2000-01 Fall Pell Grant Calculation

2015-16 Spring Pell Grant Calculation


(Updated 10/28/15)

I. Eligible Population

A. Student’s class/college must be:

1. < 6 but ≠ to zero (0), and

2. College must ≠ PT, LW, MD, DN, CD, PA, ND MC or VM, and

3. College must ≠ PD unless award file SPEC PROG field equals U

4. CURRENT TERM = Spring unless SPEC PROG = O or T

B. Expected Family Contribution (EFC) must be < or = 5198 and ≠ blank.

C. Student must not have UB code I, C, E, F, or U Q.

D. Matriculation date ≤ current term date.

E. Must be complete and active on tracking.

F. Academic progress flag ≠ T unless EDE Term Recalc Hours not = blank.

G. Calculation flag on EDE file (CALC’D) must not equal “$” or spring TC ≠ Y.

H. Track type ≠ to GBC.

I. Bachelor’s degree (DG) field on EDE file must ≠ Y (Yes).

J. Graduate/Professional student status (G of Verification Dependency Questions BMGAVCDOAVEL123) field on EDE file ≠ Yes.

K. If Spring load = 0 and FHRS completed > 0 and Fall TC ≠ Y or Calc Flag ≠ $ put on manual prior term calc. List.

L. TN ( blank.

M. VC (VSC) Code (verification file) must ≠ blank.

N. Load (SFCC Hrs plus Hrs) > zero OR SPEC PROG =

S, T, N, O, I, F or P and Transient or Overseas hours > 0.

O. Origination acknowledgment = A, C, R or S.

P. Use Retro screen fall Pell Hours Earned to populate temp field 'Fall Hours' and use to calculate Fall.

Q. Pell Aid Id 0004 or 0324 award file SFIL ≠ PROTECT or ≠ 100% USED.

R. D-STAT field is ≠ M.

S. Award file Special Status ≠ A, B, C, D, R, or S. (Cancel all aid, Cancel both Fall & Spring, Cancel all, Admission Status Cancelled, Cancel Spring & Summer, Cancel Spring)

T. EDE/Pell LEU % < 599 or blank

1. If Pell LEU % ≥ 600 an add-on program will set Award SFIL to “LEU>600%” if it is not already there.

II. Determine Semesters for which Pell will be calculated

A. If EDE Fall HRS = Blank, and

1. Fall Academic progress (Prior Term) flag ≠ T, and

2. Student’s fall class/college =

a. < 6, but ≠ to zero (0), and

b. College ≠ to PT, LW, MD, DN, CD, PA, ND or VM, and

c. College must ≠ PD unless award file Spec Prog field = U.

3. Set fall EDE HRS = fall hours completed (Retro screen Pell Hours Earned).

B. If spring hours ( 1, and

1. Spring (Current Term) Academic progress flag ≠ T, and

2. Student’s spring class/college =

a. < 6, but ≠ to zero (0), and

b. College ≠ to PT, LW, MD, DN, CD, PA, ND or VM, and

c. College ≠ PD unless award file PL Spec Prog field = U

3. Set spring EDE file HRS = spring hours enrolled

III. Calculating Special Program Overseas, Consortium and Transient students.

A. If Special Program Field = S, T, N, O, I, F, or P and Special Programs Screen Spring Complete Date ≠ blank and is ≤ today's date add Overseas hours, Santa Fe hours, Transient hours and UF hours. Use this total to determine enrollment status.

B. If Special Program Field = S, T, N, O, I, F, or P and Special Programs screen Spring Complete Date is blank or > today's date do not calculate award.

IV. Determine Enrollment Status

If EDE IA Flag = Y Calc for Spring only go to IV. G.

Note: IA-The field is displayed on Tracking but is actually on all the screens in a

hidden field and it is pulled into the info from the hidden EDE IA Flag.

