Truth and Justice Center

1304 C.R. 1890

Bivins, Texas 75555

Attn: Reporter Adam Bosch

Times Herald-Record

40 Mulberry Street

Middletown, New York 10940-6357

CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 0994 February 28, A.D.2011

Dear Adam Bosch,

Regarding your January 28 & 30, 2011 publications, were you aware that Queen Elizabeth considers herself to be a sovereign, so does that make her dangerous to you?? Does the Southern Poverty Law Center have Queen Elizabeth listed as a “TERRORIST”?? Considering that your tenets defining a sovereign are such that “They say governments are illegal.”, how do you reconcile that with the fact that Sovereign Queen Elizabeth is government?? Are you declaring that Sovereign Queen Elizabeth should or would consider herself illegal?? Considering that Sovereigns could turn violent, and caution is justified, is the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force going to arrest Sovereign Queen Elizabeth the next time they see her?? Do you find it interesting to know that the British Parliament exempted the Sovereign Queen Elizabeth from law that otherwise applies to the government?? Would you be surprised to know that “British” means “Brit Man”, or in other words, man carrying the mark in the flesh (circumcision)?? Would you be surprised to know that British Monarchs have been traditionally Coronated with the Stone of Scone underneath the Coronation Throne (Jacob’s altar stone/Stone of Scone, having been brought to Ireland by the Prophet Jeremiah prior to the Exodus from Egypt)?? Would you be surprised to know that PBS aired a program showing that as a child Queen Elizabeth was tutored in Biblical Genealogy?? Would you be surprised to know that Sovereign Queen Elizabeth is in the direct blood line of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, King David (line of Judah), King Solomon, Jesus Christ in the Greek/Yahshua in the Hebrew?? Would you be surprised to know that Federal Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211 is the ONLY law to ever be passed unanimously by Congress, and that law plainly declares that, “The Bible is the Word of God”?? Would you be surprised to know what the Bible says to explain how it is that the sun never sets on the British Empire and why a tiny island exudes such incredible power?? Would you be surprised to know that George Bush is Sovereign Queen Elizabeth’s cousin?? Would you be surprised to know that Sovereign Queen Elizabeth Knighted Alan Greenspan?? Can you even guess why Sovereign Queen Elizabeth is on top of the United States Social Security System??

Would it be fair to say that your lack of reality contact renders the determinations of the United States Supreme Court regarding sovereignty being utterly meaningless to you, especially when you have stellar and almost Angelic “AUTHORITIES” such as the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Southern Poverty Law Center?? Indeed, among the EXPERTS available to you is a fellow by the name of Suskind, who actually documented “Idiot Legal Arguments” for the Southern Poverty Law Center, listing me as having one of those “Idiot Legal Arguments”, although he might have appeared somewhat more intelligent than an IDIOT himself IF he had actually read the case he cited, U.S. v. Fox, 766 F.Supp. 569, as in reality, despite evidence against me having been personally signed by Secretary of State James Baker, and with Washington D.C. big wheels present at the trial in the Dallas Texas courtroom, thanks to my Heavenly Father, I won both felony cases without any attorney whatsoever, one case which was actually cited at 18 USCA §1546(a) [cases cited in the USCA being the outer limits of the law book stratosphere], however the 18 USCA §1546(a) cite did not last very long as Congress took the matter seriously enough to actually change the law!!! The published judicial opinion declared that the charge was “inconceivable”, although it took the systemite attorneys 238 days to figure it out, nevertheless any bogus charge can work when the real purpose is TORTURE!! Pretty good for an Idiot Legal Argument to overwhelm the entire U.S. Attorney’s Office at Dallas Texas, and cause Congress to change the law, wouldn’t you say?? By the way, whose twisted mind or warped logic was responsible for designating me the sovereign guru, for sovereign citizens, when I am not even a citizen myself??

I have read your “story” or should I say “fable”, and since you have printed LIES and innuendo, I demand an immediate retraction. Absent research and absent communicating with me, you have put your defamation of character into permanent print in your January 28 & 30, 2011 publications, so it appears you may be simply denigrating me for profit and gain, since you obviously have quite a callous disregard for the truth. OR do you have some sort of disagreement with your employer such that you have deliberately presented such libelous statements without ever consulting with me, because you are already planning that by utilizing such tactics, you intend to manipulate me to sue the Times Herald-Record???

