How to run windows 10 repair from command prompt - Weebly


How to run windows 10 repair from command prompt

Much of the time, opening the Command Prompt as a regular user is all you need. Sometimes, though, you'll need to open the Command Prompt as an administrator so that you can run commands that require administrative privileges. Windows offers a lot of different ways to open the Command Prompt, and with a lot of those methods, you can also open the Command Prompt with admin privileges. We've shown you previously how to do this in Windows 7 and Vista, so here we're going to focus on three quick ways you can open the Command Prompt with admin privileges in Windows 8 and 10. Option One: Use the Start Menu You can also open an administrative Command Prompt using just the Start menu (or Start screen in Windows 8). Hit Start, type "command," and you'll see "Command Prompt" listed as the main result. Right-click that result and choose "Run as administrator." When you launch the Command Prompt with admin privileges, you'll likely see a "User Account Control" window asking for permission to continue. Go ahead and click "Yes." Once you've got the "Administrator: Command Prompt" window open, you can run any command, whether it requires administrative privileges or not. Option Two: Use the Run Box If you're used to using the "Run" box to open apps, you can use that to launch Command Prompt with admin privileges. Press Windows+R to open the "Run" box. Type "cmd" into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as an administrator. Option Three: Use the Power Users (Windows+X) Menu Both Windows 8 and 10 offer a Power Users menu that you can access by pressing Windows+X or just right-clicking the Start button. On the Power Users menu, choose "Command Prompt (Admin)." Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that's a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It's very easy to switch back to showing the Command Prompt on the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a try. You can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things. RELATED: How to Put the Command Prompt Back on the Windows+X Power Users Menu And with that, you have three very easy ways to run commands in the Command Prompt window as administrator. Command line interfaces can be downright boring and always seem to miss out on the fresh coats of paint liberally applied to the rest of Windows. Here's how to add a splash of color to Command Prompt and make it unique. By default, Windows Command Prompt is white text on a black background. It gets the job done, but maybe you want to add some color to it. To get an overview of what we can do with the color command, let's enter: color /? To get the color you want, enter color, then the option for the background color followed by the font color. For example, let's make an old-fashioned green on black look by entering: color 02 There are a bunch of different combinations you can do, like this black background with red text. color 04 You can't mess it up too much. The color command won't let you set both the font and the background to the same color, which would make it unreadable. Also, if you want to get back to the default settings, just enter: color Now we're back to plain-old black and white. Personalize Command Prompt Without Commands If you'd prefer to change the color without entering commands, just click on the Command Prompt icon in the top left corner of the window and select Properties. Select the Colors tab, and then choose the color you want for the screen text and background. You can also enter your own RGB color combination if you want. Here we entered the RGB values to get a purple background color like Ubuntu 10.04. Back in the Properties dialog, you can also change your Command Prompt font from the font tab. Choose any font you want as long as the one you want is one of the three listed here. Customizations you make via the Properties dialog are saved and will be used any time you open Command Prompt, but any customizations you make with the Color command are only for that session. Conclusion Whether you want to make your command prompt bright enough to cause a sunburn or old-style enough to scare a mainframe operator, with these settings, you can make Command Prompt a bit more unique. Shortcuts are great for giving you quick access to files, apps, and folders. But did you know you can also use them to run Command Prompt commands? Windows gives you all kinds of ways to run command prompt commands. Sure, you could open a Command Prompt window and just type the command. You could also create yourself a batch script (or a bash script or PowerShell script if that's your thing). And frankly, if you're planning on running more than one command or you need anything complex, writing a script is a better option. But for simple commands, why not just create a double-clickable shortcut instead? Here's how to do it. RELATED: 10 Ways to Open the Command Prompt in Windows 10 Create a shortcut by right-clicking anywhere in File Explorer or your desktop and choosing New > Shortcut. In the Create Shortcut window, type your command using the following syntax: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /k yourcommand The first part (the part in quotes) just calls cmd.exe to open the Command Prompt. The switch /k tells Command Prompt to issue the command that follows, and then stay open so that you can view results or type followup commands. You can also use the /c switch instead /k (use only one of the switches) if you want the Command Prompt window to close after issuing the command. And of course, the yourcommand part is the actual command you want to run. RELATED: How to Scan for (and Fix) Corrupt System Files in Windows For example, if you were creating a simple command to run the system file checker to find and fix problems with your system files, you'd type the following: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /k sfc /scannow When you've created the command you want to use, click "Next." Type a name for the shortcut and then click "Finish." Now, you can run shortcut instead of firing up Command Prompt and typing the command manually each time. Another clever thing you can do is pipe the results of a command to a text file (or other program). For example, say we wanted to run the command ipconfig /all , have the results saved to a file named ipconfig.txt on your desktop, and have the Command Prompt window close after running the command. We could use the following to make that happen: "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c ipconfig /all > "c:\users\username\Desktop\ipconfig.txt" If you use a single > for the piping command, Windows will overwrite the contents of the named file if the file already