A. If fall EDE Term Recalc Hours not = blank use EDE Term Recalc Hours to set: - enrollment status 1-5 less than half time

- enrollment status 6-8 half time

- enrollment status 9-11 three-quarter time

- enrollment status ≥ 12 full time

B. If spring EDE Term Recalc Hours ≠ blank use EDE Term Recalc Hours to set: - enrollment status 1-5 less than half time

- enrollment status 6-8 half time

- enrollment status 9-11 three-quarter time

- enrollment status ≥ 12 full time

C. If fall hours completed < 6, fall enrollment status = < half time.

D. If fall hours completed < 9 but ( 6, fall enrollment status = half time.

E. If fall hours completed < 12 but ( 9, fall enrollment status = three quarter time.

F. If fall hours completed ( 12, fall enrollment status = full time.

G. If spring hours enrolled < 6, spring enrollment status = < half time.

1. If Sum1 hours ≥ 12 AND Fall hours ≥ 12 student is not eligible for Spring Pell. Do not calculate. Zero out Spring award on award file.

H. If spring hours enrolled < 9 but ( 6, spring enrollment status = half time.

I. If spring hours enrolled < 12 but ( 9, spring enrollment status = three quarter time.

J. If spring hours enrolled ( 12, spring enrollment status = full time.

Note: System will find and count SFCC hrs where course begins with 00 and where credits end with Z-OK

V. Determine Scheduled Award

A. Use full time enrollment status and the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from EDE to get the appropriate value from the 2015-16 payment schedule and print it on the insert.

VI. Compute Expected Disbursement Amount

A. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 1 Term = 1 and Pmt Trig = T Save Sum1 AMOUNT

B. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 1 Term = F and Pmt Trig = T Save Fall AMOUNT

C. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 2 Term = F and Pmt Trig = T Save Fall AMOUNT

D. Add saved Sum1 AMOUNT and Fall AMOUNT to new Calculated Fall and Spring Amounts. This is the Expected Disbursement (EXPD)

E. Print expected disbursement on the insert.

VII. Calculating LEU %>500 < 599 awards

If COD LEU = blank or 0 and NSLDS LEU > 0 use NSLDS LEU. Otherwise use COD LEU.

A. Max LEU% (600) minus Student’s LEU% = Remaining eligible percentage.

B. SCHED Amount X Remaining eligible percentage = Remaining Pell Yearly eligibility amount.

1. If fall or spring award is set to zero due to SS Flag (Aid Cancelled Flag) or grad date do not overlay award.

2. If Remaining Pell Amount is > the spring calculated amount use spring calculated amount for Spring award. Compare Remaining Pell eligibility amount minus Spring award amount to calculated Spring award. If calculated spring award is less than the final remainder use spring award amount. Otherwise use final Remainder amount.

If Remaining Pell Amount is > the Spring calculated amount use Spring calculated amount for Spring award.

3. If Remaining Pell Amount is < the Spring calculated amount use Remaining Pell Amount for Spring award amount.

VIII. Inserts and Holds

A. If EDE EFC > 5198 and 0004 (PELL) is awarded on the award file, then set hold code field = “B”. Print weekly list of this group of students marked “Deliver to Awarding”.

IX. Update the EDE File

A. If student is enrolled full time, 3/4 time, or 1/2 time, enter the student’s INAS 9-month base budget in the COST field.

1. If student is enrolled < half time, enter the appropriate budget from the following matrix in the COST field.

If INAS Res = FL, then cost = 8710 (tuit+bks/supls+trans);

If INAS 2005 or Later Res ( FL, then cost = 30988.

If INAS Pre 2005 Res ( FL, then cost = 29974.

2. N.B.: If student has a previous Pell calculated, update COST field only if student’s enrollment status has changed.

B. Enter the scheduled full time annual award in the SCHD field.

C. Add the expected disbursement to all actual disbursements and enter total in the EXPD field.

D. Put a “Y” in the TC field for the terms that were used to generate the calculation.

1. During the fall term, the “Y” will always be only in the Fall TC.

2. During the spring term, if enrollment status for fall is different from spring and both semesters received an award > 0, then set Fall TC = Y and Spring TC = Y.

3. During the spring term, if enrollment status for fall is different from spring and only one semester has received an award > 0, then set that semester’s TC = Y.

E. Freeze the hours in the HRS field once the student has been calculated and the CF and TC flags have been set.

1. Do not freeze the hours if a calculation was not possible. Blank the TC and Spring-Hrs field. In this case, the hours will continue to change based on the registrar’s records until the student is calculated.

F. Update the D-STAT field with R.

NOTE: Fall spring predicts will be deleted when spring is calculated. IA predicts will zero out spring amount.


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