Introduction to Business - Employee Web Site

Introduction to Business

Business 101 Section 2 (TTh, 8:00.- 9:15 a.m.)

SMI 220

Fall 2004

Credits: 3 Semester Hours

Instructor: James Taylor; Office: Smith 353; Phone: x2696; Email:

Office Hours: MTWTh 9:15-10:15, and F 10:00-11:00 (other times by appointment).

Messages may be left via voice mail or with the Business Management secretary’s office (SMI 231)

Required Texts: Contemporary Business 2003, Boone & Kurtz

Course Description:

A foundation course in Business Management focusing on global business, entrepreneurship, technology, human resource management, operations, and marketing. Introduction to principles applicable in both small and big business environments. Students will receive exposure to various career opportunities.

Course Objectives: Each student will:

1. Understand the role of business in the economic and social development of the community, nation, and world.

2. Be familiar with the different forms of business enterprise.

3. Understand fundamentals of international business, entrepreneurship, management, finance, and marketing.

4. Gain an appreciation for how quality, teamwork, communication, and customer service can lead to success in business.

5. Become familiar with common business terms.

6. Develop a set of personal business career options.


Review Exams (4) 300 points (75 points each)

Homework/Case Studies 70 points (5 points each)

Current Event Articles 30 points (10 points each)

Readings Write-Ups 20 points (10 points each)

Business Summit Write-Up 15 points

Executive Seminar Write-Ups 15 points

Other In-Class Exercises 15 points (1 point each)

Project 50 points

Total 525 points


93-100% -- A 87-89.99% -- B+ 77-79.99% -- C+ 67-69.99% -- D 0 - 59.99% -- F

90-92.99% -- A- 83-86.99% -- B 73-76.99% -- C 63-66.99% -- D

80-82.99% -- B- 70-72.99% -- C- 60-62.99% -- D-


Exams: Comprised of multiple choice and essay/problem questions. Exams will cover key terms and review questions from each chapter. Exams will also include key concepts from materials covered in classroom discussions. Most exams will be held in the testing center.

Homework/Case Studies: There will be a homework assignment for almost every chapter. To receive full credit on the assignment, every question must be answered and the assignment must be turned in AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. Homework is graded primarily on completion, and secondarily on accuracy. Unless specified otherwise, all homework should be word processed and a hard copy (not a diskette) should be submitted. Please be sure to provide your name, class, and section number.

Current Event Articles: Find an article in the business press that pertains to the topic indicated. Submit a one-page, typed essay. The format should be 1.5 spacing and #10 font with standard 1-inch margins. After including your name, class and section number, your write-up should include the following sections:

1. A brief summary of the article – one paragraph

2. An explanation of how it illustrates or applies to concepts or terms covered in class or in the textbook.

3. Your own opinions or editorial comments regarding the event, i.e., what your learned from it, what might have been done differently, how the event may affect other businesses. This is the most important section and should demonstrate some independent thinking, rather than two sentences on the order of “I really liked this article and think I can use it in my daily life.”

Do not plagiarize and do not just summarize the article. Please reference the author, source, date, etc., and attach a copy of the article.

Readings: Two addresses, by Bro. Gay and Bro. Nibley, will be made available on reserve in the library or on my website. Read the articles and prepare a one-page summary with the following sections:

1. Summarize the main point of this article. What is the author trying to say? One paragraph.

2. What gospel concepts, scriptures, or scriptural stories are being used to illustrate these points? One paragraph.

3. How might these ideas impact the selection of your job, lifestyle, and how you live the gospel. One paragraph.

Do not just summarize the article. Format should be 1.5 spacing and #10 font. Provide your name, class and section number.

