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1 - Computer stored files are collected in separate listing links:

Early Pioneers


Indian Records


NPR Timeline


Railroads (Including Maps)

Research Records – Misc

Steamboats on the Yellowstone



2 - Land Title Abstract Lists

The following lists are compiled from original Land Title Abstracts used at the beginning of Billings, are owned by the YGF and held in storage by the webmaster. The “Record” denotes a file number coded by the abstract company. The files contain about 10,000 pages. Define what you need and I’ll email it to you via PDF unless otherwise specified. Some files are on legal size paper.

Note: There may be typo’s!

|Record |R-T-S |

|60 Miles of Photo History, Upper Yellowstone Valley, Bill & Doris |Autographed copy, maps and pictures of early towns. |

|Whithorn, | |

|A History in Items, The Garden Spot of the Yellowstone, Braun, 1942 |Documented articles on the sugar beet industry from 1902 |

| |transcribed and compiled into a book by Helen Davis. |

|A Lake Superior Lawyer, Roy O Hoover, 1997 |Biography of Chester Adgate Congdon |

|A Tour of Ohio, Gregory M Franzwa, Tucson, AZ, Feb 2004, V ol 17, No|Description of Ohio articles for researchers, and some |

|1. |pictures along with stories and landmarks. |

|A Walking Tour, Historic Downtown Billings, City of Billings, 2001. |Early Buildings and descriptions |

|Across the Wide Missouri, DeVoto, 1947, 1975 |Many biographies of travel during early America |

|Agricultural Maps 1860-1930 |Listings |

|All Aboard Golden Age of American Rail Travel, Bill Yelle, 1992 |Photographic collection with narration (1869-1955) |

|Bannack Cradle of Montana, Graves, 1991 |Details on Bannack, Vigilantes, and pictures of the past |

|Billings A-Z, Stevens & Redman |History of Billings |

|Bird Woman, Sacagawea’s Own Story, recorded by James W Schultz |Autobiography |

|Building and American Pedigree, Norman E Wright, 1974 |Sources, research efforts and activities needed to get a great|

| |genealogical past. 639 pages |

|Cartographic Records 1974 Information Paper #68, 1973 |Lists records available for urban areas |

|Chaos and Confusion, Vincent L Jones, undated |Description of how to conduct genealogical research, with |

| |forms included. |

|Chief Joseph’s People and Their War, Alvin M Josephy, Jr, 1964 |Summary of events regarding the separation of Joseph’s Tribe |

| |from the rest of the Nez Perce |

|China After Founding of the People’s Republic; January 1975 |Report by Senator Mike Mansfield, Majority Leader, US Senate; |

| |94th Congress 1st Session – Committee Report (Map included) |

| |91 pages |

|Colorado Territorial Papers 1859-1974 NARA |Pamphlet for mf copy #3 instructions. Lists available |

| |resources. |

|Crazy Horse, biography by Sandoz, 1961 |Information fills in missing blanks on Jim Bridger and Bozeman|

| |Trails. |

|Crow Reservation Petroleum Development Project, Final Rpt July 1993,|Detailed report including copies of letters, maps and related |

|DOI-BIA |minerals-water locations and amounts. Origin of land mass is |

| |definitized. |

|Crow Tribal Council – Coal Lands Report, Vol II, 1976-1991 |Detailed report on reclamation and regulations, maps, section |

| |plats and letters. |

|Custer Battlefield, Robert M Utley, 1969 |Custer Battlefield information |

|Days with Chief Joseph, Erskine Wood, 1970 |Diary extracts about their life |

|Early Pennsylvania Research Pamphlet, by Everton Publishers |Counties & maps, immigration records & libraries |

|Faded Genes, 1992-1997 |Publications from the L&C Genealogical Society |

|Fifteen Thousand Miles by Stage (Vol I and II, Carrie Adell Strahorn|Describes visible events in building the Union Pacific. Covers|

