke recalls the names:

Andrew, mar & after his death, his widow married a Stark. Her name was Ruhama & she visited them when my informant was 6 yrs old.

Jackson mar & had a son called "Jack" who lived near Mannington, WVA. He was several yrs older than my informant.

Sebe, a girl, married & lived in WVA. Thinks she married a Harbert.

Thinks there were several other sisters.

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Robert Corothers was among the younger children, possibly the youngest. He died between Mannington & Shinnston WVA on what they call Big Run & is buried at the little town of Hessville a few houses at the edge thereof & has a marker. Both of his wives are buried there beside him.

He married first a Miss Crim & had two children by her viz 1. a son who died when 9 yrs old & a daughter 2. Sarah who married Amos Hawker both of whom died about Hessville, WVA where he was a farmer. She had children:

1. Celia mar Ross Moore & live in the County out from Mannington, WVA

2. Ira Corothers Hawker living in Shinnston, WVA where he edits a newspaper. He married Nellie Robinson. My informant's sister, Mrs Howell of Wichita, Kansas, sent him 3 or 4 yrs ago Robert Corothers cft of discharge from the Mexican War. Ira was 20 yrs younger than Celia.

Robert Corothers mar 2d Mary Hefflin daughter of Stewart Hefflin & his wife Hester Glover. Stewart Hefflin lived to be 94 yrs old dying at Cairo, WVA. His, Robert's, 2d wife died Sept 5, 1904 on her 71st birthday. he tried to enlist in the Civil War, but was told he had already given sufficient service, but Mrs C. thinks he served in some capacity. They had but one child born at Hessville, Va, viz:

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3. Sallie Elizabeth Corothers born June 1, 1859 & died Oct 20, 1915 at Cairo, WVA but is buried near Mannington, WVA. On July 14, 1877, she was married at Big Run, she thinks to Marshall Fleming Tetrick, born in Marion Co, Va Mch 4, 1852 son of Henry Tetrick & his wife Irene Sturm. He died May 5, 1909 & is buried with his wife at the Tetrick Cemetery 3 or 4 miles out of Mannington, WVA. He was in the lumber business. They had seven children, five of whom lived to be grown. The first five were born near Mannington, WVA in Marion Col & the two younger at Cairo, Ritchey Co, WVA as follows:

1. Frank Leslie Tetrick born July 30, 1878

2. Lucia Matella Tetrick born Aug 2, 1880

3. Celia Tetrick born Feby 18, 1882

4. Evelyn Tetrick born July 2, 1884

5. Dessie Tetrick born Jany 19, 1887

6. Henry Claude Tetrick born July 14, 1891

7. Robert Corothers Tetrick born Jany 26, 1894

7. Robert C. only lived about two months

5. Dessie died Dec 27, 1889

1. Frank Leslie was married Aug 1902 to Ethel Shannon daughter of Robert Shannon & wife Isabel. Ethel was born Sept 17, 1880. Both living at Cairo, WVA. Is a plumber. Have four children all born at Cairo, WVA.

I. Robert Marshall Tetrick born Aug 26, 1903

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II. Lorene Tetrick born Dec 6, 1907

III. Sarah Belle Tetrick born Mch 7, 1911

IV. Frank Leslie Tetrick Jr born Jany 8, 1916

All single

2. Lucia Matella, was married May 16, 1899 at Athens, O by Rev Walton King, Pres to Wm Alton Clarke born in Spartansburg, Pa Jany 4, 1873 the son of Elisha Clarke Jr & his wife Lucile Hayes. Have three children born here in Marietta where both live, where he is in the oil business. She, my informant.

I. Hayes Tetrick Clarke born Jany 10, 1901.

II. Louise Clarke born Feby 8, 1903

III. Mary Clarke born Dec 2, 1905

All single. Hayes graduated here last year from Marietta College in a class of 52 and Louise this year in a class of 48. He is going this year to Ohio State Law School at Columbus, Ohio.

3. Celia, who I met here tonight is unmarried. She makes her home with her sister in Wichita, Kansas.

4. Evelyn married in Jany 29, 1906 at Cairo, WVA to William Bruce Howell (son of O.E. Howell & his wife Margaret) of Bradford, Pa born Feby 14, 1882. Both living at 347 N. Fountain Ave Wichita, Kansas where he has been very successful in the oil business. Have two children, both born at Cairo, WVA.

I. Max Tetrick Howell born May 26, 1907

II. Sarah Margaret Howell born July 6, 1909

Both single

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6. Henry Claude mar July 14, 1924 in St Joe, MO to Lucy Kelly & both are living at Gridley, Kansas where he is in the oil business. No issue. He was in the World War in 35th Div enlisting at El Dorado, Kansas & was an engineer. He was abroad almost a year, was wounded once & gassed in the Argonne twice. Was in the hospital when the Armistice was signed.

Mrs Clarke, says that J. Thaddeus Boggess, Ex chief of Police at Clarksburgh, WVA aged about 70, could, she thinks, give fuller information about the earlier history of the Corothers family. His mother, Sarah, was a niece of Major Robert Corothers, her mother being his sister. See him.

Asking her about Harry Carothers, who Mrs Devol spoke of seeing 50 yrs ago, she thinks her grandfather Robert had a brother Harrison.

Mr Boggess had one sister, Belle, who married 1st a Ferguson & 2d a Cromwell. She is dead, but Mrs Geo West, living in Clarksburg, WVA, a daughter by her first husband, living in a big house back of the jail which she inherited from her mother might have some data.

Leaving 9:33 PM

Mrs Clarke sd her grandfather, Robert Corothers was a big man, 6 ft 4 in & heavy & was land agt in Va for Thos H. Genin Co's land in VA & when on at NY to see the Co & he slept in a damp bed & he died 6 wks later.

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In the Marietta-Parkersburg Bell Tel Directory for Apr 1925 is under:

Newport, O

Crothers, Robert, farmer Schley, O 3-R-22

Belpre, O

Crothers, Guy, r Pomeroy Pike 2731-M

Parkersburg, WVA

Barretts 10

Jack, L.C. 418 Lincoln Ave Tel 1140-J

Stern Bros 423 Market St Tel 143

I was in the Marietta Cemetery out 5th St for one hour from 10:15 to 1122 AM & found

12. Jonathan Plumer ob May 6, 1810 aged 27 yrs "Thy brother" stone broken bals gone.

Aunt Fannie Plumer born Jany 18, 1796 ob Mch 12, 1868

Catherine Plummer ob Apr 23, 1821 aged 62 yrs. Her children call her blessed.

There is a perfect circular mound in the cemetery 45 steps high with big trees growing along its side & a perfect circular depression around it, evidently an early fort which would be surrounded by water. The cemetery is full.

I had walked out to the library to see Miss Cotton, beautiful & gracious & she told me to see Mr John Mills aged over 70, living in the fine

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big house corner of 5th St & Putnam opposite the Marietta College buildings & campus on a big elevated lot with high stone retaining wall abt it & president of the Marietta Chain Col & brother of W.W. Mills Prest of 1st N Bank, calling there, a young lady said he was out of the city to a picnic today. I then walked down Putnam & came to;

Miss Nellie Carothers Tea room No 306 Putnam St, Marietta, O Aug 25, 1925 11:50 AM

This is a very attractive well kept place to eat. I had tea, ice cream & cake & many people were there being served. She is a well poised business woman somewhat like Sarah F. Ainsworth in appearance, but much younger. She at once said to see her Aunt, Mrs Devol & when I told her I had seen her, she gave me the record of her father who was the oldest of the nine children of Rezin D. Carothers viz:

Benoni Henderson Carothers born June 12, 1847 - died Sept 25, 1905 who on June 17, 1874 was married at Chester, Ills to Marsella Staley

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Born Mch 4, 1849, died Aug 18, 1902. She could just vie the months & days & I supplied the years from item 10 page 59.

She said her mother was the dau of Jacob Staley & his wife, Mary Stillwaugh. Benoni H. was a B&O RR supt at Chillicothe, O & had but one child, my informant:

Nellie Carothers born May 10, 1875 on a farm in Westley, Tp, Wash To, O 2 1/2 miles west of Cutler, O. She says to see Dr Robert Carothers, M.D. of their branch, an extremely busy practicing physician at Cincinnati, O at Main & Sycamore Sts, aged probably 55, who has aged greatly the last few yrs by reason of the death of one of his two sons, succeeding his return from the World War.

Left 12 o'c noon.

I then went to the probate Judge's office see page 60 & a Mr McCauley there said to see Prest W. W. Mills of the First NBK who was an Uncle of Chas G. Dawes V.Pt. Going about 2:30 PM to see him & speaking of Mrs Beman Gates being born in our county, he showed me on his desk, a picture of his wife, who he said was her daughter.

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He phoned to Geo J. Blazier at the Marietta College & arranged for him to show me the old newspaper files to see if they gave anything of the shooting of Barrett who carried off Aunts Margaret & Nellie Jack. I accordingly took a taxi & was soon at:

The library of the Marietta College on 5th St near Putnam, marietta, O Aug 25, 1925 3 PM

He got out several bound volumes of old newspaper files commencing with 1811 & in one of them the Western Spectator Vol 2 no 14 published at Marietta, O under date of Jany 18, 1812 was reported:


At Charleston, Mass on Sunday week Commodore Samuel Nicholson Senior officer of the Navy of the U.S. Act 69 yrs"

I think this was the father of Albert Gallatin's second wife, Hannah. Mr Blazier was very kind & said he had stayed overnight at the Summit Hotel & I invited him when passing through again to stay overnight with me. I found nothing in the files about Barrett only getting over 1811, 1812 & 1813.

Left 4:20 PM

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I went from there to the residence of Geo E. Elliott, No 609 Putnam, who is janitor at the college & waited for his return & he came about 5 o'c.

He said his father, Archibald Elliott, who had a brother John, came from the "borders of Scotland & Ireland" to America & married his second wife Mary Hewson at Columbus, O July 5, 1854 & went from Chillicothe, O to Iowa where he, my informant, was born & his father sold his farm in Iowa & moved to one he bought at Alexander, Mo where he died in 1860 aged he thought about 40 yrs & when my informant was 4 yrs old, He don't know his grandfather's name, He said lawyer Brenern here some four yrs ago sent him a clipping giving the history of the Elliott for 400 yrs & mentioning a claim of the family to twenty million acres of land in England, which I told him was a big area for England. He hunted unsuccessfully for 15 minutes for the article & took my address & said he would mail it to me for perusal & return when he found it.

I stopped at Wakefield Hotel Cafeteria for my dinner & coming to the Lafayette Put in a call for Robt Crothers, Newport, O but got report at 7 PM that he didn't answer & I then took a street car to Mrs Clarke's see pages 61 to 65. It is now 3 Am 26th & as I am to be called at 5 AM, will go to bed.

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See Book 11 P 410-411

At residence of John Linden Simeral, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O> Malta, O) RD 2 Aug 26, 1925 10:05 AM

I started up the hill from the Malta Hotel at 9 AM & walked up the hill & first found Thompson Simeral working with his cabbage patch & he brought me up to the house to his sister, Nancy Plummer who says she is 77 yrs old, the oldest of the family, born in Westmoreland Co, Pa & her parents moved to Washington Co, O when she was 2 yrs old say in 1850. Her father, Thompson Simeral born May 1, 1823 died 1896 & she says there were at least two boys & two girls older than him. His father was Alexander Simeral who is the earliest ancestor of whom they know the name. Her brother John L. has also come in.

They know nothing of any brothers or sisters of Alexander nor of any cousins of their father on the Simeral side. He died before his son Thompson was married. Mrs Plummer says his wife was Isabella Maxwell of Westd Co, Pa who also had died before Mrs P. was born. They lived in near Shaner & Guffey Sta & Mrs P. My informant says she was born near Guffey's station. Her grandfather's children as she recalls & most probably in order of their ages were:

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1. William

2. Samuel

3. Jane

4. Sarah

5. Alexander

6. Cooper

7. John

8. Rebecca

9. Thompson born May 1, 1823 ob Sept 23, 1896

10. James

11. Ann, the youngest.

1. William moved to Belmont Co, O where he married & died there leaving children.

2. Samuel also went to Belmont Co & was married & died there & had children, one was named Thompson. There were some Simerals lived at Spittell [best guess] near Barnesville, O

3. Jane, mar Robert Campbell & lived at West Newton, Pa & had two children. He died there.

4. Sarah, mar John Milligan & lived back of West Newton, Pa where both died.

5. Alexander lived in West Newton, Pa was married but Mrs P. does not think he had any children.

6. Cooper was married twice, once to

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a Hutchins or Hutchuns. He had two children one William.

7. John went in a hollow tree during a storm & it was struck by lightning & he was killed. He was never married.

8. Rebecca mar John Stern & lived near Guffy Sta. They both died near there. Had a son John Stern who John L. thinks still lives.

10. James married a Helen Bebout [best guess] & remained in Westd Co & died there. Thinks they had four children.

11. Ann mar John? Saeger & lived in Penns Sta, Westd & she was living there in 1896 when she heard from them. She was then about 60 yrs old & had four children.

9. Thompson Simeral married in Westnd Co, Pa in May 1847 to Elizabeth Wilson. She was born Dec 25, 1826 in Westd Co, Pa & died in this Tp Mch 6, 1872 & is buried in Hopewell Cem (Quaker) in this Tp. She was daughter of Finley Wilson who was also a native of Westnd Co & his wife Nancy Christy Thompson Simeral is buried in the Malta g.y. just above here of which his son John L. is sexton & has a marker. He had 15

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children, the first three born in Westd Co, Pa, the next four born in Washington Co, O near Barlett, O & the others were all born in Malta Tp except John L. who was born in Penn Tp, Morgan Co, O. They are as follows:

1. Nancy Jane Simeral born Mch 3, 1848 mar Aug 6, 1874 near Malta, O by Rev McLaughlin, Meth to Joshua Thomas Plumer born June 18, 1845 in Penn Tp, this Co, son of Thomas Plummer [sic] & his wife Mary Scott. Mr Plummer died Feby 19, 1917 & is buried at Pennsville, O, this Co. No issue.

2. Finley Simeral, a twin, born Apr 19, 1850 was a coal miner & is buried at Shawnee, Perry Co, O. He mar a Jane Hoopes. Both dead. Had 4 children, Albert, Lizzie, Thompson, & James, Albert, the oldest went unmarried to Colorado & lives there. Lizzie has been married twice 1st a Williams who went to Colorado with Albert & died & then mar a second time & lives over in Muskingum Co. Thompson mar Rosy _____. He was recently killed in a mine over by Brush Creek, Muskingum, Co. James is still about Shawnee & at last reports was not married.

3. Alexander, twin brother of Finley was born Apr 19, 1850 & died in Pa in infancy.

4. Isabel born Aug 1852 & died June 11, 1892 in this Tp, unmarried & is buried in the Malta Union Cem here.

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5. William Simeral born 1854? He died in this Tp & is buried at Hopewell g.y. was a young boy & unmarried.

6. Andrew Simeral born Mch 17, 1855 & is still living in Springfield, O & did live on Liberty ST, but is temporarily in the country with John Durst, Mad River Tp RFD 8. He mar Emma French who died in Nov 1914. No issue.

7. James Simeral born Nov 1856. He lives on the Brindn [sic] farm owned by Jones, a millionaire out from Granville, O not far from Newark. He married Anna Young. Both living & have two children born here in Malta, O viz Herbert, oldest & Harriet, both married. Anna is daughter of John Young & his wife Margaret Geen.

Herbert married Nettie Elliott daughter of William Elliott. Both living near Granville, O with his parents & has charge of the chickens. Have one child, Mary Elizabeth.

Harry married Martha Ziegler & he was chauffeur for Mr Jones & thinks is still there. Has one baby Betty Jean.

9. Jacob Simeral born 1860? & married Mary Barrell both living at 207 Midland Ave, Columbus, O. Has two children:

Evalyn, who I met in Columbus O in 1922 & who is still there, unmarried.

Ash, married & lived in Terre Haute, Ind where he works in American Chain works [cut off]

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10. John Linden Simeral born Dec 31, 1862 my present informant in this, his home, never married. A carpenter by trade.

11. Martin Van Buren Simeral born in 1863 & died Feby 27, 1888 in this Tp, unmarried & is buried in Malta, Union Tp, above here. No marker.

12. William Simeral born 1865. He was killed on the East Pike 7 or 8 miles east of Zanesville, O where he was building a bridge & a brace was pulled off, hit him on the head & killed him. This was in Sept 14, 1916. He is buried in Malta, Union Cem & has a marker. He married Mrs Ella B. Sylvus, widow of ______ Sylvus who was killed in a drunken brawl. She lives at or near Hackney in this Co. He had no issue. She had.

13. Elizabeth Ellen Simeral born Oct 31, 1868. At home, here unmarried & keeps house for her brothers & sister

14. Thompson Simeral born Mch 15, 1870. Says his trade is fox hunting & has been grave digger at Malta Union Cem & was Sexton, but his brother John R. is now sexton, unmarried.

15. Mary Simeral born Feby? 1872 & died in 1873 & is buried in Hopewell, Cem.

8. Margaret Simeral comes in between James & Jacob born Mch 15, 1858 died unmarried Dec 27, 1913 & is buried in Malta, Union Cem.

Finished 12:20 PM

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1:11 PM. Have just finished an excellent dinner which they asked me to have with them in the kitchen as I have been writing on the big table in the dining room. Taking the births of the children of Alexander Simeral on page 72 & with the known date of Thompson's birth, we can safely estimate the date of Williams' birth, the oldest as 1807 to 1810, making Alexander born say 1785 to 1790 which is about the right age for a child of Sarah Simeral, daughter of Samuel Thompson, counting from what we know of the births of her sisters, Agnes Fulton & Mary McGrew.

Leaving 1:30 PM

Thompson Simeral went with me up on the hill to the:

Malta Union Cemetery, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O Aug 26, 1925 1:44 PM where I took the following:

12. Sarah Louise Finley (nee Rainey) Born Apr 29, 1845, ob Apr 26, 1925

Joseph Finley (husband & wife) born Sept 14, 1843 ob Jany 12, 1888

13. Thompson Simeral 1823-1896

William (V) Simeral [2]t Springfie Left 2 PM

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At office of Judge Harry Marshall Finley in the court house, McConnellsville, O, Morgan Co, Aug 26, 1925 7:10 PM

Judge Finley has brought his father, George Washington Finley here to go over the record & I am making up a table from what he tells me commencing on page 80. He thinks his father was the first to come to this county from near Claysville, Wash Co, Pa taking up some land here. His name was David Finley & he was followed, he thinks by his father, John Finley & by John's brothers Robert & David Finley.

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V14 Page 80 & V14 Page 81

[Descendant Chart]



2. [numbering added later apparently] John Finley, the older, the Judge & his father think, of the three brothers who came to Ohio. He married Hannah Dover, he thinks in Wash Co, Pa. Geo W. well remembers both of them & says she was active & spry & visited him after he was married, had every tooth in her head perfect & clear as ivory when she died & never had the toothache. She lived to be about 90 yrs old & he had died 10 yrs or more before. Both buried at the Deerfield Pres Ch where he was an Elder & they have markers. She died on the old farm, where he too died at the home there of her son Samuel who got the farm & no doubt got the family bible. This was in Deerfield Tp, Morgan Co, O. He had five sons & one daughter all born in Washington Co, Pa. He was born say 1776 or 1777 & died Oct 13, 1855 in 79th yr. She was born June 25, 1785 & died Jany 8, 1878 see page 99 item 18.

1. Robert Finley, B July 1, 1803 ob July 16, 1887. Lived in Hocking Co., M. Sarah Alexander? Had several children. He moved to Hocking Co, before Geo W. can remember.

2. David Finley, p 82. B Mch 24, 1805 ob Jany 20, 1898. He was an Elder in Deerfield Ch Both buried there. M.1. Eliza Alexander, M.2. Elizabeth Guy [best guess] of Pa B Aug 1, 1795 in Pa & died Jany 9, 1894. Had 3 children by 1st wife & 2 by 2d wife. See page 102 item 26.

Alexander, B 1828 ob 1902 m. Martha Jane Hall b 1827 ob 1912

Rachel Emily, m. Stout

Franklin Pierce B Feby 22, 1853 of Apr 30, 1895


Amos Ewing




Rebecca, ob see page 82

Eliza Jane, ob. She got her father's bible. M. Cidnor Burriss Woodward. He died in Deerfield Tp & she in Stanberry Block here where she lived alone. No issue. Her niece, Rachel Emily Trout [sic] got her effects. She lives near Brennenin, Perry Co, O.

Jesse, ob see page 82

Geo Washington, B July 31, 1837, see page 83.

4. John Finley, [son of John & Hannah (Dover) Finley] B July 7, 1809 ob Jany 10, 1895 m.1. Deborah Enlow m.2. Mary Baldridge on Nov 7, 1853. He died in Union Tp, this Co & is buried at Deerfield g.y. Had 2 or 3 died young. see 0 99 item 16. B Feby 9, 1818 ob June 13, 1908. [these last two dates probably apply to the second wife, although it isn't specifically stated. Seem to have been added later. CW]

1. Ellen, B Dec 6, 1833 ob May 25, 1905 (by 1st wife)

2. Henry E. B Mch 24, 1836 ob Nov 20, 1905 (by 1st wife)

3. Hiram B Dec 23, 1839 (by 1st wife)

6. John M. B Nov 25, 1850 (by 1st wife)

7. David B. B June 28, 1858 see page 122 (by 2d wife)

8. Albert A. B Dec 29, 1860 (by 2d wife)

4. Sarah E. B Dec 15, 1844 ob Dec 18, 1845 (by 1st wife)

5. Rebecca H. B Dec 23, 1847, ob Nov 15, 1849 (by 1st wife)

3. Rebecca Finley, B Feby 26, 1807 ob Mch 12, 1870 m. in Penna to Jacob Myers. They lived & died in Hocking co. Had several children in that Co.

6. James Finley, B June 14, 1816 ob Oct 18, 1847 see page 99 item 18 & p 120.

5. Samuel Finley B July 27, 1811 ob Mch 11, 1902 m. Margaret Enlow a sister of his brother John's wife. Both died on the old farm & are buried at Deerfield g.y. She was born May 17, 1811 & died Nov 9, 1833 dau of Henry Enlow & wife. Had 7 children born in same Tp, Deerfield, but on another farm as his father was still living. Were mar Nov 10, 1836.

Hannah, B Mch 22, 1838 ob Jany 9, 1923. Never married.

Mary Ellen, B Oct 4, 1839 ob Nov 24, 1909 M. Sept 24, 1868 to Samuel Ziegler. Write Miss Hortense Ziegler 861 Cliffwood Ave, Zanesville, O See Book 16 p 266.

Calvin Luther, B July 12, 1841 ob Feby 1918. m. July 31, 1866 to Margt H. Maxwell.

Geo Enlow B May 30, 1843 ob Sept 29, 1865. Never married.

Isam Finley, B Sept 23, 1845 ob July 31, 1916 m. Aug 31, 1871 to Sarah J. Balding Write Mrs W.M. Payne 348 Granville Rd, Worthington, O.

Henry Perry, B Mch 5, 1847 ob in Apr 19, 1894 at New Straitsville, O. M. Sept 29, 1870 in Union Tp, Morgan Co, O to Malvetus Almira Williams born in sd Union Tp May 6, 1850 dau of Daniel Williams & wife Malinda Jane Wood. Had 4 children, the 1st born in Deerfield Tp & the last 3 at New Straitsville, O. Mrs Finley is still living.

Anna Finley, B Dec 16, 1871 ob Dec 3, 1875

Bessie Finley, B Sept 6, 1877 m. Dec 1, 1910 to Irwin Addison Smith B Aug 31, 1882 at Bunker Hill, Ills, son Irwin Smith & wife Eliza Maria Devine. No issue.

Frank Perry Finley, B May 30, 1880 m. June 5, 1906 to Jessie O'Dell Fouts, dau of Harry Burous Fouts & his first wife Lydia Ann Anderson. They live at 1454 Euclid Sta N.W. Wash D.C. Have had two children & he is my informant for this record.

Francis Fouts Finley, B July 12, 1907 at Atlanta, O

Maurice, B Nov 29, 1909 at Mt Sterling, Ohio ob Mch 29, 1913 at Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.

Arthur Finley, B July 2, 1886 m. Sept 20, 1908 to Ora Colaw born at Washington, C.H. Ohio July 31, 1888 dau of George Colaw & wife Florence Conner. No issue.

9. Rebecca Jane [dau of Samuel Finley b. 1811] b July 12, 1855 ob May 23, 1869 aged abt 14

7. Margaret Matilda, B Apr 20, 1849 ob Mch 26, 1850

8. William F. B Dec 22, 1852 ob Feby 22, 1863.

7. Abram Finley [son of John & Hannah (Dover) Finley] B Jany 31, 1823 ob Sept. M. Lucretia Reese, ob July 12, 1887. Both died in Morgan co. He in Penn Tp & she in Malta. Had two died young. See page 132.


Hannah, ob, m. Jas Daniels


Clara J., B. Jany 3, 1853 ob Sept 10, 1854 page 101 item 21.

3. Robert Finley [brother of John who married Hannah Dover] Born say 1780, died Aug 26, 1854 in 76th yr.




David, B Jany 22, 1818 ob July 4, 1897


John, B May 22, 1822 ob Apr 3, 1890 see p 102 item 25.

1. David Finley see page 95, 90, born say 1775-1776 was only 5 ft tall. He died Dec 7, 1858 in his 84th yr item 20 p 100. m.1. _________, m.2. Jane Otter born say 1781 ob Apr 4, 1851 aged 70 yrs. Dec 3/25 Almira Finley see page 90 does not think her father-in-law, James 1817-1904 below had a half bro & says Robt died unm & that James was the only one of the family that had any children.

James, 6 f5 4 in B June 11, 1817 ob Feby 18, 1904

David, B Nov 19, 1814 ob Oct 4, 1891 see pages 97 & 100 item 20

John, B Oct 20, 1812 ob Sept 30, 1854 see page 100 item 20

Samuel 7 ft tall b 1822 ob Oct 11, 1883 see item 20 p 100

Robert, B Jany 29, 1808

Mary, B July 25, 1821

V14 Page 82 & V14 Page 83x

[descendant Chart]

David Finley, from page 80


Rebecca Finley m. Perley J. Stanberry, ob.

Alice, m.1. Duval, m.2. John Horridge

Hannah, m.1. Metcalf, m.2.

Marie [Mauie? Manie? best guess], ob, m.

Mertie, m. Bert Homan at Pleasant Hill, MO

Jesse Finley, m. Eunice Stanbery [sic] sister of Perley J., daughter of Jacob Stanbery & wife Eliza Jones.

Nettie, m.1. Walpole, m.2. Chile

Hattie, ob. M. Chandler

Stanbery, m.

Howard, ob. m.

Mary, ob, unm

Nellie, m.


Jay, ob

George Washington Finley, Born in Deerfield Tp July 31, 1837 m. Mch 19, 1862 in Deerfield Tp by Rev Wm M. Grimes D.D. to Nancy Jane Donehoo born May 26, 1843 near Claysville, Pa & died Dec 31, 1908 & is buried in the McConnelsville Cem here. She was dau of Marshall Donehoo & his wife Julia Phillis. Had but two children born on same farm in Deerfield Tp.

Clement David Finley, B Mch 9, 1863 m. Oct 27, 1886 at Mt Sterling, O to Julia Elfleta Crabbe born Oct 27, 1868 at Mt Sterling, O, dau of John Newton Crabbe & wife. Both living at Mt Sterling, O where he is mgr of the Mt Sterling Lumber Co. Have had four children, the first three born in Mt Sterling & the last one here.

Verner Leslie, B Feby 2, 1888 m. to Dorn [Doris? best guess]. He graduated at Ohio State.

Harvey Earl, B May 28, 1890 m. Mabel & live in Cleveland, O. He graduated at Wooster College

Leah Maud, B May 7, 1892 m. Prof Frank Thompson of Wash C.H., O

George Newton, unmarried, at home. B Dec 30, 1904 see page 105.

Harry Marshall Finley, B Sept 20, 1869 m. Feby 7, 1901 at McConnelsville, O by Rev C.F. Carson, Pres to Kate C. Cotton born July 13, 1876 in this town, dau of Elmer C. Cotton & his wife Lucy Deering. Have had two children born in their home adjoining the court house.

Lucile Cotton Finley, B Aug 9, 1902 ob Feby 1, 1915

Harold Marshall Finley, B Feby 24, 1916

The Judge was graduated at Ohio State Univ in 1894, admitted to practice in 1901, served two successive terms in State Legislature fr 1909 to 1913, elected Judge of the Common Pleas Court last Nov & took office Feby 9, 1925 for 6 yr term. Director of Malta NBK of which he was cash fr 12 yrs & is V.Pt & director of 1st NBK McConnelsville. Has been an elder of the Pres Ch here for over [cut off] yrs. The only Democrat ever elected to Leg in this Co.

V14 Page 84

At shop of J.P. Pearce, Malta, O Aug 26, 1925 2:30 PM

Mr Pearce was not of our tribe, saying he was of Holland descent & did not now have any father, Mother, brother sister, wife or child. He is in the oil business. Says there were some Pierces out on Sunday Creek who he thought might be the ones I was hunting 10 miles out, but said to see William Williams over in McConnelsville who had both eyes shot out at one shot during the Civil War & owned a farm out there & would know.

Left 2:40 PM

He said there were Peairs at Philo, O 10 miles this side of Zanesville, O.

I paid my bill for breakfast & walked across the bridge over the Muskingum River to McConnelsville & was assigned to room 15 at the Kennebec Hotel & then walked up Main St & was (Mr Pearce said several of the Finleys were rank dis Unionists during Civil War)

At the residence of William Williams Main St, McConnelsville, Ohio Aug 26, 3 PM

Mr Williams said his eyes were shot out while in the service on Aug 16, 1864 near Malvern Hill in VA. Said he would be 83 on 18th of next month born Sept 18, 1842 & gets a pension of $100 a month.

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Said his mother was born near Morgantown, Va, daughter of Lewis Morris & was a descendant of Robert Morris, financier of the Revolution or his brother Lewis. His father was Joseph Williams born in Wash Co, Pa in 1805. He said Gen Braddock said to Washington in 1755: "Hi, Hi, Hi, it's a high note when a buckskin Va colonel undertakes to tell a British General how to conduct a battle". Also that one of the Indian Chiefs speaking of Washington said: "It's no use shooting at that man. He wasn't intended to be shot. I have fired 17 shots at him & he is unharmed."

He said the Pierces out by Sunday Creek were not our tribe. That they were of the family that his two wives, Pierces belonged to. J.W. Pearce [sic] said he was engaged when he went to war & when he came back blind, he released her, but she said he needed her & they were married & had five children & she died & married her sister & she died. However, one of his sons died & that son's widow is living with him & seemed to be a fine woman.

Left abt 3:30 PM

He is large & fleshy with full face but no excessive flesh, a fine man.

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At residence of Frank Reed Peairs, Bloom Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Blue Rock Route 2 Muskingum Co, O) Aug 27, 1925 6:55 AM

I arrived here at 6:30 by taxi from McConnellsville, O which I left at 6 AM & find Mrs Peairs coming in from milking & she says Mr P. is up at the sheep shed attending to the sheep. She has produced a small book in which is written the record of Isaac Peairs from which I am making a genealogical table commencing on page 88.

Frank R. says his grandfather, Isaac Peairs' brother, William Peairs born 1800, had owned a farm cornering above here with this farm also ctg 160 A & says he sold the farm when F.R's grandfather, Benjamin Reed bought it for $10,000 (who bought it for his son Thos Reed) & William Peairs & his son William both moved from here to Warsaw, Ills & Mrs F.R. reports that the younger William married an Offord & recent word reports that he had died in Ills. Mrs P. says I can learn about this by stopping on my way back to McConnelsville at Frank Offord's a relative. They here have heard them speak of the daughters of William viz: Mrs Bliss, Mrs Barens, & Mrs McCune, but say they are not in this section & must have gone west. Mrs Peairs birth celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Napoleon Bonapart [sic]

Leaving 9:22 AM

V14 Page 87

At Wesleyan Chapel, M.E. Church, Morgan Tp, Morgan Co, O Aug 27, 1925 9:46 AM

We Stopped here on my way in & noted:

14. Daniel Meloy 1824-11-9, 1893-8-12

Susanna Meloy 1834-3-30, Jany 8, 1904 see p 88

Left 9:52 AM

We then drove a little further to:

Residence of Frank E. Offord Morgan Tp, Morgan Co, O Aug 27, 1925 9:55 AM

Mr Offord says his sister Martha Offord married William Peairs, son of William 1800 of Joseph 1760-1807 of Elisha Peairs & his wife Elizabeth Jack. She is the daughter of Alexander Offord & his wife Hannah Agnes Callahan & was born in Morgan Tp. William Peairs, her husband, died 5 or 6 yrs ago & she is living at Cameron, Mo in the town & has 3 children living & one dead.

Leaving 10 AM

Roy Walker 16 yr old son of Lorenzo Walker taxi prop fr whom I hired, drove me out & he is a Jehu of a driver. We reached town 9:58 Am by town clock & Judge Finley drove up & took me to the Finley reunion at Deerfield Pres Church about three minutes later.

V14 Page 88 & V14 Page 89

[descendant chart]

Isaac Peairs, son of Joseph Peairs 1760-1807, was born Dec 22, 1802 in Elizabeth Tp, Allegheny Co, Pa & died in this Tp, Oct 13, 1880 & is buried at the Baptist g.y. in Blue Rock Tp, Muskingum Co, O 3 miles from here. He came to Ohio when 19 yrs old say in 1821. On Oct 15, 1829, he married Elizabeth Davis born Oct 12, 1809 at Loudon Co, Virginia & died in this Tp Oct 11, 1892 & is buried beside her husband. She was the daughter of Joseph Davis & his wife Susan. He was a member of the Baptists Church of which he was for many years a deacon. He was a farmer. He had eight children all born in this Tp.


Joseph Peairs, B Nov 2, 1831 ob Aug 7, 1905 m. Dec 11, 1856 to Jane Reed born Feby 13, 1837 ob Mch 17, 1903 dau of Benj Reed & wife Jane Morrison. Both buried in Friends Cem. Blue Rock Tp, Muskingum Co, O. He was a Meth Epis & a farmer. Had but 4 children born in this Tp on this farm.

John Harlan Peairs, B Nov 5, 1857 m.1. Nov 14, 1879 Ida Mary Barkhurst. m.2. Sept 2, 1909 Annie Tally. Both living at 189 Jefferson Ave, Columbus, O. Is an overseer of Am. Rolling Mill Co. Have 2 children living & one dead. June 7, 1926. Living at 243 E. 19th Ave, Columbus, O. For record, see book 16 pages 202-204

Addie Asenath, B Jany 20, 1860 ob Apr 24, 1905 m. Dec 16, 1880 to Chas C. Kennison, son of Isaiah Kennison & wife Sang. He died Dec 28, 1908 & both buried in Friends Cem.

Frank Peairs Kennison, B Oct 14, 1881. M. He is a banker at Toledo, O V.P. & Trust off of Ohio Sav Bk & Trust Co.

Clara Frances, B July 27, 1862 m. Dec 20, 1893 to Isaac Davis Barr born Aug 20, 1862 in Blue Rock Tp, son of Hayes Barr & wife Mary Davis. Both living in Blue Rock Tp where he is a farmer.

Beulah Bernice, B Feby 3, 1898 in Blue Rock Tp. M. Dec 24, 1919 to Curtis Harimen Richardson born Aug 30, 1894 in Bloom Tp, son of George Richardson & wife Clara Grubb. No issue.

Frank Reed Peairs, B Aug 25, 1867 m. Nov 30, 1892 in Blue Rock Tp by Rev Stephen Cummings, Meth Epis to Anna Laura Bell born Aug 15, 1869 in Manchester Tp this Co dau of John Edward Bell & wife Nancy Elizabeth Betts. Both my good informants of the morning. No issue. Are members of Rural Dale M.E. Church & he is a farmer on 160 A here.

Susana Peairs [dau of Isaac] B Mch 30, 1834 ob Jany 8, 1904 m. Daniel Meloy born Nov 9, 1824. Both buried at Wesley M.E. Chapel in Morgan Tp. he was a farmer. He died Aug 12, 1893.

Randolph, an only child, died unmarried.

Elisha Peairs, B Nov 14, 1836, ob July 6, 1848

William Peairs, B Aug 9, 1839 ob. he was in the Civil War & died at the Soldiers Home at Sandusky, O & buried where his father was & has a marker. M. Joie White, dau of Geo White.

George Peairs, unmarried & living in California where he is a merchant.

Wallace Peairs, m. & lives at Holmesville, O where he is a merchant.

Royal Peairs, m. & lives at Akron, O where he is a mail carrier.

Nancy Fulton, B June 18, 1843 m.1. Culver, m.2. Williams. She is a widow & lives at Grenola, Kansas. No issue. *see page 89 [which I insert here for clarity] Nancy Fulton Peairs, see page 88 born June 18, 1843 in Morgan Co, O Living now Dec 3, 1925 at Grenola, Elk Co, Kan P.O. Box 364. m.1. Oct 16, 1866 in Morgan Co, O to Chas Levi Culver born Oct 13, 1838 in Morgan Co, O & died Jany 13, 1880 in Chau. Co, Kan son of John Culver & his wife Catharine Carlin. M.2. Mch 3, 1881 in Sedan, Kan to Chas Alden Williams born in Ohio Jany 20, 1842 & died May 21, 1909 in Grenola, Kan. His widow does not know the names of his parents. No issue by either husband.

John Peairs, B Sept 28, 1846 m. Nov 18, 1875 to Margaret McDonald born Feby 21, 1852 & ob Aug 23, 1917 dau of Nathaniel McDonald & wife Mary Johnson. he lives in Bonifay, Florida, Box 134, a retired merchant.

Stella Peairs, an only child B Dec 21, 1876, m. May 4, 1905 to Addison Cephus Drummond. Both living at Bonifay, Florida where her father lives with her. Have 2 boys & a girl. He was born Dec 12, 1864 son of Wm Drummond & wife Susan Hanks

Addison Peairs B Feby 8, 1907 at New Concord, O

William F. B May 7, 1910 at New Concord, O

Virginia Drummond, B Aug 26, 1918 at Bonifay, Fla

Mary Zintha, B Aug 17, 1848 m. Apr 12, 1883 to Geo Jasper Ramsey in Kansas. He living & she dead. Had but one child. He lives at Cedarvale Kansas. She died July 5, 1922 & is buried at Cedarvale, Kan. Geo J. Ramsey was born Dec 19, 1855 in Buchanan Co, Iowa. His mother was a Long

viz Clementine Long. His father's name was Alford Ramsey. Geo J. is Vice Prest of the Cedar Vale [sic] Natl Bank, Cedar Vale, Kan. Charles Raymond Ramsey, B Apr 4, 1888 ob Mch 2, 1914 unmarried at San Antonio, Tex & is buried at Cedarvale, Kansas.

Charles Wesley Peairs, B June 1, 1852 m. Mch 20, 1888 to Eva Retta Harlan by Rev Herbert, Baptist. She was born in Bloom Tp this Co Oct 14, 1858 daughter of Albert G. Harlan & his wife Ann Davis. Both living in Blue Rock Tp, Muskingum Tp P.O. Blue Rock, O Route 2. He is a farmer. Belongs to the Rural Dale M.E. Church & is one of the trustees of the church.

V14 Page 90

At residence of Almira Finley & her son Charles Finley, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O Aug 27, 1925 4:55 PM (Malta, O Star Route P.O.)

They say that James Finley born 1817 walked out here from Penna in by Claysville, Pa & his father, David Finley rode horseback, they coming together & David bought the farm above here where Mrs Phillips now lives. James gave his old bible published in Phila by C. Alexander & Col 1834 both covers gone & the two leaves of record severed & torn across half way down, but record distinguishable to his daughter-in-law Almira & I am copying the record.


James Finley & Mary Pennel were married Dec 21, 1837

David Moore & Jane Finley were married Nov 3, 1859

Isaac Finley & Mary Marinthia Purdy were married May 31, 1865

Joseph Finley & Sarah Louisa Raney were married June 1, 1865

David J. Smith & Mary E. Finley were married July 15, 1869

Thomas A. Finley & Almira Coler were married Jany 1st, 1874.


James Finley was born June 11, 1817

Mary Finley was born Sept 26, 1819

Their children were:

V14 Page 91

1. Jane Finley was born Oct 27, 1838

2. Isaac Finley was born Mch 5, 1840

3. Joseph Finley was born Sept 14, 1843

4. Thomas Alexander Finley was born Apr 15, 1845

5. Mary Eleanor Finley was born Sept 18, 1850


Mary Finley died Dec 30, 1875

4. Thos A. Finley & Almira Coler were married by Rev Geo L. Sites Meth Epis at Malta, O. She was born June 14, 1851 in Union Tp, Morgan Co, O at Ringgold, O. She is daughter of John Coler & his wife Miss Elizabeth Llewellyn. They had three children born here, in Malta Tp, viz:

1. Grace Coler Finley born Mch 18, 1877

2. Clara (twin) Finley born July 8, 1881

3. Charles (twin) Finley born July 8, 1881

1. Grace Coler Finley was married Dec 7, 1899 to Albert Glass born in this Tp on July 31, 1874 son of James Glass & his wife Sarah Chappelear & she died Mch 22, 1909 & is buried at Deerfield. he has remarried & lives on a farm close to Newark, O & Grace died there & had three children, two living & one dead. The oldest born in Columbus, O & the other two born on the farm above mentioned were twin boys one of them dying & she too at their birth.

I. Mae Belle born Feby 11, 1901, single

II. Carl Francis born Mch 22, 1909

III. Clyde Finley born Mch 22, 1909 & died same day.

V14 Page 92

2. Clara Finley was married Oct 12, 1905 in this house by Rev J.D. Kilpatrick, Meth Epis to John B. Clements, both in Malta Tp May 26, 1878 son of Scott Clements & wife Marintha Balding. No issue. Both living in Columbus, O at No 163 W. Lane Ave. He travels for an Akron, O Creamery Co. The children of Grace Mae Belle & Carl F. make their home with them.

5. Mary Eleanor mar Rev David J. Smith, Meth Epis, son of Jesse Smith & his wife Jane Lavery. Both died at Granville, O & had but one child:

I. Bertha Lillian Smith born June 1876. She mar Rev Watkins, M.E. & she lives in Granville, O where she has property & is educating her son. Mrs Sawyer says her name is Watson, not Watkins.

Charles & his mother were very kind & wanted me to stay overnight. Coming in, he indicated a desire to have a book when it comes out & both asked me to come back.

On an old small yellow slip found in the old small bible of old Uncle David, which was without records was written:

"Sarah Summers was born ye 11th of April 1802"

Thomas A. Finley died Aug 4, 1897

Charles & his mother both say that his grandfather, James Finley, often

said he was 19 yrs old when he came to Ohio which wd make it 1836. Chas says they have 112 A in this farm.

V14 Page 93

Old Uncle David would ride ahead, hitch the horse & walk at times & James would then ride until he would catch up to him.

AT residence of Mr & Mrs Arthur Allen Sawyer, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta, O Star Route) Aug 27, 1925 7:40 PM

Mrs Sawyer was Alma Finley, a daughter of Isaac Finley, son of James of David Senr. She has produced two leaves from her father's bible which show as follows:


Isaac Finley, son of James & Mary Finley was born Mch 5, 1840

Mary Marintha Purdy, dau of Levi Purdy & wife Susanna was born Mch 29, 1840

Their children:

1. Willie Finley born Apr 17, 1866

2. Clark W. Finley born Mch 24, 1867

(Clark married Ruby Jane Aikins on Apr 8, 1891. Both living at Niles, Kansas where he is a farmer. No issue)

Willie died young viz May 3, 1866


Mary Marintha Finley died Apr 25, 1867

Jane W.B. Finley died Apr 18, 1874

Effie Mary Finley died Oct 29, 1875

Isaac Finley died Dec 21, 1909

Hattie C. Finley 3d wife died Apr 18, 1910


Isaac Finley & Mary Marintha Purdy married May 31, 1865

[margin note reads:] Ruby Jane Aikins was born at Pawnee [cut off] June 3, 1869 dau of Wm J. Aikins & his wife Anna M. Spelhorn]

V14 Page 94

Isaac Finley & Jane W.B. Wolfe married Sept 17, 1868

Isaac Finley & Hattie C. Tanner married Nov 5, 1874


3. Effie May born Aug 9, 1871 (see item 20 p 100)

4. Laura Mae born Aug 24, 1879

5. Albert Lawrence born Jany 4, 1882

6. Alma Estella born Sept 11, 1885

Jane W.B. Wolfe was the daughter of Joshua Harrison & his wife Catharine Becraft & widow of Samuel Naylor Wolfe.

Hattie C. Tanner was the widow of Simon Tanner & daughter of Peter Moore & wife Mary Ricketts. She was born Jany 26, 1842 in Colerian Tp Belmont Co, O &.

4. Laura Mae Finley married Aug 1, 1900 at Malta, O to Raleigh Emmett Campbell born Dec 15, 1874 near Eaglepost, O this Co, son of Lycurgus Campbell & his wife Jane Pickerell. Both living at Zanesville, O at NO 266 Indiana St where he is employed in a Furniture Factory the Cardinal Co. No issue.

5. Albert Lawrence died Feby 3, 1897

V14 Page 95

6. Alma Estella was married Apr 30, 1914 at Wellington, Kansas by Rev David Jones Pres to Arthur Allen Sawyer born Dec 14, 1893 at Nardin, Okla, Grant Co, first white child born in the Cherokee Strip, son of Lorenzo Dow Sawyer & wife Mary Wolfe, a daughter of Jane W.B. Finley by her first husband. Both living here & my informants of tonight. They have one fine boy born at Nardin, Grant Co, Okla

I. Ralph Byron Sawyer born Nov 2, 1914

Mrs Sawyer has the following lists of births of the children of the Elder David Finley which she copied from a bible record at her neighbor, Mrs Phillips:

1. Robert Finley born June 29, 1808

2. John Finley born Oct 20, 1812

3. David Finley born Nov 19, 1814

Mary Finley born July 25, 1821

She didn't copy the names of James & Samuel

Mrs Sawyer says that she & her Aunt Mary Ellen went to Mrs Phillips abt 20 yrs ago & she gave the old David Finley bible to Mary Ellen Smith from whom it would have gone to her only child, now Mrs Bertha Watson Granville, O.

Leaving 8:40 PM

V14 Page 96

At residence of Mrs Eva Phillips, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta O RFD no 3) Aug 27, 1925 8:50 PM

Mrs Phillips says the wife of David Finley Senr was Jane Otter whom he had married in Penna & she was his second wife. He had also married his first wife in Penna but she did not know her name. but said that Robert was the only child by the first wife & Robert was only a half brother of David (who she thought was oldest by 2d wife). John Samuel & James & she said the elder David did not have any daughter & I note on page 81, Geo W. gave no daughter last night. However, the record gotten tonight from Alma E. Sawyer shows a daughter Mary & the date of her birth, who may have died young & her existence if so, overlooked.

Mrs Phillips said Sarah Summers was an older daughter of Jane Otter born before her marriage to David Finley. Charles Finley had told me at the cemetery that she was her natural daughter, that she had had before marriage.

Mrs Phillips says that James Finley of Washington Co, Pa see June 5, 1923 married Jane Alexander, a sister of her grandmother Mary Alexander who married John Lavery & another

V14 Page 97

sister Hannah Alexander (Geo W. last night gave name as Eliza see page 80) became the first wife of David Finley, the grandfather of Judge Harry M. Finley & her son Alexander Finley was the father of Emily Trout of Bremen, O who I must go to see. Saw her, her husband & daughter at the reunion today.

John Lavery had a son John who was the father of Eva Phillips & also had a daughter Mary Lavery who married David Finley, son of the Elder David. She was born July 25, 1821 in Wash Co, Pa near Claysville, Pa & died Mch 4, 1904 & who was married to David Finley Oct 20, 1857. Mrs Eva Phillips said she herself was born Feby 23, 1857.

Get from Mrs Trout of Bremen, O the record of her two Aunts, Rebecca & Eliza Jane, full sisters of her father & the record of her father's children, see page 80.

Leaving 9:11 PM

Charles Finley then drove me in to McConnellsville, O where we arrived at the Kennebec, where I am no writing at 9:40 PM. Mrs Phillips said she went to school to Geo W. Finley, the father of the Judge, he being the first teacher she ever went to.

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At Deerfield Pres Church Picnic Grounds, Deerfield Tp, Morgan Co, Aug 27, 1925 11:44 AM

We arrived here about an hour ago, driven out by Judge Harry M. Finley accompanied by his wife & son Harold in front seat & Mrs Ella E. Moore, Mrs Stansbery (with the identical Jane Harden hesitancy of speech) & myself in the back seat. The Judge & others introduced me to dozens of people, the register showed 107 present. An excellent dinner was served at 12:30 PM & an organization meeting was held 2 or 3:30 PM. This is a Republican County, but Judge Finley said last night that he was elected to the Legislature on the Democratic ticket by 137 majority & two yrs later ran for re-elections & was elected by over 600 majority. I met Mrs W.M. Payne 348 Granville Rd Worthington, O.

She says they are about 8 miles from Columbus, O & to come out on the C.D.& M. Interurban & get off at State ST stop & their home is two blocks off.

The Judge got his father Geo W. Finley in his 89th year since July 31st last to accompany me through the cmetery & tell me who the several many Finleys buried there were.

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Deerfield Presbyterian Church graveyard 15. Jennie, wife of Isom Finley (son of Geo W's Uncle Samuel) B Sept 16, 1849, ob Nov 28, 1879

16. John Finley (Geo W's Uncle) B July 7, 1809 ob Jany 10, 1896

Mary R. Finley (2d wife of John) b Feby 9, 1818 ob June 13, 1908. (Geo W. says the first wife is in this cem & that the old church stood where these markers are.)

17. Effie Finley B Feby 25, 1890 ob May 10, 1892

Arthur Finley B July 17, 1895 ob May 8, 1896

children of D.B. & S.A. Finley (David Baldridge Finley was son of Geo W's Uncle John)

18. John Finley (Geo W's grandfather) ob Oct 13, 1855 in his 79 yr

Hannah, wife of John Finley born June 25, 1785 ob Jany 8, 1878

James Finley (Geo W's Uncle) ob Oct 18, 1847 ae 31 yrs 4 mos 13 days (He was married & had two children, a boy & a girl, viz: Hila, a girl & Jeduthan, the boy. His widow mar a McKittrick down in Hocking Co, O & G.W. thinks they moved west from there. She took the Finley children with her & he has no further word. Says in listing his grandfather's children last night, he forgot his Uncle James)

19. Rebecca H., dau of John (Geo W's Uncle) & Debora Finley ob Nov 15, 1849 aged 1 yr 10 mos 23 days

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Sarah E. dau of D & J. Finley ob Dec 18, 1845 ae 1 yr & 3 days

Hannah E. dau of D & E Finley ob Sept 10, 1845 ae 6 yrs 1 mo 6 days

20. David Finley (son of old David who was Geo W's great uncle) B Nov 19, 1814 ob Oct 4, 1891

Mary, wife of D. Finley B July 25, 1821 ob Mch 2, 1904

Samuel Finley (son of old Uncle David) ob Oct 11, 1883 aged 61 yrs

Effie M. dau of Isaac & Jane W.B. Finley ob Oct 29, 1879 aged 6 yrs 2 mos 20 days

(Isaac Finley was a son of James of Uncle David & had 3 wives)

Jane W.B., wife of Isaac Finley (2d wife) ob Apr 18, 1874 aged 38 yrs 5 mos 11 days

Mary M., wife of Isaac Finley (1st wife) ob Apr 25, 1867 aged 27 yrs & 26 days William, son of Isaac & M.M. Finley ob Apr 24, 1866 aged 17 days

Rosanna M. wife of Samuel Finley (son of Uncle David) ob Dec 27, 1853 aged 36 yrs

John Finley (son of old Uncle David) ob Sept 30, 1854 aged 41 yrs 11 mos 11 days

David Finley (Geo W's great Uncle) ob Dec 7, 1858 in his 84th year

Jane, wife of David Finley ob Apr 4, 1851 aged 70 yrs

James Finley (son of Geo W's great Uncle David) June 11, 1817, Feby 18, 1904

Mary Finley Sept 26, 1819, Dec 30, 1875 (inscription on monument & also on tombstone adjg Sarah Summers (maiden lady, natural daughter before marriage of old Uncle David's wife Jane) ob Feby 11, 1875 aged 73 yrs & 10 mos

Quit & went to dinner 12:33 PM

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Back at 1:30 PM

21. Franklin P. Finley (son of Geo W's 1/2 bro Alexander) B Feby 22, 1853 ob Apr 30, 1895

Martha J. Finley b Aug 28, 1854

Clara J. dau of A & L Finley dau of Abraham, Uncle of Geo W. ob Sept 10, 1854 aged 1 yr 8 mos 7 days

Charles E. Finley (son of Franklin P.) B Nov 2, 1879 ob June 18, 1901 (He was unmarried)

Gertrude B. (dau of Franklin P.) B Apr 21, 1882, ob Feby 7, 1884

22. Father & Mother

David Finley (son of Geo W's great Uncle Robert) B Jany 22, 1818 ob July 4, 1897

Rebecca W. Finley B Nov 12, 1822 ob Dec 6, 1892

Margret [sic] J. Finley 1823-1855

William M. Finley 1877-1877

23. Abram J. son of D & R Finley ob Oct 23, 1854 aged 2 mos & 11 days

Jane, dau of R & L Finley ob Sept 2, 1854 in her 24th yr (I have marked "dau of Old Uncle Robert - not right")

Robert Finley (Geo W's great uncle) ob Aug 26, 1854 in 76th year

William Finley died 1844

Malinda E. Finley 1851-1854

24. David R. Moore 1833-1910

Jane, his wife (dau of James of old Uncle David) 1838-1923

Robert Moore ob Apr 19, 1883 aged 77 yrs 3 mos 26 days

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Mary, wife of Robert Moore ob Sept 8, 1881 aged 83 yrs 10 mos 9 days (Parents of David R. Moore)

25. Father & Mother

John Finley (son of Geo W's great Uncle Robert) B May 22, 1822 ob Apr 3, 1890

Abigail B., wife of John Finley (nee McKittrick) b July 14, 1817 ob Mch 26, 1888 (Grandparents of Silvey A. Finley, Cashr of 1st NBK McConnelsville, O)

26. Father & Mother

David Finley (Geo W's own father) B Mch 24, 1805 ob Jany 21, 1898

Elizabeth, wife of David Finley (nee Guy) B Aug 1, 1796 ob Jany 9, 1894.

27. Isaac Finley (son of James of Old Uncle David) 1840-1909

Hattie, his wife (nee Moore his 3d wife) 1842-1910

Lawrence A., son Isaac & H.C. Finley B Jany 4, 1882 ob Feby 3, 1897

Thomas Alexander Finley (father of Charles) 1845-1897

Almira, his wife (nee Coler my gracious host of the evening) 1851-

Grace C. Glass 1877-1909

"This was sister of Charles. Her husband is living. Had one child, died infancy & two living see page 91"

28. James Finley Moore (son of David R & Jane) 1860-1924

Ella E. his wife 1864-

(This is his 2d wife & widow nee Longstreth who went out in the auto with us. A handsome intelligent well formed tall woman)

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(His first wife was Clara Stinchcomb & she is buried at Deavertown Cem. No issue by either wife.) Mrs Charles Harper, here today (with her husband) is the only other child of David R & Jane Moore.

29. Hiram Finley (son of Geo W's Uncle John see P 80) B Dec 23, 1838 --

(He is here today, a Civil War veteran & made a speech at the reunion)

Letitia, his wife B Dec 8, 1842 ob Mch 1, 1901

Gertrude E. Finley (their daughter) 1878-1910

30. Frank P. Finley 1880-19--

Jessie O'Dell, his wife 1884-19--

Maurice, their son, 1909-1913

31. Alexander Finley (Geo W's 1/2 brother) 1828-1902

Martha Jane Hall, his wife 1827-1912 Leaving the cemetery 2 PM

I then went in the church to the Organization meeting & was called upon by judge Finley, permanent chairman & responded.

After the adjournment, talking with Silvey A. Finley, Cash of the 1st natl Bank, McConnelsville, O, he said his aunt, Mrs Wm J. Finley, widow living

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on Ohio & Luck Aves, Zanesville, O can give good information about the family. Her husband & herself gathered some records.

Another of the relatives there told me of Miss Alice Finley, missionary in China, who some time ago was home on a visit to her parents in Coshocton, O.

Talking to Mrs Ella Estella Moore nee Longstreth, she said she was married to James Finley Moore, his 2d wife on Dec 19, 1906 at the M.E. parsonage at Philo, O by Rev Buell, Meth Epis, but said that Mr Moore was a U.P. She is the daughter of Henry Longstreth & his wife Mary E. Curry & says Nov 15, is his birthday. See item 28 page 102

Miss Fay Trout of Bremen, O see page 80 says they live 1 /12 miles N.W. of Bremen, O, her father, Wm H. Trout & her mother Emily R. Finley see page 80 dau of Alexander & their telephone is 4-117. They have an auto & she runs it & will take me around. He was at the reunion & was called on, but excused himself. His wife, a fine matronly woman said they had lived together 55 yrs.

Charles Finley said his father dying comparatively young, he lived with & was raised by his grandfather, James Finley, who was a large man about 6 ft 4 inches tall.

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Mr & Mrs James Harper came to the stand I had under the big oak near the front of the church. She is the daughter of David R. Moore who was son of Robert Moore & his wife Jane Rusk. David R. Moore married Jane Finley daughter of James Finley (of old Uncle David) & his wife Mary Pennell.

They did not know Mary's parentage. They had but two children viz:

1. James Finley Moore oldest who mar 1st Clara Stinchcomb, daughter of Alexander Stinchcomb & his wife. See above p 104

2. Mary Jane Moore, my informant Born July 17, 1865 mar Nov 1, 1900 in Union Tp, this Co by Rev D.J. Smith Meth Epis her Uncle by marriage to Charles Wesley Harper born Oct 17, 1861 near Cumberland Guernsey Co, O son of Samuel D. Harper & his wife Mary Jane Canedy. Both living in Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O. P.O. Malta, O route 3. No issue. Clement D. Finley brother of the Judge, lives at Mt Sterling, O in the town, is in his 63d year the youngest looking man on the grounds for his age. His youngest son who was with him was born Dec 30, 1904 see page 83.

Left 4 PM

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The tombstone records make the order of ages of the three brothers who came out here, David, John & Robert, which is different from Geo W.'s guess last night. See pages 80 & 81.

7 PM at Almira & Chas Finley's

Have had supper & they wanted me to stay all night, but I have asked Charley, who has gone to milk to take me back to McConnellsville, O 4 1/2 miles & stop at the adjoining farm on the hill to see Mrs Phillips niece of the wife of Charley's great uncle David (son of the elder David) who died up there & where also his father David Finley, Charley's great grandfather died with the hope of getting his old bible record.

Just as we were starting, decided to go first to Mrs Sawyer's also on an adjoining farm to get the record of her father, Isaac Finley, Charlie's Uncle, see pages 93 to 95.

Am now written up to date & will go out & see what further records I can get. It is now 10:11 AM & I have been writing for 3 hours, since breakfast in the office of the Kennebec hotel from page 100 item 20 where I quit at 12:20 Am last night when I got sleepy.

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At First Natl Bank, McConnelsville, O Aug 28, 1925 10:40 AM

Mr Silvey Anderson Finley, son of James Buchanan Finley, born 1857 son of John of Uncle Robert page 81. he says he knows nothing of the bible record of his grandfather, John, but can give his father's record. His grandfather's brother William has a son Will Finley living in Detroit, Mich who was a first cousin of Silvey's A's father Eber R. Finley at the reunion yesterday & living near the church is a son of David, the son of Robert, page 81. David had several children & Eber R. could no doubt give the record.

John Finley (son of Robert) mar Abigail McKittrick dau of Wm McKittrick. Had five children all born in Deerfield Tp viz:

1. Elizabeth, oldest, married John Clay Bolen, both dead at Zanesville, O & had one child, John C. Bolen Jr who lives in Zanesville, o on Putnam Ave. He is now in Florida, but his wife is at home.

2. Emma married Thos Jefferson Scott. he is dead & she is the only survivor of John Finley's children & lives in Union Tp, Morgan Co, O on line of Deerfield Tp (P.O.> Malta O RFD 3) aged abt 75. Had one [bottom line cut off]

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3. Elberti, mar to Payton O. Power both died in Zanesville, O leaving Herbert, oldest, living in Zanesville, O, William, deceased, unmarried, Harry, youngest, now living in Cincinnati, O a jewelry salesman who is married.

4. William J. mar Mamie Atwell. He died in Zanesville, O without issue & his widow lives there now.

5. James Buchanan Finley, youngest born Nov 30, 1857 ob Nov 30, 1924 here in McConnelsville, O & is buried in the McConnelsville Cem here. He was married Nov 1879 here by Rev C.B. Taylor, Pres to Minnie Elizabeth Anderson born Aug 7, 1859 in Barnesville, O & is living in Union Tp, this Co daughter of Joseph Anderson & his wife Mary Strahl. They had two children both born in Union Tp. He was a Meth Epis & she is a Pres.

1. Silvey Anderson born Oct 24, 1881 mar Oct 26, 1904 in Malta, O by Rev Housel, Meth Epis to Blanche Timms born Oct 4, 1884 in Malta, O dau of Frank Pond Timms & his wife Augusta McCornas. Both living in McConnelsville, O & have 3 children, the oldest & youngest born here & the son in Malta, O viz:

I. Hazel Augusta born Dec 26, 1905

II. Donald Timms born Dec 22, 1911

III. Frances Louise born Apr 15, 1918

Hazel is single.

He came to the bank Dec 1904 & has been cashier since Mch 1918.

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2. Joseph Earl Finley born Nov 6, 1894. A farmer in Union Tp unmarried & living there with his mother.

Finished 11:15 AM

At residence of Elmore James Gregg, Malta Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta

O Route 3) Aug 28, 1925 noon

I had Roy Walker drive me out here. Mrs Gregg was Mary Rebecca Finley, daughter of Joseph Finley who is giving me what she can of his record. She says her mother died Apr 26, 1925 at her youngest daughter's Sadie F. Mercer & Mrs Gregg thinks her mother left the old bible there. Mrs Mercer is a widow & lives on Liberty St. McConnellsville, O a short distance from the judges Catecornered across the street in a small cottage house on the alley. Mrs Gregg is giving me the names of her father's children & I am making a table on next page.

Leaving 1:30 PM

Mr Gregg says Frank P. Finley of Wash D.C. is of the Samuel Finley (son of old Uncle John) family & his father-in-law H.B. Fouts lives in Malta, O Frank P. has one son. he is a surveyor, was county surveyor here before he got a job at Wash. D.C.

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[descendant chart]

Joseph Finley, son of James of Uncle David, was born Sept 14, 1843 & died Jany 12, 1888 mar June 1, 1865 in Malta Tp by Rev R. Sears, Meth Prest Uncle by marriage of his bride to Sarah Louisa Raney born in Union Tp, Apr 29, 1845 & died in McConnelsville, O Apr 26, 1925 & both are buried in Malta Cem see item 12 page 77. She was dau of Robert Raney & his wife Rebecca Walter. They had 8 children all grew to maturity & all born in Malta Tp. He was a farmer, stock dealer & had a meat market. He was over 6 ft.


Martha Jane, B June 15, 1866 ob May 27, 1906 m. Oct 26, 1892 to Dr George E. Flynn born Dec 8, 1869 son of Geo W. Flynn & wife Sarah France. He is married again & lives in Columbus, O where he practices. No issue see b 16 p 129

Mary Rebecca, B Dec 2, 1867, my informant m. Mch 30, 1893 in Malta Tp by Rev D.J. Smith, Her Uncle who also married her sister Martha J. he is Meth Epis to Elmore James Gregg born in Deerfield Tp Apr 6, 1863 son of Geo S. Gregg & his wife Amanda Hollenshead. he is a farmer on his farm of 21 A here. he is a Meth Epis. No issue.

Rhoda Ann, B May 10, 1870 m. June 3, 1897 in Malta, O to Lewis Drury born Apr 7, 1874 son of Frank Drury & his wife Amy Gheen. Both living in Cumberland, O where he is a barber, but are here visiting their daughter. Have one child born in Malta, O.

Amy Drury, Born Apr 5, 1898 in Malta, O mar June 3, 1922 to Oliver Gordon born June 23, 1898 in Malta Tp & both living in Malta O where he is a painter. Son of Thomas E. Gordon & wife Elmina Walpole. No issue.

Frank Finley, B Jany 3, 1873 m. Oct 20, 1898 at McConnelsville, O to Sarah Ann Thompson born June 22, 1878 dau of James Thompson & wife Buena Vista Harper. Both living on Main St here where he conducts & owns a meat market & grocery. he has two sons both born in McConnellsville, O

Raymond Joseph, B Oct 13, 1899 m. Jany 13, 1922 at Pres Parsonage nr McConnellsville, O by Rev McKay Pres to Jean Naylor born July 4, 1904 at Malta, O dau of Dr James Ball Naylor & wife L. Villa Naylor Have 2 children born in Malta, O. Was overseas in World War before he was 18.

Robert Naylor Finley, B Mch 10, 1923

Polly Ann, B Nov 11, 1924

James, B Mch 16, 1916

Ella May Finley, B May 19, 1875 ob Aug 21, 1921 here & is buried in cem here. M. Sept 9, 1899 at McConnellsville, O to Jason Drury a brother of Lewis & he has remarried & lives in McConnellsville, O where he is marshall. He was born Jany 6, 1875 in Windsor Tp, Morgan Co O & have one child born in McConnelsville, O.

Mabel Louisa Drury, B July 21, 1902 m. Sept 9, 1922 to Harry Wm Torbert born Oct 13, 1898 son of James Torbert & wife Eunice Williams. he was overseas in World War. Is a sign painter here. Have one child born in McC.

Harriet Mabel, B Aug 30, 1923

Walter Finley, B May 30, 1878 m. Oct 16, 1901 to Vinnia Fern Ashton born Dec 27, 1880 in Bristol Tp, dau of J. Wesley Ashton & wife Margaret Macfarland [sic]. He owns a meat market & grocery also & is an active trader. She was elected Secy & Treas of the reunion yesterday. Have one son born in McC. he is 6 ft 3 in tall.

Delmer John Finley, B Apr 24, 1903 is a voter. At home single. Is 6 ft tall & straight & erect.

Sadie J. Finley, B June 10, 1880 m. June 3, 1909 in McConnelsville, O at her mother's home by Rev Lucas Meth Prest to Wm Curtis Mercer B Aug 10, 1872 & died Mch 12, 1923 son of Wesley Mercer & wife Martha Tavener. She lives in McConnellsville, O & has an only child born at Hebron, O.

Paul Curtis Mercer, B Oct 16, 1913

Fred Finley, B Aug 13, 1882 He is single & is an agt for Hoards Dairyman & travels for the paper in Ohio & WVA.

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At residence of Eber Rees Finley, Deerfield Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta O RFD 1) Aug 28, 1925 7 PM

We got here at 4:45 PM coming out from McConnelsville with the family in their auto & have had a good supper everything tasting good. We intended driving over to David & Albert Finley's after supper, but the boys had gone over to the other farm for a cow & were late getting back & tired, so we couldn't go as they were the drivers of the car. Mr Finley says he talked with an old neighbor woman, Miss Price over 80, who gave him the names of the children of his grandfather's Robert Finley children seven in number which I am entering in a genealogical table commencing on page 116.

It is now 9:30 PM & Mr Finley has gotten nervous & is not able to give the record of his sister, Mary Ellen & has said we will go there in the morning, as she lives near here & will complete her record on page 118.

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Aug 29, 1925 7:15 AM

Have just finished our breakfast & while they are doing the chores, I will note that we arrived here at Eber R. Finley's at 4:45 PM yesterday afternoon. He says he was named for a relative on his mother's side, Eber Rees who was guard for many years at the State Penitentiary at Columbus, O. This home is the fourth home built on the 80 A taken up by Eber's grandfather, Robert, all of which is owned by him & also 47 A adjoining which they bought.

Eber thinks his father was 18 or 19 yrs old when the family moved to Ohio. Coming out yesterday afternoon, he said Amos, who I met Thursday at the reunion, a tall perfect specimen of manhood over 6 ft, is a son of Amos, who was a son of Abram J., the youngest of the children of the original John, see pages 81 & 80. The elder Amos was a large fine looking man fully 6 ft 4 inches & when trying to put out a fire which started in the fields, he inhaled so much smoke that he died & his only child, the Amos who I met, was born after his father's death.

Eber said his own father was a wagon maker & just after his marriage, he set up business at Triadelphia, O two miles from here & there his first three children were born, the other

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children were born on this farm. The third house on the farm located just east of this, burned down one Sunday, starting from kindling a big fire from shavings which set the roof afire. Eber was then a boy. His elder brothers went up to the attic in an effort to put out the fire, but made a misstep on the lath & came tumbling down with the plastering & the aperture thus made, so accelerated the flames that the house was consumed. He thought it possible that his grandfather's bible may have then been burned up.

Eber said at 6:11 o'c this morning that Samuel Finley, son of Old Uncle David was so tall, he thought near 7 ft that he went bent over so as not to make his height so apparent. His first wife was Margaret Ray from this section, a daughter of Samuel Ray & his wife, Sarah. Both buried at Deerfield g.y. No issue. He married 2d a young girl of 26 who lived with him, of an unsavory reputation named Tamer Grubb. He was probably 50 yrs older than her & when she had a baby not long after her marriage, Eber said his father knew Samuel was then no good for begetting a child & on pressure, she owned up that it wasn't his & told who the father was. Samuel had no issue whatever.

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Jane Moore, his, Samuel's, niece, daughter of James Finley & mother of Mrs Harper was also very tall & a large woman.

Eber had "flu" three years ago & has been ailing since until last June he has been having the services of a chiropractor & has been drinking three quarts of water in an evening which has resulted in dislodging a coating on his bowels so that he is now back to his normal health.

Coming in this afternoon from Mrs McDonald's Saturday 29th, Alta F. (Eber's daughter) said there was a young Paul Finley at Zanesville, O. Speaking of the excellence of their pickles, three of which I ate last night & two this morning for breakfast, I asked her how they made their potato salad which was so good & she said they cooked their potatoes with a little bit of onion in them & mixed with mayonnaise dressing adding some mustard seeds & I think some mustard. It was the best I ever ate.

We reached town at 2:40 PM & I went to the Fox barber shop & got shaved.

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[descendant chart]

Robert Finley was born near Claysville, Wash Co, Pa & came to Ohio about 1834 or 1835. He married in Pennsylvania Lydia ______. He took up this 80 A of land when he came about 1835.


James Finley ob m. Sarah Darlington. Don't know abt them

Mary Finley, ob m. Samuel Moore & moved to Hocking Co & had children & died there. No further word.

Sarah Finley, ob m. David Moore, a brother of Samuel. Don't think they were related to Robert Moore. Also moved to Hocking Co & died there & had children. Have lost track of them.

David Finley, B Jany 22, 1818 ob July 4, 1897 in this house from a stroke of apoplexy. Went to bed as well as usual & was found dead in bed next morning. Mar May 1, 1849 near Roseville, Muskingum Co, O to Rebecca Rees born Nov 12, 1822 near Roseville, O & died in this house Dec 6, 1892 from some growth, 13 days after moving in this house. Both buried at Deerfield g.y. Came to Ohio either when 18 or 19 or in 1834 or 1835. Was a skilled wagon maker. Had 7 children, first three born at Triadelphia, O 2 miles fr here & the other four on this farm.

Leonidas (twin) born Mch 10, 1850, ob. He was canvassing in Noble Co for a washing machine, finished up one Saturday night & started for home & was never again heard of. Was not married.

Leander (twin) Born Mch 10, 1850 ob Abt June 25, 1900 at Nelsonville, O m. abt Apr 1876 in Pickaway Co, O to Martha Matilda Hall in Pickaway Co at South Bloomfield, O dau of George Hall & wife. He was a preacher in the Christian Church. She lives at Pickerington, O. Had but one child, born in South Bloomfield, O.

Dr Georgia Estella Finley, M.D., born Feby 24, 1878 & died at College Hill, Cincinnati, O eaten up by a cancer Apr 9, 1915 aged 37 yrs 1 mo & 16 days. Buried at Nelsonville, O beside her father, unmarried.

Lycurgus Robert Finley, see page 174 B Mch 15, 1851 ob Jany 20, 1910 at Nelsonville, O & is buried there. M Mch 8, 1888 at Athens, O, to Effie L. Davis born May 22, 1864 dau of Nehemiah Davis & wife Sarah J. Love. She married 2nd Byron L. Lamborn & lives in Nelsonville, O. Lycurgus was a blacksmith. Had one child born in Nelsonville, O.

Unnamed boy, Born 1888 ob 1889 Frank Allen see p 174-5

Robert Earl Finley see page 174 b July 5, 1893 m. June 14, 1924 Helen Hutchings of Dayton, O. No issue.

Abram J. (twin) B Aug 12, 1854 ob Oct 23, 1854 aged 2 mos 11 days

Mary Ellen (twin) B Aug 12, 1854 m. Jany 1873 on this farm by Rev Sites, Meth Epis to John McDonald born June 12, 1849 son of Benjamin McDonald & wife Mahala Selsam. Have six children all born in Deerfield Tp. See page 118.

Eber Rees Finley, B July 8, 1862 m. Dec 30, 1897 in Deerfield Tp by Rev C.H. Aler Meth Epis, to Martha Jane Nixon, born in Deerfield Tp Feby 14, 1867 dau of Edwd Nixon & wife Salina Lamb. Have had 5 children, all born in this house, my informant's for this record & hosts. He is baptized as a Pres.

Lelia Gertrude, B Mch 4, 1899 m. Aug 7, 1920 at McC by Rev McKay, Pres to Fred D. Downing born 1897, son of Frank Downing & Alice Garrett, his wife.

Alice Marie, B Dec 6, 1922 ob Dec 9, 1922

Alta Fern, B Aug 3, 1900, at home single

Ernest Ralph, B Feby 22, 1903, at home single

Helen Irene, B June 2, 1905 m. Apr 16, 1925 at McC by Rev Neldon, Meth Epis to Kenneth D. Humphrey born May 1906, son of James Humphrey & wife Sarah Gillespie. Live at 1446 Wendell Ave, Columbus, O where he is a plasterer.

Clarence Ronald, B July 8, 1910 at home single.

Clara Lucretia, B Nov 12, 1865 ob July 30, 1887 & is buried in Abilene, Kan. mar Oct 12, 1885 here by Edwd Nixon J.P. to Dr Robt E. Massey, son of Henry Massey & wife, Matilda Dolson He died in Topeka, Ks in Dec 1922 of pneumonia aged abt 60. Had one child born in Abilene, Kan.

Mamie Massey, B Jany 1887 ob abt 1909, m. Boyd Blackburn who lives at Lemert, O where he is a M.P. preacher. No issue.

William Finley [son of Robert Finley & Lydia] ob m. Margaret Clemens in Malta Tp. Both died in Malta Tp & are buried at Deerfield g.y. Died rather young & had but one child born in Malta Tp. She died soon after he did & had not remarried.

William Clemens Finley, born probably 1855. He married in this Co Laura Mitchell dau of Martin Mitchell & wife. Both living in Detroit Mich where he is inspector of wood in the Ford shops. Have several children.



John Finley, ob see pages 107-109

Jane Finley, ob. She was weaving at the loom & had a stroke of apoplexy & fell backward. Unmarried. Thinks she died in the fifties.

Elizabeth, m. a Mealy. See June 5, 1923 & page 127.

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[descendant chart]

Mary Ellen Finley married John McDonald. See page 117.


Charles Leland McDonald B July 6, 1874 ob Mch 26, 1905 Buried at Deerfield g.y. M. June 18, 1903 to Florence Bell born May 19, 1880 at Middleburgh, O & died Sept 12, 1923, daughter of Henry Bell & wife Ballinger. he is buried at Deerfield g.y. & she afterwards married A.O. Moor & is buried at East Liberty, O. He had but one child born at Bellefontaine, O.

Ralph Leland McDonald, Born Jany 20, 1904. He is unmarried & lives at Columbus, O where he works in the Ohio N. Bank.

Clara Belle McDonald, B Mch 21, 1876 m.1. July 15, 1897 to Chester W. Gregg, a first cousin of Elmore J. Gregg, son of Joel Gregg & wife Cassie. Divorced in 1907 & had 5 children by him, all born at Porterville, in this Tp. m.2. Mch 11, 1911 to David L. Powell from Dousman, Wisconsin. Both living at No 726 San Pedro Ave, San Antonio, Tex where he has a grocery. They have three children born at Dousman, Wis.

Viola Florence Gregg, B May 8, 1898. Teaches in the grades in Cleveland, O. Single

Lillian Hazel, B Oct 19, 1899. Teaches in High School, Cleveland, O, single

Russell William, Apr 1902, single

Bonnie, single, In San Antonio, Tex with her mother

Birdie Gregg, B Sept 1905 m. Spring of 1924 to Charles Lane of London, O where they live. No issue.

Thos John Powell, B Dec 3d, 1913

Arden, B Aug 8, 1915

Adeline, B Oct 9, 1919

Daisy Lyell McDonald, B Jany 10, 1879 m. Sept 27, 1904 to William J. Kemm born Aug 31, 1879 at Napoleon, O son of Wm J. Kemm & wife Catharine Yackee. Both living at No 415 Mahoning Ave, Warren, O where he is proprietor of a barber shop. Have five children, the oldest born in Los Angeles, Calif, the second in Canton, O & the last three in Youngstown, O. Children are all single.

Mildred Helen, B July 3, 1905

Harold Edgar, B Sept 2, 1906

Nellie Florence, B Feby 2, 1911

William J. Jr, B Oct 17, 1913

Marian Clara, B Nov 8, 1919

Rosa Blanche McDonald B Feby 10, 1881, at home single & is my handsome good informant of the day. Teaches the high school in Ashtabula, O.

Bertha Lelia McDonald, B Nov 19, 1883 m. Dec 27, 1905 to Arthur Errett McCann born June 15, 1880 near Chesterhill, this Co son of Joshua McCann & wife Athelyn Davis. Both living at 2005 Clark Ave, Cleveland, O where he is in charge of the R.E. Dept of the Union Trust Co. Have three children, the oldest born in Crooksville, O, the second at Porterville, O & the third at Cleveland, O.

Bernice Mildred, B Mch 6, 1907 m. Aug 18, 1923 to Basel Myron Kenyon & are living in Cleveland, O & works with Mr McCann. No issue. he was born Aug 8, 1905 in Allegan Co, Michigan.

Beulah Blanche, B July 4, 1909

Francis Clyde, B Nov 27, 1913

Francis Cleveland McDonald, B July 1, 1890 m. Dec 24, 1916 to Olive Humphrey born Dec 24, 1897 at Malta, O dau of James Humphrey & wife Ella Gillespie. Both living in this Tp where he is a farmer. Have three children all born in this Tp on the farm.

Erma Waldine, B Mch 30, 1919

Norma Ruth, B Sept 19, 1922

Wilma Grace, B Mch 18, 1925

V14 Page 120

At residence of David B. Finley, Union Tp, Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta, O route 3) Aug 29, 1925 9:30 AM

This is the old home of David's father, John Finley who was the son of the original John. David's father, John died here & Mrs Finley has hunted out of the lower bureau drawer in this front room a foolscap sheet of paper on which is written a record of the births of the elder John's children & also of his wife Hannah & from which I copy: Refer to page 80.

"Robert Finley was born July 1, 1803

David Finley was born Mch 24, 1805

Rebecca Finley was born Feby 26, 1807

John Finley was born July 7, 1809

Samuel Finley was born July 27, 1811

James Finley was born June 14, 1816

Abraham Finley was born Jany 31, 1823

Hannah Finley was born June 25, 1785

John Finley died Oct 11, 1855 in 79th yr

Hannah Finley died Jany 8, 1878 in 93d yr

James Finley died Oct 18, 1847 aged 31 yrs 9 mos

Rebecca Myers died Mch 12, 1870 aged 63 yrs

Robert Finley died July 16, 1887 aged 84 yrs"

The above are all written by an excellent penman.

On the back in another hand is written:

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"Samuel Finley & Margaret Enlow was married Nov 10, 1836.

Aunt Margaret died Nov 9, 1833

Aunt Lucretia Finley died July 12, 1887

Aunt Crish died July 12, 1887"

Mrs Finley says this was "Uncle Abe's wife"

She also produces a leaf from the bible of David's father, John Finley the younger which shows births of his children by first wife as follows:

Births "Ellen Finley's birth Dec 6th 1833

Henry E. Finley's birth Mch 24, 1836

Hiram Finley's birth Dec 23, 1839

John M. Finley's birth Nov 25, 1850

Rebecca H. Finley's birth Dec 23 (1847)

Sarah E. Finley's birth Dec 14 (1844)"

The above all in same hand. Then follows in another hand & ink:

"Rebecca H. Finley died Nov 15, 1849 (Mrs Finley says Rebecca H. & Sarah E. died when young)

John Finley's birth July 7, 1809 died Jany 10, 1896

(the father of above)

Ellen Finley died May 25, 1905

(this was Mrs Tannehill Mrs Finley says)

Henry E. Finley died Nov 20, 1905

Mary F. Finley born Feby 9, 1818 died June 13, 1908

(this was John's 2d wife, the mother of David & Albert)

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She has also produced the small well preserved bible of Mary R. Finley, the mother of her husband which was printed in NY in 1853 by the American Bible Society. She was daughter of David Baldridge, Senr & wife Mary.

The record in this bible is as follows:

"John Finley & Mary Baldridge was married Nov 7, 1853

John Finley's birth July 7, 1809

Mary R. Finley's birth Feby 9, 1818

David Baldridge Finley's birth June 28, 1858

Albert Addison Finley's birth Dec 29, 1860"

David B. Finley was married on Oct 7, 1886 in Union Tp by Rev Grimes, Pres, to Sarah Amelia Smith, born in Union Tp Sept 19, 1855 daughter of Joseph Smith & his wife Isabel Alexander. Have had four children all born in this house, two dead & two living.

1. Evert Etsel [sic] Finley born Aug 17, 1887, at home unmarried, is a cripple.

2. Effie Belle Finley born Feby 25, 1890, died May 10, 1892

3. Ora Alexander Finley born Aug 17, 1891 mar Dec 25, 1911 in Deerfield Tp by Rev Wilbur, Meth Epis to Ora May Crawford born May 26, 1893 in Deerfield Tp, daughter of Andrew Woodruff Crawford & his wife Hattie Moore. They have two children the oldest born in Deerfield Tp & the younger in

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this Union Tp, viz:

I. Elmer Arthur Finley born Oct 19, 1914

II. Alta Margaret Finley born Mch 17, 1917. He is a farmer in this Tp

4. Arthur Finley born July 17, 1895 & died May 8, 1896. Both children are buried at Deerfield Church.

1. Ellen Finley married James B. Tannehill & lived in Zanesville, O where both died & had but two children:

1. Howard, a lawyer living in the old home at Zanesville

2. William used to live in Zanesville.

2. Henry E. married a Mary Stanbery, daughter of Elias Stanbery. They both died in the west & had but one child:

1. John Finley. Living in the west at the gold mines, they think Nevada.

3. Hiram mar Letitia Woodward, dau of Joseph Woodward & wife Stanbery

She is dead & buried at Deerfield g.y. see page 103 item 29

1. William, living in Oklahoma

3. Charles living up by Sayre, O in Perry Co, O

5. Howard living in Zanesville, O

2. Lulu mar Morgan Davon. She is dead. No issue

4. Fred, away in parts unknown

6. Gertrude died unmarried & buried at Deerfield g.y. by her mother.

See page 126 as I turned two leaves.

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At residence of Walter Finley McConnelsville, O Aug 28, 1925 2 PM

Walter was not in the shop, being reported out in the country, so I came around here, two blocks & found her just finishing some canning. Paul C. Mercer was playing in the yard, so she sent him over to his mother's & he brought over from there the old Joseph Finley bible & the dates of birth & marriage in it were just as given by Mrs Gregg see pages 110 & 111. She also called on the phone Amy Drury Gordon, Jason Drury's wd wife Mabel Torbert & Mrs Frank Finley & got information which enabled me to fill in all the blanks on pages 110 & 111. She said Geo E. Flinn's address is no 1418 Cleveland Ave Columbus, O.

Leaving 2:55 PM

At Albert Addison Finley's Deerfield Tp, Morgan Co, O Aug 29, 1925 8:44 AM

We found Albert A. just coming in with his milk pails, finishing his milking & went in his house, all three rooms of which were in frightfully unkempt condition of bachelor squalor, notwithstanding he is rich in land owning 48 A here 70 A a little further on & also land in Union Tp. Evidently it costs him

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nothing to live. He says his brother David B. has the bible of their father John, son of the original John out here & he has gone to phone him but did not get him. Albert A. says he was born in this Tp near the Deerfield Church on Jany 29, 1860

Leaving 8:55 AM

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From page 123, turning 2 pages in error.

4. John M. Finley is in Colorado married & has 2 boys & 2 girls living & one dead. He married across the river. he used to teach & recently was a street car conductor.

Eber says that Deborah Enlow Finley, first wife of John Finley the younger, page 80, was thrown from an old horse she was riding over by their gate & her leg was frightfully broken, so that the bone protruded & stuck in the ground & she died from it. She is buried at Deerfield g.y.

Leaving 10:55 AM

At 11 AM, when leaving David B's, I noticed a thicket or woods full of extra large & tall locust trees just in front of his house on the hillside facing the finest I have ever seen. His farm contains 165 A his wife said & Eber said it was extra good land. Mrs Finley is a very fine lady & it is due to her care in preserving the records & knowing just where she had put them that I got the very important family records on pages 120 to 123. In going to David B's, we turned off the road to the right, just beyond the present home of Silvey A's mother & brother an old small brick house.

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AT residence of Mary Eleanor McDonald, Deerfield Tp Morgan Co, O (P.O. Malta, O route 1) Aug 29, 1925 11:33 AM

Mr Eber R. Finley dropped me here at his sister's & her daughter Blanche recd us & her mother & father have come in. Eber, when bidding me goodbye here, said he would want to get a book when it comes out. His sister, Mrs McD. says her father, David Finley had a sister Betty Mealy (she pronounced it Mailey) which accounts for the mother of Robert Finley Mealy out from Claysville, Pa who I saw in June 5th 1923. It adds still another additional name to the children of the original Robert, which neither Geo W. or Eber R. knew of. Mrs McDonald says she never lived out here & for that reason, she supposes her brother Eber never heard of her. She said she never saw her "Aunt Betty Mealy" & does not know about her family, but I told her they were living near Claysville, Pa. She never saw the old bible of her grandfather, Robert Finley, nor does she remember or know who got it.

Blanche has brought out their own family bible & from it I am making out the table on page 118 & 117. The bible is a well preserved small one printed by American Bible Society NY in 1882.

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Mr McDonald thinks his wife's Uncle James Finley page 81, married a Moore & she thinks he went to Hocking Co, O & knows nothing further. I see on page 116 that Eber said last night that he married Sarah Darlington. There is 185 A in this farm & Mr McD says he has 40 A three miles over where Franks [sic]

Miss Blanche says to let them know when the book is ready as they will want one.

Leaving 2:17 PM

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At residence of James Fenton Daniels, Kennebec Ave (west side) McConnelsville, O Aug 19, 1925 3:40 PM

Mr Daniels' first wife was Hannah Eleanor Finley second child of Abraham Finley who was the youngest child of the original John. See page 81. Abraham lived for 16 yrs before his death with Mr Daniels & died there on a farm in Penn Tp. I am making a table of Abraham. Mr Daniel [sic] gives me of that family commencing on page 132.

Mr D. says that in the '80s, Jehuthan Finley from Hocking Co, O was at his home in Union Tp. He was older than Mr D.

Rebecca Finley, sister of Abraham married Myers.

Amos who died in 1875 was a very large tall bony many & was up in his 20s when he died as indicated from fighting fire & inhaling smoke.

Mr D. cannot give the names of Amos Finley's two younger children.

