BOARD MINUTES - Buffalo Public Schools


January 14, 2009

The regular meeting of the Board of Education held on January 14, 2009, commenced at 5:30 p.m. with the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

All Board Members were present.

The Superintendent was present.

President Kapsiak presided.

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At this time, there was a moment of silence in memory of Justin Harold, a student who passed away during the Christmas break.

President Kapsiak recognized students from Burgard High School, City Honors and Kenmore West.

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James A. Williams, Superintendent of the Buffalo Public Schools, and the Members of the Buffalo Board of Education would like to honor and recognize the following individuals:

Recipients of the 6th Annual Benjamin Banneker Awards of Excellence in Math & Science

I would like to welcome Mrs. Lois Johnson, this year’s Chair of The Benjamin Banneker Awards of Excellence and Mrs. Mary Ruth Kapsiak, Co-Chair of the Metro Buffalo Alliance of Black School Educators. The awards, which are sponsored by the Metro Buffalo Alliance of Black School Educators, recognize minority students who have exemplary achievement in math and/or science.

The awards are named after Benjamin Banneker, the son of a freed slave, who was born in 1731. Mostly self taught, Banneker attended a Quaker school where he learned to read, write, and compute mathematical equations. By the time he was 15 years old, Banneker had attained enough knowledge comparable to an 8th grade education. When he was 60 years old, he was appointed by President George Washington to a 3-man team of surveyors to survey the future Washington D.C.

Leann Beason

8th grade student at D’Youville Porter Campus.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 96.7%, with final grades of 93 in Science and 95.7 in Math.

Edward Bennett

7th grade student at Math Science Technology Prep. at Seneca.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 98.81% with final grades of 98% in Science and 100% in Math.

Ibrahiim El-Amin

8th grade student at Math Science Technology Prep. at Seneca.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 96.38% with final grades of 99% in Math and 94% in Science.

Enjoli Doninique Hall

12th grade student at City Honors School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 4.13 with final grades of A in IB Biology and A+ in Pre-Calculus.

Kayla James

12th grade student at Hutch-Tech High School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 95.21% with final grades of 91% in Organic Chemistry, 95% in Physics, and 96% in Advanced Algebra.

Susan Johnson

8th grade student at Math Science Technology Prep. at Seneca.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 97.5% with final grades of 100 in both general math, and science.

Marquile Jones

8th grade student at the Waterfront School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 95.1% with final grades of 97% in Math, and 98% in Science.

Phillip King

12th grade student at Burgard High School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 88.2% with final grades of 90% in both Environmental Science and Physics.

Evalin Koffa

8th grade student at the Native American Magnet School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 94.79% with final grades of 95% in both Math and Science.

James Le

11th grade student at Lafayette High School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 90% with final grades of 99% in Geometry A and 95% in Chemistry.

Umar Muhammad

9th grade student at Hutch-Tech High School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 93.44% with final grades of 96% in Environmental Science and 90% in Algebra.

Justin Onyeji

12th grade student at City Honors School.

Selection based on last year’s final average of 4.13 with final grades of A+ in Advanced Algebra and A in Physics.

Superintendent’s Update

1. Mr. Phil Rumore, BTF President, gave a presentation on a book entitled “A Blue Rose”.

2. Dr. Cathy Battaglia, Community Superintendent, introduced Ms. Liz Martina, Principal of School #54, who gave good news on her school.

3. Superintendent Williams announced that the Western Delegation Meeting will be held on February 6th at Emerson Commons.

4. Ms. Janique Curry, gave a report on the program “Healthy Steps” which will be piloted in Buffalo.

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The speakers made comments on various issues.

Superintendent Williams responded to the speakers.

Board Minutes

APPROVED, Board Minutes of December 17, 2008. The vote was unanimous.

The Board Received the Following Committee Reports:

1. The Executive Affairs Committee submitted an oral report through its Chairperson, Dr. Collins, as follows:

Dr. Collins reported that the next Executive Affairs Committee Meeting will be held January 21, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.

2. The Finance and Operations submitted an oral report through its Chairperson, Mrs. Cahill, as follows:

Mrs. Cahill reported that the Finance and Operations Committee Meeting will be held January 21, 2009 from 7 to 9 p.m.

3. Mrs. Kapsiak shared that there is an Executive Meeting at BOCES tomorrow night.

Dr. Williams shared that the Martin Luther Basketball Tournament would be Saturday, January 17, 2009 starting at 10:00 a.m. at ECC Downtown.

* * * *

The Board Approved the Agenda Items as follows:

Item VII.A.1.a. Instructional Personnel Changes as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.A.1.b. Civil Service Miscellaneous Personnel Changes as recommended by the Superintendent; 8 – Ayes, 1 – No (Mrs. Panepinto).