Legal is defined as the undoing of God’s law, 1893 Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Encyclopedia Britannica. On the front page of the Times Herald-Record you have declared with regards to “SOVEREIGN CITIZENS” that, “They say governments are illegal.” “They say laws are illegal.” Would it be fair to say that you speak English and know what you are saying as you put forth your proposition that governments are legal, and the laws are legal, as in governments and their laws are the proper undoing of God’s law??? Murdering babies may be legal, however it is not lawful!! Obviously you approve of MURDER and the undoing of God’s law, furthermore you actually want everyone to know it too, isn’t that so?? Or are you merely a Satanic minion, acting like a goofy twit, putting forth lies and deception, the tools of the devil, as evidenced by, “They terrorize police, bankers and lawmakers.” What are the names of these police, bankers and lawmakers?? Just how badly were they TERRORIZED?? Were they hospitalized?, what doctors did they visit?, what course of therapy did they take?, what prescriptions were they given to counteract the effects of the terrorism?, how many days or months were they off work due to post traumatic stress syndrome????? OR did you simply insult the intelligence of your subscribers with this drivel, while you should have known that even an intelligent but polite horse trainer could rightfully call your ridiculous declarations “USED OATS”???

Would it be fair to say you are acting in collusion with the FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force and the Southern Poverty Law Center, well known as purveyors of LIES and propaganda?? Regarding the FBI, isn’t it a fact that Congress never chartered any such agency?? Have you inquired of Christopher West whether he is actually ashamed of being in the Department of Justice, Division of Investigation?? Would this outfit be the same TERRORISM organization, or Task Force if you will, as is responsible for racking up a judgment against the United States for more than three million dollars by means of murdering housewife Vickie Weaver at Ruby Ridge Idaho, also responsible for the murders of defenseless Branch Davidian children at Waco Texas, and racking up a judgment against the United States for over $100,000,000 by framing four innocent men in the Limone case, plus countless summary executions, as in no trial necessary for anyone they deem to be socially unacceptable, as evidenced by any unwillingness to be SLAVES??? Are you collaborating with these people even though they are acting in the service of foreign powers?? Did you ask to see their Foreign Agents Registration BEFORE you proceeded to act in collusion with parties engaged in such serious criminal activity as aiding and abetting MURDER?? Since the organization known as INTERPOL was started in 1938 with Nazi Gestapo Colonel Otto Steinhausl as President, and with former Nazi SS officer Paul Dickopf as President 1968-1972, while INTERPOL processes information being transmitted to them via Maryland State Police (spies & Nazi Collaborators??) as per page 276 of the 2003/2004 United States Government Manual, while said agents (FBI/NYPD) acting in collusion with said Nazi organization know or should know that being in the service of a foreign power voids citizenship as a matter of law, would it be fair to say that you are quite comfortable with the fact that INTERPOL had some 1000 agents operating in some 180 countries with each agent having done some 100 to 200 assassinations, as per the confessions of former INTERPOL agent Race Bannon?? You pay your taxes, don’t you?? So obviously you bear a portion of the responsibility regarding the $30,000,000 paid annually by the United States to INTERPOL to facilitate the assassinations, isn’t that so?? Isn’t it interesting as to how you do not complain about being linked to an organization like INTERPOL, which cannot be sued in any court on the planet, and is answerable to NO NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, but IS FREE to do assassinations, nay, IS PAID by you to do assassinations globally???

You FALSELY declare that I founded a church called The House of Israel!! Furthermore, you declare that I was, “…arrested for practicing law without a license. (Sovereigns do not believe in lawyers.)” When did that event take place?? I do not recall being arrested as such; do you have the facts mixed up and improperly designated as an arrest while in reality I suffered AGGRAVATED KIDNAPPING, AGGRAVATED ASSAULT, AND ARMED ROBBERY executed by HEAVILY ARMED GANGSTERS PRETENDING TO BE POLICE, as evidenced in part by ABSOLUTELY NO CONVICTION?? Indeed, did you do any Public Information Act Request, such as Brady Byrum did, as to the lawful existence of any such Jacksonville Police Department under the laws and statutes of the State of Texas?? If you can prove that the Jacksonville Police Department LAWFULLY existed at the time I was Kidnapped, I will apologize, OTHERWISE IT IS PLAIN AND CLEAR YOU ARE ONE GIGANTIC LIAR!! If gangsters Kidnapped you by force of arms and held you for ransom, while trying to convince you that you were lawfully arrested for being pregnant, or silly in a no silly zone, or stinky in a no stinky zone, would you believe their preposterous nonsense and insist that the event was a lawful arrest by law enforcement executed pursuant to legitimate government action??

Would it be appropriate to attack and infer that a history professor is a NAZI for having books regarding World War II?? You report “…piles of racist literature and videotapes lauding Oklahoma City bombers…”, however why have you neglected to mention that the various Blacks, Hispanics, and other races I have assisted appreciated my sincere concern for their plight, derived from a Biblical perspective and my study of the issues?? The necessary due diligence would have made you aware that even your other LIES arise from the “fruit of the poisonous tree”, and unconscionable or gross negligence is not an excuse, or in other words, are you aware that ultimately you may now be linked as an accomplice in some extremely serious criminal activity??