Mr Daniel says his grandfather, James Daniel came from London Co, VA to Guernsey Co, O & moved later to Morgan Co, O & went to Iowa to a son's at Springville, Iowa where he died up in 70s

Leaving 6:15 PM

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At residence of Mrs Elizabeth McElfresh, Cemetery Road, Malta, O Aug 29, 1925 7:11 PM

Mrs McElfresh lives on the last house on the right hand side as you start up the cemetery hill & is giving me the data to complete the record on pages 132 & 131 that Mr Daniels could not give.

Mr Amos Finley has come in & says he is 6 ft 1 1/2 & weighs 200. Before he came in, Mrs McElfresh said that Amos had said he wanted a book when it came out & also said he was going to put up a tombstone to his father at Deerfield where he was buried.

Amos says Clara died first & then Sarah Ann, then the unnamed boy, then his father & then his grandmother Finley.

Leaving 7:48 PM

V14 Page 131

[descendant chart]

Amos Finley was born Nov 30, 1875 & Mr Daniel says he was there at the time. He mar 1 Clara Strahl, dau of Harmon Strahl & wife Sarah Sands. She died Oct 4, 1905 & is buried at Wolf Creek g.y. He mar 2. Fannie Hickerson, dau of Wm Hickerson & wife Hattie Power. Both living in Malta Tp where he is a farmer, P.O. Pennsville, O Route 1. He is a perfect specimen of manhood, I would say 6 ft 4 in & weighs over 200 lbs. he is very strong. Mr D. says "strong as a mule". He owns 670 A all of which he has saved by his own labor. Has three children, one by first wife & two by second. All born in Malta Tp.


Guy H. Finley, B Sept 25, 1905 living now in Columbus, O & works in a bank there but is not of age yet.

Darl [sic] Radcliff Finley B Oct 1912

Ross J. Finley, B June 5, 1920

V14 Page 132 & V14 Page 133

[descendant chart]

Abraham Finley, son of the original John was born Jany 31, 1823 & died at the home of his son-in-law, James F. Daniel Penn Tp Sept. He married Lucretia Rees, a sister of Rebecca Rees, the mother of Eber, the two sisters having married first cousins. Lucretia was born near Roseville, O & died in Union Tp on Wolf Creek about 1886 in a July or Aug aged 61 yrs. She & her husband who died in his 81st yr are buried together at Deerfield g.y. but do not have any markers. The only marker being to their daughter Clara, who was the first one in his family to die. He sent security for an oil man which broke him up. He was a tall slim bony man, fully 6 ft high & was always a farmer. He studied to be a doctor, but when his brother James died, he was called back to the farm. They had seven children, the first children were born in Deerfield Tp & the younger in Union Tp see page 81.


Amos Finley, B 1849 ob May 22, 1875 m. Jany 6, 1875 to Elizabeth Willis born Jany 1, 1857 dau of Jno Willis & his wife Rebecca lent. She mar 2d James McElfresh, who has died & she lives in Malta, O the last house on right hand side as you go up to cem. He had but one child born posthumous in Malta Tp.

Amos Finley, B Nov 30, 1875 see page 131

Hannah Finley, B Sept 13, 1850 ob May 22, 1918 in Penn Tp & is buried in Malta Union Cem. M. Dec 28, 1876 in Union Tp by Rev Chas B. Taylor, Pres to James Fenton Daniel, born July 31, 1853 in Penn Tp, son of John Daniel & wife Elizabeth Torbet. Had four children, the oldest & youngest born in Union Tp, the second born in Hormer Tp & the third in Trimble Tp, Athens Co, O. He mar 2d Mch 19, 1922 to Mrs Nancy Jane Henderson nee Knox & Mr D is her third husband.

Lulu Bell Daniel, B Nov 8, 1877, m.1. Oct 15, 1899 Charles Newberry B. Mch 18, 1873 son of James Newberry & his wife Lydia M. Updyke. Divorced May 20, 1905 at New Lexington, O separated Oct 1903. M.2. Sept 26, 1908 to Joseph Reverda Best born July 29, 1876 Morgan Co, O son of Albert T. Best & wife Alcinda Hann. Both living Penn Tp. 2 children by each husband, 1st two born in Union Tp & last two in Penn Tp P.O. Pennsville, O RR no 1.

Nellie Mae Best, B July 21, 1899 m. Mch 11, 1922 to Vivian Wise B Sept 5, 1899 at Deavertown, O son of Willard Wise & wife Georgianna Buchanan.

Robert, B Dec 31, 1922

Ina May, B June 5, 1925

Clarence Earl Daniel, B Mch 16, 1901 m. Dec 23, 1924 to Emma Davis dau of Wm Davis & wife Mrs Amanda Jones. Born May 19, 1903 near Rosseau, O

Lawrence Best, B Aug 25, 1912

Russell Best, B Dec 21, 1914

John Finley Daniel, B Aug 24, 1879 m. about 1901 or 1902 to Effie Raney dau of James Raney & wife Williams. Both living at Long Beach, Calif where he works at a dairy. Have two children, oldest born in union Tp & youngest in Hardin Co, O. P.O. no 235 Elm Ave Long Beach, Calif.

Grace Daniel, B June 1903, at home, unmarried

Leonard Paul Daniel, B Nov 1915?

Lawrence Wilbert, B Jany 19, 1881 m. June 1, 1907 to Marie Paulsen born Feby 24, 1883 in Germany at Hamburg, dau of Heinrich Paulsen & wife Maria Breckwoldt. Both living at 1536 Wilton Ave, Chicago, Ills where he is a bookkeeper. No issue.

Perley Blaine Daniel, B Feby 2, 1888 m. Aug 12, 1908 in Covington, Ky to Elsie Drake, born Jany 3, 1890 in Malta Tp, daughter of Charles Drake & his wife Jennie Radcliff. Have three children born in Crooksville, O. Live in Penn Tp where Mr D. is a farmer.

Juanita Marie, B Jany 28, 1909 m. Aug 1, 1925 at McC by Rev Stevens, Church of Christ, to William Leonard Hickerson, born Nov 1902 in Penn Tp, son of Wm Hickerson & wife Hattie Power. He is a farmer. Probably at Mt Vernon today.

Isola Leone, B Nov 8, 1910

Frances Lucile, B Dec 23, 1920

Clara Finley, [dau of Abraham Finley] B Jany 3, 1853 ob Sept 10, 1854 buried at Deerfield g.y.

Sarah Ann Finley, ob when a small girl, buried at Deerfield but does not

have a marker.

Warren Finley, B 1857 ob. He got killed before his father's death 3 or 4 yrs near the Deerfield Ch by a limb falling on him. Mar Black fr Perry Co, O. They separated abt a year after marriage. No issue.

Unnamed son, Born & died the same day

Ida May Finley, the youngest b 1870 as she was 6 yrs old when Mr D. was married. Mar Herbert Power of Zanesville. She was at her first cousin, John M. Finley's in Denver, Col when her father died, but after leaving his home, she has never been heard of. Had no children. Her husband got a divorce, remarried & lives in Zanesville, O. he is son of Elberti Finley, daughter of John of Uncle Robert, see page 108 & go see him.

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Kennebec Hotel office Aug 29, 1925 9 PM

I have just come in & find several memorandums I had penciled down yesterday & today & am making note of them here:

Silvey A. Finley said yesterday see page 107 that there is a:

Robert Finley at Gaysport, O a bachelor. This is just across the line in Muskingum Co & I have arranged to stop there in the morning on my way to Zanesville. He is 75 to 80 yrs old & is rich. Eber told of his keeping his wool because of low prices & it accumulated year after year until he had a crop which sold for $18,000 & it was so matted together he had to take a pick to separate it. It is 14 miles from here & the bus stops there.

Mrs Harper, who I saw on the street in front of this hotel said that neither David nor Samuel, brothers of her grandfather James Finley, children of old Uncle David, had any children although both were married. Samuel was married twice: 1st to Margaret Ray an excellent woman & 2d to Tamer Grubb, a young girl of abt 26 who was bout 50 yrs younger than him, who is still living down back of Ringgold, O though very feeble & old. while her great Uncle Samuel was an active Meth Epis, this wife was a bad character. Said to ask Eber.

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Hiram Finley who was at the reunion had a sister who married a Tannehill & her son, Howard Tannehill is an attorney at Zanesville, O. Hiram's half brothers, Albert & David live not far from Eber's she said & Mrs Harper thinks David would have his father's bible.

She said Mrs Payne has an old Finley bible. She is a daughter of Isom, who was son of Samuel, son of old Uncle John. It is probably her grandfather Samuel's bible she has, see page 81 & go see her at Worthington, O near Columbus, O. Mr Harper then came up with Eber R. Finley & if he had not hunted him up, I would have missed him, as he had about given up finding me & was just starting home.

James F. Daniel said that Isom Finley broke up his father, Samuel, who kept furnishing him money & endorsing for him. he said Isom had a store & his father raised him $7000 in cash once to go to Phila to buy goods & he came back home without money or goods. he fell in with some gamblers who fleeced him out of his money.

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At residence of Harry Burous Fouts, Center St, Malta, O Aug 29, 1925 7:50 PM

Mr Fouts says his son-in-law, Frank Perry Finley is a son of Perry Finley who was son of Samuel of Uncle John, see page 81. Frank P. Finley lives at 1454 Euclid St, N.W. Washington D.C. Apt 3. He was married in Deerfield Tp by Rev W.J. Mills Presbyterian, to Jessie O'Dell Fouts born in Deerfield Tp at Tridadelphia, O Nov 24, 1885 daughter of Harry Burous Fouts & his first wife Lydia Ann Anderson. They have had two sons:

1. Frances Fouts Finley born at Atlanta, O July 12, 1907

2. Maurice born 1909 & died in 1913, see item 30 page 103

Perry Finley is also buried in Deerfield g.y. but his widow, Mrs Mallie Finley is still living around among her children & is now here on a visit but lives mostly with her son Frank P, who they think wd have his father's bible record.

Leaving 8:08 PM

At residence of Judge H.M. Finley, McConnelsville, O Aug 29, 1925 8:25 PM

The judge admitted me & hunted for the letter fr the Mo Finley who had written him but could not find it. He said he wanted a book. Harold asked me to write him & I told him I would. Will give him the record I got today of the orig John.

Left 8:50 PM

[margin note reads:] It has just struck eleven & I am written up to date JVT.

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At residence of Robert Henderson Finley, Blue Rock Tp, Muskingum Co, O (P.O. Duncan Falls RFD 1 Ohio) Aug 30, 1925 9:25 Am

I arrived here about 8:15 AM on the bus from McConnelsville, O & was met at the kitchen door by Mr Finley who introduced me to his niece, Mrs Carrie Gault Siler of No 1895 East 101st St, Cleveland, O. Her son Robert Lyle Siler has come in. He is president of his class & is a junior at East High school Cleveland, O & is preparing to enter college, most probably Princeton. Mr Finley says his father was James & his grandfather Robert Finley. Says his grandfather came from Penna & he thinks from Washington Co as told to him by his father & his Uncle Stephen. His grandfather died in this Tp before his time & thinks he was not very old. Said he took a severe cold & Dr Mason was called & thought there was not much the matter, but he died in a few days from pneumonia.

As near as this date can be fixed, it was 1838. Robt H. said he was buried on the farm, but when he, my informant, who was born in 1856, was 7 yrs old say 1863, he was taken up & moved to Duncan Falls Cem right near the town & was re-interred there in "the old yard" there are two right side by side. He remembers that they told him

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that he had been buried 25 yrs which would make it 1838. Mr F. remembers his grandmother Finley very well & in an old bible, her death is recorded as occurring in 1877. He says his grandmother was a German from Fredericktown, Maryland, the Barbara Frietsche town. he thinks she was considerable over 80 as much as 85 or more when she died. She died up at the home place where she lived with her youngest son Henry S. Finley, father of Franz Sigel Finley, Atty of Mt Pleasant, Iowa with whom I corresponded. Henry S. fought in the Civil War under Genl Sigel & named his son for him. Thinks she was born in Frederick, Md. A "Historical Atlas of Muskingum Co, Ohio, illustrated L.H. Everts & Co 1875"

On page 22 3/4 under Wayne Tp, it says:

as early as 1802, a portion of section 32 was settled on by James Finley. He was a weaver by profession from Pennsylvania & squatted on the land".

Mrs Siler thinks this was their earliest ancestor of whom they have nay record but Mr Finley does not know whether he was the father of his grandfather Robert or not, but he may have been. Says he knows nothing of any brothers of Robert & thinks that he

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was the only one of the family out here. However, look up at Zanesville for his will & for deeds to & from him. His niece, Mrs Siler says F.S. Finley of Mt Pleasant, Iowa has figured out & states that this Robert was a cousin (thought first) of David, John & Robert, the three brothers who came to Morgan Co, O see pages 80 & 81.

On the same page in the Atlas, under Blue Rock Tp it say Blue Rock Tp was organized Jany 6, 1814 & was 6 miles square. It was subdivided into two road districts Apr 23, 1814. "There being no cause so that crossing could be made. Robert Finley, clerk, stood on one bank of the river & swore the constable James Larrison, who stood on the other side, hat off & hand up into office." "the Tp was mostly settled by Pennsylvanians from Chester Co. Robert Finley settled where H.S. Finley now lives".

"The first couple married in the Tp were Stephen Reeve & Mary Briggs on Apr 7, 1803. Reeve now lives on Salt Creek in his 95th yr. The next couple married in the Tp were Robert Finley & Catherine Baker, a half sister of Samuel Outro in 1811".

Duncan Falls in is South corner of Wayne Tp which extends up to Zanesville.

In the Illustration is the Brewery of Merkle Bros in Zanesville, O.

Mr Finley says his grandfather had six sons & one daughter. I am making a table commencing on page 142 listing them he says in proper order of birth.

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Mrs Siler says her recollection is that her Uncle Stephen, her Aunt Mary & her grandfather told her that James, who settled in Wayne Tp in 1802 was the father of Robert, who settled in Blue Rock Tp. Robert H. recalls being told that at the time of the big flood in 1818, his grandfather, Robert Finley carried out his three oldest children, John, James & Stephen in a bed tick with their heads sticking out, the water being up to his chin & it was with great difficulty that he kept his feet as the water at some low places was deeper. At the same time, Robert's wife, Catharine carried out the baby which was Mary. This farm was a mile above here & in the flood of 1913 the house was swept away & also a Sutro home & another.

Mrs Siler says she will send the additional information about her father & brother.

An old bible here printed in Stanford in 1866 by Case, Lockwood & Co they thin must have belonged to an old Methodist preacher Rev McAbee who used to stop often with Mr Finley's father, has the following records:

"Isaac Newton McAbee born in Westmoreland Co, Pa Aug 2, 1804"

Mrs Siler says F.S. Finley has all the record including the old bible

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of his grandfather James Finley & to apply to him. He probably would have the Robert Finley bible. They have gotten dinner & it is now 1 PM & I am having dinner with them as I left too early at 7 this morning to get breakfast. Mr Finley appeared this morning in his bare feet & is of the typical, heavy set Finley build. Mr Finley said he was a pretty bad boy & apropos thereof said their family doctor once said in speaking of him & his mother nee Nancy Henderson that "Nancy Henderson had a very nice girl, but her boy was a raging lion". He said the land where this house is, was bought either by his grandfather Robt Finley or three of his older sons including James from a Thompson, John or William he thought, who lived on the hill above & who his grandmother told him was a very good religious man. Of this Thompson land, Robert's Uncle Stephen got 320 A on the hill & this tract went to James viz 198 A. The home tract taken up by Robert went to his son Henry S. The other two sons John & David went to Ottumwa, Iowa before my informant was born. The corn crop still continues good & Lorenzo Walker said this morning that he never had seen as good a crop of corn, as this year. Coming down on the bus, a Mrs Kelly of Youngstown, O nee Russell sd her grandfather here, Benson Russell was 92 yrs old. Said this Berry Hotel was built up & owned & run by a colored man, who sold it 3 yrs ago & built himself here & very fine

V14 Page 142 & V14 Page 143

[descendant chart]

Robert Finley, came from Penna to Muskingum Co, O & died in Blue Rock Tp of pneumonia about 1838 & was buried on his farm (the only grave) in Blue Rock Tp. Removed about 1863 to the cemetery at Duncan Falls, O. Married in 1811 to Catharine Baker who died on the farm he had taken up, almost 40 yrs after his death, on Monday, Feby 26, 1877. Their six sons & one daughter were born on the Blue Rock Tp farm. see b 25 p 601.


John Finley, B 1814 ob . M. He died in Ottumwa, Iowa & left a large family.

Robert, ob m. a Taylor. Both died in Ottumwa.

Lorene, m. Wm A. Harper, Jr & lives in Ottumwa

Julietta, m. Finley

Catharine, ob in Ottumwa, Iowa, Unmarried.

Emma, m. Cain & lived in Ottumwa, & had 5 children.

Samuel, m.

Charles, was in business in Ottumwa with his father.

Lloyd, m., but no issue

Clara, m. Calvin Hartman & lives in Wash or Oregon & has 4 children.

James Finley, born Aug 4, 1816 & died in this house Jany 1900 [faded word looks like nr 83] m. Nov 15, 1850 Nancy Henderson born Feby 7, 1826 in Harrison Tp, dau of Robert Henderson & Minthey Dickson. She died Jany 20, 1911. He was a farmer & Salt manufacturer & boat builder. They are buried at Duncan Falls, Cem new part & have marker. She joined Pres Ch when 17 at Findlay, O when attending school. They had 5 children all born in this Tp.

Eva Alice, ob

Ada Mary, B Oct 19, 1854 ob Aug 6, 1889 here & is buried at Duncans Falls, O. M. Nov 4, 1875 at New Concord, O by Rev Faris Brown to James Lyle Gault, born Dec 6, 1852 son of ______ Gault & his wife Louisa Lyle. He was born in Burgettstown, Pa & died May 27, 1905 in McConnelsville, O & is buried at Duncan Falls, O. He was a merchant. Had two children, both born in Zanesville, O.

Carrie Burton Gault, B Nov 29, 1876 m. Dec 25, 1900 here to Clarence L. Siler. Born July 13, 1870 son of Christian F. Siler & wife Elizabeth Souders. Both living in Cleveland, O where he is a carpenter, one child.

Robert Lyle Siler, born Dec 8, 1908 at Malta, O

Wilbur Graham Gault, B Mch 1, 1978 m. 1911? at New Concord, O to Emma Dickson, dau of Thomas Dickson. Both living at New Concord, O where he is a druggist. Children born at New Concord, O.

James Dickson

Adalyn Robert Henderson, B Nov 19, 1856, my informant. Unmarried.

John Finley, B Mch 8, 1863 ob Jany 27, 1914 unmarried. buried at

Duncan, Falls, O.

Carrie, ob

Stephen Reeves Finley, ob unmarried. Buried at Duncan Falls, O. He died after James, they lived on the hill & later came here & died aged about 84 yrs.

Mary Finley, ob unmarried. Buried at Duncan Falls, O

David Finley, ob m. Had six children or more

Joseph Finley, ob unmarried. Buried at Duncan Falls, O. Died at home place aged abt 76.

Henry S. Finley, ob m. to Annie Trimble dau of James Trimble & wife Barr. Both buried at Rural Dale, O had 12 children & his son F.S. Finley Mt Pleasant, Iowa can give record & Mrs Siler will write him to send it to me & also record of his Uncle David's family.

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At residence of George McClelland Jack No 374 Richland Ave, Athens, O (P.O. Athens, O. RD 1) Aug 31, 1925 10:10 AM

Mr Jack is away from home at Columbus, O for a week attending the state fair. He does not have any old Jack bibles but does have his own bible records. Mrs Jack says that his grandfather, Edward Jack was the earliest one she knows of & he came here at an early day from Guernsey Co, O & bought a big farm of over 300 A abt 4 miles east of Albany in Alexander Tp this Co. He died when Geo M. was a small boy & was buried up on the hill on his own farm & his widow died there a few years later. he had a large family. She had a son who lived there called Wm Dickey indicating that she may have been married before. His children were:

1. Joseph, never married, died there suddenly

2. Mary Ann never married died there

3. Matthew married twice

4. Margaret married Gibson Daugherty

5. Phoebe married Elias Robinson

6. Sarah Jane, never married. Lived a mile off by herself where she died is buried at Hanning Cem adjg.

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7. Nancy, never married, died at old home

8. "Betsy" never married buried on place

Joseph, Mary Ann & Nancy are all buried at Hanning Cem on the way out to the farm from Albany, but does not think they had markers.

5. Phoebe had about 5 children:




Caleb, dead

Sarah Ellen

4. Margaret had 2 children

Mary Daugherty

Andrew Daugherty died in North Dakota, unmarried.

2. Mary Ann had a natural daughter Euphemia (dau of Elzie Brooks). She married Levi Hawk & died in this house without issue 3 yrs ago last Oct aged 62 yrs & is buried at the Wello Cem in Meigs Co below Pagetown or Downington. Her mother willed the farm to Mary Daugherty expecting her to take care of Euphemia, but she did not & willed it to a boy they took from the county home to raise. His name is Edward Bolton & he lives there now & owns the farm & Mrs J. says there were several old Jack bibles there if not destroyed. Mary Daugherty died

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there about 2 yrs ago.

Old Edward Jack gave his son Matthew 3 A when he was first married on which a log cabin was built. He mar 1. Jerusha Reeves, dau of Reuben Reeves, & wife Betsy Gibson. he had children by her in order: 1. Rebecca Jane

2. Mary Ellen

3. Sarah Elizabeth

4. Rosella

5. Melissa

6. George McClelland next, born July 22, 1863.

Mar 2d Julian Ann. & later moved to Hocking Co, thinks to Sand Run or Jobes in the mining dists & had:

7. James

8. John

9. Thomas

10. Burn, a boy

11. Ann

12. Nora, the youngest

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He died ten or more years ago & is buried in Green Law Cem in Hocking Co about a mile, this side of Nelsonville, O but don't think there is a marker.

Geo M. Jack was mar 1. to Olive Tewksberry Oct 8, 1884 & she died Apr 5, 1885 in childbirth of a daughter that died. She was a little older than him. Mar 2. Mch 17, 1888 to Sarah Ann Bolin born Mch 3, 1867 in Meigs Co, O Scipio Tp, daughter of Thos Bolin & wife Elizabeth Welsh. Mr Jack is a coal miner & owns this home on a 75 ft front lot.

Leaving 10:50 AM

Athens, Ohio, Hotel Berry Room 239 Aug 31, 1925 10 PM

I got up at 6:30 this morning & took a cold bath, got my breakfast & at 8:11 AM got the Athens Home Tel Co, directory for July to Dec 1925 & found:

Carrothers, Prof Geo E. 4402 Res 17 Kurtz Ave

Jack, G.M. 5932 Res 374 Richland Ave

Kilgore, Robert 3844 Res 3 Stewart ST

Killgore, L.M. 212 R Store Canaansville, O

I then asked Paul Cotner a student here

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serving the vacation period as "bell hop" who gave me directions which I followed viz:

I walked down N. Court one square, turned to right & went four blocks & then to left & was at No 17 Kurtz Ave where a gray haired lady & her daughter said Prof Geo E. Carrothers had moved to Elmwood Ave, but were now away from home on a touring trip. Leaving there at 9 AM. I walked back to the hotel & hot as it was, walked out South Court St & going in the grounds, the janitor mowing the lawn directed me to the registrars office in the bit Ewing Hall, where they told me, after phoning the landlady with whom he rooms, that Prof Harry Scott, Prof of Latin & was out of town & would not return until one week before Sept 21, when school begins. I left there at 9;33 AM

I then continued out to the end of South Court street & turned to the right on west Mulberry St & crossed the bridge over the Hocking River & was on Richland Ave & walking out it a long stretch along a rich bottom planted in garden where I saw over 50 at work on the right & which coming in tonight Elmer Searls of Albany, O my autoist of the afternoon said was the 400 A of the Ohio State Hospital, sequestered on the

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hill above, among the trees, & have he said 1500 patients & 200 attendants, I bore to the left & continuing on some distance, came to 374 Richland, the home of Geo M. Jack where I found his wife hanging the washing out on the line. She came in the house & gave me record. See pages 144-147.

Paul Cotner told he his mother Mrs H.W. Cotner, 1716 N. High St Columbus, O is a genealogist at the museum at Ohio State there. Get tel no in directory.

Mrs Geo M. Jack said a brother of Edward Jack was very wealthy & lived & died in some distant part of the U.S., but there was not enough get up in the relatives here to go after his fortune. Said to ask Edwd Bolton about him. Edward Jack's children were all born before he came here, probably in Guernsey Co, O as he came here from there in the month of a March. They had lots of hogs, cattle, horses & stock on their farm. She said a bus left Athens a quarter before eleven & came by her house so at that time, we went out & hailed it & the driver, Howard Lowther, let me out at Elmer Searls just as we were entering Albany & arranged with him to take me right away out

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to Boltons, the old Jack home. While waiting for him to get ready, met his grand niece, little Helen Higgins whose mother is dead & whose father is a son of W.E. Higgins of Waynesburg,Pa whose wife now dead was a Tewkesbury, a sister of Mr Searls' wife. Helen is a very thoughtful helpful little girl. Driving out, we came to the:

Haning Cemetery Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O Aug 14, 1925 12:12 PM

which is 2 1/2 miles out of Albany & I noted there: (page 103)

32. Gibson Daugherty Co H 73d Ohio Inf

David M. Daugherty B Aug 29, 1801 ob June 11, 1888

Rebecca, wife of D.M. Daugherty ob Sept 20, 1834 aged 29 yrs

Fanny, wife of D.M. Daugherty ob Mch 13, 1882 aged 64 yrs

children of D.M. & Fannie:

Silvanus, ob Feby 3, 1877 aged 41 yrs 17 days

33. John Daugherty Co F 13th WVA Inf

Leaving 12:22 PM

We then drove down the hill to the left in front of the long g.y. & were:

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At residence of W. Edward Bolton, Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O (P.O. Albany, O RD 2?) Aug 31, 1925 12:40 PM

Mr Bolton was away at his work & would not be back until the end of the week, but his wife, who was very kind, brought out the old bible of Gibson Daugherty inscribed in front with his name on July 10, 1870 & published by the Am. Bible Soc at NY 1867 which gave record as follows:

"Gibson Daugherty, born June 1, 1821.

Margaret S. Daugherty born Jany 29, 1818

Mary E. Daugherty, dau of Gibson & Margaret born Apr 1, 1858

Albert J. Daugherty, son of G & M Daugherty born Oct 13, 1854

Gibson & Margaret Daugherty (nee Jack) was married Apr 22, 1852

Gibson Daugherty died Aug 10, 1881

Margaret S. Daugherty died Aug 30, 1892

Albert J. Daugherty died June 11, 1885 in Hospital at Fargo, Cass Co, South Dakota"

Another old big split in two bible printed by Am Bible Soc NY in 1866 had this family record in it:

"Jane Dugen was born in 1773 died in 1826 married Joseph Minteer 1785. Joseph Minteer Snr was born in 1770, died 1823

Nelly Minteer was born 1794, Sept, died in Sept 30, 1872. Married Edward

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Jack 1816

Edward Jack born 1786

Mary Ann Jack was born in Jefferson Co, O Sept 22, 1822 ob Apr 4, 1898 aged 75 yrs 6 mos 13 days

Euphemia Jack (natural daughter of Mary Ann Jack see page 145) was born Jany 28, 1857 ob Oct 13, 1919

Joseph Jack died Aug 7, 1897"

On an old crumpled leaf of a bible record that Mrs Bolton found folded up in one of the old testaments was the following record of:


Nancy Jack was born Oct 6, 1824

Elizabeth Jack was born Apr 25, 1826

Margaret S.C. Jack was born Jany 29, 1828

*Matthew Jack was born Mch 23, 1831

Nelly Jack was born Nov 16, 1832

Phebe Jack was born Jany 13, 1834"

(*The last figure on this was torn off & I thought it should be 1830, but Mrs Hamilton, who I saw later in the day, insisted so strenuously that her father & mother were born on the same day & year, that I changed it & then changed Nelly's birth from 1831 to 1832. I think Mrs H. is wrong that her father is just 1 yr older than her mother & his date should be 1830 & Nelly's 1831. See what his bible record, if found, says.)

Milford went up in the attic & brought down the following record written on a sheet of paper:

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"Robert Dickey was born Mch 24, 1780 (or 1786)

Robert Dickey & Nellie Minter [sic] married Nov 1, 1810

The first child:

William Dickey was born Aug 14, 1811

William Dickey & Sarah Allaway was married Dec 29, 1831.

Sarah Allaway was born Sept 15, 1804"

I then started at 1:15 PM with the children, viz Garnet, 11 yrs old, but large & broad but lithe & active & weighing fully 150 lbs, but lithe active & jolly & Russell, 9 yrs old & little tow headed Mary 5 yrs old, as guides to the graves up on the hill grown up all around with trees, through which the sheep run, almost straight up & which I never would have found without them & we were at:

The Old Jack graveyard on a sharp narrow ridge among the trees, Alexander Tp, Aug 31, 1925

This was on land owned by the Jacks when the graves were made, but is now owned by Sandusky Wood Yard & is to the right of the main road going past the old Jack brick house, but to the left of a road which turn to the right, just below the house, the Jacks having sold what was beyond this last road. The inscriptions there on good, well preserved stones are:

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34. Edward Jack died May 8, 1861 aged 75 yrs 8 mos 14 days

Elizabeth, daughter of Edward & Elenor Jack died Mch 20, 1866 aged 39 yrs 10 mos 23 days

Edward Jack Co G 141 Ohio Inf

Left 1:40 PM

Mrs Bolton says her father, Hiram Buck living now at Reedsville in Meigs Co was born Oct 1, 1836 in Ohio near Guysville, O. He had a brother Geo Buck.

I recall that I found Bucks among the Jacks in Switzerland Co, Indiana in Oct 1921.

We were back at the Bolton house at 1:55 PM & Mrs Bolton had found an old letter directed to "Mr Edward Jack, Downington, Meigs Co, Ohio postmarked Phila Oct 9, 3 cts paid as follows"

"Phila Oct 10, 1854

Mr Edward Jack, Dear Sir," States in "answer to your inquiry, our grandfather, Edward Jack lived better than one mile & half from Newton Stewart, the town land of Balley Mulerty. My grandmother's name was Mary Caldwell. My father Edward Jack was born 1755, my Uncle John Jack 1757, Uncle James 1759.

The family bible records my Uncle James having three children before he left Ireland viz:

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Agnes Jack

Edward Jack born 1785. It was he to whom the letter was directed, see item 34 above which figures his birth as Aug 24, 1785

& Mary Jack

My father Edward Jack was married to Catharine Keys. He then settled in Newton Steward. She had 3 sons & 2 daughters.

By his second marriage, he had no children. She died, he then married our mother Margret Lutch. She had just two children, myself & sister Catharine. Our eldest brother Oliver was a surgeon in the British Navy. He died a good many years since in London, brother Richard died in this country, my brother John, the youngest lived in Phila for better than 30 yrs. He was a printer. We came here after my father's death 1834. My mother died the same year. We lived with our brother until his death. He died in 1850. He was never married, both our sisters is [sic] dead, one here & one in Ireland. We are the only children alive from Father's family. My father never heard from your father or his brother John, but he always understood my Uncle John was never married. Let us know what he done for a living or in what part of the country he resided.

Elizabeth Jack

Catherine Jack"

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Another letter from them two years letter [sic I think he means later] was:

"Phila Nov 10, 1856

To Dear Cousin Edward

Ackg receipt of letter from him they say they had a letter from Lancaster that James is going to break up house keeping next spring & intends to rent most of the farm. Speaks of a John Fulton & also excuses themselves for not receiving his son as they lived alone & were timid about strangers & were very sorry they didn't know it was him.

Elizabeth Jack

Catharine Jack"

On Saturday last Aug 29th, a Mr Joe Jack from Nevada was here to see the old place & was going to Nelsonville, O to visit his niece who was with him. He was a nephew of Joseph Jack the bachelor.

There was an Edward Jack killed in a mill explosion. He was a Civil War soldier & is buried upon the hill, see item 34 page 154. The widow, Louisa Jack, living up near Albany, O is his widow & a son of his named Clark Jack is also buried there. He was drowned in the creek down here when 14 yrs old before his father was killed.

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Mrs Bolton says Jacks had 600 A here at one time & kept selling off until there was only 70 Acres left. She says old man Dickson living in the neighborhood says this house is over 100 yrs old. They say Edward Jack was killed Apr 24, 1891 & when found, he had a tight grip on the monkey wrench so Milford says. The children I saw, now counting the baby viz:

Milford Bolton was born Aug 11, 1912

Garnet Bolton was born Apr 1, 1914

Russell Bolton was born Aug 12, 1916

Mary Bolton was born Mch 27, 1920

The old small bible printed by Am Bible Soc in NY in 1869 which Mrs Bolton sent her son Milford on horseback over to her married daughter's to get, has this record, all of which I think I had from previous data.

"Margaret S. Daugherty died Aug 30, 1892 at 10 o'c the night, buried Sept 1.

Joseph Jack died Aug 7, 1897

Gibson Daugherty died Aug 10, 1891

Mary Ann died Apr 4, 1888

It was raining 2:30 to 3:30 & we waited & Mrs Bolton found a cft signed by Ethan Allen Brown, Gov of Ohio, which shows appointment of Edward Jack as Capt of 8th Co of 2nd Reg, 1st Brigade & 6th Dist of the militia of this state, dated July 7, 1819. She also produced a deed from Wm

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Dudley & wife to Edward Jack dated in 1848 wherein for $1700 two tracts, one of 100 A & the other of 80 A are conveyed.

Left 3:33 PM

We then drove on over very slippery roads until we came to the home of Mr Searls' daughter who married a Carbaugh, the only child of a Mr Carbaugh who died recently owning two farms & other property which the widow & son inherit. We drove in the shed there & Mr Searls put on chains & his daughter brought each of us out a big piece of good custard pie. We drove on some five miles further & were at the:

Residence of Eli Hamilton, Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O (P.O. Albany O route 3) Aug 31, 1925 4:50 PM

Mrs Bolton said she had given one of the Jack bibles to Mrs Hamilton, a relative & we came over to see it. Mrs H. is a big broad fleshy woman of I should say 200 lbs & is a daughter of Matthew Jack. As she had the Reeves bible, she gave the one Mrs Bolton gave her to her sister, Sarah Sees, wife of Samuel Sees, who is living right in Everson, WVA a little mining place not far from Clarksburg, WVA

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She produced from the Reeves bible of her grandfather Reuben Reeves a couple sheets of paper on which the record was written as follows:

"Reuben Reeves was born Aug 30, 1793

Elizabeth, his wife was born Nov 17, 1797 (nee Gibson) Their children:

Nancy Reeves was born Aug 16, 1814

Mathias Reeves was born Oct 7, 1816

Delilah Reeves was born July 11, 1818

David Reeves was born Mch 30, 1820

Ivy Reeves was born Mch 18, 1822

Samuel Reeves was born Apr 5, 1824

Stacy Reeves was born July 22, 1826

Mary Reeves was born June 25, 1829

Jerusha Reeves was born Mch 23, 1831

Eli Reeves was born Mch 7, 1833

Rebecca Reeves was born Dec 25, 1835

James Reeves was born Dec 3, 1836

John Reeves was born Dec 2, 1838

Elizabeth Reeves was born Feby 15, 1841

Mary E. Jack sister of Mrs H. see page 146 was born Mch 8, 1854 & died Feby 9, 1923. She married Charles W. Reeves son of Isaac Reeves ( a brother of her grandfather, Reuben Reeves) & his wife Alice Robinett.

Charles W. Reeves was born Apr 17, 1860 & died Dec 27, 1913

Her children:

Clara Etta Cuckles born May 20, 1872

Bertha R. Reeves born Apr 2, 1880

Eli Burton Reeves born Sept 4, 1881 & died Mch 9, 1882

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Orlando Reeves born Feby 16, 1883

Harley E. Reeves born Aug 25, 1884

George W. Reeves born Dec 29, 1886

Carrie Ethel Reeves born Mch 28, 1889

They are all married, but Carrie Ethel & she is working out.

Rosella Jack, my informant, said her mother had two children younger than her, see page 146 & that she was born on the Jack farm in this Tp, but not in the brick house on Feby 2, 1859 & was married July 26, 1883 in Scipio Tp, Meigs Co, O to Eli Hamilton born Dec 1, 1858 in this Tp, son of Wesley Hamilton & wife Mary Wyant. No issue. Mr Hamilton says the brick house was known as the Dudley house & he probably built it, the brick Eli said, were made right there on the place. Dudley sold the farm to Edward Jack in 1848 & Mr Hamilton thinks that was when he came here from Guernsey Co, O.

He says Edward Jack had a son James who he thinks was older than Joseph. James married & had children, lived in this Tp & thinks died East of Albany, up on the hill above Chase. He was an old man when Mr Hamilton was a kid.

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His children were:

William Jack

Edward Jack

Joseph Jack

Dallas Jack

Sarah Jack

Elizabeth Jack

"Bill" died in Nelsonville, O & had children, a so lives now at Columbus, O.

Edward was killed at explosion of mill.

Joseph, living

Dallas died 20 yrs ago, unmarried

Sarah married a Giffin. Both dead at Longstreth

Elizabeth mar Hugh Daugherty. Both dead. She in Athens O & he in Meigs Co O. Had children.

Mrs Hamilton says positively that her father & her mother who was Jerusha Reeves were born on exactly same day & year. Mr Hamilton thinks the Dudley farms were the first bough by Edward Jack & he remembers when the area up this way was bought by Joe, Mary Ann & Sarah Jane in his recollection. He thinks his wife's grandmother Jack was buried up on the hill by her husband. He recollects seeing her about the house before she died, old & tottery, but has no recollection of seeing her husband. Mrs H.

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says her father, Matthew Jack died in the mining district in this state. Eli thinks it was 12 or 15 yrs after their own marriage that he died & is buried at Green Lawn Cem near Nelsonville, O. Some of his children by 2d wife are living about Nelsonville, O.

Leaving 5:40 PM

We then drove into the edge of Albany & were at:

Residence of Elzie Bodkin, Lee Tp, Athens Co, O Aug 31/25 6 PM

Mr B. was in the stable yard when we drove in & his wife came out in a drizzling rain to the machine. The widow, Louisa Jack who had been living on their farm moved on Aug 16, 1925 as soon as she got her pension which is $30 a month. She moved to her niece's, Mrs Isaac Daly, living on Route 2 out from Guysville. Mrs Daly is a daughter of Mrs Jack's sister & came for her & she took all of her effects, many old thinks with her so Mrs B. said & probably some old bibles. She wasn't able to walk. She says she is 74, but Mrs B. thinks she is 78. Is getting childish. Her

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husband was killed in the explosion at the old Hamilton Mill. Her son, Jesse Jack lives now at Parkersburg, WVA. Her maiden name was Brickles Leaving 6:05 PM

Mr Searles [sic] says Albany, O is on the through route from Parkersburgh, WVA to Cincinnati, O & Guysville is on the bus line from Athens to Parkersburg, WVa.

We got in at 6:50 PM. I got my supper, walked up to the end of South Court & turned to the left around the college buildings & walked down to the end of East Mulberry Street & turning to left & crossing the street was:

At residence of Robert Lee Killgore No 3 Stewart Ave, Athens, O Aug 31, 1925 8 PM

Mrs Killgore admitted me & said Mr K. had just gone to the garage, but he drove out before she could hail him. Telling her I was from Fayette Co, Pa, she said that was where her father, Simon Barnett, a Presbyterian, came from ie from Connellsville, Pa where I told her Rev John M. Barnett used to be Pres Pastor & Joseph Barnett had married

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Mary Boyd. She says a brother of her father, John Barnett lives at Washington Court House, O where two of his sons have a grocery store. They had a sister, Lydia, who married a Stetson.

She says Mr Kilgore's [sic] father, James Killgore lived out the Ashland Coal & Iron RR from Ashland Ky at Killgore, Ky, named for him, where her husband Robert L. & his brother Leander M. Killgore who has the store at Canaanville, O ten miles east of here were born. This store is actually run by Robert L. as L.M. who left here this morning after a week-end visit for his home at Greenup, Greenup Co, KY where he has a filling station & auto accessories store. Their father died across the river at Middleport, Meigs Co, Ky aged 86 yrs, but was taken to Killgore, KY, named for him for burial, he having given the ground for a public g.y. He was the wealthiest man in the county & was a member of the legislature & ran for congress, but was defeated by Judge with whom he had campaigned the district.

Robert Lee Killgore says he was born at Killgore, Ky July 28, 1866 & married Sept 1, 1885 Fannie Barnett born at Hunnewell, Ky Dec 23, 1865 daughter of Simon Barnett of Fayette Co, Pa & his wife Amanda Kissinger. Have had

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but two children born born at Willard, Ky viz:

1. Percy Eckels Killgore born Jany 27, 1887 & died Feby 14, 1916 having gotten into some trouble with a man who shot him, killing him instantly. they showed me a fine picture of him on the wall. He was married July 22, 1913 at Athens, O to Julia Marks. She married a man named Benedict after his death & now lives in Columbus, O. They had one child born at Murry City, O viz:

I. Leona Killgore born May 5, 1916 about three months after her father's death. She is with her mother.

2. Nellie Killgore born Apr 15, 1888 married May 23, 1907 in Wellston, O to Frank L. Clutts. Both living here where he is weigh boss at the coal mines. Have one child born at Misco, Perry Co, Ohio.

I. Frances Alberta Clutts born May 2, 1908.

Mr Killgore & his brother Leander M. have a store at Canaansville, O & a filling Sta

Leander M. lives at Greenup, Ky & has been married twice. Their sister Miss Susan Killgore P.O. Greenup, Ky older than my informant of tonight, he being the youngest of the family of 7 children is up in the 70s & these three are the

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sole survivors. She has been a school teacher. Stands high & is popular in the community & is now on the Grand Jury. She has all the old bibles & knows the family records & genealogy away back. I will go across this week from Portsmouth, O & see her. Ask her about the early land holdings of the family at Chillicothe, O.

Robert L. says it has been over 10 yrs since his father died aged 86 yrs. He was born on the Guyan? River which empties into Ohio River near Huntington, WVA. Thinks he had lived in the Logan Coal fields & thinks that James' father was George.

He says at Jerseyville, O in this Co, 4 miles from Athens, O is A.K. Newman, a farmer living in or close to the town who is related on his father's side & who can, he says absolutely give record.

Leaving 9 PM

Seeing Robt L. eliminated going to Canaanville, O

Hotel Berry, Athens, O Room 239 Sept 1, 1925 8 PM

I have just phoned A.K. Newman, Jerseyville, O & he says his mother was a Killgore, cousin to James Killgore & his grandfather, Samuel Killgore came from Scotland in 1782, so he isnot of our line. I have spent the entire day making slips commencing at page 72.

Sept 2, 1925 1:44 Am All slips made to here JVT

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At residence of Mrs Isaac Daly, Lodi Tp, Athens Co, O (P.O. Guysville, O route 2) Sept 2, 1925 8 AM

I went at 6:30 AM on the bus to Guysville, O & got Harry Buck, who proved to be drunk to drive me out, nine miles & found Mrs Louisa Jack there with her niece. Mrs Daly's mother having been her sister. Mrs Jack says her husband, Edward Jack who served an enlistment of 100 days in the Civil War & was 6 ft 4 inches tall, was killed in the mill explosion on a Feby 14th, but she can't remember the year. Says her bible & effects are in a box a mile off on a 60 A farm Mrs Daly owns there. She says he was born on June 4th & was about 3 yrs older than she is. Before marriage, she was Louisa Jane Brickles, born in Scipio Tp, Meigs Co, O July 6, 1848 daughter of Joseph Brickles & wife Rebecca Dennis & was married when 21 on Feby 17, 1869 to Edward Jack son of James Jack & wife Matilda Titus & who she thinks was born in 1845. They had four children, all born in Scipio Tp, Meigs Co, O two dead & two living.

1. Clark born Nov 1873 & died in Apr 1887 or 1888 aged 14

2. Mary Jane born Jany 1876 married Ed Murray & lives at Mingo Junct, O & has 4 children, Clinton, Clayton Edwd, Clark & Clara Belle

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3. Unnamed daughter died in infancy

4. Jesse Wallace Jack living in Parkersburg, WVa where he is a mail carrier on the train, married, but no issue.

Her husband had a brother, Joseph Jack living in north part of state in Woods Co, a farmer who was married but she don't know of any children.

Also had a brother William who was in the Civil War & died at Nelsonville, O & buried there & left children, one being:

I. John Lewis Jack living at Nelsonville, O.

Also had a brother, Dallas Jack, who died unmarried at Longstreth, O.

Also a sister Elizabeth Jack who married Hugh Daugherty. She died at Chauncey, O & left children: Charley, & Bert, both living

Also a sister Sarah Jack who married John Giffen & she died at Longstreth, & had two children:

I. Birdie Burdella, youngest

II. Estella, oldest

She says Sarah got the bible of her father, James Jack with the record. She died not long ago at Longstreth & is buried at Nelsonville, O.

Estella is married & lives in Columbus, O & Burdella is married & lives she thinks in Nelsonville, O. Don't know which of the girls got the bible.

Says she remembers Ed's mother who was a widow & she also knew his father James Jack & Mrs Daly says she knew him too. He lived at Gip Daugherty's at the time he died & was buried

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up on the hill where Ed was buried & thinks he died before Ed did. She says James was older than his brother Joseph.

Lucy Jack, a widow of John Lewis Jack married a Shaffer & lived at Nelsonville, O.

Left 9:30 AM

Drove back to Guysville, O & narrowly escaped an accident by taking a side road when meeting another car at a curve, both traveling at full speed. Then hired Buck to take me over to Amesville, but in crossing the RR tracks this side of Canaanville, he tore off a tire & put on his spare & lost it & I waited a few minutes at a store & got the bus reaching Athens at 11:45 AM

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At probate court office Athens, Athens Co, O Sept 2, 1925 3 PM

Will Index


*Jack, Edward, will Jos Jack Vol 7 page 287

*Jack, Matilda, will Cyrus Blazer Vol 8 page 582

*Dunlavey, Anthony will none Vol 9 page 255

*Daugherty, M.E. will Vol 16 Page 259

Callis, Robert Inv Vol 3 Page 458

Callis, Robert, sale Vol 3 Page 460

*Frame, John will A.J. Frame et al Vol 8 Page 385

No Caruthers, Finleys, Redburns, or Rothermels.

Will Book 7 page 287. Will of Edward Jack of Alexander Tp, Gives:

1. to son Joseph Jack west half of my farm of 225 A subject to dower est of my wife Elenor Jack

2. to my daughters, Sarah Jane Jack, Mary Ann Jack, Nancy Jack & Elizabeth Jack or the survivor or survivors of them, the east half divided by road running north & south also subject to wife's dower. Provided that if one should marry, it reverted [sic] to those that did not marry.

3. To dau Nancy Jack $200 out of personal estate

4. to grandson Edward Jack $100 out of personal estate

5. to grandson Andrew Jackson Daugherty $80 out of personal estate

6. residue to be divided equally among my remaining children not above named.

7. Appoints son Joseph Jack Exr Dated May 1, 1855

Edward Jack Probated May 24, 1861

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Will Book 8 page 582 Will of Matilda Jack of Alexander Tp 1st Wm F. Jack, my eldest son has 16 A of land off of south end of farm which is his entire share in my R.E. & he is not to have any more.

2d Edward Jack, my 2d son has 15 A off of north end & he is to have no more.

3d The remaining 85 A of land is to be equally divided between my remaining 4 children viz:

Elizabeth E. Daugherty

Sarah M. Jack

Joseph A. Jack

& James D. Jack except that the last named is to have to the value of $200 more than the other three

4. To dau Sarah M. Jack ten lines of enumerated personal articles including a chest

5. to son James D. Jack five lines "& the bible"

6. to son Joseph A. Jack 4 lines & "my trunk"

7. to son Wm F. Jack & Edward Jack each one single coverlid [sic]

8. to dau Elizabeth E. Daugherty, one double coverlid & the loom

9. dishes remaining & her clothes to be divided between Elizabeth & Sarah M.

10. To Sarah M. & Joseph A. six shoats, largest on farm

11. to John Lewis Jack one hen feather bed

12. desires reasonable priced tombstones to be placed over my grave by the holders of the R.E.

Appoints Cyrus Blazer Exr Nov 17, 1877. Matilda (her mark) Jack

Probated Apr 9, 1878

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John Frame's will is dated May 21, 1869 & is probated July 19, 1875. Names wife, Mary & A.J. & A.P. Frame, but does not give names of any more.

M.E. Daugherty by will dated Mch 30, 1920 will all her property to Wm E. Bolton of Newark, O the R.E. only during his natural life & can't be sold but at his death, go to his oldest child & at his or her death to the next oldest & so descend until the last child of his present family comes into possession of my present estate. M.E. Daugherty. Probated July 14, 1920.

Inventory of Robert Callis of York Tp showed $551.86 & sale was made Nov 5, 1841 Vol 3 P 460 signed Martha Callis & E.P. Callis Admr

Leaving 4:15 PM

I then took the 4:30 PM bus to Amesville, O arriving there at 5:10 PM & going to the P.O. they said Mrs Montgomery had instructed them to forward her mail to No 119 E Union St Athens, O. I walked up to her home which she owns, a good property & it was closed up, took bus back at 6;15 & had him drop me:

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At No 119 E. Union St, Athens, O Sept 2, 1925 7 PM

Here I found my cousin, Vesta Virginia Montgomery, nee Winters see page 50 et seq & page 38 sitting on the front porch. She said she was born Nov 19, 1880 being 45, but she told me wrong, as it should be 1875, see page 52. She could not recall her husband's birthday, but says she has it down at home & will [3]*write me but said he was 31 when he was killed by a fall of slate in the mines which would make date of his birth 1886 which she said was at Beebe, O as he was killed June 27, 1917. She was married at Marietta, O by Rev Mills, Baptist to Emmett Thomas Montgomery, son of Hamma Montgomery by his 2d wife Buena Weaver.

She is a very fine good appearing woman & was so glad to see me & I was sorry I had to rush away so as to get in the dining room.

Left at 7:11 PM

I then walked up Ellmon St where on the right in the flat a big 3 story brick training school is about completed & from it the hill ascends like W. Bean St in Washington, Pa back of the jail.

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At residence of Byron L. Lamborn, No 82 W. Franklin St, Nelsonville, Ohio Sept 3, 1925 8:50 AM

Mrs Lamborn is the widow of Robert Lycurgus Finley to whom she was married see page 116. Their first child was born in Trimble, O viz:

1. Frank Allen Finley born & died when 5 mos & 18 days old.

2. Robert Earl Finley born July 5, 1893 here in Nelsonville, O & was married at Covington, Ky on June 14, 1924 to Mary Helen Hutchings of Dayton, O born say 1900 as she was 24 yrs old when married. She is daughter of O.H. Hutchings of Dayton O & wife. He served in the World War on the Mexican border & in France. He is a graduate of Cincinnati University & is an electrical engineer. They live now at Dayton, O. No issue. Mrs Finley was remarried on Apr 20, 1915 to Byron L. Lamborn both living here. Mr Finley's name was not Lycurgus Robert, but was Robert Lycurgus Finley & he died here in Nelsonville, O. She says 13 yrs ago, Dec 31, she has gone to look for his cards. He is buried in Green Lawn Cem.

[margin note reads:]

He was Capt of 136 F.A. American E.F. at Thillonbois, France on Jany 4, 1919 & at Brest France May 5, 1919 & hdg 62 F.A. Brig A.E.F. Sept 9, 1918 & was in the Meuse, Argonne engagement & got two gold war service chevrons. He sailed for France abt July 1, 1918 & got home in Aug 1919 & on Oct 2, 1919 recd his honorable discharge at Camp Dix, NJ

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near here & has a marker. Mrs Lamborn says she saw once in a big book at a neighbor's library here, a long article on the Finley family of the family of a David Finley. It is in Vol 2 of the Howes Historical collection of Ohio p 456-462 but it is about Rev James Finley.

Mr Lamborn, a fine substantial man has come in & says he was born in Donegal Tp, Wash Co, Pa abt 6 miles from Bethany, WVA & moved away when 12 yrs old. It was Mr Ferree who had the book. She will look it up & let me know.

She thinks it was Dec 31, 1912 that Mr Finley died, or rather Jany 31, 1912[4]*. Mr Lamborn says his cousin Cyrus Morrow lives in Wash Co, Pa, a son of Abraham Morrow who was a brother of his mother.

Leaving 9:40 AM

Mrs Lamborn is a fine, matronly woman, good looking, clean skinned & now gray or turning gray. She produces a paper which he, Robt Lycurgus Finley signed Jany 29, 1912 & acknowledged & says it was but a day or two before his death.

Mrs Lamborn said her first child was born in less than nine months after their marriage, but she did not want that noted in the history. Mr Finley signed the writing above noted as L.R. Finley not R.L.

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Hotel Dew, writing room, Nelsonville, O Sept 3, 1925

I got here this morning on the bus at 7:30 AM & got my breakfast & went to see Mrs Lamborn, see pages 174 & 5. Coming back to the hotel, the clerk, Wesley Wolf, said that J. Lewis Jack moved to Columbus, O last Friday Aug 28th. He is a retired shoemaker & he said J.D. Adamson, clothier across the way could give his address. Going across, he said he was building a shoe repair shop there in the north end of the city. One of his clerks said his son "Abie" ie Clarence is still here working for the Standard Oil Co on Myers St & is married.

I then took a street car & went out 2 1/2 miles & was:

At Green Lawn Cemetery Sept 3, 1925 10:15 AM This is a big cemetery, but I covered it in the burning sun & noted:

35. James E. Moore 1856-1908

Sophia Moore 1858 - 19--

Ballard Moore 1891 - 1920

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36. Frank Finley 1888-1889

Lycurgus Finley 1851-1912

Leander Finley 1850-1900

Georgia E. Finley 1878-1915

37. Wm E. Silcott 1840-1907

Sarah E. Silcott 1845-

Also some younger ones

38. William F. Jack Co H. 73d Reg, O.V.I. 1842-1909

Marilda [sic] wife of Wm F. Jack 1844-1913

39. Amos F. Woodard Feby 22, 1850 - Aug 6, 1918

Julia A. Woodard June 14, 1855 - Jany 4, 1917

40. Sarah M. Giffen, mother 1851 - 1922

41. Geo. V. Shafer 1839 - 1911

Mary M. Shafer 1849 - 1919

Leaving 12:10 PM

I then took the 12:15 bus which came along & got an excellent lunch of liver & onions, string beans, creamed potatoes, cooked turnips, sliced tomatoes, bread & butter & bread apple pudding & 4 glasses of ice water, the entire cost for all being but fifty cents.

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I sat down & went to sleep an hour & at 1:30 got Kenneth June to drive me in the extreme heat & we went to Clinton D. Shafer's on Fayette St, whose house is being repaired, but there was no one in the shed home back of it in which they are temporarily living. His wife is Lucy, daughter of Wm F. Jack. Then went to P.O. & they said Frank Moore 2d brick house this side was a brother-in-law, but there was no one at home. We met H.W. Shafer who has a store on Fayette ST & is a brother of Clinton D. who he says works at Athens & he said they observed Thursday afternoon holiday here which accounted for everyone being away.

I had first asked Kenneth June to drive me around to Standard Oil to see "Abie" Jack & he said he had just left town on a truck headed for Buchtel & when I could find no one here, I had him drive me out & we met him on this truck in Pittsburgh Hollow, a coal mining district where we met him driving his truck about 2:30 PM

He said his father, J. Lewis Jack will be on 6th & Wesley Sts Columbus O in the north end, reached by going up High or Summit St.

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He said his Uncle Joseph A. Jack who is a farmer living at Urbanan, O had been here visiting Mrs Clinton D. Shafer last week, but had gone back home. Mrs Shafer is a sister of his father, J.L. Jack & another sister is Clara, wife of Frank Moore & Ella wife of John Gallington living in Longstreth is another sister. He knew of Sarah Giffin being an Aunt of his father, but didn't know who her daughter Birdie married or where she lived. He says his own name is Clarence A. Jack. Forgot to ask about the Matthew Jack family. Said goodbye at 2:42 & he drove on. Came back here to the hotel arriving shortly after 3 PM my time, have written this up from page 176 & it is now about 4:40 PM & I think I will go on to Logan but as it is too late to get in the court house there today, I may stay over with the hope of finding some of them here tonight.

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At residence of Clinton Davis Shafer No 116 Fayette St, Nelsonville, Athens Co, O Sept 3, 1925 7:40 PM

Mrs Shafer was Lucy Evalyn Jack dau of William Finley Jack whose bible a large well preserved one is without date & which she has produced. It has the following record:


William Jack & Marilda Cook were married Jany 1, 1865

John Lewis Jack & Estella Brooks Oct 19, 1890

John Galington & Ella May Jack Oct 12, 1890

Frank Miller Moore & Clara Anette Jack Aug 10, 1893

Clinton Davis Shafer & Lucy Evalyn Jack Jany 1, 1905


William F. Jack was born Aug 26, 1842

Marilda Jack was born June 18, 1844

Their children:

2. John Lewis Jack was born Aug 7, 1868

3. Ella Jane Jack was born July 11, 1870

4. Clara Ann Jack was born Nov 21, 1873

1. Laura Almeda Jack was born July 18, 1866

5. Martha Matilda Jack was born Jany 26, 1876

6. Lucy Evalyn Jack was born Mch 21, 1884

All born at Pleasant Hill, Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O

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Lucy Marilda Moore born Sept 16, 1896 at Albany, O


Martha Matilda Jack died July 29, 1876

William Finley Jack died Feby 27, 1909

Marilla [sic] Cook Jack died Nov 17, 1913

Marilda Cook was born in Alexander Tp, dau of David Cook & his wife Lucy Lee.

Estella Brooks was born in Alexander Tp, dau of John Brooks & wife Ethelinda Dixon

John Galington was born in Hocking Co, son of George Galington & wife Lucy.

Frank Miller Moore was born in Albany O, Lee Tp, son of David T. Miller & wife Lucy McCune.

Clinton Davis Shafer was born in Nelsonville, O on Dec 11, 1881 son of George Van Sickel Shafer & wife Mary Margaret Shoemaker, my informants of tonight. No issue. He is in the wholesale grocer with houses here & at Athens.

John Lewis Jack has 5 children, see him corner 6th & Wesley, Columbus, O

Ella & her husband, John Galington both live in Longstreth in the village & have 5 children. He is a coal miner.

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Clara & Frank M. Moore live at No 112 Fayette St & have but one child, Lucy Marilda whose birth is given above. Mr Moore is a hardware merchant here. Lucy Marilda Moore was married about May 1916 to Harry Lane Galvin born say 1886 son of Thomas C. Galvin & wife Margaret Lane. Both living here where he is a bookkeeper. Have three children born here viz:

I. Margaret born Aug 1917

II. Virginia Lee born July 1919

III. Mary Lauretta born May 1921

Laura Almeda married Charles Mitchell son of ______ Mitchell & wife Cynthia. Both living in Athens, O where he is a coal miner on West Union St near the P.O. & have two children:

I. Harry, married

II. Ethel oldest, married Walter Bennett & lives in Nelsonville, O on Fort St & have 3 children.

Mrs Shafer says that Birdie Giffin married Ben Hillyer both living in the village of Longstreth where he is a coal miner & have 4 or 5 children.

Her sister, Estella married Charles Hiebel & both live at 72 Thurman Ave Columbus, O where he is with the Justus Parker Co as salesman. Their mother asked them to give

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the old bible of her father, James Jack to her brother Joseph A. Jack, so after her death, Birdie Hillyer mailed it to him, as he stated when here last week. Get that record from him. He lives on a farm 6 miles N.E. of Urbana, O Route 9 toward Westville, O. He lives 3 miles beyond Westville. He has a mammoth oak tree in the yard. He has two children by first wife & none by present wife who is living. Mrs Shafer thinks some of the children or grandchildren of her great Uncle Matthew Jack are out about Murray City, Hocking Co, O but don't know of any living about here. Thinks her bro J.L. might know where they are.

Wm F. Jack enlisted in Co H 73d Div O.V.I. Nov 12, 1861 for 3 yrs Regiment organized at Camp Logan Chillicothe, O & mustered in Dec 30, 1861. He served during the year 1862 in Va & among the important engagements were:

McDowell, Va May 8, 1862

Cross Keys Va June 8, 1862

Freeman Ford Va Aug 23-25, 1862

Gainesville Va Aug 28-29, 1862

Bull Run Va Aug 30 1862 & was one of the 80 of the 800 in the Regiment who got out honorably mustered out Nov 21, 1862 on Surgeons cft of disability. The doctors in the army cut the

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the cords of his feet in an effort to cure the rheumatism & it made him a cripple for life during most of which he was obliged to walk with crutches, by reason of which in his later years, he got $75 a month pension.

Leaving 9:11 PM

See page 194 for transcribing record that should come in here

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At residence John Austin Galentin, Longstreth, O Hocking Co, Sept 4, 1925 8:22 Am

Mrs Galentin was Ella Jane Jack born in Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O July 11, 1870 & was married Oct 12, 1890 to John Austin Galentin born July 14, 1866 in Athens Co, O son of George Washington Galentin & wife Rosanna Weller. Both living here where he is a coal miner. Have had five children all living viz:

1. George William Galentin born May 16, 1891

2. Pearl Lee Galentin born Nov 1, 1893

3. Gladys Marie Galentin born Oct 20, 1900

4. Harry Austin Galentin born Oct 10, 1902

5. Eva Irene Galentin born Apr 11, 1908

1. George Wm was married June 10, 1919 at Jacksonville, O to Lucile Dixon born May 17, 1899 dau of Wm Dixon & his wife Mary Clendenning. Have 2 children born here in Longstreth where he is a coal miner:

I. Jannet Galentin born Apr 17, 1920

II. Ella Margaret Galentin born Aug 23, 1921

2. Pearl Lee is at home, unmarried & runs a soft drink place here in Longstreth, O.

3. Gladys Marie was married Oct 25, 1924 at Logan, O to

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Charles Edwin Harris born Aug 23, 1903 at Spillman, WVA, son of Charles Harris & wife Cora Johnson. Both living here is a carpenter & have two children:

I. Juanita Harris born Mch 14, 1925

[only one child given]

4. Harry Austin was married on Jany 28, 1923 at Logan, O to Doris Eckels born June 8, 1903 daughter of Arthur Eckels & wife Mattie Collins. Both living here where he is a miner. No issue.

5. Eva Irene is at home, single.

Mrs Galentin says Mrs Sarah M. Giffen had but two children. The oldest, Estella was born in Alexander Tp, Athens Co, O & is now about 53 yrs old born in May 1872 or 1873, daughter of Samuel Blackwood & Sarah M. Jack. She says her Aunt Sarah M. Jack was married to Theodore Boss just about one year before Burdella was born. Estella was a natural daughter of Sarah M. Jack.

Leaving 9 PM

Mrs Galentin says that some of the Matthew Jack's children by his 2d wife live over on the other road by New Pittsburgh, O where

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he died a long while ago. His wife's sister-in-law, Mrs Jane Collins lives here & her husband was a brother of Mathew's wife & can tell about his children. Mrs G. says there are four boys, John, Thomas, James & Bernard (Burn) living up that way now & were also two girls Anna & Laura?

Left 9:11 AM

We then drove up to see Mrs Collins who was milking but didn't know. The mail carrier who we met told us where to find James W. Jack at New Pgh & also a Mrs Jessie Jack both of whom I saw

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At home of Nancy Decker, New Pittsburgh, Ward Tp, Hocking Co, O (P.O. Nelsonville, O RD 4) Sept 4, 1925 10:20 AM

Mrs Jessie Jack widow of John Jack lives here. Her husband, John Jack was born near Albany in Athens Co, O Feby 1, 1873, the son of Matthew Jack. His mother was dead when she & John was married. He was married 1st to Mary Pettit & had by her two children. She died. I. Johnnie born June 13, 1900 unmarried & living at High Coal, Boone Co, WVA

II. a daughter died aged abt 1 yr

Mar 2d Myrtle Loper who died about 11 yrs ago. No issue

Mar 3d Jessie Marie Hull born In New Pgh, O Jany 25, 1896, the dau of Samuel Hull & Nancy Lanning, natural dau before she was married abt 29 yrs to Edward Ellsworth Decker. Jessie had 3 children first two born in New Pgh, O & last one at High Coal, WVA

III. Frederick Jack born Aug 14, 1917

IV Audrey Jack born Jany 25, 1919, stillborn

V Virginia Dean Jack born Aug 25, 1924

He died of tuberculosis at High Coal, WVA where he was a coal miner on

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June 5, 1924 & is buried at the g.y. on the mountain there. Geo Hormikle living there with offices in Cleveland, O has the coal works there.

Mrs Decker said that Matthew Jack died up on the hill about a mile from here. His widow lived with her son James just above here a short ways above about 11 yrs ago. They think that James who lives about a mile up the hollow now would have his bible or could give his father's record.

Thomas, brother of John & James Jack was killed riding a freight train before Jessie was married. He was single. The last Jessie heard of Bernard Jack, her bro-in-law, he was in Kingston, WVA, a coal miner, married & had four children:

I. Helen, 9 yrs old

2. Bernard, 8 yrs old

3. Naomi

4. Buelah [sic] 3 yrs old

Mrs Decker says Mathew died of the dropsy well up in years. Said he was an awful good man. Jessie & her mother both speak in high terms of John.

Leaving 10:55 AM

Mrs Decker sent her son Ronald Decker with us to James W. Jack's.

V14 page 190

At shack of James William Jack, New Pittsburgh, O Ward Tp, Hocking Co, O Sept 4, 1925 11:11 AM (P.O. Nelsonville, O Route 4 Box 83)

Mr Jack was born in Athens Co, Alexander Tp, O June 17, 1871 & has never married. His father, Mathew Jack died in June about the 10th 1888 in this Tp & is buried in Green Lawn Cem, Nelsonville. No marker.

His mother was Mary Ann Collins born in Hamilton, O born Jany 3, 1849 & died Feby 19, 1914 aged 65 yrs, dau of Wm Collins & wife Elizabeth Hutchinson. She was married to Mathew Jack, he thinks in 1869 & had 8 children 6 boys & 2 girls as follows:

1. James William Jack oldest

2. Matthew John Jack born Feby 2, 1873

3. Thomas Jack born May 2, 1875 was killed by a train down by Hammond's Run Apr 1912 about 13 yrs ago & is buried at Green lawn, unmarried.

4. Nannie Jack born June 3? 1877 married 1889 to James Petitt, son of John Petitt & wife Susan Hawley. Both living 4 mo [best guess] ago at North Bend Oregon & has a bunch of children about 6 living & one dead. two married. Above is her P.O. Children Jessie, Florence, Charles

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5. Nora Jack born Jany 6, 1883. She was married about 1912 in WVA at Page to, to William Spradling. She was shot twice & killed in a riot in a moving picture show at Beards Forks near Page WVA & never spoke. He is living probably about Charleston, WVA. He remarried 2d, a 2d cousin of My informant on his mother's side a Coleman & they separated & he married someone else. Nora had 3 children born at Page above Beards Fork.

1. Ella, aged abt 7

2. Clarence aged abt 4

3. Millard abed abt 2 yrs & he died shortly after her death.

He has the children.

James W. isn't sure but thinks his father's big thick bible was burned up when the house burned down. Is now sure it was burned. He at first had thought Nora got it.

6. Elisha Bernard called Burn born May 10? 1885 married in 1914 to Josie Williams. Both living at Kingston, Paint Creek WVA where he is a coal miner & have six children viz:

1. James Wm, aged 8 yrs

2. aged 7 yrs



5. Bernard

6. Naomi aged 2 yrs

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7. Charles died small aged 2 yrs

8. Elzie, a boy died small aged abt 2 yrs

These two are older than Nora & Bernard is the youngest of the family.

Leaving 11:50 AM

Ronald Decker came back with us & we dropped him near his mother's.

At residence of Walter Hanning Bennett No 343 Fort St, Nelsonville, O Sept 4, 1925 12:40 PM

Mrs Bennett name was Grace Ethel Mitchell daughter of Laura Almeda Mitchell, oldest child of Wm F. Jack. Laura Almeda Jack was married Aug 9, 1883 to Charles Wilson Mitchell, son of Wm Mitchell & wife Cynthia Lathey. Chas W. was born near Albany, O in Alexander Tp on May 31, 1861 & both are living in Athens, O at 59 W. Union St where he is a trimmer at the mines. They had but two children, both born in Alexander Tp.

1. Grace Ethel born Feby 21, 1886

2. Harry Edwin born Apr 24, 1889

1. Grace Ethel was married Oct 24, 1908 at Athens, O to Walter Hanning Bennett born in York Tp, Athens Co, O Sept 26, 1888 son of John W. Bennett & his wife Mary Lavina Thornton.

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Have had three children all born here in Nelsonville, O where he is a miner viz:

I. Mary Almeda born May 26, 1911

II. Margery Florence born Feby 9, 1915

III. Madeline Marilda born Oct 8, 1918

2. Harry Edwin was married in Nov 1914 at Athens, O to Sylvia Grimm born Aug 31, 1896 at Luhrig, Athens Co, O. She has a stepfather now named Scofield. Both living at Athens, O at 22 Central Ave, where he is a painter & have 3 children born in Athens O viz:

I. Charles Edwin born Mch 5, 1916

II. Oma Lucile born Jany 22, 1920

III. Harry Jr born Mch 29, 1923

Leaving 1 PM

Mrs Bennett was a school teacher & would like to have a book. Her oldest daughter is a very attractive, beautiful girl.

Mrs Decker see page 188 is the mother of Jessie Jack who was born to her before she was married & hence her natural daughter. She is handsome, black eyed, black haired & slender.

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At residence of Mrs Ben F. Hildreth, Longstreth, Hocking Co, O (P.O. Nelsonville, O route 4) Sept 4, 1925 7:42 AM

I left Nelsonville, O at 7 AM with Kenneth June in his taxi & found first Mrs H's daughter-in-law, Mabel in her bare feet & legs in the house adjoining & she came over with me.

Mrs Hildreth (Burnsie or Birdie) says her mother:

Sarah M. Jack was born Apr 18, 1850 & died May 15, 1922

She says that Estella, older than her was not her full sister evidently a natural daughter born to her mother before she was married. She said to ask Mrs Galentin. She said her mother was mar 1st to Theodore Boss, becoming his 2d wife. They separated & were divorced & he died about 6 yrs ago at Pomeroy, O where she saw him for the first time & he was overjoyed to see her, but died just a few days later. She was their only child born about Pleasant Hill, Athens Co, Ohio.

II. Burdella Boss born May 17, 1880. She was married Dec 25, 1898 to Benjamin Franklin Hillyer [variation in spelling noted] born at Murray City, O June 1, 1878 son of John Hillyer & wife Julia Wilcox. Both living here

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& he is a coal miner. Have had but four children all boys born in Longstreth, O, viz:

1. Walter Christopher Hillyer born Apr 9, 1899

2. Wilbur Webster Hillyer born Jany 19, 1901

3. William Austin Hillyer born Mch 10, 1903

4. Floyd Elmer Hillyer born Sept 12, 1908

1. Walter C. was married Oct 28, 1922 to Mabel Nolan born at New Lexington, O May 28, 1902 dau of James Arthur Nolan & wife Mary Grubb. She had one child born at Mountville, O viz:

I. James Franklin Hillyer born July 13, 1924 & died Mch 7, 1925

They sent one of the boys out to bring her in to give above dates & she is a very beautiful intelligent young woman.

2. Wilbur W. was married Jany 24, 1920 to Mabel May Farmer born Oct 17, 1902 at Coalton, Jackson Co, O dau of Willard Farmer & wife Lillie Kenyon & have two children born here in Longstreth, O viz:

I. Donald Franklin Hillyer born Mch 11, 1921

II. Willard Lee Hillyer born Apr 11, 1925

She it was I first saw in her bare feet & she is a big fine girl & says she weighs 192 lbs.

3 & 4 The other 2 boys, Wm A. & Floyd E. are at home, unmarried.

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Burdella says her older sister, Estella is the wife of Charles Deibel & lives at No 78 Thurman Ave, Columbus, O. No issue.

Burdella's mother mar 2d John L. Giffin, a Civil War veteran at Monday, Hocking Co, O on Apr 11, 1886 by Rev Wm Hillyer, Christian minister who was grandfather of my informant's husband. No issue.

He died when birdie was 16, say in 1896. He served 3 yrs in the Civil War. Mrs Giffin had out the two children above noted.

Mrs H. said she would want a book & I told her I would notify her when it was ready.

Leaving 8:11 AM

Wilbur W's Mabel went with me across the street & through the back lot to Mrs Galentin's. See page 185.

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Office of Probate Court, Logan, Hocking Co, O Sept 4, 1925 3:05 PM

Will Book No 1 Page 49 Will of Samuel Moore of Hocking Co gives: 1. to my daughter Mary Webb $30 to be paid out of the note I hold vs her husband, John Webb

2. to my grandson Samuel Webb, a saddle & bridle

3. to my grandson Samuel M. Bush, my watch & to his youngest brother Horace M. Bush $10 to be loaned at interest until he is 21 yrs old.

4. Then after debts are paid gives to daughters Elizabeth Bush & Sarah Myers all residue equally.

Appoints Joseph Whipple sole Exr. Dated May 16, 1837. Samuel Moore (seal) Witnesses: Conrad Bryan, Bailey Fritter. Probated at June term 1837.

Will book no 2 page 337. Will of Jennie Finley of Hocking Co, O wills to her husband Isom Finley, all her property, including the mansion where she lives in trust for her three children viz: Willard I. Finley, Della J. Finley & Grace Finley to be turned over to them when grace comes of age. Dated Oct 13, 1879. Jennie Finley Offered for probate Dec 8, 1879

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Will Book D Page 96, 97 & 98 is a long will of William Fetherolf in which he gives $7000 each to his sons who have already recd it in land mention 150 A in Perry Tp where he lives known as the Benjamin Fetherolf farm. It states he leaves no widow, is dated Apr 20, 1888 & gives list of all the heirs as follows:

1. Lewis Fetherolf, adult son Chillicothe, Ohio

2. Lydia DeLong, adult daughter, Ridersville, Anglaize Co, O

3. Nelson Fetherolf, adult son, Laurelville, Anglaize Co, O

4. Dennis Fetherolf, adult son, South Perry, Anglaize Co, O

5. Jane Dodd, adult daughter, South Perry, Anglaize Co, O

6. Jeremiah Fetherolf, adult son South Perry, Anglaize Co, O

7. Rachel Murletts adult daughter South Perry, Anglaize Co, O

The will was too long for me to read over.

Will Book F Page 28 Will of Mary Moore of Marion Tp says she is abt 76 yrs old & is dated Aug 5, 1904. She mentions owning a home farm & makes bequest to following people without stating their relationship:

Annie Irene Borah, Bremen, O

Margaret A. Campfield, Bremen, O

Martha J. Blosser, Bremen, O

Marion J. Moore, Marion, Ind

Mary Matilda Armstrong, Marion, Ind

Melvina C. Moore, Bremen, O

Modena Ellen Olive, Bremen, O

Geo Kurney, Los Angeles, Calif

Probated Jany 24, 1911

Left 4:30 PM

V14 Page 199

The probate judge said to see Daniel Lappin over 80 down at the Mayor's office as he had been a county officer 45 yrs ago. I went there & he had just gone & I followed him around to his home at 147 E 2d St. His son thought I had better see DR C.O. Allen whose wife aged abt 50 is a daughter of Samuel Moore whose wife is Sarah, so I will try to see him in the morning. Mr Lappin Sr said Isom Finley ran a drug store at Carbon Hill, this County & then went to Columbus, O. He said there were Finleys in Star Tp 25 yrs ago. It has just struck 10 o'c & I will get ready for bed.

V14 Page 200

At recorders office, Logan, Hocking Co, Ohio Sept 5, 1925 8 AM

Grantees Index

*Moore, David Book E Page 149

*Moore, Ben Book I Page 186

*Moore, John Book I Page 203

*Moore, Ben Book E Page 111

*Moore, James Book E Page 471

*Moore, James Book E Page 472

*Moore, Samuel H. Book J Page 124

*Moore, David Book L Page 218

*Moore, David Book L Page 219

*Markel, Jer Book R Page 417

*Crothers, James Book A Page 595

*Crothers, John Book C Page 184

Several other deeds to James & John

Fetherolf, Samuel Book B Page 204

Fetherolf, Philip Book B Page 296

Fetherolfs galore including Peter & Ben

Finley, John Sr fr Robt Finley Book D Page 211

Finley, John Sr fr Rober Finley Book D page 212

Finley, John Sr fr John Finley Jr Book D Page 213

Finley, John Book D page 65

Finley, David Book F Page 613

*Finley, John Snr fr James Finley book G Page 603

*Finley, David Book I Page 468

*Finley, James Book J Page 193

*Finley, James fr David Finley book J Page 226

*Finley, Abraham Book K Page 578

*Finley, Samuel fr Abr Finley Book M Page 500

*Finley, Robert fr John Finley book O page 128

V14 Page 201

Grantors Index

*Finley, James to John Finley Sr Book G Page 603

*Moore, Samuel to Abr Myers Book A Page 111

*Moore, Samuel mtge fr John Webb Book C Page 466

*Markle, Peter Jr to Henry Smith Book I Page 235

*Moore, David Book U Page 35

*Moore, David Book W Page 4

*Moore, Samuel Book Y Page 609

*Moore, Samuel Book Z Page 43

V14 Page 202


Moore, Samuel to Abr Myers Book A P 111

This is a deed fr Saml Moore & Cassandra, his wife dated Feby 25, 1820

Finley, James to John Finley Senr Book G P 603

This is a deed from James Finley of Morgan Co to John Finley Senr of same place dated Jany 22, 1838 for $102.70 conveys 82 A. James Finley Witnessed by Samuel Aikens J.P. James Finley 2d

Markle, Peter Jr to Henry Smith Book I p 235

This is a deed from Peter Markle Jr & Eliza Ann his wife of Hocking Co wherein for $800, he conveys 395 A. Dated Mch 4, 1846 Ackd in Ross Co, O.

Moore, David, to John Nutter Book L p 22

This is a deed from David Moore & Mary his wife of Hocking Co, O wherein for $1400, he conveys a part of S.E. 1/4 of Sec 6 Tp no 13 Range 16 of the Ohio Co purchase. Dated Mch 6, 1851 (This is in Greene Tp within a mile of Logan) David Moore, Mary Moore

V14 Page 203


Moore, David fr Wm Moore Book E P 149

This is a deed fr Wm Moore & Nancy his wife of Green Tp wherein he conveys to David For $200 the SE 1/4 of Sec 6 Tp 13 Range 16 ctg 160 A Dated Mch 19, 1839

Finley, David fr John Traner book I p 468

This is a deed from John Traner & wife for 164 A in Hocking Co conveyed for $450 dated Setp 3, 1847 Witnessed by Abraham Finley, Wm F. Pennell. Ack before David Finley J.P. himself for Morgan Co.

Moore, Samuel H. fr Elias Dewey Book J P 218

This is a deed conveying 40 A for $100 being SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 sec 9 Tp 10 range 18, dated Aug 4, 1847

Finley, James fr David Finley book J P 226

This is a deed from David Finley & Jane his wife of Morgan Co for $250 conveys to James Finley Senr of John of same place E 1/2 of NE 1/4 sec 27 Tp 12 range 18 dated Sept 3, 1847. David (his mark) Finley, Jane (her mark) Finley. Witness: Samuel Aikens, Abraham Finley. Ackd in Morgan Co, O before David Finley, J.P.

V14 Page 204

Moore, David fr John Nutter Book L p 218

wherein for $300 conveys 24 A Dated Feby 10, 1851

Moore, David fr John Nutter book L P 219

wherein for $600 conveys 60 A dated Feby 10, 1851

Finley, Samuel fr Abraham Finley Book M. P 500

wherein Abraham Finley of Morgan Co & Lucretia, his wife For $125 A [sic] convey 40 A dated Nov 12, 1852 Abraham Finley, Lucretia Finley, Witness Eliza J. Finley, David Finley Ack before David Finley, J.P.

Finley, Robert fr John Finley Sr Book O P 128

wherein John Finley Sn of Morgan Co, O & Hannah his wife convey to Robert Finley of Hocking Co for $600 conveys 82 A & 41 A. dated Jany 25, 1854 John Finley, Hannah Finley witnesses David Finley, Abraham Finley, Ackd before David Finley J.P.

Markel, Jeremiah fr Mary R. Spencer book R p 41

States that Mary R. Spencer (formerly Mary R. Markle) for $100 releases 39 A to Jeremiah Markle. Dated May 9, 1861. Mary R. Spencer Witnesses John Patterson, Rachel Markle

V14 Page 205

Crothers, James fr Peter Shane Book A P 595

wherein by deed dated Jany 30, 1827 Peter Shane of Hocking Co conveys to James Crothers of same place for $150 75 A. Peter Shane Witness Andrew Crockett, Margaret Crockett.

Crothers, John fr Amos Newhouse Book C P 184

wherein by deed dated Sept 5, 1835 for $600 is conveyed 166 A to John Crothers of Hocking Co, Amos Newhouse, Mary (her mark) Newhouse witness: Robert McBrown, James Crothers.


Moore, David to John Oaks, Book U p 35

This is deed fr David Moore & Mary his wife of Hocking Co wherein for $775 they convey 60 A. Dated Sept 9, 1854. David Moore, Mary Moore

David Moore, to John Oaks Book W P 4

This is a deed fr David Moore & Mary Moore his wife of the county of Lyon, State of Kansas for $400 convey 24 A (given in place of one executed Aug 9, 1854 & said to be best [best guess]) Dated Apr 19, 1867 David Moore, Mary Moore Ackd in Lyons Co, Ks.

V14 Page 206

Moore, Samuel to Isaac Botts Book W p 607

This is a deed from Samuel Moore & Mary his wife of Hocking Co wherein for $2660 they convey 76 A. Dated Dec 1, 1870. Samuel (his mark) Moore, Mary (her mark) Moore

Moore, Samuel to Sydney Bay Book Z p 42

This is a deed fr Samuel Moore & Mary his wife of Hocking Co wherein for $2458 convey 29 A Dated Dec 1, 1870. Samuel (his mark) Moore Mary (her mark) Moore Witness Levi Davis, H.J. Baldwin.

Mr Lappen came in & told me of a Wilson Moore living near who is over 90 so I am going to see him.

Leaving 11:40 AM

I then walked down to the third house back of the court house, a fine brick residence & was at:

Residence of Wilson Patrick Moore No 88 S. Market St, Logan, O Sept 5, 1925 11:45 AM

Mr Daniel Lappin came in & told me about Mr Moore being past 90 yrs & on

V14 Page 207

talking with him, a well preserved smooth faced slender man, he said he was born in Athens Co, O June 2, 1834 son of Josiah Moore a moulder who was born in Uniontown, Fayette Co, Pa & who went to Cincinnati from Uniontown, Pa & worked at his trade & then came up to Athens Co & married & settled. He said he was named for Wilson Patrick who came to Ohio & lived the last 20 yrs of his life with his father. His father, he said, was the son of Abraham Moore. His daughter, Mrs Charles Keynes (pro Kines) a large matronly woman was also there & said they had been at Uniontown last year, but did not learn much about their family. I told them I would make inquiry & write them. I think that he comes of the Jacob D., Isaac A. & "Dick" Moore family.

Left at noon.

Mrs Keynes advised that I go to see Miss Moore who is a school teacher & whose mother, Mrs Samuel Moore died abt six months ago, so I walked up to the:

Samuel Moore Residence 131 W 2d St Logan, O Sept 5, 1925 12:10 PM

Miss Wolf said Saml Moore had married a Patton & that Miss Moore was in Columbus, O & she advised me to see her sister, Mrs Dr Allen, so I walked up to:

V14 Page 208

Residence of Dr D.O. Allen 188 W. Main St Logan, O Sept 5, 1925 12:20 PM

Mrs Allen came to the door & said she was just at dinner. She said her father, Samuel Moore, had married a Patton & that William Moore of Green Tp was her grandfather & he had a brother David Moore to whom he sold his farm. She referred me to Mrs M.N. Parsons 84 today, first cousin of her father at the Parsons Millinery just beyond the court house & who she had often heard speak of her Uncle David. Just then, Dr Allen came from the yard & I walked down to Parsons Millinery store & a lady said Mrs Parsons had just gone to dinner, in fact I had met her.

I then went to the Hotel Ambrose & found her having her birthday dinner there with her daughter. When she came out at 1:10 PM, I spoke to her & she sat down in the hotel office & said her Uncle David Moore had married Mary Stanton & he did not have a brother Samuel, but said her Uncle David moved to Kansas where his son was recorder at Emporium Kansas.

Her mother, Margaret Moore was the 5th of 10 children of Wm Moore Sr & married a Sterling which was her maiden name & her husband

V14 Page 209

Mr Parsons was a seafaring man & had been first to plant the Stars & Stripes in Japan. She said there were several boys in her grandfather's family viz: among others William, David, Eden etc but no Samuel, so it was not the line I was hunting. She said she did not Know of any of her Moores having married Finleys. Being thus unable to locate the Samuel & David Moore, brothers, who married Mary & Sarah Finley, sisters, daughters of "Uncle" Robert, I concluded to pack up & took the 2 o'clock bus for Columbus, O where I arrived 4:15 PM & got the 4:50 PRR train for Pittsburgh Pa where I arrived at 10:05 PM & am now at 12:22 Am Sept 6, 1925 at Room 1052 Wm Penn Hotel & will record my itinerary of 2631 miles in my cash acct book W page 205 if I dont' get sleepy & also enter there for preservation the detail record of my 198 conferences with 434 people covering seven families during the month & a day from Aug 4, 1925 when I got to Steubenville, O until Sept 5, 1925 when I left Logan & having covered 13 of the 88 Ohio Counties & parts of three other Counties. Have covered 34 towns & disposed of 84 slips. The counties covered are Jefferson, Harrison, Belmont, Monroe, Washington, Morgan, Athens, Meigs, Gallia, Vinton, Jackson, Lawrence, & Hocking with parts of Carroll, Tuscarawas & Noble. JVT

All slips made to here JVT 9/6/25

V14 Page 210

Room 522 Sept 10, 1925 4:30 PM

Mrs Townsend was in this afternoon seeking money from me which I did not have to give her I regret to say to continue her son Wm J. in the University at Pgh where he is taking a dental course. He & her daughter were with her. She is a daughter of second cousin Capt Wm S. Craft & says that she:

Sarah Taylor Craft was born in Luzerne Tp, Feby 12, 1881 & on Sept 26, 1901 married at her father's home in Luzerne Tp, Rev R.C. Ankerman, Pres officiating, Ewing Hormell Townsend born in Jefferson Tp Dec 2, 1875 son of William Johnson Townsend & his wife Alice Hormell. She has had four children, the eldest born in Luzerne Tp & the other three in Uniontown, Pa as follows:

1. Margaret Virginia Townsend born Aug 16, 1902 & died Jany 27, 1904

2. William Johnson Townsend born Feby 5, 1905

3. Nathaniel Graham Townsend born Dec 8, 1907

4. Sarah Gene Townsend born June 14, 1920

3. Nathaniel G. on Oct 11, 1924 eloped to Oakland, md where he married Miss Margaret Anderson who was born Oct 27, 1908. Mrs T. did not know her parentage, but said her father & mother were divorced & her mother was now married to a Burns or Byrnes. JVT

V14 Page 211

Oak Hill Sept 11, 1925 12:45 PM

I note the following deaths while I was gone:

Mrs Jennie Nicholls Fulton, widow of Dr Henry W. Fulton on Aug 10, 1925 in Pgh Gaz-Times of Aug 11.


Mrs Emily Frances Moore aged 74 yrs 11 mos 23 days wife of George L. Moore of South Brownsville, Pa on Sept 3, 1925 survived by 5 sons & her husband. Mor Her. of Sept 4.

Oak Hill Sept 11, 1925 5:15 PM

In her letter of Aug 31, 1925, Mrs Harriet V. Mayo of Brilliant, O gives the following as the 10 children of her grandfather, Jacob Zoll Jr (son of Jacob Zoll & Elizabeth Markle) Elizabeth Zoll (Mrs Mayo's mother)

Jacob H. Zoll

John Roland Zoll (father of Dr E.C. Zoll see B 11 p 565)

Robert P. Zoll

Rudolphus Zoll (evidently the Civil War veteran)

Mary Zoll

Joseph Zoll

Lucinda Zoll

Milton Zoll

Newton Zoll

Says her mother having married, remained in Ohio & all the others went to Fulton Co, Ill in 1852 but it was in 1858, see book 11 p 565 & 517-522 & book 13 p 474-483

V14 Page 212

Oak Hill Sept 14, 1925 11 PM

I have a letter dated Aug 11, 1925 small envelope supplementing & enlarging my call on Miss Mabel Stedman, Toronto, O see book 13 pages 466-469 incl from which I am entering some data here & some at above pages.