Business Summit and Executive Seminar Write-Ups: Attend the seminar on September 23rd and the conference on November 4th to build your understanding of current business issues. You should submit a typed, one and one-half page write-up on the seminar (15 points) and a separate write-up on the conference (15 points). Format your write-up with 1.5 spacing, #10 font and standard 1-inch margins. Your write-up should include the following sections:

1. Summary - A brief summary of the seminar. (One paragraph).

2. Analysis - An explanation of how it illustrates concepts or terms covered in class or in the textbook. (One paragraph)

3. Opinion - Your opinions or “editorial comments” regarding the speaker, what your learned from him/her, what you agree or disagree with, how it might apply to you, what was missing from the presentation, or how the concepts/ideas may affect other businesses. This is the most important section and should demonstrate some independent critical thinking. One paragraph.

Do not just summarize what the speakers said.

Project: With three or four of your classmates, select a local business that could use a little help. Help them out! Simply approach the manager or owner and ask them . . . “what have you wanted to do here, but haven’t been able to get done because you are too busy?” Tell him/her that each of you will donate 5 hours of labor to help get the job done. It could be manual labor or anything! The catch, however, is that afterward the manager or owner must agree to sit and chat with the group for an hour after the service is complete and share some of his/her personal business advice. At the end of the semester, each group with make a 10 minute presentation to the class. In addition, the group with provide a written report (approx. 2 pages). The presentations will be made during the last day of class, as well as during the final exam period. Half of the project grade will be based on the oral presentation and half on the written report. Be sure you proofread the final report. An outline for the report and presentation will be available on the web.

Class Policies:

• Attendance - Attendance is important. Although attendance is not recorded, please be aware that some test material will come from in-class lectures, in addition to the text and other reading materials. In addition, there will be some case assignments and “in-class” homework assignments will be handed out and turned in during the class period.

• Assignments - If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact a classmate or the instructor (during office hours) to determine if any assignments were made or schedules changed.

• Extra Credit - There is no extra credit.

• Late Work - Late homework assignments will be marked down by 50% and must be turned in by the end of the next day. No assignments will be accepted after the final day of class. Assignments can be turned in early if you know you will be out of town on a particular day, or if you are worried about meeting the delivery time.

• Emergencies - If an assignment is late due to a legitimate medical emergency or family emergency, please contact the Instructor via voice mail, email, etc. and we will work out a reasonable schedule. Please turn in class work early if you plan to miss a class for personal (non-emergency) reasons.

• Grading - Grading updates on the web site – If you prefer the instructor to use something other than the last four digits of your social security number as a reference for your work, please provide your own substitute four digit code.

• Study Habits – You are expected to spend 2 to 3 hours studying outside of class for each hour of time in class.

• Food - No food is allowed in class.

• Cell Phones - Please turn off your cell phones before class starts.

• Leaving Early - If you will have to leave class early, as a courtesy please notify the instructor before the beginning of class.

• Plagiarism & Cheating – The student will receive an F in the class and the possibility of dismissal from school for cheating or plagiarism on any assignment.

• Honor Code - Code of Honor and Grooming standards will be observed in the classroom and in the testing center.


Class Schedule: The following represents a tentative schedule for this class. The instructor reserves the right to make changes, deletions, corrections, or additions during the course. You will be given notice in advance of any changes. Assignments are from required text, unless otherwise noted. Key: CT=Critical Thinking and Concepts Review questions at the end of each chapter; EE= Experiential Exercise; VC= Video Cas e, Net=Nothing but Net questions at end of each chapter; CE= Current Event; RR=Reserve Readings; WU=Write-Up on seminars; Other= Is an assignment provided by instructor.