I was surprised that Rupert Murdoch had such a grossly negligent reporter working for him!! Indeed, your statement that, “Fox gained more notoriety in 2008 when a raid of his church uncovered a stash of prescription drugs…” effectively is in the nature of an accusation, so do you think it might interest Rupert Murdoch to know that the jury determined Nitra Gipson had been defamed by being accused by Walmart and the verdict was $9 million in favor of Nitra Gipson?? You failed and neglected to mention there was NO CONVICTION WHATSOEVER ON FOUR DRUG CHARGES due to the fact there was NO EVIDENCE OF ANY AFFIRMATIVE LINKS, since I was unaware of the existence of the dental antibiotics left over in a closed dental clinic. Clearly the FAKE police were desperately trying to frame me for a NON-CRIME!! It would have been far more appropriate to put into prison every janitor who ever swept the floor in a pharmacy, since they at least knew they were in the proximity of such antibiotics, don’t you think??

In the past I sued a newspaper and even though I was up against Attorney Charles Babcock (the same Charles Babcock who successfully defended Oprah Winfrey in Amarillo, Texas) and even though the judge wanted to rule in my favor, Charles Babcock presented a legal argument which prevented me from winning at that time, although now, thanks to you, I now know how to argue successfully to change the law, as was done in U.S. V. Fox, 766 F.Supp. 569. Furthermore, I have studied the 25 million dollar RICO lawsuit that NBC lost. Do you think news agencies across the country will appreciate you for burying them under an avalanche of lawsuits when the truth becomes available on the internet?? Could you start up a new career as a writer for attorneys, since they seem to like LIARS??

You declare that “(Sovereigns do not believe in lawyers.)” however considering Federal Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211 which plainly declares that, “The Bible is the Word of God”, would it be fair to say YOU do not believe in the laws of the United States?? OR is it that YOU suffer from a mental defect?? Are YOU on drugs?? Would it be fair to say Our Sovereign Savior Jesus Christ in the Greek/Yahshua in the Hebrew, who ALWAYS tells the truth, said to love your enemies, however there was a group of SATANIC MINIONS THAT HE CURSED, and they were called lawyers (King James Version), and since this TRUTH is in effect past, present, and future, lawyers are pettifogger shysters groveling for filthy lucre who have deliberately chosen to be CURSED throughout the Universe, and for all eternity, pursuant to Luke 11:45-54, as they fight against justice and the correct execution of the law with their special status verified as a matter of LAW, Federal Public Law 97-280, 96 Stat. 1211. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” I Peter 5:8 however according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance the word “adversary” in this passage means “adversary at law”, so according to the WORD OF GOD the pettifogger shyster groveling for filthy lucre acting as my “adversary at law” is the DEVIL, so don’t you find that interesting??

Statistically the United States has 3% of the world’s population, yet oddly it has 50% of the world’s inmates, indeed adjusted for population the incarceration rate here is 600% higher than China or Canada, so do you believe that is because Americans are genetically predisposed to be criminals, or is it the attorneys that cause this to be so?? Someone said that, because of the pettifogger shysters groveling for filthy lucre in Texas, arrest is virtually synonymous with conviction, since THE STATE OF TEXAS has a 99.6% conviction rate in criminal cases, whereby thousands of innocent men and women are framed, TORTURED, and wrongfully convicted, too many are even executed in this corrupt system. Nevertheless it should be plain and clear to a civil jury determining the issue of DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER that you intended to denigrate me, as evidenced by the sheer lack of criminal conviction on the matters you have raised against me. Obviously you never intended to raise the real issue of the huge Religious and Political Persecution, along with the hundreds of FELONIES and other criminal acts utilized for the purpose of OUTLAWRY, isn’t that so?? Is your information source SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT, the goofy twit who pretends to be the Chief of Police in Jacksonville Texas, a town that failed to even lawfully create a police department?? Reece, the lame brain clown, started on May 15, 2008 with THREE SWAT type attacks in less than a month, and since then the goofy twit has lost EIGHT CASES IN A ROW, HAVING ZERO VICTORIES AGAINST ME THANKS TO MY HEAVENLY FATHER (Isaiah 54:17)!! SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT, even tried to have me attacked by the F.B.I., I.R.S., I.C.E., HOMELAND SECURITY, U.S. MARSHALS, AND THE SECRET SERVICE, so why do you suppose the goofy twit was unsuccessful??? Is it possible that some “Law Enforcement” folks recognized that the drivel provided by SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT would simply create embarrassment and liability in the final analysis?? You took the time to mention “notoriety” and “a stash of prescription drugs”, however were you too lazy to even question the veracity of the fishy story and preposterous information you received from Christopher West, Raymond Naffey, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT, considering the complete lack of evidence and the fact that even though the evil miscreants tried hard to frame me, I WAS FOUND NOT GUILTY IN ALL FOUR DRUG CASES?? Now that SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT and his band of merry pirates have lost EIGHT CASES IN A ROW, AND HAVE ZERO VICTORIES, WHY ARE THEY NOT BEING PROSECUTED FOR THE HUNDREDS OF FELONIES THEY COMMITTED IN TRYING TO FRAME ME???