She says John Bray Sr who married Elizabeth Finley daughter of John Finley 1766-1813 son of Clement 1735-1775 died May 10, 1872 at "Sloans Station" now Toronto, O was born Sept 1796. His wife Elizabeth Findley Bray was born in Westmoreland Co, Penna Apr 4, 1803 & died on Browns Island WVA on Dec 31, 1885

Her Brother, William Findley was born in 1801 & died on Island Creek Mch 14, 1886 (see book 6 page 145 item 1)

She says Mercy Bray Cooper's eldest daughter Mary married Saml B. Taylor, lawyer & had two children, May & Jay Wellington, the latter dying in infancy. May married Roy H. Criss & have two girls, Mary Jane & Virginia now living in Calif with her father at Fontana.

John Bray Jr son of John & Elizabeth had a son Charles who mar Theodora Dawson. He is dead without issue & it is she who lives next door to Miss Stedman.

V14 Page 213

Henry, son of John Jr now dead, mar Mary Haywood & had two children, Freeman & Mabel who married Lewis Bauer & has no issue, but thinks all are living at Whittier, Calif see book 13 p 467.

She says John Bray Jr's wife's name was Elizabeth Boyer & she now recalls a ninth child, she only recalled 8 on page 466 vol 13 viz;

Sarah Bray who married John Morrow & had two children:

1. Benton who mar 1st Hattie Johnston & had two boys:

1. Mont, living in Canada

2. Jimmie died in infancy

Benton mar 2d & he is dead.

2. Clarissa Morrow mar Henry Powell & had four boys, Ellis, Frank, Edward & Morton. Don't know whether mar living or dead. All went west & scattered. Don't know whether Clarissa & husband are living, but says her parents, Sarah Bray Morrow & husband are dead.

Refer to book 13 p 466-469

Refer to book 12 p 130

Refer to book 6 p 145

V14 Page 214

Oak Hill Sept 15, 1925 9:33 AM

When I was at cousin H. Cornelia Tinstman's at Turtle Creek Pa on Feby 20th last, see book 13 pages 49 to 55, she loaned me the 6 by 8 in cloth covered book or diary of thoughts & events of her Aunt Mary E. Boyd from which I am making memoranda of events she noted:

Page 16

"Brother Shepherd (Shepherd B. Markle Sr) departed this life May 4, 1882 was born Nov 3, 1805, was in his 77th yr. How few live to see that. I hope he is singing the praises of the Redeemer, he has gone from a world of affliction, sorrow & trouble to a better land I hope where all is peace & joy, he had been afflicted so long."

"Brother Cyrus (Gen Cyrus P. Markle) departed this life Oct 27, 1882, was born Apr 18, 1810, was in 73d yr. Oh how fast pass to the other world"

Page 19 (her 8)

"those are the years of my life where I have lived & moved to:

I was born June 6, 1812 at Millgrove, lived there till the year 1829

then moved to the other farm till 1834

then moved to where George lives 1834 (was at Cyrus's 2 yrs)

Was married in the year 1851

then moved to John Boyd's in the year 1852 and lived there till April 1860 (or 1861)

Moved to town & staid till April 1864

V14 Page 215

then moved to the house uptown 1 yr 1869. Bought the Miller house John lived till 1875. I lived till the year 1876 in it, then I moved to the house at Mill. Lived there till 1878 & moved back to where I live 1878. I think that is moving. I moved eight times. They say a rolling stone gathers no moss & I think that is so & now this 1880 where will I be in 1881, it might be food for the worms that will come"

page 56

"sister Hannah departed this life Feby 28, 1857 aged 17 yrs & 3 mos"

"Aunt Hannah Markle departed this life Friday July 28, 1865 aged 84 yrs"

Page 57

"Father departed this life Friday March 15, 1867 aged 90 years & one month" (Mrs Boyd was the daughter of Uncle Joseph Markle by his first wife)

"Mother (her stepmother) departed this life Wednesday Dec 30, 1868 aged 67 yrs & 8 mos"

"Sarah A. Markle departed this life Thursday Nov 26, 1868 in the 55th yr of her age"

Page 58

"John Boyd departed this life Feby 18, 1875 Thursday night at nine 50, aged 73 yrs 10 mos 18 days"

Page 77 states that Uncle Joe Markle died at 5 o'clock in the morning Mch 15, 1867

A slip of paper has on it

"Lafayette Markle, Editor of the Nyack Chronicle, Nyack, NY"

Page 123

"Aug 26 (1880) Uncle Gasper (Gasper Markle) died & was buried 28th"

V14 Page 216

Page 124

"Tuesday Oct 5, 1880 preparing to go to Uniontown, Wed 6th in the morning we went was at the Fair in the afternoon, Thursday &, I staid at Thompson's. Maggie went Friday 8 at @. Crotherses. Sat 9 at Potter Crothers, Sab 10 at Church, heard Mr Millholland preach. Monday 11 went to Dr Shepler's & staid till Tuesday morning & then came home, went down to Shepherd's in the evening, the night the news came of the election of Indiana & Ohio"

Page 129

"Uncle Gasper Markle departed this life Aug 26, 1880 Aunt Polly died Apr 1st, 1881"

Page 159 states that Sidnie (Taylor) & she sat up with their father the night before he died.

"Arch Boyd died Oct 9, 1879. Annie Patton Oct 9, 1879, Thursday"

Finished 3:33 PM

Will give the book to Cornelia tomorrow when she comes up.

She did not come up until Friday the 18th inst & I gave her the book then at Oak Hill.

V14 Page 217

Fidelity Trust Co 325 Chestnut St, Phila, Pa Sept 23, 1925 11:45 AM

I got in Phila from NY at 11 o'clock & came here to see Wm Harris Finley, who has a desk & window here. He said he was born in Oct 1846 & would be 79 yrs old next month, a son of Dr Clement Alexander Finley & great grandson of John, who was killed by the Indians in Lurgan Tp, Cumb Co, Pa & in 1757 & in that was as far back as he could go. I told him I could go back the balance of the way for 300 yrs further on his line. He is a virile active man, with gray moustache & is a little under average height. He says he has given but little attention to the family records, but says his niece, Miss Matilda Finley McKee, dau of his oldest sister living at Flushing, Falmouth, England, with her Aunt Lydia M. Finley (sister of my informant) where they have lived for 20 yrs may have some records as she commenced once to gather them but gave it up. He says it is possible some of her records may be at his home. He took my address & will send them to me if he finds any. He said he wanted a book & he thought

V14 Page 218

Leighton Finley had gotten the record of their family, but that was 20 yrs ago. He said this sister, himself, & a younger brother in Merchantville? NJ were all that survive of his father's children. Asking him about James Finley, an older or oldest son of John Finley of Lurgan Tp & brother of his, my informant's, grandfather Samuel Finley, he said his grandson, Col Charles B. Finley, a lawyer, lived at Paoli, Pa & saw service abroad in the World War & was aged abt 40 odd. His father was Charles Finley also of Elkton, Md & his father James Finley (son of John 1713-1757) married as his second wife, a Moore, who was a sister of my informant's mother, also a Moore, the wife of Dr Clement A. Finley, his father. He was very cordial & kind.

Left 12:25 PM

Mch 29/26 From the McCoy letters examined yesterday, see book 16 p 230-31, I see his reference above was not to his grandfather's brother James, but to his father's brother Dr James B.

Yesterday, when at the Cadruns [best guess] Book Shop abt 4:30 PM, Chas P. Everett showed me a 3 vol $27 History of the Wyoming Valley by Kulp, published abt 50 yrs ago in which under an article on Lamberton, it said

V14 Page 219

his grandfather, Gen. James Lamberton's mother was a Finley (was at bottom of a right hand page & turn over). I think it said that he, Gen James Lamberton, was from Londonderry, Ireland. Look up the Lamberton's History in our Penna Biography & when home see if my Noah F. Morrison genealogy catalogue has a book on the Lambertons.

V14 Page 220 & V14 Page 221

[descendant chart]

Vienna Boyleston, born ______ & died abt 1911 aged 79, see page 261. Her mother was Jane Finley. M. Joseph Malone. They had ten children.


Isabel Malone, ob m. to Mewhirt

Jane Malone, m. to Calaway

William Malone, lives Chillicothe, O

Ferribee Malone, m & is living in Kansas

Ella Malone, m. to Miller & lives at Oxford, Kan

Edward Malone, m. Lives at Wichita, Kan

Elizabeth Malone, m. to Heitsman. Lives on McKellar St, Chillicothe, O

Priscilla Malone, m. to Riley. Lives on Mulberry St, Chillicothe, O

Horace Malone, m. P.O. RFD & Chillicothe, O writing him today Jany 14, 1926.

V14 Page 222

At home of Mrs Margaret Finley Lenox, Masseyville, Ross Co, O (P.O. Chillicothe, O RFD 7) Sept 25, 1925 9:30 AM

I arrived here half an hour ago, the house being adjoining the Baptist Church & belongs Mrs Limle [sic] said to them. Mrs Lenox said her grandfather, Isaac Finley was born on the ocean coming over, but she does not know the names of his parents nor where they came from in Ireland nor where they settled on arriving in America nor where they died. She says her grandfather Isaac Finley died of typhoid fever when aged 47 yrs at the old Finley farm in this Scioto Tp, further out the Waverly Pike & are buried at the Baptist g.y., Huntingdon Tp about 5 or 6 miles which is reached by turning off this road to the right. Mrs Lenox' father was born at this old Finley home & was 13 yrs old when his father died which would be then say 1861 & that would make date of his birth & coming to America 1814. His wife was a Henness & she died of child bed fever when her youngest child, Isaac was but three weeks old. There was but six weeks between the deaths of Isaac & his wife (don't know which died first) & the home (they being renters)

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was broken up & the children were put out. Scott went to live with James Patton near Chillicothe, O, a mile out on the Huntingdon Pike. He tried to get in the army a time or two but was refused because of his age & finally when 16, ran off north & gave his age as 18 & served in the Civil War one year until it closed. He had four older brothers in the Civil War, viz: John, William, James & Moses.

Isaac's children:

1. John died on the Patton place of tuberculosis, unmarried, shortly after his return from the War & is buried at the Baptist Church at Hungtingdon.

2. William was killed in the Civil War, was unmarried

3. James, was wounded in the Civil War & died at the Patton place & is buried at Huntingdon Baptist Church. Was unmarried.

4. Moses has been married three times & is living now in Lyons, Kansas. Has a son William living at 300 W 12th St, Hutchinson, Kansas.

5.Scott born say June 28? 1848, see below

6. Isaac, born say 1861, married Lizzie Raines of Frankfort, a fine woman. He was a drinking man & went off to a lumber camp south, leaving two children & was never heard of again. One son, Charles, is a good citizen about here. The other child was a girl. Thinks her name is Maud.

V14 Page 224

7. Margaret married Levi Guess in Nebraska & had 3 children. They separated & he kept the two girls & she took the boy Edward Guess & came back to Pattons here & died. The son lives on Mulberry St at 348 S. Mulberry at Mrs Adam Edinger.

8. Martha mar 1. William Wilson who died leaving 2 boys & 2 girls. Mar 2 Thornton Hastings & had two girls. He is dead & so is she.

9. Nancy, died unmarried in Chillicothe & is buried at Huntingdon Bapt Ch

10. Ellen, younger than Scott, d.y.

11. Mary, younger than Scott, d.y.

12. Ida, next older than Isaac, married Clinton Hurst. She is dead & he is living & married again. Had two daughters. She was struck by lightning & killed in Nebraska.

Mrs Lenox says that Nathan Finley lives on a small place out from Bourneville, O & thinks he is a first or second cousin of her father & his son John lives near Fox P.O. out from Circleville, O. Says Jane Cutright living at No 399 S. Mulberry St Chillicothe, O is a first cousin of Scott Finley, her mother being a Henness & thinks she might be able to tell from what part of Ireland the Finleys came.

V14 Page 225

5. Scott Finley was married to Mary S. Wiltshire both of Ross Co, O Sept 28, 1868 at William Wiltshire's in this, Scioto Tp by Abraham Cartlich. She was daughter of William Wiltshire & his wife Lydia Stinson & was born in this Tp Jany 27, 1851. She is living here but is now visiting in Dayton, O.

They had eleven children, all born on the Patton place in this Tp except the youngest who was born on the Wm Wiltshire place also in this Tp as follows: Bible Record:

1. William Finley was born July 4, 1869

2. Hattie Finley was born Feby 1, 1871

3. James Patton Finley was born May 9, 1872

4. Lydia Finley was born July 27, 1873

5. Isaac Finley was born Aug 31, 1874

6. Horace Finley was born Aug 15, 1876

7. Mary Lydia Finley was born June 24, 1878

8. Maggie Elizabeth Finley was born Sept 7, 1881

9. John Scott Finley was born May 8, 1883

10. Bessie Finley was born Jany 16, 1887

11. Leroy Foster Finley was born July 29, 1892


Lydia Finley died July 27, 1873 aged one day

Horace Finley died July 14, 1918

Isaac Finley died Nov 13, 1899 aged 25 yrs

Scott Finley died Apr 19, 1924 aged 75 yrs 9 mos & 21 days

V14 Page 226

1. William Finley married Sept 16, 1897 to Minnie Rohe. She died in June 27, 1922 & he lives at No 23 N. Horton St Dayton, O where he is a machinist in the RR shops. Have but one boy, Wm Howard. His mother is there visiting now. see item 17 page 268.

2. Hattie mar Sept 28, 1893 to Leroy Limle & lives here at Masseyville, O where they run a store & restaurant. Have a son living & a daughter dead.

3. James Patton Finley mar Apr 6, 1899 to Mary E. Fauber of Hillsboro, O & live at 362 S. Paint St where he works in the paper mill across the street from his residence. have 3 girls & a boy.

4. Lydia, d.y.

5. Isaac mar Aug 31, 1899 to Emma Everhart, widow, her maiden name being Brown. He died at Greenfield, O Nov 13, 1899 & is buried at Huntingdon Baptist Church. No issue. She remarried after his death to Ira Taylor. Isaac died of typhoid fever.

6. Horace died July 14, 1918 unmarried & is buried at the family g.y. on the Wiltshire place up the road.

7. Mary Lydia mar Oct 1896 to Fred Ott. Both living near Frankfort, O about a mile out where he owns a farm. Have 2 girls & 2 boys living & one boy dead.

V14 Page 227

8. Margaret Elizabeth mar Apr 25, 1909 in this Tp by Rev Neal of Church of Christ to Herman Albert Lenox born in Huntingdon Tp Feby 9, 1885 son of Thomas Lenox & his wife Caroline Sharp. He is in a sanitarium at Chillicothe, O. Have had five children viz:

1. Herschel Elvas, born Oct 3, 1910 in Scioto Tp & lives here but is working now at Londonderry, O. Water boy on roads.

2. Wayne Darrel born Dec 24, 1912 in Chillicothe, O & died same day

3. Ruth D. born Sept 15, 1914 in Chillicothe, O

4. Roy D. born Sept 15, 1914 in Chillicothe, O

Ruth D. died Jany 8, 1915

Roy D. died Feby 14, 1915

5. Harold born May 23, 1918 in Scioto Tp & died the same day.

9. John Scott mar Jany 10, 1903 to Ethel Marsh daughter of Gilbert Marsh & wife Julia True. Both living here at Masseyville & he is foreman on road building work & have one son Clifton.

10. Bessie mar Apr 11, 1909 to Kirbin Kibler & both are living in Columbus, O at 1455 Fairview Ave where he is a carpenter. Have 5 children living & one dead.

11. Leroy Foster mar to Cecil Yoho both living at Akron, O at 777 Leo St where he works at the rubber works. Have one girl, Agnes.

Left 11:55 [best guess, cut off]

V14 Page 228

At Mr & Mrs Leroy C. Limle Masseyville, O Sept 25, 1925 12:12 PM

Mrs Limle says go to see the probate judge, Elijah Cutright, whose wife's mother was Nancy Finley, a sister of Scott Finley. Her mother died when she was a baby & she was raised by the Cutrights. Dr Tatman's wife was Florence Wilson, whose mother was Martha Finley see page 224. She lives at 77 W 4th St, Chillicothe, O. See page 224

Says her Uncle Isaac's wife, Mrs Lizzie Finley lives at Frankfort, O

Leroy Clifton Limle was born Jany 10, 1871 in Chillicothe, O the son of Charles C. Limle & his wife Wilhelmina Rohe. Have had two children both born in Scioto Tp

1. Harriet Limle born Dec 9, 1910 & died the same day

2. Scott Charles Limle born July 7, 1912, at home.

Mrs Limle confirms that her Aunt Nancy was unmarried & that her daughter's name should probably be Dunn. Says Judge Cutright's father raised Mrs C. She said her brother, Isaac died of typhoid fever.

Leaving 12:40 PM

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At probate judge's office Chillicothe, O Ross Co Sept 25, 1925 1:33 PM

The probate judge, Mr Cutright, has gotten out for me the papers relating to the settlement of the estate of Moses Finley in 1831 (This Moses is probably the father of Isaac 1814-1861) NO [written later, obviously]. They are brief & as follows:

"The undersigned Administrator of Moses Finley, decd, reports that Decd left no goods or chattels as far as information is yet received, wherefore, the appraisers appointed by the court have not been called on. The only debt due to the decdnt as far as known in said to be a claim on John Barr and Nicholas Clipper of Lancaster Co, Penna & the same is reported accordingly. Nov 16, 1831 James Finley, Admr of Moses Finley, Decd"

Filed on Nov 16, 1831

Bond was given by James Finley in $600 on June 3, 1831 with Peter Lighttel & Thomas McCan sureties & letters were issued to James Finley same day.

Will Book A Pages 21 & 22 is will of David Jolly dated Aug 2, 1804 in which he states that he is old, names several sons-in-law & sons David who he makes Exr. James & William

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Will Book A P 233, Will of Hugh Finley of Ross Co gives: 1st to my daughter Sarah Flora 200 A of my landed estates including the house where I now live.

2nd to my brother Joseph Finley, the balance of my landed estate ctg abt 131 A

3d & lastly to my brother Joseph Finley & my son-in-law, John Flora, my personal property equally.

Will is dated Apr 7, 1827. Probated May 28, 1827

Will Book A, B, C, & D P 582

Will of Joseph Finley of Ross Co gives: 1st, to my wife Rachel Findley [sic] all money on hand & all personal property & also the 330 A tract of land on which he lives for life or while she remains his widow & then to go to his nine children, Isabel Devenney, late Isabel Findley, Joseph Findley, Thomas Findley, James Findley, Hugh Findley, Andrew Findley, John Findley, William Findley & Harrison Findley to be equally divided between them. States that his daughter, Isabella is the wife of Stacy Devinney [sic]. Appoints wife sole Exrs Dated on May 10, 1843 Joseph Findley (seal) Witnessed by Allen Cochran, Thomas Flora Jr. Probated Oct 5, 1843

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In year 1869, box 2451 or envelope rather, in the matter of the minor of John H. Finley decd, Isaac J. Finley makes application for appointment of guardian of Nathan Finley aged 13 heir of John H. Finley who has an interest in his grandfather's estate amtg to $100. Isaac J. Finley is appointed guardian.

Year 1876 Nancy P. Finley

Richard M. Elliott is appointed Adm of Nancy P. Finley who has personal estate of $400 & R.E. $700 & offers James Elliott as bondsman Dec 16, 1876. Gives bond in $2200 with James Elliott & James Elliott Jr sureties. An order from Emma Posey shows it was Miss Nancy Finley.

Leaving 3:50 PM

Judge Cutright said this, Ross Co, was organized in 1801.

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At Ross County Natl Bank, Chillicothe, O Sept 25, 1925 4:15 PM

Mr Charles C. Jack is cashier of above bank & says he was born in 1869, the son of John Thomas Jack who was born in Virginia Nov 14, 1836 & died Feby 1, 1916 & he in turn was son of Jacob Jack who came over from the old country with a brother (he does not know the brother's name, nor does he have any trace of him) & both were bound out. Jacob settled in VA & married a Lennox, the families of Lennox, Shannon, & Kinsey having come over on the same vessel with the Jack boys. Jacob Jack came from Va here & in the early sixties before my informant was born, died in this County at Kingston, an old man.

Mr Jack says that his first cousin, Mrs Evaline Ballard, daughter of William L. Jack, a brother of my informant's father, lives here but is now in Columbus, O on some welfare work, has gathered some data about the family & he will see her on her return & write me or have her do so. I gave him my address. He says he had a letter abt

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two years ago from a Capt Jack in Texas with ten pages about himself & his Jack family & thinking it too egotistical, he disregarded. He says he has the letter & will hunt it up & give it to me tomorrow evening or send it to me. His wife, a fine looking woman, came to the bank while I was there & was much interested. She says her great grandmother was Lettice Thompson, a daughter of Robert Thompson & his wife Ruthie Ruth. She says she can give the Thompson line further back & will see her mother & look up her D.A.R. papers & write me. Mr Jack is a tall, handsome smooth faced man, with good even features & walks with a slight limp. He looks much younger than 56. He says the bank is open after supper tomorrow, Saturday night & I arranged to see him then.

Left at 4:55 PM

Sept 26, 1925. I phoned her from the bank tonight at 7:15 PM & she said her ancestor above was Robert Thomas Thompson of Guilford Co, NC

See Book 16 p 179.

V14 Page 234

At residence of James Patton Finley 362 S. Paint St, Chillicothe, O. Sept 25, 1925 7:22 PM

Mr Finley says there is a graveyard called the McDill Cem say 1 1/2 acres abt 2 1/2 to 3 miles out of Chillicothe on the Cincinnati & Milford Pike. Go out W. Main St & follow around the hill. The g.y. is on the left hand side opposite a sugar grove & in S.W. corner where a road turns off to the left. The Scotts did own the land there & still own some of it & Mr T. thinks they may be buried there. The Scotts now live in town here. Mrs Finley says her name was Mary Elizabeth Fauber, daughter of David Fauber & his wife Susan Emma Rhoades & she was born on Rocky Fork near Greenfield, Highland Co, O Oct 27, 1876 & have had four children, the oldest one born in Greenfield, O & the other three here in Chillicothe, O. viz:

1. Myrtle Harriet Finley born Nov 29, 1899

2. Minnie Gladys Finley born June 16, 1902

3. Margaret Elizabeth Finley born Dec 20, 1906

4. Albert James Finley born May 14, 1909

1. Myrtle H. was married Apr 6, 1916 to Earl Haubeil born Mch 12, 1899 son of John Edgar Haubeil & his wife Catherine Hortense Nunley. She has four

V14 Page 235

children all born in Chillicothe, O

1. Eldred James Earl born Oct 26, 1917

2. Oscar Leroy born May 19, 1919

3. John Edgar born Jany 19, 1922

4. Marcella Rose born Mch 9, 1923

Both living here at No 68 E 8th St. He is a paper maker. I phoned her 7 AM 26th & got correct parentage & dates of birth.

2. Minnie G. was married Aug 7, 1919 to Andrew George Jurka, a Slav, who came here from Cleveland, O as a World War veteran, but he had not gotten abroad. Both living in Tucson, Ariz where they went for his health & "he is on the Gov" & have had three children two living & one dead.

1. Andrew George Jr born Mch 17, 1920

2. Catherine born July 2, 1922 & died June 1, 1923

3. Albert James born Jany 29, 1925

3. Margaret E. was married June 6? 1923 to Howard Blaine, son of Charles Blaine & his wife Blanche Edwards. He was just past 21 when married, born then in 1902. They separated a month later & she is living in Columbus, O under her maiden name. She had had a child to a man named Gray who sat down on a RR track at a small town near Charleston WVA, fell asleep & was killed, the child was born here in

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in Chillicothe, O & is a little girl who I saw being reared by her parents viz:

1. Koma Velmeta Finley Apr 27, 1923

Mr Finley says his father, Scott Finley, was born June 24, 1848 & was for many years farmer for James Patton for whom he was named. Patton was an old bachelor. Mr Finley says he owns 71 ft front at 362 S Paint St running back to the lands on the hillside of the Grandview Cemetery which he says is the old cemetery of the town. He walked down with me to 399 Mulberry St to see Jane Cutright, but it was abt 8:30 when we got there & she had gone to bed & I arranged to go back in the morning. She, however called out saying the Finleys had come from Belfast, County Down, Ireland.

V14 Page 237

At residence of Mrs Margaret Jane Cutright No 399 Mulberry St, Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 8:30 AM

Mrs Cutright says her mother was Mary Finley who came from Belfast, County Down, Ireland to America in 1811 when she was 4 to 5 yrs old. She had had the small pox in Ireland & was pock marked therefrom all her life. The wife of James Finley was Ann Cowden, a small gentle, sweet dispositioned woman, who died here in America following the birth of her last child which died also. She was in her 40s. She died in Ross Co, O some 8 or 10 miles from here & is buried at Bishop Hill Church, Methodist 10 miles, take road two blocks beyond bridge turning to right on Huntingdon pike. It is Mt Olivet g.y. James Finley after arrival in America made his way to Pittsburgh, Pa where he took a flat boat down the Ohio & got off at Adams Co, O where he bought a farm Mrs C. thinks & remained 2 or 3 yrs & sold out & moved to Bishops Hill neighborhood where his wife died & he then moved to within

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four miles of Chillicothe in Huntingdon Tp on the edge of Scioto Tp & a short distance off of the Huntingdon Pike where he died in the thirties & is buried at Bishops Hill & has a sandstone marker as has his wife. He was a Presbyterian & a Mason.

Mrs C. says that Mrs Edith Nessel, living right in Bourneville, O is the widow of Joseph Nessel. His mother was Elizabeth Finley, daughter of my informant's Uncle John Finley. Joseph Nessel prepared a history of the Finley family which is printed in a big book which she would have.

Mrs C. says she can give the list of the children in her grandfather Finley's family in the order of their ages & I am commencing a genealogical table on page 240 as she gives it to me. Mrs C. says her grandfather never remarried & her mother kept house for him & didn't marry until after her father died. After her marriage, shortly, a bachelor first cousin from Ireland came here on a visit & concluded to go back to Ireland & got as far as Susquehanna Co, Pa from where

V14 Page 239

(His name was Moses Finley)

he corresponded with Mrs C's mother & was still there at Montrose Sta when Mrs C. was a young girl & since then they have no trace of him. Her grandfather's children were: John, Moses, James, Mary Jane, Isaac & a child that was born here & died when the mother did. There was a James, she thinks, the oldest who died unmarried aged about 21 & is buried at Bishops Hill. It is now 9:25 AM & I must go to catch bus to Bourneville, O & will make table later. See it at Page 260 instead of 240.

Leaving 9:30 AM

See page 254.

V14 Page 240

At residence of Mrs Edith M. Nessell, Main St, Bourneville, O Sept 26, 1925 10:40 AM

Mrs Nessell says the History spoken of is in two large volumes giving the history of the Finley & Wentworth families. Mr Nessell had the books at his home across the street & after his death, his sister, Miss Mary Nessell got them & Mrs N. thinks she gave them to her nephew, Fred Everett Nessell, son of Sherman Nessell, who is married & lives at Hiram, O where he is employed in the college.

Mrs George Jackson, widow, living at Washington C.H. whose father, Richard Elliott was a first cousin of my informant's husband, Joseph Edwin Nessell, asked to have the books & Mrs N. thinks he sent them to her & Mrs N. does not know whether she has returned them or not. She says they gave the ancestry of the Finleys away back. She says that her husband was the son of Silas Nessell & his wife Elizabeth Finley & Mrs N. thinks there [sic] bible record is with their son Sherman Nessell, who lives in the town of Williamsport, O. Joseph E. Nessell was born

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near here Sept 1, 1854 & died Mch 1, 1910 here in Bourneville, O & is buried at the Tp cemetery near here. He was married Jany 1, 1891 in Twin Tp a mile from here to Edith May Summers, daughter of Reuben Summers & his wife, Mary Fultz. She was born in Twin Tp, Jany 20, 1865. They did not have any issue. Mr Nessell was a member of the Meth Epis Ch & Supt of the Sunday School for several years. He was a merchant here, had formerly been a farmer.

Leaving 11 AM

V14 Page 242

Office of Probate Judge, Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 3 PM

I find the will of Joseph Scott in will book A, B, C, D, page 573. it recites that he is of Lexington Ky & is dated Sept 14, 1839 & is a long will followed by a lengthy codicil.

He gives his house & lot on the Nicholasville Road, Lexington, Ky & his farm on Paint Creek, Ross Co, O to his wife, Lucy C. Scott for life & then to go to her children. Also gives her household furniture, cows & horses on lot & all of his slaves. All the balance of his estate to be equally divided among all of his children with the provision that his daughter Elizabeth, wife of Humphrey Fullerton have as part of her share, the house & lot in Chillicothe, O in which she now resides at $3500. She Also directs that the shares of my daughters Elizabeth & Sarah, wife of David C. Humphreys be made up to them out of my land in Ohio, other than the Paint Creek farm. Does not name his other children.

Appoints wife Lucy C. Scott, son-in-law David C. Humphreys & brother M.T. Scott Exrs. On June 22, 1841 makes a codicil. Proven at July Court Fayette Co, Ky in 1843.

Leaving 4 PM

Could not find any Joseph Coates will.

V14 Page 243

At residence of Dr O.P. Tatman No 77 W. 4th St Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 4:15 PM

Mrs Tatman is a daughter of Martha Finley see page 234. Martha Finley was born May 13, 1857 & died Dec 26, 1906 at Atlanta, O & is buried in Spring Bank Cem, Yellow Bud, O. She mar 1. in 1875 to William Titus Wilson son of Wilson & his wife Dungan. He was born 1854 & died Jany 16, 1887 at Yellow Bud, O where he was a farmer. They had five children all born near Yellow Bud, O.

1. Florence Emelyn born Feby 27, 1876

2. Frederick born Mch 9, 1878

3. William Clarence born Mch 15, 1883

4. Elizabeth Nancy

5. John Kirkendall

She will try to get data to fill out the blanks. Says the last two children died in infancy.

1. Florence E. mar Oct 19, 1908 Dr Oliver Perry Tatman born Jany 18, 1874 at or near Batavia, O son of John Tatman & his wife. No issue. Dr Tatman is a practicing physician here.

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Mrs Tatman said someone in the house was seriously ill & her nurse was away & she said she would have to give her attention to the sick & asked me to come back tomorrow at 2 PM to complete the record in which she was much interested & said she would want a book. She said she would try & get her mother's bible record from her half sister, living in town & have it there tomorrow afternoon.

There was no ink at Nathan Finley's & I will now, 1 AM 27th transcribe what I penciled down there see page 245. Sept 27, 1925 2:50 Pm back again.

2. Frederick died Jany 26, 1902 unmarried

3. William Clarence died June 4, 1903 unmarried

Mar 2d to James Thornton Hastings, ob. They had two children viz:

6. Bessie Marie Hastings born July 19, 1892

7. Myrtle Victoria Hastings born Nov 30, 1897

See page 262

V14 Page 245

At residence of Nathan Finley, Twin Tp, Ross Co, O (P.O. RFD Bourneville, O ) Sept 26, 1925 12 o'clock noon

I found Mr Finley, a tall spare intelligent man with sparse whiskers & rather delicate, just finishing his dinner with his wife, a large heavy set woman who has been totally blind for twelve years, brought on she said from getting overheated canning blackberries in Fayette Co, O succeeding which she took the pink eye & the optic nerve was injured or destroyed. She is an excellent woman & in her blindness, after he had gone to his work, went in another room & brought out their big bible with their own record.

Mr Finley says his great grandfather James Finley came to NY & took out their papers & finally came up & settled down on Ralstons Run near the Baptist Church in Hooppole Tp Ross Co, O & built a home & he died there & he & his wife are buried in the Baptist Church Cemetery there. They are buried at Bishops Hill g.y. [last sentence apparently added later] He says his grandfather, John

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Finley was 16 yrs old when they came over which his wife confirms. He was born Aug 28 & was 75 yrs old when he died which was when Nathan, born in 1853 was 14 yrs old. He died 1 1/2 miles from here Hooppole Tp & is buried at Bishops Hill Cemetery & has a marker & his wife is also buried there. The Baptists g.y. where John's father, James is buried is two miles fr Bishops Hill. He was wrong about place of James burial.

John Finley married Mary Weber Wentworth, a native of Maine, daughter of Benjamin Wentworth, also buried at Baptist Church who came here from Maine in a wagon with his wife Margaret?. She survived him. He thinks the Elliotts got his bible. He had two sons & four daughters. I will start a table commencing on page 250 from what he tells me. Richard Elliott is older than Nathan.

Mahala Nessell is buried at Bourneville, O See tables at 250 to 253 which I have supplemented Sept 27, & 28 from data gotten at Bishops Hill & Baptists Church g.ys & from bible of Isaac J. Finley in hands of his daughter Nancy

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Knapp who I saw Sunday night Sept 27, 1925 at her home No 350 E 7th St Chillicothe, O. Mrs F. sd she had 28 grandchildren, never lost one & Dona F. Lowery is the only one married.

Left 1:15 PM

At residence of George Lowery Slate Mills, Ross Co, O Sept 26, 1925 2 PM

This is a large frame house about 2 1/2 miles out from Chillicothe on the road to Bourneville O & is right on the road side. His wife, Leatha, a large woman received me & I have entered what she told me in the table on page 252, she giving me the names & dates of birth of her nine children from a record she had in a book. She says their P.O. address is Route 3 Chillicothe, O.

Left 2:13 PM

Coming on in, we drove in the McDill g.y that James P. Finley spoke of & was:

At McDill Graveyard Sept 26, 1925 2:22 PM

Could not find any Scott buried here but did note:

Susan Grubb Feby 28, 1849, Sept 6, 1908

Andrew Grubb, Apr 30, 1837 Feby 20, 1907 Co E. 149 Rev O.V.I.

But this was not our Susan.

Left 2:35 PM

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I then went to the Probate Judge's office see page 242 & then to see Mrs Dr Tatman, see page 243.

I asked her if she had ever heard of Dr Joseph Coates & she said there were two very old maiden Coates women who died within the last two or three years or so who had lived in the old home on corner of East 2nd St & n. Mulberry St & said to see Dr J.M. Hanley nearby on E 2nd ST as he had been practicing many years & knew them. I walked down there & found him at his home near his office, a fine urbane, heavy set man with gray chin whiskers. He said he had practiced medicine there for 46 out of the 48 yrs of his professional career & he walked to the corner of N. Mulberry & showed me the old Coates home, built as shown at top of spouting in 1818 & wonderfully well preserved as it does not show decay in any way. The lot is about 100 ft square & runs to what was the old Erie Canal 100 ft east of Mulberry which has been filled in & is now used as an alley. He said the property was sold about a week ago & that Dr McDougall of Athens, O had fallen heir to it. He said the office of old Doctor Coates was on Mulberry St, just south of the house & had recently been torn down. A.L. Fullerton told me Sunday evening that this office built in 1805 was the oldest building in town

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& that the building on N.W. corner of South Paint & W 4th, the property of his grandfather Humphrey Fullerton, recently torn down to erect a garage & filling station was the next oldest house in town.

Dr Hanley sent me to the furniture store in one of the frame buildings on back end of Coates lot & beyond & was soon at the:

Furniture Store Cor N. Mulberry & E 3d St, owned by H.O. Ewing Sept 26, 1925

Mr Ewing is a fine handsome middle aged man with good countenance & said that Miss "Zepp" Coates was the last one to die, which was about 2 yrs ago. The other sister, Miss Louise Coates died in 1919 or 1920. Thinks Miss Zepp was the oldest & was about 90 yrs old. Mr Ewing said Ernest Moran lived with them for 30 yrs & now lives on Masonic Av a short street off E 2d right by the Majestic Theatre in the rear of Dr Iden's where he lives with his mother. He was, however on his week-end drunk & I was told could not be seen until Monday. Garrett Claypool, lawyer representing the purchaser, a contractor, dealt with Dr McDougall for the property which sold for a little over $9000. they were buried at Grandview Cem.

Leaving 5:22 PM

I then walked back to the Hotel & got my dinner.

Refer to page 254

V14 Page 250 & V14 Page 251

[descendant chart]

John Finley, son of James Finley & wife Ann Cowden was born in Ireland on Aug 28 & died Aug 17, 1868 aged 71 yrs 6 mos 14 days born then Feby 3, 1797. He may have been aged 74 yrs+. He married Mary Weber Wentworth born near Portland, Maine Feby 12, 1802 & died in Ohio Sept 12, 1886, dau of Benjamin or Benning Wentworth. She & John Finley were married in Aug 1823.


Sarah Ann Finley, ob. mar James Elliott. Both buried at Seelig g.y. Had two sons & a daughter.

Richard Elliott, m. He is a gardener & lives in Wash C.H., Ohio. He has the John & Mary Finley bible.

Isaac, B 1855, m. ob 1924 at East Palentine, O. Have 3 children there. She died just after he did. Buried at Grandview Cem. Chillicothe, O.

Susan, ob aged 18, unmarried.

Elizabeth Finley, ob. M. to Silas Nessell son of Geo Nessell. Both buried at Twin Tp Cem AT Bourneville, O Had 4 children 2 boys & 2 girls

Mary Ann, single. Lives at Bloomingsburg, O. Mrs C. thinks she is in a lady's home in Circleville, O.

Mahala, ob unmarried. aged 48 yrs buried at Bourneville, O. Was a monstrosity, weighed near 300 lbs.

Joseph Edwin, ob. m. page 240

Sherman Nessell, M. is living at New Holland, O & has issue. Has his parents bible. He mar Belle Summers, sister of Joe's wife.

Isaac Jackson Finley, Born Feby 25, 1828 ob Oct 31, 1884 m. Dec 4, 1851 Maria Miller born Feby 14, 1832 & died Dec 8, 1880 dau of Andrew Miller & wife Biddy Ann Streevey. He was a member of Ohio Legislature. She buried at Bishops Hill g.y. & have markers. Had 4 children & he is buried at Frankfort, O. He mar 2d Mrs Louise Davis who died in Circleville, O.

William Andrew Finley, B Nov 26, 1852 ob Oct 6, 1877, m. Mch 23, 1876 to Hattie Colvin. He buried at Bishops Hill & she in Columbus, O. Had one child died in infancy. She was an orphan, parentage not known. She was born May 21, 1850 & died July 5, 1905.

Maude Finley, Born & died Mch 30, 1877

James Foster B Dec 6, 1854 ob Aug 12, 1880 unmarried. Buried at Bishops Hill.

Nancy Finley, B Feby 1, 1859 m. Nov 14, 1886 Frank Knapp b May 10, 1859 son of Gabriel Knapp & wife Matilda Vandion. Living in Chillicothe, O. She wd have her father's bible. Have one son. He died 2 yrs ago. Has one son. Live at 350 E 7th St. He died Aug 11, 1923.

Willis Foster Knapp, B Sept 27, 1890 ob July 15, 1891 of brain fever.

Oscar Finley Knapp, B Oct 22, 1896. Had brain fever at 9 mos which affected his mind.

John Jackson Finley, B Oct 20, 1864 m. June 3, 1886 Rebecca Wilson died Mch 27, 1891. He lives at Yellowbud, O No issue. She was an orphan. Parentage not known.

John Horace Finley, B Aug 28, 1830 ob May 21, 1861 buried at Bishops Hill g.y but not marker mar to Mary Ward who was born Nov 4, 1833 & died Apr 9, 1923. She was dau of Wm Ward & wife Amey [sic] Flora. After his death, she mar Noah Johnson & her mother mar Michael Streevey. See page 252.

Nancy P., B Jany 28, 1832 ob Nov 24, 1876, unmarried in Columbus, O where she was overseer in the penitentiary & was knocked down by an inmate & died fr a cancer which developed. Buried at Bishops Hill g.y.

Susan G. Finley, B Aug 26, 1840, youngest child, ob Mch 26, 1873 m. to George Grubb born Oct 30, 1826 & died Feby 21, 1909. Both buried at Bishops Hill G.y. Had eight children. Died when Bertha was 2 wks old.

1. Emerson, m. in Calif. Lives in Denver, Col at Edgewood, a suburb. 2 children.

Edward, live RFD 9 Chillicothe, O

4. George T. Grubb, B Aug 2, 1867 live near Bethel Ch 2 miles beyond Bishops Hill. P.O. RFD 9 Chillicothe, O. M.

Oliver Grubb. Lives near Bethel Ch 2 miles beyond Bishops Hill P.O. RFD 9 Chillicothe O. M.

2. Lucy M. Grubb, B Nov 13, 1864 ob Dec 19, 1911. Both buried at Bishops Hill g.y. She left 2 children. m. to Wm N. Lockard who was born May 27, 1855 & died July 1, 1898.

John A. Lockard, B July 14, 1800 ob Oct 13, 1881

George A., B Mch 1883 m. See page 253

Otie, b. M. Rufus Rinehart see p 275

3. Ina Leota Grubb, B Sept 26, 1865 m.1. May 8, 1891 in Calif. m.2. June 7, 1900 to Clarence Barker & lives near Wash C.H., O. J.B. Posey says they lived at Springfield, O 2 yrs ago. See Bk 19 p 606-7-9

8. Bertha, B Mch 5, 1874, m. Allen. Lived in Springfield, O in 1911. She youngest.

5. Mary, next to youngest. She married in West & died out there in Colo. Her husband [cut off] Had 2 children. Both died [cut off] See bk 1[cut off] p 608 [probably record is in book 19]

V14 Page 252 & V14 Page 253

[descendant chart]

John Horace Finley mar Mary Ward see page 251 & had 3 children:


Nathan Finley born Aug 29, 1853. Was with his wife, my informants of the day. Mar July 5, 1854 at Bourneville, O by Rev Glenn, Meth Epis to Jane Fultz born in Twin Tp Sept 7, 1855 dau of Wm Fultz & his wife Sarah Gripp They have had six children all born in Twin Tp, all living & all married.

John Horace Finley, B Jany 16, 1876 m. Oct 3, 1905 to Mary Lennox, dau of Thomas Lenox & wife Caroline Sharp. He lives 6 miles fr Fox Sta on Genl Geo Florence farm. Has 9 children.

Leatha May Finley, B Nov 16, 1877 m. June 30, 1898 to George Lowery son of John Lowery & wife Mary McGovern. He was born Dec 20, 1874 in Twin Tp & they live at Slate Mills, O She says his mother was Margaret Freshour.

Dona Forest Lowery, B Nov 21, 1898 m. Aug 8, 1925 at Perry, Okla to Rosa Skelina & both live at Tonkawa, Okla, where he is a tool dresser.

Ernest Wade, B Oct 8, 1900

Amasa, B Feby 4, 1903

Elijah Axle, B Dec 6, 1905

George Gail, B July 20, 1907

Robert Haas, B Aug 12, 1911

Carl Edwin, B Jany 5, 1914

Milton Oscar, B Feby 1, 1916

Oma Marie, B Nov 27, 1918

Joseph Rufus, B Nov 18, 1879 m. Feby 15, 1905 to Mary McGovern. He is a plumber & lives at Wyandotte, Mich. Have 2 boys & 2 girls all single.

Mary Belle, B May 5, 1883 m. June 29, 1905 to Warner Taynor, son of ______Taynor & wife Jane Tillit. He lives near Wash C.H. Ohio & has 1 child.

William Thomas, B Oct 16, 1892 M. Oct 16, 1913 to Effie Wilburn, dau of Moses Wilburn & wife Althea Sharold. Have 2 boys & 2 girls. Live 5 miles fr Wash C.H. Ohio, a farmer.

Emma Elizabeth, B Feby 7, 1895 m. Dec 13, 1913 to Samuel Alexander, son of John Alexander & wife Caroline Morris. Have 1 dau 11 yrs old. Lives 3 miles fr Sabina, O, a farmer.

Emma Davis Finley [dau of John Horace Finley & Mary Ward] Born Mch 11, 1855 & died Jany 24, 1897 married Sept 30, 1880 Joseph Baum Posey being his 2nd wife. They had five children, Mamie, Ollie, Clara, Fred & Nathan. He married a 3d wife & lives at 904 Madison Ave, Chillicothe, O. He was born in Pickaway Co, O near St Paul, O May 14, 1851, son of Samuel Root Posey & his wife Mary Magdalena Baum, who was daughter of Christian Baum of Penna & he had 5 children by her all born in Huntingdon Tp & three other stillborn children. She died of pleura pneumonia.

Stillborn son, B May 1881

Stillborn dau, B Apr 1882

Mary Catherine, B Aug 23, 1883 m. June 11, 1902 in Peru, Ind to Ira Frank Braman born in Alexandria, Va Feby 20, 1882 son of Anthony Smith Braman & wife Mary Isabel Bellow. Both living at Hamlet, Ind in the town where he runs a restaurant. Had been a farmer. Have 3 children, the oldest born in Peru, Ind & the other two here in Chillicothe.

Ralph Posey Braman, B Aug 16, 1904 mar April 4, 1925 at Hamlet, Ind to Gertrude Hayes born June 1, 1898 dau of Wm C. Hayes & wife Cora R. Myers.

Ruth, B Sept 18, 1910. At home, single

Raymond, B Apr 3, 1913

Ollie Louisa, B Apr 6, 1886 m. Apr 1908 here to Geo A. Lockard born Mch 1883, son of Wm A. Lockard & wife Lucy Mary Grubb. Both living in Huntingdon Tp where he is a farmer & have 4 children all born in that Tp.

Ethel Lockard, B Jany 29, 1909. In High school

Carroll, B Sept 12, 1911

Grace, B Oct 1, 1913

Joseph Clyde, B June 20, 1918

Clara Belle, B July 2, 1889 m. Apr 1912 to Wesley Ralston born in Huntingdon Tp Oct 17, 1888, son of James Ralston & wife Mary Koch. Both living in Perry Tp, Pickaway Co, O (P.O. Clarksburg, Ross Co, O) where he is a farmer. Have 2 children born there.

Donald Wesley, B Oct 17, 1913

Kenneth, B Aug 17, 1922

Frederick Scott, B Jany 30, 1892 m. Dec 19, 1914 to Dora May Gire, B Apr 17, 1896 dau if Lewis Gire & wife Ada Boyer. Both living in Huntingdon Tp where he is a farmer & have 2 boys the oldest born in Clinton Co & the other in Huntingdon Tp

Lloyd Ellsworth, B Sept 20, 1915

Elmon Ray B Jany 18, 1920

Joseph Nathan, B Sept 2, 1894 m. May 23, 1918 to Ada Siemon born Nov 1894 dau of Wm Siemon & wife. Both living at Mechanicsburg, Champaign Co, O Route 3 where he is a farmer 3 miles out. Have one child born in that Co.

Ralph Eugene, B May 6, 1922

Stillborn son, B Jany 20, 1897

Scott Finley, [son of John Horace Finley & Mary Ward] Born May 20, 1857 mar Lizzie Hazlep who died, daughter of Geo Hazlep & wife Mary Brown. He is very tall, also very slim & bony! Living out near his brother Nathan's. No issue.

V14 Page 254

At residence of Mrs Margaret Jane Cutright no 399 S. Mulberry St Chillicothe, O Sept 27, 1925 11:55 AM

see page 268 bottom

Continuing from page 239 yesterday, Mrs Cutright gave me the record on pages 260 & 261 in the table there.

Transcribing Sept 28th. continuing fr page 249.

At residence of Robert B. Acton No 104 S. Paint St, Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 6:48 PM

Mrs Acton, a beautiful young woman & her little daughter received me. She said that Miss Dora Carothers, who has made her home with them is a very dear friend of hers & that she went on June 1st last to Florida & her address is now care of Naval Air Sta, Pensacola, Fla. She says J.B. Carothers of the B&O RR is her Uncle & was here last evening, but goes to his home at Madisonville, O a suburb of Cincinnati, O over week-ends. but should be back here sometime on Monday. Says Miss C's people came from Illinois & that she has several brothers, one in Chicago, Ill & that her father lives at Cutler, O.

Leaving 6:55 PM

V14 Page 255

I then went to the Ross Co Natl Bk but the cashier, Chas C. Jack was not back & after waiting until 7:30 PM, I walked down to:

Residence of Mrs Catherine Merkle 382 1/2 E Main St, Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 7:45 PM

She lives on the second floor in the Merkle block & says her name is Merkle & not Markel & that her husband Henry Merkle was the son of Joseph Merkle who came to America from Germany & said to see Henry's brother, Edward J. Merkle at 41 Bridge ST. She said Glenmore H. whose widow lives with her, was her son. I walked out Bridge St to Edward J. Merkle's but there was no one at home. Found enough from her however to know that I am not interested in their line.

As I came up East 2d ST, Dr Hanley was sitting in his office & I called in. He said DR Coates was a noted physician. He said he had owned the land at Athens, O where the State Insane Asylum now is. He told me to call at Wares funeral establishment further up the street.

I walked up & was soon:

V14 Page 256

At C.J. Ware's undertaker rooms No 18 E 2d St Chillicothe, O Sept 26, 1925 8:17 PM

Mr Ware says he did not officiate at funeral of Louise Coates but did at that of the last one to die, Miss Mazeppa M. Coates who was buried on May 31, 1923 in Grandview Cem. He said I could get the age & further particulars at the board of Health office on West Main St.

Left 8:22 PM

I came then to the hotel & worked at transcribing & the tables 250-253 made from the day's record until 3:30 AM & went to bed & got up at 6;15 AM got my breakfast at 7 o'c & then went at 8 AM to 399 S. Mulberry St but as it had commenced raining, Mrs Cutright concluded she wouldn't go along to the graveyards but her niece & nephew Mary & Frank Hester went & in a half hour we were nine miles out, it had stopped raining & we were:

At Bishops Hill Graveyard, Huntingdon Tp, Ross Co, O Sept 27, 1925 8:30 AM

where I made records from the tombstones as follows:

V14 Page 257

1. James P. Hester (Mary's father) Born June 10, 1849, ob Sept 7, 1917

Jane Finley (Mrs Cutright's Aunt p 261) ob Mch 28, 1889 aged 80 yrs 1 mo 19 days

Francis G. Hester (Mrs C's father) ob May 1, 1890 aged 84 yrs 6 mos 26 days

Mary (Finley) wife of Francis Hester ob Nov 11, 1876 aged 70 yrs

Moses Finley (son of F & M Hester) born Oct 30, 1840 ob Sept 26, 1841.

2. Emily D. (wife of J.B. Posey) Mch 11, 1855, Jany 24, 1897

Susannah J. (wife of J.B. Posey) ob May 15, 1880 aged 31 yrs 3 mos 5 days

3. Earnest, son of J & S. Hixson ob Apr 16, 1900 aged 6 mos 22 days

4. Maria, wife of I.J. Finley born Feby 14, 1832 ob Dec 9, 1880

Foster J. son of Isaac J. & M. Finley born Dec 6, 1854, ob Aug 12, 1880

John Miller (brother of Maria) born Nov 11, 1800, ob July 3, 1881

William A. Finley Nov 26, 1852, Oct 6, 1877

Hattie Colvin (his wife) May 21, 1850, July 5, 1905

Maude, their infant daughter, Mch 30, 1877

5. Amey, wife of Michael T. Streevey (grandmother of Nathan Finley) ob July 26, 1895 aged 82 yrs 11 mos 11 days

6. Wm A. Lockard born May 27, 1855 ob July 1, 1898

Lucy M. Grubb, his wife, Nov 13, 1864, Dec 19, 1911

John A., son of W.A. & L.M. Lockard ob Oct 13, 1881, aged 1 yr 2 mos 29 days

V14 Page 258

7. Nancy P. Finley ob Nov 24, 1876 aged 45 yrs 9 mos 27 days

8. George Grubb Oct 30, 1826, Feby 21, 1909

Susan G. Finley, his wife Aug 26, 1840, Mch 26, 1875

9. John Finley, our Father, ob Aug 17, 1868 aged 71 yrs 6 mos 14 days

Mary Weber, our mother wife of John Finley Born Feby 12, 1802 ob Sept 12, 1886

10. James Finley (the emigrant) ob Oct 29, 1836 aged 76 yrs

Ann Finley (wife of James, above) Died Sept 15, 1821 aged 41 yrs

James Finley (their son) ob May 2, 1823 aged 22 yrs

Moses Finley (can't place might be bro of James) ob May 11, 1828 aged 52 yrs & was buried 13th

Samuel Finley Jr (not placed) ob Aug 28, 1828 aged 5 mos 23 days

Robert M. Finley ob May 23, 1832 aged 10 yrs 10 mos 21 days (born then July 2, 18921, might not this be the child born to Ann Finley wife of James who died shortly after on Sept 15, 1821, see page 261 & was named & d.y.) Dec 15/25 Mrs Cutright says not.

Leaving 9:30 AM

We then drove back down the hill & turned to the right up Ralston Run which was dry & was soon:

V14 page 259

At Baptist Graveyard, Huntingdon Tp, Ross Co, O Sept 27, 1925 10 AM where I noted:

11. Nancy P.W. wife of B.S. Wentworth ob Oct 22, 1842 aged 42 yrs (There was a Benjamin Wentworth tombstone just back of above.)

12. Margaret, wife of Moses Finley ob May 23, 1868 aged 67 yrs

Mary, daughter of M & M Finley ob Sept 6, 1850 aged 17 yrs 3 mos 6 days

James Finley of Co B 63 Reg O.V.I. 17th A.C. died of consumption Dec 27, 1863 aged 20 yrs 3 mos 5 days

Isaac Finley died of typhoid fever Apr 16, 1863 in his 47th yr

Mary D., wife of Isaac Finley died of typhoid fever June 2, 1863 in her 44th year.

Infant daughter of Scott & Mary S. Finley Ob July 27, 1873 aged 1 day

John Finley Co B 26 Ohio Inf

Isaac, son of S & M Finley Aug 31, 1875 Nov 13, 1899

Leaving 10:15 AM

We then drove into Chillicothe, O & to:

Grandview Cemetery, Chillicothe, Ohio Sept 27, 1925 11 AM & found:

13. Dr John Coates Born in Fayette Co, Pa 1789 died at Chillicothe, O Jany 23, 1865

Carthagena M., dau of Geo C. & Jane S. Coates 1829-1910

Continued on page 267

V14 Page 260 & V14 Page 261

[descendant chart]

James Finley born say 1760 & came from Belfast, Ireland to America in 1811 & died in Huntingdon Tp, Ross Co, O May 29, 1836 aged 76 yrs & is buried at Bishops Hill g.y. in said Tp. He was a stern man. Married in Ireland about 1796 to Ann Cowden born say in 1780 & died Sept 15, 1821 aged 41 yrs & is buried at Bishops Hill g.y. She was a small sweet dispositioned woman. had 5 children born in Ireland, probably Co Down. Isaac born on the ocean & the youngest child born in Ohio. See book 16 page 238.


John Finley, B Feby 3, 1797 ob Aug 17, 1868 & is buried at Bishops Hill g.y. See page 250.

Moses Finley, ob m. in Ross Co, O to Margaret Murphy who was born 1801 & died May 23, 1868 & is buried at Baptist g.y. Huntingdon Tp. He then went to Cass Co, Mo where he died abt 1875.

Anna Finley, m. Joseph Shotts. She died abt 1861 & had one child.

Frank Shotts, mar & died at Los Angeles, Calif

Nancy Finley, m. Edward Latta. Lived in Cass Co, Mo & after her husband died, she moved to Iowa. Had sons & dau.

Ellen Finley, ob. m. Wm Sherwood. Had 1 child d.y.

Nelson Finley, ob. Both died in Cass Co, MO. Had a baby which died.

James Finley, B 1801 ob May 2, 1823 aged 22, unmarried.

William, m. in Chillicothe, O. He went to the Mexican War & was never heard of afterward. Had one child.

Elvira Finley, m. Charles Mitchell. Both dead & thinks buried at Bourneville, O. Had two children.

William Mitchell, went west with his sister.

Mary Finley B May 6, 1806 & died Nov 11, 1876 m. Nov 11, 1839? to Francis George Hester born on River Main in Germany Nov 15, 1805 & died May 1, 1890. Both in Bavaria at Winter house. Came to America in 1837. He served 6 yrs in German Army. He joined Lutheran Church when 14, was son of George Hester & wife Marie Stahl. Had 5 children all born on his farm in Huntingdon Tp.

2. Anna M. Hester, B Aug 28, 1842 m. Aug 30, 1866 to Wm Andrew Johnson born Mch 8, 1838 & died Dec 29, 1900 son of William Johnson & wife Nancy Robinson. Anna M. died May 10, 1902. No issue.

1. Moses Finley, B Oct 30, 1840, ob Sept 26, 1841

3. John Christian, B 1844 ob June 18, 1870 at Malta Bend, Mo & buried there. He was in Civil War 2 yrs & 2 mos, unmarried.

4. Margaret Jane, B Mch 7, 1847 m. July 25, 1909 at Chillicothe, O by Rev. ______ Congregationalist to John Henry Cutright born May 1847 in Liberty Tp, this Co. He died Oct 15, 1915 son of don't know. No issue. She is my good informant for this record. Lives 399 S. Mulberry St, Chillicothe. O.

5. James Patton, B June 10, 1849 ob Sept 7, 1917 m.1. Dec 1884 to Emma Schofield born in Wash Co, O & died in Chillicothe, O in Aug. No issue. m.2 Nov 12, 1893 at Lattaville, O to Mildred J. Houser, born Jany 25, 1857 at Lattaville, O daughter of Joseph Houser & wife _______ Acton. She died Jany 20, 1907. Had 4 children, the oldest born at Lattaville, O the 2d & 4th born at South Salem, O & the 3d at New Boston, O.

Ernest Luther, B Aug 23, 1894 unmarried & living at Cleveland, O.

Anna Marguerite, B Sept 15, 1896, ob Feby 18, 1898

Frank Ross, B Sept 4, 1898, unmarried. Lives here.

Mary Jane Hester, B June 7, 1902. Here unmarried & a teacher in the public schools here.

Jane Finley [dau of James Finley] born near Belfast, Ireland Feby 9, 1809 & died Mch 28, 1889 m. Boyleston & separated 6 mos later. Had one child.

Vienna, died abt 1911 aged 79. She mar Joseph Malone. Had 10 children see page 220

Isaac Finley, ob Apr 16, 1863 see pages 225 et eq & page 259

Unnamed child, a son, died at birth, see page 239 born & died say Sept 15, 1821.

Leaving 2:20 PM

V14 Page 262

From Page 244

At residence of Dr O.P. Tatman No 77 W 4th ST, Chillicothe, O, Sept 27, 1925 2:50 PM

I have just returned here & am continuing the record on page 244.

6. Bessie Marie Hastings was married to Ira Conrad born July 18. Both living in Covington, O & she has her mother's bible record from which Mrs Tatman will get & send me. She has one child, a daughter born near Atlanta, O. viz:

I. Darlene Isabelle born Aug 26, 1911

7. Myrtle Victoria Hastings was married to Henry Tucker born Dec 23, 1895. They live here at No 231 Scioto Ave, where he is an employee of the B&O RR & have three children:

I. Henry Russell born Aug 29, 1916

II. Charles Edward born Feby 15, 1919

III. Edna May born Nov 3, 1921

Leaving 3:44 PM

She told me to go see A.L. Fullerton.

V14 Page 263

At probate judges office, Chillicothe, Ross Co, O Sept 28, 1925 1:40 PM

I find in the records for 1907 in Will Book X page 141 petition from the heirs of Jane S. Coates to record her will dated June 11, 1907 signed & sworn to by Louisa E. Coates giving names of all the next of kin as follows viz:

Carthagenia Coates, daughter, Chillicothe, O

Mazeppa M. Coates, daughter, Chillicothe, O

John D. Coates, son, California

Louisa E. Coates, daughter, Chillicothe, O

The will recites that I, Jane S. Coates, widow of George C. Coates, residing in the City of Chillicothe, O recites 2d that believing my son, John D. Coates can readily make a living without receiving any portion of my estate, & being desirous that my daughters should inherit all my estate, I give, devise & bequeath all my personal & real estate to my daughters, Carthagenia M. Coates, Mazeppa M. Coates & Louisa E. Coates equally. Dated Nov 3, 1879

The record does not show her signature, but on June 19, 1907, J.P. Hinton appears & proves the will & swears that he saw her sign it.

Probate speaks of her as late of Scioto Tp.

V14 Page 264

Will Book 6 page 200

Will of Louisa E. Coates recites she is of Chillicothe, O and 1st gives & devises to her sister, Mazeppa M. Coates all my real estate wherever situated.

3d wills to Mazeppa $1600 to be paid by her to several persons whose names with amounts opposite she has written on an envelope, which list is not to be recorded.

4th Gives to Marzeppa, all income from the remainder of my personal estate during her life & sd income to be hers absolutely & to use principal if necessary for her support.

5th At death of my sister whatever is left of the said personal estate to go:

to my brother, John D. Coates now residing at or near Folk Humboldt Co, Calif $500.

To Marie Coates, wife of sd brother $1000

To Agnes Shaw adopted dau of sd brother $500 whose address when last heard from 4 or 5 yrs ago was Eureka, Calif

To Louisa Shaw dau of Agnes $500

To Charles S. McDougal of Athens, O $1500

To Frank Gibson, Amesville, Athens Co, O $500

To the remaining children of Agnes Shaw $500

To be increased or diminished so that all the personal estate goes ratably to above.

6th Gives all household goods etc to Mazeppa

7th Appoints Mazeppa Exrx without bond. Dated May 17, 1919 Louisa E. Coates. Probated Jany 7, 1921 & speaks of her as late of Scioto Tp

V14 Page 265

Will Book 7 p 454 application to file will of Mazeppa M. Coates recites that Mazeppa M. Coates late of Scioto Tp died on or about May 28, 1923 & states that she died leaving John D. Coates, brother Eureka, Calif as her only next of kin. Petitioner is Charles S. McDougall before Elijah Cutright Jr probate judge. Offered for probate June 2, 1923 & is as follows:

"In the name of the Father of All", I Mazeppa M. Coates of Chillicothe, O 2d give John D. Coates, Eureka Calif $1000

3. give Frank W. Gibson Amesville, O $1000

4. give Elizabeth Stedman Athens, O $200

5. give Lucy Baugher, Athens, O $200

6. give Mary Gibson, Athens, O $200

7. give Wm Anthony, Athens, O $200

8. give Lucy Eddy, Columbus, O $200

9. give Emeline Linscott, Amesville, O $200

10. give Warren McDaniel, Amesville, O $200

11. give John G. McDougal, New Lexington, O $1000

12. give Laine G. McDougal, Flint, Mich $500

13. give Chas E. McDougal, New Lexington, O $500

14. give Gilbert E. McDougal, Greenville, Pa $1000

15. give Chas S. McDougall, Athens, O $1000

16. If more or less pro rate with above

17. Gives Chas S. McDougall, Athens, O all household effects, wearing apparel & keepsakes.

18. give John D. Coates Eureka, Calif $100 to be a charge vs my R.E. & to be pd 2 yrs after my death.

19. All bals R.E. to Chas S. McDougall &

20. Appoints him Exr without bond. Mazeppa M. Coates Dec 26, 1921. Probated June 2, 1923

V14 Page 266

At residence of Joseph Baum Posey 904 Madison Ave, Chillicothe, O Sept 28, 1925 3:50 PM

Mr Posey says his second wife, Emily Davis Finley was a sister of Nathan Finley & he was married to her Sept 30, 1880. See page 253. They had no ink in the house & I commenced entering his record in table page 253 & after getting his children listed, my fountain pen gave out in taking Mary Catherine's record & I will now, 4:30 AM 29th transcribe from there when it gave out at 4:11 PM.

The Grubb children all went to school to Mr Posey.

He says he has list of the children of his grandfather, Christian Baum who he says came from Penna & he thought Westmoreland Co. He got his record & read to me as follows:

Christian Baum born Feby 20, 1791

Sarah Shook, his wife born Sept 25, 1794

Their children all born in Pickaway Co, O. He & another man came out to Ohio on foot with their long muzzled rifles on their shoulders & he married in Ohio.

1. Joseph Baum born Sept 7, 1819

2. George Baum born Jany 16, 1821

3. Lewis Baum born Dec 2, 1822

4. Elizabeth Baum born Mch 9, 1825

5. John Baum born Aug 1, 1827

6. Mary Magdalena Baum born Mch 5, 1829, his mother

7. Jacob Baum born Sept 30, 1832.

continued on page 275.

V14 Page 267

Refer back to page 259.

Mazeppa M., dau of Geo C. & Jane S. Coates 1833-1923

Louise E., dau of Geo C. & Jane S. Coates 1846-1919

Josephine I., dau of Geo C. & Jane S. Coates 1834-1854

Geo C. Coates Buried Sonora, California) 1803-1877

Jane S. McDougall, his wife died May 28, 1907 aged 100 yrs 5 mos 15 days. (born say Dec 13, 1806)

14. Harry B. Jack (on one side)

Sarah J., wife of H.B. Jack

Wm Jack (on other side)

Susan, his wife

Henry Jack, (on one end)

Susie & Willie Shull (on one end)

Susan Shull (on one end)

Susie E. Jack (on other end)

No dates

15. Samuel Finley McCoy 1820-1898

Jane Carson McCoy 1836-1907

Robert W. McCoy buried at Bethel, ME 1872-1920

See page 379

The sexton says L.S. Evans, Atty at Chillicothe, O has the records of the Grandview Cemetery.

The Tel book gives:

McCoy, Geo & O.B. res Toll Bainbridge 64-X, 65-A

McCoy, J.P. Res 806 Buckeye 1104-X

McCoy, The Misses Res 67 West Main 1219-Y

McCoy, William Res 24 N. McArthur 1653-B

V14 Page 268

16. Humphrey Fullerton, born in Franklin Co, Pa 1775, died in Chillicothe, O May 12, 1830

Catharine Dixon, wife of Humphrey Fullerton born in Franklin Co, Pa 1782 died in Chillicothe, O Jany 7, 1854

Humphrey Fullerton 1804-1878

Elizabeth T. Scott, his wife 1810-1876

Martha 1840-1863

Humphrey 1842-1908

Elizabeth 1850-1870

Maria 1854-1859

Gen Joseph Scott Fullerton 1835-1897

Sexton said to see A.L. Fullertons Chillicothe, O.

17. William H. Finley (see page 226) 1869-19--

Minnie Rohe, his wife 1873-1922

18. Isaac Elliott born 1855, died 1924 aged 69 yrs.

Leaving 11:44 AM

I then went to Mrs Cutright's see page 254 top & she & her nice, Mary Jane Hester gave me the data for the table on pages 260 & 261 & I walked fr there to Mrs Dr Tatman's see pages 244 & 262 & fr there I walked round to the:

V14 Page 269

Residence of A.L. Fullerton No 68 S. Paint St Chillicothe, O Sept 27, 1925 3:54 PM

Mr F. said he was a nephew of Humphrey Fullerton who married Elizabeth T. Scott & he referred me to Alex J.A. Alexander, Spring Sta, Ky (a P.O.) for information as to death & burial of Martha Finley Scott[5] said her first child was born in less than nine months

Lexington, Ky where he died in 1843. He, A.J.A.A. is son of Lucy Fullerton, daughter of Elizabeth Scott Fullerton.

Mr F. said that Genl Joseph Scott Fullerton was on Genl Gaines staff & later on Genl Thomas's staff in the Civil War. He had a son who died & a daughter who married Paul Bakewell, a lawyer where they live at St Louis, Mo & have, I think he said, 4 children.

He, Genl Fullerton, was over at Spring Sta, Ky & when leaving, told his sister, Lucy Alexander that he feared something was going to happen to him & if it did, he wanted to be buried at Chillicothe, O. He took the train at Spring Sta, Ky & when he got to Cincinnati, O, he changed his reservations to another train. The train on which he had his first reservations went through

V14 Page 270

safely. The one he was on somewhere in WVA beyond Parkersburg, WVA came to an abrupt stop & the impact woke him & he ran to the door in his pajamas & jumped off the train which was stopped over a river & he dropped through into the river 60 ft below & was killed. No one else on the train was hurt. He seems to have had an obsession like father when he heard when last down south, the sermon on the final dissolution.

I then walked around to the:

Residence of Adam Edinger No 348 South Mulberry St, Chillicothe, O Sept 27, 1925 4:55 PM

This is the father-in-law of Edward Harvey Guess, who I met here & who says he was born in Osborne City, Kansas Sept 12, 1877 son of Marguerite Finley who was born in 1850 & died Feby 17, 1902 aged 52 yrs at 814 Madison Ave, this city & Levi Guess, her husband whom she left in Kansas, bringing her son back with her & leaving the two daughters with their father. He died at Osborne, Kan.

V14 Page 271

4 yrs ago. Mr Guess was married Dec 3, 1903 to Albertina Edinger who was born Jany 6, 1880 in this house, daughter of Adam Edinger & his wife Frederika Schmidt. They have had two children also born in this house viz:

1. Ralph Guess born Feby 1, 1906 & died July 20, 1906

2. Florence Rachel Guess born Nov 2, 1909 & died July 18, 1910

His sister, Ida M. Guess was born say Mch 11, 1873 & married March 2, 1890 Jackson W. Harvey born Mch 19, 1870, son of Oliver J. Harvey & wife Martha E. Lorton. Both living out from Osborne, Kan & have children, Roy, Ralph, & Ever, a girl, dead.

For table, see book 16 page 238 et seq.

His sister, Ollie Guess 1 1/2 yrs younger than Ida & that much older than Ed, born in Winfield Tp, Osborne Co, Ks Nov 22, 1874 was married Apr 15, 1900 to Fredk Jefferson Smith who was born Feby 17, 1874 in Hancock Tp, Osborne, Co son of William Henry Smith & his wife Martha Kay, still living aged 85. He is a farmer living 7 miles out, thinks north, but says Osborne City, Kan will reach them. Have one child,

1. Henry Karl Smith born May 21, 1901 in Hancock Tp

Leaving 5:11 PM

V14 Page 272

At residence of Mrs Nancy Knapp No 350 E. 7th St, Chillicothe, O Sept 27, 1925 5:40 PM

She has the old bible of her father, Isaac J. Finley which was through the flood & which was published by Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co Phila Pa in 1854. It showed:

Marriages Andrew Wm Finley & Hattie E. Colvin Mch 23, 1876

John Jackson Finley & Rebecca Wilson June 3, 1886

Nannie Finley & Frank Knapp Nov 14, 1886

Maria Miller, my informant's mother was the daughter of Andrew Miller & his wife Biddy Ann Streevey.

Hattie E. Colvin was an orphan & she didn't know her parentage.

Rebecca Wilson was an orphan & she didn't know her parentage.

Frank Knapp was son of Gabriel Knapp & wife Matilda Vandrow.


Isaac Jackson Finley Feby 25, 1828

Maria Finley Feby 14, 1832

Their children:

1. Andrew William Finley Nov 26, 1852

2. James Foster Finley Dec 6, 1854

3. Nancy Finley Feby 1, 1859

4. John Jackson Finley Oct 20, 1864

V14 Page 273

Frank Knapp born May 10, 1859

Willie Foster Knapp born Sept 27, 1890

Oscar Finley Knapp born Oct 22, 1896


Frank Knapp Aug 11, 1923

Andrew William Finley Oct 6, 1877

James Foster Finley Aug 12, 1880

Maria Finley Dec 8, 1880

Isaac J. Finley Oct 31, 1884

Rebecca Finley Mch 17, 1891

Willie F. Knapp July 15, 1891

Mary Webber Finley died Sept 12, 1886 & was born near Portland, Maine, Feby 12, 1802 dau of Benning Wentworth. She married John Finley in Aug 1823. Mrs Knapp says her father's name was Isaac Jackson Finley & says his father was John Jackson Finley as she believes. She said her father was married second time, but I forgot to get the record of it & must write her for it when I get home.

Leaving 6:15 PM

She said she had bad luck with her children, but I notice I recorded it on page 251.

V14 Page 274

At probate Judges office Court House, Chillicothe, O Sept 28, 1925 3:10 PM

The probate judge, Elijah Cutright Jr says his wife Minnie Alice Finley, (natural daughter of Miss Nancy Finley of Isaac) was born Aug 8, 1869 in Chillicothe, O & was married Feby 9, 1894 to him, my informant, Elijah Cutright Jr who was born Sept 12, 1865 in Springfield Tp, Ross Co, O son of Elijah Cutright & his wife Elizabeth Barclay. They have had three children all born in Chillicothe, O all living & all single viz:

1. Howard Elijah Cutright born June 6, 1895

2. James Francis Cutright born Nov 8, 1900

3. Robert Nolan Cutright born Apr 4, 1907

Howard is his father's assistant & works in this office

James F. is practicing law here & Robert N. entered the Cincinnati University this fall.

Mr Cutright is an Episcopalian & a Republican.

He said he would get the dates of his wife's mother, Nancy Finley's birth & death & mail to me.

Leaving 3:22 PM

I then came over to the Hotel & phoned J.B. Posey, got a taxi & went down to see him. See page 266.

V14 Page 275

From page 266.


Christian Baum died May 2, 1862

Sarah Baum died June 22, 1871

Jacob Baum died Apr 16, 1876

Joseph Baum died Nov 28, 1893

George Baum died Feby 23, 1898

Elizabeth Conklen died May 12, 1913

Lewis Baum died Dec 11, 1911

Mary Posey died Sept 30, 1903

He didn't know the names of any of Christian's brothers or sisters, nor his father's name, nor where any Baum relatives are living in Penna. Don't know what year he came out here, but thinks he was a grown man & walked out with another man.

Lucy M. Lockard's other child was a daughter. Her name was Otie & she married Rufus Rinehart & both are living in Huntingdon Tp where he is a farmer. P.O. RFD 9 Chillicothe, O & have several children, the oldest one dead & thinks there are 5 or 6 living. Write to them.

Call Mrs Knapp about her father's 2d marriage page 251.

Leaving 5:15 PM

I then walked up 3 squares to E. Main, took a street car to RR tracks & went in:

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B&O RR Depot, Chillicothe, O Sept 28, 1925 5:40 PM

I went up to 2d floor & found Mr Carothers waiting for me. He is a perfect specimen of physical manhood, six feet tall & built solidly. He said his full name is John Benjamin Carothers, youngest son of Reason Dawson Carothers & a brother of Mrs Devol who I saw near Marietta, O. He was born in Washington Co, O near Cutler, O on Feby 26, 1863 & was mar 1st Sept 15, 1902 to Emma Marshall Campbell, who was born 1867, daughter of Lewis E. Campbell & his wife Mary Marshall & died Nov 8, 1908. She was born 1867. By her he had three girls, the two oldest born here in Chillicothe, O & the third one in Washington, Indiana viz:

1. Mary Elizabeth Carothers born May 14, 1904

2. Dorothy Dawson Carothers born May 20, 1905

3. Ruth Emma Carothers born Oct 17, 1907

All single & in college.

Mar 2d June 30, 1914 to Mary Rebecca Ettle who was born Feby 11, 1870 at Middletown, Pa & has one child by her born in Cincinnati, O

4. John Benjamin Carothers born Aug 30, 1916.

Mr Carothers is Supt of the Ohio Div of the B&O RR Co & now lives at NO

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4310 Erie Ave, Madisonville, O a suburb of Cincinnati.

He says a judge Jones living at Marietta, O claimed relationship to the Carothers & he thinks his mother was a Carothers. Write him.

Dora's father is James Angel Carothers, named for James Angel, an old friend of his father. He lives at Cutler, O where he is a farmer. Has had ten children. Gets mail just Cutler, O. Write him. Mr C. is a Methodist Epis & a strong Republican.

Left 6:06 PM

I then walked up to the hotel & got my dinner & then went to hunt Ernest Moran & finally found he had gotten in a taxi & I got the taxi driver to take me where he left him away down Douglass St near J.B. Posey's & he was drunk, but I got him in the taxi & took him back to his:

Home of Ernest Moran 14 Masonic Av back of Majestic Th off of E. 2d ST Sept 28, 1925

He said he had the old bible & all the whole works & would give them to me. However, when he

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got to his room, there was a bottle there with whisky in it & he drank it all & was becoming maudling [sic] drunk when his mother, a slender, bloodless, weazened [sic] faced cantankerous old woman came in & she said he did not have any bible, but he insisted he had & a lot of other things he had taken after Marzeppa M. Coates for whom he had looked after for 28 yrs had died. He said he burned up a lot of old letters he had found there. They said G.W. Coates, Clarksburg, was no relation & both said Mazeppa's [sic] brother, John D. Coates, Eureka, Calif had died 7 days after she did, but DR McD. said 8 days later namely June 5, 1923. Mrs Moran said Louisa died on Aug 28th. Mrs Moran said he was in no condition to do anything & told me to go so I

Left at 8:44 PM

I then went to my room & called up Dr Chas S. McDougall at Athens, O & he said several old Coates relatives were at Athens, so I told him I wd come down on the morning train & he took me to them & I was:

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At residence of Miss Mary Moss Gibson & her sister, Mrs Elizabeth Stedman Athens Tp, Athens Co, O (P.O. RFD 1 Athens, O) Sept 29, 1925 12 o'clock noon.

Dr McDougall drove me out to Mrs Baugher's a few doors beyond & Miss Baugher has come here with me. Miss Gibson, whose mind is clearest on the family history insists that her grandfather was Arthur Coates, a raw Irishman, but not a Catholic & she thinks came from County Down, but is not sure. He came to Fayette Co, Pa & married Mary Moss & it is for her that my informant was named. He came out here at a very early day with a lot of children, but two of their children, Joseph & Margaret who were twins, remained in Fayette Co, Pa & Margaret married John? Moore & had several children, two of whom John & Joseph used to visit here & were big boys or men when she was a little girl & they used to chase her to try to kiss her. She says Joseph Coates, her Uncle, used to visit here & was married & had children in Fayette Co, Pa some of whom she thought taught school. Her grandfather, Arthur Coates took up

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large areas of land here when this was a wilderness & the house where I am writing is on it. There were certainly 1000 acres & possibly more. When the family came out here, Joseph & Margaret stayed back there with their grandmother Moss. Her grandfather was the first man who subscribed to start the Presbyterian Church here. She does not remember having ever seen her grandfather or grandmother Coates, but has a faint idea that her grandmother died at her son, Arthur's. They both died in this house, their home being further down toward town on the hospital grounds owned by the State, which Dr McDougall says they bought about 1868 or 1869. Doctor remembers seeing Arthur Coates Jr & he thought Dr John Coates was the oldest, but Miss Gibson thinks Wm & Alex were older than him. Her grandparents were buried in the first old graveyard here which is still kept up & fenced & she says "there is a string of Coates buried there". Some went west & she thinks there was one or two of them that she can't name. She says Nancy Goodspeed, her mother's niece got the old family bible which was full

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of pictures & had the family record in it & she says she tried every way to get it, but they wouldn't let her have it. Miss Baugher thinks her daughter, Mrs Bell, a widow living at Glouster, O, 14 miles from here would have gotten it & she has gone home to phone her. Miss G. thinks it is destroyed, a she believes they would not take care of it. Miss Gibson is giving me the names of her grandparents children in the order of their ages as she remembers hearing her mother tell:

1. William Coates, who she thinks was oldest & who her mother esteemed so highly, went west when a young man & was not married & was never heard of after.

2. Another son, who both she & Dr McD have a faint idea of hearing that another went with him.

3. Alexander Coates, he died here at home when a young man of "the cold plague"[6] done for a living or in what part of the country he resided. ( here. He was engaged to Maria Brown of Athens, O, but died unmarried.

4. John Coates born in Fayette Co, Pa in 1789 & died in Chillicothe, O in 1865 & is buried in Grandview Cem there. He never married. He was found dead in bed one morning, had been in habit of taking a drug & thought he took an

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an overdose as he had been well the night before. He went to Chillicothe, O when he commenced practicing & practiced medicine there until he died. His sister, Nancy & his sister Elizabeth went & lived with him & Nancy learned to teach when there & Elizabeth to sew & that is they way they made their living.

5. James Coates "Uncle Jim" married a Polly Fearce in Vinton Co, O the adjoining Co west, where he owned a farm & died & thinks from his talk he had a large family. He used to come & visit & tell many funny stories & my informant never saw any of the family, but him, but her mother did. Look up the will & deed record there. She thinks his descendants are there yet probably. McArthur, O is county seat.

6. Ann Coates. She married when quite young & her husband was swept off a raft & drowned in the Hocking River. They had one little boy, but she thinks he must have died young as she never saw him. Don't think she ever married again & used to work about town & died at her brother Arthur's & was well up in years, was a fleshy woman, much older than my informant's mother & is buried in the old Cem here. She remembers her.

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7. Arthur Coates married Sarah Robinette (called "Aunt Sally") from Va, daughter of Hezekiah Robinette & his wife. Hezekiah Robinette moved from Va to New Marshfield, O in this Co on a farm where he died. Arthur was a farmer & lived in the old home & run this big farm. She remembers him very well. He died of apoplexy in the old home & she died of fever about a year later. Both buried in the New Union Street Cem near the B&O Sta. They had 4 sons & 4 daughters, most of whom are buried there.

1. William called "Weed" mar Rosa Miller. No issue.

2. Nancy mar Charlie Goodspeed, son of David

3. Margaret mar James Robinson

4. Henry called "Cale" mar Kate Waters

5. Mary mar George Rice

6. George, died in Andersonville prison unmarried.

7. Martha mar David Nicholls see page 296 & 7

8. Charles, youngest died unmarried.

8. George C. Coates mar Jane S. McDougall. He was a farmer & lived on a big farm at upper end of Hospital grounds. Dr McD says he went to California in the 1849 craze & never came back & died there. Born 1803, died 1877. Had

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5 children all born on the farm here & after her Uncle John died, they went to Chillicothe, O as they got his property, she thinks by deed as she heard of the deed having once been lost. The children were:

1. Carthagenia Matilda

2. Mazeppa Manima

3. John McDougall died June 5, 19o23 married but had no issue, but adopted a daughter. Dr McD told me today that he died 8 days after Mazeppa

4. Josephine I.

5. Louisa Elizabeth

9. Nancy C. Coates. She married a Presbyterian preacher named Alexander Brown, a scotchman & went to Southern Illinois, the town she think Lacon, thinks in Henry Co as they moved from the Southern part of the state. Both died & buried there. No issue. He had a boy by a former wife. Miss G. remembers her & says she had red hair & was back two or three times on a visit.

10. Joseph &

11. Margaret, twins probably came in between Ann & Arthur. Joseph had a bit nose. Joseph married in Fayette Co & she remembers hearing him when here speaking of a daughter Lydia who was a school teacher & a son Maurice who had a fine horse

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called "Secesh" which was continually jumping out of its enclosure & Maurice said if it jumped out again, he was going to shoot it, so when it did jump out again, he shot it in the side with his shot gun & it ran ten miles & then ran back to the stable & dropped dead.

Margaret married Wm Moore as I have it, she thought it was John, but was not sure & I have names of her 4 boys & 2 girls see book 9 p 520.

12. Elizabeth Coates born Oct 10, 1808 on this farm (several other of the children were born on this farm) & died in the same Tp on the Gibson farm, to which they went when she was married on Oct 19, 1898 aged 90 yrs & 9 days old. She married William Gibson from Hull, England who came over when 18 yrs old, being 9 weeks on a sail ship on the ocean & settled first at Phila & came from there here along with a Robinson family, he & Robinson having come over together.

1. Euphemia Clendine Gibson, Dec 18, 1833

2. Jane Gibson, Mch 18, 1838

3. Henry Gibson, Oct 29, 1839

4. Elizabeth Gibson, June 29, 1841

5. John Gibson, Mch 9, 1844

6. Lucy Maria Gibson, Oct 7, 1845

7. Unnamed boy Gibson

8. Mary Moss Gibson, Mch 23, 1849

9. William Frank Gibson, July 11, 1851

10. Sarah Ellen Gibson, July 16, 1853

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1. Euphemia C. mar Joseph Blodgett at Lacon, Henry Co, Ill who was from there. They first lived in Ills, & moved to Mo for his health & from there to Salina, Kansas where both died & are buried. Had three children all born in Salina, Kan viz:

I. Tiny, mar Chas Hiller & lived in Salina, Ks where he worked in a bank. Both dead & have 2 sons living there.

A. Ralph, married

B. Edward, married

II. Mary died unm

III. Fred, unm. Lives in Calif.

2. Jane mar James Anthony, a Spaniard & lived in Canaan Tp this Co where he owned a farm & had three children born there.

I. William Henry, lives in Athens, O. mar 1. Elsie Posten. mar 2. Nettie Posten. Both living, had two girls by 1st wife & two boys by second.

A. Ethel, at home, unmarried

B. Alma mar Sams & have one boy, Ray

C. Virgil mar & lives at Marietta, O

D. , unmarried but 8 yrs old

II. Frank C. mar Hattie Nice. Both living in Athens, O. No issue.

III. Cora mar Charles Loffler & both Guysville, O where he owns a farm. No issue.

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3. Henry, died in Oct 1919 up on the Gibson farm unmarried & is buried at Clark's Chapel abt 2 1/2 miles from the old home. Meth Epis where many of their family are buried.

4. Elizabeth mar Capt Julius Caesar Stedman born in Athens, O Mch 27, 1824 & died Mch 10, 1905 aged 80 yrs 11 mos & 15 days. He served in the Mexican War & all through the Civil War. He bought a farm in Athens Tp where he died. Had four children born in Athens, O. He was a carpenter by trade. See page 297. These are not his children but were children of her first husband, Richmond.

I. Eben mar Martha Dobson daughter of James Dobson & his wife Julia Benson. Both died at Fort Dodge, Iowa & left several children.

II. Louis Napoleon, living in Iowa & is unmarried.

III. Emma, thinks is older than Louis m. William Dobson bro of Martha. She is living in Iowa probably Fort Dodge, Iowa. Had several children, thinks 5 or 6.

IV. Bicknell, died at home unmarried & is buried in the old cem here on west State St.

5. John mar Zelpha Richardson fr North Carolina. Both died & buried at the plains 3 miles out of Athens, O. No issue.

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6. Lucy Mary mar Feby 25, 1864 to John Bougher born Feby 10, 1843 son of Jacob Bougher & his wife. He is dead & she lives just near here. They had six children all born in this Tp. He was a carpenter by trade. He died. Children all born in Athens, O.

I. Wm Sherman Bougher (see book 15 P 479) born July 21, 1866 mar Aug 28, 1912 Dr Marian Wallace of Chicago, Ills where both live & he is a Doctor. She was born Oct 12, 1875 at Chicago, Ills dau of Joseph Wallace & wife Sarah Shaw. No issue.

II. Fred R. Bougher born Dec 24, 1867 mar Sept 24, 1903 to Alice Rogers dau of Robert Rogers & wife Laura Campbell. She was born Apr 12, 1881.

III. Ida Elizabeth Bougher born Dec 13, 1869. At home unmarried, my informant.

IV. Alma Jane Bougher born Dec 3, 1871 mar Mch 8, 1895 to William Stiles Rose, son of Ezra Rose & wife Susan Higgins. He was born Mch 31, 1860. Had 4 children all born in Athens, O.

C. Unnamed boy born & died Nov 15, 1903

A. Ethel Monetta Rose born Feby 24, 1896, died Jany 4, 1897

B. Margie Lucy Rose born Nov 30, 1900, died July 12, 1922.

D. Ray Caboy Rose born May 18, 1908

V. Lena May Bougher born Nov 16, 1878 (see book 15 p 479) mar June 6, 1901 Alfred Judd Heyes of London, Eng, son of James Heyes & wife Rebecca Judd. He born May 12, 1870 & died May 12, 1909 aged 39. Live in Chicago, Ills. 2 children born there.

A. Alfred Bougher Heyes born Mch 2, 1902

B. Alice Elizabeth Heyes born Mch 28, 1906

VI. Ethel Rae Bougher born Jany 25, 1881 died Oct 19, 1923 buried in Union ST Cem, was married.

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8. Mary Moss Gibson is a Methodist Episcopal & a Democrat & is unmarried & has given all the above record from memory. Lived on the farm until two yrs ago when she moved here.

9. William Frank mar Luella Curfman of Amesville, O dau of Wm Curfman & wife Julia Glazier. Both living at Amesville, O where he is a druggist. Have 5 children all born in Amesville, O & all married.

