Broward County Public Schools / Homepage

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Patricia Good, Chair

Donna Korn, Vice Chair

Robin Bartleman

Heather Brinkworth

Abby M. Freedman

Donna P. Korn

Ann Murray

Dr. Rosalind Osgood

Nora Rupert

Robert W. Runcie

Superintendent of Schools

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Mrs. Haleh Darbar Principal

Ms. Laura Cohen Assistant Principal

Mr. David Gonzalez Intern Principal

Mr. Daniel Most Assistant Principal

Mr. Anthony Smith Assistant Principal

Mr. Fred Azrak Athletic Director

Mrs. Gina Alvarez Guidance Director

Ms. Sasha Davila ESOL Coordinator

Mrs. Yehlin Colon ESE Specialist

Mrs. Keetha Moore Reading Coach

Mr. Leartis Brown Building Supervisor

Mrs. Gloria Gonzaelz Office Manager

Transforming Education: One Student At A Time

Broward County Public Schools Is An Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer


|2015-2016 Faculty Handbook |

Mr. Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent of Schools

Mrs. Haleh Darbar, Principal

Academic Achievement 4

Accident Procedures 4

Administration 4

Announcements 4

Assemblies 5

Athletic Organizations 5

Attendance/Code 5

Attendance/Absences 6

Attendance Procedures – online 6

Auditorium Use 6-8

Behavioral Emergency 8

Bell Schedule 9

Black Out Procedures 9

BTU Stewards 9

Calendar 10

Certification 11

Child Abuse 11

Citizenship 11

Clubs and Organizations……………………………………………………………………………11-12

Communication 13

Copy Machine & Fax Machine 13

Curriculum Practices 13

Department Chairpersons 14

Discipline Policy 14

Donations 14

Dress Code 14

Drug Free Workplace 14

Employee/Student Records 15

E-Mail/CAB…………………………………………………………………………………….….. 15-16

Emergency Procedures 16-17

Emergency Codes (District Standard codes) 17-18

Emergency Procedures for Offices’ 18

Evacuation Drills……………………………………………………………………………….……18-20

Evaluations 20

Excusing Students from Class 21

Faculty Council 21

Faculty Lunch 21

Faculty Meetings 21

Field Trips……………………………………………………………………………………………22-27

Food & Beverages 28

Fundraising Drives…………………………………………………………………………………..28-30

Grades 30

Guest Speakers 31

Hall Passes…………………………………………………………………………………………...31

Homework 31

Identification Badges………………………………………………………………………………...31

Information - Student Activities 32

Instructional Focus Calendar 32

Interim Reports 32

Key Distribution 33

Leaving School Grounds 33

Lesson Plans………………………………………………………………………………….…… 33-35

Liability …………………………………………………………………………………………….36

Media Center………………………………………………………………………………………...36-37

Medical Emergency 38

Newsletter 38

Obligations 38

Parent Contact 39

Parking Lot 39

Parties In the Classroom 39

Planning Period………………………………………………………………………………………39-40

Principles of Professional Conduct………………………………………………………………… 40-43

Professional Development Calendar 43

Purchases 44

SAC (School Advisory Council) 43

School Security 43-44

Smoking 45

Sterling Criteria 44

Student Illness 45

Student Records 45

Substitute Information 45

Temporary Duty Assignments 46

Textbook Accounting 46

Textbook Procedures 46

United States Mail 46

Visitors on Campus 47

Volunteers 47

Acknowledgement Form……………………………………………………………………48

EHS Mission Statement…………………………………………………………………….49

EHS Bell Schedules……………………………………………………………………… 50-53

EHS Lunch Schedule……………………………………………………………………….54

Payroll Schedule……………………………………………………………………………55

Vacation/Leave Request Form…………………………………………………………….. 56

Direct Deposit Form……………………………………………………………………….. 57

Fire Drill Procedures/Dates/Map/Location…………………………………………………58-60


Students must maintain a 2.0 grade point average to take part in any interscholastic extracurricular school or district activity during the grading period preceding the competition or activity and must pass at least seven classes during the school year. The cumulative 2.0 averages are also required for graduation.


In the event of a serious or extensive injury, the teacher to whom the student is assigned or the first teacher upon the scene shall adhere to the following procedures:




▪ Give the student's name and grade to the AP and provide the possible extent of injury.

An accident form must be filed with the student’s Administrator’s Secretary for all accidents whether the student has school insurance or not. This form should be completed ASAP by the teacher who witnessed the accident or was first on the scene. The insurance company will not honor claims unless this form has been completed.


Principal Mrs. Haleh Darbar

Assistant Principal Ms. Laura Cohen

Intern Principal Mr. David Gonzalez

Assistant Principal Mr. Daniel Most

Assistant Principal Mr. Anthony Smith


Staff members can submit announcements to be read over the morning announcement broadcast.

1. Email the announcements to both Kathy Moyna and Fred Azrak by 3:00 p.m. the day BEFORE the announcement is to be broadcast.

2. Include the days that the announcement is to be broadcast, with a maximum of three days.

3. Announcements need to be written in complete sentences, with clear phrasing for the students to read.

4. All activities must be approved by Fred Azrak before any information about it is broadcast.


Everglades High School will be having assemblies throughout the year in the auditorium and gymnasium. Teachers are required to stay with their students and are responsible for the enforcement of the following rules of conduct for all assembly programs.

1. Students from your room must stay together as a group and return to your room as a group.

2. All students are to be directed not to walk on the gymnasium floor.

3. Teachers should instruct their students thoroughly in proper behavior and courtesy during assembly programs. Whenever necessary, more specific instructions will be given.


Everglades High School participates in a myriad of athletic competitions under the jurisdiction of the Florida High School Athletics Association. The Athletic Program is an extra curricular activity and as such will be given its proper emphasis. Performing Arts and music organizations are under the same jurisdiction as athletics. (Please refer to the athletic and performing arts organization’s handbooks for further information).


Any absence from school is considered unexcused until the parents of the student provide the school with information to the contrary.

▪ Attendance for ALL periods will be entered on Pinnacle.

▪ Students arriving late to school must report to the Room 320 prior to entering their classroom. It is the teacher’s responsibility to check for a tardy pass.

Standard Attendance Codes

E1 1st day Present

AE Absence Excused

AH Half Day Excused

ES External Suspension

UA Unexcused Absence

UH Half Day Unexcused

TE Tardy Excused

TU Tardy Unexcused

IS Internal Suspension


School Board policy states that high school staff members may accept notes as reports of excused absences. Parents MUST report absences to the attendance office by telephone or note within two days following the absences, although school principals MAY make exceptions in cases of need. School staff members have a legal right to ask for a written medical excuse. For specific information regarding the attendance policy please see the Code of Student Conduct on the Secondary Level.


The State of Florida compulsory attendance law, Florida Statute 232.01, requires regular school attendance of all children between the ages of 6 and 16. The only absences excusable by law are for a student's illness or prior permission of a school authority.

Students who do not meet the State of Florida criteria for compulsory attendance and exhibit chronic truant behavior will be assessed by the school for interventions and/or notification of possible withdrawal from school.

Everglades High School follows an extensive plan to actively intervene when a student is excessively absent. The following are the steps taken to provide parent notification and strategies for intervention:

▪ By maintaining daily attendance records, teachers identify students who are at risk for attendance problems. Teachers are to make contact with parents after the first unexcused absence. A referral is written to the appropriate assistant principal when a minimum of 5 documented attempts to contact the parent(s) is unsuccessful.

▪ Upon receipt of the referral, the assistant principal will attempt a telephone contact. Whether successful or unsuccessful, the telephone contact is followed up by an attendance letter sent to the student's home.

▪ The Assistant Principal refers the student for interventions to the school's student services support team, i.e. Guidance, ESE, ESOL, and Family Counseling.

▪ The Assistant Principal initiates a social worker referral if previous interventions have proven unsuccessful.

▪ The School Social Worker assesses and/or initiates truancy interventions which may include an attendance agreement signed by the parent and student, parent consultation, student conference, referral to school or community based support services, and monitoring of the student's attendance.

▪ The Assistant Principal will continue to attempt parent contact in order to schedule a conference to discuss the situation.

▪ In the conference, the parent, the student and the assistant principal sign an attendance contract. The student is also placed on either daily or weekly progress reports depending on the individual circumstance and referred for continued monitoring to the Guidance Counselor and/or Family Counselor.

▪ Severe attendance problems are referred to the Child Study Team for other interventions or consideration of alternative placement options, i.e. South Area Alternative, School of Choice, Adult Education, Sheridan Vocational, and McFatter Vocational.


Everglades High School auditorium is available for use by our faculty. It is a room with many possibilities, and it makes your students feel excited about what they are learning when they are brought to a new environment. Teachers may use the auditorium for speeches by guests from the community, performances of student work, presentations of student projects, and many other types of things. Guidance may use the auditorium for testing and guest speakers/presentations. In order for use of the auditorium to be fair for everyone involved, we must follow some procedures that have been established by the administration and the auditorium manager. Please follow this process to reserve the auditorium for your use during the school day, or for any other time.

Pre-plan your event with your organization (student clubs, department, other teacher, etc.) and attend to as many details as you can. These should include dates, times, number of people attending, and exactly what will be occurring during the event.

See the Student Activities Director, Fred Azrak. Complete both a Project Approval Form and an Auditorium/Theatre Reservation Form, providing as much specific information as possible. You will be contacted by the Activities Director to verify that the form was received and to clarify any details of your event. Some student technicians will be assigned to assist in arranging the event, but the ultimate responsibility for the event running smoothly lies upon you. Any changes in details of the event must be reported to the Students Activities Director immediately.


1. Students should never be left unsupervised in the auditorium/theatre. As the event coordinator or sponsor, you are accountable for anything that takes place in the room during the event or the preparations for the event.

2. Students are expected to behave when they are in the auditorium as if they are in a public concert hall. They are not to sit with their feet up on chairs or do anything that might damage some aspect of the auditorium. There is no food or drink in the auditorium or theatre.

3. The auditorium/theatre is reserved on a first come first serve basis, with school activities taking priority over community activities, assuming the date is available. Therefore, as soon as you are aware of an event you would like to sponsor, fill out the above-mentioned forms in the Student Activities Office. These forms must be turned in at least two weeks prior to the first rehearsal or the event itself (whichever comes first) to guarantee that the equipment and student volunteers will be available for the time of the event.

4. Producing an event in the auditorium is not an easy task. In order to help you plan your event more efficiently, please see the section below entitled, "Checklist for Auditorium Planning." Use this checklist to understand the possibilities for using the room to its fullest potential.


1. What is my expected attendance? Will performers need areas of seating reserved for them?

2. Will this require extra security officers or custodial personnel? Extra security should be arranged through administration and the bookkeeper.

3. What is to be included in the event program? It is best to supply the auditorium manager and staff with a printed program at least a few days in advance.

4. Does each item in the program require different technical considerations?

5. Do my performers need to be amplified? If you are unsure of the amplification (microphones and speakers) required for your event, please consult with the auditorium manager.

6. What special equipment might be required? Equipment such as overhead projectors, video projectors, TV's VCR's, and other media or technological devices is available.

7. What special sound considerations do I have? CD's and tapes can be played through the administrator’s sound system. Testing these sources before the event is very important.

8. What special lighting considerations do I have? Rearranging lights needs to be done at least two days in advance. It can be a lengthy process, but can make all the difference. Spotlights are available, as are infinite configurations of stage lights and administrator’s lights.

9. How will the stage be arranged? This may include opening and closing of curtains, use of podiums, tables, chairs, or other props. This is a flexible aspect, but if the items you need are not in the auditorium, they will need to be obtained from elsewhere.

Your answers to these items should be indicated clearly on the Auditorium Request Form.


A behavioral emergency exists whenever it is apparent that one or more students will be demonstrating "acting out" behaviors (i.e. fighting, running away from school personnel, etc.) Behavioral emergencies usually involve several students who are about to "go out of control."

