Career Planning: Skills, preferences, likes/dislikes


Wednesday, October 16, 2011

Contextual Factors:

Holmen High School – Holmen, Wisconsin. Holmen is located on McHugh Road in western Wisconsin near the Minnesota border and the Mississippi River. The high school services approximately 1,100 students, with 1,077 enrolled in the 2010-2011 school year. The student body is about 48% female and 52% male. Approximately 1% of students are American Indian, 11% are Asian, 1% are black, 1% are Hispanic, and 86% are white. About 13% of the students have a disability, (2% cognitively disabled (CD), 2% emotionally or behaviorally disables (EBD), 5% learning disabled (LD), 4% other primary disability) 22% are eligible for subsidized lunch. 95% of students are proficient in English although the other 5% that are limited English (LEP) are Hmong speaking students.

This lesson is intended for a 11th grade high school business class. The class is composed of 26 students made up of 16 boys and 10 girls. Of the students in this class, 2 have Emotional Behavior Disabilities, 3 are Learning Disabled and 5 are Gifted and Talented, and 2 out of the 5 GT students read at a post-secondary level.


The students prepare to explore careers by discovering their skills and interests.

Wisconsin Business Standards:

K.12.1 Assess and analyze personal talents and interests as they relate to career decisions

K.12.2 Describe how personal qualities transfer from school to work

K.12.3 Identify ways to overcome weaknesses and capitalize on strengths

K.12.8 Demonstrate habits needed for career success

Lesson Objectives:

The student will identify their key skills and interests.

The student will comprehend how their skills and interests relate to possible jobs.

Time Frame: 90 minutes



Reality Check article () w/related questions

Party Personalities Discovery Exercise

What Color is your Parachute For Teens by Carol Christen and Richard Bolles (reference only)


My Parachute packet: Reality Check Article (), My Parachute, What you Love to Do, Transferable Skills, Self-management Skills (WI Job Center), Ideal Life/Work Environment.

Paper and writing utensil


Beth from the LD room will be assisting during class. Beth has been briefed on the lesson and was given all materials for each lesson prior so the start of the unit.

Introduction: (15 minutes)

(7 minutes) Begin by telling leaf fort story and significance (personal story about childhood friend and career goals.) Review how we have covered the format and “bones” of a cover letter and resume. Explain how we now need to fill the resume and cover letter that we have been working on with specific information. We also need to uncover how our interests and skills fit into a career. To do this we need to learn what our skills and interests are and by discovering what they are passionate about.

• (8 minutes) Hand out College Board article and explain to students that we will be reading it together and writing our thoughts and ideas in the margins.

o Read article, one paragraph at a time. Stop after each paragraph to have the students answer questions (listed on teacher copy) in margins.

o Open the room to discussion. Ask students: Anything really off the wall they wanted to be when they were little? Anyone still want to be what they did when they were little? Why? Some examples of want students want to be after school? Why? Anyone really have no clue?

Developmental Lesson: (60 minutes)

• Hand out Parachute worksheet

o Have students get out a sheet of paper and create a graphic organizer by dividing it into 4 sections.

o (8 minutes) Read to students Discover Your favorite interests Paragraph. Have students answer questions from Discovery Exercise #1 using graphic organizer and transferring final answers to parachute.

o (14 min) Ask students what they believe transferable skills are. (skills that you have that are useful in various settings) Read to students or take volunteers to read Transferable Skills information. Have students complete skills with people, things, information rating each “bubble” 1-5, 1 being the strongest. Have students compile a list on graphic organizer of all of their 1’s and number them what they enjoy doing the most to the least. Students will use top 5 to fill in parachute under transferable skills.

o (10 min) Read to students explanation of self-management skills from Wisconsin Job Center handout. Have students complete only the “I Exhibit” portion, only selecting 10 skills and write them on graphic organizer. Students will then organize these 10 by priority and select top 3 to complete parachute.

o (12 min) Have students bring graphic organizer and pen and get out of their seats, and spread out around the room. Teacher will read only titles to class from Party Personalities sheet. Students will first choose what group to stand in based only on title, Realistic, Artistic, etc. After they have grouped themselves, read complete definition and let students change groups if they wish. Their final group will be the first letter in their Holland Code. Continue with exercise at step #2 and so forth so that students have 3 letters, (R, A, C, E, etc.) Have students write letters on graphic organizer then on parachute.

o (8 min) Students will complete Ideal Life/Work Environment Exercise from . Students will then select the top 5 that are important to them and use them to complete Parachute.

o (5 minutes) Students will list their top 5 aspects of their ideal community on parachute. Use Discovery Exercise from What Color is your Parachute as examples.

o (3 minutes) Read and discuss discovery exercise for ideal salary. Have students fill in parachute with salary information.

Closure: (5 minutes)

(5 minutes) Explain to class that all of the information we uncovered today will be used to personalize their cover letter, resume, and career goals. Discuss that in the next class we will be going to the computer lab to look at career and job seeker sites, such as the ones that we used information from in class. (WI Job Center, College Board, Serious Job Seeker)

Assessment: (10 minutes)

(10 minutes) Exit Ticket: Students will write 2 sentences or statements about themselves, using information from their parachute, that will be used in a cover letter or resume. This assessment will show that the students know how to transfer their traits and preferences into work related skills.

Homework: 8 more statements or sentences will be due for next class meeting so will have a total of 10 to begin resume and cover letter.


EBD students:

Student A: serviced part of the day in the LD room; but will be in class today. LD teacher will have handouts and lesson plan so that they can work together on the assignment as needed.

Student B: Resource teacher is with student B the entire length of class period. Outburst may occur and if this happens resource teacher will remove the student and handle situation. Preferential seating is mandatory for student- and is toward the back of the room near the door.

LD students:

Student A and B have little interventions. Monitor progress and give help when needed. Enjoy group activities and need little help with tasks. Behaviors may escalate if academic demands are too much for them to handle – but this can be alleviated with open communication. Students will be given assistance if needed in the resource center at their designated study hall periods.

Student C: Resource teacher is available the entire class period for this student and student B of EBD. If resource teacher is unavailable, I will be helping student with questions. Preferential seating is mandatory – student will be seated near the 1 EBD student, near door and exit.

5 GT Students (2 with post-second reading attributes):

Students A, B, C excel at course. They are challenged with extra academic work and will be glad to help with task oriented goals in class. Allow students extra credit at times. Students D and E – post secondary reading levels; seating is near the front of the classroom, given extra help and attention when other students are completing graphic organizers and skills forms.


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