Windows 10 command prompt always run as administrator


Windows 10 command prompt always run as administrator

If you are like me, there are some instances where you need to run Command Prompt in Windows 10 with administrator privileges. Opening Command Prompt the normal way in Windows 10 involves typing "cmd" in Search and clicking on the application that comes up. Opening Command Prompt with administrator privileges requires you to right click on the icon and choosing the "Run as Administrator," option. So, how do you always run Command Prompt as an Administrator? How to Always Open Command Prompt as an Administrator Though the above steps are simple enough, it can be quite annoying to always type in "cmd," and right clicking on the icon that comes up. For me, the major challenge is the fact that I need to use Command Prompt with administrator privileges every day to start and stop the Hosted Network on which I connect my mobile phone. Now, to always open Command Prompt as an administrator, all that you need to do is the following; Type "cmd" in Windows Search When the command prompt icon appears, drag and drop it on your desktop. This creates a Command Prompt shortcut on the desktop. Now, go to the Desktop and right click on it. Choose properties. In properties, click on "Advanced" under the "Shortcut" tab. Select "Run as Administrator," and click on the "OK" button. Now you can always run Command Prompt as an Administrator? That's it. Now each time that you click on the Command Prompt shortcut on your desktop, Windows gives you Command Prompt with administrator privileges. I have also dragged and dropped the shortcut onto my computer's Task Bar, and it also has administrator privileges. Now, feel free to browse through this website for more useful Windows 10 tips and trips. Also feel free to get in touch with us through the comments section of this blog should you require any clarifications. Although Windows Terminal lets you access virtually any command-line experience, such as Command Prompt, PowerShell, and Linux, by default on Windows 10, the app always runs in user mode since there is no option to always open it elevated as an administrator. While this behavior is by design, there is a workaround you can use that allows you to configure Windows Terminal to always run as an administrator using a shortcut approach, instead of having to do the extra steps to access the option from the app context menu. In this guide, you will learn the steps to configure the command-line experience to open elevated by default. Always open Windows Terminal as administrator Use the following steps to always run Windows Terminal as administrator: Right-click the Windows 10 Desktop. Select the New submenu and choose the Shortcut option. Context menu Shortcut option In the path field, type the following path: %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\WindowsApps\wt.exe Shortcut with path to wt.exe Click the Next button. Confirm a name for the shortcut ? for example, Windows Terminal. Windows Terminal shortcut Click the Finish button. Right-click the newly created shortcut and select the Properties option. Click the Shortcut tab. Click the Advanced button. Shortcut advanced option Check the Run as administrator option for the Windows Terminal shortcut. Run as administrator option Click the OK button. (Optional) Click the Change Icon button. In the Look for icons in this file field, type the following path and press Enter: %systemroot%\system32\shell32.dll Change shortcut icon Select an icon you want to use. Click the OK button. Click the Apply button. Click the OK button. Once you complete the steps, you can double-click the shortcut to open always open the Windows Terminal as administrator. If you want, you could also drag the shortcut to the taskbar to pin it. Or you can right-click the shortcut and select the Pin to Start option to run the app as an administrator from the Start menu. We may earn commission for purchases using our links to help keep offering the free content. Privacy policy info. All content on this site is provided with no warranties, express or implied. Use any information at your own risk. Always backup of your device and files before making any changes. Privacy policy info. Actually, there is a way to do it: You need to go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\ and take ownership over cmd.exe. You can do it by Right click->Properties->Security->Advanced->Change (in blue with the shield icon). Now you can give yourself access to modify it, or whatever you need to rename it. Once you've done that, rename it to whatever you like. You can access it's compatibility properties tab and tick "Run as administrator" Voila! Done! But, not quite, no program will now be able to find cmd.exe since it no longer exists. But fret not, open your shiny new renamed cmd and run this command: mklink "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmdWithNewName.exe" Congrats, you now have a dummy cmd.exe that will point to your renamed exe that is always ran as administrator. Remember to change the permissions on the new "cmdWithNewName.exe" back to being only read & execute. After you've done that, you can change the owner of the file back to TrustedInstaller by entering "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller" in the object name field where you originally took ownership of the file. This locks the file from any further tampering, lessening the security risk. Command Prompt and PowerShell can be run with admin rights, and with normal user rights. It goes without saying that if you run either of these command lines