Grade 10 - Curriculum
The following Grade 10, 11 and 12 Lesson Plans were developed by Subject Advisors from 09 March – 13 March 2009. Teachers are requested to look at them, modify them where necessary to suit their contexts and resources. It must be remembered that Lesson Plans are working documents, and any comments to improve the lesson plans in this document will be appreciated. Teachers are urged to use this document with the following departmental policy documents: Subject Statement; LPG 2008; SAG 2008; Examination Guidelines 2009 and Provincial CASS Policy/ Guidelines.
Lesson planning is the duty of each and every individual teacher but it helps when teachers sometimes plan together as a group. This interaction not only helps teachers to understand how to apply the Learning Outcomes (LOs) and Assessment Standards (ASs) but also builds up the confidence of the teachers in handling the content using new teaching strategies.
It must please be noted that in order to help teachers who teach across grades and subjects, an attempt has been made to standardise lesson plan templates and thus the new template might not resemble the templates used in each subject during the NCS training. However, all the essential elements of a lesson plan have been retained. This change has been made to assist teachers and lighten their administrative load.
Please note that these lesson plans are to be used only as a guide to complete the requirements of the Curriculum Statements and the work schedules and teachers are encouraged to develop their own learner activities to supplement and/or substitute some of the activities given here (depending on the school environment, number and type of learners in your class, the resources available to your learners, etc).
Do not forget to build in the tasks for the Programme of Assessment into your Lesson Plans.
Strengthen your efforts by supporting each other in clusters and share ideas. Good Luck with your endeavors to improve Teaching, Learning and Assessment.
Duration: 2 Hrs.30 min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: Slavery and the slave trade |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the connection between slavery and the accumulation of |
|wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |
|What was the link between the Atlantic slave trade and racism? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2,3; LO2: AS 2; LO3: AS 2- 4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The concept of slavery |Extract evidence from sources to answer |The links between the practice of slavery and the |
|The contributing factors/causes that led to |questions |accumulation of wealth |
|the slave trade |Analyse the reasons for the Atlantic slave |The harsh, abusive treatment of slaves and the |
|The effects of the Industrial Revolution on |trade |violation of basic human rights |
|the slave trade |Develop a logical argument to support or | |
| |oppose viewpoints on slavery | |
| |Create and communicate historical knowledge | |
| |and understanding | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|What is slavery? | |
|What were the factors that contributed to the slave trade? |Working in groups |
|What role did slavery play in the Industrial Revolution that |Work individually |
|transformed Europe to an industrial economy? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Group work: Analyse a POEM on slavery (New Generation, History, Grade 10, p.77) |
|Essay |Mapwork, (New Generation, History, Grade 10, p.80) |
|Source-based activities |Source analyses: the impact of slavery (Looking into the Past, Grade 10, p.97) |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: Slavery and the slave trade |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the connection between slavery and the accumulation of |
|wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |
|What was the link between the Atlantic slave trade and racism? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2,3; LO2: AS 2; LO3: AS 1-3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The reasons for the establishment of the |Extract evidence from sources to answer |The links between the practice of slavery and the |
|Atlantic slave trade. |questions |accumulation of wealth |
|What the Atlantic slave trade was. |Analyse the reasons for the Atlantic slave |The harsh, abusive treatment of slaves and the |
|Analyse the role that Africans played in the |trade |violation of basic human rights |
|Atlantic slave trade. |Develop a logical argument to support or | |
|Explain the long-term effects for Africa of |oppose viewpoints on slavery | |
|the Atlantic slave trade. |Create and communicate historical knowledge | |
| |and understanding | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|What were the effects of the Atlantic slave trade? | |
|How were the slaves captured? |Working in groups |
|How did the Atlantic slave trade operate? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Write an account for publication in a newspaper, describing your experience on board a slave ship |
|Essay |(New Generation, Grade 10, p.84) |
|Source-based activities |Source-based activities, (Oxford, In Search of History, pp. 81-82) |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
DATE 0F COMPLETION:………………………..