|(1877-1898) |MT, ID, and others in great detail. The MT Vigilante’s 3-7-77 |

| |is well explained, description of MT features noted, stage |

| |coach operations illustrated, secret constructon of Caldwell, |

| |ID. Illustrated by Charles M Russell and some others. |

|Floater’s Guide to Montana c1980,Fischer |Streams and routes defined |

|Fort Laramie Pamphlet, Heib, 1954 |Early definition, maps and beginnings |

|Forts of the West, Frazer, 1965-1972 |Descriptions, maps, and pictures of early forts |

|Frontier Times, May 1968 |Texan tamer, Rumanian Queen in the west, Bayhorse Treasure, |

| |last chief of the Cherokees, death in Highwood Mountains, when|

| |a man goes berseck, doomed city, Chinese friend of the redman.|

|Frontier West, December 1971 |Death drove the last stage, South Platte to gold, slave who |

| |became Indian Chief (James Beckwourth), wildest gunslinger, |

| |Cheyenne brothers avenge, Modocs battle with military |

|George Washington Carver, Rackman Holt, July 1958 |Details Carver’s life |

|Hands Across the Sea – Norway |Maps & pictures all in Norwegian |

|Handy Tips on How to use the US Census Records, undated |Maps and instructions from US Government Census Bureau |

|Historical Society of Montana Vol 1-Excerpts |Note: Complete copy on computer files |

|History of Free People, Bragdon & McCutchen, 1958 |Maps and details of American civilization |

|History of the American West, May, 1984 |Stories and pictures of life in the west |

|Hoofprints, Vol 31, No 1, 2001 |Educations Birth – stories and pictures |

|How to Find and Use Church Records, undated or signed |Tabulated record forms and methods to use |

|Indian Depredation Claims 1796-1920, Skogen, Vol 2, 1992 |Autographed volume, defines history and events of how claims |

| |were treated. |

|Information Bulletin April 1963, Missouri River Ft Peck to Ft Benton|Economic study, waterways and maps |

|Jim Bridger Mountain Man, Vestal 1946 |Details Bridger’s life |

|Jonathan Carver’s Travels Through America 1766-1768, Gelb |Bio and events of travels and attempt to make a contribution |

| |to the western exploration |

|Joseph N Nicollet on the Plains and Prairies, Bray & Bray, 1976 |Translated from French on Expeditions of 1838-39, plus notes |

| |on the Dakota Indians and various letters. |

|L&C Expedition, Clark’s Journey Through Stillwater County July |Route details, maps and explanations |

|18-24, 1806. by Ralph Saunders; 2006 | |

|Life Smiles Back, Kunhardt, Jr., 1988 |Over 200 pictures of key events from around the world |

|Manuel Lisa and the Opening of the Fur Trade, Oglesby, 1963/ reprint|Depicts events and lists sources + Articles of Incorporation |

|1983 | |

|Manuel Lisa, Douglas, 1964 |Details life and new sources and location description of |

| |files. |

|Mineral Resources on Tongue River, Prelim Rpt 175, Sep 1979 |Bureau of Mines, DOI Report covering Big Horn, Custer, Powder |

| |River, Rosebud Counties plus Johnson & Sheridan Counties in |

| |WY. |

|Minerals & Water Resource Inventory of the Crow Indian Reservation, |Prepared in response to Crow Tribal Chairman Patrick |

|Sep 1976, GE Co-Tempo Center, Santa Barbara, CA. |Stands-Over-Bull request. Depicts detailed inventory and maps.|

|Minnesota & Montana Land & Improvement Co |Describes the Big Ditch construction in Billings by O’Donnell |

|Missouri Historical Society Archive Guide, Roy D Blunt |Contains various forms & county research file locations |

|Montana An Uncommon Land, Toole, 1959 |Detailed history of early events, pictures and narration |

|Montana Land of Contrast, Fritz, 1984 |Details events in Montana with pictures. |

|Montana Magazine of History 1953, Autumn 1953 |Russell bio and info, Cypress Hills Massacre and many more |