Whenever a BEHAVIORAL EMERGENCY occurs, the following procedures should be followed:

1. Use the intercom system and report a behavioral emergency.

2. The same steps will be followed as in a medical emergency.


Bell Schedule

Period 1 7:30-8:20 (50 min)

Passing 8:20-8:26 (6 min)

Period 2 8:26-9:16 (50 min)

Passing 9:16-9:22 (6 min)

Period 3 9:22-10:12 (50 min)

Passing 10:12-10:18 (6 min)

Period 4 10:18-11:08 (50 min)

Passing 11:08-11:14 (6 min)

A lunch A lunch 11:14-11:52 (38 min)

Passing 11:52-11:58 (6 min)

Period 5 11:58-12:48 (50 min)

B lunch Period 5 11:14-12:04 (50 min)

Passing 12:04-12:10 (6 min)

B lunch 12:10-12:48 (38 min)

Passing 12:48-12:54 (6 min)

Period 6 12:54-1:44 (50 min)

Passing 1:44-1:50 (6 min)

Period 7 1:50-2:40 (50 min)


In the event of a power failure, the following procedures will be implemented.

Open window to provide outside lighting when possible.

Remain quiet, calm and in the same location.

Do not panic. The administration will establish methods of communication with you.

|BTU STEWARDS FOR 2015-2016 |

Geri Cohen - Designated Steward

Leo Torres

Carlos Menendez

Kevin Riddick

|2015-2016 School Calendar - SYNOPSIS |


First Quarter

Monday, August 11, 2015 Employee Planning - 1

Tuesday, August 12, 2015 Employee Planning - 2

Wednesday, August 13, 2015 Employee Planning - 3

Thursday, August 14, 2015 Employee Planning - 4

Friday, August 15, 2015 Employee Planning - 5

Monday, August 18, 2015 Start 1st Quarter - (47 Days)

Monday, September 01, 2015 Holiday - 1

Thursday, September 18, 2015 Early Release - 1

Thursday, September 18, 2015 Interim Reports Issued

Thursday, September 25, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, October 23, 2015 Early Release - 2

Friday, October 24, 2015 Employee Planning - 6

Second Quarter

Monday, October 27, 2015 Start 2nd Quarter (34 Days)

Tuesday, November 04, 2015 Employee Planning - 7

Tuesday, November 11, 2015 Holiday - 2

Thursday, November 13, 2015 Report Cards Issued for First Quarter

Thursday, November 20, 2015 Interim Reports Issued

Wednesday, November 26, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, November 27, 2015 Holiday - 3

Friday, November 28, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, December 18, 2015 Early Release - 3

Thursday, December 18, 2015 End 2nd 9 Weeks

Friday, December 19, 2015 Employee Planning - 8

Monday, December 22, 2015 Day Off

Tuesday, December 23, 2015 Day Off

Wednesday, December 24, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, December 25, 2015 Day Off

Friday, December 26, 2015 Day Off

Monday, December 29, 2015 Day Off

Tuesday, December 30, 2015 Day Off

Wednesday, December 31, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, January 01, 2015 Holiday - 4

Friday, January 02, 2015 Day Off

Third Quarter

Monday, January 05, 2015 Start 3rd Quarter (52 Days)

Monday, January 19, 2015 Day Off

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Report Cards Issued for Second Quarter

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 Interim Reports Issued

Monday, February 16, 2015 Holiday - 5

Thursday, February 26, 2015 Early Release - 4

Thursday, March 19, 2015 Early Release - 5

Thursday, March 19, 2015 End 3rd 9 Weeks

Friday, March 20, 2015 Employee Planning - 9

Monday, March 23, 2015 Day Off

Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Day Off

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Day Off

Thursday, March 26, 2015 Day Off

Friday, March 27, 2015 Day Off

Fourth Quarter

Monday, March 30, 2015 Start 4th Quarter (47 Days)

Friday, April 03, 2015 Day Off

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Report Cards Issued for Third Quarter

Thursday, April 30, 2015 Interim Reports Issued

Monday, May 25, 2015 Holiday - 6

Thursday, June 04, 2015 Early Release - 6

Thursday, June 04, 2015 Last Day of School

Friday, June 05, 2015 Employee Planning - 10

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Report Cards Issued for Fourth Quarter


Please contact Dianne Rogers via CAB for certification information.


According to the Florida Statutes, child abuse consists of any willful or negligent acts which result in neglect; malnutrition; sexual abuse; unreasonable physical injury; material endangerment of mental health; or failure to provide treatment, attention, substance, clothing, shelter, or medical services.

All educators and child advocates are held legally responsible under Florida Statute 827.07 for reporting suspected cases of child abuse and neglect to the Central Registry, telephone

1-800-96A-BUSE. The name of the reporter must be given. All suspected cases of child abuse must be reported to the principal or designee who is then required to be in compliance with Florida Statute 827.07 and report alleged child abuse or neglect for investigation.

Florida statute 827.07 indicates that any person including, but not limited to, any physician, nurse, teacher, social worker or employee in a public or private facility-serving children must report all suspicions of child abuse. Visiting teacher/school social workers and school based Child Abuse Coordinator is available for consultation concerning the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. Clinical social workers are available for providing school personnel with in-depth consultation on an individual student. They also assist in providing linkage between schools and community agencies. Finally, they are available to provide behavior management techniques for those students who have been identified as being abused and severely neglected.


High standards of citizenship are expected from the students at Everglades High School. These high standards must be demonstrated not only during the season of an activity but also during the entire year. An unsatisfactory conduct grade during the year may seriously affect the student's future in the athletic program at Everglades High. The school believes the students both on and off campus should demonstrate proper citizenship. Therefore, if a student is involved in any incident that would be in contrast to the goals of Everglades High School or that would cast reproach upon the school and its extracurricular program, the student may forfeit any future participation in any activities. Teachers are encouraged to discuss with the extracurricular sponsors and coach those students who are failing to maintain the above standards.


Organization of clubs and groups whose purposes conform to the philosophies and policies of the school shall be encouraged. Such clubs and groups shall function under the authority of the principal, subject to the following provisions:

1. Organizations may be initiated only upon prior approval of the principal, through the Activities Director, Mr. Fred Azrak.

2. A definite purpose shall be established through the adoption of a constitution and bylaws which conform to the policies and philosophy of the school and which shall be an integral part of the total educational program.

3. A copy of this constitution is to be kept on file with Ms. Hudson, the Inter Organizational Council (IOC) sponsor. Any changes to the constitution must also be submitted to IOC.

4. Each school organization must have a school sponsor, appointed by the principal, and be responsible to him.

5. The principal or his delegated representative, The Activities Director, Mr. Fred Azrak, shall supervise and have final authority over all activities of such organizations.

6. The club's membership roster and a list of officers must be filed with IOC after each club is organized at the beginning of each year. According to The School Board of Broward County Guidelines club members must have no obligations to participate in club activities. Obligations will be check twice a year.

7. Any activity or fund raising event must have the approval of the principal to be entered on the Master Activities Calendar. All funds relating to such organizations/events shall be deposited in the internal account of the school to be disbursed only upon prior approval of the principal.

8. All clubs must maintain, as a minimum, the following records:

• A complete and accurate set of minutes.

• An accurate list of all members.

• Complete accurate financial reports.

• A file of all correspondence.

9. Secretary's minutes must be turned in to IOC each month at the IOC meeting. A treasurer's reports, updated membership lists, and a summary of the club's activities must be filed with IOC at the end of the year.

10. A regular meeting schedule should be established and filed with Ms. Hudson. You may pick up and turn in the activity form to room 387.

11. All posters, advertising a club event or pertaining to a club, must be approved by the club sponsor and must be signed by the Activities Director. No posters or any other type of advertising will be displayed on the walls inside the building. Inside the building, clubs may post information on the bulletin boards that are not assigned to a department or a club. Banners, flyers and posters may be posted anywhere on the outside of the building, but only can be posted using blue painters tape.

12. Each club or organization MUST be represented at ALL IOC meetings.


Approval Forms are necessary for all meetings. Please see Activities Director for the approval forms.

CLUB MEETINGS–Approval Form must be submitted three to five weeks prior to activity (Two-Part Form)

1. See Teacher Handbook for County Regulations regarding officers, agendas, minutes, voting, etc.

2. Any club may choose a standard meeting time that does not occur during the following dates and times:

Student Government Association 1st & 3rd Tuesdays (3:00PM – 4:00PM)

National Honor Society 1st & 3rd Wednesdays (3:00PM – 4:00PM)

Class Meetings 1st & 3rd Thursdays (3:00PM – 4:00PM)

3. Club meetings may be set for the school year using one authorization form stating specific dates.


All faculty and staff members are required to check their E-mail at least twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Everyone should check his/her voicemail at least once a day. It is expected that all calls/emails be returned within 48 hours (2 school days.) It is recommended that a log be kept of such calls.



• All photocopy requests must be picture ready.

• A Copy Request Form must be filled out & approved by your Department Head.

• The request and original is dropped off in the production room after approval. There is a 48-hour turn around.

• Completed copies may be picked up in the production room.

• You may make up to 10 copies in your Administrator’s office.

FAX transmittals and LONG DISTANCE calls for school business are to be approved by the principal. The proper forms are to be completed. Do not permit students to use school phones for personal calls.


In order to give guidance for both the development and use of materials to implement Board approved courses of study; the procedures listed below shall be followed. The curriculum materials shall:

1. Be consistent with School Board of Broward County policies.

2. Support and be consistent with the educational goals of Broward County schools and the objectives of specific courses.

3. Be positive in approach.

4. Have literary, aesthetic or social value.

5. Impart social values consistent with core values as identified by a community-wide task force established by the School Board.

6. Be free of bias.

7. Help students gain awareness and contributions made to our society by minority and ethnic groups and women.

8. Be appropriate in content and in references.

9. Be accurate in content.

10. Be relevant to curriculum continuum.

11. Be timely.

12. Exhibit quality in language and format.


CTE David Heitzenrater

Exceptional Education Yehlin Colon

Humanities David Eves

Foreign Language Stephen Horton

Language Arts Michele Cash

Mathematics Corkie Woerner

Army Science (JROTC) Lt. COL. Kenneth W. Spielvogel

Physical Education/Health Steven Bonoutas

Science Rosario Gonzalez

Social Studies Shadrack Henry


The District’s Discipline Matrix will be followed.


A letter must accompany any donations that are deposited from the individual making the donation. The letter must specify the use of the donation.


Dress should be in accordance with standards established by School Board policies. Please make a sincere effort in using your discretion to be properly attired for the execution of your duties. The entire faculty must enforce the student dress code. Please do not allow students to violate the policy in your classroom. Teachers, please remember that it is much easier to enforce the student dress code when teachers do not wear clothing deemed inappropriate for students.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690, and School Board Policy #2400 (Drug-Free Workplace), the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol, is prohibited at all schools and school activities. The Board must take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who violates this directive, up to and including termination.

Require the affected employee to participate satisfactorily in a state licensed drug abuse assistance program. Employees who violate the school board policy and this directive are subject to prosecution. The Board offers drug counseling-contact the Employee Assistance Program (754) 322-9900.


Personnel Records

The 1988 Legislature reenacted the following exemptions to Florida Statute 119, the Public Records Law. These are the items, which are not subject to review by the public:

1. Complaints and investigative information related to complaints against teachers and administrators until the Commissioner of Education determines there is probable cause to take action or the investigation becomes inactive.

2. Employee evaluations are held until the end of the school year immediately following the school year in which the evaluation is made. (Example: An evaluation done in March 2006 will be open to the public at the end of June in 2007). Note: Parents’ input may be included in evaluations!

3. Derogatory materials are held until 10 days after the employee has been notified accordingly and had a chance to respond.


Chain letters, poems, unofficial job advertisements, and other personal notices are being sent through the School Board of Broward County's electronic mail system. Sending these types of messages is against School Board Policy #5306- School and District Technology Usage. Below are selected portions of Policy #5306 that deal with acceptable use of computer network usage:

Acceptable use of Computer Network and Online Telecommunications:

A. Rules

1. “All use of telecommunication services and networks shall be consistent with the mission, goals, policies, and priorities of the school district.

2. Successful participation in a network requires that its users regard it as a shared resource, and that members conduct themselves in a responsible, safe, ethical, and legal manner while using the network.

3. Staff and students who are exchanging communication with others outside of the school are representing the School Board of Broward County, Florida, and should conduct themselves appropriately.

4. Use of these services shall be properly monitored and, to the extent reasonably possible, users of school sponsored telecommunication services and network shall be protected from harassment or unsafe, unwanted, or unsolicited contact.

B. Code of Ethics for Computer Network and Online Telecommunications Users

1. All users are expected to read and understand the following privileges, rights, and responsibilities when using property or facilities (WAN, LAN, networks, Internet, Intranet, etc.) of Broward County public schools.

