1998/99 Summer Pell Grant Calculation


Starting Summer 2015. The terms will be treated as one term for calculation. Any student with a summer C or Summer A class will have all hours registered or preregistered for summer included in the calc. Summer A, B & C enrollment will pay after Drop/Add Summer A.

Recalculation will occur for any student whose enrollment after summer B Drop/Add includes classes that have not begun and were not included in the initial calc (summer B classes).

I. Eligible Population

A. AIDID ≠ 0324

EDE PEFC < or = to 05198 and ≠ blank

B. Origination status = A or S

C. Tracking ACTSTAT = A

D. 1516 Tracking Matriculation Date ≤ 201606

E. Tracking Complete Date not = Blank

F. EDE field DG ( 1 (Y displayed on EDE)

G. EDE independent field G ( 1 (Y displayed on EDE)

H. Track Type not = GBC or PLUS

I. Tracking CLASS > 0 and < 6

J. Tracking COLLEGE not = LW, MC, MD, VM, DN, CD, PT, ND

K. Tracking CLASS/COLLEGE not = 1PA or 2PA

L. Tracking COLLEGE not = PD unless Award file SPEC PROG =U

M. If Special Programs ≠ O or T, Tracking CL/COL TERM = 165 or 166

N. Tracking UFS code not = F, A, C, E, N or O

O. Tracking Academic Progress (PROGHOLD) not = T

P. VAL VC (VSC) not = space

Q. SUM2 TC not = Y OR CAL not = $

R. The word “PROTECT” or "100% USED does not appear in the message field of an existing summer 0004, 0005, or 0324 award.

EDE field %-USED < 099.001

T. EDE/Pell LEU % < 599 or blank

1. If Pell LEU % ≥ 600 an add-on program will set Award SFIL to “LEU>600%” if it is not already there.

Award screen Special Status Code

A. If Special Status Code = C (cancel all aid) Stop

B. If Special Status Code = M, R or A (cancel summer aid) Stop

C. If Special Status Code = D (Admissions cancelled) Stop


A. Update 15/16 SAR VC (VSC) Code from VAL VC (VSC) Code

IV. Special Programs

A. If Special Program field on award file ( N, T, O, I, F, P or S go to VI.

B. If Special Program field on award file = N, T, O, I, F, P or S go to


V. Calculating Special Program Overseas, Consortium and Transient students

A. If date is < 07/01/16 and Special Program field = T, N, O, I, F, P or S and Special Programs Screen Summer A/B/C SPEC PROG = T, N, O, I, F, P or S and student has Summer A or C UF hours > 0 OR Summer A/B/C Complete Date ≠ blank and is ≤ today's date add corresponding term Overseas hours, and Transient hours from Special Programs screen and SFC and UF hours from registrar’s STU CSE file. Use this total in VI.A to determine enrollment status. If date is < 07/01/16 and Special Programs A/C ≠ T, N, O, I, F, P or S go to VI. and use regular hours.

B. If date is ≥ 07/01/16 and Special Program field = T, N, O, I, F, P or S and student has Summer A, B or C UF hours > 0 OR Summer A/C or Summer B Complete Date ≠ blank and is ≤ today's date add corresponding term or terms Overseas hours, and Transient hours from Special Programs screen and SFC and UF hours from registrar’s STU CSE file. Use this total in VI.A to determine enrollment status.

C. If Special Program field = T, N, O, I, F P or S and date is < 07/01/16 and UF Summer A/C hours = 0 AND Special Programs screen Summer Complete Date is blank or > today's date do not calculate award.

D. If Special Program field = T, N, O, I, F P or S and date is ≥ 07/01/16 and UF Summer A/B/C hours = 0 AND Special Programs screen Summer Complete Date is blank or > today's date do not calculate award.

VI. Determine Enrollment Status and SCHED amount. If summer B hours ONLY do not use to calculate until ≥ 07/01/16. IF LEU %>589 < 599 add to Report LEU or % USED Too High, Manual Calc Required and go END.

