Essential Buddhist Prayers - Tsem Rinpoche

Essential Buddhist Prayers

An FPMT Prayer Book

Volume 2 Common Center Practices

2009 Edition

FPMT Inc. 1632 SE 11th Avenue Portland, OR 97214 USA

? 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009 FPMT Inc. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informa on storage and retrieval system or technologies now known or developed, without permission in wri ng from the publisher.

Set in Calibri 12.5./15, Century Gothic, Lydian BT, and Tibetan Machine Unicode.

Printed in the USA.


Introduc on


Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga


Appendix: Extensive Medita ons


Extensive Offering Prac ce


Offering Even One Flower to the Buddha


Extensive Offering Prac ce


Libera ng Animals from the Danger of Death


Introduc on


Libera ng Animals


The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (Medicine Buddha Puja)


The Abbreviated Four-Mandala Offering to Chi amani Tara 139

Praises to the Twenty-One Taras (literal transla on)


A Short Vajrasa va Medita on


Appendix 1: Breathing Exercise


Appendix 2: How to Purify During Mantra Recita on


Appendix 3: The Meaning of the Mantra


A Banquet of the Greatly Blissful Circle of Offerings;

the Heruka Vajrasa va Tsog Offering


Introduc on


The Meaning of Tsog


The Heruka Vajrasa va Tsog Offering


Four-Face Mahakala Puja


A Daily P?lden Lhamo Prac ce


Protector Prayers and Tea Offering for

the Success of FPMT Projects


Blessing the Inner Offering and the Tea


Praise of Six-Arm Lord Mahakala


Praise to Achieve the Inner Kalarupa


Praise to Vaishravana


Offering and Reques ng Prayer to P?lden Lhamo


Praise to P?lden Lhamo; Reques ng the Four Ac vi es 297

Torma Offering to Hayagriva


Nagarjuna's Praise to Four-Face Mahakala


Iron Hook Tea Offering


Degy? Tea Offering


Addi onal Prayers


Mandala Offering of the Thirty-seven heaps


Special FPMT Dedica on Prayers


Prayer for the Long Life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama 325

Prayer that Spontaneously Fulfills All Wishes


Bestowing Supreme Immortality; A Supplica on

for the Long Life of Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche 327

A Short Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche


The Immortal Vajra Melody; A Prayer of Supplica on

to Remain Immutably Amongst Us; A Long Life

Prayer for Lama Tenzin ?sel Rinpoche


Mul plying Mantras


End of the Day Dedica on Prayers






Introduction 5


6 Essential Buddhist Prayers

We dedicate this volume to the incomparably kind Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche, our spiritual master and guide, without whom

the meaning of true Dharma prac ce would remain hidden. May the merit accumulated from seeing, holding, reciting, or merely remembering this book be dedicated to Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche's health and long life, and may all the Dharma wishes of holy beings everywhere be immediately fulfilled.

Introduction 7


Essential Buddhist Prayers: The FPMT Prayer Book Series

This is the second volume in a series of collec ons of Buddhist prayers and prac ces under the tle of Essen al Buddhist Prayers. This series has been created primarily for the use of students and prac oners of the Founda on for the Preserva on of the Mahayana Tradi on (FPMT) under the spiritual guidance of Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche.

Volume 2: Common Center Practices

Essen al Buddhist Prayers, Volume 2, Common Center Prac ces, contains a comprehensive collec on of the prac ces that Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche has indicated should be prac ced regularly by all FPMT centers. Briefly, the contents are as follows:

? Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga ? The Extensive Offering Prac ce and Libera ng Animals from

the Danger of Death, for powerful purifica on and accumulaon of merit

? The Abbreviated Four-Mandala Ritual of Tara Chi amani (to be prac ced on the 8th of the Tibetan lunar month and on the full and new moon days).

? The Medicine Buddha puja known as the The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel (to be prac ced on the 8th of the Tibetan lunar month and on the full and new moon days).

8 Essential Buddhist Prayers

? Lama Zopa Rinpoche's short daily purifica on prac ce of Vajrasa va followed by the Heruka Vajrasa va tsog offering puja composed by Lama Thubten Yeshe.

? Protector Prac ces ? Four-Face Mahakala Puja, A Daily P?lden Lhamo Prac ce, and a collec on of protector prac ces and tea offering (including the Praise to Six-Arm Mahakala and Iron Hook Tea Offering) as done by Lama Zopa Rinpoche for the success of FPMT Projects. (Protector prac ces are generally prac ced on the 29th of the Tibetan lunar month.)

? A new addi onal prayers sec on containing long life prayers, Special FPMT Dedica on Prayers, mul plying mantras, and end of day dedica on prayers.

Helpful Additions

As this volume of Essen al Buddhist Prayers presents group pracce rituals, we have endeavored to provide as much useful infor-

ma on as possible about each prac ce contained herein. Thus, each sec on or prac ce has an addendum en tled "Notes regarding this prac ce" which provides helpful instruc ons about altar set-up, materials and implements needed, and prac ce ps. Also, we have included small visual symbols throughout each prac ce of instruments to be played and hand mudras to be done in order to assist the prac oner in performing the aspects of these pujas in all their richness.

A Note on the 2009 Edition

This edi on of Essen al Buddhist Prayers incorporates several changes requested by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, as well as those requested by FPMT center staff, teachers, and students from around the world.

These include:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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