2. Use of computer network and online telecommunications is a privilege and must support teaching, learning and research.

3. Authorized users shall be ultimately responsible for all activity under their account and password. Only the authorized user shall use accounts for the purposes specified.

4. Any use of telecommunication services or networks for illegal, inappropriate, obscene, or pornographic purposes shall be prohibited. Illegal activities shall be defined as a violation of local, state, and/or federal laws. Inappropriate use shall be defined as a violation of the intended use of the district's mission, goals, policies, or procedures. Obscenity and/or pornography shall be defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of publicly owned and operated communication vehicles, and as defined by School Board policy.

5. Use of or engaging in offensive or inflammatory speech, profanity, or obscene language is not permitted at any time.

6. Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, and other antisocial behaviors are not permitted.

7. Users shall not intentionally spread computer viruses, vandalize the data, infiltrate systems, damage hardware or software, or in any way degrade or disrupt the use of the network.

8. Any attempts to degrade of disrupt system performance may be viewed as criminal activity in accordance with applicable state and federal law.

9. Files generated by district employees using School Board of Broward County property or facilities are the property of the School Board of Broward County and may be accessed by appropriate authorized system personnel.

10. Students and/or employees using School Board equipment or property, on-site or off-site, must conform to the requirements of this policy.

11. Users who knowingly violate any of the Acceptable Use Provisions or Code of Ethics for Computer Network and On-line Telecommunications Users will receive disciplinary action and/or may even be denied future access."

|EMAIL/CAB (Communication Across Broward) |

Setting up your E-mail will allow you to communicate with fellow Everglades High School teachers as well as other teachers in the county. This process may be done on any computer. Log on to the computer using your user ID and password (A prompt will come up asking you if you wish to save your settings, you should always click on NO whenever you log on) Double Click on the Inbox icon on the desktop to open up Microsoft Exchange or OUTLOOK (A shortcut to Microsoft Exchange is equivalent) A window will come up asking for your profile name (If the window does not come up, notify the technology department. They must do one thing to this computer before you continue). Once the computer has been configured, you may use it at any time to check your mail.



School Board Policy states: When a student is injured on school property, the teacher or staff member in charge may render such aid as is advisable under the circumstances and within the limits of his/her knowledge for treatment of such injury. The principal or the designee and the parents shall be notified immediately. As soon as possible after the student has been treated or placed under competent care, a written report shall be made to the principal or designee and a telephone call is placed by the designee to the Area Director’s Office whenever 911 is called.

Weather Emergency

A weather emergency exists whenever there is a sighting or reported sighting of a tornado in the area of the school. This condition also exists whenever the local police department informs the administration that there is a strong possibility that a severe storm will occur or if severe storm warnings are posted. Tornado procedures will be issued on a separate handout. An announcement of a weather emergency will be made on the intercom.

During School Hours

1. Contact security and/or Administration by radio or phone.

2. They will determine if the SRO, 911 or more help is needed.

3. All calls to appropriate agencies will be done if needed.

4. All reports completed.

5. All finished reports to Ms. Cuevas.

After School Hours Personnel On Campus

1. Contact any staff member and they will find the person in charge.

2. If it is an emergency that requires the police or medical call 911.

3. As soon as possible contact by phone the Principal or an Assistant Principal

4. Write down everything that happened as soon as possible, for clarity, and reports that have to be done the next school day.

After School Hours No Personnel On Campus

1. SIU will use our call out list and contact EHS personnel.

2. Call appropriate district personnel.


Code RED-FULL LOCK DOWN-No movement in the building other than by police/fire officials and persons designated by them. It is highly unlikely that we will have to utilize this procedure; however, we ask that you familiarize yourself with the following information and keep this communication in a place where students DO NOT have access. In addition, we ask that you make this information available to your substitute.

Code RED Emergency Procedure-Activated by principal or administrator in charge ONLY.

Administration will:

1. Communicate to Main Office

2. Turn Bells and Fire Alarm Off

Teachers will:

1. Stay in classroom or get to classroom as quickly as possible and take roll.

2. Teachers lock classrooms, place green card in window or under door if everything is okay. facilities people will lock exterior doors.

3. Do not let any students out of class.

4. Establish fire watch (ignore fire alarms).

5. List all students who are out on passes. Keep the list available in case the administration requires this information.

6. Await further instructions.

Code YELLOW–LOCKDOWN: An emergency that requires that all students be under supervision and accounted for. No movement in the building other than SRT members and others specifically authorized.

Code Yellow Emergency Procedures:

School Response Team (SRT) reports to pre-designated area.

Bells are turned off.

Each teacher gets students in classroom and takes roll.

Code ORANGE-EVACUATION: All persons leave the building according to established routes, or according to specific instructions provided by Command Post Coordinators.

In the case of CODE ORANGE evacuation, turn off all fans, lights, etc.

Code BLACK-BOMB THREAT: Key issue: Electrical signals may trigger explosive devices.

1. Turn off all walkie-talkies, cell phones, pagers and radios immediately.

2. Leave all lights, fans, etc, as they are, on or off.

3. Use of the P.A., bells and tones may be discontinued.

Depending upon the situation, CODE BLACK: one or more of the following will follow BOMB


1. Full Lockdown

2. CRT activation

3. Evacuation

In case of CODE BLACK evacuation, do not turn on or off lights or fans, etc.


Administration will inform individual classrooms to exit the building. Everyone on campus exit as you would in a fire drill to the Football Stadium; No one leaves the stadium without permission. Student drivers cannot leave until directed.

Information for Staff

5 Stay calm and others will tend to stay calm, and use secondary route to stadium.

1. Take class roster and signs (very important).

2. Attendance must be taken before you leave and after you arrive at the stadium.

3. IMPERATIVE, you must keep your class together.

4. Agitated or violent students must be handed over to security.

5. Report missing or extra students to security.


The Superintendent and School Board have implemented the District’s Strategic Plan. The three goals of the plan include the following categories:

High Quality Instruction: Measure and increase HIGH QUALITY instruction.

Customer and Market Focus: Examines how the organization builds relationships with customers and determines their satisfaction.

Continuous Improvement: Engage in continuous Improvement. Process will shift to efficient from inefficient services..

Effective Communication: Communicate more effectively and with transparency.


Front Office Lock all external doors and everyone report to rooms 126.

Reset the front office main phone line to call forward #2066.

Attendance Lock your door, leave your room and report to room #364.

Reset your main phone line to call forward #3039 in room #365.

Guidance Lock all external doors and everyone report to room #308.

Reset your main phone line to call forward #2053.

Parents in the offices move to 126.

All Others – Stay in your room or offices until notified differently.


In keeping with the laws of Florida and for the sake of the safety of the students of our school, law requires the school administration and board policy to conduct a series of building emergency evacuation drills each year. Follow these basic procedures:

1. When leaving the classroom (and while waiting for instructions to return to class, and upon returning to class) keep the entire class in a line.

2. Students should walk fast, but not run or talk during the entire drill.

3. Classes must remain together while leaving the building and remain together while returning to the classroom. Everyone remains outside until the inspection of the building is completed. Return to classes when the “all clear” bell rings.

4. The teacher will bring up the rear of the line. Teachers, please instruct your students to observe the drill procedures. Teachers, please explain to your students what to do in case a drill occurs while some of them (the students) are out of the room.

5. Each classroom will be supplied with individual instruction on evacuation. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these procedures and discuss them with each class. These instructions are to be posted conspicuously and must remain posted throughout the school year

6. During emergencies or emergency drills, the elevator will be captured to the first floor and will not be available for evacuation. For evacuation during emergency conditions, an area of refuge has been provided at each interior or exterior stairway landing for individuals should proceed to the area of refuge located in the stairwell landings to wait for further assistance,

7. The area of refuge has been specifically constructed to protect handicapped occupants from fire while waiting for fire rescue assistance to exit the building. Fire departments are trained to assist handicapped individuals by search and rescue methods especially in areas of refuge in the stairway landing of multistory buildings.

8. For students with disabilities: proceed to the evacuation area designated for the students. These students will be evacuated upon arrival of fire rescue.

9. Reminder: take your plan/grade/attendance book with you during a fire/bomb drill. You must take your class roll once you reach your designated location. Teachers must maintain responsibility for their students and be able to account for them. See Emergency Codes for detailed explanations.

NOTE: The degree of seriousness displayed by the instructor during evacuation drills will have a definite influence on the reaction of the students.


Evacuation routes must be posted in each classroom. See Mr. Smith if you don’t have one. There will be at least ten practice fire drills and two-tornado drills each school year. You must explain and practice, the classroom portion of this procedure for each class, each semester. Teachers are required to take their grade/attendance books during any drill.

During emergencies and drills:

1. When the alarm sounds:

a. Windows should be closed.

b. Line up students by the door and have them take their belongings.

2. As you leave your room, turn the lights off and lock your door.

3. Follow the predetermined evacuation map as posted in your room.

a. Students are to remain with their class and walk in a brisk manner because we have to move a large number people in a short time.

4. Once you have reached your assigned area:

a. Keep your class together. If a parent needs to find a student(s), the child needs to be in the scheduled class in the designated location.

b. Take attendance and report any student that was in your class when you started and did not make it out to your fire drill location, or was out of class when you left. Let the Command Post know where you sent the student before the alarm.

5. Have your students remain close together throughout the FIRE DRILL. You are accountable for your students and your correct location.

6. Wait until the return bell is rung before you return.

7. After you have returned to your room take attendance again. Report any discrepancies to your administrator.

8. When all activity has stopped you will be sent back to your classroom in an orderly manner by direction of administration and security.

9. It is imperative that you keep your class together and in the correct color-coded area. In an emergency we must know where every child is located. We, as adults, are responsible for each and every child.

Tornado Drill:

• The Drill will be on the calendar prior to taking place, and will begin on the day scheduled with an announcement on the public address system.

• Outside PE moves to the Gym.

• Mini-gym stays there.

• Cafeteria stays there.

• Everyone near windows must move to an interior hall.

• Classroom windows should be slightly open to allow for room pressure equalization.

• No students should be out of the class during announced drills.

The script to be used to announce to the faculty and students is as follows:

“This is a drill, all students and staff are to immediately take cover by moving to a wall or an area farthest away from the windows. Cover your head with your arms and remain still until you receive further instructions.”

Imminent Tornado Strike:

• The strike will be announced over the public address system

• Classroom windows should be opened slightly to allow for room pressure equalization.

• Attendance should be taken and all students accounted for. Contact the front office on anyone missing.

• Use of the PA will be for emergency situations only as determined by the Command Post.

• The Command Post will remain in contact with key personnel.

The script to be used for a strike is as follows:

“This is an actual tornado. All students and staff are to immediately take cover by moving to a wall or an area farthest away from the windows. Cover your head with your arms and remain still until you receive further instructions.


In the event where lightning is present, all classes in the portables will be held until it safe for students to travel to their next destination.


The administration recognizes the ultimate goals of evaluation are to improve the quality of instruction. The agreement between the teachers union and the School Board of Broward County, Florida, outline the process and procedures for the evaluation.

The evaluation process includes the following items:

1. Ability to maintain appropriate discipline.

2. Educational qualifications

3. Knowledge of subject matter.

4. Effective planning and presentation of subject content.

5. Appropriate evaluation of student progress.

6. Classroom and behavior management techniques.

7. Ability to carry out school philosophy and administrative procedures.

8. Observance of work hours (tardiness and excessive absences).

9. Any and all areas outlined in the Principles of Professional Conduct.

In accordance with contractual requirement, copies of your evaluation form are available on-line through iObservation.



Once a student enters the classroom, he/she may leave only with the permission of the teacher. The time allotted between classes should be sufficient time for a student to obtain a drink of water or to go to the restroom. Students are to remain in class except for emergencies. Teachers are required to keep students in the classroom until the bell sounds for dismissal. Students should remain seated until the teacher dismisses them after the ringing of the bell. The teacher has the responsibility to open the door for student dismissal. Under no circumstances should a Teacher keep a student in his/her classroom for a period other than the one the student is enrolled in. It is the responsibility of the teacher who has the child enrolled in his/her classroom to notify administration if he/she has reason to believe that another teacher is holding students without authorization. Teachers must not cause any student to be absent or tardy from class without prior approval of the teacher whose class he/she will miss. Any student out of a classroom must have his/her own pass which must have the date and time of departure as well as be signed by the teacher. The pass must be in hand at all times and presented upon request.

|FACULTY COUNCIL 2015-2016 |

Please refer to the BTU contract or see your union steward.