I. Ned Curfman mar & both living in NY State

II. Maud mar Stacy Linscott & both living at Lancaster, O & have 3 children. He is in the Insurance business there.

III. Clyde mar. Both living at Amesville, O & he is in the drug store with his father.

IV. Irene mar a Swede & live in NY City & have one little boy.

V. Katherine mar John Hartley. Both living at Lancaster, O & is in the auto business. No issue.

10. Sarah Ellen mar Joseph

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Carsey, son of Isaac Carsey & his wife. She died at Shelby, O but was brought back to Clarks Chapel for burial. He lives at Marion, O. Had but one child born at Marion, O.

I. Angus, mar Helene. Both living at Cherokee, O & have one child born at Shelby, O.

A. Ellen Arlene

13. Aaron Thompson Coates six years younger than Mrs Gibson married in Ky to Aunt Lany _____ & both died in KY. Had two children:

I. Lizzie mar Butler Radcliffe, a lawyer until he got too fleshy & then went in the lumber business. Knew of two children they had when her sister, Ellen visited them.

II. Thomas was a Professor in the college at Cincinnati, O last heard of & was then unmarried.

Miss Bougher says:

Eliza Goodspeed lives at Marion, O. Mattie Goodspeed lives at Marion, O, wife of Chas Beasley.

Leaving 3:44 PM

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Dr McDougall said he was born Sept 27, 1861 & was 64 yrs old last Sunday. He came out to Miss Gibson's & brought me in & I went over to the probate court office & the door was locked, the Shff saying he had just left.

I then walked down to State Street, walked out three blocks to the left on top of the hill & was:

At Old Cemetery, out W. State St, Sept 29, 1925 4:37 PM & noted the following:

19. James Brownlee (a soldier) 1810-1901

Martha, wife of James Brownlee 1836-1905

20. Capt J.C. Stedman 1824-1905

Sarah C. Stedman 1825-1878

21. Joseph Goodspeed, a native of Barnstable, Mass died Feby 12, 1857 in 83 yr

Sarah Goodspeed died Nov 17, 1849 in 78 yr

22. O.L. Carsey, a soldier Co L.

Looked all over the cemetery & couldn't find a Coates.

It is now 10:10 PM 29th & as I left 5:25 PM, worked all night last night, I will quit & go to bed.

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At residence of Mrs M. Elma G. Bell corner Summit & Republic Avs, Glouster, Athens Co, O Sept 30, 1925 9:55 AM

Mrs Bell says she cannot find the old Coates bible which she says was either lost when she moved here or borrowed by some preacher who did not return it. She does not think it had any record in it.

Referring to page 283, she says her Uncle:

1. William Coates lived on the old farm where his father & mother died. His wife Rosa Miller worked for Mrs Bell's grandmother Coates & got around my informant's Uncle "Weed" (Wm Coates) when he was probably drunk & married him. She had a boy when she came here. She is still living & got the farm. He had the old bible & Mrs Bell's mother got it after his death. He is buried at the new cem & has a marker as has his parents. No issue.

2. Nancy Coates, born Dec 9, 1826 on the Coates farm now the site of the Athens State Hospital for the Insane & died May 31, 1908. On June 26, 1858, she married Charles William Oscar Goodspeed

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known as Chas W. Goodspeed son of David Goodspeed & his wife Clara Baker. He was born in Athens Co near Athens, O Sept 18, 1829 & died Apr 25, 1893 & both are buried in the new cem. They had three children all born in Athens, O viz:

1. Mary Elma (twin) born Mch 29, 1859

2. George Elza (twin) born Mch 29, 1859

3. Martha Florence born Aug 16, 1861

1. M. Elma Goodspeed was married May 27, 1877 at Athens, O by Rev Dent to Harry Eugene Bell, born say 1851 & died in Ross Co, O & had two children born in Athens Co, O viz:

I. Elza Edward Bell born Feby 19, 1878

II. Bessie Florence Bell born May 27, 1879 & died unmarried Oct 15, 1906 & is buried in the new cemetery. She was a stenographer at the Spitzer Bldg, Toledo, O. Graduated at Athens Univ & died of peritonitis.

I. Elza E. Bell is a veterinary doctor & lives at Nelsonville, O where he married Dec (last week) 1904 or 1905 to Elizabeth Burlace Hill a dau of John Hill & his wife Clara Edington. She was born July 11, 1885. No issue.

2. George Elza Goodspeed mar 1st Anna C. Cooper on Sept _____, dau of Thomas Cooper & wife, who was born July 12? 1858 & died Jany 20 at Athens, O & is buried in New cem but no marker.

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He had three children by her all born in Athens, O. He mar 2d May______ to Lydia Clark dau of John V. Clark & wife Rachel F. ____. She was born 1868? Both living at Marion, O in the town. No issue.

I. Eleanor May, born May

II. Charles (twin)

III. Harry (twin)

I. Eleanor May at home single

II. Charles, at home single

III. Harry married a girl out fr Marion, O & he & his wife live at Erie, Pa & have two children.

3. Martha Florence mar to Charles M. Beasley of Amesville. Both living in Marion, O where he has a meat market & have one child born at Athens, viz:

I. Mary Beasley mar Ed Dean an Athens, O boy & they parted. No issue.

3. Margaret Coates married James Robinson, lived in Athens, O where they both died. She buried in the new cem by her bro Charles & he probably in the old cem. Had but one child:

I. Alice Robinson married

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Joe Higgins, both living by the Asylum gate & have:

A. Dow, married

B. Winnie, married & lost several children

C. Homer

4. Henry Coates, mar Kate Waters & had two children:

I. Belle Coates born Mch 1, 1858

II. Emma Coates born 1860

I. Belle mar Fawn Hyson & he died being drowned at Logan, O when out fishing. No issue. She is living at Logan, O with her mother.

II. Emma mar Dode Miller a RR man of Chillicothe, O & they parted. Had two children:

A. Belle Miller, mar

B. Lash Miller mar & thinks dead.

Emma is in Asylum in Columbus, O

Henry Coates was herding cattle in Va & died there & his widow mar again to Will Dean & lives as Kate Dean in Logan, O. She was very extravagant, broke up both of her husbands.

5. Mary Coates mar June 26, 1858 to George Rice & lived at Albany, O where he had a blacksmith shop. Both buried in new cem & have markers.

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They had four children or more. The two oldest born in Albany & the others near Athens on the farm where the asylum is:

I. Nellie born Dec 1858

II. Charles born 1861?

III. Mame

IV. Fannie

I. Nellie mar Thursday evg Oct 30, 1879 Eber G. Moore. Parted. She died of tuberculosis in Athens, O & he is dead. Had one child.

A. Harry Moore died before his mother of tuberculosis, aged abt 24 yrs & is buried in the Rice lost in the cem at Athens, O.

II. Charles W. mar 1st Mattie Lewis & parted. Had one child, Florence. Mar 2d ________. Both living in California & have 3 or 4 children. Miss Nicols says a yr ago, he was at 205 N. Maple St. Marshfield, Wis

III. Mame is unmarried & in an Industrial school in Wis, address 465 Lake Drive, Milwaukee, Wis

IV. Fannie died when a baby two years old.

7. Martha Amelia Coates born where the Asylum is Mch 10, 1835 mar 1 Nov 13, 1870 Sunday evg [7]n Joseph Jack Exr Dated May 1, 1855{à_#Wà_#__(_Kà_#

a very fine stone cutter, a Supt & a master mason & lived at Huntingdon, WVA & then went to Brownwood, Texas where he got work & where he died, leaving one child. She came back here & on June 1, 1879 mar 2d [8]atilda (will)(å_#Då_#¶_F_(Wills;Jack, Matilda$å_#`å_#(_F_(Jack;William her death he

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mar Elizabeth Gibson Richmond for his 3d wife & he being her 2d husband, but Elizabeth had no children to him.

I. Lillie Virginia Nichol born in Huntingdon, WVA May 2nd about 50 yrs ago. She is a big fat woman, is unmarried & lives in Athens, O near the new cem. where she owns an old house on an alley near the entrance to the cem, works around for people as a cleaner & nurse. Her address is No 5 Coulson Ave, Athens, O.

8. Charles Coates. He was a man of wonderful memory & nursed his sister Margaret Robinson, living by the asylum gate where he died being pushed off the porch & probably choked to death by Alice's son Homer as he had just gotten $6000 for the property he had sold & was coming to live with my informant, Mrs Bell, who he liked & who he had told he was going to give her what he had. He is buried in the new cem & his sister Margaret is buried by him. He died Aug 2, 1922. Mrs Bell has just found the old bible in the Wash stand in in the bedroom just adjg where I am writing in the millinery store. It was printed by Mathew Larey Phila 1811

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while there are several pages, four, two leaves at the end of the Old Testament & before the Apocrypha, they are all blank & there is no record at all. Mr Bell had been married before he married my informant & had a daughter by his first wife, my informant being his 2d wife. She shows me a cft of membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church of Athens, O signed by F.M. Swinehart, pastor dated Feby 21, 1909. Mrs Bell has been in the millinery business here 13 yrs, seven yrs across the street & six yrs in this building which she owns, having made a success of the business which she has conducted on a golden rule basis & has hosts of good friends who stand by her because they can rely on what she tells them.

She finds in the old bible a notice of the death of her old Uncle Charles Coates who was found dead in front of his home on Richland Ave Monday morning at 5:30 o'c by Arthur Vore who was passing & the coroner said he had been dead 7 or 8 hours. He was aged 77 yrs & was the grand-

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son of the first settler southwest of Athens in the territory that now embraces the Athens State Hospital & Mechanicsburg. That first settler was Arthur Coates whose homestead was on the present site of the hospital pumping station & whose home was constantly visited by Indians living in the nearby hills.

Leaving 12:22 PM

Mrs Bell has traveled a great deal to Uniontown, Pa last August & on to Antietam, Arlington, Gettysburg, Pa & this year was out three weeks to Yellowstone Park.

She is not sure whether Mr Bell is living or dead, but he is dead to her. He proved worthless & after 3 yrs of married life, her father took her home & he left. This she told me confidentially.

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Probate Judges office court house Athens, Athens Co, O Sept 30, 1925 1:55 PM

General Index to Wills

Coates, Arthur, inventory, Vol 2 Page 8

Coates, Arthur, account Vol 2 page 88

Coates, William, Rosa Coates Exr Vol 11 page 106

Will Book 2 page 8 Arthur Coates inventory, Athens, June 10, 1826 Inventory & appraisement of the personal effects of Arthur Coates decd:

one calf 2.25, 3 sows & 14 pigs} $9.25

5 still tubs 2.50, 1 grind stone. 25 2.75

1 yoke & irons 2.50 12 sheep 16.50 19.00

1 saddle 4 1 gallon bottles .50 4.50

1 wooden keg .31 1 loom & 1 reed 4 4.31

1 ferry boat & chain 16.00 9 hogs 18. ─34.00 $73.81

Fees $1 each:

John Brown 2 }

John Porter } Appraisers

John Gillmore }

The above three appraisers on Apr 1, 1829 appear & swear to the correctness of the above before:

Henry Bartlett J.P.

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Will Book 2 Page 88 Calvary Morris & Geo C. Coates Adms of estate of Arthur Coates decd in acct with said estate.

The amt of appraisement $73.81

Sept 15, 1829 S. McKee's vendue note & int $4.00

Jany 29, 1830 Judgt Vs Robt Lowry 2d & A. Coates 3.56

Feby 26, 1830 Judgt vs C. Hawk & Wm Handly 3.31

Apr 19, 1830 Judgt vs A. Coates & C. Hawk 27.00

Oct 25, 1830 Judgt vs A. Coates & Hawk, bals due 1.84

Oct 25, 1830 3 other judgts 12.95

Oct 25, 1830 recd from Ferry in 1827 50.00

Oct 25, 1830 recd from ferry in 1828 62.50

Interest on Hibbard & Morris note ───.27


of the above receipts 5 is for $12 & is from "Mary Coates part of her support"

The settlement shows $101.50 in hands of Adms which at May term 1831 is ordered to be paid as fifteen cents on the dollar to creditors having claims, a page of them, totalling $652.37.

Will Book 11 Page 106 Will of Wm Coates late of Athens, O. 2d to my wife Rosa Coates all my estate, real & personal & to her heirs & assigns.

3d if my wife should die before me, I give all my estate to my step son Upton G. Miller.

4th Appoints wife Rosa Exrx. Dated Apr 18, 1895 Wm Coates.

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Probate on Jany 28, 1896 states that he died Jany 23, 1896 & shows next of kin as follows:

Nancy Goodspeed, sister, Athens, O

Henry Coates, Brother, Athens, O

Margaret Robinson, sister, Athens, O

Mary Rice, sister, Athens, O

Charles Coates, brother, Athens, O

Lillie Nichols niece, Columbus, O

Leaving 2:50 PM

Recorders office Court House Athens, Athens, Co, O Sept 30, 1925 3 PM

General Index to Deeds

Dec 15, 1806 to Arthur Coates fr Ohio University Vol 1 P 43

This is a lease from the Pres & Trustees of the Ohio University to Arthur Coates of Athens Co, O of 2d part leases him land in Range 14 Tp 9 beginning at corner of Robert Fulton's survey by the river & ctg 165 90/100 acres for a term of 99 yrs, renewable forever, he to pay yearly (for the time being) $17.41 to said trustees.

In deed book 35 page 394, it recites that Arthur Coates, son of Arthur to whom the lease was given, had paid $280.17 to the Ohio Univ & succeeded to the title & he & his wife

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Sarah Nov 28, 1867 convey 61.67 A. to the State of Ohio for $9000.

Leaving 3:33 PM

I then went over & said goodbye to Dr McDougall & asked him to say goodbye for me to Miss Gibson & Miss Bougher, then got a taxi & drove out to:

New Cemetery on West Union St near B&O Depot Sept 30, 1925 and find the Sexton, he took me to the Coates graves & I noted:

23. Arthur Coates died Dec 3, 1871 aged 70 yrs 9 mos 22 days

Sarah, wife of Arthur Coates born Mch 8, 1805, ob Sept 28, 1872

Martha A. wife of J.C. Stedman died Feby 11, 1885 aged 48 yrs 11 mos 1 day

Margaret C. Robinson 1831-1921

Charles Coates 1847-1922

C.W. Goodspeed 1829-1892

Nancy C. Goodspeed 1826-1908

Mrs Bell's daughter is buried near her grandmother, Mrs Sarah Coates, but does not have a marker.

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24. John V. Clark 1820-1908

Rachel F. Clark 1839-1923

Leaving 4:40 PM

I then drove to the small frame home of Miss Lillie V. Nichols being third house off the street in front of the cem along an alley near the entrance gate & the house was locked up & a young girl at the next house beyond said she had gone out to Mrs Rosa Coates out Richland Ave at Mechanicsburg & driving out came to:

Residence of Rosa Coates Richland Ave? Sept 30, 1925 4:55 PM

This house sits back from the road to the right, on a slight elevation & I was told it was one of the Coates homes probably her husband. She said Miss Nichols was not there & she could not or would not give the dates of her husband, William Coates' birth, marriage & death although she said she had it down in the house. She said Wm Coates was her

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second husband, she having a son when she married him who is now in Chicago, Ills by her first husband, John Miller who died 58 yrs ago. She said she was the daughter of Martin Kern & was born in Canton, O but when I asked her when, she got as mad as a wet hen & demanded that I give her the paper on which I had written down what she told me which I disregarded and

left at 5 PM

We then drove back along Richland Ave & stopped at the feed store of Joseph W. Higgins & son & as I asked to see his wife, Alice, Mr Higgins sent me to the 3d house beyond No 94 Richland Ave & going both front & back, I found the house locked up so I

left at 5:03 PM

& drove to the B&O Sta where I arrived at 5:10 PM & taking the 5:20 PM B&O train, reached Portsmouth, O 9 Pm my time 8 Pm theirs & now at 10:22 Pm their time, have written this up at Room 116 Washington Hotel & will finish making slips.

Made to date all slips to here Oct 1/25 4 Am Portsmouth, O. JVT

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At office of Peebles Fire Brick Co, Gallia St, New Boston, O Scioto Co, O (P.O. Portsmouth, O Oct 1, 1925 11:11 AM

This is three miles out from the center of Portsmouth, O & I find Mr John Peebles here at his desk who says he is 78 yrs old & comes to the office at 7 AM & at the other side of his desk is Mr Fred L. Manning, who is of the New England Mannings & lives at 2017 Waller St, Portsmouth, O & he says his wife Nuna Betts is a descendant of Rev Dr Samuel Finley, Prest of Princeton College & her 1st cousin, State Senator William Betts, Democrat, twice elected Senator in a strong Republican district, lives at Clearfield, Pa & has gotten up a lot of records, which would no doubt be available if I would go to see him. His father was a Presbyterian minister. Mr Manning & Mr Wood to whom he introduced me & all of the others have just gone out to lunch & locked me in & I am writing at Mr Peeble's desk. He went out a short time before with an elderly lady, probably his wife, who came in an auto, having however first given me a book of

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family records prepared by his father, John Gettys Peebles when he was 80 yrs old & who was killed by a street car in front of his own residence when 90 or 91 yrs old. This book is a well preserved dark cloth bound ledger folio one half inch longer than this book & a full inch (or 32 lines) wider. It is marked NO 2 on back & 174_ to 189_.

Mr Peebles said he had 27 other volumes like it which his father had pasted full of clippings all of which he has given to the public library here but this is the only one that has family records in & he said he would not let it go out. These family records commence on page 1 & continue to page 57 & Mr Peebles said I could copy all I wished of them. They are closely & compactly written, very precise & in a good plain hand & give I think the very records I want. Mr Peebles said that after his father's death, he wrote to scores of them & they didn't answer & the threw up his hands & dropped it & now he hears frequently from different ones, but pays no attention & says "they can go to". Mr Manning said he would ask his wife to give her Finley line & let me know.

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On page 1, he commences saying:

"A continuation of the account of marriages & deaths as taken from the records of same in various newspapers. The record of same is commenced in Volume No 1 Mch 22, 1837 on page 42 & continued to Jany 22, 1872 page 60 by the Index in Vols Nos 1 & 2 names & dates can be obtained satisfactorily".

These records continue on pages 1 & 2, but I disregard them. Mr Peebles said his father was born in 1813 at the top of page 3 he commences & I copy:

"History of the Peebles family & its Descendants A biographical History of the Peebles Family together with a History of the Geddes, Nevin, McCoy, McCracken, Rodgers, & Steele families all of which are related or connected, with the Peebles Family & has been collated through information obtained from biblical & personal information received from the various children & heirs of said families.

In getting up a complete & accurate history, the information had to be gotten from so many persons & distances so great & scattered, that a full & complete history of the early members could not be obtained, & through negligence & loss of records, it has been very difficult to obtain a full & complete history, but the following sketches

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or history of the several connected families as far as obtained may be regarded as correct, from the information received and given by the compiler in such a detailed manner that those that are interested in the history of their ancestors may obtain information relative to their ancestry & the descendants of same to the present time, 1893. It will be observed in the statistical history of the several families there are numerous blanks that are not filled, caused by want & lack of information, but taken as a whole, the collateral history of each family may be regarded as near complete as could be gathered from such an ancient and scattered family connection.

History of our Grand Parents, William Peebles (his father, not known by us) & his wife Betsy (or Elizabeth) Finley, daughter of John & Martha Berkley Finley, the exact history of these grandparents not known personally to us.

Where When When

Names Born Born Mar Death Age

[The above headings are as entered in the volume, however, due to space & clarity, I will take liberties & enter the information in text form. CW]

William Peebles, born in Scotland 1745, Married 1767, Died Sept 5, 1776 aged 31 yrs.

married to:

Betsy (Elizabeth) Finley, born in Penna 1742, married 1767 died Sept 16, 1832 aged 90 yrs.

Their Children

John Peebles, born in Shippensburg, Pa Nov 21, 1769, married Nov 17, 1795, died Oct 21, 1846 aged 77 yrs

Betsy Elizabeth Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa Feby 8, 1772, married Jany 17, 1794, died May 20, 1839 aged 69 yrs

Robert Peebles, born in Shippensburg, Pa May 15, 1775, married May 21, 1796, died Jany 7, 1830 aged 55 yrs.

Historical Sketch of the parents of the above children

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William Peebles was born in Scotland in the Shire near the town of Peebles 25 miles south of Edinboro (his father shortly afterwards moved to the north part of Ireland) while yet a young man, he in company with two (2) young men left Ireland & came to America & settled in Cumberland Co, Pa. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary War at the age of 31 yrs, he raised a company of soldiers for said war at a cost of £400 & was wounded at the Battle of Flat Bush on Long Island by the Hessians Aug 28, 1776 & died of his wounds Sept 5, 1776. After his death, the United States Government reimbursed his family in Continental money for said expenditure. The family also received from the Government 2000 acres of land which was not considered of much value & was disposed of at a very low price. His remains were buried in some cemetery on Long Island.

Betsy (or Elizabeth) Finley, his wife was born at or not far from Shippensburg, Cumberland Co, Pa. She had 4 brothers, Samuel, John Clement & Michael. Samuel moved to Chillicothe, O at an early date. John moved to the Upper Blue Lick Springs, Ky. Clement settled in Cumberland Co, Pa & Michael moved to the Mud Lick Springs, KY. Betsy lived & died in or near Shippensburg, Pa at the house of her son-in-law, John Nevin, near Shippensburg, Pa at the age of 90 years"

End of page 3.

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Page 4

Record of the Peebles family from the grandfathers & mothers down. John Peebles, son of William Peebles & Elizabeth Peebles and Margaret Rodgers Peebles, daughter of Richard Rodgers & Rachel Denny as follows:

[Same headings as above. I will enter in text form CW]

John Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa Nov 21, 1769, married Nov 17, 1795, died Oct 22, 1846 aged 77 yrs.

married to:

Margaret Rodgers, born in Shippensburg, Pa May 13, 1777, died Aug 23, 1847 aged 70 yrs.

Their children:

William Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa Nov 16, 1796, died July 24, 1829 aged 33 yrs

Rachel Rodgers Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa July 28, 1798, married Feby 20, 1839, died Aug 27, 1883 aged 84 yrs

Elizabeth Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa Sept 1, 1800, married Apr 11, 1821, died Apr 15, 1875 aged 75 yrs

Fanny Denny Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa July 3, 1803, died Nov 11, 1804 aged 1 yr

Jane Finley Peebles born in Shippensburg, Pa Feby 23, 1806, married May 16, 1827, died Nov 1, 1875 aged 69 yrs

Richard Rodgers Peebles born in Chillicothe, O Jany 10, 1810, married Mch 8, 1843, died Aug 8, 1893 aged 83 yrs

Margaret Peebles born in Chillicothe, O Nov 10, 1811, died Sept 27, 1822 aged 11 yrs

John Geddes Peebles born in Chillicothe, O Nov 30, 1813, married June 10, 1835, died Oct 30, 1901 aged 88 yrs

Joseph Scott Peebles born in Chillicothe, O June 19, 1817, married Apr 8, 1851, died July 8, 1890 aged 73 yrs.

Marriage of their children

Rachel Rodgers Peebles born Shippensburg, Pa July 28, 1798, married Feby 20, 1839, died Aug 27, 1883 aged 85 yrs

married to:

Robert Hamilton, born Connellsville, Pa Nov 28, 1795, died Sept 11, 1856 aged 61 yrs.

Elizabeth Peebles, born Shippensburg, Pa Sept 1, 1800 married Apr 11, 1821, died Apr 15, 1875 aged 75 yrs

married to:

Giles Samuel Booth Hempstead, born New London, Conn June 8, 1794, died July 9, 1883 aged 89 yrs

Their children:

Margaret Jane Hempstead, born Portsmouth, O Jany 23, 1822, married Oct 23, 1843, died Aug 10, 1903 aged 81 yrs

Samuel Booth Hempstead, born Portsmouth, O June 18, 1823, married Mch 12, 1846, died Dec 12, 1873 aged 50 yrs

Harriet Elizabeth Hempstead born Portsmouth, O July 9, 1843, married Apr 30, 1868.

Their children [marriages & descendants]

Saml Booth Hempstead, born Portsmouth, O June 18, 1823, married Mch 12, 1846, died Dec 12, 1873 aged 50 yrs.

married to:

Mary Allen Hamilton, born West Union, O Sept 6, 1826, died July 6, 1901 aged 75 yrs.

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Their children

[headings appear as before]

Anna Moore Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Feby 6, 1847, married Mch 12, 1867

Margaret Jane Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Oct 9, 1851, married Nov 22, 1877, died Apr 4, 1899 aged 48 yrs

Elizabeth W. Hempstead born Hanging Rock O Nov 30, 1853, died Mch 20, 1854 aged 1 yr

Mary Allen Hempstead born Hanging Rock, O Mch 16, 1855, married Dec 29, 1887, died May 31, 1897 aged 42 yrs

Giles Hamilton Hempstead born Hanging Rock, O June 19, 1856, died Sept 8, 1856 aged 0 yrs

Rosalie Hamilton Hempstead born Hanging Rock, O Aug 3, 1859, married Sept 1, 1885

Hattie Hamilton Hempstead born Hanging Rock O Oct 13, 1861, married May 13, 1885

Their children

Anna Moore Hempstead born Hanging Rock O Feby 6, 1847 married Mch 12, 1867.

married to:

Isaac Newton Hempstead, born Esperance, NY Nov 28, 1839.

Their children

Roberta Booth Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Nov 4, 1868, married Aug 6, 1890

Samuel Halliday Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O May 18, 1871, married Oct 10, 1898

Mary Hamilton Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Dec 16, 1873, married May 6, 1894

Margaret Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Dec 10, 1885, died Nov 5, 1891 aged 6 yrs.

End of page 4

Hempstead record continued page 10 & 11

I see it continues first however on page 5.

Page 5

Margaret Jane Hempstead, born Hanging Rock O, Oct 9, 1851, married Nov 22, 1877, died Apr 4, 1899 aged 48 yrs

married to:

William P. Walker, born Newport, Ky Sept 3, 1850, died May 25, 1898 aged 48 yrs

Their children

Stewart Hempstead Walker born Covington, Ky Sept 27, 1878, married June 6, 1900

Mary Allen Hempstead, born Hanging Rock O Mch 16, 1855, married Dec 29, 1887, died May 31, 1897 aged 42 yrs

married to:

Henry Ritter, born Charleston, WVA

Rosalie Hamilton Hempstead, born Hanging Rock O, Aug 3, 1859, married Sept 1, 1885

married to:

J.P. Gillen, born Lawrence Co, O June 11, 1859.

Their children

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Rosalie Pierpoint Gillen, born So Pittsburgh, Tenn Dec 28, 1887

George Hamilton Gillen born So Pittsburgh, Tenn Aug 21, 1892

Hettie Hamilton Hempstead born Hanging Rock, O Oct 13, 1861 married May 13, 1885

married to:

R. Tupper Nye born Marietta, O Sept 27, 1860

Their children

Nellie Lewis Nye born Charleston, WVA Apr 27, 1887, died Jany 4, 1888 aged 1 yr

Walker Hamilton Nye born Charleston, WVA Nov 28, 1888

Allen Tupper Nye born Hanging Rock, O Mch 21, 1891

Dudley Dodge Nye born Marietta, O June 15, 1893

Margaret Jane Hempstead, born Portsmouth, O Jany 23, 1822, married Oct 23, 1845, died Aug 10, 1903 aged 81 yrs

married to:

Benj Brayton Gaylord, born Westerville, NY Nov 26, 1811, died Sept 1, 1880 aged 69 yrs

Their children:

Elizabeth Hempstead Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O Feby 17, 1847, died May 12, 1849 aged 2 yrs

Lydia Brayton Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O June 1, 1850, died Aug 31, 1850 aged 0 yrs

Mary Hildreth Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O July 11, 1851, died Jany 17, 1869 aged 18 yrs

Martha Brayton Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O Sept 2, 1853

Benj Hempstead Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O May 5, 1857, died June 20, 1904 (3) [parenthetical number written above the 4 in 1904]

Helen Margaret Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O July 9, 1862

Harriet Elizabeth Hempstead born Portsmouth, O July 9, 1845, married Apr 30, 1868

married to:

Gaylord Brayton Norton, born Litchfield, NY May 28, 1837 died Apr 29, 1905

Their children

Benj Hempstead Norton, born Wayne Furnace, Tenn Feby 2, 1869

Mary Esther Norton, born Coalton, Ky Feby 5, 1874

John Geddes Peebles Norton born Coalton, Ky Dec 30, 1875

Margaret Elizabeth Norton born Coalton, Ky Sept 12, 1877, died July 17, 1878 aged 1 yr

Helen Gaylord Norton born Portsmouth, O Apr 12, 1882

Brayton Saltonstall Norton born Coalton, Ky June 18, 1884

end page 5

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on page 10

[headings appear as originally shown]

Roberta Booth Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O Nov 4, 1868, married Aug 6, 1890

married to:

Thos Montgomery Price born Pendleton, O Feby 18, 1864

Their Children

Robert St Clair Price, born Hanging Rock, O May 2, 1892

Samuel Halliday Hempstead, born Hanging Rock, O May 18, 1871, married Oct 10, 1898

married to:

Harriet Mary Brisben, born Covington, Ky Jany 8, 1871

Their children:

Robt Halliday Hempstead born Covington, Ky Apr 22, 1900

Mary Hamilton Hempstead born Hanging Rock, O Dec 16, 1873, married May 6, 1894

married to:

Enos D. Taylor born Versailles, O May 13, 1870

Their children

Mark Taylor, born Wickliff, Ky Feby 7, 1895

Felix Taylor, born Portsmouth, Va Nov 1, 1897

Enos Taylor Jr, born Port Norfolk, Va Nov 24, 1900

on page 11

Stewart Hempstead Walker, born Covington, Ky Sept 27, 1878, married June 6, 1900

married to:

Edith M. Hall, born Cincinnati, O July 12, 1877

Their children:

Margaret Hall Walker, born New York City June 18, 1901

Jno Geddes Peebles Jr, born Portsmouth, O Oct 31, 1877, married June 10, 1901

married to:

Amy Lillian Knowles, born London, Eng June 5, 1876

End of page 11

Page 6 Top

The family of John & Margaret Peebles continued

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Jane Finley Peebles, born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 23, 1806, married May 16, 1827, died Nov 2, 1875

married to:

Robert Wood, born Williamsburgh, O Aug 23, 1802, died Apr 5, 1871

Their children

Elizabeth Jane Wood, born Piketon, O Apr 6, 1828, married Nov 6, 1851, died Oct 20, 1897

William Benjamin Wood, born Cincinnati, O Jany 29, 1830, died Jany 4, 1839

Sarah Frances Wood, born Portsmouth, O May 7, 1832, married Mch 26, 1850, died July 23, 1897

Margaret Peebles Wood born Portsmouth, O Oct 5, 1834, married May 3, 1860

Martha Mary Wood born Wheelersburg, O Dec 25, 1836

Elizabeth Jane Wood, born Piketon, O Apr 6, 1828, married Nov 6, 1851, died Oct 20, 1897

married to:

James McCalley Ferguson, born Clarksburgh, WVA Mch 27, 1824, died Apr 18, 1894

Their children

Jane Sarah Ferguson, born Hanging Rock, O July 26, 1852, married Sept 18, 1873

William Wood Ferguson, born Ironton, O Nov 11, 1855

Edward Peebles Ferguson, born Ironton, O Jany 26, 1858, died May 16, 1900

Jane Sarah Ferguson, born Hanging Rock O July 26, 1852, married Sept 18, 1873

married to:

Hamlin Miller Adams, born Marietta, O Nov 3, 1840

Their children

Robt Ferguson Adams, born Ironton, O June 1, 1874

Hamlin G. Adams, born Huntington, WVA Sept 2, 1880

Frances Hewlett Adams, born Huntington, WVA Feby 15, 1885

Newton Meredith Adams, born Huntington, WVA Feby 4, 1893

Richard Rodgers Peebles, born Chillicothe, O Jany 10, 1810, married Mch 8, 1843, died Aug 8, 1893

married to:

Mary Ann Calvit, born Washington, Miss Jany 4, 1816, died Dec 31, 1877

Their children

Margt Elizabeth Hempstead Peebles, born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Mch 20, 1844, married Apr 14, 1868, died May 10, 1893

Rachel Hamilton Peebles born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Mch 3, 1846, married Dec 14, 1869

Sarah Marshall Peebles born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Oct 8, 1847, died Nov 21, 1918

Mary Murfort Peebles born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Oct 8, 1847 [twin] died Feby 20, 1852

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John Peebles, born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Mch 5, 1849, married Dec 8, 1870, died Dec 9, 1889

Martha Jane Finley Peebles born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Dec 26, 1851, died Aug 22, 1854

Joseph Alexander Peebles born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Dec 27, 1854, married Nov 28, 1878

Rebecca Sheldon Peebles, born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Oct 9, 1857, married Jany 14, 1880

Richard Rodgers Peebles, born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Dec 2, 1859, died Oct 24, 1867

Margt Elizabeth Hempstead Peebles, born Pleasant Hills, Austin Co, Texas Mch 20, 1844, married Apr 14, 1868, died May 10, 1893

married to:

Richard Morton Bozman, born Golconda, Ills Mch 24, 1841, died Nov 19, 1876

Their Children

Richard Morris Bozman, born Hempstead, Texas Aug 10, 1869, married Sept 6, 1893, died Oct 17, 1897

End of page 6

Page 7

Robert & Jane F. Woods family continued.

Sarah Frances Wood, born Portsmouth, O May 7, 1832, married Mch 26, 1850, died July 23, 1897

married to:

Simeon Crossley, born Clermont Co, O Oct 6, 1824, died Apr 11, 1873

Their children

Margt Elizabeth Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O Oct 24, 1855, married Sept 13, 1876, died Apr 5, 1898

Frances Woodruff Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O Jany 10, 1860, died Sept 28, 1864

Henry Clay Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O May 9, 1862

Mary Hamilton Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O July 21, 1864

Hattie Norton Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O Oct 12, 1867

Florence Wood Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O July 20, 1871

Gaylord I. Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O Oct 24, 1873

3 children died in infancy.

Margt Elizabeth Crossley, born Hanging Rock, O Oct 24, 1855, married Sept 13, 1876, died Apr 5, 1898

married to:

Thomas N. Martin, born Covington, Ky Aug 30, 1852

Their children:

1. Robt Alexander Martin, born Hanging Rock, O July 26, 1877

2. Bessie Meredith Martin born Hanging Rock, O Sept 2, 1878

4. Donald Crossley Martin born Hanging Rock, O Dec 8, 1888

3. William Brown Martin born Hanging Rock, O Apr 30, 1881, died July 31, 1881.

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Margt Peebles Wood, born Portsmouth, O Oct 5, 1834, married May 3, 1860

married to:

Thomas Meredith, born Gettysburgh, Pa Sept 27, 1822

Their children

Martha Hamilton Meredith, born Coalton, Ky Feby 5, 1869, married Apr 26, 1893

William Gaylord Meredith, born Coalton, Ky Sept 12, 1876

2 oldest died in infancy at Gallipolis, O

Marriage of their children

Martha Hamilton Meredith, born Coalton, Ky Feby 5, 1869, married Apr 26, 1893

married to:

Bayless W. Gerhart

Richard R. & Mary Ann Peebles family ctd

Their children

Rachel Hamilton Peebles, born Austin Co, Texas Mch 3, 1846, married Dec 14, 1869

married to:

Reuben Guyden White, born Jackson, Miss Aug 21, 1845

End of page 7

page 8

John Peebles, born Austin Co, Texas Mch 5, 1849, married Dec 8, 1870 died Dec 9, 1889

married 1st to:

Josephine Griffin, born Windom, La Dec 5, 1853, died May 16, 1876

No issue. His remarriage married 2d to:

Jennie Aldridge, born Houston, Texas, [date] not known married Jany 15, 1879

Their children

Richard Rodgers Peebles, born Hempstead, Texas July 10, 1880

John Scurry Peebles, born Hempstead, Texas Dec 6, 1881

Aldridge Peebles, born Hempstead, Texas July 22, 1885

Joseph Alexander Peebles, born Austin Co, Texas Dec 27, 1854, married Nov 28, 1878

married to:

Ann Elizabeth Pointer, born Navasota, Texas Sept 11, 1859

Their children

Anna Boxley Peebles, born Hempstead, Texas Feby 6, 1882

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Rebecca Sheldon Peebles, born Austin Co, Texas Oct 9, 1857, married Jany 14, 1880

married to:

Thomas Henry Pointer, Anderson C.H. Tenn Jany 5, 1856

Their children

1. Peebles Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Oct 15, 1880, died Oct 16, 1880

2. Mary Ann Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas May 31, 1882

4. Ann Elizabeth Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas May 5, 1886

5. Sarah Peebles Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Apr 4, 1890 died Aug 14, 1891

3. Thomas Henry Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Mch 31, 1884

6. Maggie Hamilton Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Mch 29, 1894, died Sept 1, 1894

7. Rachel Hamilton Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Dec 21, 1895

8. Rebecca Peebles Pointer, born Hempstead, Texas Nov 5, 1897

end of page 8

Page 9

The family of John G. & Martha Peebles

John Geddes Peebles, born Chillicothe, O Nov 30, 1813, married June 10, 1835, died Oct 30, 1901

married to:

Martha Steel, born Philadelphia, Pa May 29, 1816, died Nov 24, 1903

Their children

William Peebles, born Washington Tp, Scioto Co, O May 6, 1837, died Sept 3, 1837

Infant son Peebles born Portsmouth, O Apr 14, 1838, died Apr 15, 1838

Margaret Jane Peebles born Portsmouth, O Apr 23, 1840, died Oct 21, 1908

Mary Elizabeth Peebles born Portsmouth, O Feby 25, 1842

Robert Peebles born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O Mch 6, 1846, married Sept 25, 1873, died Jany 5, 1911

John Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O, Mch 4, 1848, married Nov 8, 1870, my informant Richard Rodgers Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O July 27, 1850, married Aug 31, 1876, died Dec 25, 1901

Joseph Hamilton Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O Dec 25, 1853, died July 30, 1854

Joseph William Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O July 29, 1855, died Jany 4, 1856

John Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Lawrence Co, O Mch 4, 1848, married Nov 8, 1870

married to 1st

Sallie Lynn Tewksbury, born Wheelersburg, O July 31, 1850, died July 7, 1881.

Their children:

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Martha Steel Peebles, born Portsmouth, O Oct 18, 1871, married Jany 25, 1898, see page 415.

His remarriage 2d to:

Nettie Bentley Lloyd, born Portsmouth, O Apr 15, 1867, married Apr 7, 1888.

Their Children:

Miriam Peebles, born Portsmouth, O June 30, 1888, married Nov 30, 1909

Joseph Bentley Peebles, born Portsmouth, O Oct 5, 1890

Robert Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp, Mch 6, 1846, married Sept 25, 1873, died Jany 5, 1911

married to:

Harriet Boal, born Cincinnati, O Feby 2, 1853

Their children:

Martha Mary Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Feby 22, 1875, died Oct 11, 1876

Robert Boal Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Mch 20, 1878, died Feby 11, 1882

Samuel Coles Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Feby 24, 1880, married Apr 14, 1903

Charles Rowland Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Jany 29, 1882, married Mch 1907

Frances Mills Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Dec 2, 1883, married June 1909

Richard Rodgers Peebles, born Ashland, Ky July 11, 1885

Harriet Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Aug 15, 1887

Marguerite Peebles, born Ashland, Ky July 10, 1889

Ruth Peebles, born Ashland, Ky Oct 4, 1891

Ina Peebles, born Los Angeles, Calif Apr 15, 1895, died May 9, 1903

Martha Steele Peebles born Ashland, Ky Apr 15, 1899

End of page 9

Page 10

The family of Richard R. & Elizabeth Florence Peebles

Richard Rodgers Peebles Jr born Pine Grove Tp July 27, 1850, married Aug 31, 1876, died Dec 25, 1901

married to:

Elizabeth Florence Moore, born Yazoo City, Miss June 18, 1856

Their children:

John Geddes Peebles Jr born Portsmouth, O Oct 31, 1877, married June 10, 1901

William Moore Peebles, born Portsmouth, O June 2, 1880

V14 Page 320

Elizabeth Steele Peebles, born Henley, O Dec 3, 1882

Margaret Louise Peebles, born Portsmouth, O Feby 15, 1885

Robert Denny Peebles, born Henley, O Mch 1, 1887

Morrill Rodgers Peebles born Henley, O May 18, 1889, died Sept 5, 1889

Richard Elmore Peebles born Henley, O Oct 4, 1891

Joseph Scott Peebles, born Chillicothe, O June 19, 1817, married Apr 8, 1851, died July 8, 1890

married to:

Nancy Finley Lodwick, born West Union, O Sept 2, 1820, died Oct 23, 1881

Their children:

William Hempstead Peebles, born Pine Grove Tp Sept 29, 1852, died Feby 1902.

His remarriage 2d to:

Helen A. Warren, born Oneida Co, NY Apr 4, 1837, married July 27, 1888.

End of page 10

page 13

A continued History of our Grandparents, William & Betsy (Elizabeth) Peebles, his wife who was a daughter of John & Martha Berkley Finley, the exact history of these grandparents not personally known to us.

William Peebles, born Scotland 1745, married 1767, died Sept 5, 1776

married to:

Betsy (Elizabeth) Finley, born Penna 1742, died Sept 6, 1832

Their children:

John Peebles, born Shippensburg, Pa, Nov 21, 1769, married Nov 17, 1795, died Oct 21, 1846

Betsy (Elizabeth) Peebles born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 8, 1772, married June 17, 1794, died May 20, 1839

Robert Peebles born Shippensburg, Pa May 15, 1775, married May 21, 1796, died Jany 7, 1830

Record of the marriage & death of Betsy Peebles children.

Betsy (Eliz) Peebles born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 8, 1772, married June 17, 1794, died May 20, 1839

married to:

John Geddes born Silver Springs, Pa Aug 16, 1766, died Dec 5, 1840

Their children

V14 Page 321

Eliza Geddes, Newville, Pa Nov 29, 1796, married Feby 3, 1819, died June 20, 1849

Wm Peebles Geddes, born Newville, Pa Jany 13, 1798, died Feby 11, 1802

Jno Peebles Geddes, born Newville, Pa Oct 10, 1799, married Apr 27, 1825, died Dec 8, 1837

Sally Geddes born Newville, Pa Aug 4, 1801, married Jany 27, 1825, died Jany 27, 1838

Peggy (Margt) Geddes born Newville, Pa Sept 4, 1803, married Jany 22, 1828, died Aug 1878

Jane Geddes born Newville, Pa Feby 22, 1805, died Dec 4, 1889

Martha Geddes born Newville, Pa June 8, 1806, died Aug 4, 1807

Martha Finley Geddes born Newville, Pa Mch 27, 1808, died Mch 11, 1897

William Geddes born Newville, Pa Sept 18, 1812, died Oct 1, 1812

Marriage of their children:

Eliza Geddes, born Nov 29, 1796, married Feby 3, 1819, died June 20, 1849

married to:

James Weakley, birth place & date not known. See Book 17 p 376-9. See book 20 p 88-9

Their Children

Hettie Lusk Weakley, born Newville, Pa [all children have unknown birth dates in this list.]

Elizabeth Peebles Weakley, born Newville, Pa

Martha Eye Weakley, born near Newville, Pa & died Sept 20, 1882

William Weakley, born Newville, Pa

John Geddis [sic] Weakley (twin) born Newville, Pa

James Weakley (twin) born Newville, Pa.

Martha Eye Weakley, born near Newville, Pa, birth date not known, died Sept 20, 1882.

married to:

Alexander Sharpe, born Newville, Pa, birth date not known.

Their children:

James Weakley Sharpe, born Newville, Pa, date unknown

James Weakley Sharpe, born Newville, Pa, date unknown, married 1883

married to:

Ida W. Hurst, born Newville, Pa, date unknown

End of page 13

Page 14

Their children

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Henrietta W. Sharpe, born Newville, Pa Sept 1, 1889

Hettie Lusk Weakley, born Newville, Pa date unknown, marriage date unknown

married to:

James Miller, birth place & date unknown.

[Note: Variations in spelling Geddes/Geddis as entered by JVT] John Peebles Geddes, born Newville, Pa Oct 10, 1799, married Apr 27, 1825, died Dec 8, 1837

married to:

Catharine J. McClay, born Fannettsburgh, Pa Feby 2, 1799, died Dec 22, 1873

Their children:

William McClay Geddis [sic], born Newville, Pa Apr 24, 1826, died July 23, 1828

John Geddis, born Newville, Pa Oct 29, 1827

Laura C. Geddis, born Newville, Pa Dec 11, 1829

William McClay Geddis, born Newville, Pa Dec 26, 1831, married Feby 4, 1871, died Aug 5, 1872

Charles King Geddis, born Newville, Pa Oct 2, 1834, married Jany 28, 1874

William Nevin Geddis, born Newville, Pa Dec 28, 1836

William McClay Geddes, born Newville, Pa Dec 26, 1831, married Feby 4, 1871, died Aug 5, 1872

married to:

Eleanor C. Fisher, born Balto, Md July 1837, died Dec 30, 1877

Their children

Charles McClay Geddes, born New Orleans, La Nov 5, 1871, died May 3, 1888

Charles King Geddes, born Newville, Pa Oct 2, 1834, married Jany 28, 1874

married to:

Sarah Sproul, born Turbotville, Pa Sept 17, 1833, died Feby 9, 1891

Their children:

Margaret Sproul Geddes, born Williamsport, Pa Mch 28, 1876

John McClay Geddes, born Williamsport, Pa Jany 26, 1881

Sally Geddes, born Newville, Pa Aug 4, 1801, married Jany 27, 1825, died Jany 27, 1838

married to:

William Barr, born Newville, Pa July 17, 1798, died Apr 16, 1887

Their children:

Andrew Carlisle Barr born Newville, Pa Dec 16, 1825, died Dec 21, 1864

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John Geddes Barr, born Newville, Pa Oct 7, 1830, died Oct 21, 1865

Margaret Sarah Lucas Barr, born Newville, Pa Nov 23, 1833, married Oct 21, 1852.

Margaret Sarah Lucas Barr, born Newville, Pa Nov 23, 1833, married Oct 21, 1852

married to:

Thomas Stough, birth place unknown, born July 15, 1824

Their children:

Lolla Margaret Stough, born Newville, Pa Sept 20, 1853, married Oct 27, 1880.

End of page 14

Page 15

Lolla Margaret Stough, born Newville, Pa Sept 20, 1853, married Oct 27, 1880

married to:

Wm Craighead Brewster, born Newville, Pa July 8, 1852

Their children:

Newman Lucas Brewster, born Newville, Pa Nov 15, 1881

Thomas Craighead Brewster, born Newville, Pa Jany 23, 1887

Peggy (Margaret) Geddes born Sept 4, 1803, married Jany 2, 1828, died Aug 1878

married to:

William H. Woodburn, birth place unknown, born Apr 8, 1803

Their children:

James Henry Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Dec 16, 1828, married June 1, 1856

Eliza Geddes Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Dec 2, 1832, married May 4, 1858

Eliza Geddes Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Dec 2, 1832, married May 4, 1858, died Jany 21, 1898 aged 65 yrs

married to:

John Diller birth place & date unknown, died Jany 20, 1898 aged 74 yrs.

Their children:

1. John Geddes Diller, born Newville, Pa Mch 2, 1859

3. James Woodburn Diller, born Newville, Pa Dec 4, 1865

4. Martha Elizabeth Diller, born Newville, Pa Dec 12, 1867

5. Anna Finley Diller, born Newville, Pa Sept 12, 1869

6. Agnes Jane Diller, born Newville, Pa Dec 1, 1871

7. Wm Henry Diller, born Newville, Pa May 12, 1873

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8. Samuel Diller, born Newville, Pa June 14, 1875

9. Charles McClay Diller, born Newville, Pa Nov 8, 1876

2. Margaret Woodburn Diller, born Newville, Pa Apr 1, 1862.

James Henry Woodburn born Newville, Pa Dec 16, 1828, married Jany 1, 1856

married to:

Mary Bleane Davidson born Newville, Pa Nov 16, 1827, died Oct 1884

Their children:

Wm Henry Woodburn, born Newville, Pa May 28, 1858

Eleanor Davidson Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Feby 8, 1862

Margaret Geddes Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Nov 6, 1864

Mary Bleane Woodburn, born Newville, Pa Dec 28, 1867

End of page 15

Page 17

A continued history of our grandparents, William Peebles (father & mother not known by us) & his wife Betsy (Elizabeth) Finley, daughter of John & Martha Berkly Finley, the exact history of these grandparents known only to us from information received by us from the brothers of our grandmother.


The following is the history of the Robert Peebles family giving as near as could be obtained a complete history of births, marriages & deaths of the entire family connections.

Robert Peebles, born Shippensburg, Pa May 15, 1775, married May 21, 1796, died Jany 7, 1830

married to

Jane Kennedy, born Newville, Pa Aug 27, 1778, died Sept 25, 1865

Their children:

William Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa June 9, 1797, died Apr 18, 1798

Martha Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Jany 27, 1799, marriage date unknown, died Feby 22, 1851

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Eliza Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Jany 14, 1801, married Feby 14, 1822, died Oct 22, 1882

Thomas Kennedy Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Dec 28, 1802, marriage date unknown, died June 19, 1847

Nancy Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Mch 20, 1805, drowned Oct 30, 1807

Margaret Jane Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Mch 18, 1808, married Apr 30, 1828, died Jany 21, 1891.

Mary Finley Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa June 14, 1811, married Apr 16, 1829

Sarah Ann Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Apr 14, 1814, married Mch 20, 1835, died June 16, 1874

Nancy Ellen Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Mch 9, 1820, married Oct 6, 1836, died Apr 9, 1885

Henrietta Peebles (twin) born Big Spring, Pa May 24, 1822, married Nov 12, 1844, died Sept 14, 1887

Twin Daughter Peebles born Big Spring, Pa May 24, 1822, died in infancy 1822

Matilda Brown Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Apr 29, 1825, married Dec 3, 1846.

Marriage of their children:

Martha Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Jany 27, 1799, marriage date unknown, died Feby 22, 1851

married to:

John Mathers, birth place & date unknown, died Oct 14, 1821

2d to Remarried

James Shannon, born Aug 19, 1797, birth place unknown, married June 10, 1824, died Aug 29, 1830

Their children:

Jane Sarah Shannon, born Newville, Pa Oct 16, 1827 died May 3, 1836

3d to remarried again

Lemuel Moss, born Sheffield, Mass. Nov 17, 1785, married Apr 30, 1835, died Apr 12, 1853

End of 17th page Oct 2/25 5 PM

Oct 3, 1925 7:33 AM go to page 334

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In the talks today, Friday, Oct 2, 1925, with John Peebles at their office at New Boston, O, he said his father had said that he was 7th generation in descent from John Knox which I then figured if:

John Geddes Peebles was the 7th generation

John Peebles would be 6th generation

Elizabeth Finley Peebles would be 5th generation

John Finley 1713-1758 would be 4th generation

Michael Finley would be 3d generation

Robert Finley would be 2d generation

Questioning him about this, he said their Finleys descended from a sister (wasn't it of course a brother) of John Knox's mother, who he said was a Finley. He says John Knox's mother was a Finley & his name was John Finley Knox. I did not have such information. Investigate my Finley & Knox histories.

Mr Peebles said he left for Europe on June 10, 1925 & only got home Monday of this week, Sept 28, 1925, so it is well I went to Chillicothe before coming here.

Referring to page 6 of his father's record, page 315 of mine, he said that Margaret Peebles Wood married, born Oct 5, 1834, died in California during the past year.

Also that her sister, Martha Mary Wood, unmarried, born Dec 25, 1836 died about 2 or 3 yrs ago

Fred L. Manning who was not at the office today phoned me at 8:15 AM & told me to call his wife

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at 1636 & she would give he her Finley line. Accordingly, I did so & she said her father, David McKinney Betts was the son of Frederick Gregory Betts whose wife was Cornelia Finley, but she did not know her father's name, but said to write Hon. William Betts, Clearfield, Pa & he can tell.

Mr Peebles said this afternoon when I asked him about the Finleys of West Union, O & the Lodwicks there & stated that Maj Joseph L. Finley's 2d dau, Mary Brown Finley, had married John Patterson, he said that Col. Benj F. Coates, very prominent in the Civil War, who was a doctor before the war & took up his practice here in 1865 on his return from the war, had married Elizabeth J. Patterson, daughter of sd John of West Union, O & that she used to visit his Uncle J. Scott Peebles. He advised me to go see their son, Joseph P. Coates, living on the N.E. Corner of 2d & Gay Sts at 903 Second ST, four blocks from this hotel & say to him that he sent me. He is near 60 yrs old. He has an unmarried sister here also who lives with him.

Mr P. produces a "History of Scioto Co, O. & Pioneer Record of Souther Ohio" by Nelson W. Evans & published by him, Portsmouth, O 1903 ctg 1322 pages. He loaned it to me to bring in with me & I believe I have one at home in the Bookcase in inside hall.

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On page 802 is sketch of John Peebles 1769-1847 with his photo & on page 804, one of John Geddes Peebles 1813-1901 & a fine photo followed by sketches on page 806 of William Peebles & Joseph Scott Peebles.

There is much about Col John Lodwick who married Harriet, the oldest daughter of Maj Joseph L. Finley 1753-183- & his son James Lodwick & about the Grimes & on page 205 & 1263 S. [sic] is reference to Major Joseph L. Finley, Revolutionary soldier giving valuable records & saying he was born near Greensburg, Westd Co, Pa in 1753 & on page 195 is a sketch of Albert C. Thompson, fine face, born at Brookville, Jeff Co, Pa Jany 23, 1842, graduated Jefferson College & became a judge & M.C. This may be a brother of Col Robert M. Thompson. There is also an article on Benj F. Coates.

Page 1064 on John Riegel Markle D.D.S. &

Page 844 on Moses Thompson with a characteristic Thompson photo facing stating that he was born in Penna Aug 18, 1784 & died Oct 7, 1864. It lists several children one of whom, Jane, married Joseph Lodwick.

They closed the office at 5 o'c & I quit bottom page 325 & came in & got my dinner & walked down to:

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Residence of Joseph Pencoast Coates, No 903 Second St (N.E. Corner of Ay St) Portsmouth, O Oct 2, 1925 7:20 PM

He said that his father, when he attended Jefferson Medical College, Phila, Pa had such a high regard for old Doctor Pancoast that he named him for him. He said his grandfather was a Quaker from Chester Co, Pa & that Coatesville, Pa was named for some member of their family. He says his mother, Elizabeth Patterson, was daughter of John Patterson by his second wife who was Celia Prather hence not in the Finley line, as his grandfather, John Patterson had first married Mary Brown Finley, by whom he had six children (there were three by 2d wife) a list of whom I have. His daughter, Matilda Ann Patterson married John Smith & her daughter, Mary Smith, widow of Chandler Moulton, aged 75 born in 1850, lives not at Lucasville, O this, Scioto Co, & is well informed & can give the lines & record of her mother's brothers & sisters & of her mother's family, which was a large one. Her brother, Joseph Patterson Smith, was a most able man & was State Librarian of Ohio when Wm McKinley was Governor & when he became president, he appointed him Director of the Bureau of American

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Republics. While there in Wash D.C., he published a book giving the History of the Patterson, Smith & Finley families 62 pages, I think he said, which he distributed privately with the different families, but it was never put on sale. He thinks his sister, Mrs Moulton would undoubtedly have one. If she does not come back & let him know & he had a copy, but his sister, Miss Sarah Coates who came in later, said she had taken it to their home at or near Columbus, O. He said the water got up over Second Street in 1884 & in 1913, the latter being the higher of the two at which time, it came up to the first floor of this house, which is easily six feet above the sidewalk. He says Lucasville is ten miles north of Portsmouth & is reached by the Norfolk & Western RR & the bus runs there every half hour from the Washington Hotel. Her son, Frank Moulton is a lawyer here in the 1st Natl Bank Building opposite the P.O.

He says John Patterson was a jeweler or silversmith in Pittsburgh, Pa where he met & married Mary Brown Finley. He was later appointed U.S. Marshall for Ohio by President Van Buren. Mrs Moulton lives right in the town in a frame house. Mr C. telephoned her son & he said she was at home & would be glad

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to see me Sunday. He made appointment for me to call at the son's office tomorrow afternoon. He says Thomas Read Patterson, older half brother of his mother, was a favorite of his mother & had been in the iron & steel commission business in Cincinnati, O & had married a girl named Rose Olds from Circleville, O & after she died, there being no children, as both were well up in years when married, he came & lived with them in this house, which Mr C. said his father built 60 yrs ago & it has been the Coates home ever since. He is a bachelor & has a family in it & retains two rooms on second floor. He says his Uncle Thos R. Patterson went to Paris, Ill to visit his full sister Mary Dresbach, ate a hearty Christmas dinner, laid down & never woke, dying there aged 85 years & he thinks it was in 1908 or 1909. He & his wife are both buried at Circleville, O & have markers. His will at Cincinnati, O gave his estate largely to my informant & his two sisters. His sister, Mary Dresbach, survived him & Miss Sarah Coates thinks she is still living at Paris, Ills, with a married daughter in the town & is probably upwards of 90 yrs old. Ask Mrs Moulton & for name

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of the daughter.

Clarence M. Smith, oldest brother of Mrs Moulton, lives in Columbus, O, they think on Dakota St, or at least did live on that street a few yrs ago. He has a large family, about all married.

Mr Coates says a Capt. Wm Jack died here about 8 mos ago, aged abt 77 & a bachelor. Says his father was a very prominent man & of good family & was a Capt for years on the steamboats. Thinks his name was William also. The William who died recently has an unmarried sister living here some place. She did live on 7th St, but sold that property & moved. Hunt her up. Says she lives in the town, A brother, Charles is married & lives on a suburban place five miles out, halfway between here & Lucasville, O & near the 5 miles church. Another brother, James Jack is a ne'er do well & works sometimes as a porter.

Miss Sarah Coates says her Aunt Mary Dresbach has a daughter Mary who married her cousin named Dresbach, a farmer & both are living at Yellowbud, Ross Co, O & have a big family of children.

Sarah Smith, sister of Mrs Moulton, the youngest of the family married

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Charles Frame, a merchant & both are living in West Union, O & have 3 or 4 children.

Miss Sarah Coates says her mother's mother was Celia Prather & her mother was a Wilson from Penna, were Pennsylvania Dutch who came fr Penna to Adams Co, O.

J.P. Coates said Wm H. Peebles, son of Joseph Scott Peebles by his first wife, Nancy Finley Lodwick, see page 320, was consul to the Sandwich Islands before they were taken over & got mixed up with the "Hula-Hula" girls there & became a confirmed drunkard. His father, Joseph Scott Peebles went on a trip around the world & I think took Wm H. with him. The 2d wife, a designing woman, laid for him & got him & got much of his money, that being what she married him for. John Peebles & others had a committee appointed over Wm H. & the last 5 yrs of his life, they doled out but a small allowance to him. He died a bachelor worth about $65,000, which went to John Peebles & others as heirs at law as he don't think there was any will.

Leaving 9:33 PM

I came to room 116, Washington Hotel & commenced at page 326 at 11 PM writing this up & it is now 3:11 AM & I will go to bed. I am to be called at 6 AM

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Oct 3d, 1925 7:33 AM

Continued from page 325

Page 18

The family of Robert & Jane Peebles continued

Married Children.

Eliza Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Jany 14, 1801, married Feby 14, 1822, died Oct 22, 1882

married to:

David Wills born Hopewell Co, Pa Apr 3, 1795, died Feby 6, 1873

Their children:

Jane Mary Wills, born Chillicothe, O Dec 20, 1825, died Aug 10, 1826

Elizabeth McCoy Wills, born Chillicothe, O Feby 22, 1830, married Mch 16, 1851

Jane Peebles Wills, born Chillicothe, O Oct 8, 1832, married Nov 5, 1856

Mary Wills, born Chillicothe, O Sept 2, 1834, died Feby 1, 1835

Elizabeth McCoy Wills born Chillicothe, O Feby 22, 1830, married Mch 16, 1851

married to:

Rev. Moses A. Hoge, born Columbus, O 1820 No children

Jane Peebles Wills, born Chillicothe, O Oct 8, 1832, married Nov 5, 1856

married to:

James Buckingham, born Zanesville, O Oct 22, 1831

Their children:

Elise Wills Buckingham, born Duncans Falls, Ohio Jany 16, 1858, married Oct 11, 1883

Mary Humphreys Buckingham, born Duncans Falls, Ohio Dec 6, 1859, married Jany 26, 1887

Phil Hall Buckingham, born Duncans Falls, Ohio Dec 26, 1861, died Aug 19, 1869

Ellen Wood Buckingham, born Zanesville, O Oct 19, 1863, married Oct 2, 1889, died Nov 12, 1890

Julia Buckingham, born Zanesville, O July 16, 1867, married Jany 28, 1891

Elise Wills Buckingham, born Duncans Falls, O, Jany 16, 1858, married Oct 11, 1883

married to:

F.G. Darlington, born Chester, Pa Dec 29, 1859

Their children:

Henry Buckingham Darlington, born Zanesville, Ohio July 16, 1884.

John Hardenbergh Darlington, born Zanesville, Ohio Oct 13, 1887

Frank Graef Darlington, born Indianapolis, Ind Nov 7, 1891

James Buckingham Darlington, born Indianapolis, Ind Nov 23, 1894

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Mary Humphreys Buckingham, born Duncans Falls, O Dec 6, 1859, married Jany 26, 1887

married to:

E.A. Greene, born Culpepper, Va Apr 26, 1855

Ellen Wood Buckingham, born Zanesville, O Oct 19, 1863, married Oct 2, 1889, died Nov 12, 1890

married to:

Wm Young, born South Sea, England May 16, 1856.

Their children:

Eleanor Buckingham Young, born Brooklyn NY Oct 28, 1890

End of page 18

Page 19

Julia Buckingham, born Zanesville, O July 16, 1867, married Jany 28, 1891

married to:

S.M. Pinkerton, born McConnelsville, O Jany 7, 1867

Their children:

Sherwood Murphy Pinkerton, born Zanesville, O June 29, 1893

David Wills Pinkerton, born Zanesville, O May 2, 1895

Thomas Kennedy Peebles born Big Spring, Pa Dec 28, 1802, marriage date unknown, died June 19, 1847

married to:

Sarah McClure, born Mt Sterling, Ky, 1809, death date unknown.

Their children:

Jane Peebles, born Hillsboro, Ind July 31, 1835 married Oct 6, 1856

Jane Peebles, born Hillsboro, Ind July 31, 1835 married Oct 6, 1856, died Apr 14, 1903

married to:

James Albert Fernell, born Frankfort, O, date unknown.

Their children:

Dudley Thomas Fernell, born Chillicothe, O Sept 9, 1858, died Dec 17, 1879

Margaret Jane Peebles born Big Spring, Pa Mch 18, 1808, married Apr 30, 1828, died Jany 21, 1891

married to:

Adams Stewart, born Penna, Mch 13, 1797, died Nov 3, 1880

Their children

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John McCoy Stewart, born Springfield, O Feby 10, 1829, died July 16, 1841

Jane Elizabeth Stewart, born Springfield, O May 29, 1830, married Mch 29, 1853

Robert Peebles Stewart, born Springfield, O Dec 3, 1832, died Sept 28, 1833

William Stewart born Springfield, O Mch 5, 1834, married June 12, 1856

Frank Stewart, born Springfield, O Jany 21, 1836, died Aug 19, 1881

Mary Ward Stewart, born Springfield, O Jany 25, 1838, married Oct 31, 1860

Joseph Addison Stewart, born Springfield. O Sept 21, 1839, died May 14, 1862

Charles Bacon Stewart, born Columbus, O July 8, 1841, married Mch 22, 1865

Amanda Bunfield Stewart, born Columbus, O Nov 20, 1843

Edward Kennedy Stewart, born Columbus, O Oct 26, 1845, married May 26, 1869

Martha Ellen Stewart, born Columbus, O May 22, 1848, married July 11, 1883

Jane Elizabeth Stewart, born Springfield, O May 29, 1830, married Mch 29, 1853

married to:

John McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Mch 27, 1816

Their children:

Robert Stewart McCoy born Independence, MO Jany 8, 1854, died Oct 3, 1877

Jane McCoy born Independence, Mo Feby 14, 1856, married June 8, 1886

John McCoy born Independence, Mo June 3, 1858, died July 18, 1858

Joseph McCoy born Columbus, O Sept 8, 1862, married May 2, 1887

Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Feby 14, 1856, married June 8, 1886

married to:

Samuel H. Woodson, born Independence, MO date unknown

End of page 19

Page 20

Their children:

Elizabeth Woodson, born Independence, Mo Nov 29, 1888

Margaret Woodson, born Independence, Mo July 15, 1890

Joseph McCoy born Columbus, O Sept 8, 1862, married May 2, 1887

married to:

Lucy Cheseman, born Stewartsville, Mo Nov 13, 1865

Their children:

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Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Apr 5, 1888

Joseph Cheesman [sic] McCoy, born Independence, Mo Dec 16, 1889

William Stewart, born Springfield, O Mch 5, 1834, married June 12, 1856

married to:

Susan Adams born Columbus, O Apr 23, 1837

Their children:

[all birth places unknown for these children]

1. Walter Stewart born July 26, 1857

2. Ralph Stewart born Sept 12, 1858

3. Clara Neff Stewart born Sept 23, 1860, married Dec 1882

4. Joseph Addison Stewart born May 31, 1862, married 1883, died June 3, 1889

5. Madge Stewart born Feby 14, 1865, married Oct 4, 1884

6. Chancy Giles Stewart born Sept 7, 1868, married July 1, 1888

7. John W. Herron Stewart born Dec 3, 1870

9. Arthur Lambert Stewart born June 1, 1880

8. Eliphet Andrew Stewart born June 9, 1877

Clara Neff Stewart birth place unknown born Sept 28, 1860, married Dec 1882

married to:

Howard M. Adae, birthplace & date unknown.

Their children: [birth places unknown]

Madge Adae, born Dec 2, 1883

Fritz Adae, born Jany 1888

Joseph Addison Stewart, birth place unknown born May 31, 1862, married 1883

married to:

Clara Emma McIlvaine, birth place & date unknown

Their children: [birth places unknown]

Lulu Stewart born Apr 1884

Thos McIlvaine Stewart born Jany 1886

Madge Stewart birth place unknown born Feby 14, 1865, married Oct 4, 1884

married to:

Henry Tudor Fay, birth place & date unknown

Their children: [birth places unknown]

Stewart Fay, born Jany 5, 1891

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Chancy Giles Stewart born Columbus, O Sept 7, 1868, married July 1, 1888

married to;

Anna Belle Guydam, birth place & date unknown.

End of page 20

Page 21

continuation of Margaret Jane Peebles Stewart's family

Charles Bacon Stewart, born Columbus, O July 8, 1841 married Mch 22, 1865

married to:

Charlotte Elizabeth Curry, born Columbus, O Jany 18, 1845

Their Children:

Anna Bylee Stewart, born Columbus, O Dec 4, 1874, died Dec 5, 1874

Edward Kennedy Stewart born Columbus, O Oct 26, 1845, married May 6, 1869

married to:

Imogen Jones, born London, O Nov 16, 1847

Their children:

Frank Toland Stewart, born Columbus, O Aug 7, 1870

Harford Stewart, born Columbus, O Dec 9, 1873

Margaret Stewart, born Columbus, O Dec 30, 1875

Alice Bennett Stewart, born Columbus, O Aug 20, 1879

Edward Kennedy Stewart, born Columbus, O Nov 19, 1881

Mary Ward Stewart, born Springfield, O Jany 25, 1838, married Oct 31, 1860

married to:

Thomas C. Campbell, born Mercer Co, Ky Jany 6, 1837, died Feby 21, 1887

Martha Ellen Stewart, born Columbus, O May 22, 1848, married July 11, 1883

married to:


Mary Finley Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa June 14, 1811, married Apr 16, 1829

married to:

Samuel Stough, born Stoughstown, Pa Mch 30, 1804 died Aug 29, 1876

Their children:

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Jane M. Stough, born Stoughstown, Pa May 16, 1830, married Sept 2, 1850

Second daughter Stough, born Mansfield, O July 3, 1832, stillborn

Martha E. Stough, born Mansfield, O Dec 22, 1833, married Apr 16, 1854, died Oct 3, 1879

Nancy E. Stough, born Mansfield, O Dec 11, 1835, died May 9, 1837

Samuel Lind Stough, born Mansfield, O Nov 5, 1837, died July 27, 1844

Robert Peebles Stough, born Mansfield, O Jany 23, 1839, died Sept 5, 1840

Matilda Peebles Stough, born Mansfield, O Nov 24, 1840

Sarah Henrietta Stough, born St Louis, MO Dec 22, 1842, married Dec 4, 1861

John Stough, born Albany, Ills, Aug 29, 1844, died Nov 3, 1844

Infant daughter Stough born St Anthony, Minn Nov 3, 1850, stillborn.

Jane M. Stough, born Stoughstown, Pa May 16, 1830, married Sept 21, 1850

married to:

Mahlon Black, birth place & date unknown

Their children:

Emma H. Black, born Stillwater, Minn Oct 16, 1852

End of 21st page

Page 22

Martha E. Stough, born Mansfield, O Dec 22, 1833, married Apr 16, 1854, died Oct 3, 1879

married to;

Geo W. Townsend, born Richfield, Minn, birth place & date unknown.

Their children:

closing up at 11:30 AM, resuming Monday Oct 5, 1925 7:27 AM

Franklin Townsend, birth place & date unknown

George A. Townsend, birth place & date unknown

Eddie Townsend, birth place & date unknown

Sarah Jane Townsend, birth place unknown born Sept 1871

Kate M. Townsend, birth place & date unknown.

Sarah Henrietta Stough born Mansfield, O? or St Louis, MO Dec 22, 1842 married Dec 4, 1861

married to:

Endicott King birth place & date unknown

Their children:

John Henry King born Richfield, Minn Oct 14

Mary Hill King, born Maryland, July 20, 1866, married Oct 1890

Margaret E. King born Washington D.C. Sept 14, 1870

Go To page 360

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At residence of Mrs Mary Celia Moulton, Main St, Lucasville, O which is in Valley Tp (P.O. Lucasville, O) Oct 3, 1925 2:20 PM

Mr Frank W. Moulton brought me out in his auto & introduced me to his mother. She was Mary C. Smith, daughter of John M. Smith & his wife Matilda Ann Patterson who in turn was daughter of John Patterson & his wife Mary Brown Finley, she being the daughter of Major Joseph L. Finley, the son of Michael Finley Jr, brother of gggmother Martha Finley, the wife of Thomas Thompson. Mrs Moulton has gone to look for a copy of the Smith-Patterson-Finley pamphlet prepared by her brother, Joseph Smith, saying there were several about the house & if she found them, she wd give me one. She is a slender woman & not rugged. I left the Peebles Paving Brick office when they closed today at 11:30 AM & reaching the First Natl Bank Bldg on the street car at 12 o'c noon, went up to room 83 on the 8th floor & found Frank W. Moulton in his office. After a short talk with him, he asked me to go home with him to lunch & proffered bringing me out here as he was coming out most of the way to their 1600 acre farm owned by him & his two brothers & three brothers of another name. The farm

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is a fine one, lying 600 A of fine level flat bottom mostly in corn, on the Scioto River side of the State road, which is the old Scioto trail & 1000 A on the other or hill side of the road. They have 72 cows on one farm & 20 on another, Jerseys & run a dairy. His wife was very kind & hospitable & is hard of hearing & gave us a very good lunch. She was a Van Borgen, descended from the Dutch family of that name who came to NY state about 1640 & settled in Albany Co, Coxackie district. Mrs Moulton says her Aunt Mary Dresbach aged 90 or over is living in Paris, Ills with her married daughter Olive, but she can't recall Olive's married name. She fears her Aunt has become childish & will not be able to give much information. She does not think her daughter Rose, who married a Dresbach, lives at Yellowbud, O now, but says to ask her brother Clarence M. Smith at No 120 Dakota Ave, Columbus, O who is younger than her & he can tell, as he corresponds with them.

She says her sister Virginia Thompson, widow of Luther Thompson living at NO 2357 Concord ST, Walnut Hill, Cincinnati, O (Her brother Fred L. Smith a widower lives with her)

She says she can give me the address of the widow of their Uncle John Prather

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Patterson who was a newspaper man & went out to China a s a missionary Physician. He died at Chicago, Ills many years ago on his return. He, however, was John Patterson's son by his second wife.

Mrs M. thinks her brother, Clarence M. Finley at Columbus, O has the bible record of both her mother, Jno M. Smith's & her grandmother's wife of John Patterson, who after his second wife died married a McNiel for his third wife.

Matilda Ann Patterson was born Oct 4, 1823 at West Union, O, daughter of John Patterson & his wife Mary Brown Finley. She was married in Nov 30, 1842 in West Union, O by Rev Van Dyke to John Mitchell Smith, born in Columbus, O June 29, 1819 & died in West Union, O Nov 17, 1892 & is buried in the old g.y. south of the village. He was son of David Smith & his first wife Rhoda Susan Mitchell. David Smith was from Haverhill, Mass, the [son? word left out apparently] of Deacon John Smith of Francestown, N.H. a native of New Boston, N.H.

He was Probate Judge of Adams Co, O. There were eleven children born to them, all in West Union, O nine of whom they raised to grow up.

When I got to this point, they produced the memorial to Judge John M. Smith a pamphlet of 16 pages, but without date prepared

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by Joseph Smith which has the record of the family in it & they loaned it to me to make up a table from in the morning & return tomorrow afternoon for further questioning.

Mrs Moulton says her grandmother's sister, Margaret Finley Chipps & her husband John Chipps died comparatively young leaving but one child, a son John Chipps who was partly raised by my informant's mother & died unmarried when a young man when she Mrs Moulton was a little girl & is buried at West Union Cem & has a marker. She thinks the family became extinct.

Speaking of the Lodwick's children of her grandmother's sister Harriet & her husband, Col John Lodwick (see Scioto Co Hist) she said:

Thought Kennedy Lodwick moved to Cincinnati, O where he & his wife both died. Thinks his daughter Jennie married F.B. Corson & while she is dead, he is living in Portsmouth, O. See him. F.B.M. Corson R.E. & Rentals is at 225 Masonic Res 621 Fourth St.

Lyle Lodwick lived in Cincinnati, O or suburbs, thinks on Prices hill, was married & had a family there.

Joseph Lodwick, she don't know about

Michael Lodwick, she don't know about

John M. Lodwick, may have been Capt John

Jane E. Lodwick, mar Jacob McCabe. Both dead. Had a son who had epilepsy & a

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daughter who was married & lived in Cincinnati, O

She said there was a Sarah Lodwick who married 1st a Wood & who married 2d a Woodrow. She didn't know about the Kinneys except that Eli is dead.

She didn't know anything about James Finley or John Blair Finley brothers of her grandmother. I left at 4:25 & came in on the bus which came along about 5 & got to Portsmouth at 5:30 PM

Left at 4:25 PM

Mr F.L. Manning was back at the office this morning & said Mrs Orland Wilson, nee Helen Morton, living at Charleston, WVA is a daughter of Quin Morton & his wife was a Hurxthal & her mother was a Finley, a sister of Cornelia, the grandmother of Mrs Manning. Mrs Manning is writing to Helen & will let me know. I gave him my address. Mr Peebles said today that he put 8000 pounds of dynamite off in one blast in the hill or mountain back of their office & that it shook houses for 2 & 3 miles around, but it loosened enough of the hill to supply their works for five or six years.

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At residence of Lee Russell No 620 Fourth St, Portsmouth, O Oct 3, 1925 7:07 PM

After going to the meat shop of Ben Dunham, (brother of the sheriff) who bought her old home on 7th St for $7000 & having him telephone to her friend, Mrs John Dice, I found Miss Elizabeth Stattenfield Jack here where she rooms & when I told her who I was & that I was from Uniontown, Pa, she said that was where her father was born & that her grandfather Jack lived next to the Hustons. She didn't know her grandfather's name, but I think it was Henry.

She said her brother, William Lowrey Bowman Jack, born in Cincinnati, O Jany 28, 1848 died here Mch 9, 1925 aged 77 yrs & is buried in Greenlawn, Cem. He was unmarried, she saying that he & her were very fond of each other & agreed they would stay single & live together. Their father was James Piper Jack (she called it Pifer, but I told her it was Piper) born in Uniontown, Pa & his Aunt was Matilda Bowman, wife of the banker in Brownsville, Pa. He was a capt on the river. His wife was Margaret Stattenfield (French descent). He had a dry goods store on Wood St, Pgh as Shay & Jack & he met his wife

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when she came in the store to buy goods. He broke up in Pgh & later got on the river & owned a lot of boats & transported the Union soldiers during the Civil War & then had a boat store in Cincinnati, O & broke up there also by trusting indiscriminately & then came here over 60 yrs ago & lived for 53 yrs in the house on 7th St. Her brother, Will L.B. Jack was given some money by his great Aunt Matilda Bowman by will, some 35 yrs or more ago & when he got it, a considerable sum, he started a store, drug store I think on Gallia St & he too broke up. They evidently went in a business they were not trained to. He clerked for 20 yrs in different offices in the court house & everyone speaks of him as a fine man. He died from blood poisoning following having his teeth taken out.

His father, James Piper Jack was born in Uniontown, Pa Mch 30, 1816 & died here Feby 11, 1900 aged 84 yrs & is buried at Greenlawn Cem opposite the chapel near the centre. His wife, Margaret died Aug 1, 1901 aged 77 yrs, but she sd 14 mos after.

Her birthday was Apr 21, probably 1824. She was married Nov 19th when she was about 18.

James Piper was an Uncle of J.P. Jack. James P. had two aunts who were

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widows in Morgantown, WVA & two aunts who never married, one, Elizabeth & the other, Margaret. The two unmarried sisters, lived in Uniontown, Pa until 35 or more years ago & then moved to Dubuque, and to Waterloo, Iowa. She sd Aunt Betsy Rodgers lived in Uniontown & when Morgans Raiders went through the house of the Aunt in Morgantown, she sat quietly in her rocker & upon their questioning her, she told them she was lame & couldn't walk. She was sitting on all of her money & silverware, there being a false bottom in the chair. She said her Aunt Belle Jack was next younger than her father & married Isaac Moreland & they moved from Uniontown to Dubuque, Iowa & died there & were buried in a Jack g.y. there. They left two boys in Dubuque, Joe & Sam & two girls, Ida who mar Chesterman & lived at Waterloo, Iowa & Elizabeth Moreland, a music teacher in Dubuque, who plays the organ in the Episcopal church. Write Miss Jack about the Jack & James Piper inscriptions in the old Pres g.y. & also about Matilda Bowman's will which look up. She says her grandfather Jack was a stonecutter at Uniontown, Pa. Her father had a brother John

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Jack who was an actor & who was twice married, but she didn't know to whom, but had no issue. She thought he was the youngest of the family she said there were but four children in their family as given below, but her mother was one of nine children. Her mother owned the house on 7th St & gave it to her. Said the Hustons lived next door to her grandmother Jack whose name was Elizabeth, she thought, she said her brother James was in to see her today, but his wife is impossible to live with. Her brother Charles works around at Restaurants & gets drunk. The children all four born at Cincinnati, O are:

1. William L.B. Jack born Jany 28, 1848

2. Elizabeth Jack born Mch 8, 1850 or 1851

3. Charles Lewis Jack named for his grandfather Lewis Charles Stattenfield whose wife was Elizabeth McLure of the Wheeling, WVA McLures. He is single.

4. James Piper Jack born Nov 19. He lives in Hanna addition here married Harriet Cooley, daughter of John Cooley & wife Mary Montgomery. He does not have any children. She is a Presbyterian, a slender active woman & an inveterate talker.

Leaving 8:15 PM

It is now 1 AM 4th & I will get ready for bed.

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Room 116 Washington Hotel, Portsmouth, O Sunday Oct 4, 1925 9:30 AM

From the "In Memoriam, Judge John M. Smith" pamphlet of 61 pages prepared by his son Joseph Patterson Smith without date, but put out I should judge from its perusal in 1893, I am preparing genealogical tables, commencing on page 350 next following using the names, dates & information therein given to the extent desired for a record of the Finley family or descendants & adding of my own knowledge & the names of the other names of Major Joseph Lewis Finley's children & giving his correct father, Michael Jr, they having indicated that he was son of Michael Jr's brother, Rev Saml Finley D.D. 1715-1766 of Princeton College who the pamphlet says on page 50, received in 1763, the degree of Doctor of Divinity by the University of Glasgow, Scotland, the first instance of any Presbyterian minister in America receiving that honorary distinction. The pamphlet treats of the Smith, Patterson, & Finley families & the data I want & am copying is on pages 37-40 incl 44, 49-59 incl.

At Lucasville, O, Oct 4/25 3:30 PM Smith pamphlet page 57. Mrs Moulton says Helen V. Clark died in the West unmarried. Her brother, Edgar Finley Clark went to Wash.

Her Aunt Mary Dresbach 94 yrs old is with her daughter Olive Gertrude Lodge at Paris, Ills. See page 58. Her dau Helen Rose, who married a Dresbach lives at Hallsville, O N.E. corner of Ross Co reached fr Circleville, O see page 58. She has 9 children. See Book 20 p 554-7

Left 3:40 PM

I arrived at Mrs Moulton's at 1:45 PM & made up page 356.

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[descendant chart]

Major Joseph Lewis Finley, son of Michael Finley Jr 1718-1785, was born near Greensburgh, Westnd Co, Pa Feby 20, 1753 & died at West union, Adams Co, O May 23, 1839 aged 86 yrs 3 mos & 3 days & is buried in the "old graveyard" south of that village & has a marker. He was graduated from Princeton College in 1775. He entered the Rev. Army Apr 6, 1776 in Capt Moorehead's Independent Co, subsequently part of the 8th Pa Reg U.S.A. He was in the battle of Long Island Aug 27, 1776 & in Sept following in the battle of White Plains, NY. In Sept 1777 at the Battle of Brandywine, on Oct 4, at the battle of Germantown & in June 1778 at the battle of Monmouth. He was then sent with Genl Brodhead to Western Penna in his successful expedition vs the Indians. Later, saw much lard fighting not retiring from the army until Nov 1783, more than two years after Cornwallis' surrender. After 7 yrs & 7 mos of arduous service in defense of his country. He was appointed Capt Oct 22, 1777 & in 1778 was promoted to Major by reason of exposure & disease he lost his left eye & was otherwise badly disabled. In his old age, he recd a pension of $40 from the Gov. & other benefits aggregating $3600. He emigrated to Adams Co, O abt 1815. He was of small stature, his hair was silvery gray. In his later years, he was somewhat deaf & sat on the pulpit steps in order to hear the sermon of the Pres Ch of which he & his wife were both members. See book 26 p 548-9. He was married July 4, 1782 in Phila Pa to Jane Blair, daughter of Rev Samuel Blair, the noted Presbyterian minister. She was a woman of rare accomplishments, much beauty of person & nobility of character. She died July 28, 1827 at West Union, O & is buried in the old g.y. there. Her mother was Dau of Rev Samuel Blair Pres. She was an Aunt of Francis P. Blair Sr, famous editor of the Globe of Wash D.C. They had five children that I have record of. She was small sprightly & very handsome. He was pensioned under the laws of 1818. All the commissions he held for his Rev offices are on file. He was one of the truest of patriots & the best of men. See book 20 p 556-7 & Book 13 p 170.


Hannah Finley, B May 1, 1783 ob July 28, 1827, mar June 1802 Col John Lodwick 1767-1861 being his second wife, & had 8 children. Mrs Ida Lodwick Brown aged over 80 remembers him very well. Says he was tall & straight & lived to be 96. She has his wonderful portrait.

Kennedy, b 1804? ob Feby 25, 1876 see Book 25 p 360 & 424

Lyle, had 2 daus. See Book 26 p 60

Joseph, m. Jane Thompson, descendants all gone. He died in a hospital in Cincinnati, O.

Michael, cut out, was by 1st wife. Eliminate

John Newton, see B 25 p 356-9 & 425

Jane, m. Jacob McCabe. Have 2 children & a grandson Finley Rodgers

Martha Scott, B 1817, ob 1889 m. 1834 Eli Kinney. Had a daughter Julia Finley Darling. See book 13 p 171 & see book 21 p 275

Julia Finley Kinney, b in Portsmouth, O, ob., m. Edward Harris Darling see D.A.R. #29232

Alice Kinney, b in Cincinnati, O. ob. M. Dudley Brooks Hutchins

Adelaide Kinney, B in Portsmouth, O, ob., m. Wm Russell Lowe, Mayor of Wash D.C.

Nancy Finley, b 1819, ob., M. Joseph Scott Peebles. Had one son Wm who died without issue.

Preston, B 1812 ob 1888 m. Sarah Caroline Hairey, b 1826. He was born in Adams Co, & died in Cincinnati, O when his only child was born. Did not have any middle name. Book 25 p 427, Book 26, p 60.

Cady Ross Lodwick, B Nov 9, 1865 in Portsmouth, O the only child. M. Sept 1891 in Cincinnati, O Laura Foster Zins. Two children born in Cincinnati, O. Lives Vancouver, Wash.

Preston Lykens, b 1893

David Foster, b 1895, single

William Lodwick, m. in St Louis, Mo to Lizzie Crow. He was sent to Cincinnati for burial. Spent many years in NY where he amassed a fortune & lost it on Black Friday. No issue.

Mary Brown Finley, [dau of Major Joseph Lewis Finley] born in Westmoreland Co, Pa Dec 7, 1800 & died in West union, O Feby 8, 1831 & is buried there. Mar Nov 10, 1818 in Adams Co, O to Col John Patterson, son of James Augustine Patterson & his wife Ann Elizabeth Hall (Hull) who was born in Pendleton Co, VA Nov 23, 1793 & died at Wilkins, Union Co, O Feby 1, 1859. He was mar twice after her death. She had six children all born in West Union, O. See page 352. He was once U.S. Marshall of Ohio.

Margaret Finley, ob., m. John Chipps

James Finley, ob. m. Miss Rothwell

John Blair Finley, ob, M. He was living in Lewis Co, Ky in 1841.

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[descendant chart]

Mary Brown Finley mar John Patterson see page 350


Joseph Peter Patterson, B Dec 23, 1819 ob Mch 4, 1856 m.1. Feby 27, 1839 in Adams Co, O To Miss Effa Ann Crawford Rowland, who was born in Adams Co, O July 2, 1820 ob Oct 7, 1844. They had two children. M.2. Nov 17, 1845 in Butler, Pa to Miss Susannah Negley, born Feby 13, 1821. He died in Butler, Pa & she was living there in 1893. They had two children..

Alice Hale, B Jany 31, 1840 ob Dec 31, 1888 at Miamiville, O m. May 1, 1860 to Wheeler Collier B Apr 27, 1833 in Adams Co, O. He died. The 1st two [children] born at Concord, Ky the 3d at Branch Hill, O, 4th at Aurora, Ind & 5th & 6th at Miamiville, O. He was a steamboat man on the river.

Effie, B Feby 4, 1861 ob June 6, 1864 at Concord, KY

Alvin, B Sept 15, 1864

Mary Alice, B Mch 10, 1868

Carrel, B Feby 12, 1871 ob Mch 21, 1892 in Cincinnati, O

Arthur, B June 30, 1874

John Collier, B Oct 21, 1876

Walter Patterson, b 1842, ob 1845

John Negley Patterson, B Dec 10, 1849 ob. m.1. Dec 31, 1879 to Emily Stein of Butler, Pa. She died Mch 26, 1887. Had 1 child. M. 2d Oct 22, 1891, Maud C. Niece of Mercer Co, Pa. Live Butler, Pa.

Alice Collier, B Oct 29, 1881

Minnie Haseltine, B Dec 28, 1852 m. Sept 4, 1873 to William H. Ritter of Butler, Pa, They lived at Butler, Pa in 1893 & had then 7 children.