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: Slavery and the slave trade |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the connection between slavery and the accumulation of |
|wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |
|What was the link between the Atlantic slave trade and racism? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2,3; LO2: AS 2; LO3: AS 1-3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The reasons for the establishment of the |Extract evidence from sources to answer |The links between the practice of slavery and the |
|Atlantic slave trade. |questions |accumulation of wealth |
|What the Atlantic slave trade was. |Analyse the reasons for the Atlantic slave |The harsh, abusive treatment of slaves and the |
|Analyse the role that Africans played in the |trade |violation of basic human rights |
|Atlantic slave trade. |Develop a logical argument to support or | |
|Explain the long-term effects for Africa of |oppose viewpoints on slavery | |
|the Atlantic slave trade. |Create and communicate historical knowledge | |
| |and understanding | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|What were the effects of the Atlantic slave trade? | |
|How were the slaves captured? |Working in groups |
|How did the Atlantic slave trade operate? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Write an account for publication in a newspaper, describing your experience on board a slave ship |
|Essay |(New Generation, Grade 10, p.84) |
|Source-based activities |Source-based activities, (Oxford, In Search of History, pp. 81-82) |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: Slavery and the slave trade |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the connection between slavery and the accumulation of |
|wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |
|What was the link between the Atlantic slave trade and racism? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 2,3; LO2: AS: 1-3; LO3: AS1-4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|The reasons for the establishment of the |Extract evidence from sources to answer |The links between the practice of slavery and the |
|Atlantic slave trade. |questions |accumulation of wealth |
|What the Atlantic slave trade was. |Analyse the reasons for the Atlantic slave |The harsh, abusive treatment of slaves and the |
|Analyse the role that Africans played in the |trade |violation of basic human rights |
|Atlantic slave trade. |Develop a logical argument to support or | |
|Explain the long-term effects for Africa of |oppose viewpoints on slavery | |
|the Atlantic slave trade. |Create and communicate historical knowledge | |
| |and understanding | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|What was the connection between the Atlantic slave trade and the | |
|accumulation of wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |Working in groups |
| |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, (Looking into the Past, p.120) |
|Essay |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp. 99-100) |
|Source-based activities | |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
| |
|Content focus / Topic: Slavery and the slave trade |
| |
|Key Questions: What was the connection between slavery and the accumulation of |
|wealth during the Industrial Revolution? |
|What was the link between the Atlantic slave trade and racism? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS 1-4; LO2: AS 1,3; LO3: AS: 2-4; LO4: AS: 1,3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand more about the attitudes of |Extract evidence from sources to answer |The links between the practice of slavery and the |
|Europeans towards Black people. |questions |accumulation of wealth |
|Find out what the link was between racism and|Analyse the reasons for the Atlantic slave |The harsh, abusive treatment of slaves and the |
|slavery. |trade |violation of basic human rights |
|How/why the Atlantic slave trade contributed |Develop a logical argument to support or |How the Bill of Rights of the South African |
|to racism. |oppose viewpoints on slavery |Constitution protects the rights of its citizens. |
|The harsh treatment and punishment of slaves.|Create and communicate historical knowledge |Consider how stereotyping and prejudice occur? |
|The reasons for the abolishment of slavery. |and understanding | |
| |Use the sources to make up your own mind | |
| |about the role that racism played in the | |
| |enslavement of black people. | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|Did the Atlantic slave trade play a role in racism? | |
|What were the reasons for the abolition of slavery? |Working in groups |
|What do racism, stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination mean? |Work individually |
|How was religion use to justify slavery? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, (Looking into the Past, p.121) |
|Essay |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp.110-123) |
|Source-based activities |Essay writing, (New Generation, History, p.99) |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
|Content focus / Topic: The quest for liberty |
| |
|Key Questions: How did the American War of Independence challenge the old basis |
|of power? Who benefited? |
|The French Revolution and the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity |
|and individual freedom: What sort of liberty, equality and fraternity |
|was involved? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS:2-4; LO2:AS:1,2; LO3:AS:2-4; LO4: AS:1 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Concepts of liberty, equality and fraternity |Extract and organize evidence from sources. |The value of attaining and maintaining freedom. |
|Why a War of independence occurred in |Compare and contrast interpretations of |The struggle undertaken by all those who fought to|
|America? |events and people in order to formulate an |attain freedom |
|How the war was fought (briefly) |opinion. |Develop a sense of tolerance for people of |
|The impact of the war on the form of |Communicate knowledge in a variety of ways |different social classes and backgrounds. |
|government and the people. |(written, oral) |Understand how one nation tries to oppress another|
| |Critically analyse and evaluate declarations | |
| |that lay claim to ideals of liberty | |
| |Examine the impact of 17th and 18th century | |
| |freedom movements on later revolutions. | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What was the existing basis of power and why were the colonists |Learning activities: |
|unhappy with it? | |
|What caused the friction between Britain and the colonists? |Working in groups |
|What was the American Declaration of Independence and how did it |Work individually |
|challenge the old basis of power? |Class debate |