with admin rights, you can execute higher-level commands. With normal user rights, the commands that you can execute in either Command Prompt or PowerShell are tame. In many cases, you might even be blocked from running scripts. If you often need to open either or both these apps with admin rights and would like to skip using the context menu to do it, you can have Command Prompt and PowerShell always run as admin. Limitations This trick will work for a specific shortcut to Command Prompt and PowerShell. You must always use that shortcut to open these apps. Any other shortcut that you use or any other method that you use to open them will not result in them opening with admin rights. While, in theory, you can change this behavior for any and all instances of Command Prompt and PowerShell, it isn't a good idea to do so since it will involve taking ownership of the EXEs for both apps, and that may lead to additional problems down the line. To keep it simple, either pin Command Prompt and/or PowerShell to the Start Menu or, pin them to the taskbar. Run Command Prompt as Admin If you've pinned Command Prompt to the Start menu, right-click the tile and go to More>Open File Location. Right-click the Command Prompt shortcut that opens in a new folder. If you have a simple desktop shortcut, you can just right-click it provided you will always be using that shortcut to open Command Prompt. Go to the Shortcut tab, and click Advanced. Select the `Run as administrator' option, and click OK. Now, the next time you use this shortcut or tile to open Command Prompt, it will open with admin rights. You will still see the UAC prompt. Run PowerShell as Admin To always open PowerShell as admin, you will use more or less the same method that you did for Command Prompt. Locate the shortcut that you want to use to open PowerShell. Right-click it and select Properties from the context menu. Go to the Shortcut tab and click the Advanced button. Select the `Run as administrator' option, and click OK, and then Apply. That's all you need to do. Every time you use that same shortcut to open PowerShell, it will open with admin rights. You will still get the UAC prompt before the app actually opens. You can use the following two methods to run Command Prompt as administrator on Windows 10 computer. Video guide on how to run Command Prompt as administrator in Windows 10: Way 1: Make it via the Quick Access Menu. Step 1: Press Windows+X to show the menu, and choose Command Prompt (Admin) in it. Step 2: Select Yes in the User Account Control window. Way 2: Make it via the context menu. Step 1: Search cmd, right-click Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator on the menu. Step 2: Tap Yes to allow CMD to run as administrator. Related Articles: Using the Command Prompt or the Windows PowerShell with regular user rights can be sufficient. But sometimes you might have come across this error:Access denied as you do not have sufficient privilegesThis is because that particular command requires higher privileges which can be achieved by running the Command Prompt or the PowerShell with Administrative Rights. This is also called running PowerShell with elevated PowerShell prompt.It is important to understand that all commands that can be executed with Standard Privileges can also be executed with Administrative privileges. However, all commands executed with Administrative privileges cannot be executed with Standard privileges.If you run a lot of PowerShell and command prompt commands that require administrative privileges, you can set PowerShell and Command Prompt to open as administrator by default.There are several ways to run the PowerShell and the Command Prompt with Administrative privileges. We'll discuss some of them here.Running Command Prompt and PowerShell with Administrative RightsThe Conventional WayPress the Windows Key to open the Start Menu and search for either cmd or powershell.Right-Click on the program and click Run as Administrator, and the program should open with Administrative privileges.Using a keyboard shortcutThis is the most convenient way to open PowerShell as administrator instantly.Open Run dialog by pressing Windows key + R.Type cmd to open Command Prompt or powershell to open PowerShell.Instead of pressing Enter or clicking OK, press the following keys simultaneously:Ctrl + Shift + EnterIt will launch PowerShell and Command Prompt with administrative privileges.Always Open with Administrative PrivilegesIf you want to always open the command prompt of PowerShell in administrative mode, you should follow these steps:Press the Windows Key to open the Start Menu and search for either cmd or powershell.Right-Click on the program and click on Open File Location.Then right-click on the highlighted shortcut and select Properties.Under the Shortcut tab, click on Advanced.image 38In the next window, check Run as Administrator.Click OK, and then apply the settings.By performing the tasks above, we have ensured that the relevant program always runs with Administrative privileges. Now a Left-Click from the Start Menu on the program would run it with administrative rights.For which commands or programs do you use the Administrative privilege for?Also see:How To Run Programs As Administrator In Windows 104 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 10How To Login As Administrator In Windows 10Enable, Disable Or Delete Built-In Administrator Account In Windows 102 Ways To Open Control Panel as Administrator in Windows 10 Windows runs programs in user mode by default. If you want to run programs in administrative mode, you will need to specify that explicitly