Charles Patterson, B Aug 16, 1874

William Henry, B Apr 4, 1877

Joseph Lewis, B Sept 17, 1879

Susan Frances, B Aug 17, 1881

Sarah Jessie, B Mch 13, 1885

Ernest, B Mch 15, 1887, ob Mch 25, 1887

Edna Minerva, B May 3, 1890

Lewis Augustine, [son of Mary Brown Finley & John Patterson] ob Apr 26, 1846 in West Union, O. He was unmarried

Matilda Ann Patterson, B Oct 4, 1823 ob. M. Nov 30, 1842 in West Union, O to John Mitchell Smith born in Columbus, O June 29, 1819 & died in West Union, O Nov 17, 1892. He was son of David Campbell Smith & his first wife Rhoda Susan Mitchell. they had eleven children all born in West Union, O & eight of them in the same house in which she was born & married. See pages 354 & 5

Thomas Read Patterson, B Feby 24, 1826, ob M. Jany 19, 1860 at Circleville, O to Miss Roseltha Olds born at Fayetteville, Vermont Dec 30, 1837 & died. No issue. He died at Paris, Ill when there on a visit & both are buried at Circleville, O.

Hannah Finley, B July 19, 1828 ob Apr 23, 1884 at Manhattan, Kan m. June 3, 1846 at West Union, O to Lewis C. Clark born at Whitingham Vermont on Oct 25, 1817 & died Jany 2, 1880 in Manhattan, Kan. He was a doctor. They had 3 children all born at Yellowbud, O.

Mary Finley, B Mch 16, 1847, ob May 1, 1847

Helen V., B May 8, 1849, ob in Manhattan, Kan, unmarried.

Edgar Finley, B Sept 19, 1853 m. July 1, 1886 at Ellsworth, Kansas to Miss Elizabeth Emerson born at Clones, Ireland May 10, 1864. They had 3 children born in Ellsworth, Kan. Lived in 1893 at New Whatcorn [Whatcom?] Wash.

Mildred, B May 27, 1887

Lewis Emerson, B Dec 21, 1888

Helen Ruth, B Jany 25, 1891

Mary Brown Patterson [dau of Mary Brown Finley & John Patterson] b Jany 11, 1831. Still living in Paris, Ills. m. Sept 7, 1852 at West Union, O to Jacob B. Dresbach, born Feby 25, 1824 in Pickaway Co, O. They have had four[cut off fourteen?] children, four of whom died in infancy & of those living, the oldest was born in Ross Co, & the others in Edgar Co, Ills. He died. See pages 358 & 359. Her home is in Paris, Ills. Jany 18, 1926. She died at Paris, Ills Dec 18, 1925 thirteen days before I got there.

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[descendant chart]

Matilda Ann Patterson & John Mitchell Smith see page 352


John David Smith, B Sept 25, 1843, ob Nov 14, 1844

Thomas Edwin Smith, B Apr 5, 1845, ob July 12, 1846

Elizabeth Smith, B Mch 22, 1847 ob Apr 26, 1873 m. May 18, 1864 at West Union, O Rev William Coleman born in Carroll Co, O Nov 29, 1836, son of William Coleman. They had two children born at West Union, O. He remarried & in 1893 was pastor of the Pres Ch at Deepwater, MO

A child, ob a day or two after birth

Matilda Elizabeth Coleman, B Apr 28, 1863 m. Mch 2, 1886 at Garnett Kansas to John Milton Slonaker born May 2, 1864 in Savannah, O. Had two children.

Harriet Edith, B Dec 2, 1886, ob Mch 29, 1889

Clyde Coleman, B Apr 1, 1889

Mary Celia Smith, my informant B Mch 23, 1849 m. Sept 16, 1875 at Portsmouth, O to Chandler Julius Moulton born near West Randolph, Vermont Dec 26, 1839 & died Oct 3, 1917 at Lucasville, O where he is buried. He was son of Norman Moulton & his wife Mary Belknap. They had six children all born at their home in Lucasville, O. See page 356.

Virginia Gill Smith, B Jany 7, 1852 m. Jany 5, 1876 at West Union, O to Luther Thompson born in Adams Co, O June 10, 1848 son of Archibald Thompson & wife. He died May 8, 1886 at West Union, O. Had 4 children born in West Union, O.

Charles Luther, B Oct 23, 1877

Mary, B Nov 11, 1880

Matilda Smith, B Apr 1, 1882

Archa, B Feby 8, 1886, ob Oct 12, 1886

Clarence Mitchell Smith, B July 3, 1853 m. Aug 13, 1884 at West Union, O to Miss Frances Matilda Pflaumer b. Feby 1, 1861. They live at 120 Dakota Ave Columbus, O Have 9 children first four born Lucasville, O see page 357

Joseph Patterson, B Aug 7, 1856 ob m. Apr 14, 1886 at Galveston, Tex to Miss Maryneal Hutches b there Mch 1, 1860. They had children, 1st born at Galveston Tex, 2d at Batesville, O. He was Author of the pamphlet from which I am making this record & was Secy of American Bureau of Republic.

Frank Hutches, B Jany 5, 1887

Virginia Patterson, B July 4, 1888

Antoinette Barker, B Dec 27, 1889

Mary Stowe, B Feby 8, 1892

Clifton Campbell, B Mch 24, 1858

Frederick Lewis, B Dec 18, 1860. m. Mch 28, 1892 at Covington, Ky to Barbara Kate Spiller b in Mason Co, Ky on June 2, 1869 & died.

Matilda, B Mch 8, 1893

Herbert Clark, B May 18, 1863

Sarah Lodwick Smith, B Sept 28, 1865 m. Aug 25, 1886 at West Union, O to Charles Emery Frame born in Adams Co, O Aug 1, 18i66 son of James Frame & wife Nancy Meeks Maddox. They had 3 first children born in West Union, O where they live..

Clifton Connor, B May 27, 1887 m. Aug 11, 1909 to Kate Tolle. B July 27, 1887 in West Union, O dau of Hallen V. Tolle & wife Mary Jane Roebuck. Both living at Wabash, Ind where he is in a woodworking machinery factory, No issue.

James Smith, B Jany 23, 1889 m. Sept 15, 1914 Mary Edith Crawford. B Apr 18, 1889 at West Union, O dau of Robt John Crawford & his wife Angeline Moore. Both living in West Union, O where he is a dry goods merchant. Have 3 children all born here.

Robert Charles, B Mch 2, 1916

Mary Lucile, B Apr 23, 1918

Howard Crawford, B Dec 23, 1922

Charles Heber, B Apr 10, 1891, ob Oct 4, 1892

Lucile Patterson, B Jany 22, 1894 m.1. Oct 1, 1912 Howard Wickenham born Aug 11, 1892 ob Nov 12, 1918 aged 26. He was a bank examiner & was son of Peter Ammen Wickenham & wife Ora McManris. Had 2 children born at West Union, O. Mar 2d Apr 13, 1925 Robert Kroger in Cincinnati, O where they live. Live 2430 Highland Ave

Virginia, B Jany 31, 1914

Richard, B May 29, 1915

Joseph Milton, B Apr 1, 1890 unmarried. Lives in Seattle, Wash.

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[descendant chart]

Mary Celia Smith & Chandler J. Moulton see page 354


Frank Warwick Moulton, B Feby 14, 1877, m.1. June 30, 1909 at Portsmouth, O to Martha Dever B Dec 20, 1887 & ob Oct 5, 1919, dau of Noah J. Dever & wife Martha Gilleland. No issue. M.2. Sept 30, 1923 at Minneapolis, Minn to Margaret Van Bergen, born Jany 31, 1884 dau of Fredrick Van Bergen & wife Ann Evans. No issue. He is a lawyer & they live at 1908 Hutchens St, Portsmouth, O.

Arthur Smith, B June 30, 1878 mar Jany 1901 at Lucasville, O to Bertha Alice Rockwell, dau of Joseph Rockwell & wife Mary Fields. She born Jany 20, 1878. They have five children all born in Lucasville, O. He is a merchant & lives here at Lucasville, O.

Mary Helen, B Aug 13, 1902

Arthur Rockwell, B Oct 2, 1903, m. 1925 to Blanche Toney

Harold Chandler, B Oct 4, 911

Alice, B Dec 15, 1918

Phyllis, B Jany 4, 1921

Mabel Ainsworth Moulton, B Dec 29, 1879, at home unmarried

Jennie Moulton, B Feby 16, 1882, m. June 1, 1907 at Lucasville, O to Branch Rickey, born Jany 12, 1882 in Valley? Tp, son of Jacob Franklin Rickey & wife Emily Brown. He is mgr of the Cardinal Baseball team, a graduate of Wesleyan College & Ann Arbor Law School. They live at 5405 Bermer Ave, St Louis, Mo. Have six children, the oldest born here in Lucasville, & the others in St Louis, MO.

Mary Emily, B Feby 3, 1914

Branch Rickey Jr, B Jany 30, 1915

Jane, B Aug 3, 1917

Mabel Alice, B July 30, 1919

Sue Moulton, B Mch 20, 1923

Elizabeth Ann, B Mch 16, 1925

John Norman, B Oct 10, 1883 m. Nov 4, 1920 at Portsmouth, O to Margaret Ellen Burns born Oct 16, 1884 in Valley Tp, daughter of Michael Burns & wife Mary Ellen Crowe. He manages a garage here in Lucasville, O where they live. Have one child born here.

Mary Ellen, B Sept 22, 1922, a beautiful child with auburn hair.

Earl Chandler Moulton, B July 25, 1888, m. Aug 25, 1915 at Waverley, O to Lucile Moore born Sept 30, 1887 daughter of James Hambleton Moore & wife Letitia McNeill of Waverly, O. She was born at Chillicothe, O. He is a farmer in Valley Tp 3 miles north of town where he lives & has had three children born there.

Martha Moore, B Nov 7, 1916

Chandler Julius, B Dec 16, 1918

Nancy, B June 18, 1923 ob Sept 10, 1924

V14 Page 357

[descendant chart]

Clarence Mitchell Smith & Frances Matilda Pflaumer, see page 355 [children]

Ralph Emerson, B Sept 27, 1886

Mary Bell, B Nov 25, 1889

Stanley Pflaumer, B Feby 11, 1890

George Frederick, B July 29, 1891

V14 Page 358 & V14 Page 359

[descendant chart]

Mary Brown Patterson & Jacob B. Dresbach, see page 353


Thomas Floyd Dresbach, B. Nov 21, 1853 m. Jany 30, 1889 at Kansas City, Mo to Alta A. Moore born Mch 11, 1868 in Edgar Co, Ills. They lived in Canton, O in 1893 when [sic] they had two children, the first one born in Knightstown, Ind & the 2d in Canton, O.

Bertha Floy, B Aug 29, 1890

Sue, B Aug 13, 1892

Lewis Cliff, B Oct 30, 1855 m. Dec 11, 1892 at Mitchell, Ind to Kate B Edmondson, born Sept 1, 1865 at Trinity Springs, Ind. They lived in Canton, O in 1893

Catharine Mary, B May 13, 1858 m. June 26, 1883 in Paris, Ills to James Ferriman, born at Savannahamar, Jamaica, West Indies June 5, 1834. They live in Grand Rivers, Ky in 1893

Helen Rosaltha Dresbach, B Nov 22, 1861 m. Oct 22, 1879 at Paris, Ills to Gedalich Dresbach born Oct 5, 1847 in Ross Co, Ills. They live at Hallsville, O, Ross Co where he is a farmer. had nine children, all born there.

Lucy Ged, B Nov 23, 1880

Anna Ged, B Jany 7, 1882

Richard Ferriman, B Mch 15, 1883

Ephraim, B Oct 23, 1884 ob Mch 20, 1887

Jacob Buchwalter, B Oct 17, 1885

Robert Patterson, B May 2, 1887

Mary Elizabeth, B June 15, 188

Warren Lodge, B Mch 6, 1890

Martha Pearman, B Aug 10, 1891

Olive Gertrude [dau of Mary B. & Jacob B. Dresbach] B Nov 28, 1864 mar June 26, 1890 in Paris Ills to Edwin E. Lodge born in Paris, Ills Nov 15, 1865. They lived in Paris, Ills & had 2 children in 1893

Agnes Woolley, B Apr 18, 1891, ob Nov 5, 1892

Mary Patterson, B Nov 16, 1892

Huger Hugh, B Mch 13, 1868 m. Aug 5, 1890 at Bedford, Ind to Alice L. Edmondson, born Aug 6, 1862 at Trinity Springs, Ind. They lived at Canton, O in 1893

Minnie Alice, B May 15, 1873 m. Oct 6, 1891 to Otto S. Pearman at Vincennes, Ind born at Vermillion, Ills, Mch 21, 1871. They lived in Paris, Ills

Lou Finley Dresbach, Born Apr 23, 1875

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Refer back to page 339

Sarah Ann Peebles, born Newville, Pa or Big Spring, Pa Apr 14, 1814 married Mch 20, 1835, died June 16, 1874

married to:

John S. Thompson, birth place unknown, born Oct 17, 1806, died July 30, 1883.

Their children: [all birth places unknown]

Alexander P. Thompson born Apr 20, 1836, married May 12, 1863, died Jany 1925

Jane Sarah Thompson born May 18, 1838, married Dec 15, 1858

Robert Peebles Thompson born July 28, 1840 died Apr 28, 1844

Rachel E. Thompson born Nov 16, 1844, died Mch 16, 1846

Mary Ellen Thompson born June 22, 1849, died Apr 17, 1852

Infant Thompson born Mch 14, 1851, died Apr 9, 1851

Infant Thompson birth date unknown, died Feby 22, 1853

John Finley Thompson born June 29, 1856, died June 27, 1857

Thomas Linn Thompson born Aug 1, 1858, married Mch 12, 1884

Jane Sarah Thompson born May 18, 1838, married Dec 15, 1858

married to:

Robert McFarland Kennedy, birth place unknown, born May 31, 1830

Their children: [all birth places unknown]

Sarah Ellen Kennedy born Nov 19, 1859

Nancy Jane Kennedy born Sept 16, 1862

Ida May Kennedy born May 22, 1856

Margaret Elizabeth Kennedy born Nov 28, 1867

Alice Thompson Kennedy born Dec 1, 1873

Emma Gertrude Kennedy born May 18, 1877

John Robert Kennedy born Nov 10, 1879

Alexander P. Thompson born Apr 20, 1836, married May 12, 1863, died Jany 1925

married to:

Alice Beatty, birth place unknown, born Mch 12, 1837, died Mch 5, 1920

Their children:

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continuation of Alexander Peebles Thompson's family

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Sarah Peebles Thompson born June 16, 1864

John Beatty Thompson born Apr 13, 1867, married 1897, died July 14, 1922

William McDonald Thompson born Sept 28, 1869

Anna Alice Thompson born Mch 24, 1881, died Apr 6, 1886

Thomas Linn Thompson born Aug 1, 1858, married Mch 12, 1884

married to:

Louise J. Morrison, born Mch 6, 1862, died Oct 23, 1919

Their children: [birth places not given]

Charles Emmit Thompson born Dec 14, 1884, died Mch 12, 1885

Linn Morrison Thompson born Dec 27, 1886

Nancy Ellen Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa Mch 9, 1820, married Oct 6, 1836, died Apr 9, 1885

married to

Samuel Coles, born Glen Cove, Long Island June 3, 1880, died Mch 8, 1871

Their children:

Martha Mary Coles born Near Portsmouth, O Jany 1, 1838, married Feby 23, 1863 died Dec 4, 1871

Eliza Coles, born near Portsmouth, O Nov 30, 1838

Jane Sarah Coles, born near Portsmouth, O Nov 14, 1839, died Aug 16, 1841

Margaret Ann Coles, born near Portsmouth, O Aug 1, 1841

Thomas Kennedy Coles, born near Portsmouth, O July 23, 1843, died Feby 25, 1844

Thomas Kipp Coles born near Portsmouth, O Dec 25, 1845, killed in the war Nov 1864 [Civil War]

Hannah Jane Coles born near Portsmouth, O Apr 10, 1847

Frank Coles born near Portsmouth, O Nov 15, 1849, died Feby 11, 1925

Ella Coles born near Portsmouth, O Dec 1, 1851, died July 4, 1911

Belle Coles born near Portsmouth, O Dec 8, 1853 married Dec 1, 1909

Elizabeth Peebles Coles, born Hanging Rock O June 4, 1855

Lucy Robinson Coles born Hanging Rock O Aug 23, 1857, married Mch 17, 1886

Anna Coles born Hanging Rock, O May 9, 1859

Martha Mary Coles, born near Portsmouth, O Jany 1, 1838, married Feby 23, 1865, died Dec 4, 1871

married to:

N. Derby Storr, born Mass Aug 21, 1835, died Nov 13, 1891

Their children:

Lucy Coles Derby, born Omaha, Neb Jany 19, 1869, died June 3, 1869

Twins Derby born Omaha, Neb Dec 4, 1871, died Dec 4, 1871

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Lucy Robinson Coles, born Hanging Rock, O Aug 23, 1857, married Mch 17, 1886

married to:

Frank B. Moore, born Guyandotte, WVA May 15, 1855

Their children:

Martha Mary Moore, born Ashland, Ky June 21, 1891

Henrietta Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa May 24, 1822, married Nov 12, 1844 died Sept 14, 1887

married to:

Joseph Work, born Lancaster, O Feby 11, 1808, died Oct 16, 1860

Their Children:

Jane Sarah Work born Lancaster, O Aug 12, 1845

Matilda Peebles Work born Lancaster, O Feby 16, 1848, married July 15, 1879

Thomas Kennedy Work born Lancaster, O Mch 4, 1851, married Jay 19, 1879

Henrietta Work born Lancaster, O Dec 18, 1854, died July 30, 1869.

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continuation of Henrietta Peebles Work, her children ctd

Emily Work born Lancaster, O Aug 1, 1856, died Mch 13, 1861

Robert Work born Lancaster O, May 1860 died Jany 1, 1861

Matilda Peebles Work, born Lancaster, O Feby 16, 1848, married July 15, 1879 married to:

Geo Washington Martin, born Marion Tp, O Apr 27, 1848

Their children:

Mary Henrietta Martin, born Manti, Utah July 18, 1881

Jane Fullerton Martin, born Manti, Utah Apr 4, 1883

Theodora Day Martin, born Manti, Utah Aug 24, 1885

Ruth Martin, born Manti, Utah Mch 31, 1887, died Feby 14, 1890

Thomas Kennedy Work, born Lancaster, O Mch 4, 1851, married May 19, 1879

married to:

Linda ________ (Work), born Columbus, O Dec 20, 1851

Matilda Brown Peebles, born Big Spring, Pa, Apr 29, 1825, married Dec 3, 1841

married to:

Thomas Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Oct 17, 1808, died Mch 2, 1900

Their children:

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Charles Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Feby 3, 1847, married Feby 16, 1871, died May 16, 1894

Zachary Taylor Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Dec 18, 1848

Margaret Jane Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Sept 26, 1850, married Dec 19, 1872

Thomas Peebles Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Aug 19, 1852, married Jany 8, 1879

Lilla Sturgeon, born Lancaster O, Feby 10, 1855, married Jany 12, 1882

Martha Mary Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Oct 6, 1856, married Jany 4, 1883

Samuel K. Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O June 8, 1859, married Aug 8, 1888

Rose Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Nov 30, 1862, married Dec 21, 1880

Maude Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O July 14, 1870

Charles Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Feby 3, 1847, married Feby 16, 1871, died May 16, 1894

married to:

Martha Brandenburg, born Oxford, O Mch 20, 1852

Their children:

2. Mabel Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Jany 19, 1877

1. Martha Sturgeon, born Oxford, O Jany 2, 1874, died Jany 4, 1874

Margaret Jane Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Sept 26, 1850 married Dec 19, 1872

married to:

Claudius T. McCoy, born Kenton, O May 30, 1845

Their children:

Claudius McCoy, born Waverly, O Dec 1, 1874, died Jany 15, 1877

Thomas S. McCoy, born Waverly, O Oct 30, 1876, died Aug 12, 1877

Matilda P. McCoy, born Waverly, O Aug 20, 1878

Margaret E. McCoy, born Waverly, O Jany 4, 1881

Sturgeon McCoy, born Waverly, O Apr 13, 1883

Thomas Peebles Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Aug 19, 1852, married Jany 8, 1879

married to:

Josephine Hunter, born Cal., date unknown

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Lilla Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Feby 10, 1855, married Jany 12, 1882

married to:

Charles W. Denton, born Lancaster, O, date unknown

Their children:

Belle C. Denton, born Lancaster, O Dec 31, 1882

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Martha Mary Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Oct 6, 1856, married Jany 4, 1883

married to:

Noah Franklin Smith, born Lancaster, S. Car. Jany 14, 1852

Their children:

Spencer C. Smith, born Lancaster, O Oct 18, 1883

Franklin Q. Smith, born Austin, Tex Nov 14, 1885, died May 21, 1886

Waller G. Smith, born Austin, Tex Mch 20, 1887

Samuel K. Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O June 8, 1859, married Aug 8, 1888

married to:

Minnie Hooker, born Hooker Tp, Fairfield Co, O 1869

Their children:

Uda Maria Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O June 27, 1889

Rose Sturgeon, born Lancaster, O Nov 30, 1862, married Dec 21, 1880

married to:

Rudolph Rising, born Logan, O Oct 30, 1851

Their children:

Zell Rising, born Lancaster, O May 9, 1882

Karl S. Rising, born Lancaster, O Aug 16, 1884

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See next page

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Record of the McCracken Family William McCracken was an officer in the Revolutionary War of 1776 & was in the same battle of Flat Bush on Long Island in which battle William Peebles was wounded by the Hessians Aug 28, 1776 & died Sept 5, 1776. William McCracken being in the same battle, he returned home & gave the information of the death of William Peebles & on the 27th day of August 1778, William McCracken son of John McCracken & Janet McMillan was married to Betsy (Elizabeth) Peebles, widow of William Peebles, deceased.

The McCracken Family

Betsy Elizabeth Peebles, born Penna 1742, married Aug 27, 1778, died Sept 16, 1832

married to:

William McCracken, born Scotland 1753, died Jany 16, 1803

Their children:

Martha McCracken, born Big Spring, Pa Dec 17, 1779, married May 11, 1802, died Feby 12, 1854

Jane McCracken born Big Spring, Pa 1783, married Aug 23, 1808, died Jany 22, 1862

Samuel Finley McCracken, born Big Spring, Pa 1785, married July 1816, died May 19, 1857


Betsy Elizabeth McCracken, born Penna 1742, marriage date unknown, died Sept 16, 1832

married to:

William Rippey, birth place unknown, born 1741, died Sept 1819

William Rippey was buried in the public burying ground in Shippensburg, Pa

William McCracken & wife buried in the Newville, Pa cemetery


Martha McCracken, born Big Spring, Pa Dec 27, 1779, married May 11, 1802, died Feby 12, 1854

married to:

John Nevin, born Herron's Branch, Pa Nov 21, 1776 died Oct 19, 1829

Their children

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John Williamson Nevin, born Herrons Branch, Pa Feby 20, 1803, married Jany 1, 1835, died June 6, 1886

Infant son Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Jany 15, 1805, died Jany 26, 1805

William M. Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 6, 1806, married Sept 26, 1837, died Feby 11, 1892

Margaret Williamson Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Aug 5, 1808, married June 5, 1831, died Feby 22, 1862

Elizabeth Finley Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Mch 17, 1811, married Dec 3, 1833

Daniel Eagle Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa May 13, 1813, married Oct 11, 1836, died July 21, 1886

Theodore, Hugh Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Oct 23, 1815, married Jany 4, 1842, died Apr 29, 1884

A daughter Nevin born Shippensburg, Pa Sept 23, 1818, died in infancy

Robert Peebles Nevin born Shippensburg, Pa July 31, 1820, married Jany 9, 1851

Martha Mary Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa May 30, 1823, married July 21, 1846, died July 27, 1881.

Margaret Williamson Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Aug 5, 1808, married June 5, 1831, died Feby 22, 1862

married to:

John Knox Finley, born Chillicothe, O Jany 13, 1806, died Feby 3, 1885

Their children:

John Nevin Finley born Chillicothe, O Mch 25, 1833, died Mch 18, 1856

Samuel Mitchell Finley born Chillicothe, O Mch 17, 1835, married May 5, 1859

Theodore McCracken Finley born Niles, Mich Mch 9, 1840, married Sept 6, 1865

Martha Mary Finley born Niles, Mich Apr 18, 1842

Gertrude Elizabeth Finley, born Niles, Mich July 5, 1844, died Apr 1, 1845

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Samuel Mitchell Finley, born Chillicothe, O Mch 17, 1835, married May 5, 1859

married to:

Sallie A. Oliphant, born Fairchance, Pa July 20, 1838

Their children:

Margaret Nevin Finley, born Allegheny City, Pa Apr 27, 1860, married Nov 1, 1881

Fidelia Hughes Finley, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 29, 1862

John Knox Finley born Sewickley, Pa Apr 18, 1864

Jane Oliphant Finley born Niles, Mich Aug 18, 1866, married Jany 22, 1888, died Nov 27, 1889

Elizabeth Duncan Finley, born Niles, Mich Aug 21, 1872, died Oct 11, 1879

Blanche Mitchell Finley, born Niles, Mich June 16, 1874

Margaret Nevin Finley, born Allegheny City, Pa Apr 27, 1860, married Nov 1, 1881

married to:

Charles Albert Barnard, born Farnham, Canada Nov 8, 1850

Their children:

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Elizabeth Frances Barnard, born Niles, Mich July 26, 1882

Charles Finley Barnard, born Denver, Col Aug 21, 1884, died Nov 1, 1887

Hugh Albert Barnard, born Moline, Ills May 18, 1890

Theodore McCracken Finley born Niles, Mich Mch 9, 1840, married Sept 6, 1865

married to;

Margaret C. Ferdon, born Niles, Mich June 6, 1841

Their children:

Margaret Caroline Finley, born Niles, Mich, June 26, 1866

Elizabeth Finley Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Mch 17, 1811, married Dec 3, 1833

married to:

Alexander B. Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Aug 4, 1808, died Sept 8, 1863

Their children:

Mathew Brown, born Allegheny City, Pa Sept 9, 1834, died Dec 14, 1834

John Nevin Brown, born Niles, Mich July 31, 1836, married Feby 3, 1869

Henry H. Brown, born Niles, Mich Nov 21, 1838, married Nov 2, 1869, died Nov 20, 1898

William Finley Brown born Canonsburg, Pa Aug 24, 1842, married Sept 24, 1874

Martha N. Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Oct 24, 1844, died Sept 21, 1846

Mary B. Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Dec 18, 1847

Alexander B. Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Aug 9, 1850

Mathew B. Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Feby 14, 1853, died May 3, 1876

D. Finley Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Nov 26, 1855, married Oct 9, 1884

John Nevin Brown, born Niles, Mich July 31, 1836, married Feby 3, 1869 married to:

Mary Bell Van Eman, born Canonsburg, Pa Jany 28, 1851

Their children:

Samuel V. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Feby 4, 1870

Elizabeth N. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa May 7, 1872

Martha V. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Sept 27, 1874

Mary B. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Jany 7, 1881

Blanche Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Aug 23, 1885

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Henry H. Brown, born Niles, Mich Nov 21, 1838, married Nov 2, 1869, died Nov 30, 1898

married to:

Ella M. Sweeny, born Thompsonville, Pa Feby 22, 1850

Their children:

Alexander B. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa July 27, 1870

Sarah R. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Nov 30, 1872

Alice J. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Aug 11, 1874

Henry H. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa July 12, 1877

Elizabeth Finley Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Jany 3, 1883

William F. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Sept 19, 1885

Mary H. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Dec 23, 1889

William Finley Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Aug 24, 1842, married Sept 24, 1874

married to:

May Huston, born Canonsburg, Pa, Nov 1848

No children

D. Finley Brown, born Canonsburg, Pa Nov 26, 1855, married Oct 9, 1884

married to:

Mary E. Caldwell, Thompsonville, Pa Aug 19, 1860

Their children:

Mathew Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Jany 26, 1886, died Aug 12, 1888

Joseph C. Brown, born Mt Blaine, Pa Nov 20, 1887

Daniel Eagle Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa May 13, 1813, married Oct 11, 1836, died July 21, 1886

married to:

Margaret Irwin, Allegheny City, Pa July 21, 1817

Their children:

John Irwin Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa Aug 27, 1837, married Sept 23, 1873, died Jany 5, 1884

Martha McCracken Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa May 4, 1840, married Dec 3, 1868

Clarence Cook Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa June 14, 1842

Hannah Taylor Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Oct 10, 1844

Joseph Traville Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 7, 1847, married Nov 26, 1874

Wilfred Henry Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 25, 1849, married Jany 21, 1879, died Nov 12, 1887

Adelaide Mellior Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Mch 31, 1852 ,

Theodore Williamson Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 24, 1854, married Nov 12, 1890

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Martha McCracken Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa May 4, 1840, married Dec 3, 1868

married to:

George W. Cochrane, born Allegheny City, Pa Aug 24, 1825

Their children:

William G. Cochrane, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 11, 1869

George Irwin Cochrane, born Sewickley, Pa Dec 3, 1878

John Irwin Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa Aug 27, 1837, married Sept 23, 1873, died Jany 5, 1884

married to:

Eleanor Haines, birth place unknown, born Aug 31, 1852

Their children:

Daniel Eagle Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Mch 21, 1875

Mary Haines Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 20, 1877

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Ernst [sic] Delano Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 23, 1880

Olive Adair Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Sept 16, 1883

Joseph Traville Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 7, 1847, married Nov 26, 1874

married to:

Sarah Cunningham born Sewickley, Pa Mch 22, 1853

Their children:

William C. Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Aug 23, 1876

Frederick M. Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 26, 1878

Henry Irwin Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 21, 1883

Margaret Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 23, 1890

Wilfred Henry Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 25, 1849, married Jany 21, 1879, died Nov 12, 18i87

married to:

Ida Cunningham, born Sewickley, Pa Oct 31, 1854

Their children:

Mira C. Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Oct 18, 1879

Clarence C. Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Apr 9, 1882

James C. Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 26, 1887

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Theodore Williamson Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 24, 1854, married Nov 12, 1890

married to:

Mary Elizabeth Appel, born Sewickley, Pa Apr 14, 1858

John Williamson Nevin, born Herrons Branch, Pa Feby 20, 1803, married Jany 1, 1835, died June 6, 1886

married to:

Martha Jenkins, born Charlestown, Pa July 4, 1805, died Jany 13, 1890

Their children:

Wilberforce Nevin, born Pittsburgh, Pa Mch 31, 1836

Alice Nevin, born Pittsburgh, Pa Aug 1, 1837

Robert Jenkins Nevin, born Pittsburgh, Pa Nov 24, 1839

Richard Cecil Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa Apr 15, 1843, died Mch 22, 1867

Martha Finley Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa Dec 6, 1844, married May 3, 1882

John Williamson Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa Sept 14, 1846, died Apr 20, 1873

Blanche Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa Sept 25, 1847

George Herbert Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa July 15, 1848, died Dec 28, 1848

Martha Finley Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa Dec 6, 1844, married May 3, 1882

married to:

Robert H. Sayre, born Manch Chunk, Pa, date unknown

William M. Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 6, 1806, married Sept 26, 1837

married to:

Hannah Jane McClay born Feby 20, 1810

Their children:

Martha Ellen Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa July 21, 1841, married Dec 26, 1868

Benj. Reynolds Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa 1843, died Mch 10, 1856

Wm McCracken, Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa date unknown, died in infancy

Hannah Reynolds Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa date unknown, died in infancy.

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H:is remarriage

William M. Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Feby 67, 1806, married Jany 1, 1855, died Feby 11, 1892

married to:

Addie Molier Irwin, born Rowan, France (wouldn't it be Rouen)

Their children:

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Abia Molier Nevin, born Lancaster, Pa Oct 12, 1856

Anna Woodbridge Nevin, born Lancaster, Pa Nov 6, 1860

Maria Louisa Nevin, born Lancaster, Pa July 9, 1863

Martha Ellen Nevin, born Mercersburg, Pa July 12, 1841, married Dec 26, 1868

married to:

F.B. Kuemer? born Carlisle, Pa date unknown

Theo Hugh Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa Oct 23, 1815, married Jany 4, 1842, died Apr 30, 1884

married to:

Hannah Irwin, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 27, 1821, died Sept 18, 1899

Their children:

William Irwin Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa May 26, 1843, died Sept 29, 1862

Eliza Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa July 15, 1845, died May 7, 1890

Charles Finley Nevin born Allegheny City, Pa May 19, 1848, married Jany 22, 1874

Alexander Brown Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa Oct 3, 1850, married Oct 14, 1875

Theodore Herbert Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Dec 15, 1855, married Jany 22, 1881

Martha Mary Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Aug 28, 1862, married Apr 2, 1890

Frank Taylor Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Apr 2, 1867

Charles Finley Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa May 19, 1848, married Jany 22, 1874

married to:

Elizabeth Anna Grafton, born Wellsville, O Mch 9, 1853

Their children:

Esther Grafton Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 24, 1875, died Apr 27, 1881

Theodore Hugh Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Apr 28, 1878

Elizabeth Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa May 3, 1889

Alexander Brown Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Oct 3, 1850, married Oct 14, 1875

married to:

Sophronia Elizabeth Harbaugh, born Sewickley, Pa May 11, 1854

Their children:

William Harbaugh Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 12, 1876

Hannah Irwin Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Sept 17, 1879

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Theodore Herbert Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Dec 15, 1855, married June 22, 1881

married to:

Rose Sharp McKinney, born Sewickley, Pa Oct 26, 1855

Their children:

Ralph McKinney Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa, died July 20, 1883

Hermine Reibisch Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Feby 29, 1884

Catharine Tomlinson Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa June 28, 1886

Charles Finley Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 8, 1888

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Martha Mary Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Aug 28, 1862, married Apr 2, 1890

married to:

John Bromall Booth, Chester, Pa Jany 13, 1857

Their children:

Margarite [sic] Booth, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 14, 1892

William Booth, born Sewickley, Pa May 3, 1894

closing 5 PM Oct 5th

Go to page 375

Room 116 Wash Hotel, Oct 5/25 9:30 PM

There was a Miss Josephine Kinney aged 66 run over by an auto yesterday. Mr Peebles said today that she is of the Henry Kinney family & not a Finley descendant, he being a bro of Eli Kinney, who married Martha Scott Lodwick, dau of Col John Lodwick & his wife Hannah Finley, dau of Maj Joseph L. Finley. They say Eli Kinney is dead, but his daughter lives somewhere in Calif. She mar Dudley Hutchens who is dead, but his brother

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Wells Hutchens lives here & is Pres of the Citizens Sav & Loan Co opp. the 1st NBK can give her address. She has three children.

He says Judge Albert C. Thompson was a brother of Col Robt M. Thompson of NY who for many years was an officer in the Navy, but got some copper interests which made him wealthy. Mr Manning said the judges widow & family live just below his home.

Thomas Kipp Coles page 23, page 361 of this book was a Lieut, though only 20 & was killed in a Mosby raid in the Civil War in Nov 1864. Gen Blazier raised a Co at Gallipolis, O to go after Genl Mosby & picked Thos Kipp Coles, a daring reckless young fellow as his First Lieut. & he was killed in the raid. His body was found & buried by two young Confederate girls who dug his grave. His body was afterwards taken up by Genl B.F. Coates, embalmed, brought here & buried in the Coles lot in the cem. here.

His only brother, Frank Coles died in Ashland, Ky Feby 11, 1925. Of the other members of the family:

Eliza died unmarried at Ashland, Ky

Hannah Jane died unmarried aged abt 70 at Ashland, Ky, was idiotic

Margaret, feeble minded, single lives in Ky

Elizabeth, single, lives in Ky

Belle Weaver lives in Ky

Lucy Moore lives in Ky & her daughter, Martha Mary lives in Ky & Anna Coles died there unmarried. They have a family burying ground there.

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Neither Mr Peebles nor Mr Manning know whether any of the Sturgeons are at Lancaster, O or not.

Mr P. said this forenoon, that Sayre, who married Woodrow Wilson's daughter was descended from the Finleys & Nevins & now 3:50 PM, I find on page 30 my page herein 370 where Martha Finley Nevin, dau of John Williamson Nevin on May 3, 1882 married Robert H. Sayre of Manch Chunk Pa.

I went to No 621 Fourth St when I came in this evening, a big old house & the lady said they had recently bought the house & sent me across the street to a relative of F.B.M. Corson who said he now had rooms at No 423 Waller St, Tel 2251

His wife, now dead, was a descendant, granddaughter, I think of Gen John Lodwick & Mr Peebles thought he was the only one here who could give any information about the Lodwicks.

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Oct 6 1925 7 AM

Refer back to Page 372

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Martha Mary Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa May 30, 1823, married July 21, 1846, died July 27, 1888 married to:

John Irwin, Jr, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 9, 1823, died Feby 14, 1901

Their children:

John Nevin Irwin, born Allegheny City, Pa June 3, 1848, died Aug 7, 1849

Martha McCracken Irwin born Allegheny City Pa Mch 17, 1850, died Apr 3, 1867

Alexander Semple Irwin, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 19, 1852

Elizabeth Brown Irwin, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 26, 1854, died Feby 18, 1854

Alice Irwin, born Allegheny City, Pa Jany 9, 1855, died Dec 14, 1882

Margaret George Irwin, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 3, 1857

Frederick Irwin, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 15, 1859

Robert Peebles Nevin, born Shippensburg, Pa July 31, 1820, married Jany 9, 1851

married to:

Elizabeth Oliphant, born Fayette, Pa Apr 22, 1831

Their children:

Jennie Duncan Nevin, born Allegheny City, Pa Mch 12, 1852, died Apr 25, 1863

Walter Irwin Nevin, born Fairchance Co, Pa Dec 7, 1853

Hugh Oliphant Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Jany 23, 1856, married Oct 1878

Maurice Williamson Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Dec 10, 1858, died Aug 7, 1866

Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 25, 1862, married Jany 5, 1888, died Feby 11, 1901

Robert Peebles Nevin Jr, born Sewickley, Pa Aug 3, 1866

Elizabeth Duncan Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 28, 1868, married Oct 16, 1890

Arthur Finley Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Apr 27, 1871

Hugh Oliphant Nevin, born Jany 23, 1856, married Oct 1878

married to:

Ada Fleming, born Sewickley, Pa date unknown

Their children: [birth places unknown]

Fleming Nevin, born Sept 1879

Alexr Brown Nevin, born Aug 27, 1881

Jennie D. Nevin, born Dec 18, 1883

Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa Nov 25, 1862, married Jany 5, 1888, died Feby 17, 1901

married to:

Anna Paul, birth place & date unknown

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Elizabeth Duncan Nevin, born Sewickley, Pa July 28, 1868, married Oct 16, 1890

married to:

Thomas A. Standish, birth place & date unknown

end of page 32

page 34

A continued history of the McCracken family giving an account of the lineage of Jane McCracken, daughter of William & Betsy (Elizabeth) McCracken, who married John McCoy, a brief history of the McCracken family is given on page 27 of this book.

Jane McCracken, born Big Spring, Pa 1783, married Aug 23, 1808, died June 22, 1862

married to:

John McCoy born Mercersburg, Pa 1776, died Aug 10, 1852

Their children:

Elizabeth McCoy, born Chillicothe, O June 28, 1809, married Feby 23, 1837, died Nov 17, 1906

Alexander Watts McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Apr 14, 1811, married 1845, died Nov 28, 1876

William McCoy, born Chillicothe, O May 14, 1813, married Mch 28, 1850, died Sept 13, 1900

James McCoy born Chillicothe, O Mch 4, 1816, died Feby 14, 1822

John McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Mch 27, 1818, married Mch 29, 1853

Samuel Finley McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Mch 5, 1820, married Dec 28, 1854, died Feby 3, 1898

Jane Sarah McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Aug 23, 1822, married June 19, 1845

Elizabeth McCoy, born Chillicothe, O June 28, 1809, married Feby 23, 1837, died Nov 17, 1906, buried at Chillicothe, O

married to:

Lewis William Foulke, born Carlisle, Pa Aug 6, 1809, died June 1, 1887

Their children:

John McCoy Foulke, born Chillicothe, O Dec 14, 1838, died Jany 14, 1840

Mary Steele Foulke, born Chillicothe, O Sept 23, 1840, married Oct 20, 1870, died July 13, 1920

Mary Steel Foulke, born Chillicothe, O Sept 23, 1840, married Oct 20, 1870, died July 13, 1920, buried at Chillicothe, O

married to Gustavus Scott Franklin, birth place unknown, born Nov 22, 1837, died Feby 6, 1901, buried in Chillicothe, O

Their children:

V14 Page 377

Elizabeth McCoy Franklin, born Chillicothe, O June 12, 1872, unmarried, living

Charles Love Franklin, born Chillicothe, O May 1, 1875, unmarried, living

Mariam Scott Franklin, born Chillicothe, O Sept 15, 1877, unmarried, living

She wants to know when history is completed. Notify her at S. Paint St Chillicothe, O.

Alexander Watts McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Apr 14, 1811, married Nov 22, 1845, died Nov 28, 1876

married to:

Mary E. Danolels, born Rochester, NY Dec 17, 1822

Their children:

End of page 34

page 35

William Lee McCoy, born Cincinnati, O Apr 11, 1847, married Nov 22, 1871

John Alexander McCoy, born Independence, Mo Dec 19, 1849

Charles Danolels McCoy, born LaFayette, Ind Jany 12, 1852, married June 3, 1885

Lewis Foulke, McCoy born Independence, MO Mch 24, 1854, married Dec 17, 1884

Martha Jane McCoy, born Independence, O May 28, 1856, married Jany 5, 1882.

William L. McCoy, born Cincinnati, O Apr 11, 1847, married Nov 22, 1871

married to:

Fannie Sawyer, born Lexington, Mo, date unknown

Their children:

Samuel Alexdr McCoy, born Independence, MO Sept 29, 1872

Mary Ellen McCoy, born Independence, MO Feby 7, 1874

Charles Danolels McCoy, born LaFayette, Ind Jany 12, 1852, married June 3, 1885

married to:

Carrie Bonde, born Gallatin, Tenn June 4, 1861

Their children:

Henry Bonde McCoy, born Independence, MO Mch 17, 1886

Martha Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Jany 1, 1889

Charles Danolels McCoy, born Independence, Mo July 14, 1890

Lewis Foulke McCoy, born Independence, Mo Mch 24, 1854, married Dec 17, 1884

married to:

Elizabeth Johnson, born Madison Co, O June 3, 1859

Their children:

Louisa Auguston [sic] McCoy born Independence, Mo Nov 8, 1886

Alexander Watts McCoy, born Independence, Mo Feby 6, 1889

V14 Page 378

Martha Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo May 28, 1856, married Jany 5, 1882

married to:

Daniel Bullard, born Germantown, Pa Oct 21, 1855

Their children:

Mary E. McCoy Bullard born Independence, Mo May 28, 1886

William McCoy, born Chillicothe, O May 14, 1813, married Mch 28, 1850 died Sept 13, 1900

married to:

Ellen Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Mch 17, 1818, died Mch 8, 1893

Their children:

Nancy McCoy, born Chillicothe, O July 14, 1853, married Dec 19, 1883

Allen Lee McCoy, born Independence, Mo Sept 15, 1854, married Sept 14, 1882

Nancy McCoy, born Chillicothe, O July 14, 1853, married Dec 19, 1883

married to:

Charles Lindsey Minor, born Lancaster, Mo Nov 22, 1852

Their children:

Eleanor Miner [sic] born Independence, MO Apr 9, 1888

Allen Lee McCoy, born Independence, MO Sept 15, 1854, married Sept 14, 1882

married to:

Mary Scott Buchanan, born Independence, Mo Dec 25, 1857

End of page 35

page 36

Their children:

Nancy Catharine McCoy, born Independence, Mo Nov 23, 1885

William Stewart McCoy, born Independence, Mo Apr 12, 1888

John McCoy, Chillicothe, O Mch 27, 1816, married Mch 29, 1853

married to:

Jane Elizabeth Stewart, born Springfield, O May 29, 1830

Their children:

Robert Stewart McCoy, born Independence, Mo Jany 8, 1854, died Oct 13, 1877

Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Feby 14, 1856, married June 8, 1886

John McCoy, born Independence, Mo June 3, 1858, died July 18, 1858

Joseph McCoy, born Columbus, O Sept 8, 1862, married May 2, 1887

V14 Page 379

Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Feby 14, 1856, married June 8, 1886

married to:

Samuel H. Woodson, born Independence, Mo date unknown

Their children:

Elizabeth Woodson, born Independence, Mo Nov 29, 1888

Margaret Woodson, born Independence, Mo July 15, 1890

Joseph McCoy, born Columbus, O Sept 8, 1862, married May 2, 1887

married to:

Lucy Cheeseman, born Stewartsville, MO Nov 13, 1865

Their children:

Jane McCoy, born Independence, Mo Apr 5, 1888

Joseph Cheeseman McCoy, born Independence, Mo Dec 16, 1889

Samuel Finley McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Mch 5, 1820, married Dec 28, 1854, died Feby 3, 1898

married to:

Jane Oliver Carson, born Chillicothe, O Jany 3, 1836, died Oct 17, 1907

See page 267 item 15

Their children:

Eliza McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Mch 13, 1856, married Oct 19, 1882, died May 1902

Jessie McCoy, born Chillicothe, O June 4, 1858, see book 16 p 228

John McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Oct 20, 1861, see book 16 p 228

Alice McCoy, born Chillicothe, O June 26, 1863, see book 16 p 228

William Carson McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Apr 11, 1866

Oliver Finley McCoy, born Chillicothe, O June 12, 1870, see book 16 p 228

Robert Watts McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Aug 22, 1872, see book 16 p 228 & page 488

[9]amily record)╗"_#_#_#(_F_(Peebles;Margaret (Rodgers)("_#8#_#!_F_(Rodg

died May 1902

married to:

Benj. Franklin Sproat born Chillicothe, O Mch 29, 1847. Living 6/12/26 at 146 W. 2d ST.

Their children:

Jessie McCoy Sproat, born Chillicothe, O Jany 9th, 1884

Annette Delano Sproat, born Chillicothe, O Sept 16, 1886

Samuel McCoy Sproat, born Chillicothe, O Sept 10, 1889

Malcolm Perrin Sproat, born Chillicothe, O Sept 22, 1892, not married

Emily Wade Sproat, born Chillicothe, O Oct 2, 1895

V14 Page 380

Jane Sarah McCoy, born Chillicothe, O Aug 23, 1822, married June 19, 1843

married to:

William Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Sept 19, 1811, died Aug 23, 1895

End of page 36

Page 37

Their children:

John McCoy Waddle, born Chillicothe, O July 24, 1846, died Mch 8, 1857

Elizabeth Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Sept 23, 1848, married Dec 27, 1874

William Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Dec 15, 1850, died Feby 17, 1890

Eleanor Waddle, born Chillicothe, O May 23, 1853

Jane Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Oct 17, 1855, married Mch 2, 1882

Lucy Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Jany 25, 1857

Edward Finley Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Apr 20, 1860, married Oct 7, 1886

Nancy Mann Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Oct 23, 1865

Charles Carey Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Mch 3, 1868

[10]1890 aged 73 yrs.e*_#Ö*_#ÿ_(_(married to:(_#_+_#__ä__ _dren_)ä)_#(*_#"


married to:

Alexander Renick born Chillicothe, O Apr 8, 1847, died Mch 1, 1923

Their children:

William Waddle Renick, born Chillicothe, O June 27, 1878, died Nov 14, 1882

Alexander Mortimer Renick, born Chillicothe, O Jany 9, 1882

Jane Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Oct 17, 1855, married Mch 2, 1882

married to:

Frank M. Guthrie, born Erie, Pa Mch 19, 1847

No children

Edward F. Waddle, born Chillicothe, O Apr 20, 1860, married Oct 7, 1886

married to:

Ann Trimble Madeira, born Chillicothe, O Nov 6, 1861

Their children:

Nannie Trimble Waddell [sic] born Chillicothe, O June 29, 1888, died July 26, 1888

William Kenneth Waddell, born Chillicothe, O Mch 5, 1889

End of page 37

V14 Page 381

page 38

Samuel Finley McCracken, born Big Spring, Pa 1785, married July 1816, died May 19, 1857

married to:

Sarah Ann Craft born Treton, NJ Nov 1, 1798, died Feby 25, 1873

Their children:

William Gersham McCracken, born Lancaster, O June 16, 1817, died July 3, 1817

James Craft McCracken, born Lancaster O 1818, married 1845, died Sept 5, 1852

John McCracken, born Lancaster, O Oct 3, 1820, married Apr 22, 1847, died Nov 12, 1876

Infant son McCracken, born Lancaster, O 1821, no dates William McCracken, born Lancaster, O Nov 12, 1823, died Feby 24, 1824

Robert Wilson McCracken, born Lancaster, O Jany 18, 1828, died Mch 23, 1831

Elizabeth Jane McCracken, born Lancaster, O May 30, 1832, died June 19, 1833

Samuel Finley McCracken, born Lancaster, O, Inscription on stone, but no dates.

James Craft McCracken, born Lancaster, O 1818, married 1845, died Sept 5, 1852

married to:

Elizabeth Connell, born, Lancaster, O, date unknown

Their children:

Jane Sarah McCracken, born Lancaster, O 1846 or 1847, died 1887

Sophia McCracken, born Lancaster, O Dec 26, 1847

Samuel Finley McCracken born Lancaster O Apr 15, 1850, died 1869

James Craft McCracken, born Lancaster, O date unknown

John McCracken, born Lancaster, O Oct 3, 1820, married Apr 22, 1847 died Nov 12, 1876

married to:

Eliza Brooks, born Cincinnati, O Oct 21, 1824, died Sept 7, 1850

Their children:

William Brooks McCracken, born Cincinnati, O Apr 18, 1848, married Mch 8, 1877

John McCracken, born Cincinnati, O May 8, 1850, died Sept 19, 1850

End of page 38

page 39

Wm Brooks McCracken, born Cincinnati, O Apr 18, 1848, married Mch 8, 1877

married to:

Elizabeth Miller Wynkoop, born Hudson, NY, married Feby 19, 1857

Their children:

Brooks Wynkoop McCracken, born Lancaster, O Dec 13, 1877

V14 Page 382

Samuel Finley McCracken, born Lancaster, O July 7, 1879

Henry Miller McCracken, born Lancaster, O May 19, 1882

Ralph Rawson McCracken, born Lancaster, O June 12, 1886, married Feby 28, 1889

End of page 39

page 40

on this page commences the History of the Rodgers family beginning with Richard Rodgers who married Rachel Denny. As these are not in the Finley line, I will not take them, but I notice some of them marry into the Quigley family, I think perhaps of the Caruthers line & also in the Kilgore, perhaps of our Jack line & perhaps I will find others. I will note the children of these marriages & note the reference, but will not take down their many descendants until I find they actually are of our lines. Margaret Rodgers was the third of the seven children of Richard & Rachel Rodgers. She married John Peebles & her descendants are already listed.

James Rodgers was the second child & as he married Jane Quigley, I am taking his immediate record:

James Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Jany 9, 1775, married Apr 19, 1798, died Sept 10, 1831

married to:

Jane Quigley, born Shippensburg, Pa Oct 18, 1772, died Oct 14, 1823

Their children:

Richard Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Nov 13, 1799, married July 30, 1844, died Aug 15, 1871

Mary Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Aug 2, 1801, married Apr 1, 1823, died Aug 10, 1878

Rachel Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Nov 15, 1804

Robert Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Sept 24, 1807, married Apr 10, 1833, died Feby 14, 1880

V14 Page 383

William Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa Dec 29, 1809, married Apr 13, 1841

Eleanor Rodgers, born Shippensburg, Pa May 13, 1812, died Aug 19, 1823

See bk 19 P 628-630

See Bk 20 p 33

After her death, James remarried to Jane Linn & had two children

End of page 40

page 41

Richard had three children

Mary married Isaac Ward & had one child

Jane Quigley Ward born in Hopewell Tp, Cumb. Co, Pa Oct 15, 1832 who on July 8, 1851 married Geo H. Frey, a native of Phila, Pa & had twelve children born in Springfield, O 1852 to 1871

Page 42

Robert had seven children born in Springfield, O 1834-1847 one of whom:

Richard Henry Rodgers, born Springfield, O Sept 23, 1836, married June 21, 1866

married to:

Alice Kilgore, born Steubenville, O Aug 10, 1842, died Feby 12, 1884

Their children:

Charles Kilgore Rodgers, born Springfield, O Aug 28, 1867

Robert Sinclair Rodgers, born Springfield, O July 9, 1874

Effie Stanton Rodgers, born Springfield, O Aug 12, 1875, died Jany 15, 1881

See if can find Chas K. or Robt S. Rodgers in Springfield, O & see if they can give the early Quigley & Kilgore lines.

William Rodgers married, but had no children

End of page 42

The Rodgers record ends on page 48.

On page 52, commences a record of the Steele family who came from Scotland but early enough for our Fayette Co, Pa or Augusta Co, Va Steeles. The Steele record ends on page 57.

V14 Page 384

On page 82 is a clipping announcing the death on Jany 17, 1888 of Capt Preston Lodwick, son of Col John Lodwick & his wife Hannah Finley. It says he was born 77 yrs ago say 1811 on 3 mile Run 3 miles from Manchester, O & left surviving, but one brother Capt John N. Lodwick of this place & two sisters, Mrs McCabe & Mrs Kinney, both living at Cincinnati, O.

It speaks of a brother the late Capt M.W. Lodwick & said he, Preston, left a wife & one son, an only child, who is an Agt of the C.W.&B RR.

On page 93 is a one column clipping & on page 94 four columns on the death of Capt John N. Lodwick, son of Col. John Lodwick & his wife Hannah Finley, with his photo at the head of the article on which Mr John G. Peebles has written that he was born Oct 24, 1812 & died Mch 13, 1888 &

was buried Mch 16, 1888. It says he had been out on the streets Tuesday morning & came home & ate a hearty dinner & his wife asking him if he had a good dinner, he said "I have had an excellent dinner" which were his last words as he walked out & fell by the woodshed from a stroke of apoplexy & died the next morning Wednesday Mch 13, 1888

Says he was born near Manchester, O one of a family of twelve children - ten boys & two girls - the sisters being Mrs Martha Kinney & Mrs Jane McCabe of Cincinnati, O.

V14 Page 385

He was married Apr 14, 1840 to Miss Eliza A. Stevens & to this union were born four children, two of whom are still living, Mrs Thos P. Brown & a son in the west. His name was John Newton Lodwick & his surviving son was David Blashford Lodwick who served in the Civil War, & never came back here after the war. His daughter, Isadora, the wife of Thos P. Brown Esq, went to Duluth, Minn & Mr Peebles says some of her children live there now.

There were no children he said to the two children who died before he did.

On page 128 is an article dated Dec 19, 1889 with his vignette seated, on how John G. Peebles, the wealthiest resident of Portsmouth, O became a millionaire, saying it was made in the iron industry.

Facing this on page 129 in a photograph pasted in of a clean shaven man, David Sinton, which speaks of him as the wealthiest man in Cincinnati, O & in this part of the state.

On page 130 is announcement of the death of our Simon Cameron born Mch 8, 1799 & died June 26, 1889

On page 247 & 246 are a standing likeness & photo of Rev Chas H. Spurgeon whose sermons were mother's favorite ones. Stating that he was born at Ketredon in Essex, Eng June 10, 1834 & died at Mentone, Jany 21, 1892

V14 Page 386

In an enevlope in the precious ledger records made by John G. Peebles, was a questionnaire record made & sent out by his son, John Peebles, my informant & what follows below is additional to what was in the book I find in checking it up viz:

Benj Hempstead Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O May 5, 1857, died June 20, 1904, married May 29, 1902 to:

Ivy Leonore Jessup, born Riverside, Calif

Helen Margaret Gaylord, born Portsmouth, O July 1862, married June 19, 1895

married to:

Edwin John Gilleland

Their Children:

Edwyn Gaylord Gilleland, born Riverside, Calif Sept 30, 1897

Rosalie Pierpont Gillen, born So Pittsburg, Tenn, Dec 28, 1887, married Apr 4, 1908

married to:

Joseph Shaw, born Phila, Pa May 30, 1878

Their children:

Rosalie Elizabeth Shaw, born So Pittsburg, Tenn, Mch 26, 1909

George Hamilton Gillen, born So Pittsburg, Tenn Aug 21, 1892, married Feby 22, 1916

married to:

Esther Frances Freels

Ben Hempstead Norton, born Wayne Furnace, Tenn Feby 2, 1869, married Aug 26, 1898

married to:

Julia Torn McCann

Their children:

Margaret Elizabeth Norton, born Artesia, Calif Aug 23, 1901

Jay Hempstead Norton, born Artesia, Calif Aug 25, 1903

Gaylord McCann Norton, born Artesia, Calif Mch 17, 1909

Finished Oct 6, 1925 4:30 PM

V14 Page 387

Washington Hotel, Room 116, Portsmouth, Ohio Oct 6, 1925 7 PM

Mr Manning at the Peebles office gave me his own record this forenoon as follows:

Frederick Lewis Manning born at Lafayette, Indiana, Feby 16, 1875 son of James Robert Manning & his wife Maude Josephine Williams married Sept 23, 1903 at Ronceverte, WVA, Rev David Harrop Pres officiating, Miss Nuna Betts, born Oct 15, 1878 at Charleston, WVA. daughter of David McKinley Betts & his wife Sarah Ide, & they have two children born at Portsmouth, O viz:

2. Robert Betts Manning born Feby 3, 1907

1. Dorothy Josephine Manning born Mch 17, 1905

The mother of David McKinley Betts was Cornelia Finley see page 327, this book.

Mr John Peebles said my interest in this work had revived his interest & as he had tired of living in suitcases during the winters & he thought he would stay at home, fix up a den over his garage, & commence correspondence to bring their line from where his father left off in the "nineties" down to date & give me the benefit of his work.

I wrapped the book up & gave it at 4:30 PM today to Mr Wood in charge of the office, to put in the safe where at he said I was the most industrious, persistent worker he had ever seen. I worked continuously fr 7:30 & this morning from 7 AM until 5 o'clock PM closing hour.

Oct 6/25 9:15 PM slips made to here JVT

V14 Page 388

Portsmouth, Ohio, Washington Hotel, Room 116 Oct 7, 1925 8:22 AM

I got to bed last night at midnight & arose at six this morning. Am reading over the "History of Adams Co, O by Nelson W. Evans & Emmons B. Stivers, West Union, O 1900, 946 pages" of which this book is no 460 out of 500 printed, loaned to me by Joseph P. Coates Esq, a copy of which I think I have at home. If not, must secure one. I am making notes from same as follows:

Pages 581 & 582

Col John Lodwick

was born in Winchester, Va Mch 24, 1767, was reared there & there mar 1st in June 1790 Elizabeth Cooley, a widow with one child. His eldest child, Sarah born there July 13, 1791. Married 1st Robert Wood & 2d Alexander Woodrow. They emigrated to Ky in 1792 & in 1794 took up his residence in the stockade in Manchester, O. He bought the Col John Means farm & here his sons William, Ludlow, & James were born & his wife died July 6, 1800 & was buried on the farm.

He mar 2d in June 1802 Hannah Finley, daughter of Maj Joseph L. Finley & by her had the following children all born in Adams Co, O viz:

Kennedy, Lyle, Joseph, Michael, Preston, John Newton, Jane E. married Jacob McCabe & the only one now (1900) living,

Martha Scott, afterwards married to Eli Kinney & Nancy Finley afterwards married J. Scott Peebles.

In 1803, he was elected Shff & served to 1807 & in all served 4 terms as shff. On May 7, 1804, he auctioned off the lost in the new town of West Union, O

V14 Page 389

He was Co com 3 yrs from Dec 1, 1823. His wife, Hannah Finley died July 28, 1827 aged 44 yrs.

He mar 3d Oct 1828, Eliza B. Elliot, a widow who died Oct 2, 1857 in Hamilton Co, O & is buried at Spring Grove, Cincinnati. He sold out in Adams Co, O in 1832, bought a farm & moved to Storrs Tp Hamilton Co, O fronting on Ohio river which he sold piece by piece for suburban residences & moved on to Pike St, Cincinnati, O where he died.

In 1840, he removed his first two wives to the West Union cem & erected gravestones over them. He had remarkable vitality when past 90 was full of humor & jokes & was prematurely carried off by cancer of the face when 94 yrs old dying on the day of Lincoln's inauguration Mch 4, 1861, a member of the Presbyterian Church at Cincinnati, O & he had always been a Democrat. At that time, there were none of his descendants in Adams Co, but some in Portsmouth & some in Cincinnati, O.

Page 620

David Sinton born Jany 26, 1808 in Armagh, Ireland, son of John Sinton, a linen mfr of Armagh & his wife McDonald & came with them in 1811 to Pgh, Pa. David's sister married John Sparks the banker & died at Union landing in 1833 of the Cholera from which he too almost died. Her daughter, Mary Jane, married a McCauslen & lives near Steubenville, O our relatives.

David Sinton went to Washington C.H. Ohio in employ of Dr Boyd (see if one of our Circleville Boyds) to take charge of a store at $25 per month remaining but 6 mos. He went in the iron business. His only son, Edward died unmarried & his only other child

V14 Page 390

married Chas P. Taft, whose namesake Chas P. Taft 2d lawyer of Cincinnati, O son of Pres Wm H. Taft spoke here last night for the community Y.M.C.A. David Sinton's father, John Sinton died at West Union, O June 28, 1835 aged 71 of asiatic cholera. David's wife nee Jane Ellison died in 1853 at Manchester, O & is buried there. He never remarried. There were seven other deaths from this plague in West Union, the same day. David's mother survived until 1866 when she died aged 85 yrs.

When the war broke out, he had 7000 tons of iron on hand which had cost $18 per ton. He held it until he got $75 per ton & invested the proceeds in Cincinnati Real Estate, the advance on which made an equivalent of $125 per ton. He was a Republican & a strong Union man, making large gifts for education, religion & Y.M.C.A. & died on Aug 31, 1900

Page 855

Joseph Patterson Smith son of John M. & Matilda A. (Patterson) Smith was born in West Union, O Aug 7, 1856 (see pages 350 & 352). From his father, he inherited a splendid memory & a love of statistics & from his mother, an energy & ambition that were characteristic of him in later years. He learned to be a printer in West Union, O before he was sixteen by which he supported himself to get an education at the University at Greencastle, Ind & taught school in Ohio & Illinois. When 20, in 1876, he was employed by the editor of the Cincin. Commercial as a "Special" to

V14 Page 391

travel over the State & write up the outlook in each Congressional Dist & then met Wm McKinley Jr & a lasting friendship was formed & he was elected journal clerk of the senate in the 65th Gen Assembly. In 1892, was appointed State librarian by Gov McKinley. He was the most compelling factor in nominating McKinley for President, who on Mch 29, 1897 tendered him the position of Director of the Bureau of American Republics, a wonderfully fine picture of him appears facing page 856. As head of this Dept, he was making fine progress, along Blaines original conception at the Pan-American Congress of 1889-1890 in uniting the nineteen Republics for their mutual commercial benefit, but his constitution never rugged, compelled him to seek rest in Oct 1897 & being taken to Florida in Dec, he died Feby 5, 1898 at Miami, Florida.

On Apr 14, 1886, he was married in Galveston, Texas to Miss Maryneal Hutches & to this union were born several children:

1. Frank Hutches, at Galveston, Tex

2. Virginia Patterson at Batavia, O

3. Antoinette Barker at Urbana, O

4. Mary Stow at Urbana O

5. John Mitchell at Urbana, O

V14 Page 392

6. William McKinley, at Urbana, O

7. Joseph Patterson at Urbana, O who was but 5 mos old when his father died.

Maryneal Hutches Smith was born at Galveston, Texas Mch 1, 1860 & graduated in June 1878 from Abbot Academy, Andover, Mass & for the last ten years has lived at Urbana, O. In June 1898, Pres McKinley, without solicitation appointer her postmistress of Urbana, O in which she was inaugurating telling reforms when she died there at her home of apoplexy Sept 12, 1898 & she & her husband are buried in Oakdale, Cem, Urbana, O

Pages 913 & 914

Robert Hamilton (photo facing) was born Nov 28, 1795 at Connellsville, Fayette Co, Pa & was their trained in the strictest observances of the Westminster confession, which continued as the best part of him throughout all of his life. In 1817, he came in a flat boat to Adams Co, O to the mouth of Brush Creek & walked up it to Brush Creek Furnace & engaged as a clerk under Archibald Paul who was then running the furnace.

he mar July 20, 1825, Nancy Ellison & lived in Adams Co, until 1828 & buying the Pine Grove Furnace in Lawrence Co, O blew it in Jany 1, 1829 & became a founder & ruling elder of the Church at Hanging Rock, O. His wife died June 23, 1838

V14 Page 393

He mar 2d Feby 20, 1839, Miss Rachel R. Peebles, daughter of John Peebles & sister of John G. Peebles (see page 311). he was very successful & amassed a large fortune of which his widow was largely the almoner. He died Sept 11, 1856 in his 61st year of a dysentery. He is buried in Greenlawn Cem, Portsmouth, O. His widow, Rachel Hamilton survived until Aug 27, 1883 when she died aged 87 yrs & 1 mo. She was noted for her pious life & good deeds. She gave much in her lifetime & by will to charity.

Pages 123, 146, & 157

John Barrett

on page 123 appears as a surveyor

on page 146 appears as sheriff 1798-1800 "Barritt"

on page 157 appears as J.P. Aug 8, 1817-1820 "Barritt"

in Monroe, Tp. Nothing, however to identify him as our infamous abductor.

page 892

[fermata mark appears here in left margin]

LeGrand Byington Thompson was born on Blue Creek, Adams, Co, O Sept 24, 1846. His father was Thomas W. Thompson & his mother Elizabeth Wilson Broomfield, born born in 1818. His maternal great grandfather, was John Williams, an Englishman & a carpenter who located at the mouth of Brush Creek in 1794. John Williams died in 1853 & is buried at Union Chapel. His wife, who was Mary Duncan, died in 1832. Our subject's grandfather Isaac Thompson & Mary Williams were married in 1816. His father, Thomas W. was born June 1818 near the mouth of Blue Creek. His grandfather & grandmother Thompson moved to near Muncie

V14 Page 394

Ind in 1821 & died within a few days of each other of fever & ague leaving two sons Thos W. & Duncan. Their nearest white neighbors were forty miles away, but many friendly Indians were near. Their Uncles Thomas & Jesse Williams learning of their plight traveled overland & brought the boys back to Adams Co, O & they lived with their grandfather Williams until married. Thomas W. Thompson was a prominent Methodist & on Oct 21, 1861 when in his 44th year, enlisted in Co B 70th O.V.I. for 3 yrs & was discharged for disability Sept 22, 1862. he died in 1875. His son, LeGrand, on the completion of his 18 yrs enlisted Sept 23, 1864 in Co I, 182 O.V.I. & served until July 7, 1856 in the Civil War. He was trustee of Jefferson Tp 1878-79, Clerk 1880, is a member of Methodist Church & a Republican & a Trustee of Morris Chapel. he mar Nov 5, 1869 Margaret E. Thacher, dau of Elisha & Rebecca A. Thacher. And now note "he is noted for his truthfulness, honesty & energy. He never tires in any work he undertakes. He is noted for his intelligence & for his strictly moral life."

pages 892 & 893

James M. Thorman was born May 26, 1844 in Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O. His father was Samuel Thoroman [sic] & his mother's maiden name was Jane McNeilan. She was born near Omagh, in Ireland. His paternal great grandmother was a sister of Col Wm Crawford, who was burned by the Indians at Tymochetea on June 11, 1782. His maternal grandfather was an adventurous Orangeman in Ireland. On Feby 11, 1865, he

V14 Page 395

entered Co D. 191st O.V.I. in the Civil War & was made a Corporal. He served until Aug 27, 1865 when he was discharged & for 18 yrs taught school. he was Trustee & Treas of Tiffin Tp & Bookkeeper in the G.B. Grimes & Co bank in West Union, O. He is a member of the Christian Union Church, recording elder & Supt of the S.S. for many yrs.

mar 1st Nov 3, 1869 Miss Mary M. McCormick by whom he has two sons, Wm McThoroman of West Union, O & Floyd E. Thoroman of Portsmouth, O Floyd E. was in Co H 4th O.V.I. Spanish War

mar 2d Nov 14, 1883 Miss Mary Eliza Cunningham she died Nov 14, 1886

mar 3d July 17, 1889 Miss Emma F. Baird, by whom were three children, Arthur, a son deceased & May & Olga

page 57

Early Marriages

Cites the law passed in the fall of 1788 at Marietta for the Territory & amended Aug 1, 1792 & gives all the marriages that took place in Adams Co to Jany 1, 1800 & says the records are missing from then until May 1803 but gives a partial list for next ten years. The first one of all is a Kilgore viz:


Apr 17, James Scott, & Elizabeth Kilgore by James Scott


June 26, Aquilla Denham & Harriet Thompson, by Hiram Currey

Dec 26, Mathew Thompson & Mary Simral by John Baldwin


Feby 18, Samuel Finley, & Polly Glasgow, by James Scott

V14 Page 396


Sept 13, Robert Glasgo [sic] & Rosanna Finley by John W. Campbell

Nov 2, Samuel Finley & Milley Sparks by John W. Campbell

pages 570-572

Major Joseph L. Finley "There is an old brown head stone in the center of the little village cemetery at West Union, O which recites:

Joseph L. Finley was born Feby 20, 1753 & died May 23, 1839"

Says he was born near Greensburg, Pa Westnd, Co. Graduated Princeton College, Class of 1775. Entered Rev War Apr 1, 1776 (etc which I already have) Came to Adams Co 1815 & settled first on Gift Ridge & later moved to the foot of the hill west of West Union & died there.

His wife was small & handsome, very sprightly & had the blackest of black eyes, wrote poetry for the newspapers & several touching tributes to the memory of deceased friends. She was a daughter of the celebrated Rev Samuel Blair & her descendant most resembling her is her great granddaughter, Mrs Dudley B. Hutchins of Portsmouth, O. She & her husband were both members of the Pres Ch West Union, O. He was of small stature & in his old age, his hair was silvery white. When he & his wife attended church, during the sermon, he always sat on the pulpit steps as he was somewhat deaf. He had three daughters & two sons.

1. His daughter, Hannah Finley was the 2d wife of Col John Lodwick & the mother of a numerous family. Among her sons were Capt John N., Joseph, Pressley, & Lyle Lodwick

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& her daughters, Mrs Jane McCabe, Mrs Eli Kinney & Mrs J. Scott Peebles. She died in 1827 twelve years before her father.

2. Another daughter, Mary Finley, married John Patterson, once U.S. Marshall of O. She was the mother of 7 children, was married in 1818 & died 1831. Hon Joseph P. Smith, Secy of the American Bureau of Republics was her grandson.

3. Margaret Finley married John Chipps & died young. She left a son John Chipps who died before his manhood & is buried in the West Union cem.

4. James Finley mar a Rothwell. he died young & left several children. His wife contracted a second marriage with Samuel Clark & formerly a well known farmer south of West Union on the old Manchester Road

5. John Finley, another son, married down south. No further account of him is known

a daughter of Mr James Finley, Mrs John Kincaid resides at Hamersville, in Brown Co & another daughter resides at Dayton, O.

Major Finley is described in an edition of the "Ohio Statesman" of May 28, 1838 as one of the truest of patriots & best of men.

on pages 330 et seq is a list of Revolutionary soldiers taken from the state library & pension rolls. The ages are either at the death of the soldier where death is mentioned or where it is not mentioned, the age is given as in the year 1835. The date following the age, where there is a date given, is the date the soldiers were placed on the pension rolls.

V14 Page 398

Finley, J.L., Major Pennsylvania Continental 73 (Think should be 82)

Jack, Thomas, Sergeant, Pennsylvania, Continental 85 died Aug 8, 1831

Thompson, John, Private, Pennsylvania militia Sept 21, 1833

of this list, Major Joseph Finley was a separate sketch herein. He & John Killin another Rev soldier are the only ones known to be buried in the old West Union cem. Pensions were obtained through Wesley Lee.

page 370

At a Fourth of July 1825 celebration at West Union, O, Major Joseph L. Finley, a Revolutionary patriot acted as President & Col John Lodwick as Vice Prest. Among the toast were:

by D.P. Wilkins

Major J.L. Finley, Pres of the day, Among the last of the Rev Patriots.

by John Lodwick:

the brace Major Croghan & his companions in arms, 183, who defended Fort Stephenson against the British & Indian Army of 1200 men, commanded by Gen Proctor & Col Elliott

By John Patterson

The citizens of the U.S. "Behold how good & how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity"

page 377

Churches of Tiffin Tp

M.E. Church, the nucleus of this congregation was formed at the residence of Peter Shultz in 1807. It was at the house of Peter Shultz that Rev James B. Finley who had been known as the "New Market Devil" attempted to preach one of his first sermons

V14 Page 399

on pages 53 to 57 are 3 1/2 pages copied from Rev James B. Finley's (a pioneer of Adams Co) "Life in the Backwoods"

on page 65, Rev James B. Finley says that while Gen Wayne was treating with the Indians at Greenville in 1795, a company of 40 persons met at Manchester, O at the Three Islands with the intention of exploring the Scioto country. There is a long account of this expedition who wrote the first account of it & the battles growing out of it & it says his father was one of the party of explorers.

Page 251

Genl Joseph Darlinton

was born July 19, 1765, 4 miles from Winchester, VA an interesting article. It says in his travels he met Miss Sarah Wilson of Romney, WVA an heiress owning lands & slaves & the heiress of the two counties of Frederick & Hampshire & won her over. Albert Gallatin also a suitor, he being the better looking of the two & on Mch 18, 1790, he married her at Romney, WVA, where they lived until the close of 1790 when they moved to a farm which she owned in Fayette Co, Pa (I wonder if she is of our Geo Wilson of George's Creek, Springhill & Nicholson Tps) Here his oldest son, John Meredith (his father's name was Meredith) was born Dec 14, 1791 & his 2d son, Geo Wilson was born also in Fayette Co, Pa Nov 18, 1793. The same year he & his wife united with the Pres Ch. He also became a Co com of Fayette Co, Pa & came down the Ohio River on a "Broadhorn" & landed at Limestone, Ky (Maysville,) Nov 14, 1794. etc.

V14 Page 400

Page 755

Robert Arthur Glasgow of Cherry For, was born on the farm now owned by his brother J.G. Glasgow near Seaman, O May 28, 1861. He is a son of Robert A. Glasgow & Jane Smiley, both natives of Adams Co, O. he was reared on a farm & was married by Rev John S. Martin of the U.P. Church at Cherry Fork, O Oct 6, 1881 to Miss Lurissa Jane Caskey, who has borne him five children, four daughters & one son. They are members of the U.P. Ch at cherry Fork. He owns a fine farm & is one of the most intelligent farmer of Wayne Tp. His wife is a most estimable woman & is a descendant of one of the counties pioneer families.

Pages 666 & 667

The Grimes Family came from Northumberland Co, Pa to the mouth of Brush Creek in Adams Co, O between 1795 & 1797. The family was the mother Elizabeth Grimes 7 children as follows:

Nobel, Thomas, Richard, Hannah, Barbara, Mary & Effa.

1. Nobel did not marry

2. Barbara married Genl David Bradford about 1790

3. Mary married Moses Smith of Ky as her 2d husband. Her daughter Sarah married Gov Thomas Kirker & her [Mary Grimes Smith's] daughter Mary married John Briggs.

4. Effa Grimes married John Crawford, a brother of Col. Wm Crawford Nov 30, 1797. This is the same Wm Crawford who was burned by the Indians at Tymochtee. John Crawford had four sons & two daughters.

I turned to the Grimes family to find something

V14 Page 401

about great Uncle Hugh Thompson, who married a Grimes, & find the above. Examine the records at West Union & see if he made any deed & if his wife was Hannah. Also look up what I learned about this from Mary Jane Logan in Sept 1894.

Page 195. I see here that Genl Darlinton was clerk of the court of Adams Co from 1803 until his death Aug 3, 1851.

Page 336

Thomas Jack enlisted Mch 1, 1776 for ten months & was Sergeant in Capt Wm Butler's Co of Col Arthur St Clair's Reg from Penna. He enlisted again in Jany 1777 for four months & was sergeant in Capt Thomas Butler's Co under Col Thos Craig from Penna. He was engaged in the battles of Short Hills, Brandywine, Germantown, & Monmouth. he was born in 1749 in Westmoreland Co, Pa. After his Col became a general, his regiment was commanded by Col Joseph Wood. He served under Generals Henry Knox & David Morgan. he was married to Jane Kincaid June 7, 1787 & he died Aug 9, 1831. He was a pensioner of the War of the Revolution under the Act of Mch 18, 1818 & his also received a pension.

Page 285

Gen Wm Kendall An interesting two page article. he was son of our Jeremiah Kendall Senr. Facing page 50 is fine picture of Genl Nathaniel Massie, founder of Manchester in 1790, the third settlement in Ohio, followed by 3 pages on Manchester

V14 Page 402

page 141

Commissioners of Adams Co, Ohio

James Finley, appointed to fill vacancy of James Parker June 1, 1818 eight clerk of Board.

John Lodwick, Dec 1, 1823

Thomas Kincaid, Oct 1827

William Kirker, Oct 1823

Page 570. note article on Rev Greenberry R. Jones, a native of Fayette Co, Pa converted at the preaching of Rev Robert Wooster, near Uniontown, Pa & who mar Rebecca, daughter of Zachariah Connell

Page 808

Refers to Major Samuel McCullough's leap into Wheeling Creek in 1771 when escaping from the Indians at Wheeling & also speaks of Archibald McCullough marrying in 1841 Sarah Elliott, dau of Robert Elliott & wife Sallie McIntyre.

Page 809

Samuel A. McLanahan whose great grandfather, John McClanahan came from Tyrone Co, Ireland in 1785 to James River, VA & from there to Lexington, Ky & being opposed to slavery, came over to Adams Co, O & by his second wife Elizabeth Thompson had four children, William, Martha, Rebecca & Margaret

Page 433

A Pioneer Family

Hosea Moore whose name is frequently mentioned in the early history of Adams Co, had a sister Ruhama Moore, the wife of James Kendall of Winchester Tp who was the mother of 24 children, 18 of whom were yet living in 1879.

V14 Page 403

Page 382

The oldest house in Ohio is on the location of a wonderful view commanding the river both ways & about four miles above Manchester, O. The house is a one story frame, with two chimneys still perfect & was built about 1797 by Nathaniel Massie who took up the land running north for five miles including Gift Ridge.

Page 482

Reminiscences of West Union. Look up history at home & read.

Page 51.

Massie's Settlement of Manchester. Note Agreement of Dec 1, 1790 in which Nathaniel Massie is the first signer as party of the first part & an Allen Simmeral is one of the parties of the second part. Read this article.

Page 459


Tranquility U.P. Church was organized in 1807 with Robert Glasgow, Joseph Glasgow & their families & others as members.

At the bottom of this page, reference is made to the old Silcott homestead near the village of Seaman, where Craven Edward Silcott was born & reared. There is an episode about him questionable, which I don't have time to read.

V14 Page 404

Page 198

On the Bar & Judiciary of Adams Co mentions parties in attendance at June Court 1847 & says James H. Thompson was then (1900) the only one living at a great age. See what can learn about him.

Pages 324 & 299

Judge Albert C. Thompson. About a two page article. he was elected to congress twice or oftener.

Page 220

Luther Thompson was born Dec 10, 1848 in Oliver Tp, only child of Archibald & Sarah Ann McKenzie) Thompson. He was reared in the County & was a lawyer. Gives a very creditable page article about him. On Jany 5, 1876, he married Miss Jennie Smith, daughter of the Hon John M. Smith (see page 354). They had six children but only two survive - Charles L. born Oct 22, 1877 & Matilda, born Apr 1, 1883. The first is one day & the last one year different from what I have on page 354.

Now 5:30 PM & I must go to dinner

Now 6:20 PM & back at work.

V14 Page 405

Page 175

Judge John Thompson was the presiding common pleas judge of Adams Co, O from Apr 9, 1810 to Mch 29, 1824. he was a resident of Chillicothe, O. He located there in 1806 from Chambersburg, Pa. He was elected Judge in 1810, re-elected in 1817 & served until 1824. His circuit was composed of Franklin, Madison, Fayette, Highland, Athens, Scioto, Gallia & Ross Cos. He was a member & Elder in the Presbyterian Church & was a total abstainer from alcoholic drinks. he was an acute lawyer, but narrow-minded, firm to stubbornness, of considerable reading & much readiness in the application of learning & much influenced by his likes & dislikes. In 1812, he was impeached by the House & tried by the Senate, but was acquitted & re-elected. Henry Baldwin & Wyllis Silliman were attorneys for the State & Lewis Cass, John McLean & Samuel Herrick for the defense. In 1821 & 1823, bilious fever prevailed in Chillicothe & many cases were fatal. Judge Thompson had a large family & became quite fearful of the disease attacking them. Many thought it was yellow fever. He took up the theory that ammonia destroyed the germs of this fever & seriously proposed moving his whole family into a tavern stable, among the horses during the sickly season. Mrs T. objected so strenuously that they compromised by remaining in the mansion, but were required to spend an hour each morning on the manure pile, inhaling the fumes from it. Soon after retiring from

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the bench, he moved to Louisiana where he purchased a plantation & some negroes. There he died in 1833, near Fort Adams, just over the line in Mississippi.

7 PM, leaving to go to Lucasville, O

9:3t PM, back from Lucasville, O

Page 874

Harvey James Thompson pharmacist of West Union, was born on Island Creek, Adams Co, O Jany 10, 1871. His father was John Thompson & his mother Dorcas Jane Vance. he was left an orphan when 9 yrs old, but his mother tenderly cared for him. He taught in the public schools fr 1891 to 1893. On Feby 19, 1895, he married Eva Prather & have a daughter, Anna Thelma.

Mrs Frame said tonight at Lucasville, that her brother-in-law, Luther Thompson was related to the Island Creek Thompsons

Also same page

William T. Thoroman of Wheat, was born on Wheat Ridge Feby 15, 1844, son of John Thoroman & his wife Rosanna Hamilton. He was brought up on his father's farm. He enlisted as a private in Co G. 182d O.V.I. & was mustered into service at Cin., O Sept 28, 1864 & honorably discharged at Nashville July 7, 1865. He took part in the battle of Nashville, Dec 15-16, 1864

He married Feby 29, 1872, Harriet C. Elliott, daughter of John Elliott, who had married Mary Collier, a daughter of Col Daniel

V14 Page 407

Collier. His children are: Ola C., Lloyd A., & Laura B. decd. He is a Republican & was census enumerator for Oliver Tp in 1890. He is a member of the M.E. Church at Dunkinsville.

The Thoromans came originally from Delaware. There were two brothers, Thomas & Samuel who married sisters. Thomas married Hester Crawford & Samuel her sister Anna in the State of Penna. From there they came to Ohio.

Also same page

J. Wesley Thoroman Decd son of Oliver Thoroman, was born Mch 21, 1828 on the old homestead farm one mile north of Dunkinsville, O. He was a farmer.

Mch 3, 1853, he married Almira Mason, a daughter of Squire Saml S. Mason of Tiffin Tp & had children viz:

Lyman O.

Theodore M.

Sallie J.

Wesley H.


& I.J.

the fourth son now residing on the old home farm. He died Nov 28, 1890. He is a Jeffersonian Democrat.

Page 268

Hon Thomas McCauslen of Scotch Irish descent, born in Jefferson Co, O Mch 16, 1819, eldest son of Hon Wm McCauslen, a congressman fr Ohio,

V14 Page 408

He read law with Edwin M. Stanton, practiced in West Union, O where he married Feby 19, 1851, Mary Jane Sparks, daughter of John Sparks the banker at West Union & niece of David Sinton. His photo, handsome, long gray whiskered man faces page 268. He moved back to Steubenville, O where he died Feby 10, 1896, leaving four sons & four daughters. It is his son Chas E. I think who married my relative there.

Page 920

Justices of the Peace of Tiffin Tp

James Finley, qualified June 30, 1815

Luther Thompson, qualified Apr 10, 1874, two terms

Census of 1900

Population of Adams Co, O 26,328

Population of village of Manchester, O 2,003

11 PM. Have finished notations from the many Index references made.

I went out to Mrs Moulton's at Lucasville on the 7:20 bus to see her sister, Mrs Frame who is there from West Union on a visit & came back on the 8:42 PM bus which I was just in time to catch. I note the interview below:

V14 Page 409

At residence of Mrs Mary C. Moulton, Lucasville, O Oct 7, 1925 8 PM

I came out here to see Mrs Moulton's youngest sister, Mrs Sarah L. Frame of West Union, O who is here on a visit & being youngest & longer at home with their mother heard more about her early Finley relatives. She says so far as she knows, her Aunt Mary Dresbach at Paris, Ills, is still living. She does not know where her great grandfather, Maj. James Finley lived before coming to Adams Co in 1815. Says his wife is buried in the cem at West Union, but does not have a marker & that their son, James Finley was on the building committee for erection of the church, a stone one where they worshipped, which is still standing & well preserved. Also says he had but three children, daughters, as follows:

1. Margaret Finley, who married Samuel Kincaid (not John as stated in Adams Co Hist). Stewart Kincaid lives at Hillboro, O where he is an undertaker. He is a son or grandson of Margaret. See him for record of Margaret's family.

2. Caroline Finley married Noah Maddox who by trade was a cooper. She had a son Joe & has a daughter who is married, but don't know to whom & lives in Cincinnati, O.

V14 Page 410

Her oldest son William Maddox lives on a farm near Peebles, O is married, but has no children, but took two of his sisters, Mrs Thomas' children & raised them.

Margaret Maddox married Joseph Thomas, son of Capt David Thomas. She said her brother-in-law. Luther Thompson, was a relative of the Thompsons on Island Creek near Manchester.

Says too that some of the Maddox live in Ripley, O in Brown Co on the River.

3. Jane Finley married, but don't recall who she married. She is dead. it was not at Dayton where she lived, but at Columbus, O. Ask Stewart Kincaid. James Finley's widow mar James Clark of Adams Co & her daughter Barbara Clark married Alex Levi. She is dead, but he has remarried & lives in West Union, O. Her daughter, Mary Levi, married Kilby Edgington

& both are living in West Union opposite the old stone Pres church. She can no doubt give name & address of Jane Finley, the older half sister of her mother Jane, however is dead, & Mrs Frame didn't know whether she had any children. She said that Maj James L. Finley, his son James Finley & his grandson Joseph Peter Patterson are

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all buried in the cem at West Union & have markers.

Says to see Mrs Margaret Mathews, widow, daughter of John H. Kincaid who lives right in West Union with an unmarried daughter & also Mrs Eva O'Brien, who is a daughter of Quincy Kincaid who lives in West Union also. Mrs Moulton said there used to be a Lizzie Jack at West Union who became the second wife of Chas Stephenson, but she died about 85 yrs ago, see if she left any children or has a marker. She says she don't know about John Blair Finley, but recalls that her mother told her that one of Major Jos L. Finley's sons had the epilepsy & never married & thinks it would have to be John B. as there were but two sons.

Mrs Frame gave me the record partial, of her two youngest children, which I entered in the table on page 355. I didn't have time to ask for further record of her two oldest children. See her & complete when at West Union. She says she will go home next Monday. She says Mrs Dr T.C. Crawford, living here in Portsmouth, O at 1311 Ninth St is very much interested in the Crawford Hist & says to see her. Mrs Frame said her son married a Crawford. Their telephone is 1405.

Left at 8:40 PM

V14 Page 412

Portsmouth, O Washington Hotel Oct 8, 1925 Room 116 9:40 AM

In a "History of Scioto Co, Ohio, together with a Pioneer Record of Southern Ohio by Nelson W. Evans Am Portsmouth, O 1903" 1322 pages which I think I have in my French bookcase, I make note of the following after going through the index.

Page 201

Amaziah Ainsworth

was a Private in Col Wyman's Reg New Hampshire 1776, a private in Col Bellows Reg 1777, which went to re-enforce Gen Gates at Saratoga. he was the great grandfather of Hon Chandler J. Moulton of Lucasville, O.

Page 3

Augusta Co, VA

The name "Scioto" is a Shawnee Indian name & it is thought means "Falling water", but their language is now a dead one. The first heard of this country in any manuscript is in the 2d charter of Va issued by King James of England, "the wisest fool in Christendom" May 26, 1609. In that document, all the land along the Atlantic Coast north for 200 miles from Old Point Comfort & from same point south 200 miles & hence west & north west from sea to sea, Augusta Co, Va was created Nov 1, 1738 by the Genl Assembly of the Colony of Va & was named for the Princess Augusta, wife of Frederick, Prince of Wales, son of King George II

V14 Page 413

& father of George III. Frederick County was created same year.