A. If Sum2 EDE Term Recalc Hours not = blank use EDE Term Recalc Hours to set: - enrollment status 1-5 less than half time

- enrollment status 6-8 half time

- enrollment status 9-11 three-quarter time

- enrollment status ≥ 12 full time

Summer A/B/C Calculation

Enrollment Status: Total Summer A B & C hours from registrar’s STU CSE file (or use Summer A special programs total from V.)

1. If hours enrolled < 6, enrollment status = less than half time. (12.5%)

2. If hours enrolled < 9 but ( 6, enrollment status = half time. (25%)

3. If hours enrolled < 12 but ( 9, enrollment status = three quarter time. (37.5%)

4. If hours enrolled ( 12, enrollment status = full time. (50%)

SCHED amount

1. Use full time enrollment status and Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to get the appropriate value from the 2015/16 Payment Schedule.

2. Move value to existing SCHED amount on EDE screen and print SCHED on insert.

3. Go to VII.

Summer B Recalculation when sum B hours after summer B drop add differ from the original calc.

Enrollment Status: Total Summer A, B & C hours from registrar’s STU CSE file (or use Summer special programs total from V.)

5. If hours enrolled < 6, enrollment status = less than half time. (12.5%)

6. If hours enrolled < 9 but ( 6, enrollment status = half time. (25%)

7. If hours enrolled < 12 but ( 9, enrollment status = three quarter time. (37.5%)

8. If hours enrolled ( 12, enrollment status = full time. (50%)

SCHED amount

4. Use full time enrollment status and Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to get the appropriate value from the 2015/16 Payment Schedule.

5. Move value to existing SCHED amount on EDE screen and print SCHED on insert.

6. Go to VII.

VII. Compute EXPD (expected disbursement) amount

A. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 1 Term = 1 and Pmt Trig = T Save Sum1 AMOUNT

B. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 1 Term = F and Pmt Trig = T Save Fall AMOUNT

C. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 1 Term = S and Pmt Trig = T Save Spring AMOUNT

D. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 2 Term = F and Pmt Trig = T Save Fall AMOUNT

E. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 2 Term = S and Pmt Trig = T Save Spring AMOUNT

F. If EDE PELL DISB YTD Disb 3 Term = S and Pmt Trig = T Save Spring AMOUNT

G. Add saved Sum1 AMOUNT, Fall AMOUNT and Spring AMOUNT to new Calculated Sum2 Amount. This is the Expected Disbursement (EXPD)

H. Print expected disbursement on the insert.

VIII. Update Award File (All summer Pell is awarded in AQTR3 (sum A) before 07/01/16. After 07/01/16 Pell is awarded in AQTR5 (sum B2)

A. Before 07/01/16 using Summer A/B/C hours, and EFC, determine Summer A award.

1. Move Summer A amount into AQTR3.

2. If maximum Summer A amount > remaining Pell eligibility, then move remaining Pell eligibility into AQTR3.

B. If after summer B drop/add using Summer B hours and EFC, determine Summer B award.

1. If Summer B amount ≤ term Pell eligibility – Summer A award, then move Remainder into AQTR5.

2. If Summer B amount > term Pell eligibility – Summer A award, then move term Pell eligibility – Summer A award into AQTR5.

IX. Output

A. If enrollment status < half time use budgets listed below.

1. If INAS RES= FL, then cost = 8710 (tuit+bks/supls+trans);

2. If INAS 2005 or Later Res ( FL, then cost = 30988. 3. If INAS Pre 2005 Res ( FL, then cost = 29974.

B. Produce 15/16 Summer Pell Grant List & Inserts (Calc Input Documents) Details available in M4SRC (FM75SUM2)

C. Rejection List (I. H – S failed)

D. Print LEU or % USED Too High, Manual Calc Required

Note: Use 9-month budget numbers from Summary of Student Budgets chart.


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