Faculty members are expected to eat lunch on campus.


Regular faculty meetings for administrative needs, announcements, and professional study will be held when necessary. Teacher attendance at all faculty, departmental and such county and district educational meetings held on school time, as required by the Superintendent or principal, shall be mandatory (School Board Policy 4208). Department chairpersons are to take attendance at each of these meetings and report it to the Principal's Secretary. In addition, departmental and committee meetings will be scheduled as deemed necessary. Meetings of all professional associations, which are held for the purpose of enacting professional business, and which require members to leave their campus during school hours may not be held unless prior approval has been obtained from the Superintendent or his designated representative.


These guidelines were developed to meet the objectives/goals for student field trips as expressed in School Board Policy 6303 and may be found as part of the Broward County Schools Standard Practice Bulletin, which states as follows:

“The School Board believes that field trips, both in and out of the county, can be an integral part of the learning process in many areas of education. For the purpose of this policy, a field trip shall be defined as a District approved trip away from a school board site.”


(See the activities approval booklet)

These guidelines address the following categories of field trips:

1. Educational Enhancement Field Trips

Educational enhancement field trips are defined as: “The opportunity for students to link their classroom learning, knowledge and understanding of a subject with outside experiences. These realistic, outside experiences (field trips) must have clearly stated objectives that directly correlate to work performed in the classroom and the Florida Sunshine State Standards."

Examples of educational enhancement field trips includes, but are not limited to, the following:

1. Classroom Curriculum Focus 4. Supplemental Arts Program

2. SEAS 5. Small Learning Communities/

3. Magnet Programs School Within A School

Because these field trips are designed to enhance the educational curriculum, they shall not be considered a “privilege” to attend or participate. Therefore, students shall not be required to earn points or be required to meet other teacher established objectives to attend or participate. However, a teacher may deny a student the right to attend or participate on a scheduled field trip based upon his/her record of disciplinary behavior. The student’s record of behavior must be such that it presents a danger to themselves or others on the trip. Parents shall have the right to appeal any disciplinary exclusion directly to the school principal.

Schools must make provisions to assist any student who is unable to attend or participate on an educational enhancement field trip due to his/her inability to pay required cost/fee.


Educational enhancement field trips meeting the above definition may be approved at any time during the school year, except during the established exclusionary period, as follows:

A. Local/School Principal - The principal shall review all proposed educational enhancement field trips based upon the above definition. It shall be the principal’s discretion to approve or deny any local (within the tri-county area that does not involve students staying overnight or water-related) educational enhancement field trips. Trips requiring Area Superintendent's approval must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to the date of the proposed trip.

B. District Office - The District office or designee shall be responsible for approving educational enhancement field trips that are overnight, outside the tri-county area (Broward, Dade or Palm Beach County), or those that are water-related. The Area Superintendent will review and return the requested field trip request as soon as possible.

2. Student Conferences/Conventions

This category of field trips includes but is not limited to activities sponsored by or supported by the Department of Student Activities and Athletics (See Appendix B). Within this category, students are given the opportunity to participate in leadership and/or character-building conferences, seminars or conventions.


Student Conferences/Conventions type field trips shall be approved at any time during the school year, except during the established exclusionary period. District Office’s review and/or approval is required if the proposed trip is overnight, outside the tri-county area or is water-related.

(NEW) Summer conferences/conventions must be submitted to the principal (thirty (30) days) before the last day of school for students. Students may not use hotel/motel pools when staying overnight. Additionally, if events are held overnight near any beach, students are not allowed to swim or use the beach for any reason whatsoever.

3. Competitions

Competition-related field trips are defined as those opportunities for students to match their skills and talent against other students by entering regional, state or national academic or extracurricular events that are sponsored by recognized agencies, including those sponsored by or supported by the Department of Student Activities and Athletics.


Competition related field trips should be approved at any time during the school year, except during the established exclusionary period. District Office's review and/or approval is required if the proposed trip is overnight, outside the tri-county area or is water-related.

(NEW) Students may not use hotel/motel pools when staying overnight. Additionally, if events are held overnight near any beach, students are not allowed to swim or use the beach for any reason whatsoever.

NOTE: The) District Offices shall review all State scheduled competitions occurring during the exclusionary period. Participation shall be based upon this review

4. End-of-Year Reward Field Trips

This category includes trips designed to give students an end-of-the year reward for their accomplishment in areas such as academic achievement, behavior or other criteria established by the classroom teacher(s). (NEW) The refund procedure, including specific refund criteria, must be printed on the permission form.


This category of field trips should be initiated only after the completion of the FCAT Testing or if before the FCAT Testing on a Saturday or Teacher Planning Day. District Office’s review and approval is required if any of these trips are overnight, outside the tri-county area those that are water-related.

(NEW) Students may not use hotel/motel pools when staying overnight. Additionally, if events are held overnight near any beach, students are not allowed to swim or use the beach for any reason whatsoever.

5. Invitational Events (NEW)

On occasion, musical groups such as band and/or chorus and athletic teams are invited to

participate in scheduled events in state and/or out-of-state. These scheduled events provide an

opportunity for students to showcase their talents and skills. Examples may include the following:

✓ The high school band has been invited to participate in the Walt Disney Candlelight Procession in Orlando, Florida

✓ The high school basketball team has been invited to participate in a Holiday Basketball Tournament in Atlanta, Georgia.

NOTE: A high school, which is invited to participate in a multi-team athletic event, or single athletic contest, which is to be conducted outside the state of Florida, is required to adhere to Florida High School Athletic rules.


Approval to participate in invitational events shall be granted any time during the school year, with the exception of the exclusionary period. District Office’s review and approval is required if any of these trips are overnight, outside the tri-county area those that are water-related.

(NEW) Students may not use hotel/motel pools when staying overnight. Additionally, if events are held overnight near any beach, students are not allowed to swim or use the beach for any reason whatsoever.

6. Field Trip Exclusionary Period

There shall be an established “Field Trip Exclusionary Period” at which time student field trips shall not be initiated. The exclusionary period shall include the first week of the school year; one (1) week prior to and during the administration of the FSA Test; and during the last week in the school year. This exclusionary period does not preclude a field trip being initiated on a scheduled teacher-planning day or on the weekend. There shall be no exceptions to this exclusionary period unless authorized by the District Office.

Note: Schools on Year Round Calendars shall follow these same guidelines utilizing their approved calendars.

7. End-of-School Year Field Trips

Field trips shall not be initiated during the last five (5) days of student attendance during any school year. There shall be no exceptions to this rule unless authorized by the District Offices.

8. (NEW) Booster Clubs

Booster Clubs may raise funds to support student field trips that have been approved by the principal, and have all appropriate District Office and Superintendent signatures, where applicable. Booster Clubs shall be prohibited from organizing any student field trip without school district approval.

9. (NEW) Any non-district sponsored field trips must adhere to the following procedures:

• The District Acknowledgement Form must be signed by all field trip attendees(i.e., students and their parent/guardian; and chaperones). See Mr. Fred Azrak.

• Use of any school equipment or uniforms must be rented/leased from the school. A complete inventory of all leased equipment must be conducted upon return. The leaser will be held liable to repair/replace any damaged, lost, or stolen inventory,

• If school equipment or uniforms are rented/leased, it is to be made clear in any program or announcement that “this trip is not sponsored by the School Board of Broward County, Florida.


An Outside Organization should:

1. Have a Federal I. D. Number, mailing address, and Florida Sales Tax Exemption Number. The outside organization cannot use the school’s I. D.

2. Have a checking account, which requires two (2) signatures.

3. Obtain permission from the Principal for fundraising activities. The request should state the type of activity.

4. Have flyers for fundraising activities stating: “Sponsored by (group)” or similar wording

5. Be a separate legal entity from the school.

6. Have the treasurer bonded.

7. Prepare financial reports for each activity.

8. Retain all financial records for at least five (5) years.

9. Have records audited by an audit committee or a CPA firm.

10. Make timely deposits.

11. Reconcile the checkbook to the bank statement.

12. Prepare and adhere to an annual budget. The membership should approve the budget and any amendments.

13. Retain all voided checks. These checks should be marked “VOID”.

14. Issue receipts for cash collections.

15. Have a financial secretary and treasurer to help segregate the accounting functions. Ideally, the same person should not collect cash and make the deposit.

16. Ensure that all internal fund expenditures are paid through the school’s internal funds. Make a check payable to the school in the form of a donation.

17. Ensure all donations to the school identify the purpose of the donation.

18. Ensure that the school issues official receipts for the donations that the organization makes. The outside organization should retain these receipts for their records.


An Outside Organization should not:

1. Sponsor field trips, due to liability.

2. Make disbursements from cash collections.

3. Make a check payable to CASH. Avoid making checks payable to initials, such as FPL. People have been known to change initials to full names such as FP Lowery and cash the check. There has been a lot of mail theft lately.

4. Have merchandise for fundraising activities shipped to the school or in the name of the school. The school then may become liable for payment.

10. (NEW) Summer Trips (Summer trips are those defined as occurring between the last day of school to the start of the next school year.)

Approved summer field trips shall fall into the following two categories:

1. Competitions

In this category will be those scheduled trips where a student or group of students have earned the right to advance in a local, regional, state or national competition.

2. District Organized Trips

In this category are those trips where there is district level support or that are being organized by the district. In this category will be activities such as Student Government (Leadership) Training and the JROTC Summer Camp.

All other field trips will not be approved.

Note: Trips will only be approved for students who have not graduated and are current Broward County students.

Any non-district sponsored trips organized by coaches and sponsors independently must follow

the same procedures as Booster Clubs (Section 9). All students and chaperones must sign the Acknowledgement Forms. Indication that the trip is non-district sponsored and these completed forms must be given to the principal ten (10) days before the trip occurs (see Mr. Fred Azrak).


Approval Form(s) are necessary for all field trips. Please see Activities Director for all forms needed for the field trip, (see Mr. Fred Azrak). File application for each trip with the Activities Director and appropriate personnel with the time frame given in the Field Trip Checklist

Trips requiring District Office’s approval (Out of the Tri-county, Overnight or Water related) must be completed and submitted to the Area office thirty (30) days prior to the date of the proposed trip.

Water related trip procedures are found in the Activity Handbook.


_____ Project Approval Form –(Five weeks) Requested, completed, approved by Activity Director, Mr. Fred Azrak and Principal, Mrs. Haleh Darbar.

_____Area Field Trip Authorization Form (Out-of Tri County, overnight, or water related trips) –(Six weeks) requested, completed, approved by Activity Director, Mr. Fred Azrak and Principal, Mrs. Haleh Darbar.

_____Transportation Form – Bus request, make a copy (Bus request, through Mr. Fred Azrak, needs to be made 3 weeks prior of approved trip.) Parents or students driving -Make sure you have a copy of their driver license and insurance attached to the vehicle authorization form.

_____Temporary Authorization Form (TDA’S) – Completed with a job number and supporting documents for the trip turned in to Mrs. Jacqueline Lassaubatju. (3 weeks prior of trip).

_____School Food Service Department Notice of Field Trip – Completed and turned in to the Cafeteria Manager, Mrs. Iris Quimbayo (2weeks prior of the trip).

_____Bookkeeper (Mrs. March) Money envelope turned in 2 weeks prior and check requested if needed.

_____Attendance Sheet – A copy of the final attendance sheet will be turned in when your packet is due. You will use the final copy the day of the trip to take attendance and turn into the Front Office. No changes are to be made.

_____ Field Trip Authorization Forms - Completed and put in alpha order. Make a copy to be turned in with your packet to Mrs. Beard on your due date. Keep the original with your attendance to take on your trip. DO NOT EXCEPT MONEY IF THE FORM IS NOT COMPLETED ON BOTH SIDES.

______Chaperones – Complete the names on the appropriate level form. Level 1 - has a volunteer form on file and cleared. Level 2 – has been fingerprinted and cleared.

Date: _______________________

Sponsor Signature: ___________________________________________


Teachers shall not consume food or beverages in the hallways or classrooms. Students may not be permitted to consume food or beverages in the classrooms or hallways. Do not send students to the planning areas, cafeteria, or off-campus for food or beverages.


▪ Students and faculty members represented classes, clubs, or departments may not engage in money raising drives (solicitation or advertising, selling material things or service, vending machines, etc.) unless the principal gives prior approval.

