10th Meeting of the Bureau for the implementation of the THE



Dear participant,

We are pleased to provide you the practical information regarding the event: « Closing the International Year of Biodiversity 2010: How to better communicate the socio-economic value of biodiversity? A green future and benefits for all-Biodiversity and social responsibility » which be held December 14, 2010.

1. Site of the meeting



Rue du Cazier, 80

6001 Charleroi-Marcinelle


In line with the WHO policy on tobacco, it will not be allowed to smoke inside the venue as well as in all other rooms on the site.

2. Languages

The meeting will be held in English, French and Dutch with interpretation.

3. Documentation:

Information documents will be distributed at the site.

4. Official reception:

By late afternoon, an official reception will be held in the “Workshops”, on the site of Bois du Cazier. Please confirm your attendance by ticking the relevant box on the registration form so that we can book accordingly.

5. Local transport and transfer to the site of the meeting

See attached Annex 1 for details regarding transport to reach Charleroi.

Come by train to Charleroi-Sud station: the train emits less CO2 than other motorized vehicles; better for biodiversity !

A shuttle bus will be organised from the railway station of Charleroi-Sud to the site.

If you want to use this means of travel, thank you to indicate so on the registration form.

There is also an hourly bus connection from Charleroi-sud to the meeting place; it is TEC line N°52, destination Gourdinne (tec.be).

We hope we have covered all the administrative points you need to know in connection with the meeting. However should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: closingbiodiv2010@health.fgov.be.

We would be grateful if you could return the Registration form as soon as possible. (email : closingbiodiv2010@health.fgov.be.)

In addition, here is the link to a useful website on Charleroi with cultural, heritage, sightseeing and practical information:


Have a pleasant stay in Charleroi!

Yours sincerely,

Annex 1

How to get to Charleroi from Brussels-National-Airport ?


If you arrive at Brussels-national-airport, there are various means of transportation to reach Charleroi:

By Taxi:

There are taxi stands outside the main terminal. It is advisable that you only use the licensed taxis with counters. The cost for a taxi ride to Charleroi is at least about 100 €, the journey is 75km and it will take about 50 minutes to get from the airport to Charleroi (this of course depends on Brussels traffic!)

By Train:

A train ticket, one way, from the airport to Charleroi-sud costs approximately € 13. The railway station is located in –1 floor of the airport; it takes about 20 minutes to Brussels, the train connection to Brussels leaves during weekdays every hour .09, .27, .36. and .52. (First train: 05.27, last train 23.50)

There are three main railway stations in Brussels: North, Central, and South, from where you can take a direct domestic train to Charleroi-sud.

The train connection to Charleroi-sud leaves from Brussels-North during weekdays every hour .26 and .58 (First train: 05.26, last train 23.58), the journey last around 60 minutes.

How to get to Charleroi from Brussels South Charleroi Airport ?


If you arrive at Brussels South Charleroi Airport, there are various means of transportation to reach Charleroi:

By Taxi:

There are taxi stands outside the main terminal. It is advisable that you use only the licensed taxis with counters. The cost for a taxi ride to Charleroi is about 10-15€, the journey is 10 km and it will take about 15 minutes to get from the airport to Charleroi (this of course depends on traffic!)

By Bus:

A bus ticket, one way, from the airport to Charleroi-sud costs approximately €3. The bus stop, line A from TEC (yellow and red busses), is located just outside the terminal, it takes about 20 minutes to Charleroi-sud, it leaves during weekdays every hour .05 and .35. (First bus: 05.35, last bus 22.35)

How to get to Charleroi from Brussels-South train station ?

Brussels-South (Midi) is the main international train station in Brussels (TGV, ICE, Thalys and Eurostar). From there you can easily take a domestic train to Charleroi-sud.

Train connection to Charleroi-sud leaves, during weekdays, every hour .35 and .07 (First train: 05.35, last train 00.07), the journey takes about 50 minutes and costs, one way, about 9€.

Please note that there is also a daily Thalys service leaving Paris-Nord to Charleroi-sud at 19.43, arrival 21.33. From Charleroi-sud to Paris-nord, the train leaves at 7.56. (arrival 9.44)

More information:


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