in Windows 10. Running programs in Windows 10 as an administrator is easy. In this article, we discuss a few ways to run programs in administrative mode in Windows 10. You may use the method which is convenient for you.Each method mentioned below will have its own advantages and disadvantages depending upon the situation you are in. For example, for a quick workaround, you may want to use a keyboard shortcut while at other times you may need a more permanent method of opening an app in admin mode. We will also discuss a method especially useful for power users and system administrators in which we can specify admin credentials one time and use applications without asking for password again and again. Let's start.4 Ways to run programs in administrative mode in Windows 10The simplest way to run a program in administrative mode is to right-click the program and select "Run as administrator". If the current user is not an administrator, Windows will as for the administrator username and password. Let's check out what other options do we have to run programs in administrative mode.Always run a specific program as administratorTo always run a specific program as administrator, we will create its shortcut on the Desktop and make changes to the shortcut. Please follow the instructions below:From Start Menu, find your desired program. Right-click and select Open File Location.Open file location from start menuRight-click the program and go to Properties ?> Shortcut.Go to Advanced.Check Run as Administrator checkbox.Run as administrator option for programNow when you run the program from Start Menu, it will run in administrative mode.Keyboard shortcut to run a program in administrative modeYou can also run a program in administrator mode directly from Start Menu. Just find the program in Start Menu, press Ctrl + Shift keyboard keys and click on the program. This will open the program as an administrator. But you will always need to press Ctrl + Shift keys while opening the programs in admin mode.Always run all programs as administratorBy not running programs as an administrator, Windows keeps the system secure by not allowing viruses and malware take admin access without user acknowledgement. But if you want to turn off this feature and always run all programs as administrator, please follow the steps below. This security feature is called User Access Control. Disabling UAC will also disable asking for administrative privileges.Go to Start Menu search and search for "uac". Select "Change User Account Control Settings".Finding UAC from Start Menu searchMove the slider to the bottom to turn off User Account Control.Turning off UACAfter applying this, you will not be asked anything and all programs will run in administrative mode.Use the Run dialog box to run applications with administrative privilegesThere are some system programs which we start directly from Run dialog. For example, I always open command prompt or PowerShell using Run ?> cmd.If you are using Windows 10 Version 1803, the good news is that you will be able to open the programs in administrative mode directly from the Run dialog.Just enter the command and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. This will trigger Run dialog box to run applications with admin privileges.Run programs as administrator using RunAs ToolWindows built-in RunAs command allows a user to launch programs with different user credentials than the now logged in user. To use RunAs command, press Shift key and right-click on the program shortcut to show Run As Different User in the context menu.Run as different user context menuBut you have to repeat this step every time you launch that specific program. If you want to always run a program as a specific user then RunAsTool is for you.RunAsTool is a portable app in which you can save admin user credentials and then app can automatically run programs listed in the app as the specific user all the time.This is especially useful for system administrators who want to give administrative rights to standard users only for specific programs and applications.Download RunAsToolUnzip it in a folderRun RunAsTool.exe or RunAsToolx64.exe depending upon your system architecture.First time, it will ask you for administrator user credentialsSelect Admin in RunAsToolAfter giving the administrator password, you can drag and drop the applications you want to run as administrator.Adding programs to RunAsToolNow you can double-click any application from within RunAsTool to run directly in administrative mode without asking for administrator password.RunAsTool is a portable app so you can easily keep it in a pen drive and run it on any computer within a Windows Active Directory Domain. It's a life saver if you want to give network users administrator access to specific programs instead of giving them local admin privileges.ConclusionAll the methods given above can be used for different purposes. As a power user or a system administrator, you must be aware of all these methods and can use them according to your situation. For a quick application, I use the keyboard shortcut + mouse click method. For domain users, I keep a copy of RunAsTool on a network drive and distribute it to users who want administrative access to specific programs.Also see:How to Always Run Command Prompt and PowerShell As AdministratorHow To Login As Administrator In Windows 104 Ways To Open Command Prompt Window in a Folder In Windows 102 Ways To Open Control Panel as Administrator in Windows 103 Ways To Set Windows Local User Account Passwords To Never Expire

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