
Leadership Team Meeting

February 10, 2016


In atendance: Ms. Roberts, Ms. Case, Ms. Perez, Ms. Ross, Ms. Ferner, Ms. Cidoni, Ms. Carroll, Ms. Mas, Ms. Nunez, Ms. Miller, Ms. Restrepo, and Mr. Turturro

|Master Calendar Review | |

|Crunch Time! |Reaching Our goal for proficiency |

| |Know the standards |

| |Know the content |

| |Use standards to drive instruction |

| |Use assessments to measure mastery and proficiency |

| |Use BSA data to tweak instruction |

| |We need to limit classroom instruction interruptions. There |

| |should be heavy focus on curriculum prepping for FSA. |

|Curriculum Mapping Day |February 12 – grades 4/5 |

| |February 16 – grades 2/3 |

| | |

| |This will be the last time teachers are removed from class |

| |prior to the FSA. |

|Writing Training |Upcoming dates: |

| |Grades K/1 – February 17 |

| | |

| |Ms. Perez and Ms. Miller commented on preparation for the |

| |writing-taking place in the classroom. There are multiple |

| |writing opportunities taking place in 4/5 and upper school. |

| | |

| |Ms. Cidoni commented how students should be met with |

| |individually to compare and track writing samples. She worked |

| |with Dr. Suranna and met with 8th graders individually. Upper |

| |school also uses the prompts on BEEP for practice. |

| | |

|FSA Writing Test – grades 4-7 |13 school days away |

|FSA ELA Grade 3 |27 schools days away |

| |The Executive Board – which includes Ms. Roberts, recently |

| |discussed whether or not to interrupt (taking breaks) during |

| |the writing tests. |

| | |

| |ESE students will continue to receive accommodations including|

| |breaks. |

|Human Sexuality |There has been objection to the curriculum. Parents have the |

| |right to opt out. There is a board-approved letter. Parents |

| |are invited to review the curriculum. |

|Black History Month |Some teachers have been volunteering to dance for the upcoming|

|Shenequa Ward |black history assembly. |

|LEAPS |Website Broward County pays for… This is for |

| |behavior management in the class. Individual suggestions as |

| |well as classroom activities. Handouts were provided. More |

| |information will follow by Ms. Case. |

| |February 24th – State wide tornado drill practice at 10:10am. |

|Tornado Drill |Make sure students know what to do! |

|Code Orange |We will be practicing a mandatory evacuation. We will not |

| |announce the date, but the main difference is that all exiting|

| |will be on Dixie Hwy. We will not use 24th Avenue. |

| | |

| | |

|Microsoft Outlook |The district is converting over to Outlook email. CAB will be |

| |discontinued. The district is training the admin offices |

| |first. Training will be rolled out to the school level by the |

| |end of this school year. |

|Financial Assistance for Field Trips |Local field trips- every student should have the opportunity |

| |to go. Please advise Mr. Turturro if a parent cannot afford a |

| |local field trip. This does not apply to overnight trips. |

|Literacy Updates |• FAIR - 4th/5th and 6-8 |

|Mrs. Cidoni |The Literacy Department would like us to utilize information |

| |from the FAIR. It shouldn’t just be a test. |

| |• Fluency – grades 1-5 |

| |Mid year fluency will take place for grades 1-5. Data must be |

| |on the card especially since it will be used for end of the |

| |year determination for the following year class placements. |

| |Must be finished during the 3rd quarter. |

| | |

| |• Rigbys for 3rd quarter |

| |March 17th is the deadline. PLEASE make sure you start now. |

| |• PMPs – Every team should have PMP’s printed and sent home. |

| |Team leaders will check with the team to make sure all have |

| |been sent home. |

| | |

| |February 22nd – the Achieve 3000 trainer will be in the |

| |technology room all day to help teachers with the program. |

|Grade Level Websites |Please be sure that they are updated. Upper school will work |

| |as a team to provide all updates to Ms. Miller. Mr. Turturro |

| |will them update upper school website. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Orange Squeeze |Saturday, March 5 11:30am-3:30pm |

| |Parents REALLY want support of the teachers. Please plan on |

| |attending. Ms. Delafuente is looking for volunteers for the |

| |dunk tank! |

|Mrs. Dolan |CPST is scheduled. |

|Curriculum Updates |BSA data is in. Please review the data. |

|Mrs. Restrepo |If anyone needs help setting kids up in Khan Academy please |

| |see |

| |Mrs. Restrepo. |

|Active Directory Password |Please see Mona’s email. Office 365 is coming. You will need a|

| |new password. Make sure you go to pass. |

| |website to change your password which is the same one you use |

| |for Pinnacle. |

|Guidance Updates |LGBTQ Training – |

|Mr. Turturro/Mrs. Ross |Students have been explained school board policy. Teams are |

| |asked to complete the LGBQT training and complete the test |

| |together. Completed tests should be completed to Mr. Turturro.|

| | |

| | |

| |Career Day to take place after Testing. We are in the planning|

| |stages. This will take place after FSA testing. |

| | |

| |This Friday – Please stop by Ms. Roberts office during lunch |

| |for a Valentines treat!! |

|Montessori Updates |• Montessori Classes- |

|Mrs. Murphy |The transfer window is open to transfer into Barry University.|

| |All who haven’t taken Montessori classes are encouraged to |

| |take advantage of the opportunity at this time. |

|Input and Suggestions: | |

| |PTSA is concerned that teachers are holding on to flyers until|

| |Friday. Some information needs to get home ASAP. Flyers need |

| |to be sent home day they are given that day unless it needs to|

| |be held. |

| | |

|Team Input |2/3 wishes to thank Ms. Cidoni for all her help with PMP’s. |

| | |

| |Pre-K thanks Ms. Cidoni as well. They are also thankful for |

| |the new mats! |

| | |

| |K/1 thanked Ms. Cidoni and Ms. Case. Additional Learning goals|

| |and scales training would be helpful. |

| | |

| |Thank you Ms. Ross for all the help with testing. |

| | |

| |Happy Valentines Day weekend from Ms. Roberts. |


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