Page 906

Daniel Thompson Blackburn merchant of Rarden, O was born at Pine Grove Furnace, Lawrence Co, O May 19, 1854. His father, Thomas Blackburn, was the son of Edward Blackburn, a native of Ireland, who came to America in 1815 in search of his brother whose whereabouts had been lost sight of. While here, he married Elizabeth Thompson of Butler Co, Pa. The mother of our subject was Caroline (Scott) Blackburn, dau of James Cott of Butler Co, Pa & was of Scotch descent. His parents moved to Mt Joy in 1854. Commenced teaching at 18 & taught 17 yrs. he is in general merchandise business at Rarden, O as D.T. Blackburn & son. When only 10 yrs of age, he offered to volunteer in 82d O.V.I. but was not accepted on acct of age. His father was a member of Co H. 176th O.V.I. & served from Sept 2, 1864 to June 14, 1865. He mar Mch 7, 1878 Keziah Unger, dau of Jacob & Sarah Unger of Pike Co, O. They have 7 children, 2 of whom died in infancy, one aged 12 & one 13. Their names in order are, Wm H. decd, Randall C., Daisy P. decd, Ocie M. Quinton V. decd, Lula M. decd & Sarah C.

Page 666, photo facing

Rev Erastus Burr born Bridgeport, Conn Apr 15, 1805, died in Portsmouth? O Dec 19, 1891. Does not give his parentage. The article on him is a perfect tribute, worthy of all emulation. On page 1222 is his extensive genealogy, but he does not come from Rev Aaron Burr.

V14 Page 414

Page 940

Frank Brown Mussey Corson was born Feby 5, 1855 in Portsmouth, O. His father was Dr Joseph Corson & his mother was Martha Hyde Cutler, dau of Jonathan Cutler, of Pike Co, O. His father was a Quaker & a member of Plymouth meeting at Montgomery. he is a vestryman in All Saints Church, a Mason & an Elk.

On Jany 31, 1877, he mar Mary Jane Hempstead Lodwick, dau of John K. Lodwick. He has had two sons, one of whom died in infancy & the other, Weston L. Corson is traveling for the Portsmouth Shoe Co.

It is he that John Peebles referred me to for Lodwick records & I must go see him.

On page 1224 is given the genealogy of the family saying they were French Huguenots spelled originally Corssen & the first ancestor to come to America who came in 1685 to Staten Island & the family drifted to Bucks Co, Pa. John K. Lodwick was son of James of Col John.

Page 1264

Major Joseph L. Finley

"Major Finley was pensioned under the law of 1818 & stricken from the rolls by the alarm act of 1820 because had some little property. This action was disgraceful to the country. he was restored abt 1823, on the application of numerous friends, the testimonials in favor of his restoration would make the angels weep. All the commissions he held for his Rev offices are on file among his papers in the pension office. He was one of the truest of patriots & the best of men, a model for all who should come after him."

V14 Page 415x

Pages 987 & 988

Erastus Gates was born July 28, 1829 in Portsmouth, O. His father was Wilson Gates & his mother Elizabeth Kinney.

On Mch 16, 1854, he married Mary Laura Thompson, dau of Washington Thompson of Ky. In 1855, he & Uncle Reuben Thompson kept a store, confectionary on Front St.

Page 957

Elmer Dover Secy to U.S. Senator M.A. Hanna was born Apr 14, 1873 at McConnelsville, O son of J.W. Dover & Frances (Winn) Dover. He became a newspaper man & was with the Republican National Committee during the campaigns of 1896 & 1900 & after the former campaign became Secy to Senator M.A. Hanna in which capacity he still serves. He mar Jany 25, 1898 Martha Steel Peebles, daughter of John Peebles. They have one child, Mary Elizabeth born Oct 5, 1899. See page 319 top. He is a Republican & a Presbyterian. He is very versatile & a natural born diplomat. He is the busiest of the busy. Her father gave me the records I got here of the Peebles.

Page 637

June 11, 1873, James Lodwick had a chair brought from New Hampshire by his father-in-law Hallam Hempstead in 1804 from New London.

Page 751

Aaron Kinney was born in Sunbury, Pa Oct 10, 1773. His father Peter Kinney was in the Revolutionary War

V14 Page 416

In 1797, he married Mary Clingman, dau of John Michael Clingman, who was born in 1746, a native of Germany, a man of substance & importance for his time. He had been a captain in the Rev War. His second child, Elizabeth, born Oct 2, 1800, married Wilson Gates. He came from Penna to Portsmouth, O in a four horse wagon in 1804. He bough land from his brother-in-law, Washington Clingman, who had preceded him here, built a cabin & started a tannery. His photo faces page 752. he had four children born in Penna, & four in Ohio when his ninth child, Eli Kinney was born Sept 17, 1813 & after him three more were born.

His wife died of the cholera Aug 21, 1849 & he died Apr 11, 1857. he was the first tanner in Portsmouth, O & was a Democrat.

Pages 756 & 757

Eli Kinney was born in Portsmouth, O Sept 17, 1813. He & his wife, Martha Scott Lodwick, were married at the residence of James Lodwick (her Elder half brother) the old Buckeye House on Front St. They went to housekeeping in the east side of the double brick in the rear of All Saints Chapel. He then had a salary of $400 a year & they thought they were rich. In 1849, he built the brick on S.W. corner of Court & 4th St & lived there until he moved to Cincinnati, O. He was a banker here & sold out & went to Cin, O & started a bank in which his son-in-law, Major Low became a partner in the firm of Kinney & Co which failed

V14 Page 417

in 1877, being caught with too much R.E. when the Jay Cooke panic came Sept 18, 1873 & his fortune of $500,000 was swept away. He died at his home at Neipot [best guess] Highland, Aug 22, 1884 of paralysis. His widow & four children survived him viz: Mrs Major Low, Mrs Darling, Fannie & Alice. He had two sons, one died of yellow fever in the south & one was killed by an accident on a ferryboat. His daughter, Alice, is the wife of Mr Dudley B. Hutchins of Portsmouth, O

Page 771

Captain Preston Lodwick

was born on 3 Mile Creek, 3 miles from Manchester, O in 1810. In 1824, he came to Portsmouth & went in his brother James store. He then went to Cincin, O in the dry goods trade & got into dealing in, building & running steamboats on the Ohio & Mississippi fr New Orleans to St Paul. He retired from the steamboat trade in 1874 & went into R.E. business in Cincin, O & accumulated a fortune. He died at his home in Sedansville, O Nov 16, 1887. Nothing said about a family. On Page 772, follows his brother.

John Newton Lodwick

born Oct 24, 1812 on the Col John Means farm in Adams Co, O now owned by A.V. Hudson

In 1840, he married Elizabeth A. Stephens of Wheeling & took up his home

at Hawesville, Ky. He had been on the river for 8 or 10 yrs & then was Capt of the "Pensacola" one fourth

V14 Page 418

of which he owned. He was blown up four times, sunk three times, & run over by a railroad train once. He was found dead in his yard "with his boots on" in March 1888. He joined the First Pres Ch & was a Democrat.

When his son, Blashford got up a volunteer Co to go to the Civil War, he spent $600 in equipping it.

Page 767

William Lodwick

This is the oldest son of Col John Lodwick & was by the first wife, born in the stockade at Manchester, O Jany 17, 1794

In 1828, he & his younger half brother Kennedy Lodwick had a general store & in 1830, Kennedy Lodwick had a store alone.

Pages 445 to 453

Personal Recollections of John G. Peebles.

I have not time now to read it. However, on page 450 in speaking of the marriage of his sister, Jane to Robert Wood on May 16, 1827, the next day there was an infair [sic] given to them at the house of Kennedy & Caroline Lodwick the latter a sister of the groom.

Page 802, John Peebles

Page 804, John Geddes Peebles, fine photo facing

Page 806, Joseph Scott Peebles

continuing to 808, gives very interesting Peebles history which I have not time now to read.

V14 Page 419

Facing Page 362 is a group picture of the seven daughters of Aaron Kinney all married.

Page 211

John Potter was Capt of the First Reg Essex NJ Rev War. His father Samuel Potter was Col of the same Reg. John Potter was the great grandfather of Judge D.W. Jones of Gallipolis, O.

Page 408

Describes a remarkable sycamore tree 21 feet in diameter & 60 ft in circum. in which on June 5, 1808, thirteen people on horseback rode in a cavity therein. It was on South Bank of Millars Run & on east side of N & W RR tracks.

Page 407


In 1821, a man named Robert Buckles got in a dispute with Doctor Finley at Rouse tavern. Buckles had been drinking & Finley being quick tempered struck him with a chair & followed up the blows until his head was crushed. Finley was charged with murder, arrested & gave bail, A.O. Johnson & others going on his bond. When released, he went to Texas leaving his bondsmen to settle the score.

Page 163 fine photo facing

Charles Julius Moulton

born Dec 26, 1839 at Randolph, Orange Co, VT

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son of Norman Moulton & his wife Mary Belknap. His grandfather, John Moulton was a Rev soldier, our subject came to Scioto Co in Mch 1848 via Erie Canal with his parents locating at Lucasville, where he ever after remained. Lists his children, saying that in Sept 1876, he married Maria Celia Smith dau of the late Judge John M. Smith of West Union, O. He was twice chairman of the Republican Co Exec Com & a member of Republican Co Central Com 6 or 8 yrs. He was elected to the Legislature in 1900, has been a successful merchant, of commanding influence, takes everything easy & does not worry. "Job could have taken lessons of him & improved his book".

Pages 195-197

Judge Albert C. Thompson over two pages. Have not time to read.

Page 1160

Miles Plummer Thompson was born on the place where he now resides near Young, O Aug 5, 1838. His father was J.T. Thompson & his mother's maiden name was Ellen Thompson. His grandfather was Thomas Thompson born in Penna, but located on Brush Creek. His grandmother Thompson's maiden name was Elizabeth Isaminger from Penna. He has always been a farmer, except when in the Civil War. He enlisted in Co H. 81st O.V.I. Aug 30, 1862 as a private for 3 yrs. Appointed Corporal July 1, 1864, sergeant May 1, 1865 & mustered out with

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the Co July 13, 1865. He was not wounded in any of the battles though in all of them. He was with his Reg in the Atlanta campaign & Sherman's march to the Sea. He married Catherine Jane McCann, dau of Isaac Rose McCann & has children:

Truman Evart, a farmer

Carey Marshall, a teacher



& Miles Homer who died at age of 5 yrs.

He is a member of Meth Epis Ch & has always been a Democrat.

Also on Page 1160

William Kennedy Thompson born at Brookville, Pa June 25, 1834, the eldest son of Judge J.Y. Thompson & Agnes his wife. The family was a large one. The brothers were beside himself: John J. & Robert M., both of New York, Hon A.C., Federal Judge of Cincin, O & the sisters: Mrs J.N. Garrison of NY & Mrs John L. McNeil of Denver, Col.

On Jany 4, 1857, he married Miss Catherine Jane Porterfield of Emlenton, Pa. In 1859, he came to Portsmouth, O where he resided the rest of his life. The article speaks in the highest terms of his good heartedness. Says he was a faster walker than any other man in Portsmouth. No one could over take him on foot. It was a proverb in Portsmouth "Don't follow Thompson & expect to overtake him". He was post master of Portsmouth fr May 5, 1886 to Feby 25, 1890, appointed of Cleveland. He was a member of the Pres Ch & a Trustee for many years.

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Page 844

Moses Thompson, photo facing was born in Penna Aug 18, 1784. He married Sarah Cole. She was born Feby 18, 1786 & died July 17, 1854. He was elected Justice of the Peace in Wayne Tp in 1848 & again elected in 1855. His children were:

Margaret, wife of William P. Gray

Jane, wife of Joseph Lodwick

Caroline, wife of Samuel Clark

Sarah A., wife of William McClain

Amanda, wife of James Pursell

John C. married Abigail Sophia Bostford in Wheeling. She was a native of Bridgeport, Conn. Mrs Henry Hall was his daughter.

Ellen married Murtaugh Kehoe. Julia T. married Wm Salisbury. He was a Whig & a member of the Methodist Church. he died Oct 7, 1861 & is buried in Greenlawn. His picture bears a striking resemblance to Cousin Andrew Jackson Thompson's early photo.

5:55 PM Oct 8, 1925.

Have just finished going over the index reference I made this morning from "Scioto Co" History & will go & get shaved, get my dinner & go over the work of yesterday & today & make slips so as to be ready to finish up here by commencing early in the morning to interview the parties yet to see.

Oct 8/25 11:44 PM all slips made to here JVT

11:44 PM have finished making slips & will now shock them up. [does he mean like shocking corn stalks?]

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At residence of John Franklin Finley, No 1139 18th St, Portsmouth, O Oct 9, 1925 9:33 AM

Mr Finley says his father was Alexander Fundenberg? Finley & he was son of Thomas Finley from about Johnstown, Pa. His, Thomas's, father was very wealthy & lived near Johnstown, Pa & he thinks in Cambria Co, Pa & that his name was Samuel, but of the name he isn't sure. Has heard his father speak too of Westmoreland Co. Never heard who was his immigrant ancestor. He said the old Finleys were wealthy & owned much land, along with the Suttons to whom they were related. His grandfather, Thomas, had a brother James Finley, who lived in that neighborhood & had a family. There was also another brother. Thomas fell in love with a poor but beautiful girl named Margaret Walker, living in the neighborhood & his father said if he married her, he would disinherit him. He, however married her & his father gave him $20,000. He went bail, along with another man for a man who had killed a man, the bond being $20,000. The man skipped out & he had to pay $10,000. His wife, who was full of Irish wit has tried to keep him from going on the bond. He then sold his farm & left for Leavenworth, Ks abt 1855 as his son Alexander was then 6 yrs old. He remained in Kansas but

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one year & coming back, settled in Gallia Co, O near Gallipolis, O. He died there about 10 miles south of Gallipolis, O where he was a farmer, but a renter. He gave each of his boys a fine horse & gave his money to his widow. Probably made a will. Thinks he died about 1869. His widow remarried to John Ginder, who drew a big pension from a son who was killed in the Civil War. She died abt 1902 where she lived with her son, Samuel Finley near Milton, WVA (Logan Co?) 3 miles from Milton. Thinks she was 84, but don't remember his grandfather's age. His children were:

1. John Finley, was 16 when they went to Kansas

2. Lizzie Finley

3. Samuel

4. Alexander

5. Thomas

6. Jennie, the youngest

He thinks his Uncle Sam would have gotten his parents bible as his mother died at his home. However, Lizzie may have gotten it.

1. John Finley (see Bk 16 p 127) married Caroline Danforth & lived within a mile of where his father died in Gallia Co. He died May 19th in 1898, owning a 210 A farm on which were 1000 trees each of apples, peaches & many quince trees.

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His children were:

1. Cora, mar William Tilton, a farmer near Steubenville, O where he owns a farm.

2. Lizzie, mar Sidney Root, who is dead. She lives on the banks of the Ohio, a few miles above Gallipolis, O.

3. Belle, mar Lawson Chevalier & live 4 miles this side of Gallipolis, O where they own a small farm.

4. Eva, mar Edward Burnette, now dead & she lives in Columbus, O. Had one child with whom she lives. Thinks his name is Roy & he is not married. He is a street car motorman. Went there 15 or 20 yrs ago.

5. John, mar & lives 10 miles from Gallipolis & owns couple farms. mar Birdie Thomas. Has 4 children, 3 girls & a boy

6. George, mar & lives in same neighborhood where he owns a fine 80 A farm. Have but one child, a daughter.

7. Edward, youngest, mar Ella Gilmore, who went to school to my informant. he lives on his father's home farm which he got 81 or 91 acres. Has one child, a girl

2. Lizzie, mar Rev Andrew Gregg, a Meth Epis preacher who died in Indianapolis, Ind where his widow now lives, past 80 yrs old. She lives by herself. She had 3 children, George, 2d boy, & Bell, the youngest, who died aged 20, unmarried. George is a bachelor & made a fortune in Alaska. The oldest boy, Thomas is also single & lives with his mother. Is a carpenter. She might have the old bible as she is great to give family records.

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3. Samuel mar a Miss Porter. He died near Milton, WVA (thinks Logan Co) & had six children & his widow was living 5 yrs ago. Children were: Samuel, Benjamin & others. He raised tobacco & used to come over to help my informant's father cut wheat.

4. Alexander F. Finley born in Penna in Abt 1849 thinks in Cambria Co (or Westnd) & died in Gallia Co abt a mile or two from his brother John on Sept 29, 1920 & is buried at Clay Chapel near, but no markers yet. He married Margaret Denny who died 9 yrs before he did. She was daughter of Samuel Denny & his wife Polly_____. His bible record was burned. Had children:

1. Sallie died unmarried aged 36. Had rheumatism & never able to walk after she was 11 yrs old

2. Lizzie, unmarried. Lives in Gallipolis with a wealthy farmer neighbor, who moved in town. Amos Clark.

3. John Franklin Finley born in Springfield Tp, Gallia Co, O Mch 15, 1878 & mar Feby 18, 1906 in Portsmouth, O to Minerva Smith, born in Scioto, Co Porter Tp, Apr 29, 1880, daughter of Oscar Hollister Smith & his wife Sarah Folsom & live here, where he is now working at the steel mill, but is going back to the farm. Have four children:

I. Ellis Joy Finley born Jany 7, 1907

II. Merrill Davis Finley, born Jany 6, 1908

III. Howard Hugo Finley, born July 30, 1910

IV. Clara Jeannette Finley, born Mch 18, 1915

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5. Thomas Finley, mar 1. Emma Kalb who is dead. Mar 2d Rose_____. Had children by first wife viz: Wesley, Grace, Venie, & others. Had four children by 2d wife, a set of twins. They live near Glenwood, Mason Co, WVA on a farm abt 3 miles back from the river on "Sixteen Creek". Says write to Ashton, WVA & ask them to forward. he probably has the old bible & can tell more about the family. Ask address of his sister Lizzie Gregg.

6. Jennie mar George King & lives near Vinton, Gallia Co, O abt 15 miles from Gallipolis N.W. where he is a farmer owning about 80 A. Have one child, Oscar who is married & has 2 children & is a farmer.

My informant taught county schools for 15 years

Leaving 10:55 AM

Mr F. says his oldest boy is very proficient in old history. Speaking of Gettysburgh, he said Genl Meade wanted to pursue Lee, but the other Generals advised against it, saying if unsuccessful, Lee might come back & take New York. He said that Lee only had one round of ammunition left & could not reach & cross the Potomac for 36 hours, & had Meade followed, they no doubt would have caught & captured Lee & his army. He is working night shifts now at the Whittaker Glessner or Wheeling Steel Co plant here.

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Portsmouth, O., Washington Hotel, Room 116 Oct 9, 1925 12:05 PM

I just phoned Dr T.C. Crawford No 1311 Ninth St Tel 1405 & he says it is not his wife, but his daughter, who is interested in the Crawford family history, but she is now in Minneapolis, Minn. He said however that he was not descended from John Crawford, the brother of Genl Wm Crawford. he said they had their line back two generations in Ireland.

Rang off 12:12 PM

V14 Page 429

At residence of James William Bannon, no 1305 Robinson Ave ("Bannon Place") Portsmouth, O Oct 9, 1925 4:15 PM

Mrs Bannon was Clara Mae Pursell, a daughter of Wm McClain Pursell, who was a son of James Pursell & his wife Amanda Thompson, she being the daughter of Moses Thompson 1784-1861. She has the family bible of her grandparents which was printed in 1842 at Hartford by Wm Andrus. She also has a note size sheet of paper in the handwriting she is sure of her grandmother, giving on first, second & third pages respectively the record of births, Marriages, & deaths from the bible of her father, Moses Thompson who was born in Penna Aug 18, 1784 & his wife Sarah Cowles who was born Feby 18, 1786, she says in Dover, Del. She can give nothing earlier about the Thompsons but feels sure that her Aunt, Mrs Anna Eliza Pursell, living at No 35 (Apt no) Haddon Hall, Avondale, Cincinnati, O can. I am copying the records first that were written by Amanda Pursell & then taking the records in her & her husband's bible.

V14 Page 430

Moses W. Thompson was born Aug 18, 1784

Sarah Thompson was born Feby 18, 1786

Their children:

1. Margaret Thompson was born Mch 5, 1806

2. John C. Thompson was born Aug 22, 1807

3. Jane C. Thompson was born Aug 24, 1809

4. Eliza Thompson was born Sept 14, 1811

5. Caroline Thompson was born Feby 22, 1813

6. Sarah Ann Thompson was born Feby 22, 1815

7. William Thompson was born [Apr 30, 1821, crossed out, no new date entered.]

8. Amanda Thompson was born Apr 30, 1821

9. Julia Thompson was born Mch 27, 1824

Milton Gray was born Dec 17, 1825


William P. Gray & Margaret Thompson Feby 5, 1824

Murtaugh Kehoe & Eliza Thompson Apr 29, 1829

John Thompson & Sophia A. Batsford Dec 19, 1830

Samuel Clark & Caroline Thompson 1831

William McClain & Sarah Thompson Oct 26, 1831

Joseph F. Lodwick & Jane C. Thompson Nov 8, 1831

James Pursell & Amanda Thompson Mch 16, 1843

William Salsbury & Julia Thompson Jany 1848


Sarah Thompson died June 17, 1854

Moses Thompson died Oct 7, 1861

Margaret Gray died July 20, 1834

Caroline Clark died June 1, 1833

William Thompson died [no date]

John Thompson died July 8, 1848

Julia Salisbury [sic] died Mch 3, 1876

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Samuel Clark died [no date]

William Salsbury died Aug 6, 1854

William McClain died Sept 10, 1867

Murtaugh Kehoe died Nov 25, 1874

James Pursell died Mch 22, 1856

A. Sophia Thompson died May

Bible Record


James Pursell & Amanda Thompson were married in Portsmouth, O by Rev Cyrus Brooks Mch 16, 1843 Births

James Pursell was born at Burslem, Staffordshire, England Mch 11, 1817

Amanda Thompson was born in Wheeling VA Apr 30, 1821

Their children all born in Portsmouth, O

1. Charles Thompson Pursell May 5, 1845

2. Julia Pursell, July 23, 1847

3. William McClain Pursell, Nov 6, 1849

4. Henry Potter Pursell, Apr 12, 1856

5. Ann Eliza Pursell, Jany 6, 1853

6. Morris Hallowell Pursell, Oct 8, 1854


James Pursell died in Portsmouth, O Mch 22, 1856

Mrs Sarah Thompson (mother of Amanda Pursell) died June 17, 1854 in her 69th year.

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Moses Thompson died Oct 7, 1861 in Portsmouth, O


Miss Sarah Coles wife of Moses Thompson was born in Dover, Delaware Feby 18, 1786.

Moses Thompson was born in Penna on Aug 18, 1784

Mrs Bannon is giving the record of her father, William McClain Pursell. He married Clara Mae Morris Oct 7, 1872 by Rev John Franklin, Episcopalian. She was born Nov 26, 1850 at Oxford, NY dau of John Morris & his wife Susan Tracy. She died Jany 26, 1916 & Wm McC Pursell died Nov 3, 1911. Both buried in Greenlawn Cem here. They had eight children all born in Portsmouth, O viz:

1. Earl Tracy Pursell, born Apr 19, 1874

2. Susan Pursell born Oct 3, 1876

3. Charles Morris Pursell born Dec 22, 1879

4. Clara Mae Pursell born Jany 21, 1882

5. Henry Tracy Pursell born Apr 19, 1884

6. William Oscar Pursell born Mch 18, 1886

7. Persis Pursell born Nov 7, 1888

8. Marjorie Pursell, born Nov 23, 1891

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Charles T. Pursell & Elizabeth Jones May 18, 1866 by Revs See & Crook.

Charles T. Purcell [sic] & Ella C. Braden Oct 3, 1871 by Rev See, by whom were two children viz:

James Jones Pursell born Jany 15, 1868

Walter Braden Pursell born July 10, 1872

Julia Pursell & Oscar T. Rupel married Nov 16, 1876 by Rev J.C. Jackson. No children.

Henry P. Purcell [sic] married Mary Dunham. He is dead, but she is living in Portsmouth, O. No children.

Morris H. Purcell married Nellie Ohmer of Dayton, O. He is dead & she is living. Had two children, viz:

Harry Ohmer now married & living at Canton, O

Julia, married to John McManns & both living at Petoskey, Mich & her mother is probably with her.


Susan Pursell died Dec 25, 1916, unm

Charles Morris Pursell died 1898, unm

Henry Tracy Pursell died abt 1906, unm

William Oscar Pursell died 1892, unm

On a small sheet of paper is written:

V14 Page 434

Joseph Lodwick, born Dec

Jane Lodwick, born Aug 24, 1809

Murtaugh Kehoe born Dec 9, 1798

Eliza Kehoe, born Sept 14, 1811

William McClain born Dec 25, 1810 & died Sept 10, 1867

Sallie McClain born Feby 22, 1815

Caroline Clark born Feby 22, 1813

Joseph & Jane married Nov 8, 1831

Murtaugh & Eliza married Apr 29, 1829

William & Sallie married Oct 26, 1831

William Salisbury died Aug 6, 1854

Elizabeth Pursell died Feby 22, 1869 (Chas T's first wife)

Ella B. Pursell died Apr 20, 1873 (Chas T's second wife)

Murtaugh Kehoe died Nov 25, 1874

A printed announcement of the death of Moses Thompson on Monday evening at 5 PM Oct 7, 1861 says he will be buried from Mrs Amanda Pursell's on 4th St between Washington & Chillicothe at 2 PM on 8th.

Friends acquaintances & Masonic Fraternity are invited to attend.

The children of my hosts are:

2. James William Bannon was born here Sept 12, 1910

1. Persis Bannon, their daughter was born Aug 28, 1907

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3. Barney Dervin Bannon born May 16, 1916

Persis is at Wellesley at school & James William Jr is at Andover, Mass.

Mr Bannon is engaged in the manufacture of boys & mens shoes, the firm being the Excelsior Shoe Co & sells to Wright Metzler & Co & Campbell Hathaway Co at Uniontown, Pa. Make high grade boys shoes & furnish shoes to B. Altman & Co, R.H. Macy Co, John Wanamaker, Strawbridge & Clothier & others.

Mr Bannon gave me his record as follows:

James William Bannon was born on this lot ("Bannon Place") on Jany 13, 1879 son of James William Bannon & his wife Mary Elizabeth Smith.

He married Sept 18, 1906 Clara Mae Pursell (see above)

When I was in to see Frank W. Moulton this afternoon, he gave me date of his wife's birth & name of her mother which I enter in table on page 356 & he very kindly offered to hunt up anything he could for me if I would write him. I read to him the names of the children of Moses Thompson, as I had gotten them yesterday from the Scioto Co Hist & who they married,

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& he said to go see Earl T. Pursell at the Tracey Shoe Co on Second St, so I went there No 630 & 632 Second St at 3:33 PM

He says his name is Earl Tracy Pursell & that his father's sister, Mrs Ann Eliza Pursell (she had married & divorced Dr Ricketts & took her maiden name) lives in an apartment at Avondale a suburb of Cincinnati, O by herself & is over 70 & will be best able to give the family history of the family. She is a daughter of Amanda Purcell who was one of the daughters of Moses Thompson. He said his sister, Mae Bannon has given some attention to same & has the family bible of her grandparents & he proposed driving me to her home in his auto, which he died & a fine home it is, in a superb location, on an elevation with spacious grounds around it. She & her husband have given me the records from 429 to here & kindly asked me to stay with them for supper, which I did & a fine one it was, everything good. Their son, Barney was at table. He has gone to a near relative's for the night & they are upstairs dressing for a dance & proposed taking me to the hotel when they go at 8:30 PM, so I am through at 8:10 PM

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Mr Bannon says his father bought this place 55 yrs ago 17 Acres before there was any town out this way & built the home & others of the family have built on it. They have 6 acres yet. His father was born in this country of Irish parents shortly after they came here. His grandfather was an O'Bannon of a lower social & poorer plane than his grandmother & by reason thereof, could not marry there, so came here. His father hustled for himself from 12 yrs on, dropped the O, educated himself, studied law & became a judge, After he had prospered he went over to Ireland to see his father's native place of Blessington, near Dublin. At Dublin, he met a Bishop Bannon to whom he said he was going to Blessington. The Bishop said "Judge you have prospered & are satisfied aren't you, so I wouldn't go to Blessington". The judge however went & looked the place over, but didn't divulge who he was to the poor O'Bannons there.

Both Earl T. & his sister, Mrs Bannon told me of their grandmother Amanda & said she was a very striking character in the town & intensely patriotic. When the war broke out, her husband had died & her children were small so she concluded she must

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send a man to fight for her, so she had her lawyer arrange it so she wouldn't know who was sent, nor be told what happened to him & paid $800 & sent a substitute. Mr B. is a golf enthusiast, so I asked him when motoring to Mass to see there children there in school to stop over night with us & play a game of gold with Thos B. Semans & he said he wd be glad to do so. She gave me just before leaving her brother Earl's skeleton record as follows:

Earl Tracy Pursell, married Dec 9, 1902 Bertha Reed, daughter of Joseph G Reed & his wife Anne Newman who was born June 27, 1876 in Portsmouth, O & have three children born here in Portsmouth, O, viz:

1, William McClain Pursell, born Sept 11, 1903

2. Joanne Reed Pursell, born Mch 5, 1905

3. Edward Reed Pursell, born Jany 23, 1909

Write him for dates.

Earl Tracy Pursell was born in Portsmouth, O Apr 19, 1874

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Masonic Temple, Chillicothe St, near fourth, Portsmouth, O Oct 9, 1925 2 PM

I came here to room 225 to see Mr F.B.M. Corson, a substantial clean shaven able man of my age whose wife deceased, was a daughter of John Kennedy Lodwick, who was a son of James Lodwick, who was a son of col John Lodwick by his first wife. Asking him about the Finley descendants, children of John Lodwick by his second wife, he told me as follows:

1. Kennedy Lodwick, don't know about him.

2. Joseph Lodwick, don't know about him.

3. Michael Lodwick, don't know about him.

4. Lyle Lodwick, died here & left, he thinks, a daughter, Kate, who never married. Don't think any of his children married & all are dead. Says he married a daughter of Moses Thompson. From preceding records, I see it was Joseph who married a Thompson & not Lyle.

5. Preston Lodwick lived in Cincinnati, O, thinks he had one child, a son.

6. John N. Lodwick left a son Blashford & a daughter Ida who married Tom Brown, who he thinks is living in California. Her daughter visited Charles Hall here recently but he is away at Pgh or Wash D.C. at the ballgame today, but he phoned

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Mrs Hall to find where I could reach Mrs Brown, who lives around among her children & got report that she could be reached at No 818 South Rimpaugh St, Los Angeles, Calif, care of Mrs A.C. Jamison (who is her daughter.)

Mrs Brown is up in the '80s & can tell about all of the Lodwicks. Write her.

7. Jane Lodwick McCabe had a daughter Mrs Rogers, but don't know where she is.

8. Mrs Eli Kinney. He said that Fannie Kinney died a number of years ago, unmarried. He thinks Mrs Hutchens is in Calif with a daughter, but is now probably abroad on a trip, but would be home next month. Mrs Thomas Brown was Ida Lodwick.

Leaving 2:22 PM

I then walked up to the next block opposite the post office to citizens Sav & Loan Co & they told me their president a heavy set smooth shaven, white haired man, was over at a board meeting at the Central Natl Bank just back of the P.O., so I walked over there & found him, a substantial business man of 70 or more. he was not able to give the address of the widow

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of his brother Dudley B. Hutchens but said to phone his wife at No 238 & she could give it. Mrs Hutchens was Alice Kinney, see page 417, so when I got back to the hotel from Mr & Mrs Bannons at 8:35 PM, I called Mrs Hutchens up & she said her sister-in-law, Mrs Dudley B. Hutchens (Alice) was now abroad, but wd be back about the first of next month & could be reached at West Lake Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif. She said she had three children all living in Calif & said her son was Wells A. Hutchens, whose address was Federal Building Berkeley, Calif.

After seeing Mr Wells A. Hutchens Sr, I took the street car & went out to the Peebles Paving Brick Co office & delivered to Mr John Peebles about 2:50 Am, the Hist of Scioto Co, he had loaned me & bade him goodbye. He said to write & give him my address & if he got additional data, he would send it to me. Coming back, I stopped at Tracy Shoe Co & met Earl T. Pursell who seems to be the head of the Co which he said was established 70 yrs ago by an Uncle of his mother. After returning to the hotel at 8:44 PM, I phoned Peter Kilgore 103 Harmon St, Tel 3304-X & he said

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his father was Isaac Kilgore, who came from Scott Co, Va, but he did not know the name of his grandfather Kilgore, saying his father died when he was young. Said, however, that his father had a brother, David Kilgore who lived in Scott Co, Va & I think he said died there. The line was very poor, so I rang off at 8:50 PM

I noticed this morning in the City Directory the name of:

Robert Carruthers 520 Bloom Ave Sciotoville, Scioto, Co, O. The clerk said it was 6 miles out. Did not have time to go, so will write him.

At 9 PM, I took the Adams Co History Hon Joseph P. Coates had loaned me to his home 903 Second St & the house was locked up & dark. When I came back to the hotel, I spoke to the clerk about it, & he said he had just been in so I told him if he came back to send him up to me room. Accordingly, he came up a little later & was here almost an hour until 10:40 PM. He spoke of there having been in Ohio's history just three extraordinary sessions of the legislature & that in the first, which was about the dispute with Michigan on the division line, his grandfather, John Patterson was prominent & in the second, his

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father, Gen Benj F? Coates was prominent & in the third, which was about the Cincinnati muddle, he was in the legislature & took a prominent part. It is now 4:20 Am 10th & as I am to be called at 5:30 to get breakfast & take 7:05 N&W train for Peebles, Adams Co, O, I will lie down for a little sleep.

Mr Coates said that Floyd E. Thoroman was in the Spanish-American War & elephantiasis [sic] development, a syphilitic resultant, causing very increased development of the arms & legs as Hunnie had & he died 7 or 8 yrs ago. Mr Coates offered to give me the Dams Co History, but I told him I thought I had one at home & he said if I didn't, to let him know & he would send it to me. Earl T. Pursell is a fine man of good countenance & heart & his sister C. Mae Bannon, is a very attractive large handsome woman & a good mother. She writes every day to her daughter & son away to Massachusetts to school.

Oct 10/25

Mahlon Hooper serving his 3d year as County Commissioner & one more year to serve, was at the N&W Sta in his auto when I arrived at Peebles & took me out to Frank Marion (not Wm) Maddox. He said to see Robert Ellison, an old soldier at Manchester, O for information of old times.

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At residence of F. Marion Maddox, village of Jacksonville, Meigs Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles RFD 1) Oct 10, 1925 8:55 AM

Miss Martha A. Maddox, born Aug 29, 1855 is a full sister of F. Marion Maddox born Nov 28, 1860, is here & their older half brother, Noah Maddox, born in Adams Co, June 17, 1840 was son of Harrison Maddox & his first wife Mary Maddox who was his second cousin & he was married Apr 29, 1860 to Sarah Caroline Finley who was a daughter of James Finley, son of Maj Joseph L. Finley. Survived him with the following children:

Mrs Charles Wagner, Cincinnati, O, Will H. Maddox of Indianapolis, Ind

Joseph Maddox, Luther Maddox.

See Book 20 p 557.

Mrs Wagner's name was Lida & she & her husband are still living in Cin., O. Ask Mary Edgington at West Union for her address. Will A. was living in Indianapolis 2 or 3 yrs ago.

Luther is living, but don't know where he is,

Joseph died in West Union & is buried in new cem but he no marker.

Sarah Caroline Finley's sister Jane married Aaron Wiley, both dead at Columbus, O & left issue.

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Their sister Hannah was married. There was a brother, Joseph Finley, was city sealer [best guess] in Muncie, Ind.

Noah Maddox died at West Union, O in Aug say 1910 aged 70 yrs. His widow Sarah Caroline Maddox died Jany 29._______, aged 77 yrs. She is buried & he too in the new cem at West Union & their record is on the monument. They had 7 children born in Green Tp, it is thought near Rome, Ohio or at least in Adams Co, viz:

1. Anna Belle, d.y. was not married

2. Joseph Harrison Maddox. Died at West Union & has a marker. died single.

3. William H. married & living on Washington ST, Indianapolis, Ind a paper hanger. No issue.

4. John Maddox, was killed on RR in Illinois & was not married aged abt 35.

5. Margaret married Joseph Jefferson Thomas, son of Capt David Wiley Thomas & wife Elizabeth Fritts. She died about 16 or 17 & is buried in new cem at West Union & has a marker. He remarried & now lives at 425 E. 3d ST Dayton, O & works about the court house & will be able to give complete record of his first wife who had eight children all born at West Union & three are here today. In order of ages they are as follows:

See Book 18 p 618-21

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1. David Wiley Thomas, born July 1890 married Hazel Simms & both living at Dayton, O & has two children. he is a machinist.

2. John Fritts Thomas, born Oct 26, 1892, unmarried & lives at Dayton, O. just now. Has been in Regular Army for 9 yrs & was abroad in the World War & was there 13 mos & got back to U.S. in July 1919. Was in the battle at St Mihiel & in Saint D. sector in Alsace Loraine. When he returns from his present furlough, he will be stationed at Fort Thomas, Ky.

3. Ruth Caroline born Oct 13, 1894. Married Danforth. Both living at Toledo, O where he is a shoe salesman. has one child so far as John knows.

4. Oscar Reynolds, born Feby 11, 1897. He has been in the Marine Band of the Gov since Mch 17, or 18, 1916. Not married, now at Mare Island, Calif.

5. Joseph McClain, He is in Dayton, O married & divorced. He works for Crawford McGregor Candy Co. Had two children which his wife has.

6. Hugh Finley Thomas born Nov 3, 1901, fireman on the N&W RR Co. Single & makes home here

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7. Charles Burn Thomas born Feby 11, 1904, single, farmer & makes home here.

8. Unnamed daughter born at Dayton, O & lived about 2 days

9. Margaret Thomas is living about Newport, Ky, is about 17 yrs old. Adopted.

6. Denman Maddox married & died at Cin., O. he mar Lillie Parker. No issue. She remained & was living in Cin., O.

7. Lida Maddox married Charles Wagner. Both living in Cin., O down about Washington Park. Is a printer & used to work on Cin-Com Tribune. No issue. She may have some records.

8. Luther Barnes Maddox is single. He is a telephone lineman. he is the youngest.

They boys say to see Mrs Mary Edgington, wife of Kilby Edgington who is related & can tell much about the family. She lives in West Union, O just across from Stromans old mill.

Says also see William Coryell, lawyer at West Union, who is best posted man there. Also see Oscar Roebuck, undertaker.

Leaving 10:05 AM

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At residence of Mrs Mertie Liston, Rarden Tp, Scioto Co, O (P.O. Otway RFD 1, Ohio) Oct 10, 1925 1:37 PM

Mrs Liston is the wife of Alton Mertin Liston & her name was Mertie Alice Thompson, daughter of Miles Plummer Thompson & he was son of John T. Thompson & his wife Ellen Thompson, who was his first cousin & this was John T's old home, being his farm & Mrs L. has his bible record, the Bible being a large one was printed in NY in 1867 by Am bible society & the record is as follows:

John T. Thompson was born Dec 13, 1814

Ellen Thompson was born Feby 12, 1811

John T. Thompson & Ellen Thompson were married Aug 8, 1837

Ellen Thompson died Apr 5, 1883

John T. Thompson died Sept 6, 1891

Their children


Miles P. Thompson born Aug 5, 1838

Elizabeth Ann Thompson born Dec 10, 1839

Mary C. Thompson born Sept 28, 1841

Mahalah Thompson born May 20, 1843

David T. Thompson born Apr 30, 1845

Nancy Thompson born Feby 2, 1848

Thomas Thompson born Sept 18, 1850

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Eliza Thompson born Sept 18, 1850

Martha E. Thompson born Feby 15, 1852


Mary C. Thompson died Nov 27, 1842

Thomas Thompson died Oct 12, 1850

Eliza Thompson died Oct 13, 1850

Martha E. Thompson died Oct 20, 1852

James W. Thompson born Nov 28, 1851

Rachel E. Thompson born Sept 24, 1854

William H. Payton born Apr 8, 1868

Mrs Liston says her Aunt Nancy Snooks born Feby 2, 1848, lives just across the creek & I am going over to see her.

Also says Artie Thompson at Rarden is a son of Thomas whose father, Joseph was a first cousin of Mrs T's father Miles P. Thompson.

She says too that Josephus Thompson living on Tick Ridge near Otway, known as Oswego is related she thinks on her grandmother, the Ellen Thompson side & has a wonderful memory aged abt 70. She has also brought out her father's big bible record as follows:

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Miles P. Thompson of Brush Creek & Catharine J. McCann of Brush Creek were married Jany 21, 1875 at J.G. Freeman's by James G. Freeman, J.P.

Miles P. Thompson born Aug 5, 1838

Catharine J. McCann born June 21, 1852

Their children:

Truman E. Thompson born Apr 12, 1876

Cary M. Thompson born Nov 2, 1877

Myrta A. Thompson born Mch 24, 1881

Minnie Oliver Thompson born Oct 2, 1883

Miles Homer Thompson born June 20, 1891


Miles Homer Thompson died Oct 29, 1896

Nancy McCann (grandmother) died Apr 4, 1898

Catharine J. Thompson died June 30, 1903

Minnie O. Thompson died Nov 15, 1904

Miles P. Thompson died Apr 24, 1917

Truman E. Thompson died Aug 19, 1919

Miles P. Thompson was in the Civil War three years & every day during the whole three years, his mother went up under a chestnut tree back of the house & prayed for his safe return. This tree has yielded $25 worth of chestnuts to the family annually since & the girls went out & brought me in a pint of as perfect fine sized chestnuts as I have ever seen from it & another tree.

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Myrta A. Thompson was married Feby 20, 1909 to Alton M. Liston son of William Jasper Liston & his wife Margaret James. They have had four children all born in the old home here viz:

Harold Ira Liston born Jany 28, 1910

Mildred Olive Liston born May 16, 1911

Fred Earnest Liston born Jany 5, 1913

Kathryn Margaret Liston born Apr 22, 1915

Mildred Olive weighs 162 lbs & is a beautiful big young girl. She & Kathryn M. gathered the chestnuts for me & helped with the record as their mother, short, fat & heavy was giving music lessons to two or three young girls.

Leaving 2:36 PM

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At residence of Mrs Nancy Snooks, Rarden Tp, Scioto Co, O (P.O. Otway, O RFD 1) Oct 10, 1925 2:50 PM

Mrs Snooks is the sister of Miles P. Thompson & widow of Wm Lloyd Snooks to whom she was married Jany 6, 1870. He was son of Harvey Snooks & his wife Mary Kendall. He was born Mch 9, 1842 & died Feby 8, 1910 They had six children born here in an older house.

1. Jennie Evalina Snooks born Aug 29, 1873

2. Charles Watson Snooks born Apr 20, 1875

3. John Alva Snooks born Aug 26, 1876

4. James Alfred Snooks born Dec 4, 1880

5. Jerry Alton Snooks born Feby 17, 1882

6. Oscar Wilson Snooks born Jany 28, 1885


Charles Watson Snooks died Feby 22, 1907

John Alva Snooks died Apr 24, 1877

Oscar Wilson Snooks died July 4, 1906

James Alfred Snooks & Anna Brand were married May 7, 1908, daughter of Frank Brand & wife Mary Kennedy. Anna was born in Jefferson Tp, Adams Co, O Oct 8, 1888, & have had four children born here viz:

Nancy Garnet Snooks born Nov 12, 1910

Marie Avanelle Snooks born Sept 15, 1917

Clarence Lloyd Snooks born Jany 7, 1924

Clyde Franklin Snooks born Jany 7, 1924

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Mrs S. says her mother, Ellen Thompson had a brother Miles Thompson. She also had twin brothers, James, a blacksmith in Adams Co & he married a sister of LeGrand Thompson & Levi, the other twin died unmarried. Another brother of Ellen was Thos W. the father of LeGrand. Another brother of Ellen was Joseph whose son Thomas, a first cousin of Mrs S. was the father of Artie Thompson of Rarden. Artie has 2 sisters & 3 brothers. Their father died abt 2 yrs ago.

Leaving 3:33 PM

Mrs Snooks has recently recovered from a severe illness & has suffered much from neuralgia impairing her memory. From the record I have, she is wrong in Thos W. being a brother of her mother, as he had but one brother, Duncan & from what Artie told me later, she is wrong about Joseph, Artie's grandfather being a brother of her mother, Ellen.

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At residence of Josephus S. Thompson, Brush Creek Tp, Scioto Co, O (P.O. Otway, O Route 3 box 54) Oct 10, 1925 4:37 PM

See Book 15 p 176. Mr Thompson says he was born Apr 9, 1856 in this Tp abt 1 1/4 miles from Otway, the son of William Thompson a brother of Ellen & a son of James Thompson, a native of Penna who married there & came here & settled in this Tp about a mile south west of Otway, just a little further up the road, we turned off of at Rocky Camp, where he took up land & died in Brush Creek Tp when my informant was about 10 yrs old. It was after his son, Wm returned from the War & was probably 1866. He was about 80 yrs old Mr T. thinks when he died, but he doesn't know what part of Penna he came from, who his father was, or of any brothers & sisters, nor who his wives were, as he says he was married twice. His last wife survived him. Says he had sixteen children, but lots of them died when small. All of his children were by the first wife who died at the old home before my informant was born. He married 2d a widow named Bentley, who had a child or children before, but had none to Thompson. She died among

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her children at blue Creek. His children who grew up were so far as Josephus remembers as follows in order of their ages to best of his belief:

1. Margaret Thompson who married Wesley Shopes & died at Otway. Don't know whether she has a marker. She had several children, viz: Sarah, Angeline, James, Levi.

2. Miles, thinks was next, married & kept moving back toward Pa. Had one boy, Sanford

3. Anna (or Angeline) mar a Campbell & went back toward Penna. Knows nothing about her family.

4. William Thompson born July 22, he says he was born on the farm his father settled on & has a monument 4 ft high toward the lower side of the cemetery at Otway, O giving dates. He served 3 yrs in Civil War & was wounded in right leg, from which gangrene set in & it made him crazy, but they kept him at home & one day when my informant was attending him & after he was converted, he was reading in his grandfather's bible & his father grabbed the family record, which had the births of all James Thompson's children, crumpled it up & burned it. He died after Josephus was

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married in Otway. He married Elizabeth Walker, dau of Joseph Walker & wife, who died after her husband's death & is buried by him. Had but two children born in this Tp, Josephus, born Apr 9, 1856, William born Mch 1861, & lives in Peebles.

Josephus was married Jany 20, 1875 to Nancy Deems born Aug 18, 1854, dau of Patrick Deems & his wife Mary Stachwerd. Have had 8 children born on this farm but on the end that is in Union Tp. The farm contains 287 acres. The bible record is as follows:

1. Isaac Allen Thompson born Mch 18, 1876

2. Mary Elizabeth Thompson born Jany 31, 1878

3. Rachel Ellen Thompson born Oct 13, 1879

4. William Patrick Thompson born Mch 12, 1882

5. Julia Andrew Thompson born Jany 20, 1884

6. Dollie Jane Thompson born Jany 1, 1886

7. Ida Florence Thompson born Dec 13, 1887

8. Joseph Richard Thompson born Apr 9, 1890

Rachel E. Thompson died July 21, 1896. The others are all living & married & each of them have children.

[margin note reads:] Josephus said his father & bro Levi "bached" it for years at their father's & that his father didn't marry until he was 40 & was 70 when he died.

5. & 6. Levi & James were twins. Levi never married. Died below Otway & buried there. James married a daughter of Thos W.

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Thompson & a sister of LeGrand. He died on Blue Creek near Moores Chapel & had several children about four, he thinks.

7. Ellen Thompson who married John Thos Thompson. Josephus does not think they were first cousins. Says they were more distantly related. Thinks 2d or 3d cousins.

8. Thomas was the oldest of the family, being older than Miles but was not Thos W. who was the father of LeGrand as Mrs Snooks thought. He heard his father talk about his dying & thinks it probable that he died unmarried on the old farm.

9. Joseph, the grandfather of Artie at Rarden was another (Oct 12/25 this is not correct) He does not recall the names of any other but does now mention:

10. Elizabeth, who married James Oppey & lived in this Tp & are buried at the Garvin Cem below & close to Otway. Don't think they have markers. Had seven children: viz: Christopher was in Civil War with his Uncle, Wm Thompson, next, William, next Levi, James, Abraham, John & Jane. All dead. Some of Abraham's children live on the Ridge. Several are buried at Garvin g.y.

His grandfather was about first settler on Brush Creek among the wolves & wild animals.

Leaving 5:44 PM

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At store of F.C. South's, Rarden, Scioto Co, O Oct 10, 1925 12:44 PM

Finding the Blackburn store here closed & a warning sign on the residence that there was typhoid fever within, I came across here & Mr South says that J.E. Blackburn was killed on the RR tracks some 4 yrs ago & his son Irvin Blackburn, Admr is living at Ripley,O where he is in the auto business selling Ford Cars etc.

Daniel Thompson Blackburn was a brother of J.E. & died here 13 or 14 yrs ago & his son, Randall C. Blackburn lives here with his mother & sister.

He said Truman Evart Thompson was shot & killed in the field about six yrs ago by a tenant, Thomas Maddy who was acquitted on his own evidence there being no witnesses.

Carey Marshall Thompson, his brother, lives at Jamestown, O out Dayton & Xenia way where he has a clothing store. Their sister, Myrta, married Alton M. Liston & lives two miles this side of Young.

I went to the Blackburn home & it was locked up & going to the adjoining house, was told by the lady there who said they had been there an hour ago, but was going to Portsmouth for over Sunday

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Mahlon Hooper told me this morning that J.J. Thoroman runs the bus line from Winchester to West Union & I could see him at the post office at West Union.

At Store of Artie Thompson, Rarden, O Oct 10, 1925 6:30 PM

Mr T. was very busy with his Saturday night trade, but said he was born Aug 25, 1882 & that his father, Thomas Patterson Thompson was born Nov12, 1853 & died Mch 11, 1923 & his father Joseph Thompson was born in 1833 & died in 1918. He, Joseph, had two brothers, Solomon & Jack as his father had told him & also his grandfather & no more, so that Mrs Snooks statement & Josephus confirmation of Joseph being a brother of Ellen is wrong. He says they (his father & grandfather) that the father of Joseph, Jack & Solomon was a brother of the Thompson who settled on Blue Creek.

Left at 6:42 PM

& reached Peebles at 7:50 PM, got my supper with Perry Odel Thomas at Webers Hotel, his brother-in-law, & have written up the notes taken today & it is now 10:10 PM.

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West Union, Adams Co, O Northside Hotel office Oct 11, 1925 8:15 PM

I got up this morning at Peebles, O at 6:30 Am, having gone to bed in a cold room at 11 PM but slept fairly well as I had warmed my feet at the big stove down in the office & had not slept at all the night before. I had breakfast at 7 AM with Samuel C. Martin, the owner of that hotel (Hotel Martin) at table with me. He said he had heard of a Thompson at Washington, Pa who had lost a log of money in coal lands & I told him I was the party. He bought the hotel real estate from William Thompson, brother of Josephus S. (who I saw yesterday evening on Fisk Ridge) & Jack (John) Weber is the chef & a good one & is running the hotel on a lease & does all the cooking. He was born in Johnstown, Pa & knew Shff Wilhelm & "Red" & once thought of locating in Uniontown. He married a sister of P. "Ode" Thomas who drove me yesterday & her two daughters were there, both visiting, both with young babies, they having married brothers named Smith. The older dau also had a very precocious daughter Jane there who I swung. Judge Thomas of the C.P.

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Court at Portsmouth, O is Uncle to Mrs Weber & P.O. Thomas, being a brother of their father, Isaac. When I came out from breakfast, Mahlon Hooper was there & asked if I wanted him to take to to Tranquillity & I said I did as soon as I saw William Thompson. He showed me where he lived a half square away & while I was walking up to call, Hooper called me back & said Thompson had just driven by in his auto & he tried unsuccessfully to hail him. He then started with me to Tranquillity & miles off & reaching there & passing a big g.y. at the church there, we found upon inquiry that Robt A. Glasgow lived at Seaman, O three miles beyond. We drove on through Seaman to the farm home of young Robert Anderson Glasgow on a fine flat 300 A farm on which he said his grandfather, Robert Anderson Glasgow settled & sent to work clearing it out & chopping down the trees with an axe, someone fought for him on an arrangement for him to cut some logs & split some rails for him. He is a tall capable young man & said he had married a Finney & she was dressing three young children in the only room in which there was a fire so he

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drove me back in town in his auto to the home of his father, James Gilmore Glasgow, who with his wife was just dressing for S.S. & Church. Mrs Glasgow said her grandmother was Elizabeth Finley. She is a large woman & says she has blood pressure up to 300. I walked down to the U.P. Church with her & sat through S.S. & then went in church with him, he sitting in the choir. I walked back from church with him & had dinner with them a very good one prepared by her & after dinner being:

At residence of James Gilmore Glasgow, Seaman, Adams Co, O Oct 11, 1925 1:11 PM

And note the following that they told me.

That Martha Ellison married a Finley and lived in Kansas & said to see Mrs Jenner down the street & she could give their address.

From the information they gave me, I thought Robt Glasgow who I had as marrying Rosanna Finley was the grandfather of Mr Glasgow as he didn't know his grandfather's name & when I men-

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tioned Rosanna as his wife, Mrs G. said that after he died, Rosanna married a Campbell. She & I were both wrong in our deductions as will develop later in my interview with Mrs McIntire & had one child to him viz: Eliza Campbell who married Porter Breckenridge & their son Ed Breckenridge lives near here & their daughter Araminta McIntire who had mar 1st Will McClure & mar 2d James McIntire & lives near here, but has been paralyzed, might have the Glasgow bibles. Mr G's grandfather Glasgow died near Tranquillity rather young & had 3 sons & the following daughters:

1. Arthur, went to Indian & left a family, one of his granddaughters married John Campbell who lived at Pickaway, O. Think he may be dead, but left 3 or 4 boys & 1 daughter

2. Wm Barclay has but one child living (some dead) viz: Steel Glasgow living in Oxford, O aged abt 72 & his daughter is a teacher in Oxford University & gets a salary of $2,200

3. Robert Anderson Glasgow, father of my informant

4. Rosy married John? Ralston & had two girls viz:

A. Mary Ann mar W.D. McCreight

B. Elizabeth mar Thomas Davis

5. Margaret married Patterson McClure & both are buried at Tranquillity & had

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3 boys & 4 girls viz:

A. Joe, living on this street

B. Steele

C. William

D. Nancy

E. Mollie

F. Becky

G. Hadassah

6. Rebecca, married Joseph? Ralston. She had 2 sons, William & Joseph, both dead & buried at Tranquillity & left families.

7. Another son, J. Gilmore Glasgow says this one & his own bro died same day of cholera which shows on their tombstones at Tranquillity

8. Nancy, another, married Finley Glasgow & had these children:

A. Robt W. Glasgow

B. Grier

C. Alice

D. Nancy married "Doc" Glasgow, dead no issue.

Ask Ed Breckenridge where Grier lives.

Write or see J.O. Glasgow at Mt Oreb, O aged abt 50 for address of Grier & Alice & ask him if he got any of the records of his father, Robt W. Glasgow.

Finley Glasgow had son Robt W. Glasgow who married Phebe Finley & had children viz:

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A. J.O. Glasgow, Mt Oreb, O

B. Charles Glasgow, in Oregon

C. Tiny Glasgow, also in Oregon & unmarried. She can give information & would be most likely to have the family records. Her P.O. is Prineville, Oregon.

Mrs J. Gilmore Glasgow's grandmother, Elizabeth Finley married Andrew McIntire & both died the same day of Cholera & are buried at Cherry Fork, O. Thinks it was in 1849, first year of its prevalence. They have a slab marker in this end of cem, old part. Their son,

A. Lindsey was in a bank at Cincin., O came home & died a day or two before his parents

B. Robert McIntire

C. William McIntire

D. Jane

E. Martha ("Patsy")

F. Silas Dyer McIntire who married Caridme [sic] Phebe Patton & had 4 children viz:

A. Ambrose Pinkerton

B. Ruth, mar Sept 15,

C. Phebe Elizabeth, my informant born Dec 1, 1860

D. Mary, mar Jany 31, 1883

My informant, Phebe Elizabeth mar Dec 1, 1881 to James Gilmore Glasgow who was born Nov 13, 1858

Leaving 1:46 PM

They had to leave for a funeral

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At residence of Mrs Margaret Jenner, Columbia Ave, Seaman, O Oct 11, 1925 2:11 PM

Mrs Jenner says Martha Ellison who is a sister of her mother, married Moses Finley & both are living in Lyons, Kansas near the Court house. She thinks he has been there 50 yrs & is about 75 yrs old. Went from near Chillicothe, O. Mrs J. said she had a letter from her Aunt Martha four weeks ago saying that Mr Finley's last brother had died shortly before at or near Chillicothe, O. She don't know name of Moses father of brother, but says they were distantly related to the Finleys hereabouts. He was in the Civil War, was a farmer, but does not think he owned a farm. Thinks his Finleys came from Penna.

She says Robert Ellison of Manchester, O will recall her Uncle F.M. Ellison, also an old soldier, who was the favorite brother of her mother who was Adaline Ellison. Martha J. who married Moses Finley had a natural son whose wife died when her youngest child was six months old & the call came to her. Mrs Jenner who was a widow, living with her widowed mother to go & care for

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the children. She considered it for 24 hours & went, staying 8 months during which time she became much attached to the baby & wanted to bring her with her, but the father would not agree that she should, but two months later, when she was 16 mos old, brought her to her & left her & she has raised her & she is now 16 yrs old, a sweet beautiful young girl named Anna Mary Ellison who walked with me to Mrs McIntire's & says she has two more years to get through high school. Mrs Jenner said Gov Pinchot had helped them.

She says there are some Finleys at New Concord, Muskingum Co, O. Write Moses.

I told them about Andrew going to the legislature, my running for Governor & of my talk in deciding A.W. Mellon to take the treasury portfolio.

Left 3:17 PM

& walked around to Mrs McIntire's. Before going to Mrs Jenner's had gone to Ed Breckenridge's, but there was no one at home.

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At residence of Mrs Araminta McIntire, Seaman, O Oct 11, 1925 3:25 PM corner Main & Tener St.

Mrs M. says her grandmother was Nancy Glasgow (her maiden name) & not Rosanna Finley & that she was fr Rockbridge Co Va & mar 1st Joseph Glasgow, who she thinks was her first cousin (& not Robert as we had thought) & mar 2d Robert Campbell who had come from Penna. Her children were:

1. Arthur, oldest, went to California in the gold craze & died in the vessel returning home & was buried at sea.

2. Wm Barclay Glasgow

3. Robert Anderson Glasgow

4. Rebecca Glasgow married Ralston

5. Rosy Glasgow, married Ralston, a bro

6. Mary or "Polly" Glasgow married Williams

7. Margaret Glasgow married McClure & that was all there was by first husband & by 2d husband had:

8. Nancy Jane Campbell mar Finley Glasgow

9. Eliza Ann Campbell mar W. Porter Breckenridge

10. a son Campbell who died aged 13

Nancy Jane & Finley Glasgow had:

1. Robert W. Glasgow

2. William Glasgow

3. Grier Glasgow

4. John Glasgow

6. Nancy Margaret Glasgow

7. Alice Glasgow

[no #5 given]

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She thinks Robt W. Glasgow's daughter, Miss Tiny Glasgow, Prineville, Oregon would have gotten her father's records. Thinks his son J. Ora may have gotten them.

Eliza Ann, her mother, had 8 children & one of them, my informant,

Martha Arminta or "Minty" mar 1st Wm McClure & mar 2d James McIntire. She says her grandfather, Joseph Glasgow came here in 1807 from Rockbridge Co, VA & was one of the original organizers of the U.P. Church that year & that Robert Glasgow, his Co organizer of the church was his first cousin. She does not think that her grandmother, Nancy Glasgow was a sister of Robert above, as she has always understood that all of her brothers & sisters were left back in Rockbridge Co, Va. Don't know anything about this Robert Glasgow's descendants, nor of Robert Finley & his 17 children, as she never heard of him.

Mrs M. is partly paralyzed & was on a lounge when I went in, but got up & sat in her wheel chair.

Left 3:45 PM

It is 11:33 Pm & I will get ready for bed.

Resuming transcribing 7:44 Am 12th. Raining.

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At residence of Carey Williams, Tener Ave Seaman, O Oct 11, 1925 4 PM

I was recommended by Mrs Howard across from Mrs McIntire's, wife of the banker to come here for a taxi to take me to West Union, O. Mr Williams is a man of 55 to 60 & says he is a native of Adams Co & that his grandfather, John Williams came here from Penna, but he don't know what county. Speaking to him & his wife about the Finleys, they say that Porter Finley died at Youngsville, O, a village a mile below here about 15 yrs ago, a childless widower & willed his estate to a couple of maiden Campbell sisters who were relatives & they later moved to Wheat Ridge, where they owned some property, which is between here & West Union & the last one of the sisters died about six weeks ago & was aged away up in the 80s. They had a sale of her effects three weeks ago & they think the old bibles & books would not have been sold but would be taken by the women members of the family of their deceased brother J.P. Campbell & one of whom who they think would be most likely to get them married Harry McClung, a farmer, who lives on Wheat Ridge. This brother had 3 or 4 sons & 3 or 4 daughters.

Leaving 4:11 PM

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Questioning Carey Williams on the drive by auto to West Union, he said to see Andrew McIntire at Manchester for old history. He thinks he is a cousin of Mrs J. Gilmore Glasgow & if so, he is a grandson of Elizabeth Finley & Andrew McIntire. Ask about her line.

Said also to see William Coryell at West Union, who can tell of early Manchester History & of the whole county.

At West Union, Adams Co, O North side Hotel Office table Oct 11, 1925 6:46 PM

This hotel is just across the street from the court house where we arrived 5:20 PM & I got in conversation with a heavy set smooth shaven gray haired benignant [sic] gentleman who I learned at supper at same table with him, Mr & Mrs Guy T. Behm & daughter Martha Jane of Covington, Ky was William C. Coryell & in talk with him here after supper, he said that when their court house was burned in 1910, all the wills & will books were burned up, but the deed books were in the vault & he saved the indexes so they are all intact.

He said Geo Washington Thoroman, son, he thinks of Thomas Thoroman died a few years ago away past 90 yrs old.

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& he thinks it was since 1910 & his will is on record. He says he mentioned 140 kinfolks in his will & says that Mrs [11]*Geo Fristoe of Peebles, O is his daughter, although he had at first thought she was daughter of Joe Thoroman. G. Wash Thoroman had brothers James Thoroman & Smith Thoroman. He says Evans Atlas of Adams Co, O put out in 1880 might have something about him as it contains many biographies that are not in his history put out 20 yrs later in 1900.

He says John Lodwick has two wives buried in the old West Union Cem here under a flat slab which records their names & virtues.

Mrs Jenner told me when I asked if her Aunt had been married before she married Moses Finley that she had a natural son born before she was married & that Anna Mary Ellison sweet sixteen, a beautiful modest girl is his daughter & lives with Mrs Jenner.

Mr Coryell says that Hon Joseph Darlington is buried in the old cem here where he died of cholera & lots of the family are also buried there. Mr C. owns now his old home. It isn't the Darlington home he owns. Ask him about the Darlington. He can tell much both good & bad. I think his wife Sarah Wilson is probably daughter of George Wilson of Fay Co & if so in our line.

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He said there was an old Lovejoy cemetery about a mile below here. He says Robert H. Ellison aged over 75 at Manchester is a son of Wm Ellison, but was not in the Civil War. Says Andrew J. McIntire at Manchester is over 70 yrs. old. We drove through rich limestone land coming here from Seaman & Mr Williams said the streams of water arising from this limestone land afforded a sure preventive vs the hogs there getting cholera.

Mr Behm & his wife say that Mr Wood Thompson, son of LeGrand Thompson is in a garage here in West Union & is intelligent & could no doubt give record of their family.

I wrote here in the office until 10 PM & then went up to my room no 3 where they had made a fire for me & wrote until 11:30 PM when I went to bed & had a fine sleep in a good clean bed until 7 AM, got up, got my breakfast, have written this up, the rain has ceased & it is now 9 AM. It commenced again & continued. JVT

V14 Page 474

West Union, Adams Co, O Probate Judges Office C.H. Oct 12, 1925 10:26 AM

The will index shows:

*Jack, Andrew, Rostontown, page 257 which shows:

July 8, 1924 Application for restoration of will filed with certified copy & same in reslv [sic] see Vol 6 page 254, will record 4 p 312 also 313& 314.

*Kincaid, John H., page 33. see vol 1 p 219 will vol 1 P 244.

*Kilgore, Lucy, page 63, see vol 1, 477 will 1 p 526

*Levi, Samuel, page 31, final distribution Vol 2 p 385 vol 2 p 45 Admr settlement with court on Dec 15, 1911

*Thompson, Alexander, p 331, of Monroe Tp, decedent died June 21, 1912. Alfred A. Thompson Admr P.O. address. Manchester, O RD 2

*Thoroman, William Z. p 81., died Jany 29, 1900 C.A. Watts Admr P.O. Address Peebles O. restoration of will 2 p 206 will vol 2 p 112

*Thoroman, G.W. p 115 of Meigs Tp, died June 5, 1914 Geo H. Thoroman Exr P.O. Peebles, O July 6, 1914 notice to next of kin Vol 3 p 52

Vol 3 P 64 Will 2 p 396.

V14 Page 475

Thoroman, Geo H. p 202 of Meigs Tp, died Dec 27, 1919, Frankie M. Thoroman Exrx P.O. Peebles, O RD1 will Vol 3 p 527

Will Book 4 Page 312-314

Restore will of Andrew Jack of this Co:

1st to wife Deborah Jack for life entire estate.

2d to dau Elizabeth Jane Jack & my grandson William L. Compton all my R.E. at death of wife.

3d to my son Thomas Williamson Jack $1 & to my grandson, George Jack $15.

4th to my children, Margaret Vanhorn, Hannah Young, Elizabeth Ann Jack & William M. Jack all my personal property at death of my wife, they pay above legacies. Dated Oct 3, 1864. Andrew Jack (seal) Witnesses: Samuel Drenan, Thomas J. Mullen.

Restored on application of Nellie M. Young, July 8, 1924, who states that the court house was burned Feby 25, 1910. States she was one of the beneficiaries.

Will Book Vol 1 P 244

Will of John H. Kincaid of Liberty Tp 1st to son Geo L. Kincaid 57 A

2d to son John W. Kincaid 112 A etc

3d to son Thomas Kincaid 110 A

4th to wife Jane Kincaid 1/3 of homestead for life

V14 Page 476

5th to my sons Quincey A. & Winfield S. Kincaid equally said homestead, they to pay $1000 each to my daughters Margaret Mathews & Adeline Clinesse.

6th to dau Margaret A. Mathews & Adeline Cliness [sic] the $1000 each to be pd by Quincey A. & Winfield S.

11th Appoints sons Thomas Quincey A. & Winfield S. Exrs without bond. Dated June 12, 1883

John H. Kincaid (seal) Probated Oct 22, 1910

Will Book 1 p 526

Will of Lency or Lucy Kilgore of Manchester devises that my two granddaughters, Mamie & Lulu Warner are to have my R.E. on Broadway Manchester, known as in lot no 511 & all my personal effects. Appoints John K. Dunbar exr. Lucy (her mark) Killgore [sic]

Will of Elinea Kilgore on Mch 22, 1892 certified as a true copy & published Jany 4, 1912.

Will Book 2 p 112

Will of Wm Z. Thoroman, restoration Aug 2, 1912. States that on Feby 14, 1900 upon due notice to next of

V14 Page 477

kin, his will was admitted to probate in vol 8 p 38 & from a true copy, it appears that he willed:

Estate to be held intact & income to go to support of wife Susan Thoroman. After her death, property to be sold & divided among my sons, Thos W. Thoroman & John S. Thoroman to have 1/2 equally & the remaining half to go to my daughters Mary E. Copas, Susan F. Cook, Viola Newland & Cora A. Beckman. My dau Sabetha A. Bowman I do not will anything, as she has already recd her interest in my estate. Aug 26, 1899 William Z. Thoroman.

Will Book 2 p 396 to 402 et seq of G.W. Thoroman of Jacksonville, Meigs Tp, wills all to support of wife Eliza Thoroman for life & appoints Geo H. Thoroman Exr.

3d wills to nephew Geo H. Thoroman farm on Ohio Brush Creek after death of wife known as the old Thoroman farm in Meigs Tp, together with the several tracts I have purchased & added thereto on condition that he pay to my nephew Geo W. Thoroman son of my brother Wesley Thoroman $2000.

4. To my nephew G.W. Thoroman, son of my brother James T. Thoroman, the tract of land east of Jacksonville ctg 10 3/4 acres.

5. to my nephew Geo W. Thoroman son of my brother Wesley Thoroman all rest of my property.

V14 Page 478

Appoints nephew Geo H. Thoroman Exr dated Oct 29, 1901 G.W. Thoroman (seal) witness J.A. Crawford, W.C. Coryell


1st revokes so much of item 5 as reads as follows:

"I will & devise to my nephew Geo W. Thoroman son of my bro Wesley Thoroman all the rest & residue of my property real & personal"

2d wills residue to nephew Geo H. Thoroman after his won & wife's death, not otherwise disposed of in items 1,2,3 & 4. Dated Jany 1, 1904.

G.W. Thoroman. Probated Aug 11, 1914

Oct 12/25 11 PM. Slips made to here JVT

Preceding the will was the petition of Geo H. Thoroman to admit it to probate saying he died on June 5, 1914 leaving no widow & the following next of kin, almost three pages of them viz:

Degree of P.O.

Name Kinship Address

1. Thomas J. Thoroman nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

2. Mary J. Campbell niece Mt Sterling RD 6

3. G.W. Thoroman nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

4. Laura B. McKennie niece Pasadena, Calif

5. Will Charles Jr gr nephew Tolons, Ills

6. Edna Plunket gr niece Parksdell, Oregon

7. Frances Pullman gr niece Bath, Ills

8. Armand Crawford gr nephew Tolons, Ills

9. Clementine Crawford gr niece Tolons, Ills

V14 Page 479

10. Katharyn Crawford gr niece Tolons, Ills

11. Bertram Crawford gr niece Tolons, Ills

12. Alden Crawford gr nephew Tolons, Ills

13. Geo W. Thoroman nephew 1700 Park Av, Chicago, Ills

14. John W. Thoroman nephew Valparaiso, Ind

15. James T. Thoroman nephew Versailles, Ind

16. Angie Wright niece Peebles, O

17. Anna Kendle niece Ripley, Ills

18. Delbert Sprinkle gr nephew Cooperstown, Ills

19. Charles Thoroman nephew Wamsley, O

20. Ella Brewer niece Wamsley, O

21. James Thoroman nephew Kansas

22. Thomas Thoroman nephew Kansas

23. Cola Thomas niece Peebles, O

24. Geo H. Thoroman nephew Peebles, O

25. John B. Thoroman nephew Peebles, O

26. James T. Thoroman nephew Peebles, O

27. Washington Thoroman nephew Peebles, O

28. Etta Marie gr niece West Union, O

29. Lyman Hoop gr nephew Peebles, O

30. Richard Hoop gr nephew Peebles, O

31. Dollie Young gr niece, West Union, O

32. Nancy Hoop gr niece, Peebles, O

33. Anna Cochran, niece Sinking Springs, O

34. John Thoroman nephew Upland, Ind

35. Frank Thoroman nephew Trotwood, O

36. James Thoroman nephew Bays, Wood Co, O

37. Sallie Malone niece Peebles, O

38. Hulda Willman niece Winchester, O

39. Ella Puckett niece? Rarden, O

40. Rosa Kinsely niece? 420 Vine St, Springfield, O

41. Thomas Washburn nephew Peebles, O

42. George Washburn nephew Peebles, o

43. James Washburn nephew Bellville, Kan

44. Collins Washburn nephew Bellville, Kan

V14 Page 480

45. Mary Ann Olliver niece Wanette, Neb.

46. D.P. McMillen gr nephew Peebles, O

47. Aggie Stewart gr niece Peebles, O

48. William McMillen gr nephew Gallipolis, O

49. Burt McMillen gr nephew Aberdeen, O

50. Fred McMillen gr nephew Alliance, O

51. Ollie Huffman gr niece 4276 A. Dayton, Ky

52. Virginia McClanafran gr niece 1810 Morgan St, Springfield, O

53. Grace McMillen gr niece 624 W 4th St, Cincin, O

54. Fannie McMillen gr niece 624 W 4th St, Cincin, O

55. Allie Custer gr nephew Xenia, O

or niece 56. Thomas Custer gr nephew Peebles, O

57. Clara Bacon gr niece Peebles, O

58. Ines Campbell gr niece Peebles, O

59. Dexie Stewart gr niece Peebles, O

60. Sarah J. Thomas niece Peebles, O

61. Angie Mitchell niece Leesburg, O

62. Maggie Wilson niece Peebles, O

63. America Chapman niece Indland, Neb.

64. Josephine Chapman niece Peebles, O

65. G.F. Wittenmyer nephew Peebles, O

66. Wm Wittenmyer nephew Senterville, Iowa

67. Walter Ivers gr nephew Barn Hill, Ills

68. Cola Barnes gr nephew Barn Hill, Ills

69. George Ivers gr nephew Fairview, Ark

70. Kelley Ivers gr nephew Mt Carmel, Ill

71. Sallie Barnes gr niece Versailles, Ind

72. Ernest Ivers gr nephew Kampsville, Ill

73. Carlos Wittenmyer gr nephew Detroit, Mich

74. Pierce Ivers gr nephew Kampsville, Ill

75. William Ivers gr nephew Kampsville, Ill

76. Earl Lewis gr nephew Peebles, O

77. Chester Bernard gr nephew Griggsville, Ill

78. Antiam Bernard gr niece Griggsville, Ill

79. Joe Simmons gr nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

V14 Page 481

80. John Simmons gr nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

81. Benj Simmons gr nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

82. Laura Wilson gr niece Canton, O

83. William Simmons gr nephew Denver, Col

84. Albert Simmons gr nephew Mt Sterling, Ills

85. Mary Davis gr niece Mt Sterling, Ills

86. Cora Davis gr niece Mayson, Wyoming

87. Jose House gr niece Mayson, Wyoming

88. Charles Simmons gr nephew Mayson, Wyoming

89. George Simmons gr nephew (P.O. unknown) N. Dakota

90. Marion Simmons gr nephew (P.O. unknown) N. Dakota

91. Hiram Simmons gr nephew (P.O. unknown) N. Dakota

92. Sallie Bollman gr niece (P.O. unknown) Neb

93. Frank Harper gr nephew (P.O. unknown) Ills

94. Eliza Black gr niece Camden, Ills

95. Sarah Harper gr niece Hersman, Ills

96. John Simmons gr nephew Beardstown, Ills

97. James Simmons gr nephew Chicago, Ills

98. Hiram Simmons gr nephew Calion, Oregon

99. Samuel Simmons gr nephew Mankato, Kan

100. John McMillen nephew Shields, Kan

101. Thomas McMillen nephew 1200 S. Main St, Lima, O

102. James McMillen nephew Shields, Kansas

103. Anna Case niece Peebles, O

104. Harriet Taylor niece Winchester, O

105. Mary Bradley niece Indland, Neb

106. Bertha Vanmeter gr niece Shields, Kan

107. Charles Vanmeter gr nephew Shields, Kan

108. Clara Vanmeter gr niece Shields, Kan

109. Charles Mathews gr nephew California

110. Jennie Mathews gr niece New Mexico

111. Maggie Pennell? gr niece New Mexico

V14 Page 482

Will Book 3 pages 500, 501 & 527

Will of Geo H. Thoroman of Meigs Tp recites that he died Dec 2, 1919 leaving a widow Frankie M. Thoroman, Peebles, O RR 1 & a daughter Clara Fristoe, Peebles, RR 1 the only next of kin. He wills:

2d to my brother John B., James t. & Washington Thoroman all my 1/4 interest in the 172 A farm of my father in Meigs Tp on which they now reside.

3d Wills all residue to wife Frankie M. Thoroman for life & at her death to go to my daughter Clara Fristoe. Appoints wife Exrx. Dated Dec 20, 1918

Geo H. (his mark) Thoroman. Probated May 14, 1920

V14 Page 483

West Union, O Northside Hotel, office Oct 12, 1925 11 PM

Mr Wm C. Coryell at supper here tonight where he has boarded for 4 yrs, said he thought he wrote Geo W. Thoroman will preceding & says that Mrs Fristoe at Peebles, O is a daughter of Joseph Thoroman & he was not a brother of Geo Washington Thoroman & he hence thinks he wd be a son of Samuel Thoroman. He says John K. Dunbar at Manchester, O is 75 yrs old.

He thinks George Crawford of Wrightsville, O is up in the 80s & married an Aunt of Mrs Moore, the owner of this hotel R.E. & all, might be a son of John Crawford who married Effa Grimes. He is more apt to be a grandson. He is now living in Manchester, O with his son Okey.

He also refers me to Smith Grimes aged over 90 yrs living in Portsmouth, O & says also to see Mrs C.B. Holliday, West Union, O who is mother of Nellie M. Young, she lives 3 blocks down this street from the hotel.

Mrs Moore says the brothers of Harvey J. Thompson live at Manchester, O.

V14 Page 484

West Union, Adams Co, O Recorders office Oct 13, 1925 9:50 AM

Reverse Index to Deeds No 1 B.

*To whom Vol 4 Page Date

Barritt, John Wm Crawford P of A 98 Mch 18, 1804 P of A

Barritt, John Noble Grimes 125 Oct 21, 1803, Wash 20

Barritt, John Joseph Vance 11 Mch 16, 1802, 3000 A

* Vol 5

Barritt, John John Beasley d 89 Oct 29, 1805, 333 1/3 A Ross Co

Barritt, John Nathan Ellis 42 June 20, 1805, P of A

* Vol 6

Boone, Daniel Harman Nash d 614 Apr 18, 1811, 225 A. 3 mile Cr

* Vol 15

Barritt, Theoph P. Benj Congdon d. 471 Sept 3, 1832, 28 A

* Vol 19

Barritt, Theophl P. Wm Cole d. 204 Sept 30, 1837 40 A Ohio River

* Vol 20

Barritt, John Nathl Massie's heirs d. May 13, 1839, 11 A Br Cr 26

* Vol 21

Barritt, Theophlus P. Hudson Burr d. 188 Jany 27, 1840, 3 A Ohio river

Barritt, John John Brooks, d. 354 Oct 12, 1840, 40 A Br Cr

Barritt, John Geo L. Compton, d.352 Mch 31, 1840 10 1/2 A Br Cr

Barritt, Theoph P. Hiram Kerr 324 Apr 6, 1840, Ohio River

* Vol 22

Barritt, Theoph P. Jesse Cole d. 352 Dec 16, 1841 40 A

Barritt, Theoph P. Robt Kerr's hrs d. 355 Jany 9, 1841 1/2 A Ohio River

* Vol 35

Barritt, Rebecca T.P. Barrett's Admr 3 Aug 27, 1856 121 P. Ohio River

* "C"

* Vols 1, 2, & 3

Crawford, Moses John Crawford 7 Nov 30, 1797, Bill of sale

Crawford, John Sarah Crawford 7 Nov 30, 1797, Bill of sale

Crawford, Moses Noble Grimes d. 165 June 11, 1801, 210 A Ohio et al River

Crawford, William Nathl Massie d. 186 May 16, 1801 838 A. Hills Fork La. Cr

V14 Page 485

* Vol 6

Crawford, George John Crawford d. 440 Mch 9, 1809, Bill sale

Crawford, George T&R Cummins d 516 Mch 31, 1810 2/3 of 101 A Ohio River

* Vol 10

Caruthers, Hugh James Power d. 524 Aug 6, 1819, 125 A Br Cr

Caruthers, Hugh James Power d. 526 Aug 6, 1819 22 1/2 A

* Vol 12

Carothers, Hugh Benj Conner d. 105 July 10, 1824 100 A Br Cr

Correthers, Hugh John Newman d. 380 Oct 10, 1825, 95 A Br Cr

* Vol 13

Carothers, James R Buchanan 116 Nov 2, 1821, Jacksonville James Rodgers d.

Caruthers, Mary Andrew Ellison d. 45 Feby 9, 1826, 50 a Licking Fork, Br Cr

Crawford, Thos Robert Ellison d. 465 July 30, 1828, 60 A

* Vol 15

Crawford, George David Bradford d. 569 Jany 18, 1831, 100 A Ohio Riv

Crawford, Andrew Wm Lindsey d. 523 Apr 9, 1833 58 3/4 A Br Cr

* Vol 16

Carothers, Archibald, Richd Jordan, M422 Mch 20, 1833 93 A Mort Georges Cr

Carothers, Robert Cornelius Peterson d 395 Apr 16, 1833 E.Fk Br Cr

* Vol 17

Crawford, Robert Henry Moore d 401 Sept 29, 1834 68 A * Vol 19

Crawford, George Crawford's heirs 200? Feby 3, 1836 P of A

* Vol 20

Corethers, Archibald Jane G. Ellison 322 Aug 13, 1834, 108 A

Corethers, Archibald Thos Huston d 87 Jany 14, 1839, 104 A

Corethers, Archibald Hugh McSurely d 100 Dec 26, 1838, 100 A Cherry Fork, Br Cr

Crawford, Andrew Martha Noble d 431 Sept 5, 1839 W.U. pt 46

* Vol 23

Carothers, John Geo Clark d 175 Aug 11, 1842 87 A Cherry Fork Br Cr

* Vol 25

Carothers, John John Clark d 344 Feby 20, 1846, 1 A Br Cr

* Vol 26

Caruthers, William N.C. Patton d 167 Sept 19, 1846 65 A W Frk Br Cr

Carothers, Robert Mark Wallingford d 278 Jany 5, 1847 10 A Little W Fk Br Cr

Carothers, Robert Mark Wallingford d 281 Nov 26, 1846, 47 1/2 A Little Frk Br Cr

* Vol 27

Carothers, Hugh Wm Robe d 544 Aug 17, 1848 158 A. Trelans Run

V14 Page 486

* Vol 28

Carothers, Wm Andw B. Carl fen 335 Jany 1, 1849 150 A Mort Br Cr

* Vol 32

Crothers, Simmaoral S.E. Parker d 74 July 11, 1853, Palestine

* Vol 34

Carothers, James Thos Ellison d 186 Oct 6, 1854 64 A Trebers Run

Carothers, James Wm Senter d 187 Nov 23, 1855 3 A Trebers Run

* Vol 35

Carothers, Robert Noah Purtee d 563 Dec 15, 1855 7 A

Carothers, Wm W. Aquilla Purtee hrs d 564 Nov 3, 1856 54 A Cedar Fk Scioto, Br Cr

Carothers, James Wm H. Senter Adm d 735 Mch 2, 1857, 105 A. Trebers Run

* Vol 36

Carothers, Robert Aquilla Purtees Adm d 596 May 15, 1857

* "D"

* Vol 1,2, & 3

Darlinton, Jos & Lawson 131 Oct 12, 1799 Ferry License

Darlinton James Lawson 94 Oct 11, 1798 Art of Agent

Darlinton, Joseph Nathl Massie d 4 Aug 24, 1797, 400 A Ohio River

Darlinton, Joseph Nathl Massie d 93 Oct 3, 1798 400 A Ohio River

Dunlavy, Antony John Shepherd d 238 Mch 1, 1801, 100 A Red Oak

* Vol 4

Darlinton, Gabriel Joseph Darlinton P.A. 245 Nov 28, 1804 p of a

Dunlavy, Anthony Philemon Thomas d 156 Feby 17, 1804 200 A Red Oak

* Vol 5

Darlinton, Joseph Stephen Clark d 163 Mch 17, 1806 100 A Beasley Fk Br Cr

Dunlavey, John Edwd Lynes hrs d 52 Mch 12, 1805 203 A Eagle Cr

Darlinton, Joseph W.U. Trustee d 162 Mch 13, 1806 W.U. 56,57,58,84

* "E"

* Vol 5

Elliot, Robert John Beasley d 91 July 27, 1805 pt 500 A

* "F"

* Vol 1,2, & 3

Fulton, Robert Nathl Massie d 80 June 23, 1798, Chil 242

V14 Page 487

* Vol 6

Finley, Robert Gaines Goode d 426 May 18, 1809 244 A of Buck Run Br Cr

Finley, Robert Geo Legiers d 128 Aug 12, 1807 219 A Cherry Frk Br Cr

Finley, Robert Horatio Winston d 103 Mch 24, 1807, 1000 A Br Cr

Finley, Robert Wm O Winston & Jos F Price d 447 Dec 30, 1808 1/4 of 1000A

* Vol 7

Finley, Saml S. Robert Finley d 291 Dec 2, 1813 219 A Cherry Frk

Br Cr

Frame, James Geo Shinn d 100 Aug 25, 1812 100 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 8

Finley, John Arthur Fox hrs d 117 Apr 26, 1814 120 1/2 A Br

Finley, Joseph L. Jesse Markland d 235 July 11, 1814 50 A

* Vol 9

Finley, Wm & James Arthur Fox hrs d 97 Dec 27, 1815 500 A Cherry Frk

Finley, John Arthur Fox hrs d 132 Apr 26, 1814 120 1/2 A Br Cr

Finley, John E. John Machin d 327 Oct 26, 1816 200 A

Finley, James Aaron Moore d 357 Nov 28, 1816 W.U. 105

* Vol 10

Finley, James Saml Moore d 129 Oct 20, 1818 45 A Washburns Run

* Vol 11

Finley, William John Black d 59 June 12, 1819 Elizabethtown

Finley, Jos L. Geo R. FitzGerald d 46 Feby 1, 1820 50 A Beaslys Frk Br Cr

Finley, James Moses McFadden d 259 Dec 19, 1821 W.U. 73

Finley, James L. Joseph L. Finley d 422 June 25, 1823 50 A

* Vol 12

Finley, Samuel Joseph L. Finley d 23 Feby 6, 1824 Beasleys Frk Br Cr

* Vol 14

Finley, Joseph David Bradford d 501 Dec 18, 1830 10 1/2 A E. Fk Br Cr

Finley, Sarah Robt Finleys Exrs d 339 Mch 2, 1830 81 & 18 3/4 33 A Cherry Frk Br Cr

Finley, Mary Robt Finleys Exrs d 382 Mch 2, 1830 81 & 18 3/4 Cherry Frk Br Cr

Finley Saml S. Robt Finleys Exrs d 384 Mch 2, 1830 100 A Cherry Frk

Finley, William Robt Finleys Exrs d 539 Mch 2, 1830 182 A Cherry Frk

Finley, Joseph L. John Lodwick d 442 Sept 14, 1830 68 1/4 A E. Frk

Eagle Cr

Finley, Joseph L. John Lodwick d 451 Nov 4, 1830 25 A

Finley, William Wm McIntire d 150 Mch 9, 1829 135 3/4 A Cher Frk Br CR

Finley, Saml S. Wm McIntire d 386 Jany 25, 1820 100 A Cher Frk

* Vol 15

Finley, James & Wm partition deed each to the other 219 Feby 9, 1820 375 3/4 A

Finley, Joseph L. Arthur McFarland d 421 Nov 26, 1832 45 1/4 A E. Fk Eagle Cr

Finley, Wm & Exrs James Taylor m. 321 July 23, 1832 181 1/4 A Cherry

Frk, Br Cr

V14 Page 488

* Vol 16

Finley, Saml B Bond & James Woodbridge 303 Feby 19, 1834 P/A

* Vol 17

Finley, Joseph L. John Kincaid Ad 501 Nov 21, 1835 59 1/2 A E. Frk

Eagles Cr

* Vol 18

Finley, Joseph L. Geo Harper d 514 July 24, 1830, Harperville

* Vol 19

Finley, Joseph L. John Evans 28 Nov 5, 1836 Assgt mtge

Finley, Joseph L. Sarah Ann Rothwell d 149 Nov 21, 1837, 10 1/2 A E Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 21

Finley, James Geo W. Parker 263 Mch 17, 1840 mort.