Would it surprise you to know that Larry Pugh, alleged to be an “exemplary officer”, actually a FAKE OFFICER from the bogus “Fake It until You Make It Police Department”, Jacksonville Texas, RAPED some thirty women while wearing his police uniform, badge, and gun?? Would it surprise you to know that FAKE OFFICER Larry Pugh was PROTECTED by the City of Jacksonville while he continued to RAPE women, and the CORRUPT CHEROKEE COUNTY shielded RAPIST AND FAKE OFFICER Larry Pugh from prosecution, while cherokeecountytexas. a website dedicated to exposing the outrageous corruption in CHEROKEE COUNTY was ignored by the Systemites intoxicated with their delusions of grandeur?? Ultimately the FEDERAL Department of Justice, Division of Investigation arrested RAPIST Larry Pugh, he bonded out, and the witnesses started disappearing, however the belt Larry Pugh was using to strangle witness #4 broke and she escaped!! The others were found decomposing in the forest!! The City of Jacksonville, has clearly evidenced their ongoing policy to protect their real criminals, and even used taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment matter brought against SUPER LIAR Reece Daniel THE GRAND INCOMPETENT!! Would it be fair to say you support criminal activity so long as they use fake badges and real guns, so are you putting your money where your mouth is, by sending a substantial financial contribution for the RAPISTS AND MURDERERS that call themselves LAW ENFORCEMENT??? I am dedicated to Truth & Justice in the struggle against this kind of corruption, so on the other hand, are you inclined to start your own local Jon Burge fan club, and do you look forward to seeing your daughters ENSLAVED AND RAPED, and your sons TORTURED AND MURDERED, as per the legacy you are creating by supporting the very type of corruption that allowed an evil miscreant like Jon Burge to do TORTURE for decades, all with the full support of LAW ENFORCEMENT and the City of Chicago management, ignoring the plight of a hundred men who had been VICIOUSLY TORTURED?? Are you now struggling with the cognitive dissonance associated with the realization that, as a Systemite, you are morally bankrupt, as evidenced by your staunch support of REAL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, TORTURE, MURDER, AND SLAVERY?? I claim whistleblower status and await your response.

Robert James Fox


U.S. Supreme Court sovereignty cases

Queen Elizabeth as a Sovereign

Nazi Gestapo Colonel Otto Steinhausl

Patrick Henry License

Rohrer Letter

Sovereign Response

Justice System & Talking Points

US v Fox Torture & Fox bio

Vermin & Fox as Counsel in 5 states

Innocent Man Denied Compensation

Court is a Religious Experience

Jon Burge, Mr. TORTURE on the Chicago payroll

Limone case

Unregistered Foreign Agents


Editor Derek Osenenko CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1007

Patrick J. Purcell CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1014

Rupert Murdoch CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1021

Southern Poverty Law Center CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1038

FBI/NYPD Joint Terrorism Task Force CM RRR #7002 3150 0000 2778 1045

Plus concerned media & other interested parties

First, typically the cop falsifies the record, then the prosecuting attorney withholds the exculpatory evidence and/or botches the job, the matter is appealed, and the appeals court affirms the conviction even though it is defective, however the State of Texas pays all of them anyway, yet here we have an innocent Anthony Graves wrongfully incarcerated for 18 years, and then he is denied compensation just because he is lacking a couple of words on a piece of paper, which again is the fault of incompetent attorneys who are paid huge salaries, and they suffer no consequences, while if one of us, who is not a SATANIC MINION, so much as inadvertently exceeds the posted speed limit, we run the risk of being murdered at arrest, or potentially put in jail, in addition to having to pay the fine!!

BAD COP, NO DONUT; Anthony Graves is innocent!! Aided by the false witness cop, the prosecution was done by attorneys!! “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” I Peter 5:8 however according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance the word “adversary” in this passage means “adversary at law”, so according to the WORD OF GOD the pettifogger shyster groveling for filthy lucre acting as Anthony Graves’s “adversary at law” is the DEVIL. The Bible declares that the enforcement of Deuteronomy 19:15-21 will eliminate this evil, and I believe it would do so!!



Thursday, February 17, 2011, 7:21 PM


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