2-56 Station Street, Romsey Victoria ... .au

2021 parent payment arrangementsDear Parents/Carers,Romsey Primary School is looking forward to another great year of teaching and learning and would like to advise you of our parent payment arrangements for 2021. Please find the fee schedule attached. Please complete this form and return to the school by Friday 11th December 2020 so the school can prepare accordingly. Romsey Primary School’s income is currently funded from two sources:Department of Education and Training (DET) Student Resource Package (SRP) to pay for school administration, utilities and services, staff salaries, urgent works, maintenance, cleaning and general school operations.Parent Payments - The payments and contributions provided by our parent community are an essential component of our funding. Locally raised funds are the major source of educational and school program funding enabling our school to continue to provide the high quality teaching and learning programs available.We are conscious of the current economic environment and have taken this into account when setting the parent payment costs for 2021. Romsey Primary School has made every effort to keep the cost of items and activities to a minimum and affordable for all parents. Romsey Primary School understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offers a range of support options, including:the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund State Schools ReliefSecond-hand uniform salesIndividualised Payment Plans For a confidential discussion about accessing these services, or if you would like to discuss alternative payment arrangements, please contact the School’s Business Manager, Nicole Alexander. Our preferred payment option is through the Qkr! app, however cash or credit card payments are also accepted.For further information on the Department’s Parent Payment Policy please see a one page overview attached.Yours sincerely,Kimberley NichollsElizabeth McDonellPrincipalSchool Council President15240034290000parent paymentS policyone page overviewThe following is a summary of the main principles of the Parent Payments Policy:FREE INSTRUCTIONSchools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard curriculum requirements as outlined in the Victorian Curriculum F-10, VCE and VCAL.PARENT PAYMENT REQUESTSSchools do not ask parents to pay for school operating costs (e.g. utility costs) or general and unspecified charges.-635276860Essential Student Learning ItemsItems and activities which the school deems essential for student learning.Parents may choose to purchase essential items through the school or provide their own.00Essential Student Learning ItemsItems and activities which the school deems essential for student learning.Parents may choose to purchase essential items through the school or provide their own.3706124276225Voluntary ContributionsVoluntary contributions support the school to continue to be the best local school for all students and can be for general or specific purpose.Students will not be disadvantaged in any way if parents do not make a contribution.00Voluntary ContributionsVoluntary contributions support the school to continue to be the best local school for all students and can be for general or specific purpose.Students will not be disadvantaged in any way if parents do not make a contribution.1851202276225Optional ItemsItems and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are offered in addition to the standard curriculum.These are provided to students on a user-pays basis.00Optional ItemsItems and activities that enhance or broaden the schooling experience of students and are offered in addition to the standard curriculum.These are provided to students on a user-pays basis.Schools request payments from parents under three categories: FINANCIAL HELP FOR FAMILIESSchools put in place financial hardship arrangements to support families who cannot pay for items or activities so that their child doesn’t miss out.Schools have a nominated parent payment contact person(s) that parents can have a confidential discussion with regarding financial hardship arrangements.SCHOOL PROCESSESSchools obtain school council approval for their parent payment arrangements and upload their arrangements on their school’s public website for transparency. 378841062058550038862005406390002021 ROMSEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Fee schedulePlease find below the itemised list of Essential Student Learning Items for your child. Romsey Primary School continues to welcome your voluntary contributions for 2021. Section A: Essential Student Learning Items Below is a list of items and activities which are essential for your child to learn the standard curriculum. Parents may choose to provide or purchase some items themselves. If you choose to do this you must consult with the school so that your child has the same items in terms of quality and content. There may be some items or services you cannot purchase yourself.Essential Student Learning ItemsAmountConsumables for Art - Coloured Cardboard, coloured paper, clay, glazes, glitter, paint and assorted craft materials$40.00Consumables for STEAM – Paddle pop sticks, masking tape, cardboard and assorted craft materials$20.00Essential Assessment Numeracy - My Numeracy + Sunset Maths Subscription$8.00Reading Subscription – Bug Club$ 2.00Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Supplements (e.g. cooking supplies)$5.00Wellbeing Incursions – Life Ed Van/Cyber Safety$ 15.00TOTAL:$ 90.00Optional ItemsRomsey Primary School offers a range of optional items and activities that are additional to the delivery of the standard curriculum. These items and activities are designed to broaden the school experience for your child.Optional Items AmountOptional camps and excursions as scheduled throughout 2021. The cost of these excursions will be advised throughout the year.To be advisedSection B: Individual Stationery Pack - $70.00In 2021, the stationery packs will be delivered directly to classrooms on Day 1 of the school year after payment has been made. Teachers will be provided with a list of students who have purchased stationery packs on the first day of term 1 2021. If you would like to cover your child’s books you can request that they be sent home after Day 1, please discuss this with your classroom teacher. Note: Please see attached itemised list of stationery items for your child’s year level. Section C: Voluntary Contributions Romsey Primary School continues to welcome your voluntary contributions to support our school. At Romsey Primary School we are all very proud of our extensive grounds (11.3 hectares). In order to keep them at a safe and attractive standard we rely heavily on donations in this area. Your child will not be disadvantaged if you do not make a voluntary contribution. All records of voluntary contributions are kept confidential as well as your decision about whether to make a contribution or not.2021 ROMSEY PRIMARY SCHOOL Fee schedulePLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN TO THE SCHOOL BY FRIDAY 11th DECEMBER 2020STUDENT NAME: _______________________________________________________________________________2021 YEAR LEVEL: __________________Section A: Essential Student Learning Items $90.00 Section B: Individual Stationery Pack $70.00 SUB TOTAL: $160.00Section C: Voluntary Contribution Please nominate an amount below if you wish to make a Voluntary Contribution $10.00 $20.00 $50.00 Other $__________ TOTAL: $__________1905043815 Qkr! 1905049530 Cash1270024765 Credit Card ---Expiry date: ______ / ______Card Type: MASTERCARD / VISAName as it appears on the card: ______________________________________________________Signature: ____________________________________Date: ____________________ ................

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