|Grilled cheese |Spaghetti |Chicken & vegetable soup |Turkey and white rice |Fish sticks |

|Green beans Tomato soup |Broccoli |Cucumber slices |Cauliflower |Mashed potatoes |

|Celery sticks |Carrot sticks | |Tomato wedges |Peas |

| | | | |Carrot sticks |

|Goulash with vegetables |Lasagna |Hawaiian Chicken |Taco salad tortilla chips |Tuna sandwich tomato soup|

|Cucumber slices |Cauliflower |& rice or |or Chili mac |Cauliflower |

| |Carrot sticks |Pork roast & potatoes |Green beans |Carrot sticks |

| | |Broccoli Carrots slices |Salad | |

|Vegetable quiche or |Macaroni & |Baked chicken |Sloppy joes |Fish sticks |

|Scrambled eggs |Cheese |Sweet potatoes |Oven fried potatoes |White rice Peas |

|Celery sticks |Broccoli |Broccoli |Green beans |Carrot sticks |

|Potatoes |Carrot sticks |Tomato wedges |Cucumber slices | |

|Chicken & vegetable |Pizza Bread |Chicken nuggets |Meat loaf or meatballs |Tuna casserole or |

|pot pie |Carrot sticks |White rice |Boiled or mashed potatoes |Scalloped |

|Cucumber slices | |Green beans |Broccoli |Tuna |

| | |Carrot sticks |Tomato wedges |Broccoli |

| | | | |Celery sticks |

*The following will be served daily: Milk, bread & butter, fruit in season or canned in natural juice.

*Never add cheese to vegetables or other dishes if it is not called for in the recipe.

*Again, “follow the menu” does not mean that you can’t vary the vegetables. Just exchange color for color so that the nutritional content is the same. Raw cauliflower, tomato wedges or zucchini can be substituted for the raw carrots anytime they are on sale.

*Make sure all of your school menus reflect any changes that are made.


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