* Vol 22

Finley, James John B. Finley d 86 May 11, 1841 45 1/4 A E. Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 26

Finley, Robert D.W. Buchanan sm 226 Sept 19, 1846 259 A mort

Finley, John Wm McVey Jr d 509 Aug 3, 1847 74 P Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 28

Finley, Robert S. James Andrews etux d 74 Oct 17, 1848 25 1/2 + 54 3/4 + 219 A. Cher Fk, Br Cr

Finley, Robert S. Andrew McIntire m. 87 Jany 5,1849 219 A

* Vol 29

Finley, W & J Wm McVey Jr d 409 Feby 28, 1850 1 1/8 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 30

Finley? Jno & Wm R.M. Alexander d 169 June 1, 1850 10 7/8 A

* Vol 31

Finley, Glasgow Wm Milligan 228 Sept 17, 1851 85 3/4 A West Fk Br Cr

* Vol 34

Finley, Robert P. Wm Finley d 621 June 17, 1856 152 A. Brush Cr


Finley, Thomas M. John Finny d 647 Apr 7, 1856 21 P. Cherry Fork

Finley, Thomas M. Jacob Broadt d 648 Mch 3, 1856 34 P.

* Vol 35

Frame, William K. Dyer B. Kirker d 175 Nov 4, 1856 1/2 100 A E. Fk Eagle Cr

Frame, William K. Wm Hook d 176 Feby 25, 1856 203 A + Suck Run

Frame, William K. James Fitch d 178 Mch 19, 1856 1/2 206 A Eagle Cr

Finley, Glasgow Marshall Williamson d 200 July 1, 1856 45 A Scott Tp

Frame, James Benj E. Gilbert d 489 Dec 2, 1856 80 A Big 3 mile Cr

* "G"

* Vol 6

Glasgow, Joseph Philip Goode d 66 Jany 29, 1807, 158 A Br Cr

V14 Page 489

Glasgow, William Philip Goode d 66 Jany 29, 1807, 37 A Br Cr

Glasgow, William, Philip Goode d 319 Aug 24, 1808 37 A Br Cr

Glasgow, Joseph, Philip Goode d 320 Aug 24, 1808 158 1/2 A Br Cr

Glasgow, William, Joseph Kerr d 450 Oct 30, 1807 100 A. W Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, Robert, James Machin d 467 Nov 5, 1809 403 A W Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, Robert Jr, Wm McIntire d 632 Apr 26, 1811 34 3/4 A Georges Cr

* Vol 10

Glasgow, Robert Gaines Goode d 401 Nov 28, 1818 126 1/2 A Br Cr & Buck Run

* "J"

* Vol 13

Jack, Andrew Thomas Bereman 185 Oct 4, 1826 157 A Release of


Jack, Thomas Joseph Leedom 172 Apr 19, 1827 60 A

* Vol 20

Jack, Andrew Joseph Wright d 236 May 1, 1839 50 A Beaslys Fork Br Cr

* Vol 29

Jack, James John Young d 570 Mch 25, 1850 Bear Fork Br Cr

* Vol 32

Jack, Andrew James Jack d 31 Sept 24, 1852 Int in land on Beaslys Fk Br Cr

* Vol 33

Jack, Andrew Sarah McClellan d 252 Oct 6, 1854 Int in 200 A on Beaslys Fk Br Cr

Jack, Andrew John Young d 253 Dec 29, 1854 1/18 of 200 A on Br Cr

Jack, Andrew Henry McGarvey d 495 Feby 9, 1835 1/6 of 200 A on Br Cr

* "K"

* Vol 30

Kincaid, John H. Jno M. Chipps gdn d 545 Dec 25, 1851 1 A adj Jackson- ville.

* Vol 32

Kilgore, Oliver Wm Boone d 256 Dec 14, 1853 11 1/2 A Big 3 Mile Cr

* "L"

* Vol 5

Ludwick, John James Edwards 201 Apr 24, 1795 Lot in Aberdeen

Lodwick, John Dempse Trusty d 193 June 7, 1806 W.U. 5 & 6

Lodwick, John W.U. Trustees d 195 Mch 13, 1806 W.U. 51, 87

V14 Page 490

* "R"

* Vol 1,2, & 3

Ruby, William Thos Parker d 106 June 3, 1799 Alex 16

* "T"

* Vol 1,2, & 3

Thompson, James Peter Ferrard d 183 Jany 20, 1801 Fr Gr 92

* Vol 6

Thompson, Mathew Wm Hannah d 455 Nov 9, 1809 W.U. 42

Thompson, Mathew James McComes d 403 July 28, 1809 W.U. 41

Thompson, Thomas Ezekiel Spurgen d 465 Mch 1, 1810 315 A Br Cr

Thoroman, Thomas James Spurgen d 578 July 25, 1810 130 A Br Cr

Thompson, Jane Cornelius Williamson d 280 July 4, 1808 250 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 7

Thompson, George John Ligget d 274 Sept 8, 1813 93 A

Thompson, John Robt Simpson d 317 Jany 4, 1814 80 A E Fk Eagle Cr

Thompson, Robert Robt Wright d 23 Dec 10, 1811 15 A Cher Fk

* Vol 8

Thompson, Thomas Ezekiel Spurgeon 322 Sept 25, 1815 Release of mtge

Thompson, John Jane Thompson d 280 Feby 16, 1815 125 A W Ft Br Cr

Thompson, John Thos Thompson d 326 Apr 26, 1815, 100 A

Thompson, Joseph Jean Thompson d 404 July 3, 1815, 125 A

* Vol 9

Thompson, Joseph John Milligan d 263 May 25, 1816 126 1/2 A E Fk Br Cr

Thoroman, Samuel Joseph Moore d 367 Aug 23, 1816 100 A

Thoroman, Thos James Spurgeon d 631 Mch 3, 1816 Release mtge

Thoroman Thos Jun? Thos Thoroman Jr 64 Feby 2, 1816 mtge Set

* Vol 10

Thompson, Robert John Black d 367 June 12, 1819 Elizabethtown

Thompson, John Thos Maxwell d 11 May 1, 1817 125 A

Thompson, Wm R. Wm Roe d 345 Aug 26, 1818 60 1/2 A

Thompson, Wm R. Geo Roe d 449 1818 38 1/2 A E Fk Eagle Cr

Thoroman, Thos John Sampson m 552 May 19, 1819 130 A mtg Sat

Thoroman, Thos Sen Thos Thoroman Jr m 460 May 19, 1819 mtg sat

* Vol 11

Thompson, Bazaleel Lewis Thompson d 96 July 24, 1820 67 A W Fk Br Cr

V14 Page 491

Thoroman, Saml Lewis Thompson d 193 Mch 13, 1821 11 1/2 A Br Cr

Thompson, Bazaleel Lewis Thompson d 286 Jany 30, 1822 65 3/4 A Br Cr

Thoroman, Chas Saml R. Wood d 109 Aug 20, 1820 30 A Br Cr

Thompson, Robt Robt Wright d 214 July 6, 1821 12 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 12

Thompson, Daniel John Caseldine d 93 Jany 5, 1824 100 A

Thompson, Lewis Nathl Cloud d 539 Jany 14, 1823 Jacksonville 45

Thompson, Daniel John H. Shepherd d 97 Dec 22, 1823 72 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 13

Thompson, John John Cheeseman d 42 Jany 8, 1822 16 3/4 A

Thoroman, Thos Wm Davis d 121 Sept 6, 1826 102 1/2 A

Thompson, Wm Andrew Ellison d 4 Feby 11, 1826 123 A Br Cr

Thompson, Daniel Thos Jarrard's Adm d 445 Sept 30, 1828 100 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Thoroman, Oliver Sen John Leech d 201 Jany 25, 1827 16 A

Thompson, Thos Seth Shoemaker d 48 Apr 4, 1826 25 A Br Cr

Thompson, Thos Saml R. Wood d 158 Mch 27, 1827 25 A Br Cr

Thompson, John John Wright d 461 Oct 20, 1828 73 1/4 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 17

Thompson, Thos James Thompson et al d 533 Dec 5, 1833 121 A Br Cr

* Vol 18

Toland, John Theoph P. Barritt d 268 Sept 13, 1836 16 A

* Vol 27

Thompson, Israel Thos Thompson's heirs d 97 Jany 1, 1846 50 A W Fk Br Cr

Thompson, James heirs Wm Davis d 644 June 30, 1848 50 A Br Cr

* Vol 31

Thompson, Archibald Ans Ellison etux d 330 Nov 5, 1852 111 1/2 A Ohio Br Cr

* Vol 32

Thompson, Hugh Jacob Stolz d 160 Feby 23, 1852 2 trs Lick Fk Br Cr

* Vol 36

Thompson, James H. Theoph P. Barritt's Adm d 63 July 31, 1856 46 3/4 A Montgomery Run

Thoroman, Saml John Thoroman d 195 Nov 5, 1857 1/9 of 96 A Br Cr

There are so many Thompson & Thoromans that I only took an occasional one fater 1830 Vol 1 of Reverse Index runs to 1859 embracing 36 vols.

V14 Page 492

Direct Index to Deeds No 1

* "B"

Vol 1, 2, & 3

Barret, James, Sarah Snodgrass, 262 mar cer

* Vol 4

Barritt, John, William Heres, d 284, Nov 5, 1804 Wash 20

* Vol 5

Barritt, John, Wm Peterson, d 173, Mch 3, 1806 333 1/3 A Ross Co

* Vol 6

Barrit, John, Jacob Robins, 145, Sept 30, 1807, bill of sale

* Vol 8

Bradford, David, John W. Campbell, d 18, Apr 15, 1814 W.U. etc

* Vol 10

Barrit, John, John O'Bannon's Exrs, 435, Dec 25, 1818 114 A mtge

* Vol 12

Barritt, John (by court), Jno Moore d, 121, Mch 30, 1824 10 A

* Vol 18

Barritt, Theophilis P., John Toland, d 268, Sept 13, 1836 16 A

* Vol 19

Barritt, Theophilis P., James Stout, m. 207, Jany 25, 1838 40 A

* Vol 21

Barritt, John, Hosea Moore, d 253, Apr 3, 1840 10 1/4 A Br Cr

* Vol 22

Barritt, Theop P., Stout Pettit, d 78 Nov 2, 1840, Ohio River

Barritt, Theop P., David Stout, m. 186, Apr 27, 1841 3 A mtge Ohio River

Barritt, Theop P., James Stout, m 187, May 15, 1841 43 A

Barritt, John, Eliza Combs, d 474, Nov 2, 1841, 104 A

Barritt, Theoph P., Jesse Cole, m. 42, Dec 16, 1841 40 A Montgomery Run

* Vol 24

Barritt, Theoph P., James Stout, m. 39, Aug 15, 1843, mort

Barritt, Theoph P., James Stout, d 478, Feby 21, 1845 43 A Ohio River

* Vol 25

Barritt, John, Joseph B. Hackett, d 288, Nov 6, 1845, Washington

Barritt, Theoph P., Sch Dist 5 Green Tp, 359, Feby 10, 1845 1/4 A lease

* Vol 26

Barritt, John, Dwight Keet, d 490, July 30, 1847 40 A Br Cr

V14 Page 493

* Vol 27

Barritt, Wm M., Joseph Wright, d 396, June 1, 1846 120 A

* Vol 33

Barritt, Wm M. et al, Wilson C. Ellis, d 108, Mch 21, 1854 80 1/2 A

* Vol 35

Barritt, T.P. Adm, Rebecca Barritt, d 3, Aug 27, 1856 121 P. Ohio River

* Vol 36

Barritt, T.P. Adm, James H. Thompson, d 63, July 31, 1856 56 3/4 A

Montgomery Run


Vol 1,2, & 3

Crawford, John, Moses Crawford, B.S. 7, Nov 30, 1797 bill sale

Crawford, John, Sarah Crawford, B.S. 7, Nov 30, 1797 bill sale

Crawford, Wm, David Robe, d 188, June 6, 1801, 200 A Hills Fk Eagle Cr

Crawford, Andw & J. Bells, Robt & Saml Purviance & Wm Knox, m. 195, Sept 8, 1795, mort

* Vol 4

Crawford, William, John Barritt, 98, Mch 18, 1804 P/A

Crawford, William, Wm Dodson, 269, Jany 19,1805 12 A Life Deed

* Vol 6

Crawford, John, George Crawford, 440, Mch 9, 1809, bill sale

Crawford, Wm & Richd, Wm Rowland, d 517, Mch 31, 1810 2/3 of 101 A Ohio


* Vol 11

Corrothers, Hugh, Geo Sample, d 57, Feby 21, 1820 125 + 22 1/2 A Br Cr

* Vol 12

Corrothers, Hugh, James Mullin, d 377, Oct 5, 1825 95 A Br Cr

* Vol 13

Corrothers, Hugh, Daniel Kelley, d 200, Feby 13, 1827, Jacksonville

* Vol 17

Corrothers, Hugh, John Oliver, d 473, June 30, 1827, 100 A Jacksonville

Crothers, Robt, Ashford Weeden & Wm Lee, d 547, Apr 17, 1834, 102 A Little E. Fk Br Cr

* Vol 19

Crawfords heirs, Geo Crawford, P.A. 200, Feby 3, 1836 P/A

* Vol 23

Carothers, Archibald, Geo Clark, d 176, Aug 12, 1842, 204 A Cher Frk, Br Cr

* Vol 26

Crothers, Robert, Jno T. Wilson, sm 262, Jany 21, 1847 47 1/4 A

Carothers, Archibald, John McClung, d 371, Jany 29, 1847, 140 A Lick Fk

Carothers, Wm et al, John McClung, d 372, Jany 29, 1847 50 A Lick Fk

Crothers, Robt, Mark Wallingford, d 434, Nov 28, 1846 68 A

V14 Page 494

* Vol 28

Carothers, Archibald, David Coleman, d 199, Oct 9, 1848 100 A Lkg Fk

Carothers, William, Andw B. Carl, d 309, Jany 1, 1849 150 A Br Cr

Carothers, Hugh, John McClung, d 353, Oct 26, 1848 50 A Lk Fk Br Cr

* Vol 29

Carothers, Hugh, Wolf & Campbell, d 13, Apr 27, 1849, 8 P

Carothers, Hugh, Jas Campbell et al, m. 115, Dec 23, 1847, 158 A Br CR

* Vol 30

Chipps, John M. gdn, Jno H. Kincaid, d 545, Dec 25, 1851 10 A

* Vol 32

Crothers, R., Allen Pence, d 557, Dec 30, 1850 47 A +

Crothers, R., Daniel Pence, d 560, Dec 29, 1851, 10 A

* Vol 35

Carothers, James, Jno Downing, d 734, Jany 1, 1857 6 1/4 A

* Vol 36

Carothers, James, Wm C. Davis, d 689, June 6, 1857, 40 1/4 A

Carothers, James, John Ames, d 718, June 6, 1857 18 1/4 A

Oct 13, 1925 7:37 Pm made all slips to here JVT

Oct 14, 1925 7:15 AM


* Vols 1,2, & 3

Darlinton, Joseph, Geo Rogers, May 28, 1799, 20 A Ohio River

* Vol 4

Darlinton, Joseph, Geo Rogers, d 96, May 28, 1799, 200 A Ohio River

Darlinton, Joseph, Gabriel Darlinton, d 245, Nov 28, 1844 P/A

Dunlavey, Anthony, Robt McFerson, 342, 1805, 100 A Red Oak Cr

* Vol 6

Duke, Bazil & Jno Coburn, Richd, Barret, d 159, May 15, 1807 6 A

St Clairsville.

Darlinton, Joseph, W.U. Trustees, d 61, Mch 14, 1807, 100 A

Darlinton, Joseph, Salathiel Sparks, d 62, Mch 16, 1807, 100 A

Dunlavy, Anthony, Andrew Foots, d 547, Apr 24, 1810 100 A Red Oak

Dunlavy, John, Elijah Hall, d 585, Nov 10, 1810 100 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 27

Darlinton, Joseph, Mary T. Pilson d 615, July 20, 1848 215 1/2 A estate

There are deeds galore from Joseph Darlinton in about every vol.

V14 Page 495

* Vol 30

Darlinton, Joseph, Jos E. Darlinton, d 474, Sept 23, 1851 161 A Beasly Fk Br Cr

* "E"

* Vol 7

Elliot, Robert, Joseph Gaston, d 120, Nov 5, 1812 W. Frk Br Cr

* Vol 21

Elliot, Benj F., Lewis Crisenburg, 358, Sept 17, 1840, 52 A Mort sat Ohio


* Vol 23

Elliot, Wm C., Samuel Hibbs, d 90, Mch 14, 1842, Locust Grove, 37.51

Elliot, Benj F., Lewis Crisenberry, d 126, Sept 15, 1842, 52 A Ohio River

Elliot, John, Benj F. Torrence, d 252, Oct 14, 1842, Commercialtown

* Vol 24

Elliot, William, Wm Leeper, d 14, Oct 5, 1843, 54 A E. Frk B.C.

* Vol 25

Elliot, Samuel, Archibald, McCullough, d 375, Jany 26, 1846, 151 A W. Frk


* "F"

* Vols 1,2, & 3

Ferry License, James Edwards, 135, Oct 1, 1799 Fer Lic

* Vol 7

Finley, Robert, Saml S. Finley, d 291, Dec 3, 1813 219 A Cher Fk B.C.

Finley, Robert, William Finley, d 293, Dec 1, 1814, 244 A Br Cr

Frame, James, Thos Wroten, d 299, Oct 25, 1813 60 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 9

Finley, James & Wm, Wm McCague, d 474, Oct 18, 1816 100 A

* Vol 10

Finley, James, Newton Ayers, d 56, Aug 14, 1817 W.U. 1/2 of 105

Finley, James & Wm, Nathl Reed's hrs, d 83, Aug 26, 1817 63 3/4 A Cher Fk

Br Cr

Finley, John's heirs, Nathl Reed's hrs, d 160, Nov 20, 1817 82 A Cher Fk

Br Cr

* Vol 11

Finley, James, Benj Ellis, d 261, May 14, 1822 45 A Washburns Run

Finley, James, Henry Rape, d 314 Sept 27, 1822 W.U. W 1/2 68

Finley, James, Absolem Lafferty, d 350, Jany 1, 1823, W.U. N 1/2 73

Finley, James, John Messersmith, d 357, Nov 11, 1822 W.U. S. 1/2 105

Finley, James, James McFadden, d 358, Feby 25, 1823 W.U. S. 1/2 73

Finley, Joseph L., James Finley, d 422 June 25, 1832 50 A

V14 Page 496

* Vol 12

Finley, Joseph L., Samuel Finley, d 23 Feby 6, 1824, Beasleys Fk Br Cr

* Vol 14

Finley, Robt, Exr, Sarah Finley, d 339 Mch 2, 1830 132 3/4 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley's, Robt, Mary Finley, d 382 Mch 2, 1830 100 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley's, Robt, Saml S. Finley, d 384 Mch 2, 1830, 100 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley, Sarah, Mary, Wm & Robt, Isaac Black, d 413 Sept 14, 1830 57 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley, Robt Exr, William Finley, d 539, Mch 2, 1830, 182 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 15

Finley, James & Wm, deed of partition, d 219, Feby 9, 1820 187 1/2 + 188 1/4 A

Finley, Robert, Elihu F. Dryden, d 420, May 31, 1831 33 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 17

Finley, William, Saml McComas, d 556, Oct 29, 1835 135 3/4 A

* Vol 18

Finley, Joseph L., John Patterson, d 518 Apr 28, 1831 Harpersville no 8

* Vol 19

Finley, William's Exrs, James Taylor, d 19, July 3, 1832 188 1/4 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley, James, Sch Dist 4 Wayne Tp, 22 , Apr 27, 1837 1/2 A 99 yr lease

Finley, Robert's Exrs, Margaret Glasgow's heirs d 151, Mar 7, 1837, 100 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley, Saml S., Joseph B. Patton, d 213, Jany 9, 1838, 100 A Cher Fk Br


* Vol 21

Finley, James, Thos B. Bussy, 340, Sept 25, 1840 68 A mort sat

Finley, John, Paul Crane, d 440, Jany 9, 1841 50 A Beasleys Fk Br Cr

Finley, James, Hiram Resaler, d 468, Sept 23, 1840 50 A Beasleys Fk Br Cr

* Vol 22

Finley, John B., James Finley, d 86, May 11, 1841 45 1/2 A E Fk Eagle Cr

Finley, James, John Higgins, d 97, May 15, 1841 68 1/2 A E Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 23

Finley, James' Admr, John Higgins, d 522, Nov 6, 1843 1/2 30 A E Fk Br Cr

Finley, Robert, Robt McCutchen, d 560, Jany 18, 1844 36 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 24

Finley, Robert, John Clark, d 34, Jany 15, 1844, 40 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Finley, James, Joseph P. Patterson, d 108, Aug 31, 1841 45 1/4 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 25

Finley, Robert, Gotlieb Hause, d 275, Jany 23, 1846, 95 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 26

Finley, Robert, John Patton, d 52, Jany 7, 1846, 117 A

V14 Page 497

Finley, Robert, D.H. Buchannon, d 164, Sept 19, 1846, 259 A Cher Fk

Finley, Saml's Admr, Edwd S.W. Burbage, d 239, July 4, 1846, 50 A

Finley, Jos L's Exrs, Edwd S.W. Burbage, d 271, Feby 1, 1847 28 3/4 + 60 A Beasleys Fork

Finley, Mary, Robt McCutchen, d 513, Apr 15, 1847 81 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 28

Finley, Robert S., Andrew McIntire Assique Grassman, d 73, June 22, 1848 219 + 80 A Cher Fk

Finley, Robert S., Andrew McIntire, d 75 Oct 17, 1848 219 A Cher Fk

Finley, Robert S., Andrew McIntire, d 76, Oct 17, 1848 25 1/2 + 54 3/4 A Cher Fk

Finley, Robert S., John Guilinger, d 183, Apr 8, 1848 20 1/4 A Cher Fk

* Vol 30

Frame, James, Taylor Scott, d 399, Jany 18, 1851 100 1/4 A Big 3 mile Cr

* Vol 31

Finley, William, Martha S. Campbell, d 25, Aug 13, 1851 51 1/4 A Brush Cr

Finley, William, Mary R. Glasgow, d 34, Aug 13, 1851 51 A Brush Cr

* Vol 32

Finley, James Exr, Nathl Kirkpatrick d 385, Mch 7, 1854 187 1/2 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* Vol 34

Finley, William, Robert P. Finley, d 621, June 17, 1856, 152 A. Brush

Creek Waters.

* Vol 35

Frame, James, Thos B. Cropper, d 151, Nov 28, 1856, 66 A Big 3 mile Cr

Frame, Wm et al, James A. Kirker, d 174 Nov 4, 1856 106 A. E. Fk Eagle Cr

Frame, James, John P. Bloomhuff, d 492, Oct 16, 1852 1 A 1 R Big 3 m.C.

* Vol 36

Finley, John, Wm Plummer, d 384, Aug 28, 1858, 74 P Cher Fk

* Vol 37

Finley, Glasgow, Wm Montgomery, d 70, Feby 24, 1859 58 A 40 P

* "G"

* Vol 1,2, & 3

Grimes, Noble, Thos & Richd, Moses Crawford, d 165 June 11, 1801 210 A Ohio River

* Vol 4

Grimes, Thomas, David Bradford, d 321, Mch 29, 1805 200 A

* Vol 7

Glasgow, Robert, James Magill, d 332 Dec 29, 1813 25 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 10

Glasgow, Robert, James McNiel, d 87, Sept 29, 1817 40 A W Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, Robert Junr, Nicholas Blake, d 327, Aug 27, 1818 34 3/4 A

Glasgow, Robert, Nicholas Blake, d 328, Aug 27, 1818 70 A Br Cr

V14 Page 498

* Vol 11

Glasgow, Robert, Wm Glasgow, d 100, May 27, 1820 48 A W Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, Robert, Wm Graham, d 111, May 27, 1820, 80 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 12

Gallatin, Albert, James Gallatin, 296, May 4, 1825 P/A

Gallatin, James, John Means, 297, May 30, 1825 P/A

Glasgow, William, Edward Hoge d 557 June 20, 1826 214 1/2 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 15

Gallatin, Albert by atty, Jno Pollard d 197 Oct 5, 1831 500 A Ohio River

* Vol 16

Glasgow, Joseph's Admr, Andrew Davidson d 234, Oct 17, 1833 243 A

* Vol 18

Glasgow, Joseph M., John Bayless, d 317 Aug 11, 1836 51 1/2 A

* Vol 22

Glasgow, Saml S., & Robt G. Patton, Robt M. Wilson, d 225, Aug 9, 1841 135 A E Fk Br Cr

* Vol 23

Glasgow, Robt A., Geo Blair's heirs, d 23 Mch 19, 1841 10 A Cher Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, William, Saml S. Glasgow, d 515 Jany 19, 1843 1/3 194 A Cher Fk

Br Cr

* Vol 24

Glasgow, Joseph F., Thomas Kane, d 43 Mch 23, 1844 1/3 100 A Chr Fk Br Cr

Glasgow, Robert B., Wm M. Glasgow, d 204, Mch 9, 1844 44 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 25

Grimes, Richd C. Exr, Elijah Kimble Sr, d 187 Aug 1, 1845, 100 A Little 3 Mile Cr

Grimes, Wm's Admr, Isaac Pownell, d 193, Aug 9, 1845 60 A

* Vol 26

Glasgow, Montgomery, Jno Campbell, d 341, Feby 13, 1847 195 A

Gifford, Leman, Pickle Gifford, m 531, May 10, 1847 39 3/4 A

* Vol 36

Glasgow, James, Robt F. Glasgow d 672, Feby 20, 1856 46 A 35 P Geo Cr

Glasgow, James, Andrew McIntire, d 760, Oct 2, 1856 140 A 12 A

* "J"

* Vol 13

Jack, James, John Smith, d 537, June 10, 1828 27 3/4 A 3 M Cr

* Vol 21

Jack Andw & Wm Morrison, Joseph Wright, m 279 May 1, 1839 185 A Beasleys Fk Br Cr

V14 Page 499

* Vol 23

Jack, Andrew, John Bayless Jr, d 1, Nov 10, 1841 1/5 60 A

* Vol 32

Jack, James, Andrew Jack, d 31 Sept 24, 1852 Int in land, Beasleys Fk Br CR

* "K"

* Vol 6

Kincaid, Samuel, John Shepherd, Bazil Gordon 250 June 20, 1808 bill sale

Kinkead, William, Mathew McClung 588 Nov 10, 1810 2 1/2 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 14

Kincaid, Matthew, James Collins d 152 Sept 4, 1859 50 A Br CR

* Vol 15

Kincaid, Samuel, John Hedrick, d 415 Oct 22, 1832 100 A Big E Fk Cr O

* Vol 16

Kincaid, Thomas, Wm M. Kincaid, d 78, July 2, 1833 50 A Beasleys Fk

* Vol 17

Kincaid, John's Admr, Joseph L. Finley d 501 Nov 21, 1835 59 1/2 A E Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 23

Kilgore, William, John Lock, d 111, Mch 10, 1842 30 A

* Vol 25

Kincaid, John H., Moses Roush, d 178, Dec 1, 1845 66 A Big 3 m cr

* Vol 26

Kincaid, John's heirs, John H. Kincaid, d 78 June 5, 1845 50 + 24 1/2 + 60 + 8 + 30 + 29 A

* Vol 29

Kincaid, Margaret's Exr, John H. Kincaid, d 319 Aug 15, 1849, an undivided int in 7 tracts of land.

* Vol 30

Kincaid, John H., Archibald Grimes, d 508 Apr 11, 1850 2 1/4 A

Kincaid, James L., Joseph M. Watson, bond 544 Sept 22, 1851 bond

* Vol 32

Kincaid, R.M., Samuel Kincaid d 504 Apr 20, 1854 Eagle Cr

* Vol 34

Kincaid, Samuel, John McClanahan, d 36, Nov 13, 1855 116 & 2 1/2 E Fk Br Cr

* "L"

* Vol 6

Lodwick, John, Wm Russell, d 188 June 24, 1807 W.U. 1/2 462

Many deeds from John Lodwick

V14 Page 500

* Vol 13

Lodwick, John, Lysle [sic] Lodwick, d 414 Aug 26, 1828 W.U. 96

Lodwick, John, Wm Lodwick d 415 Aug 26, 1828 W.U. 95

* Vol 36

Lodwick, Lysle, Robt Lysle Wood, d 259, Feby 20, 1858 in lot no 96 W.U.

* "M"

* Vol 1,2, & 3 Massie, Nathl, Hosea Moore, d 1, Mch 13, 1797 200 A Br Cr

Entire first page of index except two names & almost all of 2d & 3d pages are deeds from Nathl Massie.

* Vol 17

McIntire, Andrew, James Gilleland, d 177 Jany 1, 1835 93 A Hills Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 19

Mechlenberg, Peter's heirs, Ignatius Blake, d 586, Sept 8, 1838 100 A Br


* Vol 20

Massie, Nathl's heirs, John Barritt, d 426 May 13, 1839 11 A Br Cr

* Vol 27

McIntire, Andrew, Wm Parks, d 391, Apr 6,1848 273 A Hills Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 28

McIntire, Andrew, Robert S. Finley, m 87 Jany 5, 1849 219 A mort Cher Fk

McIntire, Andrew, Wm Milligan, d 153, Jany 24, 1849 92 1/2 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 30

McIntire, Mary, Andrew McIntire, d 557, Oct 28, 1851 1/3 of 150 A Br Cr

* Vol 32

McIntire, Rhuhamah, Andrew McIntire, d 102 June 21, 1853 1/3 of 150 A Br


* Vol 33

McIntire, James R. et al, Andrew Potts Sr d 481 Apr 5, 1855 50 A Cher Fk

Br Cr

McIntire, W.L., James & Martha, Silas D. McIntire, d 506 Feby 4, 1853 3/4 of 72 1/2 + 20 A Cher Fk Br Cr

McIntire, S.D., Jno L., Jane & Martha, d 536 Feby 4, 1853 54 3/4 + 167 A Cher Fk Br Cr

* "I"

* Vol 5

Thompson, David, Robt Moore, d 4 Mch 5, 1805 7.50 A Eagle Cr

* Vol 6

Thompson, Thos, Ezekiel Spurgen, sm 466, Mar 1, 1810 315 A mort sat

Thoroman, Thos, James Spurgen sm 549 July 25, 1810 130 A Br

V14 Page 501

* Vol 7

Thompson, Matthew, Alex Varner, d 205 May 29, 1813

* Vol 8

Thompson, James, John Thompson, d 280 Feby 16, 1815, 125 A W Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Thomas, John Thompson d 326 Apr 26, 1815 100 A

Thompson, Thomas, Michael Early, d 327 Apr 26, 1815 94 1/2 A

Thompson, Jean, Joseph Thompson d 404 July 3, 1815 125 A W Ft Br Cr

* Vol 9

Thompson, Joseph, Jno McCulloch Sr d 5 Nov 10, 1815 125 A W Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Sarah, Silas Robinson's hrs, d 8 July 1, 1815 100 A Strait Cr

Thompson, Bernard's heirs, Silas Robinson's hrs, d 9 July 1, 1815 100 Strait Cr

Thoroman, Thos, Senr, Thos Thoroman Jun d 64 Feby 2, 1816 130 A mort sat

Thompson, John, Robt Ralston, d 127 Apr 13, 1816 125 A W Fk Br Cr

* Vol 10

Thoroman, Thos Junr, Thos Thoroman Senr, 460 May 19, 1819 release of mort

Thoroman, Thomas, John Sampson, d 564 May 19, 1819 130 A Br Cr

* Vol 11

Thoroman Thomas Senr, John Sampson d 17 Dec 9, 1819 rel of mot

Thoroman, Chas & Oliver, John Sampson d 17 Dec 19, 1819 10 A mort sat Br


Thompson, Lewis, Bazaleel Thompson d 96 July 24, 1820 67 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Lewis, Saml Thoroman d 193 Mch 13, 1821 11 1/2 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Lewis, Bazaleel Thompson d 286 Jany 30, 1822 63 3/4 A Lk Fk Br


Thompson, W.L., Cadwallader Wallace, 502 Nov 23, 1822 P/A

* Vol 12

Thoroman, Chas, Daniel Boyle, sm 285 Nov 20, 1824 30 A mort sat Br Cr

Thompson, Bazaleel, Joshua Dunkin, m. 350 Sept 23, 1825 67 A mort Lk Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Lewis, John Dunkin Jr m 546 June 11, 1826 64 3/4 A mort Lk Fk

Cr Cr

* Vol 13

Thompson, John, Peter Hoop, d 2 May 24, 1826 100 A

Thompson, Bazaleel, John Duncan Jr, d 37 Aug 12, 1826 54 1/2 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thoroman, Chas & Oliver C., Robert Ellison, d 289, Apr 5, 1823 130 A Br Cr

Thompson, Wm, Benj Anderson, d 314 Sept 29, 1827 50 A Br Cr

Thompson, John, Saml Ellis, d 385 Jany 4, 1828 99 1/2 A 3 M Cr

* Vol 14

Thompson, Thomas, Wm McClanahan, d 298 Apr 1, 1830 50 A Br Cr

Thoroman Saml, Sch Dist 5 Tiffin Tp d 388 July 30, 1830 80 P

Thompson, Daniel, Margt Robinson, d 574 Dec 20, 1830 72 A Cher Fk Br Cr

V14 page 502

* Vol 15

Thoroman, Chas, Thos Thoroman Jr D 118, Sept 2, 1830 30 A Br Cr

Thompson, Joseph, McArthur & James d 386 Aug 28, 1832 126 1/2 A E Fk Br


Thompson, John, John Williams d 452 Aug 25, 1832 Jacksonville 4 & 19

* Vol 16

Thompson, Moses, Thos McGowney, d 86 July 8, 1833 110 A Tiffin Tp

* Vol 17

Thompson, John Jr, Wm Pence, d 98 Sept 15, 1834

Thoroman, Chas, Thos Thoroman Jr d 125 Feby 17, 1826 30 A Br Cr

Thompson, Wm, James Grimes d 169 Oct 18, 1834 50 A Br Cr

Thompson, James et al, Thos Thompson d 533 Dec 5, 1833 121 A Br Cr

* Vol 18

Thompson, Mary & Allen Simrall, Jacob Washburn, d 604 Jany 1, 1836 106 A E Fk Eagle Cr

* Vol 19

Thompson, Charles, Michael, Wm & Daniel Tomlin, d 327, Jany 8, 1838, 58 + 22 3/4 A Little 3 M Cr

Thompson, Thomas, Thos Johnson, d 445 June 17, 1837 130 A Br Cr

* Vol 22

Thompson, Robert senr, Newswander, d 431, Mch 30, 1842 20 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Robert, John Kennerly, d 476, Apr 30, 1842 25 A Lk Fk Br Cr

* Vol 23

Thompson, James, Wm Mitchell, d 167 June 26, 1841 71 A Scioto Br Cr

Thompson, James, Wm Mitchell, d 169 Oct 1, 1842 50 A Scioto, Br Cr

Thoroman, Saml Senr, Saml Thoroman Junr d 304 Jany 26, 1843 1/ 1/2 A

Thompson, John D., Robt H. Chunn, d 415 Sept 22, 1843 2 /12 A Ohio River

* Vol 24

Thoroman, Thos Admr, Michael Stafford, d 414 Mch 21, 1845 30 A Br Cr

* Vol 25

Thompson, Wm R., Jane McCutchen, Jane Welsh, d 373 Oct 9, 1843 45 A E Fk Eagle Cr

Thompson, George, John Crawford, d 381 May 2, 1846 Dunkinsville,

* Vol 26

Thoroman, Charlotte, Michl Stafford, d 4 July 20, 1846, A quit claim Br Cr

Thoroman, Oliver, Perry G. Chambers d 444 May 25, 1847 132 1/2 A Br Cr

Thompson, Wm's Exr, Isaac Sutherland, d 523 July 28, 1847 13 1/2 A (mill) Cher Fk Br Cr

Thoroman, Oliver, Chas Thoroman, d 535 May 26, 1847 16 of 200 A

Thoroman, William, Chas Thoroman d 536 June 14, 1847 1/6 of 200 A Br Cr

* Vol 27

V14 Page 503

Thompson, Thos heirs, Israel Thompson, d 97 Jany 1, 1846 50 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Israel, Wm Robe d 291 Feby 7, 1848 7/11 50 A Lk Fk Br Cr

* Vol 29

Thompson, Robt Jr, Wm Robe, d 282 Oct 13, 1848 50 A Lk Fk Br Cr

* Vol 30

Thoroman, Thos, R.B. Stiers, d 316 July 16, 1850 Jacksonville 40

* Vol 31

Thompson, Robt Admr, Wm Robe d 95 Oct 21, 1851 93 1/4 A

Thoroman, Thos, Richd Fristoe, d 119 July 16, 1850 1 A

Thoroman, Wm Z., John Thomas d 214 Feby 26, 1852 int in S. Thomas Est

Thoroman, Saml, Wm Thoroman, d 359, Dec 15, 1852 75 A 1 R 14 P Br Cr

* Vol 32

Thoroman, William, Peter Thompson, d 285 Jany 29, 1853 75 1/4 A Ohio Br


Thoroman, Wm Z et al, Jas H. Killpatrick d 353 Sept 23, 1853 Jacksonville 11 & 12

Thoroman, Crawford, Saml Thoroman, d 418 Dec 1853 42 A 1 4 2 P Ohio Br Cr

Thompson, Jas H., Henry Ousler, d 431 Dec 13, 1853 23 A Rock Run

* Vol 33

Thompson, Hugh, Jacob Stutts, d 461, June 6, 1855 79 & 33 A Lick Fk Br Cr

Thompson, Samuel, A.H. Alexander d 470 May 20, 1855 72 A

* Vol 34

Thoroman, Salvadore, Jno Thomas, d 353 Feby 1, 1856 Share of Saml Thompson farm Meigs Tp

Thoroman, Samuel, B of E of Tiffin Tp d 389 Apr 12, 1856 60 P

Thoroman, Thomas, Joseph Wiscub, d 694 May 19, 1855 40 A

* Vol 35

Thompson, Peter, John Graham d 184 Apr 12, 1856 75 A + Ohio Br Cr

Thompson, Elizabeth, Daniel & Jos Cline, d 230 Jany 1, 1856 25 A Ohio Br


Thompson, Hugh, Jacob Stolz, d 327 Mch 4, 1857 112 A Lk Fk Br Cr

Thoroman, John, James Green d 696 Jany 3, 1857 100 A Ohio Br Cr

* Vol 36

Thoroman, John, Saml Thoroman, d 195 Nov 5, 1857 1/9 of 96 A Br Cr

Thoroman, Thomas, Smith Thoroman, d 614 Nov 27, 1858 152 A Ohio Br Cr

* vol 37

Thompson, Thos, James H. Thompson, d 103 July 23, 1858 120 1/2 A Br Cr

Thompson, John O., James H. Thompson d 104 Aug 7, 1858 120 1/2 A Br Cr

* Vol 6

Wilson, Samuel, Wmson [best guess] Means d 175 Oct 7, 1807 174 A W Fk Eagle Cr

Finished index Oct 14/25 3:15 PM 20 pages in all. Did not take all the Thompsons & Thoromans.

V14 Page 504

Deed Records, Adams Co, O

Vol 1, 2, & 3 Page 7 is bill of sale dated Nov 30, 1797 in con of 5 shillings & affectionate regard for my son, Moses Crawford, sells him 5 cows & calves & 1 bay mare, 20 hogs & all my farming implements, Ackd before John Beasley Esq, He styles himself as of Adams Co N.W. of Ohio River.

Also for 58 & personal regards for my daughter, Sarah Crawford, he sells to her 5 beds & furniture, 6 chairs, one table, 12 pewter plates & one chest of drawers, the title to all of which I will warrant & defend. Dated Nov 30, 1797 & ackd before John Beasley Esq.

John Crawford, (seal)

Same Vol, page 165, Noble Grimes, Richd Grimes & Thomas Grimes on June 11, 1801 for $1000 convey 210 A in Adams Co in the Territory of the U.S. N.W. of the Ohio River adjg David Bradford & being part of a survey of 1000 A to Churchill Jones

Same Vol page 186, Nathl Massie, (the general) & Susan, his wife on May 16, 1801 for £146, 13s, conveys to William Crawford both styled of the Co of Adams in the Ter of U.S. N.W. of Ohio 838 A for the above sum current money "of the State of Ky"

Same Vol page 188 on June 1, 1801 Wm Crawford & Martha, his wife of the sd Co of Adams convey to David Robe of Mason Co, Ky for $430 convey 210 A.

Ack June 6, 1801 before Thos Kirker

V14 Page 505

Same Vol page 195 wherein John Belli & Andrew Crawford of Washington Co, Maryland, shopkeepers, & are bound to Saml Purviance, Robt Purviance & Wm Knox of Balto, merchants for £598.2.5. current money of Md. Signed John Belli Andw Crawford.

Same Vol P 131

On Oct 12, 1799 Ar. St Clair, Governor of the Ter of the U.S. N.W. of the Ohio, grants a Ferry license of 1 yr to Joseph Darlinton & Jas Lawson from said Darlinton's land signed, Ar [Arthur] St Clair.

Same Vol p 93

On Oct 3, 1798, Nathl Massie for £120 conveys 400 A on Ohio River to Joseph Darlinton, then styled as of Mason Co KY

Same Vol P 238 on Mch 1, 1802, John Shepherd of Adams Co for $200 conveys to Antony Dunlavy of same Co 100 A

Same Vol p 80

On June 23, 1798 Nathl Massie conveys to Robert Fulton of Westnd Co, Pa for £3 lot no 242 in town of Chillkcothe in sd Adams Co

V14 Page 506

Same Vol p 183

On Jany 20, 1801 Peter Ferard of Gallipolis, O for $13.33 1/3 paid & $186.66 2/3 to be pd in 3 E.A.Ps conveys to James Thompson although he is first named as Thomas Thompson of Adams Co 217 A & 39/100 in No 92 in the plat of a tract of 24,000 A of land granted by the congress of the U.S. to the French inhabitants of Gallipolis Mch 3, 1795 which lot he says is "my proportion of said grant, & lies in Adams Co"

Same Vol p 135

On Oct 1, 1799. Gov Arthur St Clair grants a ferry license to James Edwards from a Gut [sic] near the mouth of a stream to Limestone, Ky on the other side of the Ohio. This is the James Edwards whose heirs (on was Guy Behm at the Northside Hotel night before last) claim the Trinity Church & Woolworth Bldg & other grounds in New York City.

Same Vol page 1

This is the first deed on record here & is dated Mch 13, 1797 & made by Nathl Massie then styled as of Hamilton Co in the Ter of the U.S. N.W. of the Ohio River of 1st part & Hosea Moore of the same place for £30 current money of Ky ctg 200 A.

V14 Page 507

West Union, O Oct 14, 1925 6:20 AM

I have just had a talk with Oliver Joseph Thoroman in the side front of the P.O. where he came with the mail bags which he carries & where he had just driven up. He says his father was Wm H. Harrison Thoroman, who had a brother J. Wesley Thoroman & sister Sallie who married a Sproull & her son Dr Sproull has his office just across from the P.O. He said the father of above three, his grandfather, was Oliver Thoroman. He didn't know what the name of Oliver's father was,but said to ask Dr Sproull. He said he would be glad to see me again & would help all he could.

Left at 6:25 AM

I then came in the Hotel & got my breakfast & then at 7 o'c went to the Court House & Recorder Gaskins coming a few minutes later I went in & got to work continuing until 6 PM without cessation & got the references & records from middle of page 494 to & including 506. Mr J.J. Thoroman came in the recorder's office about noon & I had him go see Dr Sproull & arrange for him to see me at his office at 7 Pm see next page.

I came back fr his office & have written Pallini to send record book 15 to me care Hotel Sinton, Cincinnati, O.

V14 Page 508

Office of Dr O.T. Sproull, West Union, O Oct 14, 1925 7:05 PM

Dr Sproull is a rather tall, virile smooth faced man & is a great find as he has a genealogical turn & was thoughtful enough to write down in 1899 what his mother, born in 1825 then told him about the family of her grandfather, Samuel Thoroman, who married Anna Crawford, & had down also that she told him that his brother Thomas Thoroman married Hester Crawford, a sister of Anna. He did not know that they were sisters of Genl Wm Crawford, but "were of that same family & near relatives". He had a record of a Hugh Crawford she told him about who was a brother of Hester & Anna & said they came from the same part of Penna. He has down as she gave him, following the Anjou formula, the names of the eleven children of Samuel & Anna commencing with the oldest & listing his descendants before taking up the other & so continuing with the entire eleven. He said that a few years ago, he had a call from, or he called on, Hiram Thoroman, a brother of G. Wash Thoroman who had his family line on the tip of his tongue & to his surprise gave the line so lucidly & with no contradictions

V14 Page 509

that he wrote it down at the time in a volume of Burns Poems he has at his home in the next square so that he has that line. He says Hiram & "G. Wash" were grandsons of Thomas & his wife Hester Crawford. I made appointment to see him at his office at same hour 7 PM tomorrow evening to copy the record Hiram gave him, which he said he would bring over & the pad record he took down of what his mother told him with further elaborations which he can give. There are many large families in the line, one I noticed having seventeen children. He said his great grandfather Samuel Thoroman & wife were buried at Trebers g.y. about five miles from here & thinks his brother Thomas Thoroman & wife were buried about a quarter to a half mile from Jacksonville, O at a g.y. near Fristoes bridge.

Left 8:30 PM

Recorder Gaskins allowed me to bring an old dilapidated copy:

"Caldwells Illustrated Historical Atlas of Adams Co, Ohio, by J.A. Caldwell 1880" which I am now starting to look through. It has just struck 10 o'c

V14 Page 510

Recorders Office, Oct 15, 1925 6;33 Am Deed Book 4

Page 11, on Mch 17, 1802, Joseph Vance of Co of Ross, Ter of U.S. N.W. of Ohio River, conveys to John Barritt of Adams Co same Ter, in con of 6000 A of Va State Treas warrants 3000 A in Ross Co, O

Page 245, on Nov 28, 1804, Joseph Darlinton of Adams Co appoints his brother Gabriel Darlinton of Frederick Co, Va his attorney to partition a tract of land on Hog Creek Frederick Co Va ctg 212 A held jointly by David Darlinton of the one part & William Darlinton, John Darlinton, Joseph Darlinton, Gabriel Darlinton, Edward Edwards & Meredith Darlinton, of the other part legal representatives of Meredith Darlinton decd into two equal parts of which David is to receive one.

Joseph Darlinton, O. Ack Nov 30, 1804 before James Carason, O

Page 156

On Feby 17, 1804 Philomen Thomas & wife Fanny of Mason Co, Ky convey to Anthony Dunlavy of Adams Co for $400, 200 A on Red Oak Waters, Adams. Co.

Page 284

On Nov 5, 1804, John Barritt & Francis Barrett [sic] his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Hughes of same Co for $200 lot no 20 in the town of Washington.

Page 98

On Mch 18, 1804 William Crawford gives P/A to John Barritt to convey 76 A sold him in Harrison Co, Ky signed William Crawford (seal) Attest William Rowland, Richard Crawford. [I think P/A or P of A is power of attorney CW]

V14 Page 511

Page 269

On Jany 19, 1805 William Crawford & Martha, His wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Dodson same Co for $10 so long as Dodson & his wife Elizabeth shall live ctg 12 A William Crawford, Martha (her mark) Crawford.

Page 96

On May 28, 1799, Joseph Darlinton & Sarah, his wife of Adams Co convey to Geo Rogers of same Co for $450 200 A on Ohio River, signed Joseph Darlinton (seal) Sarah Darlinton (seal)

Page 342

On 1805, Anthony Dunlavy & Kasiah [sic] his wife of Adams Co, convey to Robert McFerson of same Co the 100 A he got from Philemon Thomas. Anthony Dunlavy, Kasiah Dunlavy

Deed Book Vol 5

Page 89

On Oct 29, 1805 John Beasley & Sarah, his wife of Adams Co convey to John Barritt of same Co for $650 current money of "Kaintucky" ctg 333 1/3 A

Page 163

On Mch 17, 1806 Stephen Clark & Rebecca his wife of Adams Co convey to Joseph Darlinton of Same Co for $600 100 A. Stephen Clark, Rebecca Clark, witness John Thomson, James Scott

Page 52

On Mch 12, 1805 Wm Starling of Ky conveys to John Dunlavy of Adams Co for $450 203 A William Starling for himself & as Atty in fact for Wm Lyne, Henry Lyne & Edward Howe. Witness James Dunkin, Josiah Shreve, Richard Askren.

V14 Page 512

Page 91

On July 27, 1805 John Beasly & Sally his wife of Adams Co conveys to Robert Elliott of same Co for $150 land on West fork of Brush Creek

Page 201

This is an agreement dated Apr 24, 1795 between James Edwards of Mason Co, Ky & John Ludwick of same Co & State in which Edwards agrees to sell Ludwick a lot ctg one half acre opposite Marysville, Ky in the N.W. Ter adjg the town of Aberdeen in consideration of a judgt for $41.15 vs John Getbridge Senr. Signed by James Edwards, John Ludwick, followed by a couple of pages of designation etc by true [best guess] married J.L. & an assignment Mch 28, 1806 to Nathan Ellis signed by John Lodwick.

Page 4

On Mch 5, 1805, David Thoroman of Scott Co, Ky conveys to Robert Moore of Adams Co For $1500 - 750 A signed David Thomson & ackd same day in Adams Co before J.P. Nl Beasley.

Deed Book Vol 6

Page 614

On Apr 18, 1811 Harmon Nash of Jefferson Co, Ky & Amelia, his wife conveys to Daniel Boone of Adams Co for $281.25 225 A in Adams Co, O on big Three Mile Creek

Page 440

On Mch 9, 1809, John Crawford for several good causes monies paid & other valuable

V14 Page 513

considerations rendered by George Crawford, my son. I do deliver in presence of these witnesses one bay mare branded S. on the near shoulder, two 3 yr old heifers, 15 hogs, one bed bedstead & furniture, with other household property & a corner "cubboard" as well as all the rights titles interest & claims & demand in & to any maintenance coming by a Will of my son Moses Crawford deceased. John Crawford (seal) Witnesses Wm Faulkner, Salley Rowland & Mary (her mark) Hambelton. Ack Nov 9, 1809 before James Moore J.P.

Page 516

This indenture made Mch 31, 1810 between Thomas Cumings & Mary his wife of Levis Co, Ky & Wm Rowland of Adams Co, O joint heirs of Moses Crawford decd of the one part and George Crawford of Adams Co of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas & Mary "Cummons" for $100 paid by George C. discharge & acquit him & Wm Rowland Admr of Moses Crawford as related to land on the Ohio River adjg David Bradford. Said Rowland including an undivided 2/3 of 101 A. 3 P being land conveyed to Moses Crawford by Noble Grimes et al. Thomas Cummings (seal) Mary (her mark) Cumings (seal), William Rowland (seal) witnesses John Barritt, Reubin Pollard. Proven for record by both witnesses Apr 7, 1810 before J.P. James Moore (seal)

Page 426

On May 18, 1809, Gaines Goode & Ann, his wife of Warren Co, O convey to Robert Finley of Adams Co, O For $1088.35 244 A 28 P on Waters of Brush Creek & Buck Run.

V14 Page 514

Page 128

On Aug 12, 1807, George Legier & Elizabeth, his wife of Adams Co, O convey to Robert Finley of same Co for $1095, 219 A on cherry Fork of Ohio Brush Creek adjg Andrew McIntire signed George Legier (seal) Elizabeth Legier (seal) Witness James Moore, Joseph Johnston, Samuel S. Finley.

Page 103

On Mch 24, 1807, Joseph F. Price & Eliza his wife, Maria P. Winston, Horatio Gates Winston & Wm O. Winston of Hanover Co convey to Robert Finley of Augusta Co for $2000 paid 1000 A on brush Creek said land being granted to their father, John Winston for military services performed by him in the Virginia line on Continental establishment & in pursuance of an Act of the U.S. Congress of Aug 10, 1790 & by grant dated Mch 14, 1804.

Ack in Hanover Co, Va Mch 26, 1807 before Wm Pollard, clerk of the courts & John Thompson & Francis Nelson acting magistrates of said Co certify that Pollard is Clerk. Jno Thompson (seal) Francis Nelson (seal)

Page 467

On Nov 5, 1809, James Machin & Rebecca, his wife of Hardy Co, Va convey to Robert Glasgow of Adams Co, O for $766 a tract of land on West fork of Brush Creek adjg Henry Moss, Samuel & William Williamson & Samuel Kendall, ctg 403 A.

Page 632

On Par 26, 1811 Wm McIntire & Ellenor, his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert Glasgow Junior of same Co for $150 34 3/4 A.

V14 Page 515

Page 455

On Nov 9, 1809 Wm Hannah & Martha his wife of Adams Co convey to Mathew Tomson of same Co for $50 54 P. in W.U.

Page 403

On July 28, 1809, James McComes & Easter, his wife of Lewis Co, Ky convey to Matthew Tomson of Adams Co O for $100 54 P

Page 465

On Mch 21, 1810 Ezekiel Spurgin & Martha his wife of Adams Co, O convey to Thomas Thompson of same Co for $600 315 A. On the next page he give a purchase money back to Spurgin for $295.

Page 578

On July 25, 1810 said James Spurgin & wife convey to Thomas Thoroughman also of Adams Co, O For $550, 130 A

Page 280

On July 4, 1808 Cornelius Williamson, & Sarah his wife of Adams Co convey to Jean Thompson of same Co for $600, 250 A on West Fk of Brush Cr

Page 145

On Sept 30, 1807, John Barritt of Adams Co for £75 Penna cy pd by Jacob Robins of said Co mortgages the following property, one sorrel, one brown & one bay horse which has the pole evil & one brown mare, one dun horse with a large star in his forehead, one yellow bay mare colt, three cows, a brindle, red & Black one & one wagon & gears. signed & witnessed by Ann P. Barritt, Robert Scott & Peter Isaminger.

On same page is another mtge Oct 7, 1807 covering for $200 pd one large chest of drawers, one writing desk, one large dining table one corner cubboard, 3 beds & bedding, six chears & all my kitchen furniture, also one trunk, one chest, one spinning wheel, one check real etc. Witnessed by above Scott & Isaminger & ackd Oct 8, 1807 before James Moore J.P.

V14 Page 516

Page 62

On Mch 16, 1807, Joseph Darlinton & Sarah, his wife of Adams Co, O convey to Salathiel Sparks of same Co for $1, 100 A title in question, signed Joseph Darlinton (seal), Sarah Darlinton (seal) attest Jas Wilson, Hamilton Dunbar. James Wilson was witness to another deed dated Mch 14, 1807 & recorded on preceding page.

page 547

On Apr 24, 1810, Anthony Dunlavy & Kezia [sic] his wife of Adams Co, O convey to Andrew Foote of same Co for $600, 100 A signed, Anthony Dunlavy (seal) Kezia Dunlavy (seal)

Page 585

On Nov 10, 1810, John Dunlavy & Cassia his wife of Adams Co convey to Elijah Hall of Clermont Co, for $200, 100 A is signed.

page 250

On June 20, 1808, Saml Kincaid gave a chattel mtge to John Shepherd & Bazel Gordon all of Adams Co for $150 to be paid in 2 yrs Saml Kincaid (seal0 attest John Lodwick, Henry Rape.

page 188

On June 24, 1807, John Lodwick & Hannah his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Russell of same Co for $90 one half of Inn lot 62 in West Union John Lodwick (seal) Hannah Lodwick (seal) Witness Benj Wood, Joseph Darlinton

Page 540

On July 25, 1810, Thomas Thoroughman & Ester, his wife of Adams Co mortgage to

V14 Page 517

James Spurgin of same Co for $250 a tract of 130 A being a purchase money mtge to be paid in 3 payts signed Thomas (his mark) Thoreman [sic] (seal) Ester (her mark) Thoraman [sic] attest John Chapman, Nathaniel Anderson

Page 175

On Oct 7, 1807, Samuel Wilson & Susannah his wife of Lewis Co, Ky convey to Williamson Means & Co of Sparton Dist, South Carolina for £100 174 A. On West fork of Eagle Creek Samuel Wilson (seal) Susanny [sic] Willson [sic] (seal) attest John Ellison, John Boyd

Deed Book Vol 7

page 291

On Dec 3, 1813 Robert Finley & Martha, his wife of Adams Co convey to Samuel S. Finley of same Co for $1, 219 A signed Robt Finley (seal) Marthew [sic] Finley (seal) Attest Saml Wright, Robert Finley junior

Page 293

On Dec 1, 1813 Robert Finley & Marthew [sic] his wife of Adams Co convey to William Finley of same so for $1 244 A 28 P, Robt Finley (seal) Marthew Finley (seal)

Page 100

On Aug 25, 1812, Geo Shinn & Elizabeth, his wife of Hillsborough, O convey to James Frame of Adams Co for $300

Page 274

On Sept 8, 1813 John Liggit of Clermont Co, O conveys to George Thompson of said Co for $300, 93 A in Adams Co

page 317

On Jany 4, 1814 Robert Simpson & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to John Thompson of same Co for $1000 250 A

V14 Page 518

Page 120

On Nov 5, 1812, Robert Elliott & Saley [sic] his wife of Adams Co convey to Joseph Gaston of same Co for $30 ctg 10 A 17 P Robert Elliott (seal) Saley Elliott (seal) Attest Elijah Pixley, Daniel Elliott

page 299

On Oct 25, 1813, James Frame & Betsey his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas Wroten of same Co for $360 certain land

Page 332

On Dec 29, 1813 Robert Glasgow Senior & Peggy his wife of Adams Co & James Magill of same Co to whom they convey for $65 25 A Robert (his R mark) Glasgow (seal) Peggy (her X mark) Glasgow (seal)

Page 205

On May 29, 1813 Matthew Thompson & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to Alex Varner of same Co for $256 lots 41 & 42

Deed Book Vol 8

Page 117

On Apr 26, 1814 the court ordered the Fox heirs to convey 120 A 2 R 25 P to John Finley in settlement of his suit vs them the sd Finley to pay them $241.31 1/4

Page 280

On Feby 16, 1815, Jane Thompson of Adams Co conveys to John Thompson her son, of same Co for $300 a tract of land on West Fk of Brush Creek ctg 125 A.

Jane Thompson (seal)

Page 326

On Apr 26, 1815 Thomas Thompson & Catharine, his wife of Adams Co convey to John Thompson of same Co for $200, 100 A. Thomas Thompson (seal) Catharine Thompson (seal)

V14 Page 519

Page 404

On July 3, 1815, Jean Thompson of the Co of Adams conveys to Joseph Thompson her son of same Co for $10 125 A Jaene [sic] Thompson (seal)

There is a chance in this deed & same clause is in the deed on page 280 that if for any reason this land should be taken away from him, he has no recourse on her or the other heirs which leads me to think this is the same Jane & then John & Joseph are brothers.

Deed Book Vol 9

Page 97

On Dec 27, 1815 the Fox heirs of Ky convey to James Finley & William Finley of Adams Co for $1000 500 A on Cherry Fork of Brush Cr

Page 327

Is a deed made Oct 26, 1816 from Jno Machin of Mason Co, Ky recites that on Dec 2, 1805, sold to John E. Finley of Adams Co, O a tract of land of 200 A lying on Indian Lick Run in Adams Co patented to John Machin & his brother Peter Machin decd & one of his heirs is in Scotland & Finley has paid $290 in full for sd land which John warrants.

page 367

On Aug 23, 1816 Joseph M. Moore Jr of Adams Co conveys to Samuel Thoroman of same Co for $200, 100 A

page 64

On Feby 2, 1816 Thos Thoroman Sen of Adams Co conveys to Thos Thoroman jr of sd Co for $200, 130 A. Thos Thoroman Sen (seal) attest John Ellison Jr, Samuel Thoroman.

Book 474 [sic]

On Oct 18, 1816 James Finley & Dorcas his wife & Wm Finley & Anna his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm McCague of same Co for $1000, 100 A

V14 Page 520

Page 5

On Nov 13, 1815, Joseph Thompson & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to John McCullock of same Co for $500 125 A

page 9

On July 1, 1815, Amos Moore of the County of Clermont, O regularly constituted atty in fact for James Thompson & Sarah his wife, Samuel Thompson & Elizabeth his wife, Bernard Thompson & Mary his wife Aquilla Durham & Harriet his wife, late Harriet Thompson, & Celia Thompson of the state aforesaid heirs of Bernard Thompson, late of Clermont Co O convey to the several heirs Silas Robinson of said Co for $400, 100 A

Page 127

On Apr 13, 1816 John Thompson & Polly, his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert Ralston of same Co for $1000, 125 A

Deed Book Vol 10

page 524

On Aug 6, 1819, James Power & Levicee [sic] his wife of Mason Co, Ky convey to Hugh Caruthers of Adams Co, O for $2000 paid & secured 125 A on Ohio Brush Creek, signed James Power (seal) Levicee (her mark) Power (seal) Same day conveys 22 1/2 A adjg for $500.

page 345

On Aug 26, 1818, Wm Roe & Phebe his wife of Adams Co convey to William R. Thompson of Woodford Co, Ky for $100 6 A 1/2 A & 65 P

Page 552

On May 19, 1819 John Sampson of Adams Co conveys to Thos Thoroman of same Co for $1800, 130 A

V14 Page 521

page 460

On May 19, 1819, Thomas Thoroughman, jun of Adams Co conveys to Thomas Thoroughman Sen for $200. I guess this is a release of mtge

page 56

On Aug 14, 1817 James Finley of Adams Co conveys to Newton Ayres of same place for $50 an in lot in West Union.

page 83

On Aug 26, 1817, James Finley & Darcus [sic] his wife, William Finley & Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to the Reed heirs for $127 63 3/4 A

page 160

On Nov 23, 1817 is conveyance from: James Finley & Dorcas his wife, William Finley & Ann, his wife, William Liggett & Betsy his wife, Samuel Kerr & Isabella his wife, William McCague & Ann his wife, James Smiley & Polly his wife heirs & legal representatives of John Finley late of Adams Co decd convey to the three several heirs of Nathl Reid decd for $164 82 A on cherry Fork of Brush Creek

page 327

On Aug 27, 1818, Robert Glasgow junior & Rosanah [sic] his wife of Adams Co convey to Nicholas Blake of same Co for $347.50, 34 3/4 A Robert Glasgow, Jnr (seal) Rosannah Glasgow (seal)

page 328

On same day Aug 27, 1818 Robert Glasgow & Margaret his wife of Adams Co convey to same Nicholas Blake for $700, 70 A Robert (his R mark) Glasgow (seal) Margaret (her X mark) Glasgow, Attest Thos McClelland, Robert Glasgow Jnr

V14 Page 522

page 564

On May 19, 1819, Thomas Thoroughman & Charlotte his wife of Adams Co convey to John Sampson of same Co for $1800, 130 A. Thomas (his mark) Thoroughman (seal) Charlotte (her mark) Thoroughman

Deed Book Vol 11

This instrument dated June 25, 1823 between Joseph L. Finley of Adams Co, O of the one part & James Finley of the same county of the other part recites that the said Joseph L. Finley for the consideration of the assumption & payment of a debt of $400 due by Joseph L. Finley to the heirs of Michael Finley decd made by the said James Finley, and also suitably to provide for & maintain Jane Finley, the wife & Margaret Finley, the daughter of the said Joseph L Finley if they or either of them should survive him (Joseph Finley) & remain unmarried, have & do by these presents grant bargain & sell unto the said James Finley all the title he has to the lot of land on which he resides ctg 50 A more or less (described) being part of survey No 2744 entered in name of Nathl Massie. Jos L. Finley (seal) Attest James Moore Esq & John Patterson.

Page 96

On July 24, 1820, Lewis Thompson & Eleanor his wife of Adams Co, conveys to Bazaleel Thompson of same Co for $444, 67 A on the Lick Fork of Brush Creek (page 286 they are both of Tiffin Tp)

Page 193

On Mch 13, 1821 Lewis Thompson & Eleanor his wife of Adams Co convey to Samuel Thoroman of same Co for $66 11 1/2 A on Lick Fk of Brush Creek Lewis Thompson (seal) Eleanor (her mark) Thompson (seal) Attest Mary B. Patterson, I. Patterson Ackd same day before J. Patterson

V14 Page 523

Page 57

On Feby 21, 1820 Hugh Currithers of Adams Co conveys to Geo Sample of same Co for $3000 125 A & 22 1/2 A

Page 261

On May 14, 1822 James Finley & Marie, his wife of Highland Co, O conveys to Benj Ellis of Clermont Co, O for $270 45 A 34 P on Washburns Run Adams Co, James Finley (seal) Maria Finley (seal). Ackd in Highland Co, O

Page 314

On Sept 27, 1822 James Finley & Maria his wife of Brown Co, O conveys to Henry Rape of Adams Co for $100 west part of in lot No 68 in West Union. James Finley (seal) Maria Finley (seal) Attest G.W. King, Elizabeth Finley, ackd in Brown Co, O

Deed made Jany 1, 1823 page 350 shows him of Brown Co

Deed made Feby 25, 1823 page 358 shows him of Brown Co

page 502

On Nov 23, 1822 Wm L. Thompson & Elizabeth his wife of Louisville, Jefferson Co, Ky, she being a daughter of & one of the heirs of the late Genl Nathl Massie of Ohio, appoint Cadwallader Wallace of Chillicothe, O their attys etc.

Deed Book Vol 12

page 23

On Feby 6, 1824, Joseph L. Finley of Adams Co, conveys to Samuel Finley of same Co for $60 50 A on Beasleys fork of Brush Creek, Joseph L. Finley (seal). In taking ackd he is styled Joseph Lewis Finley by J.P. (his son-in-law) J. Patterson

Page 377

On Oct 25, 1825, Hugh Carruthers & Margaret his wife of Adams Co convey to James Mullin of same place for $500 95 A

V14 Page 524

page 296

On May 4, 1825, Albert Gallatin, appoints James Gallatin of Fayette Co, Pa his atty in fact in the states of Ohio & Va for the purpose of transacting all the business in relation to my lands in those two states done in Springhill Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Albert Gallatin (seal) witness present Thomas Williams & Albert B. Gallatin.

page 297

On May 30, 1925 James Gallatin appoints Col John Means of Adams Co atty under him to rent or sell the lands of Hon Albert Gallatin viz 700 A in Brown Co, O & 500 A in Adams Co O vs Thos Power was Ackd on above date in Adams Co, O before J.P. Joseph McClain (seal)

page 557

On June 20, 1826 William Glasgow & Rhoda his wife of Adams Co, O convey to Edward Hoge of Warren Co Tenn for $455 214 1/2 A

Oct 16, 1925 6:40 Am

Deed Book Vol 13

Page 45

On Feby 9, 1826 Andrew Ellison of Adams Co conveys to Mary Corithers (Carruthers) late Mary Clark of same Co for $100, 50 A being the place where Archibald Corithers now lives & part of a 300 A patented to sd Ellison in 1818

Page 465

On July 30, 1828 Robert Ellison & Rebecca his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas Crawford of same Co for $200 60 A

page 185

On oct 4, 1826, Thomas Bereman acting by Garland B. Shelleday conveys to Andrew Jack & Deborah his wife for $1, 157 A in Adams Co which had belonged to Wm

V14 Page 525

McGarrah, who had died leaving Deborah Jack, wife of Andrew Jack & Jane Young wife of John Young his legal heirs

Page 172

On apr 19, 1827 Joseph Leedom & Betsy, his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas Jack of same Co for $300 60 A

Page 173

On Jany 23, 1826, Joseph Darlinton & Sarah his wife of Adams Co convey to Benj Goldsberry of same Co for $14 in lot no 38 in Winchester

Page 537

On June 10, 1828, James Jack & Elizabeth, his wife of Decatur Co, Indiana convey to John Smith of Adams Co for $75 27 A 3 R 24 P on 3 M Cr signed James Jack (seal) Elizabeth Jack (seal) Ackd June 12, 1828 in Decatur Co Ind before J.P. Thomas Hamilton J.P.

page 414

On Aug 26, 1825, John Lodwick (no wife joining) of Adams Co conveys to Lysle Lodwick of the city of Cincinnati, O for $125 in lot 96 in West Union, O John Lodwick (seal)

On same day page 415 for $300 conveys in lot no 95 to William Lodwick also of Cin, O

Page 37

On Aug 12, 1826 Bazaleel Thompson & Priscilla his wife of Adams Co convey to John Duncan Jr of same Co for $200 54 1/4 A

Page 289

On Apr 5, 1823 Charles Thoroman, Oliver Thoroman, Ruth & Rebecca their wives of Adams Co convey to Robt Ellison of same Co for $900 130 A.

Oct 21, 1925 1:44 AM made all slips to here

carried to page 537

V14 Page 526

At office of Dr Oliver Thoroman Sproull, Mulberry & Second St, West Union, O Oct 15, 1925 7:33 PM

Dr Sproull came to West Union 24 yrs ago, shortly thereafter, about 20 yrs ago, he had a talk with Hiram Thoroman of near Dunkinsville, O, then in his 70s, bro of Geo Washington Thoroman who died June 5, 1914 aged abt 91 yrs & son of Thomas Thoroman who lived to be 97 or 98 & he in turn was son of Thomas Thoroman Sen, who married Ester [sic] Crawford. Dr Sproull wrote down in the back fly leaves of Burns poems the lucid record he gave of the descendants of his grandparents above named & from that record & elaborations, as to residence etc, that the doctor can give, I am making the record which immediately follows:


came from Penna to the mouth of the Scioto River, three brothers:

A. William went across into Ky (Probably ancestor of the Thoroughmans in Lewis Co, Ky)

B. Thomas, married Esther [sic] Crawford

C. Samuel married Anna Crawford.

Thomas Thoroman married Esther Crawford probably in Penna, moved first to the mouth of the Scioto River

V14 Page 527

& came later to what is now Adams Co, O & live near Jacksonville, Meigs Co, O & probably both are buried in a g.y. on their farm adgj the present Fristoe farm about a half mile S.S.E. of Jacksonville, O (Dunbarton P.O.) & it is thought would have markers. The record of their eleven children as given by their grandson, Hiram Thoroman is as follows:

1. Thomas Thoroman, mar Sarah Smith, & had 11 children also:

1. Sallie, mar Simmons & moved to Ills & had 3 children:

I. Sarah Ann

II. Thomas

III. Joseph

2. Hester, mar Day Lynch & live near Peebles & had 3 children:

I. Sarah Jane mar Thos McMillen, several children

II. Mary Ann

III. Hester, mar Mitchell

1. Agnes, mar Stewart (near Peebles, O)

3. Mary A. mar a Washburn, moved to Iowa & had 5 children:

I. John

II. Thomas

III. George

IV. Collins

V. James

4. John mar Thomas & went to Brown Co, Ills, 6 children:

I. Thomas

II. John D.

V14 Page 528

III. George

IV. Eliza mar Charles

V. Mary

VI. Leota, mar Thompson

5. Eliza mar 1. Wittenmyer & had 7 children & m.2. Dr Lewis & had 3 children:

I. Sarah J. mar George A. Thomas & had 8 children:

1. Isaac Mar Colie Thoroman, dau of Shff Jim, Many children, Both dead.

2. George Frank, mar & is Doctor at Peebles, O. Mar Agnes Reynolds. No issue.

3. John mar 1. Tiny Hamilton, Issue. mar 2. Maggie Burwell. No issue. He is undertaker at Peebles, O

4. Dan, mar Ida Jackman (1 girl, Belle). Both dead.

5. Ode, mar & went to Kansas

6. Tillie, mar recently Gayman

7. Steve, twin, mar

8. Jim, twin, mar & died a day or two ago. No issue. He is C.P. Judge at Portsmouth, O.

II. Margaret A. [dau of Eliza & Wittenmyer] mar. 1. Saml McAdoo, Mar 2. Wilson

III. George F. mar & died recently in Peebles away up in 80s

IV. Angeline, mar Mitchell, Several children.

V. Eliza mar Buch [sic] Ivers

VI. Isaac mar Daisy Cooley. Was a doctor, lived at Cleveland, O

VII. William

VIII. Swan Lewis, d.y. unm

IX. Pierce Lewis

X. Douglass Lewis

6. Geo Washington Thoroman [son of Thomas & Sarah Smith] ob June 5, 1914 aged about 91 yrs. Mar Eliza Thoroman, dau of John, of Samuel & Anna. No issue. Probably buried on the home farm or at Jackstown.

7. Wesley, mar Janey. They went to Kansas & died there & had 6 children:

I. Angeline, mar Thos Wright. She is a widow living in Jacktown up in the 70s & had:

1. Roscoe

2. Myrtle mar Jas Gibbony. He dead. She living in West Union. One child. Dr T.A. Gibbony, a dentist here & has one child

V14 Page 529

II. James

III. John

IV. George

V. Sarah, died unm

VI. Mary mar Wm Sprinkle.

8. Hiram who gave this record, mar Jane Robertson & had ten children. He died out in the Dunkinville region.

I. Hulda mar "Bud" Willman

II. Thomas

III. James

IV. Frank

V. John, mar

VI. Sallie, mar Nathan Malone. Large family, out Steam Furnace way

VII. Rosa, mar

Thinks the others d.y.

9. Angeline [dau of Thomas & Sarah Smith Thoroman] mar McMillen & had one daughter:

I. Elizabeth

10. James Thomas, mar an Ivers. He was Shff of Adams Co & was known as Shff Jim. See book 15 P 531

I. George H. ob Dec 2, 1919 mar Frances Foster & had one child.

1. Clara, mar Richard Fristoe & live in Jacktown, O

II. Cola [sic] mar Isaac Thomas see page 528. Their son P.O. drove me out on 10th inst fr Peebles, O

III. John

IV. Babe


V14 Page 530

11. Reuben Smith [Thoroman] mar a Fulton & had 3 children:

I. James, to Kansas

II. Smith, to Kansas

III. Thomas, to Kansas

2. Charles [son of Thomas & Esther Crawford Thoroman] mar Ruth Flora & went to near St Louis, Mo

I. Perry

II. Thomas

III. Charles

3. Oliver, mar Rebecca Lafferty, to MO

I. Mary A. mar Hyatt

II. Eliza

III. James

4. Samuel mar McDaniel. Lived 2 miles East of Jacktown.

I. William Zenas mar & had a large family:

1. Thomas Zenas

2. Mary Chas Copas. Both dead. No issue


II. Salvadore, mar

III. Hamer, mar

1. George, rural mail carrier 1 1/2 miles south of Peebles, was a school teacher & is will informed.

2. Flora

5. Andrew [son of Thomas & Ester Crawford Thoroman] mar Brumley. Lived out near Steam Furnace where iron was produced from iron ore long before it was at Hanging Rock O.

I. James, lived in Steam Furnace region, was known as "Cedar Jim". Large family

II. Allen, mar & had large family out Steam Furnace way.

V14 Page 531

6. William "Deaf Billy" mar Maria Kerr & lived north of Jacktown.

I. Thomas

II. James

III. Nelson Barrier mar Mary Carpenter & lived near Dunkinville.

1. Annie May mar Hiram Jackman Haines & live near Sproull bridge

a. Bessie, d.y.

b. Ione, dead, mar twice.

A. Paul Haines Young

B. Angeline Ellison

2. Jennie, mar Andrew [best guess] Moore & live south of Dunkinville & has large family

3. Nannie, died from nose bleed when a child

4. Billie, died when grown

5. Oliver, died when grown

6. Mollie mar Henry Wasson

7. Annie mar a Coil

8. Margaret? mar a Thos Metz

I. Thomas

II. William

III. George mar a Warren

1. Crayton died in young man [sic] unm

2. "Sis"

3. Joe

9. Rachel, died unm

10. Sarah, died unm

11. Rena, mar Horn

I. Benj mar & had family

II. Moses mar & had family

These three [children 9, 10, & 11] are children by his [Thomas Thoroman's] 2d wife Charlotte Randle & consequently not in the Crawford line.

V14 Page 532

Oct 15, 1925 10:35 PM

Dr Sproull's mother was Sarah Thoroman, daughter of Oliver & granddaughter of Samuel Thoroman & his wife Anna Crawford. She was born Nov 4, 1825 & on June 20, 1899, she gave doctor the list of her grandfather Thoroman's eleven children & many of their descendants which he wrote down from which & extensions personally know to him the following record is made:

Samuel Thoroman, after marrying in Penna came to the mouth of the Scioto River & from there to Tiffin Tp this Co, six miles east of West Union, O where he lived & died & is buried in the Treber Cem near Dunkinville & has a marker. He was only married once. his children are:

1. William mar Sarah Tucker from below Portsmouth, O & had children:

1. Samuel, mar Jane McNeilan both bur at Treber Cem & had children:

I. James (twin) mar 1. a McCormick & had:

1. Will, dead

2. Floyd, in Kansas,

[James, son of Samuel & Jan McNeilan Thoroman] mar 2. Cunningham. No issue. Mar 3 Emma Baird & had:

3. May, lives in Cin., O with her mother

4. Olga, lives in Cin, O with her mother

II. William (twin) died unm when a young man

III. Margaret Ann, mar Joseph Santee & went to Eastern Kansas Parson's vicinity. Large family.

V14 Page 533

IV. Thomas Stewart, thinks was in Civil War, died

V. Sarah Elizabeth went to about Parsons Kansas & mar a Warren.

2. John [son of William & Sarah Tucker Thoroman] mar Rosanna Hamilton. Lived north of Dunkinville. Was a farmer & had children

I. Tucker, mar Jane Elliott & had:

1. Oley, mar Lucy Treber, sister of my informant's wife & both living in Peebles, O & have 3 children:

a. Philip mar & one child

b. Carlos, unm & at home

c. Agnes, unm & at home.

2. Lloyd, mar, dead, Left 2 or 3 children

3. Rufus, mar & lives in Peebles. No issue.

II. Mary mar John Elliott & has issue.

III. Sarah, mar James Swearingen. Both dead in this Co, One child:

1. Sylvia, mar & lives in Oliver Tp.

IV. Lydia, mar Pat Womack. She dead. Left several children:

1. Byron, mar

2. Over, Preacher, mar Pearl Cooper & live in West Union & have children

3. mar Wm Wikoff, both living near Bentonville & have a good farm & a very large family.

V. Agnes [dau of John & Rosanna Hamilton Thoroman] dead, mar Clark Fisher & left some grown children.

VI. Addie

VII. Rosa, dead mar Joe Thompson & had a child or two

3. Sarah Ann, [dau of William Thoroman] mar James Eakins

I. Samuel

II. John

V14 Page 534

III. Wesley

IV. Frank

V. Washington

4. Eliza J., mar Geo Washington Thoroman. No issue

5. Mary, called "Polly" mar James Palmer, died in Steam Furnace section. No issue.

6. Elizabeth, mar Ferdinand Houten Miller & lived in Steam Furnace section & had issue:

I. Homer, very bright, went insane & died single aged 21 at Athens, O

II. Flora B., went to near Parsons Kansas & mar Arthur O'Leary there & moved back here. Both teachers. Separated. Had 1 or 2 children. She lives at Peebles.

7. Margaret Ann, died unmarried

8. Minerva

9. William Riley, wounded in Civil War was County Recorder. Mar Eliza Jane Vaughn & had two children:

I. Robert mar Nettie Roush & both living in Greenfield, O. 1 child.

II. Naomi, mar Samuel Tucker. Both living near Dunkinville. Large grown family.

1. Guy, mar Marie Treber

2. Roy mar a Frambes

3. Ray, mar

4. Fay


10. Crawford [son of William Thoroman] mar 1. Kate Murphy & mar 2d another Murphy & went to Kansas & had two children one by each wife. There were sisters.

V14 Page 535x

2. Jennie [dau of Samuel & Anna Crawford Thoroman] mar Jacob Treber, a farmer & lived out at old Treber home near Dunkinville. He lived to be 97 & is buried at Treber g.y. He mar a second time. Had a lot of children. Dr will get record.

3. Esther mar Joseph Treber, a farmer & bro of Jacob & lived near Cynthiana in Pike Co, O.

1. John mar Mary Fulk & had:

I. Joe, mar & had two children

II. John mar Belle Read & had: Both dead

1. Orval, dead

2. Howard, dead

III. Rachel mar Owen Turner. Both dead or perhaps she is living [unreadable word] He dead. No issue.

V. Esther, Lives Waverly, O single

IV. Samuel called "Cy" mar Emma Bailey. Both living at Bainbridge, O where he is a blacksmith. Have 6 children.

3. Samuel, mar twice [three marriages listed] m.1. Martha Wallace 4 children, m.2. Minerva Wiley, no issue, m.3. Jemima Davidson, 2 children.

I. Oliver, by 1st wife mar & died Champaign Co, Ills, 1 child

II. Charlie, by 1st wife mar & lives near Parkville Champaign Co, Ills 1 child

III. Kate, by 1st wife, mar Harry _____ & lived Champaign Co, Ills.

IV. Burch, by 1st wife, disappeared during Spanish-American War. Last heard of was fr Hibbing, Minn when he was in a hospital.

2. Anne, [dau of Esther & Joseph Treber] see page 590 mar Leonard Read & lived near Cynthiana & had a lot of children.

I. Hallie, mar & went to Mich. Had children

II. Samuel mar & went to Mich. Had children

III. Mary Read mar John Plummer & had a big family

IV. Emma, dead. Had a natural son.

V. Ella, mar J. Whitmer Treber & live at Old Treber Home & can give family record. Have:

1. Read, mar & live at Springfield, O.

2. Gerald, young

VI. Minnie, mar J. Whitmer Treber, being his first wife & had one daughter, Marie who mar Tuss [best guess] Tucker

V14 Page 536

4. Mary Treber [dau of Esther & Joseph Treber] mar a Shoemaker & were [sic] two boys:

I. Joe

II. Sam

5. Sarah mar an O'Bryan & went to Illinois & had issue:

I. Minerva



4. Sallie [dau of Samuel & Anna Crawford Thoroman] mar Matthew Jones & lived on Turkey Creek in Meigs Tp where he was a farmer & had 17 children.

It has just struck the midnight hour & we are quitting until tomorrow night.

Oct 16, 1925, 7:22 PM

Continuing this record on page 552, listing Sallie's children:

Oct 22/25 1:22 AM. Made slips to here. JVT

V14 Page 537

From Page 525

Page 314

On Sept 29, 1837, William Thompson & Eve, his wife of Adams Co, convey to Benj Anderson of same Co for $125 50 A.

Page 385

On Jany 4, 1828 John Thompson & Margaret, his wife of Adams Co, convey to Saml Ellis of same Co for $550 99 1/2 A on 3 M. Cr.

Deed Book Vol 14

Page 339

On Mch 2, 1830, Samuel S. Finley, William Finley, & Robert Finley as Exrs of will of Robert Finley late of Adams Co, decd convey & release to Sarah Finley of same Co by virtue of Authority in the will & $230 paid the following tracts of land on Cherry Fork of Brush Creek Tract 1, ctg 81 A 13 P. Tract 2 ctg 18 3/4 A 7 27 P. Tract 3 ctg 33 A all parts of orig 1000 A. & on page 382 on same date parties for $200 convey to Mary Finley of same Co tract 1 ctg 81 A 13 P tract 2 ctg 18 A 3 R 27 P being parts of orig 1000 A. & on page 384 on same day William & Robert, Exrs as above for $190 convey to Samuel S. Finley 100 A of said orig 1000 A. & on page 539 on same day, Saml S. & Robert, Exrs as above for $250 convey to William Finley 182 A 26 P of said orig 1000 A.

Page 442

On Sept 14, 1830, John Lodwick of Switzerland Co, Indiana conveys to Joseph L. Finley of Adams Co for $600 68 A 39 P on East Fk of Eagle Creek, signed John Lodwick (seal) Eliza B. Lodwick (seal) Witness: Ishaiman [sic] Hibbard & John N. Lodwick. Ackd Sept 15, 1830 in Switzerland Co Int the sd Eliza B., wife being exam. Sept & apart by Aribert [sic] Gazlay J.P.

V14 Page 538

Page 451

On Nov 4, 1830, John Lodwick of Switzerland Co, Ind, conveys to Joseph L. Finley of Adams Co for $25 25 A signed only John Lodwick (seal) Attest Joseph Darlinton, John McDavid, Ackd same day in Adams Co, O

Page 413

ON Sept 14, 1830, Sarah Finley, Mary Finley, William Finley & Jane his wife, Robert Finley & Phebe, his wife convey to Isaac Black all of Adams Co for $113.56 57 A 16 P.

Page 298

On Par 1, 1830, Thomas Thompson & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co Convey to Wm McClanahan of same Co for $140 50 A 31 7/10 P

Page 388

On July 30, 1830 Samuel Thoroman & Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to Jesse Freeland, William Thoroman & Andrew Jones, school directors of the 5th school dist of Tiffin Tp etc for $1.25 80 perches including the school house & a spring. signed. Samuel Thoroman (seal) Ann Thoroman (seal) Attest Jacob Treber, Samuel Jackman.

Page 574

On Dec 20, 1830, Daniel Thompson & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to Margaret Robinson of same Co for $144 72 A. Daniel Thompson (seal) Mary Thompson (seal)

Page 471

On Sept 3, 1832, Benj Congdon & Sarah, his wife of Adams Co convey to Theophilus P. Barritt of same Co for $150 12 A.

Page 569

V14 Page 539

On Jany 18, 1831, David Bradford of Adams Co, conveys to George Crawford of same Co for $600, 100 A 35 P on Ohio River

Page 523

On Apr 9, 1833 Wm Lindsey & Anne his wife of Adams Co, convey to Andrew Crawford of same Co for $239.50 land on waters of Ohio Brush Creek adjg Robert Sprowl [sic] & John Thompson ctg 58 3/4 A signed William Lindsey (seal) Anne Lindsey (seal) Attest Geo W. Sample, Samuel Crawford

Page 219

On Feby 9, 1820, James Finley & Dorcas, his wife of Wayne Tp Adams Co, conveys to William Finley & Ann his wife of Adams Co & agree to partition their lands held jointly so that James' share have 187 1/2 A & William shall have 188 1/4 A

Page 421

On Nov 26, 1832 Arthur McFarland Junior & Elizabeth, his wife of Adams Co, convey to Joseph L. Finley of same Co for $192 31/100 45 A 1 $ 8 P being land conveyed to Arthur McFarland Junr by Arthur McFarland Senr by deed of Mch 6, 1815. Arthur McFarland (seal) Elizabeth (her mark) McFarland (seal) Attest J. Patterson, Samuel Finley Ackd same day before J. Patterson, J.P.

Page 321

On July 23, 1832 James Taylor of Adams Co gives to Adam Kirkpatrick Exr of the will of William Finley late of Adams Co decd a purchase money mtge of $803.33 1/3 on 188 1/4 A.

Page 197

On Oct 5, 1831 Albert Gallatin of

V14 Page 540

Fayette Co, Pa conveys to John Pollard of Mason Co, Ky for $2000, 500 A on the Ohio River in Adams Co beginning near a Clay lick marked I O'bannon I.H.R.C.E.V. ESWR & signed Albert Gallatin by his Atty in fact John Means (seal)

Page 415

On Oct 22, 1832, Samuel Kincaid & Phebe his wife of Montgomery Co, Ind convey to John Hedrick of Adams Co, O for $125, 100 A on the Big East fork of Ohio Brush Creek. Samuel (his mark) Kincaid (seal) Phebe (her mark) Kincaid (seal) Attest A. Kirkpatrick, Jessie Robins Ackd same day in Montgomery Co, Ind before A. Kirkpatrick J.P.

Page 118

On Sept 2, 1830, Charles Thoroman & Ruth his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas Thoroman Junior of same Co for $100 30 A. Charles Thoroman (seal) Ruth (her mark) Thoroman (seal) Attest Samuel R. Wood, Esther Thoroman.

Page 386

On Aug 28, 1832, Joseph Thompson, & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to James & McArthur of Ross Co, O for $500 126 1/2 A Joseph Thompson (seal) Mary Thompson (seal). Attest: Saml B. Finley, Aaron Hannah.

Page 452

On Aug 25, 1832 John Thompson & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co, O Convey to John Williams of same Co for $125 lots 4 & 19 in Jacksonville.

V14 Page 541

Deed Book Vol 16

Page 422

On Mch 20, 1833 Richd Jordan of Adams Co conveys to Archibald Carothers of same Co for $54.50 93 A on Georges Cr

Page 395

On Apr 16, 1833, Cornelius Peterson & Rhoda his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert Carothers of same county for $250.50 land on East Fork of Brush Creek.

Page 303

On Feby 19, 1834 P/A to sell & convey is given by Thomas James & Jane B. James his wife, John Woodbridge & Elizabeth, his wife, William Key Bond & Lucy, his wife of Chillicothe, O to Samuel B. Finley of Brush Creek Furnace, Adams Co, O to sell their lands known as the Brush Creek Furnace lands.