|What system of government was set up? | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, (Looking into the Past, p.131) |
|Essay |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp.128-129) |
|Source-based activities |Letter writing, (New Generation, History, p.105) |
|Debate | |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
|Content focus / Topic: The quest for liberty |
| |
|Key Questions: How did the American War of Independence challenge the old basis |
|of power? Who benefited? |
|The French Revolution and the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity |
|and individual freedom: What sort of liberty, equality and fraternity |
|was involved? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS:2-4; LO2:AS:1-3; LO3:AS:3,4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand why the old order had to change |Detect bias in historical sources. |The value of attaining and maintaining freedom. |
|and why revolutions happen. |Understand certain historical sources. |The struggle undertaken by all those who fought to|
|Understand how democracy came to France |Use and interpret diagrams and timelines to |attain freedom |
|through the Revolution of 1789 and then was |record historical knowledge. |Develop a sense of tolerance for people of |
|taken away during the Reign of Terror. |Compare and contrast historical sources in |different social classes and backgrounds. |
|Understand the ideas of liberty, equality, |order to extract historical knowledge |Have an appreciation of democratic principles. |
|fraternity and individual freedom in France | | |
|and her colonies. | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
|What were the political causes of the French Revolution? |Learning activities: |
|What was it like living in France before the French Revolution? | |
|What were the economic causes of the French Revolution? |Working in groups |
|What role did the philosophers play in the French Revolution? |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, paragraph writing, (New Generation History, Grade 10, p.113) |
|Essay |Debate: (New Generation, pp.120-121) |
|Source-based activities |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp.145-146) |
|Debate |Source-based activities, (Looking into the Past, p.135) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
|Content focus / Topic: The quest for liberty |
| |
|Key Questions: How did the American War of Independence challenge the old basis |
|of power? Who benefited? |
|The French Revolution and the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity |
|and individual freedom: What sort of liberty, equality and fraternity |
|was involved? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS:2-4; LO2:AS:1-3; LO3:AS:3,4 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand why the old order had to change |Detect bias in historical sources. |The value of attaining and maintaining freedom. |
|and why revolutions happen. |Understand certain historical sources. |The struggle undertaken by all those who fought to|
|Understand how democracy came to France |Use and interpret diagrams and timelines to |attain freedom |
|through the Revolution of 1789 and then was |record historical knowledge. |Develop a sense of tolerance for people of |
|taken away during the Reign of Terror. |Compare and contrast historical sources in |different social classes and backgrounds. |
|Understand the ideas of liberty, equality, |order to extract historical knowledge |Have an appreciation of democratic principles. |
|fraternity and individual freedom in France | | |
|and her colonies. | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
|How were the ideas of liberty, equality and fraternity in |Learning activities: |
|Revolutionary France captured in the Declaration? | |
|What role did women play in the Revolution? |Working in groups |
|Why did the the Reign of Terror take place? |Work individually |
|Why did slavery end? |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, (New Generation History, Grade 10, p.130) |
|Essay |Debate: (New Generation, pp.120-121) |
|Source-based activities |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp.154-155) |
|Debate |Source-based activities, (Looking into the Past, p.143) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
Duration: 4 Hrs.10 min.
|Content focus / Topic: The quest for liberty |
| |
|Key Questions: How did the American War of Independence challenge the old basis |
|of power? Who benefited? |
|The French Revolution and the ideas of liberty, equality, fraternity |
|and individual freedom: What sort of liberty, equality and fraternity |
|was involved? |
|Outcomes and Assessment: |
|LO1: AS:2-4; LO2:AS:1-3; LO3:AS:1-4; LO4: AS: 1-3 |
| | | |
|Knowledge |Skills |Values and attitudes |
|You will be able to know… |You will be able to… |You will appreciate… |
|Understand why the old order had to change |Detect bias in historical sources. |The value of attaining and maintaining freedom. |
|and why revolutions happen. |Understand certain historical sources. |The struggle undertaken by all those who fought to|
|Understand how democracy came to France |Use and interpret diagrams and timelines to |attain freedom |
|through the Revolution of 1789 and then was |record historical knowledge. |Develop a sense of tolerance for people of |
|taken away during the Reign of Terror. |Compare and contrast historical sources in |different social classes and backgrounds. |
|Understand the ideas of liberty, equality, |order to extract historical knowledge |Have an appreciation of democratic principles. |
|fraternity and individual freedom in France | | |
|and her colonies. | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Possible links with other Learning Fields: English, Geography, Life Orientation, Business studies, |
|Economics |
|Questions: | |
| |Learning activities: |
|How and why did slavery end in American and the British colonies? | |
|What finally brought about the end of slavery? |Working in groups |
| |Work individually |
| |Class debate |
| | |
| | |
|Assessment Activities |Brief explanation: |
| | |
|Written work |Assessment activities, (New Generation History, Grade 10, p.130) |
|Essay |Debate: (New Generation, pp.120-121) |
|Source-based activities |Source-based activities, (Shuters History, pp.154-155) |
|Debate |Source-based activities, (Looking into the Past, p.143) |
| | | |
|Planned Assessment: |Evaluators: |Data collection method: |
|Informal assessment |Teacher |Reading |
|Written work |Self (rubric) |Listening |
|Source-based activities |Peer |Questioning |
| | |Communication |
| | |
|Expanded opportunity |Teacher reflection: |
| |Outcomes achieved? |
| |Work to be repeated and remediate? |
| |Needs of individual learners identified? |
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