Item VII.A.1.c. Administrative Personnel Changes as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous

Mr. Hernandez stated for the record that this is the first time I have ever objected to any recommendation of the Superintendent in an administrative position and I have been here a little over four and a half years. I just think that we are heading into a very critical area in terms of budget and monies. I still feel for those folks that are unemployed and still waiting for an opportunity to get back into the system. The big issue with that, is we cannot afford them and then they turn around and say well how could you afford another position, another administrator, and another administrator?

Item VII.B.4.a. Consultant Service – Mental Health Association of Erie Co., Inc. as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.a. District Credit – The Reading Academy – Part II as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.b. District Credit – An Introduction to Process Writing as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.c. District Credit – Bringing Vocabulary Instruction to Life as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.d. District Credit – Direct Instruction – BIG D.I. and little d.i. as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.e. District Credit – Practical Strategies for Differentiated Instruction as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.f. District Credit – Bookstudy – Dreamkeepers by Floria Ladson-Billings as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.g. District Credit – Data Analysis: A Starting Point (K-1st grade teachers) as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.h. District Credit – Data Analysis: A Starting Point (2nd – 6th grade teachers) as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.i. District Credit – Databases: The Deep Web and Research in the 21st Century as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.j. District Credit – Investigating “Investigations” as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.k. District Credit – Connected Math Strategies for Grade 6 as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.l. District Credit – Making Group Work Happen in the Mathematics Classroom as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.m. District Credit – Preparing for Elementary Science Assessments as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.n. District Credit – Design Your Own Webpage as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.o. District Credit – Design Your Own Webpage – Part II as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.p. District Credit – Integrating Interactive Whiteboard Technology Into the Classroom as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.q. District Credit – District Reading and Writing Technology Components and the Inter. Whiteboard as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.r. District Credit – Multimedia for Interactive Whiteboards as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.s. District Credit – Teaching Writing in the Content Areas as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.t. District Credit – Improving Learning Through Collaboration as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.B.6.u. District Credit – Understanding the Adolescent Learner as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.7.a. Award of Contract - Convergence Media Networks, LLC as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.7.b. Award of Contract - John C. Stehlin – Stehlin Media Group as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.7.c. Award of Contract - Soper Fabric Products LTD as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.7.d. Award of Contract – IBM Corporation – renewal contract for AIX operating system as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.8.a. Award of Purchase – D&H Distributing Company – 34 TI-Nspire EZ Spot Calculator as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.8.b. Award of Purchase – D&H Distributing Company – students calculators as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.8.c. Award of Purchase – Simplex Grinell - as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.9.a. Final Payment – Allstate General Contracting, Inc. – School #96 Project as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.10.a. Payment for Legal Services – Hodgson Russ LLP as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.11.a. Denial of Claim – Atlin Gonzalez as p/n/g of Johnathan Grengo as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.12.a. Settlement of Claim – Angela Rollins as p/n/g of Brittany Rollins – upon the advice of the Corporation Counsel and as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

REFERRED to the Executive Affairs Committee: Cell Phone Policy

Item VII.C.13.a. Miscellaneous Business – Medical Expert Witness Contract as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.13.b. Miscellaneous Business – Attorneys for Civil Litigation as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.13.c. Miscellaneous Business – Recommendation of Records Management Officer as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Item VII.C.13.d. Miscellaneous Business – Non-Employee Expense as recommended by the Superintendent; the vote was unanimous.

Report submitted by the Superintendent to the Board

Item VII.A.2.a. Report: Associate Superintendent for Plant Services

Item VII.A.2.b. Report: Director of Employment Services

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At this time, the Board went into Executive Session.

President Kapsiak announced for the record that the Board met in Executive Session from 8:00 p.m. to 8:47 p.m. for the purpose of discussing legal matters.

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Open Session

Mr. Hernandez stated for the record that he originally submitted a resolution on Monday which he had planned to read at today’s meeting. The Superintendent has assured him that he will provide the Board with information regarding any FOILS, or information regarding the disposition and/or denials of any of those appeals during Executive Affairs once a month so that the Board knows who is filing and for what purpose.

APPROVED, a motion made by Mr. Hernandez, seconded by Mr. Petrucci, for any Board Member who would like to attend the Mayor’s 2009 State of the City Address on January 29, 2009 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. The vote was unanimous.

Mrs. Johnson reported for the record that she has been approached by people in the community relative to putting curriculum in School #44 and what we haven’t done by the State. This letter says that the final steps was for the representatives of SED to conduct a follow-up visit to Academy School #44 to determine if their recommendations were being implemented.

We have to implement as Mr. Hernandez had brought up the recommendations that they gave us. The letter also states that the follow up review was conducted on December 4, 2008 and based upon the review, SED was able to conclude that all previously made recommendations are now in effect at the school. The district’s school improvement plan, which has increased student achievement across the district, is currently being implemented at the Academy School #44. The primary focus of the comprehensive plan is to leverage student performance in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Mr. Petrucci stated for the record that he would like to ask the Superintendent if Board Members could have a list by school of the grades offering gym, art, music and foreign language instruction and how often. He would like to address the concerns of the parents that keep asking him.

The meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Emlyn Rivera

Senior Stenographer


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