Page 234

On Oct 17, 1833, proceedings in estate of Joseph Glasgow decd show that at a C of C.P. [Court of Common Pleas] held at Oct Term 1824 William Glasgow & John Glasgow, Adms of estate of Joseph Glasgow decd, complainants filed a bill in Chancery vs Rebecca M. Glasgow, Rosanna N. Glasgow, Arthur Glasgow, Polly Glasgow, Anderson Glasgow, Wm B. Glasgow & Margaret Glasgow, heirs & legal rep of Joseph Glasgow & Jesse McKay setting forth that the estate was insolvent & ask permission to sell his lands for payt of debts which was granted & coms made sale.

Page 78

On July 2, 1833 Thomas Kincaid & Margaret his wife of Pike Co, O convey to Wm M. Kincaid of same Co for $200, 50 A.

V14 Page 542

Page 86

On July 1, 1833, Moses Thompson & Rebecca, his wife of Adams Co convey to Thos McGoveny of Same Co for $140, 110 A.

Deed Book Vol 17

Page 533

On Dec 5, 1833, James Thompson & Elizabeth, his wife, John Thompson & Elizabeth, his wife, William Thompson & Eve, his wife, Henry Thompson & Eliza his wife, Samuel Shoemaker & Nancy his wife of the Co of Adams convey to Thomas Thompson of the same Co in consideration of his having bound himself by his bond of even date to keep & maintain Katharine Thompson (widow) her lifetime have sold & quit claimed to him that tract of land on Ohio Brush Creek Adams Co ctg 121 A which was by the last will & testament of Thomas Thompson decd willed to Isaac Thompson, late of the State of Indiana (now deceased) signed by all & James, Henry & Samuel & their wives ackd in Adams Co. Elizabeth, wife of James & Eve, wife of William ackd in Scioto Co. No ackmt of James & Wm shown.

Page 547

On Apr 17, 1834, Robert Crothers & Hannah Crothers, his wife convey to Wm Lee et al for $300 120 A

Page 556

On Oct 29, 1835, William Finley & Jane, his wife of Adams Co convey to Samuel McComas of same Co for $200, 135 A 3 R 32 P a part of the 1000 A tract. William Finley (seal) Jane Finley (seal) Attest Robert Finley & R.A. Glasgow

Page 177

On Jany 1, 1835, Andrew McIntire & Elizabeth, his wife of Adams Co convey to James

V14 Page 543

Gilleland of same Co for $269, 93 A Andrew McIntire (seal), *Elizabeth (her mark) McIntire Attest Robert Patton, Jane McIntire.

*I think this was Elizabeth Finley, the grandmother of Mrs J. Gilmore Glasgow about whom she spoke Sunday 11th inst at their home at Seamon, O.

Page 98

On Sept 15, 1834, John Thompson Jr & Eleanor his wife of Brown Co, O convey to Wm Pence of Adams Co for $250 all of our undivided eleventh part of the R.E. of Peter Pence late of Adams Co.

Page 125

On Feby 17, 1826 Charles Thoroman & Ruth his wife convey to Thomas Thoroman Senr all of Adams Co for $40, 30 A. Charles Thoroman (seal) Ruth (her mark Thoroman (seal) Attest Saml R. Wood, Thomas Thoroman

Deed Book Vol 18

Page 518

On Apr 28, 1831, Joseph L. Finley & Jane his wife of Adams Co, conveys to John Patterson of same Co for $1 one out lot No 8 on the north side of the Town of Harpersville. Jos L. Finley (seal) Jane Finley (seal) Attest Leonard Cole, Samuel Finley

P 604

On Jany 1, 1836, Allen Simrall & Geddith his wife & Mary Thompson of the Co of Brown & Adams convey to Jacob Washburn of Adams Co for $410 a tract of land of East Fork of Eagle Creek adjg lands of said Allen Simrall & Hiram Simrall. Allen Simrall (seal) Gily Simral (seal) Mary (her mark) Thompson (seal) ackd same day in Brown Co, O.

V14 Page 544

Deed Book Vol 19

Page 200

On Feby 3, 1836, a P/A was executed by William Crawford, Richard M. Crawford, Elizabeth D. Crawford, Syrene Crawford, by her Gdn ("gardeen") James Crawford, Henry Tolle & Ellen his wife, James Rowland, Effa Ann Rowland, Thomas Brown & Mary his wife, John Cummings, Jesse Eli, & Sarah his wife, William Davis & Mary His wife Ella McCormick & John McCormick by their gdn Josiah Davis Abrm Knicely & Mary A. Knicely his wife all of whom constitute & appoint George Crawford of Adams Co, O their atty to take all lawful means to recover & receive "all pay, half pay, commutation pay or bounty land that may be due or owing by the United States or any individual State for and account of military services heretofore rendered by Col William Crawford decd & to use all lawful means to recover same & for such like services rendered by Lieut John Crawford decd & to locate the lands in the Virginia military district set apart to satisfy the officers & soldiers of the Virginia line on Continental establishment & to sell all lands that may be unsold belonging to the devisees of the sd Col Williams Crawford decd or to the devisees of Lieut John Crawford decd or any land warrants that may be found belonging to said devisees.

William Davis (seal) Mary (her mark) Davis (seal) Effa McCormick (seal) John McCormick (seal by Joseph Davis their gdn [two previous signatures] Syrene Crawford, seal by James Crawford her gdn, Richard M. Crawford (seal), Elizabeth D. Crawford, (seal) William Crawford (seal) Thomas L. Brown (seal) Mary Brown (seal) Serena Crawford (seal) Abraham Knicely (seal) Mary A. Knicely (seal) James Rowland (seal) Effa Ann C. Rowland (seal) Richard M. Crawford (seal) Elizabeth D. (her mark) Crawford (seal) J.E. Cummings (seal) Sary Ely (seal) Jesse Ely (seal)

V14 Page 545

Witnesses: Asa Williamson, James Davis, James Stephenson, James W. Dickson, John Summers, Henry Ingersoll, Wm Smith, D.C. Vance, D.C. Vance, Jackson Johnston, D.C. Vance, Wm Rowland [different witnesses witnessed different signatures]

Abraham Knicely & Mary A. Knicely Ackd same in Hamilton Co, )

Wm Davis, Mary Davis, John McCormick & Effa McCormick by their gdn Josiah Davis, Wm Crawford, Thos Brown, Mary Brown, Serena Crawford, James Rowland, Effa Ann Rowland, Richard M. Crawford, John C. Cummings, Sarah Ely, Jesse Ely ackd before various parties in Adams Co, O who were certified to as holding their official positions by Joseph Darlinton, clerk of the court of C.P. of Adams Co, O.

Page 149

On Nov 21, 1837, Sarah Ann Rothwell of Adams Co conveys to Joseph L. Finley of same Co for $125 10 1/2 A being land conveyed to Jared Rothwell by Samuel Rothwell, Sarah Ann Rothwell (seal) Attest Daniel Boyle, Jared Rothwell.

V14 Page 546

Page 19

On July 23, 1832, Adam Kirkpatrick sole Exr of Wm Finley conveys to James Taylor for $1205 188 1/4 A the deed reciting that William Finley made his will on May 1, 1832 requiring his land to be sold at public outcry which was done.

Page 22

On Apr 27, 1837, James Finley of Wayne Tp Adams Co leases to the school directors of 4th Dist in Wayne Tp 2 R 34 1/2 P for 99 years. James Finley (seal)

Page 151

On Mch 7, 1837, Samuel S. Finley, William Finley & Robert Finley, Exrs of Robert Finley, late of Adams Co convey to Rosannah N. Glasgow, Martha Ann s. Glasgow & Joseph F. Glasgow heirs of Margaret Glasgow late Margaret Finley deceased of same County by virtue of the power vested in them by will & $200 paid by the aforesaid Margaret Glasgow, 100 A. The deed is witnessed by Glasgow Finley.

Page 213

On Jany 9, 1838, Samuel S. Finley & Jane, his wife convey to Joseph B. Patton all of Adams Co for $800, 100 A.

Page 565

On Oct 9, 1838, John Thompson & Polly, his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas McNeil & Jenney his wife. She the said Jenney being the daughter of John & Polly Thompson & for their natural love & affection convey 52 A on Cherry Fork of Brush Creek & Eagle Cr. John Thompson (seal) Polly M. (her mark) Thompson Witnesses; Samuel Wright, Rebecca C. Finley

V14 Page 547

Page 445

On June 17, 1837, Thomas Thompson & Elizabeth Thompson, his wife of Scioto Co, O convey to Thomas Johnson of Adams Co for $235 120 A. Thomas Thompson (seal) Elizabeth Thompson (seal) Attest: S.R. Wood & Jno Thompson

Deed Book Vol 20

Page 426

On May 13, 1839, Wm L. Thompson & Eliza W. Thompson late Massie, Richard K. Massie, Nathaniel Massie, Wm Y. Strong & Nancy Strong, late Massie & Henry Massie heirs of Gen Nathl Massie of Ross Co, O convey to John Barritt of Adams Co by quit claim for $31, 11 A on Brush Creek.

Page 236

On May 1, 1839, Joseph Wright & Martha his wife of Adams Co convey to Andrew Jack of same Co for $300, 50 A

Deed Book Vol 21

Page 263

On Mch 17, 1840, Geo W. Parker gives chattel mtge to James Finley to protect him for having gone his bail for $100 signed George W. Parker (seal) supresence [sic] John D.C.B. Finley

Page 253

On Apr 3, 1840, John Barritt of Adams Co conveys to Hosea Moore of same Co for $33, 10 A 52 P.

Page 340

On Sept 25, 1840 James Finley & Eliza Ann, his wife of Adams Co conveys mtge to Thos B. Bussey of same Co for $18, 68 A 39 P

Page 440

On Jany 9, 1841 John B. Finley of Adams Co, O conveys to Paul Crane of same Co for $300, 50 A on Beasleys fork of Brush Cr. signed John B. Finley (seal) James Finley. Both Ack it.

V14 Page 548

Page 468

On Sept 23, 1840, James Finley & Eliza Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to Hyram Ressler of same Co for $500, 50 A. James Finley (L.S.) Eliza (her mark) Finley (L.S.)

Deed Book Vol 22

Page 86

On May 11, 1841, John B. Finley & Mary Finley his wife of Adams Co conveys to James Finley of same Co for $244, 45 A 1 R & 8 P on East Fk of Eagle Creek. John B. Finley (seal) Mary Finley (seal)


On Nov 2, 1841, John Barritt & Catharine his wife of Adams Co convey to Eliza Combs of same Co for $ [check mark appears here] 10 1/2 A signed by both him & his wife.

Page 97

On May 5, 1841, James Finley & Eliza Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to John Higgins of Belmont Co, O for $900, 68 A 39 P & 10 A 2 R the said land having been willed to said James by Joseph L. Finley. James Finley (L.S.) Eliza Ann Finley (L.S.) Attest John B. Finley, Ralph McClure

Page 225

On Aug 9, 1841 Robert G. Patton & Melinda his wife & Samuel S. Glasgow & Haddassah J. his wife convey to Robert M. Wilson of same Co for $675, 135 A 30 P

Page 431

On Mch 30, 1842, Robert Thompson senr & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to John Newswander for $100 20 A

Page 476 & 477

V14 Page 549

Robert Thompson Jr & Margaret his wife of Adams Co convey to John Kennedy of same Co for $230 25 A.

Deed Book Vol 23

Page 176

On Aug 12, 1842 Archibald Caruthers & Nancy his wife of Adams Co convey to George Clark of the same Co for $700, 100 A & 104 P

Archibald Carothers (L.S.) Nancy Carothers (L.S.)

Page 90

On Mch 14, 1842 W.M.C. Elliott & Hannah E. his wife convey to Samuel Hibbs for $305 in lot s 37 & 51 in Locust Grove.

Page 522

Proceedings taken on Nov 6, 1843 recite that at the Oct term 1842 of the Adams Co Court, Zachariah Turner as adm of the estate of James Finley decd late of Highland Co, O filed his petition in said court against Eliza Ann Finley widow of the said James & Margaret Finley, Sarah Finley, Jane Finley, Joseph Finley & Hannah Ann Finley, heirs of the said James defendants & in pursuance with said proceedings the court in July 1843 ordered a compliance with a contract entered in on May 15, 1841 with John Higgins said adm conveys to Higgins for $1 30 A of land

Page 500

On Jany 12, 1844, Robert Finley & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert McCutchen for $379 36 A 6 P part of the orig 1000 A

Page 23

On Mch 19, 1841 Robert A. Glasgow & Dorcas his

V14 Page 550

wife of Adams Co convey to Rachel,, William, Martha J. & Geo T. Bland, heirs of the late George Bland of Brown Co for $100, 10 A

Page 1

On Nov 10, 1841, Andrew Jack of Adams Co conveys to John Bayless for $50, 60 A

Page 111

On Mch 10, 1842, William Kilgore & Susan, his wife of Adams Co convey to John Lock of Brown Co, O for $434.68, 30 A

Page 415

On Sept 22, 1843, John Duncan Thompson & Sarah Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert H. Chum for $40, 2 1 a R 6 1/6 P

Page 304

On Jany 26, 1843, Samuel Thoroman Senr of Adams Co conveys to Samuel Thoroman Junr of same Co for $8 1 1/2 A Samuel (his mark) Thoroman (seal) Attest Job Denning, Charles Thoroman

Page 505

On Jany 19, 1843, William Glasgow & Eleanor his wife late Eleanor Montgomery of Adams Co conveys to Samuel S. Glasgow of same Co for $500 194 A

Deed Book Vol 24

Page 108

On Aug 31, 1841, James Finley & Eliza Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to Joseph P. Patterson of same Co for $300 45 A 1 R 8 P conveyed to said James on May 11, 1841 by John B. Finley & wife. James Finley (seal) Eliza (her mark) Ann Finley (seal Attest Harper Crawford, Ralph McClure, J. Patterson.

V14 Page 551

Page 43

On Mch 23, 1844, Joseph F. Glasgow & Malinda Ann his wife of Adams Co convey to Thomas Kane for $230 their undivided 1/3 of 100 A

Page 204

ON Mch 9, 1844 Robt B. Glasgow & Phebe his wife convey to Wm M. Glasgow all of Adams Co for $800, 100 A Robt B. Glasgow (seal) Phebe Glasgow, (seal) Attest William Glasgow, J.M. Glasgow

Page 414

On Mch 21, 1845 a deed from Thos Thoroman Jr Adm of the estate of Thos Thoroman decd recites that on June 5, 1840 the said Adm filed his petition in C.P. Ct vs Charlotte Thoroman & Serena Horn, late Serena Thoroman, Rachel Thoroman & Sarah Thoroman demanding partition of certain R.E. & in pursuant thereof at the Aug Term 1841 the said Adm on Oct 7, 1841, sold the R.E. as ordered & sold same for $100 & sale was approved & now he conveys same to Michael Stafford the tract ctg 30 A. Thos Thoroman Adm, of Thos Thoroman decd.

Oct 16, 1925 6:46 PM Continued on page 564.

V14 Page 552

Back at office of Dr O.T. Sproull, West Union, O Oct 16, 1925 7:22 PM

Continued from page 536, the children of Sallie Thoroman & her husband Matthew Jones

1. Anne mar Cyrus Hull & moved to Indiana. Had children, Wm, Hannah etc. See Prof G.W. Jones, Columbus, O

2. Mariah, mar Cyrus Beckman. No issue

*3. Jane, mar Jabez Blake. No issue. Died in Adams Co

4. Ellen Mar James Carrothers & lived in Oliver Tp. He lived to be an old man. After she died, he married again. He was a little man. His son, John probably by second wife, was a wonderful mathematician. Dr says there are three Carothers brothers near Serpent Mountain, this Co about 6 miles north of Peebles, O.

5. Thomas Jones, went to Iowa & left descendants.

*6. Paul Jones, mar Elizabeth Clark & lived in Meigs Tp & left descendants living in Turkey Cr? Dr says James J. Jones can tell about them.

7. Samuel mar 1. Sophia Clark, & mar 2. Mrs Calloway. He died over on Turkey Cr & had a very large family, one of his sons, James M. Jones living east of Jacktown, a farmer & school teacher aged abt 68 can give data & his brother

See Book 16 P 189-193

See Book 16 P 502

[no explanations for the check marks appearing in front of numbers 3 & 6 or in front of others who follow.]

V14 Page 553

J. Wm Jones Supt of the Deaf & Dumb Asylum for past 30 yrs can also give record. Some of the children were: Dalgreen, [no others listed]

8. Esther, mar John Dunkin. Her family Reason & two or three others went to Ills.

*9. Rachel mar Ira Calvert, moved to Ills & had a large family. Are at Vinciennes, Ind.

10. David, died

*11. Sarah, mar Henry Newland. Think descendants live in Nebraska. Had many children.

*12. Matthew Jackson mar twice.

8:40 PM. Dr has called in Saml S. Jones son of Mathew Jackson Jones who has a Genl Store on the square on the east side who has his father's bible record & will write it off & give to me with dates. He left at 8:55 PM

*13. William, mar 1. Wallace?, mar 2 Mrs Matilda Hedges. They died at Peebles, O & buried there. Had 2 children by first wife, Thomas & Mary & none by 2d. Thomas went to Ringgold Co, Iowa

*14. Jehu Jones mar. a Cramer.

*15. Elizabeth Jones mar Wm Brownlee & had children, Jack, Joe, James & Flora. S.S. says he will call them up & make out their record for me.

V14 Page 554

16. Cerelda, died

*17. Matilda, mar Dave Pendle. Lived near Chapman's Knob in Meigs Tp.

[the following are are children continued from 532 of Samuel Thoroman] 5. Thomas Thoroman, died young

6. Oliver Thoroman born in Scioto Co, O Feby 28, 1794 & died in Tiffin Tp Apr 6, 1873 & buried at Treber g.y. married Feby 14, 1822 Anna Treber, daughter of John Treber. She was born Sept 17, 1796 & died June 24, 1870. Were married by Rev John Meek. Their children were:

3. Sarah Thoroman, born Oct 4, 1825 in Tiffin Tp & died in Meigs Tp on Aug 9, 1910 & was married Nov 1, 1855 at her father's home by Rev O.P. Dunlap, Mar to Robert Crockett Sproull, born in Adams Co, O Jany 7, 1824 & died in Meigs Tp Feby 5, 1901 & both buried in Treber g.y., son of Robert Sproull, born Mch 17, 1777 in County Tyrone, Ireland and his wife Anne Montgomery. They had four children all born in Meigs Tp:

I. Jennie born Sept 22, 1856 & married Nov 28, 1874 to Hamlet Black born Sept 17, 1849 in Vanceburg, Ky, son of Benj C. Black & his wife Ann Thompson. He died Jany 1, 1913 & she lives on the old Sproull farm & has one child:

1. Robert Oscar Black born Aug 7, 1894 & mar 2d Sept 13, 1924 to Nola Malone born in Tiffin Tp Apr 4, 1904 dau of Wm Malone & wife Sarah Grooms. Have two children both born in Meigs Tp.

1. Burcyl Roegene, a girl, Born Oct 27, 1921

2. Robby Gavonna, a girl, born July 16, 1925

Robert O. was mar 1st June 7, 1916 to Margaret McClanahan, born June 8, 1895 in Tiffin Tp & died Nov 27, 1918, was dau of Saml A. McClanahan & wife Sarah Zercher. Had two stillborn children on Oct 17, 1917 & Nov 26, 1918.

V14 Page 555

II. Unnamed son born Mch 24, 1860 [son of Sarah Thoroman & Robert Crockett Sproul]

III. Oliver Thoroman born Jany 5, 1863. Is a graduate of the College of Physicians & Surgeons, Balto, Md in class of 1866 & has practiced in this County continuously since. Was at Bentonsville, O 15 yrs & has been in West Union 24 yrs & is my good informant for these records. Was married Aug 22, 1888 in Tiffin Tp by Rev J.W. Shoemaker, Christian Union to Agnes Belle Treber born Aug 29, 1862 in Tiffin Tp, daughter of William Treber & his wife Mellissa Ann Thoroman & have three children all born in Bentonville, O viz:

1. Clarence Treber, born Mch 10, 1892. He is unmarried & is teaching school in San Pedro, Calif.

2. Hazel Louise born Apr 14, 1899. She is in junior class, college of Medicine, university of Cincinnati & is unmarried.

3. Grace Mildred born Aug 28, 1901. Teaching in High School at Plainwell, Mich, unmarried. All three graduates with A.B. degree from Miami University, Oxford, O.

IV. Laura, born Dec 7, 1864 mar May 11, 1894 to Coleman Thoroman, son of William Thoroman & his wife Margaret Ann Thoroman his first cousin. Laura died June 26, 1896. No issue.

V14 Page 556

1. Mary Jane [dau of Oliver Thoroman, see page 554] died aged 20, unm

2. Samuel died aged 15, unm

4. John Wesley Thoroman mar Almira Mason dau of Samuel Mason & wife Lucinda Plummer. Both died near Dunkinville, & buried at Treber g.y. & had children:

I. Lyman Oliver, mar Saulsbury. Both living at Waterville, O where he is agt of Ohio Traction Co. Have several boys.

II. Theodore Mason, mar Bertha _____. Both living. Has been a merchant. Have one child:

1. Lucile mar & husband dead

III. Sarah Jane, died young woman, unm

IV. William mar Lizzie Seaman. He dead & she living with her


1. Ocie mar Trefz who is an undertaker at Peebles & have 2 or 3 children.

V14 Page 557

V. Annie mar Carey Campbell. Both living on Wheat Ridge in Oliver Tp & she probably has her father's bible record. They live in sight of Harry McClung & he is a brother of Harry's wife who I want to see.

VI. Thos Jefferson, mar Carrie______ & both live in Cincin, O where he is a carpenter. No issue.





5. Wm Henry Harrison Thoroman [son of Oliver Thoroman] m.1. Mrs

Margaret Compton Holmes & had two children. M.2. Melissa Thoroman a child d.y., m.3. Miss Alice Vaughn. No issue.

I. Oliver Joseph Thoroman, mar Maggie Kirker. Both living at Winchester, O & he carries the mail from there here & referred me to Dr Sproull. He has two children. He was a twin.

1. Clara Martha


II. Annie, twin with O.J. mar Wesley McKenzie & run a restaurant south of the C.H., 1 child:

1. Albert H. m.1. & divorced 2 children, m.2.

V14 Page 558

7. Samuel Thoroman [son of Samuel Thoroman] mar Rachel Flora, died in Tiffin Tp & likely buried on his own farm about a half mile from Vaughn Chapel. His children:

1. Joseph mar Margaret Ann_____ & had one child:

I. Augusta, m. Geo Fristoe. He is dead & she lives at Peebles, O.

1. Joseph R. Fristoe, m. Lillie Treber & had 2 girls & separated.

2. May m. Sheridan Schell. Both dead without issue.

Augusta would have her father's records & possibly her grandfather's bible record.

2. William [son of Samuel & Rachel Flora Thoroman] mar 1 Coleman 3 children. Mar 2. Margaret Ann Thoroman, dau of his Uncle Chas P. & had a raft of children.

I. Belle mar Frank McCann. Live at Peebles

II. Coleman mar 1. Laura Sproull. No issue. Mar 2. Nettie Bartholomew. No issue.

III. William, m. Sallie Freeman. Both living at Santa Ana, Calif & have children.

* many children by 2d wife [I think he means in addition those listed above.]

V14 Page 559

3. John, died young

4. Ruth, m. William Phillips & moved to Illinois & had one son.

5. Polly Ann, m Luther Collier. He was stabbed & killed near Rome, O. by James Harper. Left children:

I. Imogene, unm, living in the West, Mo

II. Rose, Mar

III. Oscar, went to Kansas

IV. May, went to Kansas, Top [Topeka?], mar.

V. Crawford, died.

6. Wilson Thoroman mar Hester Black, children:

I. Melissa mar W.H. Harrison Thoroman. No issue. His 2d wife.

II. Jennie, mar Theodore Jones & had:

1. Susannah, mar

2. Elmer, mar Black 2 children

3. Clara, mar

4. Adaline. She is an ordained minister & lives here in W.U. mar Lewis Sheely & lives here & had 2 children.

a. Effie, dead

b. Rosy, m. Rev Lorin Case & live at Sardinia, O No issue.

5. Ella, m. Oscar Storer & have one child. Both living at Akron, O

a. Lyman, living at Akron, O married & has children.

6. Flora,

V14 Page 560

7. Elizabeth [dau of Samuel & Rachel Flora Thoroman]. d.y.

8. Melissa Ann mar William Treber son of Jacob Treber & his wife Jennie Thoroman & had a very large family, one of them being the Doctor's wife.

9. James, twin of Samuel mar Sarah Grooms & had three children:

I. Clara mar Tom Caraway. He dead. She living near Wilmington, O.

II. Oliver, a teacher. Lives with his mother on a farm north of West Union.

10. Samuel, twin of James, dead

11. Crawford

12. Rachel, mar Riley Jones & went to Eastern Kan about Parsons. Had a large family.

8. Elizabeth Thoroman [dau of Samuel Thoroman page 532] mar Simeon Jackman & lived near Dunkinville where he was a farmer & had several children:

1. Crawford, died unm a young man after a hard days work in the harvest field.

2. Melissa mar John V. McNeil moved to Illinois & had several children.

3. Samuel, mar Alice Shriver & lived at the old Jackman homestead near Dunkinville.

V14 Page 561

Had 5 or 6 children or more:

I. Robert mar Nola Collins. Both living near Dunkinville where he is a farmer. No issue.

II. Ida m Daniel B. Thomas. Both dead

1. Belle? mar

III. Simeon Jackman, m.1. Thomas dau of Isaac, 4? children. m.2. children, m.3. McGinn, children.

IV. Samuel m. Dove Scott & have 7 or 8 children. Both living, moved north in Ohio.

V. Olive mar John Campbell & live at Lawshe, O this Co where he is a farmer. Have 3 children.

VI. William, mar Eva Gaffin. Both living at the old homestead near Dunkinville. No issue.

4. Jane Jackman [dau of Elizabeth Thoroman & Simeon Jackman] mar Ebenezer Haines. Both dead east of Dunkinville. He was a farmer.

I. Samuel Haines mar & had children

II. Elizabeth mar Daniel Wallace. Both living but separated many years. Had 2 children or 3.

III. Hiram Jackman Haines, mar Annie May Thoroman dau of Nelson B. Thoroman. See his line.

IV. Lafayette mar & has a family.

V14 Page 562

V. Anna, mar & lives near Cin, O

VI. John, mar & lives near Cin, O

5. Belle Jackman, unmarried & lives in West Union, O past 80 yrs of age & could tell who got her father's bible record & might give data.

6. Polly Jackman m. Robt A. McClelland & had two children:

I. Edgar mar & lives in West Union mar Linnie Crawford. Is a jeweler.

1. Elvas, mar recently school teacher.

II. Maggie McClelland, m. Frank Loney. Mar & have a family & live at Chillicothe, MO.

7. & 8. [children of Elizabeth Thoroman & Simeon Jackman] twins d.y.

9. Polly Thoroman, mar Jesse Williams & lived near Sandy Springs, O opposite Vanceburg, Ky knows of but one child:

I. Elizabeth, mar Ayers Adams & had several children.

10. Charles Thoroman mar Maria Fear & lived on the old homestead of his father. Had nine children:

I. Nancy Ann, lmar Ebenezer Jones & lived on part of the home farm of her father & had 8 or 10 children, viz: Theodore, Nancy, Maria, Spencer, Minnie, etc.

V14 Page 563

II. Margaret Jane became the second wife of Wm Thoroman, son of Samuel (her first cousin) got his line.

III. Frank mar Fannie Smith, dau of William Smith. Moved many years ago to Van Wert Co, O near Van Wert. Have several children viz: Will, Harry & Noble, all [married] & have families & some girls.

IV. William Henry mar but did not have any issue.

V. Louisa, mar Sidner Jones & went to Kansas, a large family.

VI. Angeline, mar a Hughes.

VII. Mary mar Al Myers. Lived near Seaman, was a farmer. Had children.

VIII. Emma Hester, mar Will Clark. Had children. Lived about Seaman.

IX. Charles, mar Anne Scott. Both living at Dayton, O Don't know about family. See Book 18 p 609-614.

11. Crawford [son of Samuel Thoroman see page 532] married Nancy Porter & went to Iowa.

I. Napoleon Bonaparte

II. Samuel

III. James

IV. Mary Ann

V. Sarah Ellen

Oct 17, 1925 12:35 AM JVT

Oct 22, 1925 9:50 AM. Made all slips to here. & ground covered with snow. JVT.

V14 Page 564

Recorder's office, West Union, O Oct 17, 1925 6:26 AM

From page 551

Deed Book Vol 25

Page 375

On Jany 26, 1846, Samuel Elliott & Elisa his wife of Adams Co being heirs & legal rep of Robert Elliott decd convey to Archibald McCullough of same Co for $750 two tracts of land.

Page 275

On Jany 23, 1846 Robert Finley & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to Gotlieb House of same Co for $525, 95 A. Robert Finley (seal) Mary Finley (seal) Attest Edward Clark, Robert McFinley

Page 373

On Oct 9, 1843 Wm R. Thompson in Woodford Co, Ky now in Washington Co, Pa, conveys to Jane McCutchen of Adams Co, O & Jane Welsh of Savannah, Richland Co, O nieces of the said Wm R. Thompson for $10, 38 1/2 A & 6 1/2 A 65 P. Wm R. Thompson (seal) Attest Jas McFadden, James Thompson Ackd same day in Wash Co, Pa before J.P. Jas McFadden.

Page 381

On May 2, 1846, George Thompson & Harriet N. his wife of Adams Co, O convey to John Crawford of same Co for $8 lot no 7 in town of Dunkinsville, Tiffin Tp. George (his mark) Thompson (seal) Attest Eleven Phillips, G.W. Sample, Harriet N. Thompson (seal) Ackd before Eleven Phillips J.P. Adams Co recorded June 8, 1846 John M. Smith, Recorder A.C.

Deed Book Vol 26

Page 226

On Sept 19, 1846, D.H. Buchanan & Elizabeth, his wife of Adams mortgage 259 A 14 P to Robert Finley of same Co for $2200 & signatures are witnessed by S.C. Mason & William Carothers mtg satisfied Oct 3, 1851 by R.M. Finley atty in fact.

V14 Page 565

Page 509

On Aug 3, 1847, Wm McVay Jr & Martha Jane his wife of Adams Co convey to John Finley of same Co for $14, 74 P on Cherry Fork of Brush Cr

Page 490

On July 30, 1847 John Barritt & Catherine his wife of Adams Co convey to Dwight Keet of same Co for $500, 40 A

Page 371

In Jany 1847, Archibald Carothers & Nancy his wife of Adams Co convey to John McClung of same Co for $1175, land on Lick Fork of Brush Creek 1st tract ctg 108 A & 2d 32 A.

Page 372

On Jany 29, 1847, William Carothers & Elizabeth his wife, Hugh Carothers, Julia Ann Carothers, Ervin Carothers & Mary Carothers heirs at law of Mary Carothers, late of Adams Co decd convey to John McClung of Brush Cr signed by above Carothers & witnessed by Edward Clark & James McClung

Page 239

In deed dated July 4, 1846, from Joseph P. Patterson, admr of Samuel Finley decd, it states that at the Aug 1842 term of C.P. court wherein said Adm was petitioner for the partition of R.E. & James Finley, John Finley, Lewis A. Finley, Andrew Finley, Williamson Lodwick, Nancy Lodwick, Joseph L. Lodwick, Martha Kinney, late Martha Lodwick, Jane McCabe, late Jane Lodwick, Lewis A. Patterson, Matilda A. Patterson, Thomas R. Patterson, Hannah F. Patterson, Mary B. Patterson and John Chipps were respondents, the said Joseph P. Patterson as Admr was ordered to sell

V14 Page 566

at public auction certain R.E. & did on Nov 14, 1844 sell same to Edward S.W. Burbage for $3 per acre & at July term following was confirmed & in pursuance thereof, he conveys the land in question 50 A on Beasleys Fork of Brush Creek signature witnessed by Wm R. Rape & J. Patterson.

Page 271

In deed dated Feby 1, 1847 from John Patterson surviving executor of the estate of Joseph L. Finley, it stated that at the Apr 1842 term of C.P. court in a certain petition for the sale of R.E. by sd John Patterson & James Finley as exrs of will of Joseph L. Finley as petitioners and John B. Finley, Lyle Lodwick, Jane F. McCabe, Martha Kinney, Kennedy Lodwick, Joseph F. Lodwick, Nancy Lodwick Williamson Lodwick, John N. Lodwick, Joseph P. Patterson, Lewis A. Patterson, Matilda A. Patterson, Hannah F. Patterson, Mary F. Patterson, John N. Chipps were respondents, the said two exrs were ordered to sell certain R.E. of decedent (at said term the death of James Finley, exr was suggested on the records of said court) & said order was at Aug term of Court 1842 revived by sd exr John Patterson & having advertised he sold sd R.E. Oct 14, 1842 at public auction to Mary F. Patterson, the 1st tract for $145.00 3/4 & the other for $160 which sale at Oct 1842 term was confirmed. Afterwards at Sept 1844, the transfer of her int to Edwd S.W. Burbage was reported & he accordingly conveys 28 A 3 R 10 P & 60 A.

J. Patterson surviving exr of Jos L. Finley

V14 Page 567

Page 513

On Apr 15, 1847 Mary Finley of Adams Co, O conveys to Robert McCutchen of same Col for $1134, 81 A 13 P. Mary Finley (seal) Attest Edward Clark, Robert Finley

Page 52

On Jany 7, 1846, Robert Finley & Mary his wife of Adams Co convey to John Patton of said Co for $1610, 117 A. Robert Finley (seal) Mary Finley (seal) Attest; John S. Patton Andrew McIntire

Page 341

On Feby 13, 1847, Samuel S. Glasgow, Haddasa, his wife, James Montgomery & Elin Glasgow of Adams Co convey to John Campbell of same Co for $1800, 195 A on Cherry Fork of Brush Creek. Samuel S. Glasgow (seal) Haddasa (her mark) Glasgow (seal) James Montgomery (seal) Elin Glasgow (seal) In presence of Edward Clark, Phebe Gordon. The ack before Edward Clark states that Elin Glasgow was late Elin Montgomery

Page 531

On May 10, 1847 Leman Gifford of Adams Co gives mtge for $300 on 39 3/4 A to Pickel [sic] Gifford of same Co the conditions being that Leman Gifford shall pay said $300 for the support of said Pickle Gifford & Catharine his wife as needed. Leman (his mark) Gifford (seal)

Page 78

On June 5, 1845 William P. Kincaid & Elizabeth Jane his wife of Clermont Co, O Samuel Williamson Kincaid, Amanda Kincaid John B. McClanahan & Elizabeth, his wife, late

V14 Page 568

Elizabeth Kincaid, John Vance & Mary his wife late Mary Kincaid, James Vance & Asenith his wife late Asenith Kincaid, Elias Nelson Vance & Sally Ann his wife late Sally Ann Kincaid heirs of John Kincaid decd all of Adams Co convey to John H. Kincaid of Adams Co for $110 each their 7/9 share in seven described tracts of land.

Page 4

On July 20, 1845, Charlotte Thoroman, wife of Thomas Thoroman (should be widow) quit claims to Michael Stafford for $50, 30 A

Page 522

Dated Sept 2, 1847 is an agreement between the heirs of Thos Kirkpatrick seeking to avoid court expenses & authorizing Joseph P, Kirkpatrick to settle the estate pay James & Polly McNeil $35 for attention nursing & expenses of said decd in his last illness & balance to be divided among the heirs equally, signed: James McNeil (seal), Mary McNeil (seal), John Glasgow, (seal) Elizabeth Glasgow (seal) Nancy Campbell (seal), Malinda Finley (seal), Wm H. Mitchell (seal), J.P. Kirkpatrick (seal) guardian of Elizabeth M. Kirkpatrick, heir of Thos C. Kirkpatrick

Deed Book Vol 27

V14 Page 569

Page 544

On Aug 17, 1848 William Robe & Johannah his wife of Adams Co for $200 paid by Hugh Carothers late of said Co but now of the State of Illinois, convey 158 A on Trebers Run.

Page 396

On June 1, 1846, Wm M. Barritt & Mary Ann his wife of Lewis Co, Ky, convey to Joseph Wright of Adams Co for $682, 120 A

Page 97

On Jany 1, 1846, Moses Thompson & Rebecca his wife Robert Thompson & Margaret his wife, Adam Willman & Lucinda his wife (late Lucinda Thompson) Ann Thompson, Melinda Thompson & Mary Thompson all of Adams Co convey to Israel Thompson of same Co in consideration of said Israel having paid the debts & funeral expenses of Thomas Thompson & each of the parties as his heirs became entitled to the undivided one eleventh of his 50 A of land on Lick Fork of Brush Cr now for $15 paid to each they convey all by their mark except Moses & Adam & same is witnessed by Edwd Clark & Robert Thompson Senr.

Page 644

On June 30, 1848, William Davis & Nancy, his wife of Adams Co conveys ostensibly to James Thompson of same Co for $104, 50 A on Ohio Brush Creek, specifying that it is confirmed unto the heirs of James Thompson & Susannah his wife (late Susannah Davis) (and it is understood that the word [sic] heirs shall include her (Susannah Thompson's) son Safety.)

V14 Page 570

Page 615

On July 20, 1848, Joseph Darlinton of Adams Co conveys to Mary T. Pilson of Brown Co, O for $501 or $1 certain interests in 215 1/2 A. Joseph Darlinton (seal)

Page 391

On Apr 6, 1848, Andrew McIntire & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Park of Washington Co, Pa for $5000 a tract of land on Hillsfork of Eagle Creek ctg 273 A. Andrew McIntire (seal) Elizabeth McIntire (seal) Attest John S. Patton, Mitchell Morrison.

Deed Book Vol 28

Page 74

On Oct 17, 1848, Jane Andrew (formerly Jane Finley, widow of Samuel S. Finley late of Adams Co) & James Andrew her husband of Greene Co, O release or convey to Robert S. Finley of said Green Co, O for $600 being her dower & other rights in & to two tracts of land on Cherry Fork of Ohio Brush Creek viz 25 A 2 R & 219 A. See Book 18 p 514-5 See book 15 p 112-3.

Page 75

On Oct 17, 1848 Robert S. Finley of Green Co, O son of Samuel S. Finley, late of Adams Co conveys to Andrew McIntire of Adams Co for $4000, 219 A which tract was conveyed to Samuel S. Finley by Robert Finley & wife Dec 3, 1813 & which was devised by Samuel S. Finley to his son the aforesaid Robert S. Finley, but was subject to the dower int of his widow Jane Finley now Jane Andrew who has this day conveyed her dower int to Robert S. Finley.

Page 87

On Jany 5, 1849, Andrew McIntire & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co give a mtge for $2200 on above 219 A to Robt S. Finley of Green Co O.

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Page 198

On Oct 9, 1848, Archibald Carothers of Peoria Co, Ills conveys to David Coleman of Adams Co O for $500, 100 A on Lick Fork of Brush Cr. Archibald Carothers (seal) ackd same day in Adams Co, O

Page 309

On Jany 1, 1849, William Carothers & Elisabeth his wife of Adams Co convey to Andrew B. Carl of same Co for $600, 150 A on Ohio Brush Cr

Page 353

On Oct 6, 1848, Hugh Carothers of Peoria Co, Ills conveys to John McClung of Adams Co for $110, 50 A on Lick Fork of Ohio Brush Cr. Hugh Carothers (seal) Ackd in Peoria Co, Ills.

Page 153

On Jany 24, 1849, Andrew McIntire & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Milligan of same Co for $1184, 92 1/2 A A. McIntire (seal), Elizabeth McIntire (seal) Attest John Kirkpatrick, John L. McIntire.

Deed Book Vol 29

Page 570 last one in the book

On Mch 25, 1850, Geo Young of Adams Co, O releases to James Jack of same Co for $50 all his interest in the farm on Beasleys' fork of Brush Creek in Monroe Tp belonging to the heirs of David Young. George Young (seal) Ackd by Young in Van Buren Co, Iowa.

Page 319

On Aug 15, 1849 Thomas Kincaid, Exr of Margaret I. Kincaid makes a deed to John H. Kincaid in pursuance of order of court confirming her article of agent to sell 7 tracts of land to him & the proceedings

V14 Page 572

recite that her heirs are Samuel P. Kincaid, Amanda Kincaid, Sarah Ann Vance, late Kincaid, James Vance & Asenath, his wife late Kincaid, John Vance & Mary his wife, late Kincaid & John McClanahan & Elizabeth, his wife late Kincaid heirs & devisees of said Margaret I. Kincaid.

Page 282

On Oct 13, 1848, Robert Thompson, junior & Margaret his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Robe of same Co for $50, 50 A partly in Wayne & partly in Tiffin Tp.

Deed Book Vol 30

Page 545

On Dec 25, 1851, John M. Smith, gdn of John M. Chipps made a deed to John H. Kincaid which recited that on May 15, 1850 said Smith filed a petition in the C of C.P. of Adams Co setting forth that his ward was seized in fee simple of certain R.E. which it was advisable to sell & at July court 1850 he was ordered to sell it, which he did on Aug 24, 1850 to John H. Kincaid for $136 the tract ctg 10 A.

Page 474

On Sept 23, 1851 the exrs of Joseph Darlinton recite that on Sept 21, 1850 late of Adams Co bargained & sold to Joseph E. Darlinton a tract of land in Adams Co under Art of Agent & states further that he left a will with John M. Darlinton & Gabriel D. Darlinton exrs who carry out the contract & convey 161 A.

Page 399

On Jany 15, 1851, James Frame & Nancy his wife of Adams Co convey to Taylor Scott of same Co for $1350, 100 A 1 R 7 1/2 P

V14 Page 573

Deed Book Vol 31

Page 35

On Aug 13, 1851, William Finley & Jane his wife of Adams Co convey to Martha S. Finley late Martha Campbell of same Co for $5, 51 A 40 P

Page 34

On Aug 13, 1851 William Finley & Jane his wife of Adams Co convey to Mary R. Finley, late Mary R. Glasgow of same Co for $4, 51 A. William Finley (seal) Jane Finley (seal) Attest Wm McIntire, Hugh McSurely

I think he has the statements reversed & it should be late Martha S. Finley & Mary R. Finley & they are no doubt his daughters to whom he is conveying equal areas & they are indexed as from Wm Finley to Martha S. Campbell & Mary R. Glasgow & that then is how the Campbells are related & the Porter Finley & Wm Finley at Youngsville were probably grandsons of Wm.

Deed Book Vol 32

Page 74

On July 7, 1853, Silas E. Parker & Josephine, his wife of Adams Co release to Simmoral Crothers of same place for $15 all their interest in lot 16 in the town of Palestine.

Page 31

On Sept 24, 1852 James Jack & Barbary his wife of Shelby Co, Ills, for $50, release & sell to Andrew Jack of Adams Co all their interest as in expectancey in & to one undivided share in a farm on Beasleys Fork of Brush Creek belonging to the heirs of David Young.

Page 257

On Dec 14, 1853 Wm Boone of Adams Co Conveys to Oliver Kilgore of same Co for $200, 11 1/2 A on Big 3 M. Creek

Page 160

On Feby 23, 1852 Jacob Stolz & Mary his wife convey to Hugh Thompson for $1568, 112 A on Lick Fk of Brush Cr being of tract entered in name of Jeptha Beasley & patented Robert Thompson, Junior

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Page 385

On Mch 7, 1854, James M. Taylor, Exr of James M. Finley makes a deed to Nathaniel Kirkpatrick who bought said decedents farm of 187 1/2 A on Cherry Fork of Brush Cr for $4057.50 & in the proceedings at court thereabout it states that James Finley made his will Feby 15, 1853 & same was probated Mch 11, 1853.

This is the James I take it from the area who was a brother of William who I think predeceased him & were sons of John, but who was


Page 353

On Sept 23, 1853, Elizabeth Thomas formerly Elizabeth Wiscob now Elizabeth Thoroman & Wm Z. Thoroman & Susan his wife & Salvadore Thoroman & Elizabeth his wife, all of Adams Co convey to James H. Killpatrick of same Cos for $30 in lots 11 & 12 in Jacksonville. Elizabeth (her mark) Thoroman, Wm Z. Thoroman, Susan Thoroman, Salvadore Thoroman, Elizabeth (her mark) Thoroman Attest: Isaac Wittenmyer, Abner Smalley.

Page 431

On Dec 13, 1853, James Henry Thompson of Highland Co, O & Eliza Trimble Thompson, his wife convey to Henry Ousler of Adams Co for $15, 23 A on Rock Run.

Deed Book Vol 33

Page 252

On Oct 6, 1854, Sarah McClellan, late Sarah McGarry for $140, conveys to Andrew Jack of Adams Co her interest in a farm of 200 A on Beasleys fork of Ohio Brush Creek as willed to her by her father Wm McGarrey.

V14 Page 575

Page 253

OnDec 29, 1854 John Young & Sarah Young of Adams Co for $45 convey to Andrew Jack of same Co their interest being 1/3 of 1/6 in a farm of 200 A on Beasleys Fork of Ohio Brush Creek.

On Page 495 & on Feby 9, 1855, Henry McGarry & wife for $140 convey to Andrew Jack their und. 1/6 in same farm.

Page 506

On Feby 4, 1853, John L. McIntyre, Jane McIntire [sic] & Martha McIntire of Adams Co convey to Silas D. McIntire of same Co for $150 their undivided 3/4 interest in two tracts of land on Cherry Fork of Ohio Brush Creek in Wayne Tp ctg 72, 77 A & 20 A.

Page 536

On Feby 4, 1853 Silas D. McIntire & Phebe Caroline his wife of Adams Co for $1 convey to John L. McIntire, Jane McIntire & Martha McIntire of same Co the 1/4 of two tracts of land on Cherry Fork of Ohio Brush Creek in Wayne Tp ctg 167 A & 54 3/4 A

Page 461

On June 6, 1855, Hugh Thompson, & Isabella his wife of Adams Co convey to Jacob Stulz of Montgomery Co, O For $200 & $431.31 decreed due from sd Thompson to said Stulz by the C.P. Ct on a mtge conveys lands on Lick Fork of Brush Cr

Deed Book Vol 34

Page 621

On June 17, 1856 Wm Finley & Jane his wife of Adams Co for $1 convey to Robert P. Finley of same Co the following R.E. on Brush Cr adj Samuel Campbell ctg 142 A. William Finley (seal) Jane Finley (seal) Attest S.D. McIntire, W.P. Jones,

Page 648, over

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On Mch 3, 1856, Jacob Brodt & Regina his wfie of Adams Co convey to Thomas M. Finley of same Co for $475, 34 P. Witnessed by S.D. McIntire & W.R. Duffey

Page 36

On Nov 10, 1855, Samuel Kincaid & Margaret A. Kincaid his wife of "Mahaskey" Co, Iowa convey to John McClanahan of Adams Co, O for $600, the undivided 5/8 interest in a tract of land in the east fork of Eagle Creek ctg 116 A. also our other tract ctg 2 1/2 A. Samuel Kincaid (seal) Margaret Kincaid, (seal)_ Attest, B.B. Jack, Mitchell Nelson, Ackd in Mahaska County, Iowa

Page 694

On May 19, 1855, Thomas Thoroman & Sarah his wife of Adams Co convey to Joseph Wiscob of same Co for $160, 40 A.

Deed Book Vol 35

Page 564

On Nov 3, 1856, Noah Purtee & Malinda, his wife, Elias M. Johnson & Manerva, his wife, late Purtee, Hiram Purtee & Susan, his wife, Hugh Purtee & Martha his wife, Wesley Purtee & Hannah, his wife, Geo R. Purtee, Robert Crothers & Hanna his wife late Hannah Purtee heirs & Elizabeth Purtee, widow of Aquila Purtee decd for $65 paid by William W. Carothers of Adams Co convey 45 A.

Page 175

On Nov 4, 1856, Dyer B. Kirker & Juliet his wife of Brown Co, O convey to Wm K. Frame of Adams Co for $1492.50 the undivided half of 100 A

In two other deeds made in Feby & Mch pages 176 & 178, Frame is mentioned as of Brown Co, O.

V14 Page 577

Page 200

On July 1, 1856 Marshall Williamson of Adams Co conveys to Glasgow Finley of same Co for $100 45 A.

Page 174

On Nov 4, 1856, Wm K. Frame & Nancy M. his wife & Dyer B. Kirker & Juliet Ann his wife of Brown Co for $2300 convey to James A. Kirker of Adams Co, 106 A

Deed Book Vol 36

Page 689

On June 6, 1857, James Crothers & Jane his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm C. Davis of same Co For $249 land on Lick Fork of Ohio Brush Cr ctg 40 1/4 A

Page 384

On Aug 28, 1855 John Finley, of Adams Co conveys for $0 to Wm Plummer of same Co land on Cherry Fork of Brush Cr ctg 74 P.

Page 672.

On Jany 17, 1856, James Glasgow Sr & Sarah his wife of Adams Co convey to Robert F. Glasgow of same Co for $690, 46 A 55 P

Page 259

On Feby 20, 1858, Lysle Lodwick & Mary Ann his wife of Hamilton Co, O convey to Robert Lysle Wood of Adams Co for $1 "& also for the love I have for & to him" in lot no 96 in West Union which was conveyed to me by my father, John Lodwick.

Deed Book Vol 37

Page 70

ON Feby 24, 1859 Glasgow Finley & Esther his wife of Adams Co convey to Wm Montgomery for $160.70 land in Scott Tp ctg 58 A 40 P. Glasgow Finley (seal) Esther Finley (seal) Attest: David Gaston, Mary Finley.

V14 Page 578

Page 103

ON July 23, 1858, Thomas W. Thompson & Elizabeth his wife of Adams Co convey to James H. Thompson of Highland Co, O for $800 land on Ohio Brush Creek ctg 120 1/2 A being the tract of land devised in the will of Thomas Thompson decd to Isaac Thompson said will admitted to probate in Adams Co Nov 13, 1816. Thomas W. Thompson (seal) Elizabeth (her mark) Thompson (seal) Witness: E.M. DeBruin, N. Wintersteen.

Page 104

On Aug 7, 1858 John D. Thompson & Sarah Ann his wife of Servis Co Ky conveys to James H. Thompson of Highland Co, Ky for $800 land on Ohio Brush Creek ctg 120 1/2 A (same recital abt Will of Thos Thompson as above. *[12]her, the Ellen▓__#X__#J___(Thompson side & has a wonderful

Cynthia Murphy, D.W. Murphy Ackd same day before D.W. Murphy in Scioto Co, O

Oct 17, 1925 6:11 PM

Have just finished all the many reference I took from the two indexes no 1 reverse & direct & will go get my supper as I have worked without ceasing since 6:26 AM JVT

V14 Page 579

At residence of Dr O.T. Sproull, corner Mulberry & Second St, West Union, O, Oct 17, 1925 7:44 PM

Dr has brought me over & has introduced me to his wife's sister, Miss Lizzie Treber & she & Mrs Sproull are giving me their best information about their immediate families & of the family of their grandfather, Jacob Treber who married Jennie Thoroman, see page 535. Their children as near as they can give them in order of age were as follows:

1. John Treber, oldest mar Barbara Jackman. Both buried at Treber g.y.

1. Ann mar Daniel Adams, farmer, Lived near Buena Vista, O this Co Had several children.

2. Eliza mar Frank Sproull, son of Hazlett Sproull & his wife Mary Ann Treber. Went first to Darke Co, O & then to South Dakota. Had about 4 children, one Robert.

3. Jane, mar Samuel Black, first lived here & then went to Central Kansas. Had a lot of children & a set of twins.

4. Oliver C., Mar Addie Sproull dau of Joseph Sproull & wife Ann Black. Lived near Dunkinville & he remarried, buried Trebers g.y. M.2. Mrs Jane Fritch, widow fr Cincin, O. Had one child by first wife & 3 by second.

II. Anna Jane mar Chas Berry. Both living at Peebles where he is a farmer.

III. Charlotte, mar Omer Crawford, son of Walker Crawford & wife Mary Crawford. Have 4 children.

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IV. Oliver C. Jr unm. Living at Peebles, O.

I. Lillie by first wife mar Joe Fristoe separated. Living she at Peebles, 2 children.

5. Harriet, [dau of John Treber & Barbara Jackman] mar John Satterfield, son of Wesley Satterfield. He is dead. She is living at Seaman, O six children:

I. Charles, mar Florence Crummie. Both living at Seaman, O Farmer. Have one child.

II. Wesley Satterfield mar Edna Seaman, dau of Chase Seaman. Live at Seaman. Have 3 children.

III. James, mar Maud Seaman, dau of Henry Seaman. Have 2 or 3 children.

IV. Stella, mar Luther Mason son of John Mason & wife Addie Bayless, one child.

V. John Satterfield Jr mar Holmes, dau of Nathan Holmes. Have 3 children.

VI. Ernest, youngest, mar & has 2 or 3 children. He is dead.

6. Leah [dau of John Treber & Barbara Jackman] mar France Sproull, son of Joseph Sproull & Ann Black, 5 children.

I. Addie mar Wm Smalley. She dead, he living. Had a large family.

II. Lou, mar Conrad Smalley, bro of Wm. She dead, he living, one child.

III. Jacob, living mar Mamie Cobbler & had one child.

IV. Cora, mar Frank? Hazelbaker. She dead, he living, 3 children.

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V. Jennie, mar Robert Neill. She dead, he living. Had 5 children.

7. Jacob Treber [son of John Treber & Barbara Jackman] mar Florence ______ & lived at Cincin, where he died. Had one child:

1. William Treber

8. Emma mar James Ellison son of Andrew Ellison & wife Harriet Collier. Both buried at Ellison g.y. 3 ms S.E. of Dunkinsville. No issue.

9. John Whitmer. He lives at old Treber inn m.1. Minnie Reed, dau of Leonard Reed & wife Ann Treber. One child. M.2. Ella Reed, sister of Minnie, 2 children.

I. Marie, by 1st wife, mar Guy Tucker, Meth Preacher, son of Samuel Tucker & wife Navin Thoroman. Have one child.

II. Reed, mar Myrtle Young dau of Frank Young & wife Sarah Shrive, 1 child.

III. Gerald, single, Lives Dunkinsville.

10. Lydia, mar Dr Scott & he is dead & she lives at Mexico, NY with her daughter. Have 1 child.

11. Joseph Treber, died unmarried. Was a farmer?

2. Henry Treber [son of Jacob Treber & Jennie Thoroman page 579] mar 1. Ann ____ & went to Hamilton, O & mar 2d & had children. Think.

3. Joseph, m.1. 1 child, m.2. Louise David, 3 children.

I. Frank

II. Harry

III. Milton

IV. Edwin

4. Mary Ann, mar Hazlett Sproull, son

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of Robert Sproull & wife Ann Montgomery & had 8 or 10 children. Moved to Down, Darke Co, O

1. Frank mar Eliza Treber see above

2. Treber Sproull, dead, mar Sarah Coppess

3. Mary Jane m.1. Brewer, 1 dau, m.2. Palmer 2 boys

I. Laura

II. Ray

III. Forrest

4. Crockett, unmarried

5. Alice, mar Burge

6. Fannie, mar

7. Laura, mar Starr

8. Lou, died single

9. Lizzie, died single

5. Sallie Treber [dau of Jacob & Jennie Thoroman Treber page 579] mar Charles Moore, moved first to Aledo, Ills & then to Tyrone, Neb. Had a big family.

1. Joe

2. Charlie

3. Oliver

4. Thomas

5. Hennie

6. Lou

7. Florence

6. Jacob Treber, mar Theodosia Burns & lived at Cincin, O & both died there, where he was in the iron trade. Had 3 girls:

1. Florence, married

2. Jennie, died single

3. Alice, married.

V14 Page 583

[fermata mark appears here]

7. Elizabeth [dau of Jacob & Jennie Thoroman Treber page 579] mar John Holmes & first lived here in West Union, O & both moved to Aledo, Ills where he was a farmer. Had a big family. See book 15 page 18.

1. Lewis, a lawyer, mar & lived at Omaha, Neb

2. Mary Jane, mar

3. Thomas Holmes, mar

4. Charles Holmes, mar twice & had one child by first wife

5. Annie

6. Etta, mar

7. William, mar, youngest

8. Oliver Treber, m.1. Had one child, m.2. Lusetta [sic] McMachin. Had one child.

1. Charles, dead, unmarried

2. Stella, dead, unmarried.

9. William Treber, born Aug 10, 1825 & died Mch 31, 1916 married Jany 10, 1856 to Melissa Ann Thoroman born Mch 22, 1834 & died Sept 20, 1912 both buried at Treber g.y. She was dau of Samuel Thoroman & his wife Rachel Flora. He was a farmer. Had eleven children all born in the same house in Tiffin Tp near Dunkinsville, O as follows:

1. Luella born Feby 13, 1857, ob Sept 19, 1864

2. Rachel Jane born June 12, 1858, ob Apr 30, 1876

3. Annie Florence B Dec 17, 1859, living single

4. Agnes Belle, b Aug 29, 1861 living see page 555

5. Sallie b Feby 24, 1863 ob Apr 9, 1900 single

6. Lizzie b Oct 30, 1864, single

V14 Page 584

7. Clara, born Feby 15, 1867

8. Jacob, born Sept 26, 1868

9. Lucy, born Aug 25, 1870

10. Stella, born Feby 29, 1872

11. Lyman Thoroman born Apr 2, 1874

7. Clara mar Apr 8, 1894 to Cameron Tucker born at Bentonville, O son of Lee Tucker & wife Elizabeth Aldred. Both living at Greenfield, O where he is a carpenter. Have three children all born near Bartonville, O viz:

I. Nelle Tucker, mar to Chester Davis of Sinking Springs, O & are living at Cincin, O where he is a RR police officer & have two children born in Greenfield, O.

a. Chetwyn

b. Elma

II. Beatrice, m. to Hugh Russell. Living at Greenfield, O where he is a farmer. No issue.

III. William Tucker, m. a Boston girl, & live in Akron, O where he works in a rubber factory. No issue.

8. Jacob Treber, mar June 3, 1896 to Margaret Chapman born near Peebles O daughter of Samuel Chapman & wife Josephine Wittenmyer. Both living at

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Steam Furnace, O about 2 or 3 miles from Peebles where he is a farmer & school teacher. Have two children born in Meigs Tp viz:

I. William Samuel m. to Nola Nevil. Both living near Peebles O where he is a teacher. No issue.

II. Mary Magdalene, m. to Earl Gaffin son of Henry Gaffin & wife Lillie Sparks. Have two children born in Peebles, O

a. Norman

b. Marian.

9. Lucy Treber mar July 10, 1898 to Ole C. Thoroman & wife Jennie Elliott. Both living at Peebles, O where he is a contractor. Have three children born in Dunkinsville, O viz:

I. Philip Sousa, m. to Kathryn Brodt, dau of Samuel Brodt & wife Clara Robuck. Both living in Peebles, O where he is in lumber trade. Two children, one dead & one living.

a. Philip Samuel b., ob

b. Phyllis Louise

II. Carlos Treber, at home single

III. Agnes, at home single

V14 Page 586

10. Stella Treber mar Mch 21, 1897 to Dr Treber Coleman Crawford, son of Robert Crawford & wife Lizzie Treber. Both living at Portsmouth, O where he is practicing medicine. Have two children:

I. Marjorie, born Mch 27, 1899, unmarried.

II. Ruth, single

11. Lyman T. Treber mar Sept 30, 1897 to Lulu Dell Gaffin born Mch 27, 1880 dau of Clem. Gaffin & wife America Texas Stivers. Both living in Dunkinsville, O where he is a farmer. Have one child born in Tiffin Tp near Dunkinsville, O.

II. Dorothy, born Oct 4, 1907. Had one or two children they lost

I. Infant baby born & died Apr 13, 1904

10. Minerva Treber [dau of Jacob Treber see page 579] mar Peter Thompson. Both dead at Aledo, Ills. He was a merchant. Had six children:

I. Coleman Thompson died single

II. Lucy Thompson, mar in Illinois

III. Frank, a girl, Thompson never married

IV. Mary, mar in Illinois

V. Daniel Thompson died single

VI. Jacob Thompson married in Ills & lives near Aledo, Ills

V14 Page 587

11. Thomas Jefferson Treber married Annie Sproull, daughter of Robert Sproull & wife Anne Montgomery. Lived near Dunkinsville, O where he was a farmer, buried at Treber g.y. No issue.

Jacob Treber married second Mary Ann Freeland & had three children by her. She survived him, having been much younger than he was.

Leaving 10:50 PM

At Cosby Residence Oct 18, 1925 12:20 PM

Dr Sproull stopped here to dress a patient's finger on our way out to his sister's & I met here an old Mrs Crawford, widow of Robert who I should judge was past 80 yrs old. She is daughter of Joel Treber, a son of the original John Treber who came here by his 3d wife a Williams, but she is not a Crawford descendant & her husband is of the "Irish" family. His name was Robert Crawford, son of Robert Crawford & he son of an older Robert Crawford & all three Roberts came to the U.S. from County Tyrone Ireland when the younger Robert her husband was 7 or 8 yrs old in 1840. He was born in Co Tyrone, Jany 8, 1833 & died on his birthday Jany 8, 1912. He had a sister Mary Ann & about his only recollections of Ireland was going some place with her.

Left 12:27 PM

V14 Page 588

At residence of Mrs Jennie Black, Meigs Tp Adams Co, O (P.O. Peebles RD 1) Oct 18, 1925 2:10 PM

I arrived here about an hour ago driver out from West Union, O by Dr O.T. Sproull accompanied by his wife & her sister Lizzie Treber & have met his sister Mrs Black & her son Robert O & his wife & two daughters Burcyl R. & Robby G. & have had a good dinner. Doctor gave me some dates from his father's bible which I have filled in on page 554 & Robert & his wife have given me their record which I have entered on pages 554 & 555. They have brought out the small well preserved bible of their grandfather Oliver Thoroman which was given to her by the widow (his 3d wife) of her Uncle Wm H. Harrison Thoroman. It was printed by "D. Fanshaw, Printer New York 1828" & the record written largely on the front fly leaves is as follows:

"Oliver Thoroman born Feby 26, 1794 died Apr 6, 1873

Ann Thoroman, wife of Oliver Thoroman born Sept 17, 1796, died June 24, 1870. They were married Feby 14, 1822.

Their children were:

1. Mary Jane Thoroman born Jany 26, 1823

2. Samuel Crawford Thoroman born Jany 26, 1823

3. Sarah Thoroman Oct 4, 1825

4. John Westly Thoroman born Mch 21, 1828

5. William Harrison Thoroman born July 29, 1830

V14 Page 589

6. Oliver Treber Thoroman born Nov 5, 1832

7. Elizabeth Caroline Thoroman, born May 31, 1834


Oliver Treber Thoroman died July 3, 1833 aged 7 mos 28 days

Elizabeth Caroline Thoroman died Aug 4, 1835 aged 14 mos & 4 days

Samuel Crawford Thoroman died May 8, 1838, aged 15 yrs 3 mos 12 days

Mary Jane Thoroman died Sept 13, 1843 aged 20 yrs 9 mos 18 days

J.W. Thoroman died Nov 28, 1890

W.H.H. Thoroman died June 26, 1901

Mrs Black says that Mrs Flo O'Leary is probable [sic] somewhere about Peebles & her mother may have had something written down. She was Elizabeth (Betty) Thoroman, dau of William & married Ferdinand Hooten Miller & Flo is their daughter.

She thinks too that Lyman Thoroman might give some data.

Finished 3 PM

Mrs Black said the address of Finley Black's son is W.M. Black, Granville, O living in the town. Finley was a brother of Benj Cole Black & their father was Andrew Black whose wife was Rachel Pennell. Ask him how he got the Finley name & if relative of the Finleys.

She said the original Jackman here, Samuel Jackman, married "Betsy" Thompson. Ask Will A. Jackman, this side Sproull Bridge. He might have some records.

V14 Page 590

At residence of John Whitmer Traber, Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O (P.O. West Union, O Route 3) Oct 18, 1925 5:25 PM

Mrs Traber says there were two children of her Uncle Samuel Treber by his 3d wife (see Page 535) as follows: [note: Traber & Treber are 2 different surnames]

V. Robert, married a Rhoades & both living near Fort Hill, Highland Co where he is a saw mill man. Have 3 children.

VI. a child died in infancy.

Page 535, Mrs T's mother:

Ann Treber was born Sept 28, 1823 in Pike Co, O near Cynthiana out from Beech flats. She died July 12, 1907. On Jany 3, 1847, she married Leonard Sereno Reed, who was born at Newfaine, Vermont, Jany 9, 1825 & died Sept 25, 1894 in Pike Co. He was son Clark Reed & wife Orpha Wright They had 8 children, the two oldest born near Cynthiana & also Samuel, Emma & Mary (Minnie). The other three in Illinois. The record of their births as taken from their bible is as follows:

1. Joseph Clark Reed born Oct 17, 1847

2. Sarah Adaline Reed born May 6, 1849

3. Hollis Treber Reed born March 25, 1851

4. Samuel Madison Reed born June 19, 1853

5. Emma Maria Reed born July 4, 1856

6. Harriet Ann Reed born Sept 30, 1858

7. Eliza Ellen Reed born Mch 15, 1862

8. Mary Ann Reed born Sept 19, 1864

V14 Page 591


Joseph Clark Reed died July 17, 1848

Ella May, daughter of Daniel B.

Sarah A. Murphy was born July 26, 1876


Sarah A. Reed to Daniel B. Murphy Nov 27, 1868

Hollis T. Reed to Emma Bennett Aug 13, 1876

Samuel Madison Reed to Rosella Anderson Dec 29, 1889

2. Sarah A. had 7 children. She is dead.

3. Hollis had 4 children. He is dead

4. Samuel had 4 children. He is dead. Lived at Walkerville, Mich

5. Emma is dead

6. Harriet, had 10 children. Both dead. Some of the children at Wash. C.H. Ohio.

John Whitmer Traber was mar 1 Oct 6, 1887 to Mary Ann Reed who died. Had 1 child. Mar 2. Sept 24, 1890 to Eliza Ellen Reed. Have 2 children:

I. Minnie Marie born July 28, 1888

II. Samuel Reed born Aug 8, 1891

III. James Gerald, born July 16, 1905

I. Minnie Marie mar June 30, 1912? to Guy Tucker born Aug 25, 1888 son of Samuel N. Tucker & wife Naomi Thoroman. Both living at Summerside, O & have one child born at Greenfield, O.

1. Freda Mildred, born Dec 17, 1917

V14 Page 592

II. Samuel Reed was married Dec 25, 1914 to Myrtle Young born Oct 26, 1893, dau of Frank Young & wife Sarah Shriver. Have one child born at Englewood, O. They live at NO 21 S. Light S. Springfield, O.

1. Ellen Geraldine born Oct 16, 1916

See Book 19 Page 605

John Whitmer Traber was born June 7, 1855 at Dunkinsville, O. Mr T. says his father's bible giving record of the births of his 12 children is now in the hands of Jacob Walter Sproull at London, O. He has two picture shows in the town.

Leaving 6:22 PM

It was getting late & I left them my address so they could send me what records they could of the children of her brothers & sisters & we came on in & reached Doctor's residence at 6:55 PM & I got my unopened record book 15 which came to the Hotel here about 10:30 AM, brought in by Dr Sproull who was asking for me, while I was out in the old cemetery. I will record the records taken from the tombstones there after noting other records gathered & references given this afternoon preceded by four which the Doctor had previously given me.

V14 Page 593

He said the line between Tiffin Tp & Oliver Tp ran between his home & the graveyard.

V14 Page 594

West Union, O, North Side Hotel, Office writing table, Oct 18, 1925 8:11 PM

Dr Sproull said the other evening that:

Dr Edward A. Crawford once State Printer, son of Harper Crawford, who lived near here, now lives in Columbus, O & can give information. Also that Mrs Richard Fristoe (Clara) at Peebles, O RR 1 living in Jacktown (this is what they call Jacksonville), daughter of Geo H. Thoroman, son of Shff Jim of Thomas of orig Thomas would likely get the Thomas Senior bible record. He saw here however this evening while taking his wife's sister, Lizzie Treber, to Peebles, O & she said she never got any of the G. "Wash" Thoroman records, but thought Mrs Flo O'Leary at Peebles may have gathered them up.

Also he had "Ohio Archaeological & Historical Pub, Vol VI, Pub at Columbus, O by Fred J. Heer" which gives much about Col Wm Crawford.

He said too that a Will Traber C&O Agt at Manchester, O is a grandson of Jacob Treber by his 2d wife, & while not a Crawford descendants might know about the old bible record or its whereabouts.

This afternoon at his home, Robt O. Black said there was a George Jack, a farmer who lives near Steam Furnace, the 3d house this side of Evergreen Church who is over 70 yrs old.

V14 Page 595

He said too that his grandmother Black was daughter of Samuel Thompson & his wife Katie Launtz who came from Penna. He also had some of the old records of her father which I copied down & were as follows:

Samuel Thompson & Catherine Launtz were married Oct 24, 1826

Samuel Thompson was born May 16, 1803

Catherine Launtz was born Aug 19, 1803

Their children:

Ann Lee Thompson was born Aug 1, 1827

Lewis A. Thompson was born July 13, 1831

James L. Thompson was born Apr 30, 1834

Bazaleel Thompson was born Oct 2, 1837

Eliza C. Thompson was born Sept 13, 1843

William Thompson

This William Thompson went to Colorado to Castle Rock where he died a few years ago.


Bazaleel Thompson died Sept 23, 1861

Samuel (Father) Thompson died Oct 7, 1871

Eliza C. (Norris) died Mch 21, 1873

Catharine [sic] (mother) died Dec 23, 1885

Benjamin C. Black died Nov 5, 1891

James L. Thompson died Feby 11, 1902 at Gravitt, Ark

Ann Lee Thompson Black died May 4, 1919. She was born in West Union.

Benj Cole Black was born in Maryland, Mar 11, 1814

V14 Page 596


Benj C. Black & Anna L. Thompson were married Oct 10, 1848 at Star of the West Furnace, Carter Co, Ky.

Lewis J. Thompson & Sarah M. McMillan Nov 29, 1852

James L. Thompson & Jane P. DeVore June 14, 1857

Eliza C. Thompson & Geo W. Norris Jany 1, 1861

The births in the Black family were:

Hamlet Black born in Vanceburg, Lewis Co, Ky Sept 17, 1849

Saml Thompson Black born at Ohio Furnace, Scioto Co, O Aug 1, 1851

Emma Cornelia Black born at Belle Font Furnace, Greenup Co, Ky, Mch 6, 1853

Kate Black born at Hamden Furnace, Vinton Co, O Mch 3, 1852

Frank Black born in Adams Co, O Apr 27, 1858

Ida May Black born in Adams Co, O Mch 7, 186062

William T. Black born in Adams Co, O Jany 27, 1862

Clara Belle Black born in Adams Co, O July 11, 1864

Horace Greeley Black born in Adams Co, O Oct 13, 1866

Edgar Black born in Adams Co, O Dec 18, 1869

It was from this last one, his Uncle that Robert O, got these records copying them from the bible. This Uncle Edgar Black lives near the Steam Furnace in a frame house, is a farmer & is well known. It might be well to see if it sheds anything further about the Thompson or from what part of Penna Samuel came.

Dr Sproull learned when up at Peebles this evening that Thomas Washburn aged over 80 yrs back from the west now lives at Jacktown & can give the fullest information about the Thoromans as he is of an earlier generation. He said also that Dr John B. Wilson a son of Finley Wilson was practicing in Cincinnati, O.

V14 Page 597

The Old Cemetery at West Union, Ohio Oct 18, 1925 7:40 AM This cemetery is on the S.W. corner of the town, about half a mile from here & Wm C. Coryell having told me, before he got sick how to reach it, I walked out this morning after I finished my breakfast at 7:20 & entering over the first steps over the fence I commenced there & worked to the west & south & then came back to entrance & worked from there eastward back & forth across the cemetery which is a fairly large one & took the following inscriptions:

1. Samuel E. Clark, killed in battle at Cloyd Mountain, Va May 9, 1864 aged 40 yrs 2 mos 12 days

Arthur Clark, B Dec 18, 1798, ob May 18, 1876

2. Minerva H. Higgins B May 2, 1832, ob May 4, 1870

3. Sutterfield, Charley (away back in S.W. cor) May 3, 1873

Belle, his wife Sept 26, 1876

Willis Sutherfield [sic] Sept 19, 1841, Dec 7, 1903

4. Robert Crawford, weep not he is at rest ob June 7, 1885 aged 89 yrs

Mary Crawford, Gone but not forgotten ob Apr 22, 1879 aged 83 yrs

5. Henry F. son of S.W. & M.A. Kincaid B Feby 21, 1861 ob Oct 7, 1865 see book 15 page 298.

Ida Luella, dau of Saml W. & Margt A. Kincaid B Aug 12, 1864, ob Mch 24, 1866

V14 Page 598

5. [sic] Lillie Burwell Young B Jany 25, 1871 ob Apr 23, 1887

6. Mary C. dau of J & A. Treber B Feby 28, 1860, ob July 17, 1863

7. Harper Crawford, B Jany 23, 1814, ob Oct 5, 1865

Jane, wife of H. Crawford, our mother B Nov 22, 1821, ob May 29, 1889

Mary Jane, dau of Harper & Jane Crawford B June 3, 1842, ob Apr 28, 1864

Samuel A. Crawford, B Dec 3, 1846, ob Oct 5, 1867

8. Thomas Holmes ob Oct 25, 1866 aged 74 yrs 2 mos 8 days

Margaret, wife of Thomas Holmes ob Jany 22, 1879 ae 83 yrs 9 mos 14 days.

9. Gabriel D. Crawford, B Apr 15, 1845, ob Oct 9, 1872

Ollie A. Crawford, Aug 6, 1869, June 20, 1910

10. Robert S. Crawford, ob Apr 9, 1886, ae 19 yrs 6 mos 5 days

11. James Thompson, ob Oct 16, 1897 ae 90 yrs

Jane, wife of James Thompson ob Apr 19, 1898 ae 71 yrs

12. Rev N.W. Darlington B Mch 17, 1826 and he shall never die (Jesus)

13. James L. Coryell (father of Wm C.) B Feby 22, 1830, ob Jany 7, 1892

Hannah A. Coryell (stepmother of Wm C.) Dec 26, 1839, Nov 13, 1898

14. C. Matilda, dau of C & Mary Young, ob Apr 16, 1864, ae 9 yrs 8 mos 10 days.

Mary M. dau of C & Mary Young ob May 8, 1865 ae 24 yrs 2 mos 11 days

V14 Page 599

15. G.A. Crawford B Apr 26, 1859, mar Nov 19, 1885, ob Jany 25, 1887

16. Sacred to the memory of Major Joseph L. Finley ob May 23, 1839 ae 86 yrs 3 mos 3 days

Samuel B. Finley, ob Aug 6, 1833 ae 30 yrs 11 mos 25 days

Algernon S. Patterson ob Sept 17, 1833 ae 1 yr 14 days

James McCrea Patterson b Aug 26, 1841 ob Feby 21, 1842

Stephen Henry Patterson B Jany 21, ob Aug 12, ae 18 weeks

Mary Brown, wife of John Patterson ob Feby 8, 1831 aged 30 yrs 2 mos 1 day

Slab crotch high. Beneath this tomb lies the body of Hannah Lodwick, consort of John Lodwick ob July 6, 1827 ae 41 yrs 2 mos 5 days, also the remains of Elizabeth Lodwick, first consort of John Lodwick ob July 6, 1800 in her 40th year.

Effa Ann C. consort of Joseph P. Patterson ob Oct 7, 1844 ae 24 yrs 3 mos 5 days.

17. Doctor William Potter ob Aug 29, 1854 ae 24 yrs 6 mos 9 days

Lieut David S. Potter was killed at battle of Stone River, Tenn Dec 31, 1862 ae 34 yrs 3 mos 22 days

18. James Willson, ob Jany 18, 1855 ae 62 yrs

Mary, wife of James Wilson [sic] b Mch 12, 1885 aged 90 yrs

19. Lettia, wife of J.A. Hains B Apr 9, 1783, ob Feby 13, 1871

20. John M. Chipps ob Oct 14, 1856 in his 20th yr

V14 Page 600

21. Hannah Frances, consort of Robt Jackman ob Aug 12, 1835 ae 21 yrs 6 mos 24 days.

22. Oliver Thoroman, ob Sept 26, 1837 ae 40 yrs 8 mos 15 days

23. John Sinton 1764-1835 (father of David)

William Sinton 1804-1831

24. Noble J. Grimes B July 7, 1805 ob May 31, 1868

Harriet B., wife of Noble J. Grimes B Feby 6, 1806 ob Feby 8, 1874

John Briggs ob Aug 15, 1853 ae 82 yrs

Mary, consort of John Briggs ob Mch 30, 1844 ae 63 yrs 6 mos 23 days

25. Andrew, son of H & Margaret Hanes B May 13, 1829, ob July 30, 1851

26. Matilda A. Patterson wife of John M. Smith B Oct 24, 1823, ob Aug 23, 1895 There is a sweet rest in heaven.

John M. Smith, born in Columbus, O June 29, 1819 ob in West Union, O Nov 17, 1892. For 53 yrs he lived in West Union, a respected & honored citizen.

Clifton C. Smith Mch 24, 1858, July 24, 1915

Thomas Edwin, son of J.M. & M.A. Smith B Apr 5, 1845 ob July 12, 1846

John David, son of J.M. & M.A. Smith B Sept 18, 1843, ob Nov 19, 1844

27. Virginia, dau of John & Elizabeth Holmes ob Nov 25, 1854 ae 5 yrs 1 mo 21 days

Harriet Pembroke, dau of John & Elizabeth Holmes ob Apr 23, 1859 ae 1 yr 1 mo 15 days

Minerva J. dau of J & E Holmes ob Sept 6, 1866 ae 15 yrs 4 mos 8 days

28. William McClung ob Aug 4, 1881 ae 81 yrs 1 mo 14 days

V14 Page 601

John McClung Ob Mch 29, 1871 in his 85th yr

Margaret, wife of John McClung ob Dec 2, 1889 in her 87th yr

Lots of McPheeters & Steeles nearby.

29. Robert Crawford, ob Nov 13, 1861 ae 38 yrs

Titia, dau of John & Letitia B Aug 13, 1861 ob Aug 15, 1863

Ann, wife of Robert Crawford ob July 30, 1889 ae 49 yrs

30. Dr Charles H. Thompson May 15, 1852, Oct 19, 1904

31. Mary Young, B June 1812, ob Dec 28, 1887

32. Nathaniel Massie (This is the "Col", son of the "Genl") B Feby 16, 1805 ob Mch 11, 1894

Alice Collins wife of Nathl Massie B in Clermont Co June 9, 1808 ob in Adams Co May 22, 1876

Alice R. DeBruin ob May 17, 1860 ae 4 yr 1 mo 11 days

All [above item 32] on same monument but a foot stone says she is dau of E.M. & Belinda DeBruin.

33. Slab almost crotch high built solidly on big sandstones from bottom up. Are 9 more built same way.

Joseph Darlinton, ob Aug 2, 1851 ae 86 yrs & 14 days

Sarah Darlinton, consort of Joseph Darlinton ob Nov 10, 1836 in her 70th yr

Eliza Darlinton, dau of Sarah & Joseph Darlinton ob Apr 25, 1844 ae 40 yrs 2 mos 11 days

Gabriel D. Darlinton Jr ob Mch 17, 1866 ae 33 yrs 9 mos 14 days

George W. Darlinton son of Joseph & Sarah Darlinton B Nov 18, 1793 ob Nov 10, 1881 ae 87 yrs 11 mos 10 days

V14 Page 602

Margaret, wife of Edward Edwards formerly Margaret Darlinton ob Mch 26, 1862 aged 86 yrs 2 mos 27 days

Sarah M. Darlinton (small monument Feby 2, 1837, Oct 28, 1907

Margaret, dau of Salathiel & Mary Sparks ob Dec 16, 1833 aged 12 yrs 10 mos 18 days

Henry Milton, son of Gabriel D. & Sarah D. Darlinton ob Sept 23, 1840 ae 1 yr & 17 days

Sarah Davis, wife of G.D. Darlinton Sen & dau of Edward & Margaret Edwards, ob Jany 15, 1881 ae 76 yrs 3 mos 5 days

G.D. Darlinton ob June 23, 1886 ae 90 yrs 4 mos 23 days

Alfred, son of Joseph E. & Melinda Darlinton ob Aug 10, 1850 ae 5 mos 15 days.

Infant son of Jose E. & Melinda Darlington ob Nov 19, 1849

Joseph E. Darlinton B Aug 1, 1824, ob Sept 30, 1894

Malinda, his wife B Feby 1, 1825, ob Oct 18, 1911

34. Infant son of James & Marella Holmes ob Jany 26, 1853 aged 11 days

35. Meredith Allen, son of G.D. & S.D. Darlinton ob Apr 25, 1881 ae 53 yrs 8 mos 18 days

Away down, same style slab. At lower end of cem is a Branson & Richards lot fenced in & below it an old well erected mausoleum of big sandstone 15 by 18 ft & that high with steel pad-locked door & two fine pine trees in catecornered corners. Dr Sproull says it belongs to Hoods. Below it is a bigger pine tree & woods dropping down a steep bank.

Left 11:11 AM

V14 Page 603

Doctor brought me back to residence of John Whitmer Traber, son of William Treber & grandson of Jacob Treber & his wife Jennie Thoroman & he went with me to the Treber Cem while Doctor took Lizzie Treber to Peebles, I indicate several of the people by their relationship to my informant.

Treber graveyard, Oliver Tp, Adams Co, Ohio near to & beyond Dunkinsville, O Oct 18, 1925 4:20 PM

36. William Treber 1825-1916

Melissa Treber 1834-1913 dau of Saml Thoroman

Parents of my informant

John T. Treber B Apr 6, 1812 ob June 23, 1884

Barbara, wife of John T. Treber (nee Jackman) B June 25, 1815, J.W. sd the tombstone man had failed to inscribe date of her death.

Sallie, dau of W. & M Treber Feby 24, 1863, Apr 9, 1900 was unmarried (niece)

There are three thrifty pine trees as markers as you enter. The first one is at head of Jacob Treber's grave, the second one is at head of Joseph? Treber's grave, the third one is at head of John Treber's grave, father of Jacob's Joseph

Thomas J. Treber (Uncle) J.W. says he was the first man he ever saw die. B Jany 4, 1827 ob Sept 22, 1869

Ann Sproull, wife of Thos Jeff Treber May 23, 1826, Oct 15, 1893

V14 Page 604

Samuel Thoroman (The Elder) ob May 25, 1845 in his 78th yr

Ann, wife of Saml Thoroman (nee Crawford) ob May 13, 1838 in her 68th yr

Oliver Thoroman B Feby 24, 1794, ob Apr 6, 1873

Ann, wife of Oliver Thoroman B Sept 17, 1796, ob June 24, 1875

J.W. Thoroman (son of Oliver) B Mch 21, 1828 ob Nov 28, 1890

Almira, his wife (nee Mason) B Aug 5, 1830 ob Feby 8, 1912

Sarah J. dau of J.W. & Almira (unmarried) ob Aug 28, 1881 aged 22 yrs 9 mos 15 days

James Thoroman (bro of Melissa Treber) see book 15 page 222 ob July 11, 1923 ae 85 yrs 6 mos 14 days

Florea V. Beckman (dau of Wilson, bro of James & Melissa) 1875-1898

Wilson S. Thoroman (bro of Melissa Treber) B Mch 27, 1828 ob May 14, 1892 See Book 15 page 223

Hester B, wife of Wilson S. Thoroman (nee Black) B Aug 13, 1832 ob July 15, 1895

Samuel Thoroman B May 26, 1797, ob Sept 16, 1869

Rachel, wife of Samuel Thoroman ob Jany 28, 1875 ae 79 yrs 16 days (Parents of James, Wilson, Melissa & son of orig Samuel & Ann Crawford)

V14 Page 605

Melissa F. wife of W.H.H. Thoroman ob June 25, 1884 aged 31 yrs. Thinks he is buried at West Union.

Harry A. son of W.H.H. Thoroman & Melissa B May 17, 1884 ob Sept 18, 1884

Jennie Treber (sister) ob Apr 29, 1876 aged 17 yrs 10 mos 17 days. She was attacked by malignant typhoid fever, fell to the floor & died in a very few days.

Luella, dau of Wm & Melissa Treber ob Sept 19, 1864 ae 7 yrs 7 mos & 6 days

Florence, dau of J.W. & Almira Thoroman B July 24, 1867 ob Aug 10, 1867

Anna A. Traber (nee Sproull) wife of O.C. Traber (bro of J.W.) B Jany 15, 1845 ob Sept 14, 1871

O.C. was brother of J.W. & was in the Civil War

Peter Albert, son of Peter & Minerva Thompson ob Feby 16, 1859 aged 2 mos 13 days

Mary J. dau of Oliver & Ann Thoroman ob Sept 13, 1843 ae 20 yrs 7 mos 17 days

Samuel C. son of Oliver & Ann Thoroman ob May 8, 1838 ae 15 yrs 3 mos 12 days

Elizabeth C. Dau of Oliver & Ann Thoroman ob Aug 4, 1835 ae 1 yr 2 mos 3 days

Oliver T. son of Oliver & Ann Thoroman ob July 3, 1833 ae 7 mos 28 days

Minnie A. (wife of J.W. Traber (his first wife nee Reed) ob Sept 17, 1888 ae 23 yrs 11 mos 28 days

Orville R. son of J.F. & Belle Treber ob June 28, 1891 ae 1 yr 10 mos 22 days

Margaret A. wife of Joseph Thoroman ob Apr 25, 1893 aged 66 yrs 29 mos

Joseph was son of orig Samuel

V14 Page 606

36. ctd. Robert C. Sproull, B Jany 7, 1824 ob Feby 5, 1901

Sarah Sproull B Oct 4, 1825 ob Aug 9, 1910 Laura, dau of R.C. & Sarah Sproull & wife of S. Coleman Thoroman b Dec 7, 1864, ob June 26, 1896

Samuel Jackman, son of Simeon Jackman whose wife was Elizabeth Thoroman 1836-1916

Alice J., his wife 1847-1917

Finished & leaving 5 PM

Finished transcribing 2:11 Am Oct 19, 1925 at North Side Hotel office West Union, O JVT

North Side Hotel West Union, O Oct 23, 1925 9:40 AM. Have just finished making all slips to here. JVT.


*1 She was daughter of Samuel Cope of Minksville, O

*2 These dates seem to be all wrong.

*1 Sept 13, 1925. She writes that he was born at Beebe, O Jany 8, 1885 & that she was born at Rasine, [sic] Meigs Co, Nov 19, JVT

*2 This is correct date. See Mrs L's letter of Oct 26, 1925, small env, filed.

*3 Dec 5, 1925, the Sexton, Lyle S. Evans Esq writes Dec 3/25 small env filed that Martha Finley Scott is buried in Grandview Cem evidently removed from old Pres g.y. but the only record they have is that she was born in Kentucky. Their records were not made up until 1896 by E.L. Fullerton. Says Rev Finley doesn't seem to be buried there.

*4 This was pneumonia. See Book 15 p 305, bottom

*5 David W. Nicol was Scotch, but born at Bolton, Eng Sept 18, 1836 & died Apr 25, 1877 at Brownwood, Brown Co, Texas & is buried there. He was son of David W. Nicol Senr who died Feby 10, 1891 aged 84 yrs 13 days & his wife Lillie who died Feby 21, 1891 aged 83 yrs 9 mos at Lavender, Ontario.

*6 Dec 9/25 Capt J.C. Stedman, a carpenter by trade, served as a Capt through both the Mexican & Civil Wars & for 8 mos was a prisoner in Andersonville & he died on his farm two miles south of Athens, O Mch 10, 1905 aged 80 yrs 11 mos & 15 days born say Mch 23, 1824 see 294 item 20 see page 303 item 23 for her death. She died Feby 11, 1885.

*1 See Bk 15 p 551, See Bk 16 p 228, See Bk 16 p 501, See Bk 26 p 343 & 464-6

*2 See Book 16 p 487

*1 [margin note reads:] She is Joe's daughter.

*2 This is John Duncan Thompson, brother of Thos W. above & children of Isaac, who died young out near where Muncie, Ind now is. JVT


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