▪ No such approval will be given If the propose project is in conflict with sound educational philosophy, nor will approval be given if the proposed project is to be sponsored by a group of students who would be the direct beneficiaries thereof.

▪ Sponsors of organizations conducting money-raising drives are responsible for proper supervision of funds, sales, and accounting. A Money Raising Drive Financial Report will be filed immediately upon conclusion of the drive and a monthly report should be filed if it is of a continuing nature. Sponsors should check monthly with the bookkeeper to determine financial status of the club.

▪ All sponsors and club treasures must complete the training program provided by the bookkeeper. Failure to use the proper accounting practices and procedures will cause the organization to have their fundraising activities suspended and/or the activity cancelled.

▪ No one may “panhandle” on behalf of Everglades High School or any of its constituent organizations at anytime or place. This is a policy of the School Board of Broward County.


FUNDRAISERS – Approval Form(s) must be submitted three to eight weeks prior to activity depending on type of activity.

• Three weeks prior – on school grounds

• Five weeks prior – Field Trip in Tri-County

• Eight weeks prior – Field Trip Overnight or out of Tri-County

School organizations must follow the following process:

1. The sponsor will get an application from the Activities Director and fill out completely adding any other required forms (follow timelines).

2. Activity Director will log the date and location of fundraiser; process paperwork; approval signature from bookkeeper (if necessary); approval signature from principal.

3. The sponsor will receive a complete packet in his/her mailbox with an approval from field trip secretary. (DO NOT disseminate information before approval). -or-

4. The sponsor will receive Approval Packet (Fundraiser only) from the Activities Director.

5. The sponsor will then need to pick up appropriate items from the bookkeeper; organize for transportation if needed.

6. All appropriate forms need to be turned into bookkeeper Ms. March, Administrative

Assistant and Mr. Fred Azrak, Activities Director, following the appropriate time line.

Students fundraising are not to approach teachers, administrators, or staff to purchase their wares. Organization failing to abide by this rule may lose all fundraising privileges for the remainder of the year.

*If all documents are not handled in the approved fashion, the activity may be cancelled.


1. Upon receiving approval, see bookkeeper (Ms. March) for appropriate money collection forms.

2. Never throw away money collection forms – all must be turned into the bookkeeper for auditing purposes.

3. Money envelops and receipt books should only be written in blue or black ink.

4. Amounts must balance and be turned into the bookkeeper daily.

5. Never leave monies in unsafe locations (classroom, etc.).

Absolutely NO CHECKS – only cash or money orders.

✓ Bills Stacked and coins rolled

✓ Turn in monies daily

✓ All receipt books and envelopes must be turned in at the end of fundraiser or by specific due date Financial reports MUST be turned into the bookkeeper within ten school days after the completion of the fundraiser. If this is not followed, future fundraisers will be denied until financial paperwork is complete.

Dances, programs, and performances must have pre-numbered tickets and accounted for on a Report of Tickets Form (see book keeper for complete directions).

Payments for all purchases rendered by individuals must be paid from the bookkeeper by check; a check requisition must be completed and signed by the club treasurer or sponsor.

The check reimbursement must be submitted at least three school days in advance.

No money is to be left at any time in any classroom or office desk, whether locked or unlocked. Collected money is the responsibility of the sponsor in charge until it is deposited with the school bookkeeper. Money left in a desk, classroom, building, or car becomes the liability of the sponsor.

No monies are to be collected by any teacher unless the collection and disbursement of this money has been previously discussed, planned and approved by the principal.

Anytime money is handled or collected by a student or teacher/sponsor for an organization, those funds must be deposited into an internal account through the bookkeeper's office.

Set fundraisers for school organizations:

1. Food sales of any kind will be after school only.

2. Food sales will only occur for major organizations that need to earn large amounts of money – for example, SGA and Classes -- only one day a week alternating organizations.

Booster clubs must follow this process:

1. The Sponsor / Club President must get an Activity Approval form from the Activities Coordinator.

2. Students may not sell during school hours or accept monies at any time.

3. Clubs may sell items related to that activity or sport with prior approval in writing from the Activities Director (2 weeks). These sales will only occur on the last day of the school week during lunch in a pre-determined location.

4. The Club will not sell items that state class years, etc. (These types of sales are only appropriate for classes).

5. Parents or adult volunteers must handle monies only: NEVER by a student or school sponsor (coach).

**EHS must have on file with the Activities Director and the Principal’s Secretary the following items:

**Recommendation—two persons signing checks

• A copy of the Booster Club’s certificate from the State of Florida,

• A list of the officers with phone numbers,

• A plan for fundraising

PLEASE NOTE: If a club or organization is interested in participating in a fund raising activity that is new to the school or to that particular club, the sponsor must meet the Activities Director to discuss details of the proposed arrangement. No club or organization will enter into any arrangement with any vendor until the Activities Director has spoken to the sales representative concerning his or her product and business arrangement.


Grading scale for High School students throughout the State of Florida is as follows:

A = 90-100

B+ = 87-89

B = 80-86

C+ = 77-79

C = 70-76

D+ = 67-69

D = 60-66

F = 00-59


• Grades must be given only on recorded data, at least nine grades every 45 days. Students should understand how grades are determined and should be kept aware of their progress. Grades will be posted within 48 school hours of collecting the assignment/test. (Exceptions may be made for major projects/assignments) Misbehavior is to be reflected in the conduct section, NOT IN THE ACADEMIC GRADE. Unsatisfactory conduct grades may have serious consequences and may prohibit students from participating in honor roll, honor societies, student council and athletic events. Unsatisfactory conduct grades should not be given for trivial things. Students should understand why they are receiving an unsatisfactory conduct grade. It is expected that grades for all graded assignments and/or tests be posted within 48 hours of being collected. ALL tests/assignments are to be reviewed as soon as a grade is posted. Through remediation, re-teaching, and re-assessing, a maximum percent of D’s and F’s should not exceed 40%.


Approval Forms are necessary for all guest speakers. Please see Activities Director for the approval forms.

The Approval Form must be submitted three weeks prior to activity (Two-Part Form)

1. See Broward County policy for Guest Speakers for complete guidelines.

2. Mrs. Haleh Darbar, Principal, must approve all speakers in writing.

All guest speakers MUST have a Level One clearance prior to school engagement.


Teachers are required to sign / provide a student with a pass when releasing students from their classes for use of the restroom, sending students to the clinic, sending students to the media center, sending students to the office, and for all other possible reasons.

Teachers must not cause any student to be absent or tardy from class without prior approval of the teacher whose class he/she will miss. Any student out of a classroom must have an official school pass written in ink and signed by the teacher, noting time of departure. The pass must be in hand at all times and presented upon request. NO PASSES ARE TO BE GIVEN THE FIRST TEN MINUTES OR THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF THE CLASS PERIOD.


Homework shall be encouraged and assigned to individual students when and where appropriate to enrich the learning situation and to provide for skill improvement. The type of homework and amount assigned should be consistent with the ability of the student as well as his or her age and grade level. Homework is valuable when it meets the needs of the individual student and is usually an extension of his or her curriculum content and strategies. It is reasonable to expect the amount of homework to increase as the student progresses through the educational program. Home assignments should evolve from the needs and experiences of the student. These assignments should be carefully made and the teacher should follow-up the assignments by integrating the material into the daily classroom procedure and curriculum strategies. The teacher is responsible to check or grade the homework and return it to the student. Homework should be limited to 90 minutes (9th grade), 100 minutes (10th grade), 110 minutes (11th grade), and 120 minutes (12th grade) a night by board policy.

A clear and concise explanation as to the contents of the assignment should be made at the time of the assignment. Homework should NOT BE "busy work" or be used to replace or reduce supervised study. Conferences with parents regarding the purpose and extent of home assignments are advisable to encourage a better understanding as to the ways and means in which parents can offer help.


ID Badge Policy

All Everglades High School students will be issued an ID badge. Students must present their ID badge upon request. ID Badges are required to use the Media Center and for participation on field trips.

Replacement Badges

It is the individual student’s responsibility to maintain and display their ID badge. Lost/stolen badges must be replaced immediately. Replacement badges will be sold for $5.00.


What is the role of a Sponsor?

The role of the club sponsor is a challenging one. The sponsor is the direct link with the administration for all action of the club or organization as well as a role model for the student members. The following list of duties may provide a better understanding of the sponsor's role:

1. Determine, according to the club's constitution, that each member is in good standing--that he or she meets the scholastic and attendance requirements of the club. Students who do not maintain membership eligibility must be notified and proper action taken. Please keep an updated membership roster at all times.

2. Determine that all members meet the academic guidelines for participation:

a. Members must have received a passing grade in a minimum of two (2) courses the previous nine-week marking period.

b. Members must have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 from the previous semester.

3. Members must have passed a minimum of six (6) credits during the previous school year.

4. Determine that an agenda has been prepared prior to each club meeting.

5. Determine that copies of the minutes of each club meeting are kept in a folder and submitted to the Activities Director.

6. Submit to the Activities Director: the treasurer’s reports, summary of activities for the year, and an updated role at the end of the school year with officer positions listed.

7. Determine that the club maintains the records required by the school.

8. The sponsor is directly responsible for seeing that accurate financial records are kept.

9. Offer advice and suggestions to the members, especially to the officers.

10. Serve as an advisor in planning the club program of activities and the club budget.

11. Encourage initiative on the part of the members in performing the functions of the club.

12. Examine club activities in view of school policies.

13. See that the meetings begin and end on time, and that they are conducted in a business-like manner.

14. Be aware of all club activities.

15. Attend all meetings and activities of the club, either scheduled or called.

16. Select a member to represent the club at SGA meetings and at monthly I.C.C. meetings.


The Instructional Focus Calendars are by department and need to be followed. Through the Professional Small Learning Communities, teachers will receive this information. The school’s Florida Instructional Focus Calendar will be distributed through the P.L.C.s.


Interim Reports will be completed on-line using Pinnacle. In the event of technical problems, Interims will be completed using a standardized format. (Please refer to Forms section of your handbook). NOTE: Parents must be given written notification, followed by a documented call, when the student’s grade has dropped by two or more levels during a grading period (i. e., A to C).


The School Board believes the security of our physical facilities is an ongoing responsibility. A major element in proper security is key control for schools/centers as designated by the person on charge of the facility. In order that we may achieve security, the following policy is to be followed:

1. It shall be the responsibility of the principal/site administrator to oversee the distribution of site keys, master keys and grand master keys. It is recommended that this distribution of masters be closely regulated.

2. A written record of who was issued site keys shall be maintained.

3. All master and grand master keys shall be stamped “School District of Broward County – Do Not Duplicate.” Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

4. Master keys and grand master keys are to be ordered by the principal or site administrator.

5. Employees who retire, resign, transfer, are suspended or are on leave of absence, or otherwise terminate employment with the School Board, will return all keys for School Board owned facilities no later than their last day of active employment.

6. Employees are not to loan out site keys or have additional unauthorized keys made. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

7. Employees on vacation, sick leave or out for more than two (2) weeks will turn in all site keys to the site administrator.

8. Principal/site administrator shall be notified of all lost, stolen or misplaced master or grand master keys. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Administrator will then report loss to SIU and determine the level of exposure.


Teachers CANNOT permit students to leave school grounds. This permission can only be granted by the administration, with parent approval. Teachers are not permitted to leave school grounds unless granted permission by the appropriate administrator and completed the sign out procedure.


Teacher Responsibilities

In an effort to mainstream lesson plans at Everglades High School, and to comply with state, county, and BTU guidelines, the following procedures will be used when planning lessons:

1. Have available, your complete course guide for the semester or the year. This means the standard county curriculum guide and/or the research and development guide for your subject. SIP (School Improvement Plans) will be available to all teachers and lessons should reflect the use of these school improvement goals. Teachers are to insert a copy of the SIP activities for reading, math, and writing in the back of their Binder.

2. Procedures for your classroom expectations are to be made available to each child. This includes, but is not limited to homework discipline, grading, rubric and testing procedures.

3. Each teacher is accountable for assisting students to progress through the “benchmarks” of the Florida Standards. A copy of each subject Critical Content and Performance Indicators will be made available through your department head. Teachers are to insert a copy of the critical Content and Performance Indicators information for their subject area in the back of their lesson plan book. – For updated course descriptions and standards go to .

4. When planning cross-curricular units, plans are to be available upon request and will be periodically checked by your department head and/or grade level administrator.