|Montana Monographs – 2008 Redo |Bios of local residents by O’Donnell (1929) |

|Montana, an Illustrated History, Myrtle Mockel, 1969 |Details on Montana’s early history, with pictures. |

|Montana, Territory of Treasures, by Bob & Kathryn Wright, 1964 |Has map of early trails and descriptions of early events |

|Mountain Man Crafts and Skills, Montgomery, 2006 |Illustrated guide to clothing, shelter, equipment and living |

| |during the early years |

|Musselshell County Road Map 2008 | |

|No Ordinary Time, Doris K Goodwin, 1994 |FDR’s adventures during WWII, with annotations by others. |

|Oregon Trail, Rick Steber, Vol 1, 1986 |Short stories about various travelers |

|PA-Bedford County |Inhabitants 1776 and on |

|PA-Cumberland County |Marriage lists 1761-1817 |

|PA-Lancaster County (two copies) |Marriage lists 1753-1854 |

|Parmly Billings Library: The First Hundred Years, Jim Curry, 2002 |Autographed book, description and pictures. |

|PA-Somerset County |Inhabitants 1783 and on |

|Petroleum and Natural Gas on the Yellowstone. Blasko & Biggs, Dec |Section maps and narration about locations and amounts of |

|1962 Prelim Rpt # 146. Bureau of Mines, DOI. |reserves in the Yellowstone Basin areas |

|Photo History of Livingston-Bozeman Coal Country, Bill & Doris |Describes early towns and area |

|Whithorn, | |

|Quicker Than the Eye, Dorothy Lawson, 1970 |Collection of articles written by various authors in Montana |

|Railroads and Clearcuts, Jensen and Draffan, 1995 |Identifies origin of lumber mills established from NPR’s land |

| |grand lands, and devastation on the NW forests |

|Rand & McNally Atlas 1962 |Small booklet – all maps |

|Real West, December 1983 |Harry Wheeler, Whoop-Up robbery, Hanging of John Conley, |

| |Dobytown, Camel in America, Dr Goodfellow (Tombstone) |

|Real West, February 1984 |William Kit Carson, Lake County war, Raynolds Expedition, |

| |Victorio’s war, Outlaws Thanksgiving dinner, watch on the |

| |frontier (Texas) |

|Real West, Sept 1965 |Chief Washaki, Jim Bridger, Adeline Dalton, Suttler’s Gold, |

| |Texas Yankees. Oregon Prarie Massacre |

|Secretary of War Confidential Papers 1814-1817 NARA |Pamphlet describing M7 (Record Group 107) |

|Secretary of War mf Letters 1800-1899; NARA |Index of 110 rolls identifies records for all military affairs|

|(eg: Military Books & Letters) pamphlet for microcopy #6 |associated with wars (Indian, civil, etc) |

|Smithsonian, Jan 2009, Lincoln takes charge |Article on Civil War |

|Smithsonian, March 2007 |Cowboy Archeology |

|Southeast Civil War Record Lists Paper #69 NARA, 1973 |Lists available records |

|Steam Railways of the World, Whitehouse, 1992 |History of railroads and lots of pictures |

|Story of Lincoln, 1860’s - 1989, Pine grove Extension Home, |Details and pictures of Lincoln, MT |

|The 1874 Invasion of Montana |Describes events leading up to the 1876 Custer ‘ Indian battle|

| |on the Little Big Horn; by Don L Weibert |

|The American History, Vol XXI, No 2, April 1986 |Titanic remembered, Melville Dewey, American Nazis etal. |

|The American West, Clark C Spence, 1969 |Information source book for researchers. |

|The Child’s History of Canada, 5th Ed, 1870, Dawson Bros |Canada from Jacques Cartier to April 1870. Very detailed |

| |summaries. |

|The Conquest of the Missouri, Joseph M Hanson, 1st Edition |Details Cpt Grant Marsh’s life story (458 pages) |

