

Monday, May 2, 2005

1. New Faculty in Chemistry!

Theodore (“Ted”) C. Chan accepted our offer to join the Chemistry faculty last week! Ted has an M.S. in chemistry from Cal State Los Angeles and has taught chemistry part-time for us – and other schools including Cal State Fullerton and Long Beach CC – since August, 2000. Ted’s bachelors is from Cal State Long Beach.

We’re excited to have Ted joining us!

2. New Faculty in Environmental Science!

Royden (“Roy”) J. Hobbs accepted our offer to join the Environmental Science faculty last week! Roy has a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology from the University of Arizona and an M.S. in environmental studies from Ohio University. His bachelors is from UC San Diego. He has taught at the University of New England and currently teaches part-time at Cal State Long Beach.

We’re excited to have Roy joining us!

3. Faculty Senate to Discuss College Planning Agenda

From Ken:

The College President, via the faculty senate, has asked the faculty to propose activities to achieve and/or promote items that are to become part of the College Planning Agenda (CPA).  Below is the email from the Fac. Sen. Pres., including a list of items for the CPA.  If you have comments or suggestions please give them to Ken Collins or Karen Robinson before our next senate meeting on May 5.


College Planning Agenda:  As indicated at our last Senate meeting, the President requested that all college groups assist with the implementation of the College Planning Agenda.  The agenda is composed of seven items. We (faculty) are being asked to propose specific activities for each item and they are the following:  


How to:

• Achieve Institutional Effectiveness Data

• Promote Tradition and Innovation

• Increase use of Technology in Operation and Instruction

• Increase Staff Development Programs

• Enhance Delivery Systems in the Classrooms

• Implement SLOs

• Address Issues of Equity and Diversity

4.. Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) Seminar and Websites

One key College Planning Agenda item is Student Learning Outcomes. An SLO Seminar will be held on Monday, May 2 at 2:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge. Joumana McGowan and Doug Eisner are the presenters. Please RSVP to Joumana McGowan at (27082) or by email Refreshments will be available.

The web has many useful sites on SLO’s. For example, Karen and Carol mention one from Kansas State University:

If you want to see how the CSU system does it look here:

Another interesting SLO site is at the University of Washington:

Saddleback College also has a nice list of SLO websites - - and a Google search will turn up many other helpful ones.

5. Strategic Planning Process Initiated in Departments!

One of the strongest recommendations of the visiting Accreditation Team was that the Educational Plan should “drive” the Facilities Plan and that all plans must drive Budget Allocations and produce real SLO’s in our students!

Indeed, identifying strategic initiatives, trends, and priorities for each Department in our Division is especially important because if we don’t offer our expert advice about our departments to the President, who can?

In this spirit Bruce has begun to meet with each Department at noon Pizza/Strategy Orientation meetings. The goal is to eventually develop a strategic vision for each Department projecting 5+ years into the future - using a simple interview/brainstorming process with Bruce - that will be used to help guide strategic thinking at the President/PCC level. A preview of your Pizza/Strategy Orientation is at

6. Explore Australia this Summer with Carolyn!

From Carolyn:

Please alert your students to Carolyn’s Explore Australia adventure class from July 10 – 29 as part of Fullerton College’s Summer Abroad Program!

The first informational meeting will be Tuesday, May 3 at Noon in the Faculty Lounge.

For more information contact Carolyn: (714) 992-7097,

7. Teacher Appreciation Week, May 2 – 6 !

The NOCCCD Board adopted a resolution to designate May 2 to 6, 2005 as Teacher Appreciation Week!

Congratulations and Thanks to all the teachers who do so much in the classroom for all of our students!!

8. Retirement Part for Giny Roundy, May 12

From Olivia and Chuck:

The Natural Sciences Division invites you to attend Giny's Retirement Luncheon

Thursday, May 12th 11:30 am to 1:00 pm on the Horticulture Patio.

The MENU is Chicken, Potato Salad, Cabbage Salad, "Special" Punch, Cake (catered by Mrs. Leavell)! The Cost:  $11 includes gift donation.

Please see Olivia by Monday, May 9th to contribute. If you can help set up and clean up please contact Chuck.

9. Spring Plant Sale Continues this Weekend!

The Horticulture Department’s Spring Plant Sale continues on Friday (May 6) from 10 am to 3 pm and Saturday (May 7) from 10 am to 3 pm.

It features herbaceous perennials, flowering shrubs, shade plants, California natives, and many other varieties!

10. Natural Sciences’ Weekly Newsletters now Archived!

Due to popular demand, the NSW – including current and all back issues – is now available online at

Now you are able to check current and previous announcements to make sure you don’t miss anything!


11. Key Meetings This Week…

Monday: Horticulture Pizza/Strategy Orientation Meeting, Noon

Tuesday: Classified Staff Appreciation Breakfast, 8:30 – 10:00 am


Thursday: Division Meeting – Last One of Spring Semester, Noon

Friday: All Manager’s Meeting on College Administrative Structure, 9 – 10:30 am

PLEASE NOTE: The next Natural Sciences’ Weekly will next appear on Monday, May 9.

Please send e-mail submissions by 5 pm Thursday, May 5.

ALSO REMEMBER: Current and all past issues of NSW

are archived at:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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