
-424815250825Monday 12th April 2021ENGLISH: Shared Reading – Paddington bear story. Once you have read the story use the bear picture to write describing words. E.g soft, cuddly.SPELLINGS & MENTAL MATHS– This week we will be looking at the different ways to make the ‘oa’’ow’o_e’ sound. Learn your spellings for next week. Mental Maths is to learning your number bonds to 10/20 and be able to use them in addition number sentences. PHONICS: Use the PowerPoint on the school website for the phonics lesson today on the ‘au’, sound. Remember to write down all of your learning in your remote learning books and send a picture to your class teacher on J2E. BREAKMATHS: This week we are looking at place value. Revise counting to 50 and then to 100 forwards and backwards. Today we will be looking at the < > sign. Look at the powerpoint and complete the worksheet.LUNCHREADING: Find the reading racetrack on J2E or in your packs. Remember, when you read for 15 minutes or more to get one of your racetracks signed. Let’s see which class is going to be the winning class! You need to send a picture of your completed racetrack back to your teacher! Read one of your bug club books for this week. Write a summary of your book to sum up the main events.SCIENCE: We are starting a new topic in Science and it is called Plants. Go through the powerpoint talking about what plants are.Activity one – You will be planting your own seed today. You will need a seed, compost and a pot. When you have planted your seed complete the worksheet showing what you think your plant will look like in a few week’s time.Challenge – Can you draw 5 things that we eat from plants? Tuesday 13th April 2021ENGLISH: For today’s lesson we will be using the adjectives from yesterday’s lesson to write some sentences describing Paddington Bear. E.G – There was a brown bear in Paddington station. Use the support sheet and word mat to help you. PHONICS: Use the PowerPoint on the school website for the phonics lesson today on the ‘aw’, sound.Remember to write down all of your learning in your remote learning books and send a picture to your class teacher on J2E. BREAKMATHS: First revise the teaching by looking over the PowerPoint slides for the day. This is on sequencing numbers. Complete the worksheet for your colour group.LUNCHREADING: Pick a book that you enjoy reading. Think of a question you would write to the author of the book. PE: PE with Joe Wicks. Just dance.Wednesday 14th April 2021ENGLISH: writing – Today you are going to be writing the ending to the story. Use the word mat to help you include lots of describing words. Remember your capital letters and full stops. PHONICS: Use the powerpoint on the school website for the phonics lesson today on the ‘ew', sound. Remember to write down all of your learning in your remote learning books and send a picture to your class teacher on J2E. HANDWRITING PRACTICE: Practise writing the next letter in your new handwriting booklet. Try and think of words with these letter in and then write a list of words in cursive handwriting into your remote learning books. BREAKMATHS: First revise the teaching by looking over the PowerPoint slides for the day. This is on counting to 100. Complete the worksheet and challenge yourself to count forwards and backwards beyond 100. LUNCHREADING – Pick a story book to read. Draw a picture of your favourite part of the book. Write what is happening in the picture and say why you chose this bit of the book.CREATIVITY: This term we are looking at a new topic called local area. Today lesson we will be looking at things we may find on our journey to school. Talk to someone at home or write about the things you may see on your journey. These could be a symbol or sign. Complete the worksheet by cutting out the picture and sticking them in the box. There are lines for you to write about the picture. Thursday 15th April 2021ENGLISH: For today’s lesson you will be looking at exclamation marks. Go through the PowerPoint and punctuate the sentences on the worksheet. Start with the sentences that need to use question marks and full stop. PHONICS: Use the powerpoint on the school website for the phonics lesson today on the ‘u-e', sound Remember to write down all of your learning in your remote learning books and send a picture to your class teacher on J2E. BREAKMATHS: Today we will be looking at writing numbers in words. Complete the worksheet.LUNCHREADING: Log onto bug club and read one of your bug club books. Write down three questions you would ask someone to check they have read the book carefully. Friday 16th April 2021ENGLISH: Complete the reading comprehension on Paddington Bear. Make sure you write in full sentences. Choose the correct colour and complete the worksheet. PHONICS: Complete the reading task.Remember to write down all of your learning in your remote learning books and send a picture to your class teacher on J2E. BREAKMATHS: complete the worksheets showing your understanding of numbers. LUNCH1182370560705Golden time00Golden time ................

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