|The Explorations of William H Ashley & Jedediah Smith 1822-1829, |Fur Trade, Roger’s Journals and discoveries. |

|Dale, 1941- re-issue1991 | |

|The Frontier Years, by Brown & Fulton, 1955 |Contains vast collection of LA Huffman’s photographs |

|The Fur Trade of the American West 1807-1840, Wishart, 1946 |Upper Missouri, cycle of operations, rocky mountains fur |

| |trade, and the west, maps and references. |

|The Impact of Our Past, History of the US, Weisberger, 1972 |Major text book on the US. |

|The Lost Trappers, Coyner, 1994 |Maps and diary accounts of early fur trappers in the west |

|The March of the Montana Column, Lt Bradley, 1961 |Diary accounts of the 1876 March to the Big Horn, and Manuel |

| |Lisa’s forts. |

|The Near East from Within, Oct 1918 |Prelude events leading to WWI, with bios on various rulers. |

|The Palatine Immigrant, 1995-1998 |Various monthly volumes depicting various sources for German |

| |records and information |

|The True West, Frontier Times, May 1975 |Poker Tom, Frontier post, western book roundup, gold and |

| |sleepy lady, feud w/Southern Pacific, last of Umpqua mountain |

| |men, Frank Alvin Gotch, Bloody Cottonwood, Rodeo Clown, |

| |circumstantial evidence, nuggets, black bob, etc. |

|The Way of the Warrior, Stories of the Crow People, P. Bauerle, 2003|Translated by Henry Old Coyote and Barney Old Coyote, Jr. |

|The West, August 1965 |When potatoes were bullets, master con man of goldfield, |

| |prehistoric hunters of the plains, mystery of the disappearing|

| |governor (Meagher and steamer GA Thompson) |

|The West, October 1965 |Lake of Pawnee blood, Millie Durgan, Dead Horse Trail, |

| |Faboulous Frenchman (Antoine – Marquis de Mores), west’s |

| |greatest detective, Bass Outlaw was Texas Riddle |

|The World of the American Indian, NGS, 1974 |Photographic views of the Indians |

|Thomas Newman (1620-1700), Original Immigrant to Richmond County, VA|Biography, maps and lineages, detailed index, 170 pages |

|& Some Descendants, Preston Earl Newman, 1995 | |

|Tracing Terry Trails, 1982 |Defines town of Terry’s origin with pictures. Created for |

| |their 1882 centennial. |

|Tran script of Ron Bremer’s August 19, 1987 Talk in Billings, MT at|Details how to locate various records for genealogists, |

|Parmly Billings Library (Betty Haus) |contains 71 pages. Excellent source material. |

|True West, June 1973 non-fiction |Lost patrol, when lightning strikes, small caliber two –man |

| |placering, break at Yuma Penn. |

|United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy, Armstrong, 1967 |Maps and biblical projections into the US’s founding |

|US Mapping Index 1777-1952 | |

|Wells Fargo Stagecoaching in Montana Territory, Jackson 1979 |Stage trails, mail and events in the west |

|Wild West, July 1972 |Cannibals of the west, Navajo vengeance, Folklore, doctoring |

| |and Indian cures, Comanchero loot, Apache renegades, |

| |Bannack-Ghost Town |

|Winning, Intercollegiate Debates and Orations. Phi, Kappa Delta, Vol|National Debates about American life. |

|I, 1926 | |

|WWII History, Military Heritage, March 2009 |Heroic Stand at the Bulge and other tales |

|Yellow Wolf, His Own Story, LV McWhorter, 2000 |Details Yellow Wolf’s life and details on the 1877 Chief |

| |Joseph’s departure from the Nez Perce Nation. |

|Yellowstone & Grand Teton, Pitcher, 2003 |General guide book with maps |

|Yellowstone Kelly, MM Quaife, 1926, re-issued Aug 1973 |Biography of his life |

Cleve Kimmel – County Coordinator (mysterycleve@)

Original Release Date: January 1, 2010

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