Please write the appropriate verb in each blank

Please write the appropriate past tense verb in each blank.

1. Sally and Lupita _______________________ (drive) to the mountains last month.

2. They ______________________ (stay) in a little hotel near a lake.

3. Sally ______________________ (go) to the lake every morning to fish.

4. Lupita _______________________ (enjoy) walking on the hiking trails.

5. Finally they _____________________ (return) to the city.

Please write the appropriate present tense verb in each blank.

1. Now Lolita ____________________ (own) a house near the lake.

2. She _____________________ (drive) to the mountains every weekend.

3. She _____________________ (go) for walks.

4. The cabin ___________________ (have) a fireplace.

5. Lolita ____________________ (be) a happier person.

Please write the appropriate present perfect verb in each blank.

1. Mr. Davis and Ms. Lopez _____________________ (take) business courses for several semesters now.

2. They _______________________ (study) for their midterm all week.

3. Mr. Davis ______________________ (write) an interesting paper recently.

4. Ms. Lopez ______________________ (read) a book each week.

5. Both students ______________________ (benefit) from their time in school.

Please write the appropriate past perfect tense verb in each blank.

1. Roberto and Maria ___________________ (write) their book reports before they were due.

2. They _______________________ (read) a novel earlier that semester.

3. Each _______________________ (spend) time in the Writing Center with a tutor.


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