5. Lesson plans are to include three days of generic substitute plans in a separate section.

6. Lesson plans must indicate discussion of the Code of Conduct and Weapons Policy.

7. Lesson plans should reflect reading, writing, and math in the content areas.

8. Plans must be current for the week and two-weeks in advance.

9. Grades-at least 9 grades per 45 days are required and should be reflected in the grade section of your book or printed out if a computer format is used.

10. Use several types of evaluative techniques, including but not limited to classroom tests constructed by the educator to measure student performance according to criteria based upon objectives.

11. Grades will be posted within 48 hours of collecting the assignment/test Exceptions may be made for major tests/assignments.

12. Attendance must be written in the attendance section of your plan book. State approved attendance codes must be used. Annual contract teachers may be required to submit their lesson plans to the principal or assistant principal on a regular basis as determined by the principal.

13. Teachers holding continuing contract or professional service contracts are not required to regularly submit lesson plans, however, anytime the principal or assistant principal does request lesson plans, the teacher shall submit the plans.

14. Continuing contract/professional services contract teachers who are in the documentation phase of the Instructional Personnel Assessment System for reasons other than the normal five (5) year cycle may be required to present his/her lesson plans to the principal on a regular basis. When requested by the principal, the teacher shall submit the plans.

15. Lesson plans will be part of your teacher evaluation and will be checked periodically by department heads and grade level administrators. Administrators and department heads will use an Informal Observation Checklist when reviewing lesson plans. A copy of the checklist is available in the appendix of your teacher handbook.

When developing/planning weekly lessons the following items should be considered:

1. Develop lesson plans that reflect the prerequisite knowledge, skill, and readiness of students. Specify learner objectives and relate these objectives to the instructional activity.

2. Developed plans must include instructional materials and/or equipment to be used.

3. Activities should reflect the district’s curriculum. When planning projects and activities, lesson management should be considered for the implementation of a smooth lesson.

4. Daily lessons must indicate the use of the Florida Standards, ESE strategies, ESOL strategies, multicultural diversity integration and Reading, Writing, Mathematics strategies for below level students.

5. Teachers should develop plans and select instructional materials and activities that reflect the district’s curriculum, and identified learner needs.

6. Teachers will be held accountable for adhering to the Assessment Criteria located in Appendix-I of the Broward Teacher’s Union Contract. Items listed in this section include:

The elements of lesson planning

• Lesson management

• Lesson presentation

• Student Performance Evaluation

• Communication

• Classroom management

• Behavior management

• Records management

• Subject Matter Knowledge

• Syllabus – decide what the format will be and use similar one throughout the department.

1. Include Objectives

2. Grading scale/Rubric

3. Major Assignment

4. Testing format

5. Homework and Make-up work policy

6. Miscellaneous

Your syllabus is due to your Administrator’s Administrators on the last day of pre-planning prior to the first day for students, by 3:00 PM. (Friday, August 15, 2015)

When developing Emergency Lessons Plans the following items should be considered:

No less than three days of full instruction on file with Department Head no later than the end of the second week of the 1st grading period.

Department heads will be responsible for providing additional plans beyond the three-day required Emergency Plans.

Must include class rolls with ESE and ESOL information.

Must include a seating chart.

Must include written instruction

All copies of everything needed (handouts, worksheets, tests, etc.)

Class rules and procedures.

Attendance procedures.

Bell schedule.

Lunch schedule and highlight the teacher’s/class designated lunch period.

An Information Sheet to include:

• Name of Department Head and Extension.

• Name of Administrator’s Administrator/Dean and Extension.

• Name of a responsible student in each class that and also assist with basic daily classroom procedures.

Department Heads are to collect and store the plans until needed.

When choosing the format for lesson plans, teachers may:

1. A utilized format for lesson plans, grades, and attendance is also available on-line.

2. Use the template agreed upon by your department.

Other Professional Competencies

Performance will be assessed in relation to other professional competencies, expectations, and requirements set forth in Florida Statues, DOE rules, Broward County School Board policies, applicable labor contracts, and any other applicable regulations.


The primary test for determining liability of a teacher for injury to a pupil is FORESEEABILITY. If a reasonably prudent person could have foreseen the harmful consequences of his/her act, a teacher, in disregarding the foreseeable consequences, is liable for negligent conduct. When a person is doing anything in which a person of ordinary prudence can foresee danger or harm to another, the law imposes upon him/her a duty to exercise reasonable care.

Because of the teacher-pupil relationship, the test of foresee ability for a teacher should be based on what a reasonably prudent person could have foreseen under the circumstances.

If a teacher is negligent in the performance of his/her duties, there is no legal power, which can protect him/her from the consequences of his/her negligence. However, if a teacher exercises due care to foresee harmful consequences and to provide reasonable safety measures, the burden of proof of negligence is placed on the accuser. The courts have upheld teachers who exercised reasonable care in handling students under their supervision. There are no statutes in Florida, which grant immunity to teachers from suits for injuries sustained by pupils. However, the courts have interpreted the law to mean that a teacher is not liable for injuries to a pupil unless the teacher is negligent in his/her duty.

The best course of action for any teacher to take is to follow known safety rules to instruct his/her students as to the best way of carrying out a specific assignment, and to exercise reasonable caution in the performance of regular school duties whether they are in the classroom, on the playground, or on a fieldtrip. In other words, teachers should use sound judgment and exercise initiative.


Classes in Media Center

The Media Center may be reserved for classes. Teachers must reserve space in the center for class use in advance to allow collaboration between the information specialist and the teacher. Teachers MUST remain with their classes while in the Media Center. Students are expected to work quietly while in the center. Excessive noise and talking that disturbs other students will not be permitted.

Students are not to be sent to the Media Center for discipline reasons. Students are not to be left in the Media Center when a class goes on a field trip. Individual students will be admitted to the Media Center at any time upon presentation of a pass, filled out in ink, bearing the teacher's signature in full. Please keep the limit to three students per class. Any of these students who create a disturbance in the Media Center will be sent back to class. All students must report back to their classrooms by the end of the period.


The Media Center has computers available for students and staff use. There is no time or number limit placed on the personal use of books by teachers; however, there is a time and number limit placed on technological equipment. Please refer to the school's Information/Media Services Handbook for specific information on this topic. As a part of Everglades High School's local area network, all of the Media Center resources exist on each classroom computer. Training will be offered on a regular basis for assistance in use of Everglade’s local area network. The Broward County Public School's Acceptable Use Policy governs the use of computers belonging to Everglades High School. This policy applies to students and Broward County School Employees. For more information on the Acceptable Use Policy or use of the network, see the Media Specialist.

Equipment and Materials

A variety of technological equipment circulates on a daily basis from the Media Center. Teachers are encouraged to sign-up in advance to reserve equipment. Students will be allowed to check out equipment for school related projects only after they have obtained:

1. A liability form signed by their parents and

2. The approval of the supervising teacher and the Administration.

Equipment Use

All staff members are required to use the equipment properly. The media specialist will be available by appointment to instruct faculty members on the proper use of equipment.

Equipment Repair

The Media Center will oversee technological equipment repairs. Please report any problem with the equipment to the Media Center immediately. Repair request forms are available on the local area network and in the back of the Media Center. Any accidental damage or theft must be reported in writing to the Media Center. This is required for the warranty or insurance to be valid.

Faculty Circulation Procedures

Requests for equipment to be used off campus must be approved by the Administration. In addition, a Broward County School Board Property Pass must be completed. Audiovisual equipment and software are to be placed in a locked area when not under direct teacher supervision. Items on loan from the Media Center must be returned at the end of the school day.

Printed materials are checked out for an indefinite period but should be returned at the earliest date to be made available to students and teachers. Reminders will be sent periodically.

All other material is subject to time limitations. Check with the Media Specialist as to specific time limitations on various materials.

A full and detailed description of all services and operating procedures is detailed in the Media Services Handbook available in the Media Center.


Books circulate to students for two weeks and may be renewed. Students may also borrow other materials and equipment as needed. A student ID card is required to check out all materials. Reference books and magazines are permitted to circulate but only on an overnight basis.

Overdue lists will be maintained in the Media Center. If students have overdue materials, they will not be allowed to check out additional materials until obligations are cleared. This will restrict their ability to participate in school activities.

New Materials

You are encouraged to make requests for new materials. Please submit requests to the Media Specialist at any time throughout the school year. Request forms are available in the Media Center.

Passes to Media Center

Teachers may send up to three students from a class to the Media Center at one time, each with his/her own individual official school pass. It is the responsibility of the student to leave his/her pass at the desk upon entering the center. A pass with more than one student's name on it will not be accepted.

Reserve Materials Use

It is the teacher's responsibility to see that materials are available for class units. The Media Specialist will assist in placing books on reserve for classes. Please notify the Media Specialist at least one week in advance if books and/or other materials are to be placed on reserve.


The Media Center carries a number of supplies for instructional purposes. Please check with the Media Specialist with availability of materials.


A variety of audio-visual titles (videocassettes, CD audio recordings, and software applications) are available for checkout from the Media Center. The circulation policy varies and is explained in the Media Center Handbook.


A Medical Emergency is any condition, which could result in a life threatening injury or illness. Medical emergencies can be the result of an injury or can be caused by an existing medical condition (i.e. seizures, heart problems, diabetes, and asthma).

Whenever a MEDICAL EMERGENCY occurs, the following procedures should be followed:

1. Use the intercom system and report the location and nature of the emergency.

2. All communications over the administrative radios will switch to the designated emergency channel.

3. The office will monitor all communications and be prepared to contact MEDICAL RESCUE if needed.

4. The emergency will end when the administrator handling the emergency announces the "all clear" over the radio. The office should repeat this “all clear”.

5. Each administrator’s will be responsible for notification, transportation to the hospital, and follow-up procedures to the appropriate district offices.


Newsletters will be mailed to parents during the course of the year. Dates of issuance will be submitted well in advance of publication. Each department head will be asked to provide items of interest to the parents and students. These items will be submitted to the administrator in charge of the newsletter. It will appear on the school’s website.


The following are the procedures for obligations:

1. When the student returns textbook, calculator, uniform, etc., the teacher will give the Textbook Card/Obligation Form to student. For textbooks, teacher will check the book back in through Destiny. The card must have been filled out completely and legibly with the student’s signature.

2. If the student does not return the textbook or other borrowed item, the teacher will turn in the Textbook Card/Obligation Form to his/her department head. This also includes damaged books. Textbooks that are not returned will automatically have an obligation through Destiny.

3. If a Textbook Card/Obligation Form was issued, the teacher will return it to the student once the item has been returned.

4. The remaining copies of the Textbook Card/Obligation Form will go to the teacher’s department head.

5. The department head will alphabetically distribute the forms to the designated secretary.

6. The department head will return all the copies to the designated secretary to file.

7. Designated secretary will keep the three copies for the obligation’s file.

8. After the teacher submits an obligation, the teacher will not collect any book(s). They will send the student to the designated secretary if the student returns the book after the obligation was submitted.

9. To satisfy an obligation, the student will go to designated secretary’s office. She will give the student a receipt for payments made in cash or returned items. The obligation will be updated on the AS400 as returned or paid with the receipt number and dated.

10. Media Center will handle all media books. If a student has an outstanding media book, the Media Specialist will send the letter, take the payment and satisfy the obligation. Send all media obligations to the Media Center.


A parent, counselor, student, or teacher may initiate a conference. The Guidance Department will assist in scheduling the day, time (generally during a planning period or before/after school) and location of the conference. This information is then communicated to both parent and teacher.


When a teacher believes that there may be a conflict with a parent, the teacher should inform the appropriate assistant principal for assistance. Do not allow the parent to be the first person to inform the assistant principal about an incident, which occurred under your supervision.


SBBC shall not be responsible for fire, theft, or damage to automobiles or other vehicles while parked or operated on school property. Problems in the faculty parking areas should be reported to the administration.


Parties will not be held in the classroom.


All instructional personnel are assigned a period of time for instructional planning. This time should be used to make you a more effective teacher.

Teaching is physically strenuous and there is no objection to teachers relaxing for a few minutes in the teacher planning area. The planning time should be used for the improvement of instruction. The following are recommended uses for the planning time:

0. Preparing instructional materials.

1. Keeping plan book up-to-date.

2. Grading papers.

3. Keeping attendance records current.

4. Consulting with principal, assistant principal, counselors, department heads, and county supervisors, as well as studying cumulative records for additional information regarding your students.