|Date |Discussion Topic |Chapter Reading Assignment |Assignment(s) due today: |Special Notes: |

|August |

|31 Tues |Introduction / Bus.Major Review |None |None | |

|September | | | | |

|2 Thur |Blending People, Technology & Ethical|Ch. 1 |Other: Resume | |

| |Behavior | | | |

|7 Tues |Ethical Behavior & Social |Ch. 2 |EE: Ch.1: 1,2 | |

| |Responsibility | | | |

|9 Thur |Ethical Behavior & Social |Ch. 2 |VC: Ch.2: 1,2,3,4 | |

| |Responsibility | | | |

|14 Tues |Competing in Global Markets |Ch. 4 |RR: Bro. Gay Article | |

|16 Thur |Competing in Global Markets |Ch.4 |Net: Ch.4: 1,2,3 |Exam 1 Ch. 1,2, and 4 |

| | | |If you can’t find Nokia |Testing Center |

| | | |find another global co. |Open 9/16 Close 9/18 |

|21 Tues |Options for Organizing a Bus. |Ch. 5 |Other: Write-up from |If you can’t attend, then view the |

| | | |Exec. Seminar |video at the library |

|23 Thur |Options for Organizing a Bus. |Ch. 5 |EE: Ch.5:1-4orNN: 2 |Either an interview or net search |

| | | |Attend Exec.Seminar |for franchising |

|28 Tues |Starting Your Own Bus./Entrepr. |Ch. 6 |WU: Exec.Seminar | |

| |Executive Seminar | | | |

|30 Thur |Electronic Commerce |Ch. 7 |CE: “E-Commerce” | |

|October | | | | |

|5 Tues |Mgt.,Leadership, & Organization |Ch. 8 |EE: Ch.8:1,2,3,4,5 | |

|7 Thur |Mgt.,Leadership, & Organization |Ch. 8 |RR: Nibley Article |Exam 2 Ch 5,6,7 and 8 |

| | | | |Testing Center |

| | | | |Open 10/7 Close 10/9 |

|12 Tues |Human Resource Management |Ch. 9 |EE: Ch.9:1,2,3,4 | |

|14 Thur |Improving Performance |Ch. 10 |Other: “How Output | |

| | | |Improved” | |

|19 Tues |Improving Performance |Ch. 10 |EE: Ch.10 | |

|21 Thur |Labor-Management Relations |Ch. 11 |Other: Union Member | |

|26 Tues |Labor-Management Relations |Ch. 11 |CE: “Labor Relations” | |

|28 Thur |Creating & Prod. Quality Goods |Ch. 12 |EE: Ch.12: 1,2 |Just call one of them |

|November | | | | |

|2 Tues |Creating & Prod. Quality Goods |Ch. 12 |Other: Gantt Chart Prepare| |

| | | |a Gantt chart for your | |

| | | |graduation | |

|4 Thur |No Class |Attend Conference |No Class |Exam 3 Ch 9,10,11 and 12 |

| | | | |Testing Center |

| | | | |Open 11/3 Close 11/5 |

|9 Tues |Customer Driven Marketing |Ch. 13 |WU: Bus. Summit | |

| |& Business Summit | | | |

|11 Thur |Customer Driven Marketing |Ch. 13 |VC: Ch.13 WBRU | |

|16 Tues |Developing & Pricing Goods |Ch. 14 |Other: TBA | |

|18 Thur |Developing & Pricing Goods |Ch. 14 |EE: Ch.14: 1,2,3,4 | |

|23 Tues |Distributing Goods & Services |Ch. 15 |CE: “Chapter 15” | |

|25 Thurs |No Class - Thanksgiving |No Class |No Class | |

|30 Tues |Promoting Goods |Ch. 16 |NN: Ch.15: 1 | |

|December | | | | |

|2 Thurs |Integrated Market Comm. |Ch. 16 |VC: Ch.16: 1,2,3,4 | |

|7 Tues |Using Technology to Manage |Ch. 17 | |Exam 4 Ch. 13,14,15, 16 & 17 |

| |Information & Review | | |Testing Center |

| | | | |Open 12/7 Close 12/9 |

|9 Thurs |Work on presentations |None | | |

|14 Tues |Final Project Presentations |None |Presentations | |

|15 Wed |Final Project Presentations | |Presentations |3:40 – 5:40 p.m. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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