10th September 2020 From the Principal - Black Forest Primary School


Term 3 Week 8 No. 14 ? 10th September 2020

Diary Dates

Student Free Day

Term 4:

Monday 2nd November - Student Free


Are you missing a jumper, jacket, lunch box etc?

We have lots of unnamed property please check lost property before the end of term.


Iain Elliott

Deputy Principal: Brianna Jordan

Aaron Bayliss

Phone: 08 8293 1204


08 8293 1673

OSHC: 08 8293 8085

Email: dl.@schools.sa.edu.au



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From the Principal

School Musical

WOW! I was fortunate enough to secure a ticket for Thursday night's performance and was again impressed with the quality of the performance and performers. Given the additional complexities of 2020 and the uncertainty of whether we would even be able to have an audience to perform in front of, the fact that we had a performance was remarkable in itself. To have a performance of such high quality is a credit to all those involved but especially Penny Baker and the students involved.

Clearly a great deal of credit must go to our parents, both for supporting the students abut also for those who volunteered their time in some or many ways. We also had a number of staff who supported Penny and we should also be congratulating and thanking them. However, I think we all recognise that despite the large amount of support the work that Penny has put into this, every year but especially this year, is quite outstanding. We could not have had more `trying events' that would conspire to make this any more difficult for Penny this year so the end result is something that should be appreciated and admired. Well done Ms Baker!

Hats (and Uniforms Generally)

I would like to politely remind parents and students about our hat and uniform policy. The hat policy reminder is pretty obvious at this time of year but I also feel a reminder about uniforms is timely, given the number of occasional `moves away' from our uniform policy I have seen over the past few weeks. This information is available on our website, click here to see the BFPS Uniform Policy. In summary the policy states:


Hats are to be worn Terms 1, 3 & 4. Children must wear school hats whenever they are outside, eg sport, outdoor excursions, physical


education lessons, recess, and lunch. Parents are also encouraged to apply sun screen on children prior to leaving home Spare hats are advisable. Students not wearing a hat during playtime must stay in the shade near the staff room.


School polo Shirts with the school logo. Navy trousers, Navy track Pants NOT LEGGINGS, NOT DENIM JEANS Shorts: Navy (regular cut, knee length or close to knee length). NOT extremely short shorts. Skirt: Navy worn with bike shorts Summer Dresses School Windcheaters with school logo School Jacket School hats ? either bucket or legionnaire

We would appreciate you ensuring your child is wearing a school uniform each day. If you are experiencing difficulty in purchasing uniforms please either speak with you class teacher(s), Sandy, Aaron, Brianna, the Finance Office or myself and we will help make obtaining uniforms possible for you. Could I also ask uniforms, especially hats, jackets and jumpers are clearly marked with your child's name on the tag so if they are taken off and left outside we can return them to the rightful owner. You would be amazed at the number of uniform items in lost property without a name on it!

Thank you.

A Busy Week This week has seen our R-2 classes participate in swimming lessons at Westminster School. Each class has attended each day to participate in swimming instruction. Lawrie Lawrence, former Australian Swimming Coach promotes Do the Five water safety program. From his website I found the following information:

Drowning is the greatest cause of accidental death in children under five in Australia. Each week, on average, one child drowns. Let's put an end to childhood drowning for good. In 1988 to combat drowning, Laurie Lawrence created the Kids Alive ? Do the Five water safety program. The Kids Alive community service program educates the public on five important steps to reduce the risk of preschool drowning.

1. Fence the pool 2. Shut the gate 3. Teach your kids to swim ? it's great 4. Supervise ? watch your mate and 5. Learn how to resuscitate It is great that we are able to assist with number three at school through these lessons. This week has also seen our Year 4 & 5 students participate in a camp at Arbury Park. I will be at camp on Thursday, spend the night, and return to school on Friday. There is every chance that if you see me on Friday I may be sleep deprived, so please be kind! I write the next part based on what I know of the first camp, Monday through to Wednesday, and what I assume I will see with my own eyes on Thursday, that our students have had a wonderful time and have been a credit to us (and you). Thank you to all of the parents who have allowed their children to attend this camp, and thank you to our sleep deprived staff for making it possible.