5. Exchanging viewpoints and information with other faculty members having the same planning period.

6. Visiting other classes.

7. Conferencing with parents.

8. Studying new material in the Media Center.

9. Reading professional materials.


The following disciplinary rule shall constitute the Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida and shall apply to any individual holding a valid Florida teacher's certificate. Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to revocation or suspension of the individual teacher's certificate, or the other penalties as provided by law. Obligation to the student requires that the individual:

• Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning and/or to the student's mental and/or physical health and/or safety.

• Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning. Shall not unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view.

• Shall not intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to a student's academic program.

• Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement. Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student's legal rights.

• Shall not on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background exclude a student from participation in a program; deny a student benefits; or grant a student advantages.

• Shall not exploit a professional relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage.

• Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of professional services, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.

• Obligation to the public requires that the individual:

• Shall take reasonable precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of any educational institution or organization with which the individual is affiliated.

• Shall not intentionally distort or misrepresent facts concerning an educational matter in direct or indirect public expression.

• Shall not use institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage.

• Shall accept no gratuity, gift, or favor that might influence professional judgment. Shall offer no gratuity, gift, or favor to obtain special advantages.

• Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual:

• Shall maintain honesty in all professional dealings.


The State of Florida, through State Board of Education Administrative Rules has established and identified the minimum standards of competent professional performance for the education profession in Florida These standards are the basis for the state peer review system. The standards apply to those who teach and those who supervise and provide administrative services to those whom teach. These rules are set forth at section 6B-5.001--6B-5.011 (FAC), State Board of Education Administrative Rules as follows:

6B-5.001 General the standards listed in this chapter is the minimal standards of the education profession in Florida and is the basis for reviewing the performance of professional educators. The standards shall apply to those who teach and those who supervise and provide administrative services to those whom teach.

Specific Authority 229.053 (1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New 10-7-69, Repromulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 68-5.01.

6B-5.002 Definitions as used in Chapter 68-5; FAC, the following words and terms have the following meaning:

1. Administrative-Pertaining to the execution, application, or management of persons or things.

2. Available - Usable or obtainable.

3. Communication skills - The capacity, ability, or art of giving, or giving and receiving, through any of the senses, information, ideas, and attitudes.

4. Competent - Able or fit to discharge the required duties as set forth in this chapter.

5. Designated task - The duty or assignment for which an educator is responsible.

6. Diagnosis - Identification of needs, strengths, and weaknesses through examination, observation, and analysis.

7. Educator -Any certified person in the educational program including but not limited to those engaged in teaching, administering, and supervising.

8. Effective - Producing a definite or desired result.

9. Management - The effective control or supervision of people, time, space, and material resources.

10. Policy- Authorized expressions of public intent reflective general principals guiding the efforts of a school system or school toward approved goals.

11. Personnel review, assistance - An observation of an educator's performance that reports observed strength, deficiencies, and recommendations for strategies designed to produce improvement.

12. Personnel review, competence - A three-day observation of an educator's performance, which reports facts observed and conclusions regarding the educator's competence.

13. Teacher -One who teaches or instructs.

14. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New

10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 6B-5.02.

6B-5.003-Administration and Supervision Requirements

Competent educators must possess the abilities and skills necessary to perform the designated task. The educator, commensurate with job requirements and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in the following administrate and supervisory requirements:

1. Keep records in accordance with responsibilities designated by law and with accepted practices of the school district.

2. Supervise and evaluate others in accordance with law and accepted practices of the school district.

3. Recognize the role and function of community agencies and groups as they relate to the school.

4. Utilize available instructional materials and equipment necessary to accomplish the designated task.

5. Adhere to and enforce administrative policies of the school, district rules and State Board rules, in accordance with Florida Statutes.

6. Adopt or develop a system for keeping records of student progress.

7. Counsel with students both individually and collectively concerning their educational needs.

8. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 6B-5.03.

6B-5.004-Analysis of Individual Needs and Individual Potential

The competent educator shall use or ensure the use of acceptable techniques to analyze the needs and potential of individuals. The educator, commensurate with job requirement and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in the following techniques to analyze the needs and potential of individuals:

1. Diagnose the entry level and skill of students. Using diagnostic test, observations, and student records.

2. Select, adapt or develop, and sequence instructional materials and activities for the designated set of instructional objectives and student needs.

3. Create interest through the use of materials and techniques appropriate to the varying abilities and backgrounds of students.

4. Use individual student interests and abilities when planning and implementing instruction.

5. Make assignment of tasks and duties consistent with individual abilities and specialties.

6. Recognize the instructional needs of exceptional students.

7. Recognize patterns of physical and social development in students.

8. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 63-5.04.

9. Formulating appropriate standards for student behavior.

10. Identifying inappropriate behavior and employing appropriate techniques for correction.

11. Maintain standards of conduct required in Rule 6B-5.007(2), FAC.

12. Use management techniques appropriate to the particular setting.

13. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 6B-5.07.

6B-5.008-Competencies In Specialization

Each competent educator shall possess knowledge within the area of specialization to a degree consistent with the educator's professional preparation. The educator, commensurate with job requirements and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in specialization by:

1. Demonstrating an awareness of current developments in the field of specialization.

2. Demonstrating an ability to read, comprehend, interpret, and use professional material.

3. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New

10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 6B-5.07.

6B-5.009-Evaluation of Learning and Goal Achievement

Each competent educator accepts responsibility commensurate with delegated authority to evaluate learning and goal achievement. The educator, commensurate with job requirements and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in the following techniques used to evaluate learning goal achievements:

1. Use several types of evaluative techniques, including but not limited to classroom tests constructed by the educator to measure student performance according to criteria based upon objectives.

2. Provide frequent and timely responses concerning the work attempted and tasks assigned.

3. Analyze and interpret effectively the results of evaluation for judging instruction, the achievement of stated goals or the need for further diagnosis,

4. Utilize the results of evaluation for planning, counseling, and program modification.

5. Explain methods and procedures of evaluation to those concerned.

6. Possess the ability to comprehend and work with fundamental mathematical concepts.

7. Specific Authority 229.0530), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History-New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 68-5.09.

6B-5.010-Human and Interpersonal Relationship

The educator, commensurate with job requirements and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in the following human and interpersonal relation’s skills:

1. Assist students in developing their values, attitudes, and beliefs.

2. Encourage and support behavior, which reflects a feeling for the dignity and worth of other people.

3. Demonstrate instructional and social skills, which assist others to interact constructively.

4. Provide leadership and direction for others by appropriate example.

5. Offer constructive criticism when necessary.

6. Comply with reasonable requests and orders given by and with proper authority.

7. Assign reasonable tasks commensurate with objectives and designated responsibility.

8. Demonstrate self-confidence and self-sufficiency in exercising authority.

9. Apply instructional and social skills in developing positive self-concepts.

10. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History- New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 68-5.10.

6B-5.011-Personal Requirements

In assisting the mental or physical health of educators, no decision adverse to the educator shall be made except on the advice or testimony of persons competent to make such judgment by reason of training, licensure and experience. Each educator, commensurate with job requirements and delegated authority, shall demonstrate competence in the following personal requirements:

1. Engage in physical activity appropriate to the designated task except for temporary disability. (2) Communicate effectively to accomplish the designated task.

2. Exhibit appropriate control of emotions.

3. Perform designated tasks with sufficient intellectual ability.

4. Specific Authority 229.053(1), 231.546(2)(a)(b) FS. Law Implemented 231.546(2) FS. History -New 10-7-69, Promulgated 12-5-74, Amended 8-12-81, 4-5-83, Formerly 68-5.11.

|Professional Development Calendar |

Date Time Bell Schedule

8/11 10:30 – 12:45 Planning week

8/12 7:30 – 9:30 Planning week

8/13 8:30 – 11:30 Planning week

9/18 12:45 – 2:45 Early Release

10/24 10:00 – 12:00 Planning Day

12:45 – 2:45

11/4 10:00 – 12:00 Planning Day

12:45 – 2:45

12/19 10:00 – 12:00 Planning Day

12:45 – 2:45

2/26 12:45 – 2:45 Early Release

3/20 10:00 – 12:00 Planning Day

12:45 – 2:45



|SAC- School Advisory Council 2015-2016 |

|Meeting |Date |Time |Location |

|Number | | | |

|1 |September 23, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|2 |October 28, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|3* |November 18, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|4* |December 9, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|5 |January 27, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|6 |February 24, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|7* |March 17, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|8 |April 28, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

|9* |May 19, 2015 |3:00 PM |Media Center |

• Not fourth Tuesday of the Month due to holiday or break schedule.

• Additional meetings may need to be convened in order to meet 5-star criteria

SAC Co-Chairs – David Eves and Shadrack Henry

SAC Secretary – Roxanne Sullivan

SAC Sub-committee Chairs 2015-2016 – These chairs will be filled after the first SAC meeting.

Facilities & Safety



Discipline/Parent Involvement



Student Concerns


Everglades High School is protected by an electronic alarm system that is activated from the time the custodial staff leaves in the evening until the building is officially opened the following day. The system is in effect twenty-four (24) hours including weekends and holidays. Any teacher wishing to enter the building for school business during weekends, holidays, etc. must make special arrangements with the administrator in charge of school facilities. Code number for security SHALL NOT be given out other than through the administrator in charge of security. Keys will be issued through the administrator responsible for the security of the building. THESE KEYS MUST NEVER BE DUPLICATED OR GIVEN TO ANY OTHER PERSON INCLUDING STUDENTS. If keys are lost or stolen, you must file a security report with the security office.

Teachers are asked to notify the office in case of security emergencies (i.e. trespassers, disruptive students, etc.) Also, in an effort to keep all students safe, teachers must not under any circumstance put a student out of class or seat a student outside of the classroom without proper supervision.


Smoking during the school day is a problem, which involves both students and teachers. Teachers can assist in setting high standards by refraining from smoking. Everglades High School is a smoke-free environment. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED ON EVERGLADES HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS AT ANYTIME NOT EVEN IN YOUR CARS.


If a student becomes too ill to remain in class, please give the student a pass and send him/her to the nearest administrator’s office. If necessary, please contact the nearest administrative office or hall monitor to have the student escorted. If it is necessary for the student to be sent home, a parent will be called. Staff is prohibited by law from giving students any form of internal medicine such as aspirin, Tylenol, etc. Therefore, students with headaches, etc., should be encouraged to remain in the classroom or sent to their appropriate administrator’s office to call home.


These are legal documents that are only used by authorized school personnel.


Please be aware of the following items should you need to use a substitute during the year.

▪ A quick reference guide to using Sub Search is available for your convenience. Please review the procedures and make sure you have your PIN number. It is your responsibility to call Sub Search to report your absences.

▪ A copy of the EHS sub priority list is also available for your reference. You may choose your own substitute or let the system do it for you. If you are requesting a particular sub, you must place your request 5 days prior to the start date of the job.

▪ The Sub Search system will give you a job number. This must also be included on your TDA. (Please write it on the top right corner of the form.)

▪ A TDA is necessary for a scheduled absence. The TDA forms are available in a box across from the faculty mailboxes. There is a minimum of two pages to fill out - the funding request form and the actual TDA form. (If you are going on a field trip or to a class there are other forms also.) Due to changes in the reimbursement process, TDA’s must be in to Mrs. Haleh Darbar and on file at least 5 days prior to your date of absence.

▪ If your absence is canceled, please call the system to cancel the sub. The system will then give you the substitute's phone number and you will be responsible for contacting the substitute and canceling the assignment. The system will not cancel the sub for you. (Also remember to cancel your TDA!)

▪ Lesson plans are critical to having a successful day as a substitute! If your absence is planned, leave the lesson plans for your sub with your department head or in your classroom. The subs are instructed to check your mailbox before going to class and you can leave any notes to them there also. Take time to put together a folder of alternative activities (more than one, please!) in case you are out in an emergency. A seating chart along with instructions on how to take attendance is also very helpful.

When a substitute is required, please follow "Sub-Finder" procedures. Always keep your sub-finder card with you. When you are returning from an absence, sign your Certificate of Absence in the main office. In order to render assistance to the substitute teacher, the regular teacher should provide the following:

▪ Roll book, computer printout, or up-to-date roster

▪ Plan book must be current and one week in advance

▪ Sufficient materials to facilitate student progress

▪ Seating charts for each class

▪ List of classroom rules and procedures

▪ Alternate plans in case of unpredicted circumstances

Per School Board directive issued October 31, 2000: When you have a TDA (and a substitute is secured), you MUST report to school before going to the training to verify that the substitute has arrived. If the sub is there, you may leave for the training. If there is no sub, you may not attend the scheduled training.