exists. If it doesn't exist Windows will create the file. You can also use a double >> instead to have Windows append the new information from the command to an existing file instead of overwriting the file. This is useful if you want to keep a history of the results of a command. Once you have your shortcut set up, it's easy to run a command anytime you need to. And while you might still want to use a script for anything more complicated, running a command from a shortcut is great for simple one-off commands like scanning for corrupt system files, finding your IP address, shutting down Windows without installing updates, and more. RELATED: How to Scan for (and Fix) Corrupt System Files in Windows Find is another great command line tool that every Windows user should know about because it can be used to search content of files for specific strings of text. Find's Switches and Parameters As with every command prompt based tool in Windows, there are certain switches and parameters you will need to know in order to use the tools effectively. These are listed and explained below. /v ? This switch will show any lines that don't contain the string of words you specified. /c ? This switch tells the find tool to count how many lines contain your search terms. /n ? This switch shows the numbers that correspond with the lines. /i ? This switch tells find to ignore the case of text you are searching for. In addition to these switches, there are two parameters which you can specify with this tool. "String" ? The string will be the words you are searching for in your documents. You must always remember to keep this secrtion surrounded by quotation marks, otherwise your command will return an error. Pathname ? This parameter is where you will specify the location that you want to search. This can be as broad as listing a drive or as specific as defining a single or multiple files. If you don't specify a path, FIND will ask you for text input or may accept text piped from another command. When you are ready to end the manual text input, you can press "Ctrl + Z." We will discuss this more later. Find's Syntax Like every tool in windows, you will need to know how to enter your commands. The syntax below is the perfect model. FIND [SWITCH] "String" [Pathname/s] Depending on your command, you will receive one of three %errorlevel% responses. 0 ? The string you were searching for was found. 1 ? The string you were searching for was not found. 2 ? This means you had a bad switch or your parameters were incorrect. Let's Practice Before we get started, you should download our three sample text documents which we will use for the test. These documents each contain a paragraph of text with a few similar word groupings. Once you have downloaded these three documents, you can copy them into any folder on your computer. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will put all three text documents on the desktop. Now you will need to open up an elevated command prompt window. Open the start menu in Windows 7 and 10 or open the search function in Windows 8 and search for CMD. Next, right-click on it and then press "Run as administrator." While you don't need to open an elevated command prompt window, it will help you to avoid any pesky confirmation dialog boxes. Our tutorial today will cover several simple scenarios which will be elaborated on below. Search a single document for a string of words. Search multiple documents for the same string of words. Count the number of lines in a file or multiple files. Scenario 1 ? Search a single document for a string of words. Now that you have your three documents downloaded, we will enter a command to search the text file called "exercise" for the words "martin hendrikx." Use the command shown below. Remember to put your search string in quotation marks and change the path to match the folder where your documents are saved. find "martin hendrikx" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\exercise.txt You will notice that no results showed up. Don't worry, you did nothing wrong. The reason you have no results is because FIND is looking for an exact match to your search string. Let's try it again, but this time, let's add the "/i" switch so that FIND ignores the case of your search string. find /i "martin hendrikx" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\exercise.txt Now you can see that FIND brought up one line that matches the search string, which means it is working. Let's try this again, but change the search string to "sushi"; if your results look like the image below, you did it right. Scenario 2 ? Search multiple documents for the same string of words. Now that you know how to do a basic search, let's try to widen the span of the search. We will now search two of the text files (exercise and sample) for the term "sushi." Do this by entering the following string. Remember to change the path to match the location of your files and add the "/i" switch so that your search is not case-sensitive. find /i "sushi" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\exercise.txt C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\sample.txt You will notice that the search terms were found in both documents and the sentences in which they were found, are listed under their corresponding file names and locations. Try this again, but this time, add the third file to the FIND command and search for the word "potato" instead. Your search results should look like the image below. Note that the text found in each document is actually "potatoes" which means that even if you type a part of a word, you will see any phrases that contain the search string. Alternatively, you could use this command to check all text files. find /i "sushi" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\*.txt Scenario 3 ? Count the number of lines in a file. If you want to know how many lines there are in a file, you can use the search command below. Remember to add a space between all your switches. In this case, we will replace the pathname with that of the "sample.txt" file. If you want only a number as your result, use this command: type C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\sample.txt| find "" /v /c If you want the number and the file info, use this command: find /v /c "" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\sample.txt If you want to count the lines in multiple files on the desktop, use the following command. find /v /c "" C:\Users\Martin\Desktop\*.txt You can now experiment with a few different commands and familiarize yourself with the tool. It can help to save a lot of time in the future once you have a system created. Have fun and keep on geeking. Image Credit: Littlehaulic on

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