Congratulations to the following students for demonstrating

School Values :

Isaiah S, Ruby O'R, Khushdeep S, Hunter G, Karlo M, Claudia G, Sam B, Lilith H, Tiago L, Olivia O, Cameron W, Harry M, Zak Z, Chloe D, Braden D

Learning Achievement Award:

Sophie D, Mateo C R, Amayah W, Mia S, Indy'Rose S, Thomas J, Jasmine C, Dante Y, Sienna C, Daisy M, Zoharin M, Hayley L, Jay C


I am very excited to be joining the OSHC team here at Black Forest School. I have worked in the OSHC sector for 21 years and have a great deal of experience leading and supporting OSHC teams. I have met the majority of the educators who work in Black Forest OSHC and I am confident that together we are going to be able to continue to offer an amazing service to the community.

On a personal level, I am married and have 3 children (Xavier, Lucas and Izaac). When I am not at work or spending time with my family, I can be found at my local CFS brigade, I have been a volunteer firefighter now for 24 years.

I am looking forward to meeting all the children and families over the next few weeks, so please feel free to pop in for a chat, ask a question or two or give me some feedback about the service.

Jamie Hutchison OSHC Director Tel: 08 8293 8085 Email: oshc.bfps459@schools.sa.edu.au Web:

Canteen News

Due to Covid-19, some products are changing on a daily basis. We will do our best to fill lunch orders. Please refrain from ordering multiple sibling lunches on the one transaction. Please double check your child's QKR Room number.

We are also looking for donations of surplus fruit that you may have growing at home? Contact the Canteen if you are able to help.

Thanks, Corina Rowen-Styles Canteen Manager


Room 1 News

This term Room1 have had a number of wonderful learning experiences, both in and outside our classroom. We were lucky enough to visit to Monarto Zoo, go on a Safari Tour and build wonderful cubby habitats that housed small groups. We also have had a visit by the RAA team, who talked to us about Road Safety and conducted a number of role plays with children. Lastly, we also squeezed in a visit from the Dentist who gave us a fascinating talk about dental hygiene and healthy food choices. Here is a snapshot of some of our thinking and learning.

Amayah knows that it's really important to wear bright clothes when you are walking.

George realised that if our clothes are not bright, then you blend into the background and cars can't see you!

Isla, Emma and Zavier all worked collaboratively learning about pedestrian safety and that it is really important to wear bright, fluoro colours when walking.

Frankie learned about...STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK as the best ways to remember how to cross roads safely.

Ana said it was fun dressing up as the patient as she learned about what happens at the dentist and what they use in your mouth!

Rose dressed up as our resident Dentist and was surprised to learn that she needed to do so many things.

Dimitri learned that our bodies only need 16 grams of sugar per day and that there are good sugars and bad sugars.

Lachie loved Monarto Zoo because he saw the Cheetahs and Spotted Hyenas AND that his Mum came along too!


Room 3 Personal Challenge

This term students in Room 3 have completed the Personal Challenge. Each student chose a topic they were interested in and worked on their project with the support of a mentor at home. Students kept a journal of their progress and wrote a Personal Statement reflecting on their learning throughout the project.

There were a range of projects, including garden beds, bird feeders, cricket stumps, rainbow cakes and websites. Some students even chose to learn a new skill (e.g. guitar, Japanese).

Students shared their learning with other classes at the Personal Challenge Expo on Monday 7th September.


BFPS Netball News

Black Forest Primary School netball is in full swing after it looked like we wouldn't have a season at all early in Term 2. We finally got to hear the umpires whistle, the calls of "if you need!" and the swish of balls through the goal net in week one of Term 3.

We were so pleased by the number of students keen to play netball this year. We had 66 players register and were able to field 7 teams ? a BFPS record! There have been wins and losses on the courts but regardless of the result all the kids have represented Black Forest Primary School admirably and we have been proud of the sportsmanship demonstrated by our students. There have been multiple occasions where we have "lent" a player to the opposing side if they were short and some of our netballers have filled in for other BFPS teams if kids were away or injured.

We have to thank our 8 amazing coaches who generously volunteer their time and expertise so our kids can play the great game of netball; Jo England, Corina Rowen-Styles, Emily Martinella, Nikki Dyson, Kate Knight, Kelly Klau, Briony Huddleston and Tara Miller. Thank you. Thank you also to our parents and families who give so much sideline support and to our umpires, many of whom are BFPS alumni for their time and dedication. Best of luck to all for the final 2 games ? GO Black Forest!

Claire & Gillian


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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