Temporary duty is when an employee performs duties other than the employee’s regular assignment such as staffing or field trips. Administrative coverage, business travel, travels related to county sponsored seminars, etc. Prior to any temporary duty assignment, each employee must complete a TDA-1 form that can be obtained in the production room. All TDA’s must be turned into the budget keeper two weeks prior to the day of departure for funding coding. Supporting documents of the event attending should be attached. The principal must approve all TDA’s. The District Office must additionally approve TDA’s requiring travel outside of the county or country.


The textbook coordinator has developed a plan for accounting for textbooks used by students. It is important to follow this procedure carefully in order to provide accountability by the end of the school year. Failure to follow these procedures will cause undue hardship and loss of textbook funds. It is imperative that the student's name, teacher's name, and the school year be listed in ink on the inside front cover of each book.


Please adhere to the following steps when passing out textbooks to go home with the students.

1. Each student will report to the book room and have their books issued to them through Destiny.

2. Have students write their name, teacher name, and year in textbook while in class (optional).

3. Place textbook number by students name in grade book (optional).

Please adhere to the following procedures when collecting textbooks from your students at the end of each semester.

1. At the end of the year all textbooks will be returned to the centralized bookroom.

2. Please return the textbook/obligation form to the students who have turned in their textbook for their records.

3. Remaining textbook/obligation forms should be turned in to your administrator’s secretary completed as an obligation.

4. Once a textbook/obligation form has been turned in to your administrator’s secretary as an obligation, do not accept the textbook. You must send the student with the textbook to see the Designated secretary, to satisfy that obligation.


Mail that requires up to $.47 postage, is mailed in a school board return address envelope, and involves official school business, can be stamped with postage in the Budget keeper’s office. See office staff for instructions.


Any individual or group desiring to tour Everglades High School needs permission from the Principal's office. Members of the general public, including parents, wishing to contact teachers or pupils during the school day must receive permission from the Principal's office. That person must then sign in and receive a Visitor ID Badge. Loitering by individuals not associated with the school will not be tolerated.


All teachers are asked to notify the office when they see a person on school grounds without a visitor ID badge. Approved visitors on campus will have a visitor's identification badge issued from the Front office.


Adult volunteers are an important part of the total school program. Volunteers may be of assistance in the following ways: tutoring, skills remediation, guest speaker, foreign language interpreters, judges for contests, chaperones, general classroom assistance, clerical assistance, preparing materials or special projects and activities. Note: Appropriate forms must be completed and submitted to the school's volunteer coordinator before any volunteer service can be performed. All volunteers must be cleared prior to working at the school.

REVISED 08/17/2013





TEACHER NAME: ___________________________________________________________

SUBJECT: ________________________________________________________


________________________________________ _____________________________


Please return a signed copy of the acknowledgement form to your Administrator’s Secretary by Friday, August 15, 2015.

Everglades High School






Warning Bell 7:20

Period 1 7:30-8:20 (50 min)

Passing 8:20-8:26 (6 min)

Period 2 8:26-9:16 (50 min)

Passing 9:16-9:22 (6 min)

Period 3 9:22-10:12 (50 min)

Passing 10:12-10:18 (6 min)

Period 4 10:18-11:08 (50 min)

Passing 11:08-11:14 (6 min)

A lunch A lunch 11:14-11:52 (38 min)

Passing 11:52-11:58 (6 min)

Period 5 11:58-12:48 (50 min)

B lunch Period 5 11:14-12:04 (50 min)

Passing 12:04-12:10 (6 min)

B lunch 12:10-12:48 (38 min)

Passing 12:48-12:54 (6 min)

Period 6 12:54-1:44 (50 min)

Passing 1:44-1:50 (6 min)

Period 7 1:50-2:40 (50 min)

A LUNCH 11:14-11:52

201,202,209,210,213,217,220,221,223,307,319,320,321,322,326,327,329,330,334,336,338,339,339,340,341,344,345,347,348,350,351,352,356,357,358,359,360,362,364,365,367,368,370,371,372,376,377,378,380,381,382,384,387,388,389,390,392,393,398,399, (ALL portables)501,502,503,504,505,506,507,5008,509,



B LUNCH 12:10-12:48



Bell Schedule

Professional Study

DATES – Oct.3, Nov. 7, Jan. 09, Feb. 20, Mar. 13, Apr. 3


1st period – 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. – 30 minutes

2nd period – 8:06 a.m. – 8:36 a.m. – 30 minutes

3rd period – 8:42 a.m. – 9:12 a.m. – 30 minutes

4th period – 9:18 a.m. – 9:48 a.m. – 30 minutes

5th period – 9:54 a.m. – 10:24 a.m. – 30 minutes

6th period – 10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. – 30 minutes

7th period – 11:06 a.m. – 11:36 a.m. – 30 minutes

Optional Boxed Lunch – 11:36 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.

Busses depart – 12:00 p.m.


|Students may purchase a box / bag lunch prior to boarding bus. |


|Teachers must stay on campus prior to workshop start. |

|Professional Study Day Workshops will begin promptly at 12:15 p.m.. |

Professional Development Calendar

Date Time Bell Schedule

8/14 12:40 – 2:40 Planning week

8/15 1:00 – 2:45 Planning week

9/26 12:45 – 2:45 Early Release

10/3 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study

10/25 12:00 – 2:00 Planning Day

11/7 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study

1/9 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study

2/6 12:45 – 2:45 Early Release

2/20 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study

3/13 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study

3/21 12:00 – 2:00 Planning Day

4/3 12:15 – 2:15 Professional Study




Dates – Sept. 18, 2015, Oct. 23, 2015, Dec. 18, 2015, Feb. 26, 2015, Mar. 19, 2015. June 4, 2015


1st Period – 7:30 am –8:05 am – 35 Minutes

2nd Period – 8:11 am –8:46 am - 35 Minutes

3rd Period – 8:52 am –9:27 am - 35 Minutes

4th Period – 9:33 am –10:08 am - 35 Minutes

5th Period – 10:14 am– 10:49 am - 35 Minutes

6thPeriod – 10: 55 am – 11:30 am - 35 Minutes

7thperiod – 11:36 am  – 12:11 pm –35 Minutes

Optional Boxed Lunch – 12:11-12:40

Buses depart – 12:50


Student and teacher lunch assignments are based on where you are scheduled during your FIFTH PERIOD CLASS.

|A LUNCH: 11:14-11:52 |

|Rooms: 201, 202, 209, 210, 213, 217, 220, 221, 223, 307, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 329, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, |

|344, 345, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 364, 365, 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, 382, |

|384, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 398, 399, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, |

|518, 519, 520, 521, 522 |

| |

|B LUNCH: 12:10-12:48 |

|Rooms: 211, 211D, 228, 228A, 235, 238, 243, 244, 247, 401, 403, 404, 405, 409, 410, 412, 417, 418, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 428, |

|430, 431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 447, 448, 449, 451, 452, 453, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 465, 466, 467, 468, |

|470, 471, 473, 474, 477, 478, 479, 482, 483 |

| |




Day One – (December 15, 2015)

1st period– 7:30 – 8:06 (36 minutes)

3rd period – 8:12 – 8:48 (36 minutes)

5th period – 8:54 – 9:30 (36 minutes)

7th period exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Two – (December 16, 2015)

1st Period Exam - 7:30 – 9:30

2nd Period Exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Three – (December 17 - 2015)

3rd Period Exam - 7:30 – 9:30

4th Period Exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Four – (December 18 - 2015)

5th Period Exam – 7:30 – 9:45

6th Period Exam – 9:51 – 12:06


Day One – (June 1, 2015)

2nd period– 7:30 – 8:06 (36 minutes)

4th period – 8:12 – 8:48 (36 minutes)

6th period – 8:54 – 9:30 (36 minutes)

7th period exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Two – (June 2, 2015)

1st Period Exam - 7:30 – 9:30

2nd Period Exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Three – (June 3, 2015)

3rd Period Exam - 7:30 – 9:30

4th Period Exam - 9:36 – 11:36

Day Four – (June 4, 2015)

5th Period Exam – 7:30 – 9:45

6th Period Exam – 9:51 – 12:06

Important Notes:

1) On days 1, 2 and 3, students will be released from their exams at 11:36. An optional box lunch will be available for pick-up from 11:36-11:50 and buses will depart at 12:00.

2) On Day 4, students will be released from their exams at 12:06. An optional box lunch will be available for pick-up from 12:06-12:40 and buses will depart at 12:50.

3) Please note that due to graduation dates, not released until later in the year, the Final Exam schedule is subject to change.

Everglades High School

Lunch Assignments

|A LUNCH: 11:14-11:52 |

|Rooms: 201, 202, 209, 210, 213, 217, 220, 221, 223, 307, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 327, 329, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339, 340, 341, 344, |

|345, 347, 348, 350, 351, 352, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 364, 365, 367, 368, 370, 371, 372, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, 382, 384, 387, |

|388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 398, 399, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, |

|521, 522 |

| |

|B LUNCH: 12:10-12:48 |

|Rooms: 211, 211D, 228, 228A, 235, 238, 243, 244, 247, 401, 403, 404, 405, 409, 410, 412, 417, 418, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 428, 430, |

|431, 433, 434, 435, 436, 440, 441, 442, 443, 445, 447, 448, 449, 451, 452, 453, 456, 457, 458, 460, 461, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 471, |

|473, 474, 477, 478, 479, 482, 483 |

|To view the AA and/or BB Payroll Schedule |

1) Go to

2) Next select Departments

3) Then select Enterprise Resource Planning

4) Choose the AA or BB Payroll Calendar link located on the left.



Everglades High School

Fire Drill Procedures

2015-2016 School Year

Evacuations routes must be posted in each classroom. See Mr. Smith if you don’t have one.

There will be at least 10 practice fire drills and 2 tornado drills each school year.

Additionally there will be a secondary and an emergency drill during the year.

You must explain and practice, the classroom portion of this procedure for each class, each semester.

Make sure you take your grade/attendance book with you.

For emergencies and drills.

1. When the alarm sounds:

a. Windows should be closed

b. Line up students by the door and have them take their belongings.

2. As you leave your room, turn the lights off and lock your door.

3. Follow the predetermined evacuation map as posted in your room.

4. Students are to remain with their class and walk in a brisk manner because we have to move a large number of people in a short time.

5. Once you have reached your assigned area:

a. Keep you class together. If a parent needs to find their child the child needs to be in their scheduled class in their designated location.

b. Take roll and report any student that was in your class when you started and did not make it out to your fire drill location, or was out of class when you left. Let the Command Post know where you had sent the student before the alarm.

c. Report both types of students to the Command Post

6. When all activity has stopped you will be sent back to your classroom in an orderly manner by direction of administration and security.

7. After you have returned to your room take attendance again.

Report any discrepancies to your administrator

8. Please take roll upon arrival at your area, and take roll upon returning to your room. (Students will stay with you if you give them a grade for the fire drill.)

9. Have your students close together throughout the FIRE DRILL. You are accountable for your students and your correct location. Wait until the return bell is rung before you return.

4. It’s imperative that you keep your class together and in the correct area, for in an emergency we must know where every child is located. We as adults are responsible for each and every child.














Revised 07/22/14 (Subject to change due to District mandate, weather and/or testing conflicts.)


Fire Drill Procedures

REMINDER: Please follow the fire drill procedures:

1st and 2nd floors - North End: Bus Loop

Exit out the end stairwell facing Bass Creek Rd. Walk on the right side of the bus loop and head towards the end of the bus loop.

1st and 2nd floors – South End 2: Football Field

Exit the inner stairwells facing the cafeteria and walk towards the football field. You will be passing the gymnasium your way to the football field. Proceed to walk onto the right side of the track (on the side of the press box) and go to the end.

200 Bldg Football Field

Exit the end stairwell facing SW 172nd. Walk towards the football field & proceed to walk on to the left side of the track (opposite side of the press box) and go to the end of the track. Do not go to the bus loop.

Portables: Student Parking/Bus Loop

Portables 1 thru 5 and 12 thru 15, 20, 21, & 22 will exit to the student parking lot. Portables 6 thru 11 and 16 thru 19 will exit to the front of the school and walk on the left side of the bus loop to the end of the bus loop.





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